Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 3 John 1:9-14 (NET)


- 3Jo 1:9-11 -- Diotrephes the Troublemaker
- 3Jo 1:12 -- Worthy Demetrius
- 3Jo 1:13-14 -- Conclusion
Bible Dictionary

[smith] There is no account in the Bible of the origin of writing. That the Egyptians in the time of Joseph were acquainted with writing of a certain kind there is evidence to prove, but there is nothing to show that up to this perio...
[isbe] REED - red: (1) achu, translated "reed-grass" (Gen 41:2,18; Job 8:11 margin). See FLAG. (2) 'ebheh, translated "swift," margin "reed" (Job 9:26). The "ships of reed" are the light skiffs made of plaited reeds used on the Nil...
[isbe] PEN - (`et, cheret; kalamos): The first writing was done on clay, wax, lead or stone tablets by scratching into the material with some hard pointed instrument. For this purpose bodkins of bronze, iron, bone or ivory were use...
[nave] PEN, Judg. 5:14; Psa. 45:1; Isa. 8:1; Jer. 8:8; 3 John 13. Made of iron, Job 19:24; Jer. 17:1.
[isbe] PREEMINENCE - pre-em'-i-nens: Superiority, especially in noble or excellent qualities. The word stands for: (1) mothar, "what is over and above," "excellence"; "Man hath no preeminence above the beasts" (Eccl 3:19); (2) prot...
[nave] MINISTER, a sacred teacher. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Call of; Character and Qualifications of; Charge Delivered to; Courage of; Duties of; Duties of the Church to; Emoluments of; Faithful, Instanc...
[isbe] MALICE, MALIGNITY - mal'-is, ma-lig'-ni-ti (kakia, poneros, kakoetheia): "Malice," now used in the sense of deliberate ill-will, by its derivation means badness, or wickedness generally, and was so used in Older English. In ...
[isbe] JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 4-9 - IV. Canonicity and Authorship. 1. Traditional View: As to the reception of the Epistle in the church, it is needless to cite any later witness than Eusebius (circa 325), who classes it among...
[isbe] INK - ink (deyo, from root meaning "slowly flowing," BDB, 188; melan, "black"): Any fluid substance used with pen or brush to form written characters. In this sense ink is mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible (Jer 36:2) and 3 ...
[nave] INK, Jer. 36:18; 2 Cor. 3:3; 2 John 12; 3 John 13.
[isbe] GREETING - gret'-ing (sha'-al; chairo, aspasmos, aspazomai): (1) Sha'-al means "to ask," "to inquire of anyone respecting welfare," hence, "to greet." In the Old Testament the word "greet" occurs only once in the King James ...
[isbe] GAIUS - ga'-yus (Gaios; Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in Greek, Gaios): (1) The Gaius to whom 3 Jn is addressed. He is spoken of as "the beloved" (3 Jn 1:1,2,5,11), "walking in the truth" (3 Jn 1:3,4), and doing "a fa...
[isbe] FOLLOW - fol'-o ('achar, radhaph; akoloutheo, dioko) : Frequently the translation of 'achar, "after," e.g. Nu 14:24, "hath followed me fully," literally, "fulfilled after me" (Nu 32:11,12; Dt 1:36; Am 7:15); radhaph is "to p...
[nave] ELDER. In the Mosaic System Equivalent to the title senator, in present use. Elders, with delegated powers, were authorized to act for their constituency, Deut. 1:13, 15. See: Government, Mosaic. In the Christian Church ...
[isbe] EXCOMMUNICATION - eks-ko-mu-ni-ka'-shun: Exclusion from church fellowship as a means of personal discipline, or church purification, or both. Its germs have been found in (1) the Mosaic "ban" or "curse" (cherem, "devoted"), ...
[ebd] Jove-nourished, rebuked by John for his pride (3 John 1:9). He was a Judaizer, prating against John and his fellow-labourers "with malicious words" (7).
[isbe] DIOTREPHES - di-ot'-re-fez (Diotrephes): A person mentioned in 3 Jn 1:9,10 as contentiously resisting the writer's authority and forbidding others from exercising the Christian hospitality which he himself refused to show. T...
[smith] (nourished by Jove), a Christian mentioned in (3Â John 1:9) but of whom nothing is known.
[nave] DIOTREPHES, a false teacher, 3 John 9.
[ebd] (1.) A silversmith at Ephesus, whose chief occupation was to make "silver shrines for Diana" (q.v.), Acts 19:24,i.e., models either of the temple of Diana or of the statue of the goddess. This trade brought to him and his fe...
[smith] (belonging to Ceres). A maker of silver shrines of Artemis at Ephesus. (Acts 19:24) (about A.D. 52). These were small models of the great temple of the Ephesian Artemis, with her statue, which it was customary to carry on jo...
[nave] DEMETRIUS 1. A silversmith, noted for raising a riot, Acts 19:24-38. 2. A Christian mentioned in 3 John 12.
[isbe] DEMETRIUS (2) - de-me'-tri-us (Demetrios, "belonging to Ceres"): The name of two persons: (1) A Christian disciple praised by John (3 Jn 1:12). (2) A silversmith of Ephesus who manufactured the little silver shrines of the g...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[nave] BLINDNESS Disqualified for priestly office, Lev. 21:18. Of animals, disqualified for a sacrifice, Lev. 22:22; Deut. 15:21; Mal. 1:8. Miraculously inflicted upon the Sodomites, Gen. 19:11; Syrians, 2 Kin. 6:18-23; Saul of T...
[nave] BELOVED Deut. 33:12; Psa. 60:5; 108:6; 127:2; Song 5:9; Isa. 5:1; Jer. 11:15; Matt. 3:17; 12:18; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; 12:6; Luke 3:22; 20:13; Acts 15:25; Rom. 1:7; 11:28; 12:19; 16:5, 8, 9, 12; 1 Cor. 4:14, 17; 10:14; 15:58...
[nave] AMBITION Falsely charged against Moses, Num. 16:13. Parable of the thistle, illustrating, 2 Kin. 14:9. Unclassified Scriptures Relating to Job 20:6, 7; Psa. 49:11-13; Isa. 5:8; Hab. 2:5, 6, 9; Matt. 4:8-10 Luke 4:5-8. Mat...

