Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Ezekiel 18:21-32 (NET)

18:21 “But if the wicked person turns from all the sin he has committed and observes all my statutes and does what is just and right , he will surely live ; he will not die . 18:22 None of the sins he has committed will be held against him; because of the righteousness he has done , he will live . 18:23 Do I actually delight in the death of the wicked , declares the sovereign Lord ? Do I not prefer that he turn from his wicked conduct and live ? 18:24 “But if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing according to all the abominable practices the wicked carry out , will he live ? All his righteous acts will not be remembered ; because of the unfaithful acts he has done and the sin he has committed , he will die . 18:25 “Yet you say , ‘The Lord’s conduct is unjust !’ Hear , O house of Israel : Is my conduct unjust ? Is it not your conduct that is unjust ? 18:26 When a righteous person turns back from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing , he will die for it; because of the wrongdoing he has done , he will die . 18:27 When a wicked person turns from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right , he will preserve his life . 18:28 Because he considered and turned from all the sins he had done , he will surely live ; he will not die . 18:29 Yet the house of Israel says , ‘The Lord’s conduct is unjust !’ Is my conduct unjust , O house of Israel ? Is it not your conduct that is unjust ? 18:30 “Therefore I will judge each person according to his conduct , O house of Israel , declares the sovereign Lord . Repent and turn from all your wickedness ; then it will not be an obstacle leading to iniquity . 18:31 Throw away all your sins you have committed and fashion yourselves a new heart and a new spirit ! Why should you die , O house of Israel ? 18:32 For I take no delight in the death of anyone, declares the sovereign Lord . Repent and live !



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • [Eze 18:31] Get Right With God
  • [Eze 18:31] O Turn Ye, For Why Will Ye Die
  • [Eze 18:31] Sinners, Turn: Why Will You Die?


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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • 85:1-3 The writer began by thanking God for delivering His people. The reference to restoration from captivity (v. 1) suggests that this psalm may date to the return from Babylonian exile. However the psalmist may have been r...
  • 31:27 Days would come when the Lord would fill the Promised Land with people and animals once again. The land had become desolate because of the exiles.31:28 As Yahweh directed the breaking down of His nation, so He would ove...
  • Ezekiel ministered to the Jews in exile. He probably wrote this book for the benefit of the exiles and the other Jewish communities of his day and beyond his day. In some of his visions (e.g. chs. 8 and 11) the Lord carried t...
  • There are two major structural peculiarities that set Ezekiel off as distinctive.First, the book is a collection of prophecies arranged in almost consistent chronological order. No other prophetical book is as consistently ch...
  • Ezekiel began prophesying when he was 30 years old, and he had gone into captivity five years before that. Thus Ezekiel was familiar with Jeremiah's preaching and ministry. Ezekiel shows quite a bit of similarity to Jeremiah ...
  • I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3A. The vision of God's glory ch. 11. The setting of the vision 1:1-32. The vision proper 1:4-28B. The Lord's charge to Ezekiel chs. 2-31. The recipients of Ezekiel's ministry 2:1-52...
  • This pericope contains 10 commands, and it is the center of the chiasm in chapters 1-3."The Lord's charge to Ezekiel emphasized the absolute necessity of hearing, understanding, and assimilating God's message prior to going f...
  • 3:16 At the end of these seven days the Lord's word came to Ezekiel. "The word of the Lord came to me"is a key phrase in Ezekiel occurring in 41 verses. It appears in Jeremiah nine times and in Zechariah twice."For no other p...
  • "The exiles had not grasped the serious consequences of Ezekiel's warnings. They still hoped for an early return to Palestine, for they viewed the continued preservation of Jerusalem and Judah as signs of security. After all,...
  • This chapter, like 12:21-28, corrected a common proverb. This one dealt with the people's false view of the reason for their judgment by God."In Chapters 18 and 33 are contained some of the most thorough, carefully expressed,...
  • God proceeded to adopt a dialogical teaching style in which He both asked and answered questions about individual responsibility.18:19-20 The Israelites were claiming that a righteous son (themselves) would die for his father...
  • The Jews to whom Ezekiel ministered went beyond questioning God's conduct. They also questioned His justice.18:24 A turn in the other direction would have the same result, however. If a person turned from righteous conduct an...
  • 18:30 In closing, God promised to judge each Israelite according to his or her own conduct. He urged His people to turn from their transgressions of His law so their sins would not prove to be what tripped them up as they jou...
  • This prophecy shows that there were no more rulers left in Judah who could restore the nation to its former glory. Evidently the exiles hoped that some Davidic descendant would prove successful in overcoming the Babylonians a...
  • It is appropriate that this section appears at this point in Ezekiel, between the messages announcing judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin (chs. 4-24) and the messages announcing future blessings for Israel (chs. 33-48). I...
  • 31:15 On the day that God humbled Assyria, He caused many people and nations to mourn her demise. He made it impossible for that nation to revive; He did the same thing as burying it in the sea, and He kept its life-giving wa...
  • "This last major division of the book focuses on the restoration of Israel's blessing. Israel would be judged for her sin (chaps. 1-24) as would the surrounding nations (chaps. 25-32). But Israel will not remain under judgmen...
  • Since this message is undated, it may have come to Ezekiel about the same time as the previous two in chapter 32, namely, in the last month of 585 B.C. If so, Ezekiel received it about two months after God gave him the six me...
  • This part of Ezekiel's message of warning to the exiles is similar to 3:16-21. Yahweh recommissioned Ezekiel to his prophetic task (cf. chs. 2-3)."Now that Ezekiel's original ministry of judgment was completed, God appointed ...
  • This part of Ezekiel's warning to the exiles is similar to 18:21-32.33:10-11 The Israelites seem to have taken on more personal responsibility for their sufferings than they had earlier (cf. ch. 18). They wondered how they co...
  • "The next verses in the chapter are among the most glorious in the entire range of revealed truth on the subject of Israel's restoration to the Lord and national conversion."46536:22-23 Ezekiel was to tell the Israelites that...
  • 36:33-34 Future cleansing from sin and restoration of the Jews to the land and restoration of the land to fruitfulness would all occur at the same time. This shows that the Jews' present occupation of the Promised Land does n...
  • The Book of Ezekiel begins with a vision of God's glory (ch. 1), records the departure of God's glory (chs. 8-11), and ends with another vision of God's glory (chs. 40-48). This is the longest vision outside the Book of Revel...
  • Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968.Alexander, Ralph H. Ezekiel. Everyman's Bible Commentary series. Chicago: Moody Press, 1976._____. "Ezekiel."In Isaiah-Ezekiel. Vol. 6 of The Expo...
  • The reader might assume that the Lord's deliverance of the Ninevites from imminent doom is the climax of the story. This is not the case. The most important lesson of the book deals with God's people and specifically God's in...
  • This lamentation should help us realize that the judgment Jesus just announced in such strong language was not something that delighted Him. It broke His heart. This is also clear from His personalizing the people in Jerusale...
  • John now presented evidence that Jesus knew people as no others did and that many believed in His name (2:23). This constitutes further witness that He is the Son of God. John summarized several conversations that Jesus had w...
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