Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Job 30:7-31 (NET)

30:7 They brayed like animals among the bushes and were huddled together under the nettles . 30:8 Sons of senseless and nameless people , they were driven out of the land with whips.
Job’s Indignities
30:9 “And now I have become their taunt song ; I have become a byword among them . 30:10 They detest me and maintain their distance ; they do not hesitate to spit in my face . 30:11 Because God has untied my tent cord and afflicted me, people throw off all restraint in my presence . 30:12 On my right the young rabble rise up ; they drive me from place to place , and build up siege ramps against me. 30:13 They destroy my path ; they succeed in destroying me without anyone assisting them. 30:14 They come in as through a wide breach ; amid the crash they come rolling in. 30:15 Terrors are turned loose on me; they drive away my honor like the wind , and like a cloud my deliverance has passed away .
Job’s Despondency
30:16 “And now my soul pours itself out within me; days of suffering take hold of me. 30:17 Night pierces my bones ; my gnawing pains never cease . 30:18 With great power God grasps my clothing ; he binds me like the collar of my tunic . 30:19 He has flung me into the mud , and I have come to resemble dust and ashes . 30:20 I cry out to you, but you do not answer me; I stand up, and you only look at me. 30:21 You have become cruel to me; with the strength of your hand you attack me. 30:22 You pick me up on the wind and make me ride on it; you toss me about in the storm . 30:23 I know that you are bringing me to death , to the meeting place for all the living .
The Contrast With the Past
30:24 “Surely one does not stretch out his hand against a broken man when he cries for help in his distress . 30:25 Have I not wept for the unfortunate ? Was not my soul grieved for the poor ? 30:26 But when I hoped for good , trouble came; when I expected light , then darkness came . 30:27 My heart is in turmoil unceasingly ; the days of my affliction confront me. 30:28 I go about blackened , but not by the sun ; in the assembly I stand up and cry for help . 30:29 I have become a brother to jackals and a companion of ostriches . 30:30 My skin has turned dark on me; my body is hot with fever . 30:31 My harp is used for mourning and my flute for the sound of weeping .



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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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  • What this book is all about has been the subject of considerable debate. Many people think God gave it to us to provide His answer to the age-old problem of suffering. In particular, many believe it is in the Bible to help us...
  • I. Prologue chs. 1-2A. Job's character 1:1-5B. Job's calamities 1:6-2:101. The first test 1:6-222. The second test 2:1-10C. Job's comforters 2:11-13II. The dialogue concerning the basis of the divine-human relationship 3:1-42...
  • The writer composed the prologue and epilogue of this book in prose narrative and the main body (3:1-42:6) in poetry. The prologue and epilogue form a frame around the main emphasis of the revelation, the poetic section, and ...
  • Satan again claimed that Job served God only because God had made it advantageous for Job to do so. Job still had his own life. Satan insinuated that Job had been willing to part with his own children and his animals (wealth)...
  • The poetic body to the book begins with a soliloquy in which Job cursed the day of his birth. This introductory soliloquy corresponds to another one Job gave at the end of his dialogue with his three friends (chs. 29-31), esp...
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  • Because the speech in this chapter is more soliloquy than dialogue some scholars have concluded that someone other than Job spoke it: Zophar, Bildad, or God. One writer argued for its being a speech by none of the characters,...
  • Job gave a soliloquy before his dialogue with his three friends began (ch. 3). Now he concluded that dialogue with another soliloquy (chs. 29-31). In this one, Job longed for his past state of blessedness (ch. 29), lamented h...
  • "Chapter 29 speaks of what the Lord gave to Job and chapter 30 speaks of what the Lord took away (cf. 1:21)."123He was presently without respect (vv. 1-15), disregarded (vv. 16-23), and despondent (vv. 24-31). He had formerly...
  • As was common in ancient Near Eastern judicial cases, Job concluded his summary defense with an oath of innocence. He did so in the form of a negative confession complete with self-imprecations.127He concluded with a challeng...
  • Elihu began by voicing his respect for Job's three friends (vv. 6-10). They were older than he, and for this reason he said he had refrained from speaking until now. However he had become convinced that advancing age does not...
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