Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 Chronicles 4:1-10 (NET)


- 1Ch 4:1-23 -- Judah's Descendants
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] ZOBEBAH - zo-be'-ba (ha-tsobhebhah, meaning uncertain): A Judahite name with the article prefixed (1 Ch 4:8); some would read "Jabez" instead as in 1 Ch 4:9.
[smith] (the slow), son of Coz, of the tribe of Judah. (1Â Chronicles 4:8)
[nave] ZOBEBAH, daughter of Coz, 1 Chr. 4:8.
[ebd] pilgrim. (1.) The second son of Seir the Horite; one of the Horite "dukes" (Gen. 36:20). (2.) One of the sons of Caleb, and a descendant of Hur (1 Chr. 2:50, 52; 4:1, 2).
[isbe] SHOBAL - sho'-bal (shobhal, "overflowing"; Sobal, with variants): (1) An Edomite name mentioned in connection with Lotan, Zibeon and Anah, as that of a "son" of Seir (Gen 36:20), the father of a clan (Gen 36:23), and a Horit...
[smith] (flowing). Second son of Seir the Horite, (Genesis 36:20; 1Â Chronicles 1:38) and one of the "dukes" of the Horites (Genesis 36:29) Son of Caleb the son of Hur and founder or prince of Kirjath-jearim. (1Â Chronicles 2:50...
[nave] SHOBAL 1. Son of Seir, Gen. 36:20, 23, 29; 1 Chr. 1:38, 40. 2. Son of Caleb, 1 Chr. 2:50, 52. 3. Son of Judah, 1 Chr. 4:1, 2.
[nave] RELIGION. False Deut. 32:31-33. See: Idolatry; Intolerance; Teachers, False. Family See: Family. National Supported by taxes, Ex. 30:11-16; 38:26. Priests supported by the State, 1 Kin. 18:19; 2 Chr. 11:13-15. Subve...
[nave] POLYGAMY Forbidden, Deut. 17:17; Lev. 18:18; Mal. 2:14, 15; Matt. 19:4, 5; Mark 10:2-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 12; Tit. 1:6. Authorized, 2 Sam. 12:8. Tolerated, Ex. 21:10; 1 Sam. 1:2; 2 Chr. 24:3. Practiced, Job 27:15; by Lamech, Ge...
[ebd] a girl, the second of Ashur's two wives, of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr. 4:5, 6).
[smith] (a maiden), the second wife of Ashur; a descendant of Judah. (1Â Chronicles 4:5,6)
[nave] NAARAH, a wife of Ashur, 1 Chr. 4:5, 6.
[ebd] thorn. (1.) A descendant of Judah. 1 Chr. 4:8, "Coz;" R.V., "Hakkoz." (2.) A priest, the head of the seventh division of the priests (Ezra 2:61; Neh. 3:4, 21; 7:63). In 1 Chr. 24:10 the word has the article prefixed, and it ...
[nave] JACOB Son of Isaac, and twin brother of Esau, Gen. 25:24-26; Josh. 24:4; 1 Chr. 1:34; Acts 7:8. Ancestor of Jesus, Matt. 1:2. Given in answer to prayer, Gen. 25:21. Obtains Esau's birthright for a some stew, Gen. 25:29-34...
[ebd] affiction. (1.) A descendant of Judah, of whom it is recorded that "God granted him that which he requested" (1 Chr. 4:9, 10). (2.) A place inhabited by several families of the scribes (1 Chr. 2:55).
[isbe] JABEZ - ja'-bez (ya`bets, "sorrow" ("height)): (1) Place: An unidentified town probably in the territory of Judah, occupied by scribes (1 Ch 2:55). For an ingenious reconstruction of the passage see EB, under the word (2) Pe...
[smith] (sorrow). Apparently a place at which the families of the scribes resided who belonged to the families of the Kenites. (1Â Chronicles 2:55) The name occurs again in the genealogies of Judah, (1Â Chronicles 4:9,10) in a p...
