Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 John 2:28-29 (NET)


- 1Jo 2:28--3:10 -- Children of God
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] only found in Matt. 19:28 and Titus 3:5. This word literally means a "new birth." The Greek word so rendered (palingenesia) is used by classical writers with reference to the changes produced by the return of spring. In Matt...
[nave] REGENERATION (Under this topic are collected those scriptures that relate to the change of affections, commonly denominated "conversion,'' "a new creature,'' "a new birth,'' etc.) Deut. 30:6 Deut. 29:4. 1 Kin. 8:58; Psa. 36:...
[isbe] PAROUSIA - pa-roo'-zhi-a: I. THE APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 1. Terms 2. Data and Sources 3. Consistency 4. Meaning of the Symbolism II. THE TEACHING OF JESUS 1. Critical Problems 2. Summary 3. Fall of Jerusalem 4. Time III. JOHN'S E...
[isbe] MANIFEST; MANIFESTATION - man'-i-fest, man-i-fes-ta'-shun (phaneroo, phaneros): "To manifest" is generally the translation of phaneroo, "to make apparent" (Mk 4:22; Jn 17:6; Rom 3:21; 1 Tim 3:16, "God was manifest in the fle...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 4-9 - IV. Canonicity and Authorship. 1. Traditional View: As to the reception of the Epistle in the church, it is needless to cite any later witness than Eusebius (circa 325), who classes it among...
[isbe] JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 1-3 - || I. GENERAL CHARACTER 1. A True Letter 2. Subject-Matter 3. Characteristics of the Writer 4. Style and Diction II. POLEMICAL AIM 1. Gnosticism 2. Docetism 3. Antinomianism 4. Cerinthus III...
[isbe] JOHANNINE THEOLOGY, 2 - VI. Eternal Life. The development of the conception of eternal life must be set along with the doctrine of the moral nature of God and the doctrine of the incarnation as one of the greatest contributi...
[isbe] JOHANNINE THEOLOGY, 1 - jo-han'-in,-in: I. THE ANTECEDENTS 1. Personality of Writer 2. Earlier New Testament Writings 3. Christian Experience and Teaching of History 4. Widening Contact with Gentile World 5. The Odes of Solo...
[isbe] JESUS CHRIST, 5 - PART IV. EPILOGUE: THE APOSTOLIC TEACHING 1. After the Ascension: The earthly life of Jesus is finished. With His resurrection and ascension a new age begins. Yet the work of Christ continues. As Luke expre...
[isbe] IMMORTAL; IMMORTALITY - i-mor'-tal, im-or-tal'-i-ti (athanasia, 1 Cor 15:53; 1 Tim 6:16, aphtharsia, literally, "incorruption," Rom 2:7; 1 Cor 15; 2 Tim 1:10, aphthartos, literally, "incorruptible," Rom 1:23; 1 Cor 15:52; 1 ...
[isbe] GNOSTICISM - nos'-ti-siz'-m: I. GENERAL DEFINITION II. SOURCES OF GNOSTICISM 1. Alexandrian Philosophy 2. Zoroastrianism III. NATURE OF GNOSTICISM Chief Points IV. GNOSTICISM IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1. Colossians 2. 1 Corint...
[nave] COMMANDMENTS. Ex. 13:8-10; Ex. 20:3; Ex. 20:4-6; Ex. 20:7; Ex. 20:8-11; Ex. 20:12; Ex. 20:13; Ex. 20:14; Ex. 20:15; Ex. 20:16; Ex. 20:17 Deut. 5:6-21. Deut. 4:5, 9, 10; Deut. 6:4-9; Deut. 11:18-21; Deut. 32:46, 47; Josh. 8:...
[isbe] CONFIDENCE - kon'-fi-dens (baTach, and forms, kecel; parrhesia; peitho, pepoithesis, hupostasis): The chief Hebrew word translated "confidence" (baTach, and its forms) means, perhaps, radically, "to be open," showing thus wh...