- A friend of mine has some thoughts that I need clarification on: 1. You are submit to your pastor's authority (obey those who have rule over you ). 2. Ditto for your deacons. 3. If you want to leave church you need to ta...
- The music issue is a difficult one. My own preference in this matter is not to have two services one traditional and the other contemporary - simply because it tends to divide the church between young and old, and it does no...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Some commentators refer to this ending as a colophon.690However, it is more similar to a postscript because it contains only hints of the writer's identity. Mainly it claims that this Gospel is a reliable though limited recor...
Third John is probably the most personal letter in the New Testament. Most of the epistles originally went, of course, to churches or groups of Christians. First and 2 John are both of this type. The Pastoral Epistles, while ...
Third John and 2 John deal with two sides of the same issue, namely the relationship of the truth and Christian love. In 2 John the writer stressed the importance of the truth. In 3 John he stressed the importance of love. Se...
I. Introduction vv. 1-4II. The importance of love vv. 5-12A. Gaius' love vv. 5-8B. Diotrephes' lack of love vv. 9-11C. Demetrius' opportunity for love v. 12III. Conclusion vv. 13-14...
John identified himself and greeted the recipient of this shortest New Testament epistle to set the tone for what follows.v. 1 As in 2 John, the Apostle identified himself as "the elder."We do not know exactly who Gaius was. ...
Gaius' good example stands out more clearly beside Diotrephes' bad example. Diotrephes is a rare name and means "nourished by Zeus."13John brought Diotrephes into the picture to clarify the responsibility of Gaius and all oth...
Alexander, W. "The Third Epistle of John."In The Speaker's Commentary: New Testament. Edited by F. C. Cook. London: John Murray, 1881.Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publi...
11:1 "And"(Gr. kai) ties this chapter closely to the previous one. John's first prophetic assignment after receiving his fresh commission was to provide this information.Again John became an active participant in his vision (...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Demetrius hath a good report of all men, and of the truth itself.'--3 John 12.WHAT a strange fate this Demetrius has had! He has narrowly escaped oblivion, yet he is remembered for ever and his name is known over all the worl...