Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Psalms 145:2-21 (NET)


- Psa 145:1-21 -- Psalm 145
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] The psalms are the production of various authors. "Only a portion of the Book of Psalms claims David as its author. Other inspired poets in successive generations added now one now another contribution to the sacred collecti...
[ebd] has been well defined as "the measured language of emotion." Hebrew poetry deals almost exclusively with the great question of man's relation to God. "Guilt, condemnation, punishment, pardon, redemption, repentance are the a...
[isbe] PSALMS, BOOK OF - samz, (tehillim, "praises," cepher tehillim, "book of praises"; Psalmoi, Psalterion): I. INTRODUCTORY TOPICS 1. Title 2. Place in the Canon 3. Number of Psalms 4. Titles in the Hebrew Text II. AUTHORSHIP AN...
[isbe] MERCY; MERCIFUL - mur'-si, mur'-si-fool (checedh, racham, chanan; eleos, eleeo, oiktirmos): "Mercy" is a distinctive Bible word characterizing God as revealed to men. In the Old Testament it is most often the translation of ...
[isbe] MEMORIAL; MEMORY - me-mo'-ri-al, mem'-o-ri ('azkarah, zekher, zekher, zikkaron; mnemosunon): "Memorial" as the translation of 'azkdrah is a sacrificial term, that which brings the offerer into remembrance before God, or brin...
[isbe] LONGSUFFERING - long-suf'-er-ing ('erekh 'appayim; makrothumia): The words 'erekh 'appayim, translated longsuffering, mean literally, "long of nose" (or "breathing"), and, as anger was indicated by rapid, violent breathing t...
[isbe] LAWFUL - lo'-fool (usually mishpaT, "relating to judgment," or "a pronounced judgment" tsaddiq, "relating to that which is righteous" or "just"; exesti, eunomos, "that which is authorized according to law," or "a privilege a...
[isbe] LAUD - lod: A verb meaning "to praise," used in Rom 15:11 the King James Version, and Ps 117:1; 145:4. The Revised Version (British and American) either should have avoided the word altogether or else should have used it muc...
[isbe] INFINITE; INFINITUDE - in'-fin-it, in-fin'-i-tud: 1. Scripture Use: The word "infinite" occurs 3 times only in the text of the King James Version (Job 22:5; Ps 147:5; Nah 3:9) and once in margin (Nah 2:9). In Ps 147:5, "His ...
[isbe] HAND - (yadh, "hand"; kaph, "the hollow hand," "palm"; yamin, "the right hand"; semo'l, "the left hand"; cheir, "hand"; dexia, "the right hand"; aristera, "the left hand" (only Lk 23:33; 2 Cor 6:7), or euphemistically (for e...
[isbe] HAGGAI - hag'-a-i, hag'-a-i (chaggay, an adjective formed from chagh, "feast"): 1. Name: The word "Haggai" may mean "festal," the prophet having been born perhaps on a festival day; compare the Roman name "Festus." Hebrew pr...
Goodness of God
[ebd] a perfection of his character which he exercises towards his creatures according to their various circumstances and relations (Ps. 145:8, 9; 103:8; 1 John 4:8). Viewed generally, it is benevolence; as exercised with respect ...
[isbe] GRACIOUS - gra'-shus (chanan; charis): In general, the word means "to favor," "to show kindness" to an inferior and "to be compassionate." All Old Testament passages are derived from the same root, and yet there are two evid...
[isbe] GOOD - good (Tobh, Tubh, yaTabh; agathos, agathon, kalos, kalon): In English "good" is used in various senses, most of which are represented in the Bible. (1) In the Old Testament the commonest word is Tobh, occurring very f...
GOD, 2
[isbe] GOD, 2 - II. The Idea of God in the Old Testament. 1. Course of Its Development: Any attempt to write the whole history of the idea of God in the Old Testament would require a preliminary study of the literary and historical...
[ebd] a state of mind in which one's desires are confined to his lot whatever it may be (1 Tim. 6:6; 2 Cor. 9:8). It is opposed to envy (James 3:16), avarice (Heb. 13:5), ambition (Prov. 13:10), anxiety (Matt. 6:25, 34), and repin...
[isbe] COMPASSION - kom-pash'-un: Compassion is the translation of racham, "to love," "pity," "be merciful" (Dt 13:17; 30:3); of rachamim, "mercies" (1 Ki 8:50); of chamal, "to pity," "spare" (Ex 2:6; 1 Sam 23:21); rachum (Ps 78:38...
[ebd] (1.) God blesses his people when he bestows on them some gift temporal or spiritual (Gen. 1:22; 24:35; Job 42:12; Ps. 45:2; 104:24, 35). (2.) We bless God when we thank him for his mercies (Ps. 103:1, 2; 145:1, 2). (3.) A ma...
[isbe] AGE - aj: A period of time or a dispensation. In the above sense the word occurs only once in the King James Version, in the sing, as the translation of dor, which means, properly, a "revolution" or "round of time," "a perio...
[isbe] ACROSTIC - a-kros'-tik: The acrostic, understood as a short poem in which the first letters of the lines form a word, or name, or sentence, has not yet been proved to occur in ancient Hebrew literature. The supposed examples...