[isbe] CHRIST, THE EXALTATION OF - egz-ol-ta'-shun: I. THE RESURRECTION 1. Its Glorification of Christ 2. Resurrection Body--Identity, Change, Present Locality 3. The Agent of the Resurrection II. ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 1. Its Actua...
[isbe] BOLDNESS - bold'-nes (parresia, "confidence," "fearlessness," "freedom of speech"): This was one of the results of discipleship (Acts 4:13,29,31; Eph 3:12; Phil 1:20; 1 Tim 3:13; 1 Jn 4:17). It was a necessary qualification ...
[nave] BOLDNESS. Of the Righteous Prov. 14:26; Prov. 28:1; Eph. 3:12; Heb. 4:16; Heb. 10:19; Heb. 13:6; 1 John 2:28; 1 John 4:17 Instances of, in Prayer Abraham, Gen. 18:23-32; Moses, Ex. 33:12-18. See: Courage.
[isbe] BEGOTTEN - be-got'-'-n (yaladh; "to bear," "bring forth," "beget"; denotes the physical relation of either parent to a child, Gen 3:16; 4:18): Used metaphorically of God's relation to Israel (Dt 32:18) and to the Messianic k...
[isbe] BEAR; BORN - bar, born (vb.), (yaladh): Occurs frequently in its literal sense, alluding to motherhood (Gen 16:11; 17:17,19,21; 18:13; 22:23; 30:3; Lev 12:5; Jdg 13:3; 5:7; Ruth 1:12; 1 Ki 3:21; Jer 29:6); in the New Testame...
[nave] ABIDE John 1:39; 2:12; 3:36; 4:40; 5:38; 6:27, 56; 8:31; 9:41; 12:24, 34, 46; 14:10; 15:4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10; 2 Cor. 9:9; Phil. 1:25; 1 Tim. 2:15; 2 Tim. 2:13; 3:14; Heb. 7:3, 24; 13:1; 1 John 2:6, 10, 14, 19, 27, 27, 28; 3:6, ...
[isbe] ASHAMED - a-shamd': Almost exclusively moral in significance; confusion or abashment through consciousness of guilt or of its exposure. Often including also a sense of terror or fear because of the disgrace connected with th...


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- You are absolutely right to be concerned about those involved in Wicca. They are heading down the path of their own destruction, and they may lead others astray also. Here are some of the Biblical texts which I would suggest...
- The Christian Church has always held that Christ was absolutely free from sin. This is in accordance with the explicit teachings of Scripture, which states that he was in all things "as we are, yet without sin." (Heb. 4:15.) ...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
17:7-9 Jesus told this parable to teach His disciples that warning sinning disciples and forgiving those who sinned and repented was only their duty. It was not something for which they should expect a reward from God. The Ph...
Jesus began His instructions with His disciples' most important responsibility.13:31-32 Judas' departure to meet with the chief priests signalled the beginning of the Son of Man's glorification, which John recorded Jesus as c...
21:1 John recorded still another post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to His disciples. It undoubtedly occurred during the 32-day period between Thomas' confession (20:28) and Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:9). Exactly when is uni...
Paul revealed his plan to visit Corinth soon after Titus and his two companions arrived to motivate the Corinthians further to complete their collection and have it ready to go to Judea. Chapter 9 continues the subject of cha...
That this section is distinct from the five that precede it is evident from two facts. Paul introduced it differently, and the emphasis in it is on God's resources. Earlier Paul urged the strengthening and growth of the body ...
To further impress upon Timothy the need for him to remain faithful to his calling Paul cited records of the ministries of other Christians who were mutual acquaintances.1:15 The Christians in Ephesus and in the province of A...
2:14 This verse is transitional. Timothy was to keep reminding his "faithful men"of the things Paul had just brought back to his own recollection (i.e., vv. 3-13, but especially vv. 11-13).Furthermore, he should warn them aga...
"The previous paragraph [2:1-10] has been a challenge to the several groups in the Cretan churches to accept the specifically Christian pattern of behavior. Its presuppositions may at first sight seem prosaically humdrum and ...
