Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Jeremiah 2:9-13 (NET)


- Jer 2:9-13 -- The Lord Charges Contemporary Israel with Spiritual Adultery
Bible Dictionary

Turtle, Turtle-dove
[ebd] Its peculiar peaceful and gentle habit its often referred to in Scripture. A pair was offered in sacrifice by Mary at her purification (Luke 2:24). The pigeon and the turtle-dove were the only birds permitted to be offered i...
[isbe] TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - || I. EARLIEST FORM OF WRITING IN ISRAEL 1. Invention of Alphabet 2. The Cuneiform 3. References to Writing in the Old Testament 4. Inscriptions after Settlement in Canaan 5. Orthography of the Pe...
[nave] SIN. Index of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to, Defining, and Illustrating; Confession of; Consequences of, Entailed Upon Children; Conviction of; Forgiveness of; Fruits of; Kn...
[isbe] SHIPS AND BOATS - || I. THE HEBREWS AND THE SEA II. SHIPS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE APOCRYPHA 1. Among the Hebrews (1) In Early Times (2) During the Monarchy (3) In Later Times 2. Among Neighboring Nations (1) Egypt (2) A...
[isbe] PLEAD - pled: In modern non-legal English is a synonym of "pray" or "beseech," but in legal phraseology "plea," "plead," and "pleading" have a great variety of technical meanings, with "present a case before the court" as th...
[isbe] PERSEUS - pur'-sus, pur'-se-us (Perseus): In 1 Macc 8:5 the conquest of "Perseus, king of the Citims" (the Revised Version (British and American) "king of Chittim") was part of the "fame of the Romans" which reached the ears...
[isbe] LIVELY; LIVING - liv'-li, liv'-ing (chay; zao): "Living," sometimes "lively," is the translation of chay (often also translated "life"); it denotes all beings possessed of life (Gen 1:21,24; 2:7,19; Ex 21:35, "live"); we hav...
[ebd] = Kedron = Cedron, turbid, the winter torrent which flows through the Valley of Jehoshaphat, on the eastern side of Jerusalem, between the city and the Mount of Olives. This valley is known in Scripture only by the name "the...
[isbe] KITTIM - kit'-im (kittim, Isa 23:12; Jer 2:10; kittiyim, apparently plural of kitti (not found, but compare (4) below); Ketioi, Kitioi, Ketieim, Jer 2:10; Chettieim, Chettein):ntified with Sepphoris, which is represented by ...
[ebd] dark-skinned, the second son of Ishmael (Gen. 25:13). It is the name for the nomadic tribes of Arabs, the Bedouins generally (Isa. 21:16; 42:11; 60:7; Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:21), who dwelt in the north-west of Arabia. They live...
[isbe] KEDAR - ke'-dar (qedhar; Kedar): Second in order of the sons of Ishmael (Gen 25:13 parallel 1 Ch 1:29). The name occurs as typical of a distant eastern country in opposition to the lands of the Mediterranean (Jer 2:10). The ...
[ebd] (Heb. 'i, "dry land," as opposed to water) occurs in its usual signification (Isa. 42:4, 10, 12, 15, comp. Jer. 47:4), but more frequently simply denotes a maritime region or sea-coast (Isa. 20:6, R.V.," coastland;" 23:2, 6;...
[isbe] ISLAND; ISLE - i'-land, il ((1) 'i, "island" or "isle"; the American Standard Revised Version has "coast" or "coast-land" in Isa 20:6; 23:2,6; the Revised Version margin has "coast-lands" in Gen 10:5; Isa 11:11; 24:15; 59:18...
[isbe] HORRIBLE - hor'-i-b'-l (sha`arur, sha`aruri): In Jer 5:30 sha`arur, "vile," "horrible," is translated "horrible," "a wonderful and horrible thing" the Revised Version margin "astonishment and horror"; also Jer 23:14; in 18:1...
[isbe] GOOD, CHIEF - What this consisted in was greatly discussed in ancient philosophy. Varro enumerated 288 answers to the question. By Plato "the good" was identified with God. In the Old Testament while the "good" of the nation...
[isbe] GODS - ('elohim; theoi): I. IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 1. Superhuman Beings (God and Angels) 2. Judges, Rulers 3. Gods of the Nations 4. Superiority of Yahweh to Other Gods 5. Regulations Regarding the Gods of the Nations 6. Israe...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[isbe] CISTERN; WELL; POOL; AQUEDUCT - sis'-tern: Use of Terms 1. General 2. Wells or Cylindrical Cisterns 3. Private Cisterns 4. Public Cisterns 5. Pools and Aqueducts 6. Figurative Uses LITERATURE Several words are rendered by "c...
[isbe] CHANGE - chanj: A word which seeks to express the many shades of meaning contained in 13 variations of 9 Hebrew words and 5 Greek. These signify, in turn, "to change" "to exchange," "to turn," "to put or place," "to make oth...
[nave] BACKSLIDERS. Lev. 26:14-42; Deut. 4:9; Deut. 8:11-14; Deut. 28:58, 59, 63 vs. 15-68;; 1 Kin. 9:6-9; Deut. 29:18 vs. 18-28.; Deut. 32:15-30; Josh. 24:27 vs. 20-27.; 2 Chr. 15:2-4; Ezra 8:22; Job 34:26, 27; Psa. 44:20, 21; Ps...
[isbe] ATHEISM - a'-the-iz'-m (atheos, "without God" (Eph 2:12)): Ordinarily this word is interpreted to mean a denial of the existence of God, a disbelief in God, the opposite of theism. But it seems better that we should consider...

Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Jeremiah's purpose was to call his hearers to repentance in view of God's judgment on Judah, which would come soon from an army from the north (chs. 2-45). Judgment was coming because God's people had forsaken Yahweh and had ...
I. Introduction ch. 1A. The introduction of Jeremiah 1:1-3B. The call of Jeremiah 1:4-191. The promise of divine enablement 1:4-102. Two confirming visions 1:11-19II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2-45A. Warnings of judgment on...
This account of Jeremiah's call prepares the reader for the prophet's ministry that unfolds beginning in chapter 2. The events recorded here prepared Jeremiah for that ministry, a ministry that frequently discouraged him and ...
1:4 The prophet now began speaking to his readers and telling them what the Lord had said to him. Throughout this book, an indication that the Lord had told Jeremiah something is often the sign of a new pericope, as here (cf....
Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to the Judahites in view of their sins and the consequences of those sins.
Most of the material in this section is prophetic oracles that are poetic in form. There are three messages, the first indicting Judah for her evil (ch. 2), the second pleading for repentance (3:1-4:4), and the third declarin...
"The whole chapter has strong reminiscences of a legal form which was well known in the secular world, the so-called ribpattern. When lesser kings offended their overlords in some act of rebellion, the overlord sent a written...
The general flow of thought in this early part of Jeremiah's message is from Israel's early devotion to Yahweh (vv. 2-3) to her departure from Him (vv. 4-13) to the tragic results of her unfaithfulness (vv. 14-19). In this se...
2:9 Because of their unparalleled idolatry, the Lord promised to contest His people. Even their grandchildren would experience His discipline because of the sins of their forefathers.". . . Scripture often stresses the solida...
A passionate plea for repentance follows logically and textually the indictment of God's people for their sins (ch. 2)."There is a problem with free forgiveness. If you can always wipe the slate clean, how much does it matter...
The Judahites having sinned greatly (ch. 2) failed to repent (3:1-4:4). Consequently judgment in the form of military invasion would overtake them. This whole section is an amplification and explanation of the overflowing cal...
6:27 Yahweh informed Jeremiah that He had given the prophet a roll in Judah that was similar to that of an assayer of metals. He would be able and be responsible to test the "mettle"of the Lord's people (cf. 5:1).6:28 The Jud...
All the messages in this section deal with departure from the Lord in religious practices, either in pagan rites or in the perversion of the proper worship of Yahweh that the Mosaic Law specified. All the material in this sec...
This pericope contains two instances in which Jeremiah faced crushing discouragement in his ministry (vv. 10-14, 15-21). He confessed his frustration to the Lord, and the Lord responded with encouragement.15:10 Jeremiah addre...
The next five sections (vv. 1-4, 5-8, 9-11, 12-13, and 14-18) continue the theme of Judah's guilt from the previous chapter. These pericopes have obvious connections with one another, but they were evidently originally separa...
In this message Jeremiah contrasted the unnatural apostasy of the people with the constancy of nature (cf. 2:10-13).18:13 Yahweh indicted the people of Judah through His prophet asking if any other nation had ever done what I...
This section of the book contains some of Jeremiah's messages concerning Judah's kings (21:1-23:8) and false prophets (23:9-40) that he delivered closer to the time of Jerusalem's invasion than the previous chapters.300Beginn...
25:30 Jeremiah was also to announce that God would prepare to judge all the inhabitants of the earth (v. 29). As a lion announces its intent to attack with a roar, so Yahweh would one day announce His attack on earth dwellers...
These chapters contrast the true prophet of Yahweh with the false prophets. Distinguishing between them was difficult for Jeremiah's contemporaries, but their essential difference is clear. The true prophets proclaimed the Lo...
The Book of Consolation contained messages of future hope for Judah (chs. 30-33). Now Jeremiah returned to document her present judgment. Chapters 34-45 continue the theme of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem from chapters 2-29...
This chapter belongs after chapter 36 chronologically, either after 36:8 or 36:32. It serves as an appendix to the historical incidents recorded there. Perhaps the writer or final editor placed it here to show that Yahweh exe...
As with the previous oracle, the length of this one reflects the relative importance to Judah of those cursed by God. These Arab tribes were some of the descendants of Ishmael, Isaac's half-brother (Gen. 25:12-18). Again, ant...
Jeremiah wrote almost as much about Babylon's future as he did about the futures of all the other nations in his other oracles combined. The length of this oracle reflects the great importance of Babylon in his ministry as we...
Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers; and New York: Macmillan Publishers Co., 1977.Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. Revis...
14:1 The Lord announced through His prophet that a day was coming, for His benefit primarily, when the nations that had plundered Israel victoriously would divide their spoil among themselves in Jerusalem. This would be the L...
John now presented evidence that Jesus knew people as no others did and that many believed in His name (2:23). This constitutes further witness that He is the Son of God. John summarized several conversations that Jesus had w...
There are several connections between this section and the preceding ones that provide continuity. One is the continuation of water as a symbol (cf. 2:6; 3:5; 4:10-15). Another is the continuation of conversation in which Jes...
Essentially what John saw next was Paradise regained (cf. 2:7; Gen. 2; Luke 23:43; 2 Cor. 12:2). Having viewed the splendor of the New Jerusalem he now saw what will nourish and enrich the lives of God's people there."Up to t...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead.'--Jer. 2:9. POINT out that plead is a forensic term. There is a great lawsuit in which God is plaintiff and men defendants. ...
Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but My people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.'--Jer. 2:11.THE obstinacy of the adherents of idolatry is in striking contrast with Israel's cont...
They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.'--Jer. 2:13.THE proclivity of the Jews to idolatry is an outstanding fact all through their history. ...