[nave] JABEZ 1. A city of Judah, 1 Chr. 2:55. 2. The head of a family, 1 Chr. 4:9, 10.
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[ebd] a hole, as of a viper, etc. (1.) A son of Caleb (1 Chr. 2:19, 50; 4:1, 4; comp. 2 Chr. 1:5). (2.) The husband of Miriam, Moses' sister (Ex. 17:10-12). He was associated with Aaron in charge of the people when Moses was absen...
[nave] HUR 1. An Israelite who assisted in supporting Moses's hands during battle, Ex. 17:10, 12; 24:14. 2. A son of Caleb, Ex. 31:2; 35:30; 38:22; 1 Chr. 2:19, 20; 2 Chr. 1:5. 3. A king of Midian, Num. 31:8; Josh. 13:21. 4. Cal...
[ebd] a well or stream. (1.) A royal city of the Canaanites taken by Joshua (12:17). (2.) The youngest son of Gilead (Num. 26:32; 27:1). (3.) The second son of Asher (1 Chr. 4:6). (4.) One of David's heroes (1 Chr. 11:36).
[smith] (a well). The youngest of the sons of Gilead, (Numbers 26:32) and head of the family of the Hepherites. (B.C. before 1450.) Son of Ashur, the "father of Tekoa." (1Â Chronicles 4:6) (B.C. about 1445.) The Mecherathite, one ...
[nave] HEPHER 1. Son of Gilead, and ancestor of Zelophehad, Num. 26:32, 33; 27:1; Josh. 17:2, 3. 2. Son of Naarah, 1 Chr. 4:6. 3. One of David's heroes, 1 Chr. 11:36. 4. A city west of the Jordan, Josh. 12:17; 1 Kin. 4:10.
[ebd] rust, (1 Chr. 4:5, 7), one of the wives of Ashur.
[isbe] HELAH - he'-la (chel'ah): A wife of Ashhur, father of Tekoa (1 Ch 4:5,7).
[smith] (rust), one of the two wives of Ashur, father of Tekoa. (1Â Chronicles 4:5)
[nave] HELAH, a wife of Asher, 1 Chr. 4:5.
[nave] GENEALOGY, Num. 1:18; 2 Chr. 12:15; Ezra 2:59; Neh. 7:5; Heb. 7:3. Of no spiritual significance, Matt. 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4; Tit. 3:9. From Adam to Noah, Gen. 4:16-22; 5; 1 Chr. 1:1-4; Luke 3:36-38; to Abraham, Gen. 11:10-32; ...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
[ebd] treasure. (1.) One of the sons of Seir, the native princes, "dukes," of Mount Hor (Gen. 36:21, 27). (2.) 1 Chr. 7:21; (3.) 4:4. (4.) One of the Gadite champions who repaired to David at Ziklag (12:9). (5.) A Levite (Neh. 3:1...
[isbe] EZER - e'-zer (`ezer, "help"): (1) A Horite chief (Gen 36:21; 1 Ch 1:38). (2) A Judahite (1 Ch 4:4). (3) An Ephraimite, slain by men of Gath (1 Ch 7:21). (4) A Gadite who followed David while in exile on account of the wrath...
[smith] (treasure). A son of Ephraim, who was slain by the aboriginal inhabitants of Gath while engaged in a foray on their cattle. (1Â Chronicles 7:21) (B.C. before 1491.) A priest who assisted in the dedication of the walls of J...
[nave] EZER 1. Called also Ezar, a Horite duke, Gen. 36:21, 27, 30; 1 Chr. 1:38, 42. 2. A son of Ephraim, 1 Chr. 7:21. 3. A priest, Neh. 12:42. 4. A man of Judah, 1 Chr. 4:4. Perhaps identical with the Ezra of 1 Chr. 4:17. 5. ...
[ebd] vine-dresser. (1.) The last named of the four sons of Reuben (Gen. 46:9). (2.) A descendant of Judah (1 Chr. 4:1). He is elsewhere (2:18) called Caleb (q.v.). (3.) The son of Zimri, and the father of Achan (Josh. 7:1), "the ...
