Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 2 John 1:1-4 (NET)

Introduction and Thanksgiving
1:1 From the elder , to an elect lady and her children , whom I love in truth (and not I alone , but also all those who know the truth ), 1:2 because of the truth that resides in us and will be with us forever . 1:3 Grace , mercy , and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Son of the Father , in truth and love . 1:4 I rejoiced greatly because I have found some of your children living according to the truth , just as the Father commanded us.



Bible Dictionary


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Paul began this very personal letter with a customary salutation to set the tone for what followed. The salutation reveals that this was not just a personal letter, however, as was Paul's epistle to Philemon, but it was also ...
  • Peter concluded this epistle with a final exhortation and greetings from those with him and himself to encourage his readers further.5:12 Silvanus is the Roman form of the Greek name Silas. This Silas may very well have been ...
  • The writer identified himself as "the elder"(v. 1). The writings of the early church fathers attribute authorship of this epistle to the Apostle John. The early Christians commonly recognized him as "the elder"in view. We mig...
  • A summary statement of the message of this epistle could be as follows. Abiding in the truth is essential to maintain brotherly love. Let me try to clarify what John was saying in this epistle.First, he wrote that revealed tr...
  • I. Introduction vv. 1-3II. The importance of the truth vv. 4-11A. Practicing the truth vv. 4-6B. Protecting the truth vv. 7-11III. Conclusion vv. 12-13The following is a good expository outline of the book.3The truth generate...
  • "In the central section of 2 John [vv. 4-11] . . . we have a brief summary of the great contrasts between truth and error, love and hatred, the Church and the world, which are dealt with at greater length in 1 John."8...
  • John wrote this epistle to urge his readers to continue to be obedient to God by responding positively to the truth of His revelation. He also wanted them to resist the inroads of false teachers who sought to distort this tru...
  • Next John moved on to his second purpose. He wrote to encourage his readers to resist the false teachers who were distorting the truth and deceiving some of the believers."The presbyter's attention now moves from the existenc...
  • John identified himself and greeted the recipient of this shortest New Testament epistle to set the tone for what follows.v. 1 As in 2 John, the Apostle identified himself as "the elder."We do not know exactly who Gaius was. ...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.'--2 John 3.WE have here a very unusual form of the Apostolic salutation. Grace, mercy, and pe...
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