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
'Ku Ingin Menyerahkan [KJ.441]
Atas Makananku Ini [KJ.471]
Dengan KasihMu, ya Tuhan [KJ.461]
Kekuatan Serta Penghiburan [KJ.332] ( Day by Day )
Manusia yang Meluku [KJ.335]
Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
Suci, Suci, Suci [KJ.2] ( Holy, Holy, Holy )
Tuhan dalam Sorga [KJ.449]
Ya Tuhan, T'rima kasih [KJ.469]
[Psa 145:2] I Bless The Christ Of God
[Psa 145:5] Glorious Majesty
[Psa 145:7] Sweet Is The Memory Of Thy Grace
[Psa 145:8] The Greatness Of His Mercy
[Psa 145:8] The Pilgrim’s Journey
[Psa 145:10] Make Him Known
[Psa 145:12] Ye Sons Of Men, With Joy Record
[Psa 145:15] Lord, In Thy Name Thy Servants Plead

- We should praise God because he is worthy of and glorified by our praise (II Sam. 22:4; Ps. 22:23). We should praise him because it is due to his majesty, glory, excellency, greatness, holiness, wisdom, power, goodness, mercy...
- Love to God is commanded (Deu. 11:1) and is, indeed, the one great commandment (Matt. 22:38). It should be with all the heart, and is better than sacrifice (Deu. 6:5; Mark 12:33). It's produced by the Holy Ghost and engendere...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The texts of the individual psalms do not usually indicate who wrote them.1However some of the titles of the individual psalms do contain information about the writers.2This is the only really reliable information we have as ...
The messianic psalms are perhaps the most commonly known type. They predict the coming of a messiah. Franz Delitzsch broke these psalms down into five kinds. The first is the purely prophetic, which predicts that a future Dav...
I. Book 1: chs. 1-41II. Book 2: chs. 42-72III. Book 3: chs. 73-89IV. Book 4: chs. 90-106V. Book 5: chs. 107-150...
72:15-17 In return for his beneficent rule the king would receive the blessing of his people. They would express their gratitude by bringing him wealth (cf. 1 Kings 10:10) and by praying for him. As a result of his good influ...
There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110; 122; 124; 131; 133; 138-145), Solomon wrote one (127), and the remaining 28 are anonymous. Psalms 113-118 compose the so-called Egyptian...
This is one of the acrostic psalms (cf. Pss. 9, 10; 25; 34; 37; 112; 119; and 145). Each line in the Hebrew text begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The writer evidently expressed his thoughts this way so the ...
145:1-3 David vowed to praise the Lord daily and forever because of His greatness.145:4-7 He said parents would declare God's great acts to their children. He himself would meditate on the Lord's majesty and His wonderful wor...
145:8-10 Verses 8 and 9 are a classic expression of praise for God's character. The same statement in Hebrew occurs in six other places in the Old Testament (Exod. 34:6; Neh. 9:7; Pss. 86:15; 103:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2). God...
Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89."In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus, pp. 55-77. Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992._____. Lord of Song. Portland: Multnomah P...
The reader might assume that the Lord's deliverance of the Ninevites from imminent doom is the climax of the story. This is not the case. The most important lesson of the book deals with God's people and specifically God's in...
The title of this prophetic book is also the name of its writer.Haggai referred to himself as simply "the prophet Haggai"(1:1; et al.) We know nothing about Haggai's parents, ancestors, or tribal origin. His name apparently m...
The Pharisees, who considered themselves enlightened, now tried to badger the formerly blind man into denying that he saw the light.9:24 The Pharisees now questioned the healed man again. They had already decided that Jesus w...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing 19. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them.'--Psalm 145:16-19.YOU observe the recurrence...