[isbe] CARMI - kar'-mi (karmi, "fruitful," "noble"): (1) A son of Reuben who came to Egypt with Jacob (Gen 46:9; Ex 6:14; 1 Ch 5:3). Also the name of a family of which Carmi was the head (Nu 26:6). (2) A Judahite (1 Ch 2:7), son of...
[smith] (vine dresser). The fourth son of Reuben, the progenitor of the family of the Carmites. (Genesis 46:9; Exodus 6:14; Numbers 26:6; 1Â Chronicles 5:3) A man of the tribe of Judah, father of Achan, the "troubler of Israel." (...
[nave] CARMI 1. Son of Reuben, Gen. 46:9; Ex. 6:14. 2. Son of Hezron, 1 Chr. 4:1. Called Chelubai, 1 Chr. 2:9, and Caleb, v. 18. 3. Father of Achan, Josh. 7:1, 18; 1 Chr. 2:7.
[isbe] CHRONICLES, BOOKS OF - kron'-i-k'-ls (dibhere ha-yamim, "The Words of the Days"; Septuagint paraleipomenon: 1. The Name 2. The Position of Chronicles in the Old Testament 3. Two Books, or One? 4. The Contents 5. Sources Bibl...
[isbe] ASHHUR - ash'-ur (ashchur, the King James Version Ashur): The "father of Tekoa" (1 Ch 2:24; 4:5), probably the founder of the village. The original meaning of the name is the "man of Horus," Ashurites (ha-'ashuri). This name...
[isbe] AHUZZAM; AHUZAM - a-huz'-am, a-hu'-zam ('achuzzam, "possessor"). A son of Ashahur of the tribe of Judah, his mother's name was Naarah (1 Ch 4:6); written Ahuzam in the King James Version.
[isbe] AHARAHEL - a-har'-hel ('acharchel, "brother of Rachel"; Septuagint adelphou Rechab, "brother of Rechab"): A son of Harum of the tribe of Judah (1 Ch 4:8).


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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Chronicles covers a broader period of history than any other Old Testament book. It begins with Adam and ends with Anani who lived eight generations after King Jehoiachin (1 Chron. 3:24). If we allow 25 years for each generat...
The central subject of 1 and 2 Chronicles is the temple of God. Someone evidently wrote these books at the end of the Babylonian exile to encourage the Israelites to reestablish Israel's national life in the Promised Land. In...
I. Israel's historical roots chs. 1-9A. The lineage of David chs. 1-3B. The house of Israel chs. 4-71. The family of Judah 4:1-232. The family of Simeon 4:24-433. The families of Transjordan ch. 54. The family of Levi ch. 65....
"The fact that the author of 1 and 2 Chronicles devoted nine chapters out of sixty-five to genealogies (1 Chr 1-9) makes clear that these were of great importance to him and bear significantly on his purpose in writing his wo...
Jacob prophesied that his third son, Judah, would become the leader of the Israelites. Through him God would provide the promised blessing to come (Gen. 49:8-12). The Davidic dynasty was one branch of Jacob's descendants, so ...
This list clearly defines the priests and Levites' line of descent. Only the descendants of Aaron, the priests, could serve in the temple by offering sacrifices on the incense altar (v. 49; cf. Num. 3:5-38). Nehemiah correctl...
The tribes the writer listed were Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Asher. Why did he omit Dan and Zebulun? The inclusion of these tribes would have resulted in a total of 14 tribes since he had counted Lev...
This list obviously parallels to some extent David's genealogy (chs. 1-3). Saul came from the tribe of Benjamin, not from the tribe of Judah that God had promised leadership of the nation. One reason the writer had an interes...
Matthew began his Gospel with a record of Jesus' genealogy because the Christians claimed that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. To qualify as such He had to be a Jew from the royal line of David (Isa. 9:6-...
The scene continues to be on earth.7:1 The phrase "after this"(Gr. meta touto) indicates that what follows is a new vision (cf. 4:1). The general chronological progression of the visions suggests that the events John saw now ...