Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Hosea 13:1-3 (NET)


- Hos 13:1-3 -- Baal Worshipers and Calf Worshipers to be Destroyed
Bible Dictionary

[nave] WICKED Compared with: Abominable branches, Isa. 14:19; ashes under the feet, Mal. 4:3; bad fishes, Matt. 13:48; beasts, Psa. 49:12; 2 Pet. 2:12; the blind, Zeph. 1:17; Matt. 15:14; bronze and iron, Jer. 6:28; Ezek. 22:18; br...
[smith] The window of an Oriental house consists generally of an aperture closed in with lattice-work. (Judges 5:28; Proverbs 7:6) Authorized Version "casement;" (Ecclesiastes 12:3) Authorized Version "window;" (Solomon 2:9; Hosea 13...
[isbe] WHIRLWIND - hwurl'-wind (cuphah (Prov 1:27; 10:25; Isa 5:28; 17:13; 66:15; Hos 8:7; Am 1:14; Nab 1:3), ca`ar (Hab 3:14; Zec 7:14; Hos 13:3; Ps 58:9; Dan 11:40), ce`arah (2 Ki 2:1; Job 38:1; 40:6; Isa 40:24; 41:16; Zec 9:14))...
[nave] SIN. Index of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to, Defining, and Illustrating; Confession of; Consequences of, Entailed Upon Children; Conviction of; Forgiveness of; Fruits of; Kn...
[smith] In very early times silver was used for ornaments, (Genesis 24:53) and for vessels of various kinds. Images for idolatrous worship were made of silver or overlaid with it, (Exodus 20:23; Hosea 13:2); Habb 2:19 Bar. 6:39, and ...
[nave] SILVER From Tarshish, Ezek. 27:12; refining of, Prov. 17:3; 25:4; 26:23; Ezek. 22:18-22; Jer. 6:29, 30; Zech. 13:9; Mal. 3:3. See: Refining. Used for money, Gen. 13:2; 17:12; 20:16; 23:13-16; Amos 8:6; Matt. 10:9; 26:15; M...
[ebd] of affection (Gen. 27:26, 27; 29:13; Luke 7:38, 45); reconciliation (Gen. 33:4; 2 Sam. 14:33); leave-taking (Gen. 31:28,55; Ruth 1:14; 2 Sam. 19:39); homage (Ps. 2:12; 1 Sam. 10:1); spoken of as between parents and children ...
[isbe] KISS - (nashaq; phileo, kataphilo, philema): The kiss is common in eastern lands in salutation, etc., on the cheek, the forehead, the beard, the hands, the feet, but not (in Pal) the lips (Cheyne, E B, under the word "Saluta...
[smith] Kissing the lips by way of affectionate salutation was customary among near relatives of both sexes, in both patriarchal and later times. (Genesis 29:11; Solomon 8:1) Between individuals of the same sex, and in a limited degr...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[isbe] IDOLATRY - i-dol'-a-tri (teraphim, "household idols," "idolatry"; eidololatreia): There is ever in the human mind a craving for visible forms to express religious conceptions, and this tendency does not disappear with the ac...
[nave] IDOLATRY. Wicked Practices of Human sacrifices, Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5; Deut. 12:31; 18:10; 2 Kin. 3:26, 27; 16:3; 17:17, 18; 21:6; 23:10; 2 Chr. 28:3; 33:6; Psa. 106:37, 38; Isa. 57:5; Jer. 7:31; 19:4-7; 32:35; Ezek. 16:20, 2...
[isbe] HOUSE - hous (bayith; oikos, in classical Greek generally "an estate," oikia, oikema (literally, "habitation"), in Acts 12:1, "prison"): I. CAVE DWELLINGS II. STONE-BUILT AND MUD/BRICK-BUILT HOUSES 1. Details of Plan and Con...
[nave] HOUSE Built of stone, Lev. 14:40-45; Isa. 9:10; Amos 5:11; brick, Gen. 11:3; Ex. 1:11-14; Isa. 9:10; wood, Song 1:17; Isa. 9:10. Built into city walls, Josh. 2:15. Used for worship, Acts 1:13, 14; 12:12; Rom. 16:5; 1 Cor. ...
[isbe] HEARTH - harth: Occurs 7 times in the King James Version: Gen 18:6; Ps 102:3; Isa 30:14; Jer 36:22,23 bis; Zec 12:6; 4 times in the Revised Version: Lev 6:9; Isa 30:14; Ezek 43:15,16 ("altar hearth"); compare also Isa 29:1 t...
[isbe] GOLDSMITH - gold'-smith (tsreph): Goldsmiths are first mentioned in connection with the building of the tabernacle (Ex 31:4; 36:1). Later, goldsmiths' guilds are mentioned (Neh 3:8,32). The art of refining gold and shaping i...
[nave] EPHRAIM 1. Second son of Joseph, Gen. 41:52. Adopted by Jacob, Gen. 48:5. Blessed before Manasseh; prophecies concerning, Gen. 48:14-20. Descendants of, Num. 26:35-37; 1 Chr. 7:20-27. Mourns for his sons, 1 Chr. 7:21, 22...
[isbe] DEW - du (Tal; drosos). 1. Formation of Dew: Two things are necessary for the formation of dew, moisture and cold. In moist countries there is less dew because the change in temperature between day and night is too small. In...
[smith] This in the summer is so copious in Palestine that it supplies to some extent the absence of rain and becomes important to the agriculturist. Thus it is coupled in the divine blessing with rain, or mentioned as a prime source...
[nave] DEW A merciful providence, Deut. 33:13. Forms imperceptibly, 2 Sam. 17:12; in the night, Job 29:19. From the clouds, Prov. 3:20. Called the dew of heaven, Dan. 4:15. Absence of, 1 Kin. 17:1. Miraculous profusion and abs...
[nave] CLOUD. Figurative Jer. 4:13; Hos. 6:4; 13:3. Symbolical Rev. 14:14. Pillar of Ex. 13:21, 22; Ex. 14:19, 24; Ex. 16:10; Ex. 19:9, 16; Ex. 24:16-18; Ex. 33:9, 10; Ex. 34:5; Ex. 40:36-38; Lev. 16:2; Num. 9:15-23; Num. 10:...
[nave] CHIMNEY, Hos. 13:3.
[ebd] the refuse of winnowed corn. It was usually burned (Ex. 15:7; Isa. 5:24; Matt. 3:12). This word sometimes, however, means dried grass or hay (Isa. 5:24; 33:11). Chaff is used as a figure of abortive wickedness (Ps. 1:4; Matt...
[isbe] CHAFF - chaf: Four different words have been translated "chaff" in the Old Testament: (1) mots, is found in Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; 35:5; Isa 17:13; 29:5; 41:15; Hos 13:3; Zeph 2:2. (2) chashash, occurs in two verses (Isa 5:24 an...
[smith] the husk of corn or wheat which was separated from the grain by being thrown into the air, the wind blowing away the chaff, while the grain was saved. The carrying away of chaff by the wind is an ordinary scriptural image of ...
[nave] CHAFF, Figurative Job 21:18; Psa. 1:4; 35:5; Isa. 17:13; Dan. 2:35; Hos. 13:3; Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17.
[nave] CALF Offered in sacrifice, Mic. 6:6. Golden, made by Aaron, Ex. 32; Deut. 9:16; Neh. 9:18; Psa. 106:19; Acts 7:41. Images of, set up in Beth-el and Dan by Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 12:28-33; 2 Kin. 10:29. Worshiped by Jehu, 2 Kin....
[nave] BAAL 1. An idol of the Phoenicians, god of the sun. Wickedly worshiped by the Israelites in the time of the judges, Judg. 2:10-23; 1 Sam. 7:3, 4; by the kingdom of Israel, 2 Kin. 17:16; Jer. 23:13; Hos. 1; 2; 13:1; under Aha...
[isbe] ADORATION - ad-o-ra'-shun: Though this word never occurs in English Versions, it represents aspects of worship which are very prominent in the Bible. I. Etymology. The word is derived from Latin adorare = (1) "to speak to," ...
[smith] The acts and postures by which the Hebrews expressed adoration bear a great similarity to those still in use among Oriental nations. To rise up and suddenly prostrate the body was the most simple method; but, generally speaki...


