Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Joshua 15:10 (NET)


- Jos 14:1--15:63 -- Judah's Tribal Lands
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] a portion. (1.) A town of Judah (Josh. 15:10). The Philistines took possession of it in the days of Ahaz (2 Chr. 28:18). It was about 20 miles west of Jerusalem. It has been identified with Timnatha of Dan (Josh. 19:43), and...
[isbe] TIMNAH - tim'-na (timnah, timnathah (Josh 19:43; Jdg 14:1,2,5), "allotted portion; Codex Vaticanus Thamnatha; also several Greek variations; King James Version has Timnath in Gen 38:12,13,14; Jdg 14:1,2,5; and Thimnathah in ...
[smith] (portion). A place which formed one of the landmarks on the north boundary of the allotment of Judah. (Joshua 15:10) It is probably identical with the Thimnathah of (Joshua 19:43) and that again with the Timnath, or, more ac...
[nave] TIMNAH 1. A duke of Edom, Gen. 36:40; 1 Chr. 1:51. 2. A city in Judah, Josh. 15:10; 2 Chr. 28:18. 3. A city in the mountains of Judah, Josh. 15:57.
[isbe] SUN-WORSHIP - sun'-wur-ship: The splendor of the sun makes it a natural object of adoration, once the purer idea of the one true God (Rom 1:20,21) is parted with, and in most ancient nations the worship of the sun was an out...
[isbe] SHEPHELAH - shef-e'-la (ha-shephelah; sephela, saphela): 1. Name and References: The word denotes "lowland," and is variously rendered in the King James Version. It is "vale" in Dt 1:7; Josh 10:40; 1 Ki 10:27; 2 Ch 1:15; Jer...
[smith] (the shaggy), the place to which Ehud fled after his murder of Eglon. (Judges 3:26,27) It was in "Mount Ephraim," ver. 27, a continuation, perhaps, of the same wooded, shaggy hills which stretched even so far south as to ente...
[ebd] rough; hairy. (1.) A Horite; one of the "dukes" of Edom (Gen. 36:20-30). (2.) The name of a mountainous region occupied by the Edomites, extending along the eastern side of the Arabah from the south-eastern extremity of the ...
[isbe] SEIR - se'-ir: (1) (har se'-ir, "Mt. Seir" (Gen 14:6, etc.), 'erets se`-ir (Gen 32:3, etc.); to oros Seeir, ge Seeir): In Gen 32:3 "the land of Seir" is equated with "the field of Edom." The Mount and the Land of Seir are al...
[smith] (hairy, Shaggy), We have both "land of Seir," (Genesis 32:3; 36:50) and "Mount Seir." (Genesis 14:6) It is the original name of the mountain range extending along the east side of the valley of Arabah, from the Dead Sea to t...
[isbe] PALESTINE, 2 - III. Palestine in the Historic Books of the Old Testament. 1. Book of Joshua: Joshua is the great geographical book of the Old Testament; and the large majority of the 600 names of places, rivers and mountains...
[isbe] NAMES, PROPER - I. THE FORM OF HEBREW NAMES 1. Various Types 2. Vocalization 3. Transposition of Parts 4. Methods of Abbreviation II. THE RANGE OF PROPER NAMES 1. Personal Names (1) Not Exclusively Descriptive (2) Drawn from...
[isbe] KIRIATH-JEARIM - kir-i-ath je'-a-rim, kir-i-ath je-a'-rim (qiryath-ye`-arim, "city of thickets"; Septuagint he polis Iareim; the King James Version Kirjathjearim): One of the four chief cities of the Gibeonites (Josh 9:17); ...
Judah, Tribe of
[ebd] Judah and his three surviving sons went down with Jacob into Egypt (Gen. 46:12; Ex. 1:2). At the time of the Exodus, when we meet with the family of Judah again, they have increased to the number of 74,000 males (Num. 1:26, ...
[ebd] subdued by God. (1.) A city of Judah near Lachish (Josh. 15, 38). Perhaps the ruin Kutlaneh, south of Gezer. (2.) Amaziah, king of Judah, undertook a great expedition against Edom (2 Chr. 25:5-10), which was completely succe...
[isbe] JUDAH, TERRITORY OF - (yehudhah): I. GEOGRAPHICAL DATA 1. The Natural Boundaries 2. The Natural Divisions of Judah (1) The Maritime Plain (2) The Shephelah (3) The Hill Country of Judah II. THE TRIBE OF JUDAH AND ITS TERRITO...
[isbe] JEARIM, MOUNT - je'-a-rim, je-a'-rim (har-ye`arim): A mountain by the side of which passed the border of Judah (Josh 15:10). It is mentioned here only, and is identical with CHESALON (which see).
[ebd] forests, a mountain on the border of Judah (Josh. 15:10).
[smith] (forests), Mount, a place named in specifying the northern boundary of Judah. (Joshua 15:10) The boundary ran from Mount Seir to "the shoulder of Mount Jearim, which is Cesalon" --that is, Cesalon was the landmark on the moun...
[isbe] FOREST - for'-est: (1) choresh (compare proper name Harosheth), 2 Ch 27:4. In 1 Sam 23:15 ff translated "wood"; in Isa 17:9, "wood"; in Ezek 31:3, "forest-like shade." Applied to any thick growth of vegetation but not necess...
[ebd] strength; confidence, a place on the border of Judah, on the side of Mount Jearim (Josh. 15:10); probably identified with the modern village of Kesla, on the western mountains of Judah.
[isbe] CHESALON - kes'-a-lon (kecalon; Chaslon, Chasalon): One of the cities on the Northern boundary of Judah (Josh 15:10). In the 4th century it was a "very large village." It is now Kesla, 2,087 ft. above sea-level, a small vill...