Peter now reminded his readers of the consequences of Jesus' response to unjustified persecution. He did so to strengthen their resolve to rededicate themselves to follow God's will wholeheartedly and confidently. He also wan...
I. Introduction: the purpose of the epistle 1:1-4II. Living in the light 1:5-2:29A. God as light 1:5-7B. Conditions for living in the light 1:8-2:291. Renouncing sin 1:8-2:22. Obeying God 2:3-113. Rejecting worldliness 2:12-1...
"The teaching of 1 John is concerned essentially with the conditions for true Christian discipleship. The two main divisions of the letter set out these conditions and exhort the readers to live in the light (1:5-2:29) as chi...
John articulated four fundamental principles that underlie fellowship with God to facilitate his readers' experience of that fellowship. One must renounce sin (1:8-2:2), obey God (2:3-11), reject worldliness (2:12-17), and ke...
John continued a structural pattern that he established in the previous section (vv. 6-7) in which he used pairs of clauses to present a false assertion followed by his correction.1:8 This second claim (cf. v. 6) is more seri...
"Since 1:5 the author has been discussing the conditions for living as a Christian in the world. Starting from the leading statement of the good news that God is light' (1:5-7), John outlines four practical conditions whereby...
2:26 The "these things"in view probably refer to what John had just written (vv. 18-25)."The author concludes his attack on the false teachers with a warning and a word of encouragement for his followers."992:27 The "anointin...
2:28 John introduced the new idea of the believer's meeting Jesus Christ at death or the Rapture to motivate his readers to continue to cultivate intimate fellowship with God. The prospect of this meeting remained the basis f...
"In the second division of this document (3:1-5:13) John concentrates on the developing spiritual life of his followers, rather than sustaining his attack on the heretics, some of whom have already seceded from his church (2:...
This section introduces John's recapitulation and expansion of his exposition of what is necessary for people to have fellowship with God. He changed his figure from God as light to God as the Father of the believer."John beg...
"The present vv, 3:4-9, form six strophes, each of which divides . . . roughly into half. The two halves of the strophes balance one another; for the second part of the v provides a development of the first part (vv 4, 5, 7),...
3:19-20 "By this"refers to what John said in verses 17-18. Tangible demonstrations of love for the brethren show the believer's true character. They should be a comfort to us when we feel guilty that we have not met many need...
"The worldliness' in view here, as in 2:12-17, is primarily a wrong attitude: a determination to be anchored to a society which does not know God (cf. 3:1 . . .). But whereas in the earlier section John shows that worldly att...
"By inserting this condition, John interrupts the symmetry which exists between the two halves of his letter . . .; for the idea of love' by itself is not given separate treatment in 1:5-2:29. However, the discussion of love ...
4:7 Love, as well as faith (i.e., acknowledging the true doctrine of Christ, vv. 1-6), is a product of God's Spirit. The believer (one "born of God") who also "knows"God (i.e., has intimate fellowship with Him) loves (cf. 2:3...
4:17 Our love becomes complete in the sense that we can now have confidence as we anticipate our day of judgment (i.e., the evaluation of our works at Christ's judgment seat; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. 5:10). The characteristic o...
Here John set out his fifth and final condition for living as children of God (cf. 2:18-29)."We canbelieve, and therefore we shouldmaintain the faith."162In the previous section (4:7-5:4) John wove together the themes of fait...
5:14-15 Prayer is another expression of the believer's trust in Jesus Christ and confidence toward God (cf. 3:21)."Prayer is not a battle, but a response; its power consists in lifting our wills to God, not in trying to bring...
21:2 In the same vision, John next saw a city descending out of heaven from God (cf. v. 10; 3:12; Heb. 11:13-16). It was holy in contrast to the former Jerusalem (cf. 11:8; Isa. 52:1; Matt. 4:5; 27:53). As the old Jerusalem w...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Now I must be very brief with the last thought that is here, and I am the less unwilling to be so because we cannot travel one inch beyond the revelations of the Book in reference to the matter. The thought is this, that our ...