Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 Kings 10:24-29 (NET)
- 1Ki 10:14-29 -- Solomon's Wealth
Bible Dictionary
[ebd] peaceful, (Heb. Shelomoh), David's second son by Bathsheba, i.e., the first after their legal marriage (2 Sam. 12). He was probably born about B.C. 1035 (1 Chr. 22:5; 29:1). He succeeded his father on the throne in early man...
[isbe] SOLOMON - sol'-o-mun (shelomoh; New Testament Solomon): I. EARLY LIFE 1. Name and Meaning 2. Sources 3. Birth and Upbringing 4. His Accession 5. Closing Days of David II. REIGN OF SOLOMON 1. His Vision 2. His Policy 3. Its R...
[smith] (peaceful). I. Early life and occasion to the throne . --Solomon was the child of David?s old age, the last born of all his sons. (1Â Chronicles 3:5) The yearnings of the "man of war" led him to give to the new-horn infant ...
[nave] SOLOMON Son of David by Bathsheba, 2 Sam. 12:24; 1 Kin. 1:13, 17, 21. Named Jedidiah, by Nathan the prophet, 2 Sam. 12:24, 25. Ancestor of Joseph, Matt. 1:6. Succeeds David to the throne of Israel, 1 Kin. 1:11-48; 2:12; 1...
[ebd] a vehicle generally used for warlike purposes. Sometimes, though but rarely, it is spoken of as used for peaceful purposes. The first mention of the chariot is when Joseph, as a mark of distinction, was placed in Pharaoh's s...
[isbe] CHARIOT - char'-i-ot (merkabh, merkabhah, "riding-chariot," rekhebh, "war-chariot"; harma): 1. Chariots of Egypt 2. Chariots of the Canaanites 3. Chariots of Solomon and Later Kings 4. Chariots of the Assyrians 5. Chariots o...
[smith] a vehicle used either for warlike or peaceful purposes, but most commonly the former. The Jewish chariots were patterned after the Egyptian, and consisted of a single pair of wheels on an axle, upon which was a car with high ...
[nave] CHARIOT For war, Ex. 14:7, 9, 25; Josh. 11:4; 1 Sam. 13:5; 1 Kin. 20:1, 25; 2 Kin. 6:14; 2 Chr. 12:2, 3; Psa. 20:7; 46:9; Jer. 46:9; 47:3; 51:21; Joel 2:5; Nah. 2:3, 4; 3:2. Wheels of Pharaoh's, providentially taken off, Ex...
[ebd] The Israelites marched out of Egypt in military order (Ex. 13:18, "harnessed;" marg., "five in a rank"). Each tribe formed a battalion, with its own banner and leader (Num. 2:2; 10:14). In war the army was divided into thous...
[isbe] ARMY - ar'-mi (chayil, "army," tsabha', "host," ma`arakhah, "army in battle array" gedhudh, "troop"): 1. The First Campaign of History 2. In the Wilderness 3. The Times after the Conquest 4. In the Early Monarchy 5. From the...
[nave] KING Called King of kings, Ezra 7:12; Ezek. 26:7; Dan. 2:37. Divinely authorized, Deut. 17:15; 1 Sam. 9:16, 17; 16:12; 1 Chr. 22:10; 2 Chr. 2:11, 12; Prov. 8:15; Dan. 2:21, 37; 4:17; 5:20; Hos. 8:4; 13:11. How chosen: By d...
[smith] It will be the object of this article to give a brief analysis of the substance of this law, to point out its main principles, and to explain the position which it occupies in the progress of divine revelation. In order to do...
[ebd] Palestine and Syria appear to have been originally inhabited by three different tribes. (1.) The Semites, living on the east of the isthmus of Suez. They were nomadic and pastoral tribes. (2.) The Phoenicians, who were merch...
[isbe] HITTITES - hit'-its (bene cheth, chittim; Chettaioi): One of the seven nations conquered by Israel in Palestine. I. OLD TESTAMENT NOTICES 1. Enumeration of Races 2. Individuals 3. Later Mention II. HISTORY 1. Sources 2. Chro...
[nave] HITTITES A tribe of Canaanites. Children of Heth, Gen. 10:15; 23:10. Sell a burying-ground to Abraham, Gen. 23. Esau intermarries with, Gen. 26:34; 36:2. Dwelling place of, Gen. 23:17-20; Num. 13:29; Josh. 1:4; Judg. 1:26...
[ebd] always referred to in the Bible in connection with warlike operations, except Isa. 28:28. The war-horse is described Job 39:19-25. For a long period after their settlement in Canaan the Israelites made no use of horses, acco...
[nave] HORSE Description of: Great strength, Job 39:19-25; swifter than eagles, Jer. 4:13; snorting and neighing of, Isa. 5:28; Jer. 8:16; a vain thing for safety, Psa. 33:17; Prov. 21:31. Used by the Egyptians in war, Ex. 14:9; 1...
