Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Psalms 38:1-14 (NET)


- Psa 38:1-22 -- Psalm 38
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] WRATH, (ANGER) - rath, roth, rath ('aph, from 'anaph, "to snort," "to be angry"; orge, thumos, orgizomai): Designates various degrees of feeling, such as sadness (Ps 85:4), a frown or turning away of the face in grief or ang...
[isbe] SORE - sor (substantive) (negha`; helkos, verb helkoomai): In the account of the appearance of leprosy (Lev 13:42 f) the spot on the skin is called by this name, which in the King James Version is translated "sore," but in t...
[isbe] SICK; SICKNESS - sik, sik'-nes (chalah (Gen 48:1, etc.), choli (Dt 28:61, etc.), tachalu' (Dt 29:21, etc.), machalah (Ex 23:25, etc.), daweh (Lev 15:33, etc.), 'anash (2 Sam 12:15, etc.); astheneo (Mt 10:8, etc.;. compare 2 ...
[isbe] PSALMS, BOOK OF - samz, (tehillim, "praises," cepher tehillim, "book of praises"; Psalmoi, Psalterion): I. INTRODUCTORY TOPICS 1. Title 2. Place in the Canon 3. Number of Psalms 4. Titles in the Hebrew Text II. AUTHORSHIP AN...
[isbe] LOVER - luv'-er ('ohebh, 'ahebh): In the Old Testament 'ohebh, from 'ahebh, "to love," is sometimes "lover" in the sense of "friend," in the older English sense of the word (1 Ki 5:1, "Hiram was ever a lover of David"; Ps 38...
[isbe] LOINS - loinz (chalats, Aramaic charats, mothen, kecel, yarekh; osphus): This variety of Hebrew synonyms seems to be used rather promiscuously for the loins, though there is no little difference in the secondary meanings of ...
[isbe] KINSMAN; KINSWOMAN - kinz'-man, kinz'-woom-an: Most frequently of the go'-el, the one who had a right to "redeem"; referring to the custom of avenging the blood of a slain kinsman; hence, a blood relative (Nu 5:8; Ruth 2:20;...
[isbe] IMAGINE - i-maj'-in (chashabh; meletao): The word most frequently translated "to imagine" in the Old Testament, only in the King James Version and the English Revised Version, not in the American Standard Revised Version, is...
[isbe] HEAVY; HEAVINESS - hev'-i, hev'-i-nes (kabhedh, de'aghah; lupe): 1. Literal: Heavy (heave, to lift) is used literally with respect to material things, as the translation of kobhedh, "heaviness" (Prov 27:3, "a stone is heavy"...
[isbe] GROAN - gron (na'aq, 'anaq; stenazo, embrimaomai): The English word, noun and verb, is an attempt to imitate the vocal sound which is expressive of severe pain or distress, physical or mental. It is cognate with the Scottish...
[isbe] FOOL; FOLLY - fool nabhal, 'ewil, kecil, cakhal and forms; aphron, aphrosune, moros): I. In the Old Testament. 1. General: Taking the words generally, apart from the Wisdom literature, we find nabhal frequently translated "f...
[isbe] FOAM - fom (qetseph (Hos 10:7); aphros (Lk 9:39), aphrizo (Mk 9:18,20), epaphrizo (Jude 1:13)): Qetseph from qatsaph, "to break to pieces," or "to break forth into anger," "to be angry," occurs often in the sense of "wrath" ...
[isbe] DUMB - dum (alam, 'illem, literally, "tied in the tongue"; kophos): Used either as expressing the physical condition of speechlessness, generally associated with deafness, or figuratively as meaning the silence produced by t...
[isbe] DISEASE; DISEASES - di-zez', di-zez'-iz (chalah, choli; nosos): Palestine, from its position and physical conditions, ought to be a healthy country. That it is not so depends on the unsanitary conditions in which the people ...
[isbe] DEAF - def (cheresh; kophos): Used either in the physical sense, or figuratively as expressing unwillingness to hear the Divine message (Ps 58:4), or incapacity to understand it for want of spirituality (Ps 38:13). The proph...
[isbe] BURDEN - bur'-dn. 1. In the Old Testament: In the Old Testament more than one word is rendered "burden." (1) massa', from a root nasa' "he lifted up." Thus literally any load is called massa' (Ex 23:5; Nu 4:15,24,27 ff; 2 Ki...
[isbe] BRING - dasha' = "to sprout," "spring" (Gen 1:11 the King James Version); sharats = "to wriggle," "swarm" (Gen 1:20 f; 9:7; Ex 8:3); yaladh = "to bear," "beget" (Gen 3:16; 2 Ki 19:3; Job 15:35; 39:1,2; "what a day may bring ...
[isbe] BONE; BONES - bon (`etsem, `otsem; Aramaic gerem, by extension used for "bony frame," "body," "strength," Ps 35:10; "the whole man"; Lk 24:39, "flesh and bones = the solid and tangible framework of the body; figuratively the...
[ebd] At first made of reeds, and then of wood tipped with iron. Arrows are sometimes figuratively put for lightning (Deut. 32:23, 42; Ps. 7:13; 18:14; 144:6; Zech. 9:14). They were used in war as well as in the chase (Gen. 27:3; ...
Afflictions and Adversities
[nave] AFFLICTIONS AND ADVERSITIES. List of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Benefits of; Benefits of, Illustrated; Consolation in; Deliverance from; Design of; Despondency in; Dispe...


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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The texts of the individual psalms do not usually indicate who wrote them.1However some of the titles of the individual psalms do contain information about the writers.2This is the only really reliable information we have as ...
I. Book 1: chs. 1-41II. Book 2: chs. 42-72III. Book 3: chs. 73-89IV. Book 4: chs. 90-106V. Book 5: chs. 107-150...
The title of this psalm identifies the writer as David. All but four of the psalms in Book 1 of the Psalter (Pss. 1-41) identify David as their writer, all except Psalms 1, 2, 10, and 33. The occasion of his writing this one ...
This is one of the penitential psalms in which David repented for some sin he had committed and for which he was suffering discipline (cf. Pss. 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143).33We do not know what he did to bring on this illness ...
6:1 A more literal translation of this verse would be, "O Lord, not in Your anger rebuke me; not in Your wrath chasten me."By putting the negative first David emphasized the manner of the Lord's discipline. David knew his was...
38:1-2 David viewed his present suffering as an indication that God was very angry with him. He pictured God shooting arrows at him as though God was his enemy in battle and as pressing down on him with His cosmic hand.38:3-8...
38:13-16 David paid no attention to the threats of his enemies because he believed God would vindicate him in response to his prayers. David was remarkable for his ability to wait for God (v. 15). His years of suffering at Sa...
41:10 David had asked God to restore his health so he might repay his enemies. This may seem to be an unworthy motive in view of the Lord Jesus' instruction to love our enemies and do them good (Matt. 5:44). However, individu...
The superscription of this psalm, a "memorial"or "petition,"literally means, "to bring to remembrance"(cf. Ps. 38)."Perhaps this was a note that the psalm was to be used in connection with the offerings (cf. 1 Chron. 16:4), w...
Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89."In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus, pp. 55-77. Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992._____. Lord of Song. Portland: Multnomah P...
Luke included three things in this heart of the death scene. He gave two evidences of God's displeasure with people for rejecting His Son. He recorded Jesus' prayer of trust in the Father, and he noted three immediate reactio...
Abbot, T. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. International Critical Commentary series. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1897.Aldrich, Roy L. "The Gift of God."Biblioth...
Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James. New International Commentary on the New Testament series. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1976; reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1984.Bailey, Mark...