Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 2 Kings 9:1-20 (NET)

Jehu Becomes King
9:1 Now Elisha the prophet summoned a member of the prophetic guild and told him, “Tuck your robes into your belt , take this container of olive oil in your hand , and go to Ramoth Gilead . 9:2 When you arrive there , look for Jehu son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi and take him aside into an inner room . 9:3 Take the container of olive oil , pour it over his head , and say , ‘This is what the Lord says , “I have designated you as king over Israel .”’ Then open the door and run away quickly !” 9:4 So the young prophet went to Ramoth Gilead . 9:5 When he arrived , the officers of the army were sitting there. So he said , “I have a message for you, O officer .” Jehu asked , “For which one of us ?” He replied , “For you, O officer .” 9:6 So Jehu got up and went inside . Then the prophet poured the olive oil on his head and said to him, “This is what the Lord God of Israel says , ‘I have designated you as king over the Lord’s people Israel . 9:7 You will destroy the family of your master Ahab . I will get revenge against Jezebel for the shed blood of my servants the prophets and for the shed blood of all the Lord’s servants . 9:8 Ahab’s entire family will die . I will cut off every last male belonging to Ahab in Israel , including even the weak and incapacitated . 9:9 I will make Ahab’s dynasty like those of Jeroboam son of Nebat and Baasha son of Ahijah . 9:10 Dogs will devour Jezebel on the plot of ground in Jezreel ; she will not be buried .’” Then he opened the door and ran away . 9:11 When Jehu rejoined his master’s servants , they asked him, “Is everything all right? Why did this madman visit you?” He replied , “Ah, it’s not important. You know what kind of man he is and the kinds of things he says .” 9:12 But they said , “You’re lying ! Tell us what he said .” So he told them what he had said . He also related how he had said , “This is what the Lord says , ‘I have designated you as king over Israel .’” 9:13 Each of them quickly took off his cloak and they spread them out at Jehu’s feet on the steps . The trumpet was blown and they shouted , “Jehu is king !”
Jehu the Assassin
9:14 Then Jehu son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi conspired against Joram . Now Joram had been in Ramoth Gilead with the whole Israelite army, guarding against an invasion by King Hazael of Syria . 9:15 But King Joram had returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds he received from the Syrians when he fought against King Hazael of Syria . Jehu told his supporters, “If you really want me to be king, then don’t let anyone escape from the city to go and warn Jezreel .” 9:16 Jehu drove his chariot to Jezreel , for Joram was recuperating there . (Now King Ahaziah of Judah had come down to visit Joram .) 9:17 Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel and saw Jehu’s troops approaching . He said , “I see troops !” Jehoram ordered , “Send a rider out to meet them and have him ask , ‘Is everything all right?’” 9:18 So the horseman went to meet him and said , “This is what the king says , ‘Is everything all right ?’” Jehu replied , “None of your business ! Follow me.” The watchman reported , “The messenger reached them , but hasn’t started back .” 9:19 So he sent a second horseman out to them and he said , “This is what the king says , ‘Is everything all right ?’” Jehu replied , “None of your business ! Follow me.” 9:20 The watchman reported , “He reached them, but hasn’t started back . The one who drives the lead chariot drives like Jehu son of Nimshi ; he drives recklessly .”



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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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