[isbe] COMMERCE - kom'-ers (emporia): I. Old Testament Times. 1. Early Overland Commerce: There were forces in early Hebrew life not favorable to the development of commerce. Intercourse with foreigners was not encouraged by Israel...
[nave] COMMERCE Laws concerning, Lev. 19:36, 37; 25:14, 17. Carried on by means of caravans, Gen. 37:25, 27; Isa. 60:6; ships, 1 Kin. 9:27, 28; 10:11; 22:48; Psa. 107:23-30; Prov. 31:14; Rev. 18:19. Conducted in fairs, Ezek. 27:1...
[ebd] Found only in 1 Kings 10:28, 2 Chr. 1:16. The Heb. word mikveh, i.e., "a stringing together," so rendered, rather signifies a host, or company, or a string of horses. The Authorized Version has: "And Solomon had horses broug...
[smith] The notice of yarn is contained in an extremely obscure passage in (1Â Kings 10:28; 2Â Chronicles 1:16) The Hebrew Received Text is questionable. Gesenius gives the sense of "number" as applying equally to the merchants a...
[nave] YARN, 1 Kin. 10:28; 2 Chr. 1:16. See: Weaving.
[ebd] more properly sycomore (Heb. shikmoth and shikmim, Gr. sycomoros), a tree which in its general character resembles the fig-tree, while its leaves resemble those of the mulberry; hence it is called the fig-mulberry (Ficus syc...
[smith] (Heb. shikmah). Although it may be admitted that the sycamine is properly, and in (Luke 17:6) the mulberry, and the sycamore the mulberry, or sycamore-fig (Ficus sycomorus), yet the latter is the tree generally referred to in...
[nave] SYCAMORE, a tree. Abundant in the land of Canaan, 1 Kin. 10:27; 2 Chr. 1:15; 9:27; Isa. 9:10. Groves of, cared for, 1 Chr. 27:28. Destroyed by frost, Psa. 78:47. Care of, Amos 7:14. Zacchaeus climbs into, Luke 19:4.
[isbe] PALESTINE, 3 - IV. Palestine in the Poetic Books of the Old Testament. 1. Book of Job: In Job the scene is distinctively Edomite. Uz (Job 1:1; compare Gen 22:21 the English Revised Version; Jer 25:20; Lam 4:21) and Buz (Job ...
[isbe] SILVER - sil'-ver (keceph; argurion, arguros): Silver was known in the earliest historic times. Specimens of early Egyptian and Babylonian silver work testify to the skill of the ancient silversmiths. In Palestine, silver ob...
[nave] SILVER From Tarshish, Ezek. 27:12; refining of, Prov. 17:3; 25:4; 26:23; Ezek. 22:18-22; Jer. 6:29, 30; Zech. 13:9; Mal. 3:3. See: Refining. Used for money, Gen. 13:2; 17:12; 20:16; 23:13-16; Amos 8:6; Matt. 10:9; 26:15; M...
[ebd] The Hebrew word so rendered is from a root meaning "to travel about," "to migrate," and hence "a traveller." In the East, in ancient times, merchants travelled about with their merchandise from place to place (Gen. 37:25; Jo...
[nave] MERCHANT, Gen. 23:16; 37:28; 1 Kin. 10:15, 28; 2 Chr. 9:14; Neh. 3:32; 13:20; Job 41:6; Song 3:6; Isa. 23:2; 47:15; Ezek. 17:4; 27:13, 17, 21-36; 38:13; Hos. 12:7; Nah. 3:16; Matt. 13:45; Rev. 18:3, 11, 23. See: Commerce. ...
[ebd] (Heb. pered), so called from the quick step of the animal or its power of carrying loads. It is not probable that the Hebrews bred mules, as this was strictly forbidden in the law (Lev. 19:19), although their use was not for...
[isbe] MULE - mul (peredh (1 Ki 10:25; 18:5; Ezr 2:66; Isa 66:20; Zec 14:15), the feminine pirdah (1 Ki 1:33,38,44), rekhesh, "swift steeds," the King James Version "mules" (Est 8:10,14), 'achashteranim, "used in the king's service...
[nave] MULE Uses of: For royal riders, 2 Sam. 13:29; 18:9; 1 Kin. 1:33, 38; ridden by posts, Esth. 8:10, 14; by saints in Isaiah's prophetic vision of the kingdom of Christ, Isa. 66:20; as pack animals, 2 Kin. 5:17; 1 Chr. 12:40. ...
[ebd] a treaty between nations, or between individuals, for their mutual advantage. Abraham formed an alliance with some of the Canaanitish princes (Gen. 14:13), also with Abimelech (21:22-32). Joshua and the elders of Israel ente...
[isbe] TRADE - trad: I. GENERAL 1. Terms 2. Position of Palestine 3. Trade Products of Palestine 4. Palestinian Traders II. HISTORY 1. To David 2. Solomon 3. Maritime Trade 4. To the Exile 5. The Exile and After LITERATURE I. Gener...