[smith] (hopes), a place named as one of the landmarks on the west part of the north boundary of Judah, (Joshua 15:10) probably Kesla , about six miles to the northeast of Ainshems , on the western mountains of Judah.
[nave] CHESALON, a landmark in the N. boundary of Judah, Josh. 15:10.
[isbe] CRITICISM - (The Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis) I. PRELIMINARY 1. Thesis 2. Historical Perspective 3. Inspiration and Criticism II. THE LEGISLATION 1. Groups 2. Covenant Code 3. The Sanctuary 4. Kinds of Sacrifice 5. Sacrifice ...
[ebd] house of the sun. (1.) A sacerdotal city in the tribe of Dan (Josh. 21:16; 1 Sam. 6:15), on the north border of Judah (Josh. 15:10). It was the scene of an encounter between Jehoash, king of Israel, and Amaziah, king of Juda...
[isbe] BETH-SHEMESH - beth-she'-mesh, beth'-shemesh (beth-shemesh; Baithsamus, "house of the sun"): This name for a place doubtless arose in every instance from the presence of a sanctuary of the sun there. In accordance with the m...
[nave] BETH-SHEMESH 1. A set apart city of Dan, Josh. 21:16; 1 Sam. 6:15; 1 Chr. 6:59. On the northern border of Judah, Josh. 15:10; 1 Sam. 6:9, 12. In later times transferred to Judah, 2 Kin. 14:11. Mentioned in Solomon's commi...
[ebd] mistress; city. (1.) A city in the south of Judah (Josh. 15:29), elsewhere called Balah (Josh. 19:3) and Bilhah (1 Chr. 4:29). Now Khurbet Zebalah. (2.) A city on the northern border of the tribe of Judah (Josh. 15:10), call...
[isbe] BAALAH - ba'-a-la ba`alah; "possessor," "mistress "): Three occurrences of this name: (1) = KIRIATH-JEARIM (which see) (Josh 15:9,10; 1 Ch 13:6). (2) A city in the Negeb of Judah (Josh 15:29). In Josh 19:3 Balah and in 1 Ch ...
[nave] BAALAH 1. A city in the S. of Judah, Josh. 15:29. Apparently identical with Balah, Josh. 19:3; and Bilhah, 1 Chr. 4:29. 2. A city in the N. of Judah called also Kirjath-Jearim, which see. 3. A mountain in Judah, Josh. 15:...
[smith] (house of the sun). One of the towns which marked the north boundary of Judah. (Joshua 15:10) It is now ?Ainshems , about two miles from the great Philistine plain, and seven from Ekron. A city on the border of Issachar. (Jo...
[smith] geographical. This word occurs as the prefix or suffix to the names of several places in Palestine, some of which are as follows: BAAL a town of Simeon, named only in (1 Chronicles 4:33) which from the parallel list in (J...


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
This chapter records how Abram, though threatened with major conflict with Lot because of their herdsmen's strife, magnanimously gave his nephew his choice of what land he wanted. Lot took an area that was very fertile, thoug...
I. The conquest of the land chs. 1-12A. Preparations for entering Canaan chs. 1-21. God's charge to Joshua 1:1-92. Joshua's charge to Israel 1:10-183. The spying out of Jericho ch. 2B. Entrance into the land 3:1-5:121. Passag...
In one sense verses 1-9 are a preamble to the whole book. They contain the basic principles that were to guide Joshua and Israel so they could obtain all that God had promised their forefathers.1:1 The first word of the book ...
The writer identified 31 kings in the order in which Joshua defeated them."Many of the same names appear in the Amarna letters, thus confirming the historicity of our text."158"The description was not complete. Shechem is not...
Chapters 13-24 describe how Joshua divided the land and the results of that division. Many if not all the Israelite tribes did not conquer or control all the land allotted to them (15:63; 16:10; 17:12-13). The record of the a...
15:1-12 The writer recorded the boundaries of the whole tribal territory first. The description proceeds counterclockwise from south (vv. 2-4) to east (v. 5) to north (vv. 5-11) to west (v. 12).15:13-19 The writer probably in...
After the process of assigning land to the three tribes mentioned above, Israel's attention turned to relocating the tabernacle in a more central location (v. 1). God undoubtedly made the choice of Shiloh (lit. rest; cf. Deut...
First the two and one-half tribes east of the Jordan received their land. Then Judah, the primary recipient of Jacob's patriarchal blessing, and Joseph, the recipient of Jacob's patriarchal birthright, received their allotmen...
Israel's leaders completed this division of the land at Shiloh, the new location of the tabernacle."The gift of the land brought blessings not only to the nation as a whole and to the individual tribes. It also brought blessi...
These verses conclude the account of the division of the land proper (chs. 13-21; cf. 1:2-6; 11:23). They bind the two parts of the second half of the book together. They form a theological conclusion to the entire book up to...
The main part of the second half of the Book of Joshua dealing with the division of the land ends with the appointment of the Levitical cities (chs. 13-21). The rest of the book deals with settlement in the land (chs. 22-24)....
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
Baale-judah (v. 2) may have been the later name of Kiriath-jearim (cf. Josh. 15:9-10).76This was where the ark had evidently rested since the Israelites had moved it from Bethshemesh in Samuel's days (1 Sam. 6; cf. Ps. 132:6-...
This is the sixth and last message that Ezekiel received from the Lord the night before the refugees reached the exiles with the message that Jerusalem had fallen (cf. 33:21-22). It too deals with God's plans for Israel in th...
The tribe of Dan was to receive the northernmost section of the Promised Land. The order of tribes from north to south, north of the sacred district, was Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Judah--seven tribal...