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
2:10 In view of the inevitability of judgment for rebellion David exhorted the nations to submit before the wrath of the great King led Him to smite them. The leaders of these nations would be wise to bow in submission not on...
The major biblical doctrines that Hosea stressed were sin, judgment, salvation, and the loyal love of God.Regarding sin, the prophet stressed the idolatry of the Israelites, which he compared to spiritual adultery. Israel had...
The book of Hosea is an unusually powerful book because the prophet ministered out of his deep personal emotions. His intellectual appeals to the Israelites in his day, and to us in ours, arose out of great personal tragedy i...
I. Introduction 1:1II. The first series of messages of judgment and restoration: Hosea's family 1:2-2:1A. Signs of coming judgment 1:2-9B. A promise of restoration 1:10-2:1III. The second series of messages of judgment and re...
The Lord brought a legal charge against the Israelites for breaking the Mosaic Covenant. Again the literary form of this section is a legal confrontation (Heb. rib, cf. 2:2). The Lord stated His charges against Israel in 4:1-...
13:1 When members of the tribe of Ephraim spoke, the other Israelites trembled because they looked to Ephraim for leadership (cf. Judg. 8:1-3; 12:1-6). Jacob had prophesied that Ephraim would lead (Gen. 48:13-20), and the fir...
Joel called on four different entities to mourn the results of the locust invasion: drunkards (vv. 5-7), the land (vv. 8-10), farmers (vv. 11-12), and priests (v. 13). In each section there is a call to mourn followed by reas...
Having referred to the words of the former prophets (v. 7), Zechariah now summarized them as an exhortation to his own generation of Israelites.7:8-10 Zechariah received another message from the Lord related to this inquiry. ...