Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Daniel 5:1-14 (NET)

Belshazzar Sees Mysterious Handwriting on a Wall
5:1 King Belshazzar prepared a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles , and he was drinking wine in front of them all . 5:2 While under the influence of the wine , Belshazzar issued an order to bring in the gold and silver vessels – the ones that Nebuchadnezzar his father had confiscated from the temple in Jerusalem – so that the king and his nobles , together with his wives and his concubines , could drink from them. 5:3 So they brought the gold and silver vessels that had been confiscated from the temple , the house of God in Jerusalem , and the king and his nobles , together with his wives and concubines , drank from them. 5:4 As they drank wine , they praised the gods of gold and silver , bronze , iron , wood , and stone . 5:5 At that very moment the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the royal palace wall , opposite the lampstand . The king was watching the back of the hand that was writing . 5:6 Then all the color drained from the king’s face and he became alarmed . The joints of his hips gave way , and his knees began knocking together . 5:7 The king called out loudly to summon the astrologers , wise men , and diviners . The king proclaimed to the wise men of Babylon that anyone who could read this inscription and disclose its interpretation would be clothed in purple and have a golden collar placed on his neck and be third ruler in the kingdom . 5:8 So all the king’s wise men came in , but they were unable to read the writing or to make known its interpretation to the king . 5:9 Then King Belshazzar was very terrified , and he was visibly shaken . His nobles were completely dumbfounded . 5:10 Due to the noise caused by the king and his nobles , the queen mother then entered the banquet room . She said , “O king , live forever ! Don’t be alarmed ! Don’t be shaken ! 5:11 There is a man in your kingdom who has within him a spirit of the holy gods . In the days of your father , he proved to have insight , discernment , and wisdom like that of the gods . King Nebuchadnezzar your father appointed him chief of the magicians , astrologers , wise men , and diviners . 5:12 Thus there was found in this man Daniel , whom the king renamed Belteshazzar , an extraordinary spirit , knowledge , and skill to interpret dreams , solve riddles , and decipher knotty problems . Now summon Daniel , and he will disclose the interpretation .” 5:13 So Daniel was brought in before the king . The king said to Daniel , “Are you that Daniel who is one of the captives of Judah , whom my father the king brought from Judah ? 5:14 I have heard about you, how there is a spirit of the gods in you, and how you have insight , discernment , and extraordinary wisdom .


  • Dan 5:1-16 -- Belshazzar Sees Mysterious Handwriting on a Wall

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  • [Dan 5:5] Handwriting On The Wall, The



Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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  • Here we have another remarkable example of how God controls the hearts of kings (v. 2; Prov. 21:1; cf. Gen. 39-41; Ezra 1:1-4; Neh. 2; Dan. 2; 3; 4; 5; Acts 2:23). "To half of the kingdom"(v. 3) is hyperbole and means, "I wil...
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  • This is a message of the destruction of the anti-God religious and commercial system that Babylon has symbolized throughout history (cf. Rev. 17-18).21:1 This oracle concerns the wilderness of the sea. This enigmatic title pr...
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  • Jeremiah wrote almost as much about Babylon's future as he did about the futures of all the other nations in his other oracles combined. The length of this oracle reflects the great importance of Babylon in his ministry as we...
  • This chapter, like the previous one, probably contains several separate oracles. Together they make up a lamentation. Here the nature of the coming judgment of Jerusalem and Judah receives primary emphasis."There are six part...
  • Theologically the book stresses the sovereignty of God."The absolute sovereignty and transcendence of God above all angels and men literally permeates the book."11"The theme running through the whole book is that the fortunes...
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  • I. The character of Daniel ch. 1A. Historical background 1:1-2B. Nebuchadnezzar's training program for promising youths 1:3-7C. Daniel's resolve to please Yahweh 1:8-13D. The success of the test 1:14-16E. God's blessing of Da...
  • 1:1 The book opens with a synopsis of the first Jewish deportation in 605 B.C. (cf. 2 Kings 21:35; 2 Chron 28:2-3).25Daniel and his three friends were part of the nobles and royal families taken from Jerusalem as captives the...
  • 1:3-5 Nebuchadnezzar's enlightened policy was to employ the best minds in his kingdom in government service regardless of their national or ethnic origin. We do not know how many other Jews and Gentiles were the classmates of...
  • 1:17 In addition to favor with their overseers, God gave Daniel and his three friends the ability to master the subjects they studied and wisdom in these matters (cf. James 1:5). They may have thought that Nebuchadnezzar had ...
  • Daniel wrote 2:4b-7:28 in the Aramaic language. This literary change gives the reader a clue that this part is a distinct section of the book. The content of this section also identifies it as special. It concerns the future ...
  • 2:4 The Chaldeans took the lead in replying to the king. They responded in the Aramaic language that was widely used in business and in government throughout the empire. This reference to Aramaic introduces the section of the...
  • 5:1 Older critical scholars have claimed that Belshazzar was never a king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.167However modern discoveries have shown that Belshazzar acted as king during his father's frequent and prolonged absences...
  • 5:5 Like Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar received an omen from God. In Nebuchadnezzar's case it was two dreams (chs. 1; 4). In Belshazzar's it was a hand writing on a wall. The night of revelry became a night of revelation.176"In ...
  • 5:10 Normally we would identify the queen as Belshazzar's wife. However, there are a number of reasons to prefer the view that she was really the queen mother or perhaps even the surviving wife of Nebuchadnezzar. Belshazzar's...
  • The king had heard of Daniel by reputation even though he had not met him before (v. 13). He recognized him as a person whose extraordinary ability came from some divine source (cf. 4:8, 18). Perhaps it was because Daniel was...
  • 5:29 Belshazzar kept his promise (v. 16) though Daniel's honors only lasted a few hours at most, typical of the honors of this world. The king's response is surprising. We might have expected him to execute Daniel for confron...
  • 6:10 The new decree did not deter Daniel from continuing to pray for the welfare of the city where God had sent them into exile and for the Jews' return from exile. That this was the subject of his praying, among other things...
  • 7:1 We have already read of two dreams that Nebuchadnezzar had (2:1; 4:5). Now God gave one to Daniel. It too was a vision from God that came to Daniel as he slept."In referring to the experience as a dream' (sing.) Daniel wa...
  • The third year of Belshazzar was about 551 B.C., two years after the vision in chapter 7 and about 12 years before the events of chapter 5. Daniel was then living within the kingdom of Neo-Babylonia, the first beast of chapte...
  • 9:1 What Daniel did and saw in this chapter dates from 538 B.C., the first year of Darius the Mede's (Cyrus') rule as king over the former Neo-Babylonian Empire (cf. Ezra 1:1).347This means that Belshazzar's feast (ch. 5) occ...
  • 10:20 The angel asked if Daniel knew why he had come to him. He apparently did this to focus the prophet's attention on the vision to follow anew since Daniel was quite weak.The angel informed Daniel that he needed to return ...
  • Having prepared the prophet for His answer, the Lord now gave it. What follows must be that revelation.2:4 Proud Babylon was not right in doing what she did but was puffed up with pride and evil passions. In contrast, the rig...
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  • 2:1-2 When did the Magi visit Jesus in Bethlehem?74There are several factors that point to a time about a year after Jesus' birth. First, Matthew described Jesus as a "child"(Gr. paidion, v. 11), not an "infant"(Gr. brephos, ...
  • 18:4 Another voice from heaven instructed God's people to separate themselves from the system that the city symbolizes so they would avoid getting caught in her judgment. The being speaking is evidently an angel who speaks fo...
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