[isbe] MONEY - mun'-i: Various terms are used for money in the Bible, but the most common are the Hebrew keceph, and Greek argurion, both meaning silver. We find also qesiTah, rendered by Septuagint "lambs," probably referring to m...
[isbe] CEDAR - se'-dar, se'-der ('erez, from Hebrew root meaning "to be firm"; kedros): The 'erez was in almost all the Old Testament references the true cedar, Cedrus libani, but the name may have been applied in a loose way to al...
[smith] The Hebrew word erez , invariably rendered "cedar" by the Authorized Version, stands for that tree in most of the passages where the word occurs. While the word is sometimes used in a wider sense, (Leviticus 14:6) for evergre...
[smith] On the first establishment of the Hebrews in Palestine no connections were formed between them and the surrounding nations. But with the extension of their power under the kings alliances became essential to the security of t...
[nave] IMPORTS Of Jerusalem: horses, chariots, and linen, 1 Kin. 10:28, 29; 2 Chr. 1:16; gold, ivory, apes, peacocks, 2 Chr. 9:21. Of Egypt: spices, Gen. 37:25. Of Tyre, Ezek. 27:12-25. See: Commerce; Exports; Tribute.
- They were descendants of Canaan's son Heth. One of the seven Canaanitish nations, they dwelt in Hebron and were governed by kings (Deu. 7:1; Gen. 23:2,3,10; I Kin. 10:29). Their land was promised to Israel and it was commande...
Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
This section demonstrates the fulfillment of Jacob's blessing on Pharaoh (46:31-47:6 and 47:7-10). Joseph was able to save Egypt and its neighbors from a very severe famine and to alleviate the desperate plight of the Egyptia...
In one sense verses 1-9 are a preamble to the whole book. They contain the basic principles that were to guide Joshua and Israel so they could obtain all that God had promised their forefathers.1:1 The first word of the book ...
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
I. The reign of Solomon chs. 1-11A. Solomon's succession to David's throne 1:1-2:121. David's declining health 1:1-42. Adonijah's attempt to seize the throne 1:5-533. David's charge to Solomon 2:1-94. David's death 2:10-12B. ...
The Holy Spirit led the writer of Kings to give an interpretation of history, not just a chronologically sequential record of events. This is true of all the writers of the Old Testament historical books. Some of the events i...
The flowing narrative of chapters 1-2 now gives way to reports and lists that catalogue facts about Solomon's reign.The writer constructed the Solomon narrative (chs. 3-11), like so many others in the Old Testament, to draw a...
This pericope summarizes Solomon's wealth as the previous one summarized his wisdom.God brought much wealth to Solomon, almost 25 tons of gold a year (v. 14), plus many other riches."Those who would consider his income of 666...
The writer of Kings referred to other ancient records (v. 41; cf. 14:19, 29). The Acts of Solomon was the first of these.120It is no longer extant.Solomon's long reign of 40 years (971-931 B.C.) ended with the king in decline...
Aharoni, Yohanan. "The Building Activities of David and Solomon."Israel Exploration Journal24:1(1974):13-16.Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonahl. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed., New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.,...
The Chronicler's main interest in David's reign, as we have seen, focused on the Davidic Covenant with its promises to David and his descendants. In recounting the events of Solomon's reign he proceeded to emphasize the templ...
6:4-10 Solomon's first words to his beloved were praises. Verse 4c probably means Solomon felt weak-kneed as a result of gazing on his wife's beauty, as he would have felt facing a mighty opposing army. Her eyes too unnerved ...
Several facets of Israel's national life, all evidences of self-sufficiency rather than trust in Yahweh, invited judgment (cf. Mic. 5:10-14).2:6 Israel must walk in Yahweh's light because God had forsaken her in her present c...
16:6 The Lord had compassion on Jerusalem in her helpless and undesirable condition and took care of her so she survived. The city remained as an unwanted child until, at the Lord's direction, David captured it from the Jebus...
17:11-12 Ezekiel was now to tell his rebellious hearers what this story represented.250The first eagle stood for the king of Babylon (cf. Jer. 48:40; 49:22; Dan. 7:4). His invasion of Jerusalem (the specific identity of the L...
The story now reaches its climax. God revealed to Jonah how out of harmony with His own heart the prophet, though obedient, was. He contrasted Jonah's attitude with His own.Compassion (Heb. hus, concern [NIV], be sorry for [N...
1:7 Zechariah received another revelation from the Lord three months after his previous one in Darius' second year, 520 B.C.35"On the same day (24 Shebat), five months earlier, the rebuilding of the temple had been resumed (c...
Peter proceeded to clarify the nature of the church and in doing so explained the duty of Christians in the world.2:9 All the figures of the church that Peter chose here originally referred to Israel. However with Israel's re...