Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Revelation 1:10 (NET)


- Rev 1:1-20 -- The Prologue
Bible Dictionary

[nave] VISION, a mode of revelation, Num. 12:6; 1 Sam. 3:1; 2 Chr. 26:5; Psa. 89:19; Prov. 29:18; Jer. 14:14; 23:16; Dan. 1:17; Hos. 12:10; Joel 2:28; Obad. 1; Hab. 2:2; Acts 2:17. Of Abraham, concerning his descendants, Gen. 15:1-...
[ebd] were of a great variety of forms, and were made of divers materials. Some were made of silver (Num. 10:2), and were used only by the priests in announcing the approach of festivals and in giving signals of war. Some were als...
[nave] TRUMPET Made of ram's horn, Josh. 6:4-6, 8, 13; of silver, Num. 10:2. Uses of, prescribed by Moses, Num. 10:1-10. Used in war, Job 39:24, 25; Jer. 4:19; 6:1, 17; 42:14; 51:27; Ezek. 7:14; Amos 2:2; 3:6; Zeph. 1:16; 1 Cor. ...
[isbe] TRANCE - trans (ekstasis): The condition expressed by this word is a mental state in which the person affected is partially or wholly unconscious of objective sensations, but intensely alive to subjective impressions which, ...
[isbe] SABBATH - sab'-ath (shabbath, shabbathon; sabbaton, ta sabbata; the root shabhath in Hebrew means "to desist," "cease," "rest"): I. ORIGIN OF THE SABBATH 1. The Biblical Account 2. Critical Theories II. HISTORY OF THE SABBAT...
[nave] SABBATH Signifying a rest period, Gen. 2:2, 3; Lev. 23; 25; 26:34, 35. Preparations for, Ex. 16:22; Matt. 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:31. Religious usages on, Gen. 2:3; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16, 31; 6:6; 13:10; Acts ...
[isbe] REVELATION OF JOHN - I. TITLE AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF BOOK 1. Title 2. Uniqueness and Reality of Visions II. CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP 1. Patristic Testimony 2. Testimony of Book Itself 3. Objections to Johannine Authorship...
[isbe] PAROUSIA - pa-roo'-zhi-a: I. THE APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 1. Terms 2. Data and Sources 3. Consistency 4. Meaning of the Symbolism II. THE TEACHING OF JESUS 1. Critical Problems 2. Summary 3. Fall of Jerusalem 4. Time III. JOHN'S E...
[smith] (Kuriake Hemera), (Revelation 1:10) (only), the weekly festival of our Lord?s resurrection, and identified with "the first day of the week," or "Sunday," of every age of the Church. Scripture says very little concerning this ...
[ebd] only once, in Rev. 1:10, was in the early Christian ages used to denote the first day of the week, which commemorated the Lord's resurrection. There is every reason to conclude that John thus used the name. (See SABBATH.)
[isbe] LORD'S DAY - (he kuriake hemera): 1. Linguistic: Formerly it was supposed that the adjective kuriakos (translated "the Lord's") was a purely Christian word, but recent discoveries have proved that it was in fairly common use...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] JESUS CHRIST, 5 - PART IV. EPILOGUE: THE APOSTOLIC TEACHING 1. After the Ascension: The earthly life of Jesus is finished. With His resurrection and ascension a new age begins. Yet the work of Christ continues. As Luke expre...
[nave] INSPIRATION. Ex. 19:6; Ex. 25:21, 22 Deut. 5:31. Num. 11:16-26, 28, 29 Ex. 28:3; 31:3, 6; 35:31; 36:1; Deut. 34:9; Job 32:8; Isa. 51:16; Jer. 1:9; Luke 1:15. Luke 12:12 Matt. 10:19; Mark 13:11; Luke 21:14, 15. 2 Tim. 3:16; ...
[isbe] GREAT; GREATNESS - grat, grat'-nes: "Great" occurs very often in Scripture. The chief words so translated are gadhol, rabh; megas, polus. (1) In the Old Testament many other terms are employed: (a) gadhol is used to express ...
[isbe] GOLD - gold (zahabh; chrusos): 1. Terms: No metal has been more frequently mentioned in Old Testament writings than gold, and none has had more terms applied to it. Among these terms the one most used is zahabh. The Arabic e...
[nave] DAY A creative period, Gen. 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31; 2:2. Divided into twelve hours, John 11:9. Prophetic, Dan. 8:14, 26; 12:11, 12; Rev. 9:15; 11:3; 12:6. Six working days ordained, Ex. 20:9; Ezek. 46:1. Sixth day of the...


- The answer of the Bible is an unqualified "Yes!" The Bible teaches that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are one, and yet they are three. Note these statements from Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 /Matthew 1:23 = M...
- I think I would have to begin with the words of John as my starting point: "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him" (John 1:18, NKJ). This is a propositi...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
97:2-5 These verses reveal the appearance of the Lord in terms similar to other visions God gave His prophets (cf. Isa. 6:1-4; Ezek. 1; Rev. 1). The psalmist's words describe God's glory in figurative language. Clouds and thi...
Eusebius wrote that John ministered to the church in Ephesus, which Paul had founded (Acts 19:1-20), for many years.6The Isle of Patmos where John spent some time in exile is close to Ephesus (cf. Rev. 1:9-11). As previously ...
John's return to the Word in verse 14 from verse 1 introduces new revelation about Him. Though still part of the prologue, the present section focuses on the Incarnation of the Word.1:14 The Word, who existed equal with God b...
John now presented evidence that Jesus knew people as no others did and that many believed in His name (2:23). This constitutes further witness that He is the Son of God. John summarized several conversations that Jesus had w...
"From 20:5 through the end of Acts (28:31), Luke's narrative gives considerable attention to ports of call, stopovers, and time spent on Paul's travels and includes various anecdotes. It contains the kind of details found in ...
I. The preparation of the prophet ch. 1A. The prologue of the book 1:1-81. The preface 1:1-32. The address and doxology 1:4-63. The theme 1:7-8B. The commission of the prophet 1:9-201. The first commission to write 1:9-112. T...
John next explained a vision of the glorified Christ that God had given him (cf. Isa. 6; Ezek. 1). First, he related the circumstances of his first commission to write (vv. 9-11). Second, he provided a detailed description of...
1:9 John now addressed the seven churches to which he sent this epistolary prophecy directly. He described himself to his readers as their brother in Christ and a partaker with them in three things. These were, first, the rel...
In the context we note that God addressed well-known verse 20 to Christians."The first thing which a person mustget fixed in his mind when studying the message to the Church in Laodicea is the fact that the Spirit of God is a...
Chapters 4 and 5 prepared John, and they prepare the reader, for the outpouring of judgments on the earth that follow. They present the place from which these judgments originate and the Person from whom they come. Before rev...
"These things"refer to the revelation of the messages to the seven churches (chs. 2-3; cf. 1:19). After John had received these messages, he received a vision of heaven in which Jesus Christ invited him (cf. 1:10, 12-16) to e...
4:2 As soon as John heard this invitation, he entered another ecstatic state (cf. 1:10). His body remained on the earth, but he saw a throne and someone sitting on it in heaven (cf. Ezek. 11:1, 5). "Throne"occurs 45 times in ...
6:1 "I saw"marks the continuation of what John had seen that chapters 4 and 5 record, but also the commencement of revelation concerning future events on earth. Chapters 1-5 have introduced this revelation. John was an eyewit...
8:2 John saw someone, perhaps God, give seven trumpets to a group of seven angels standing before the heavenly throne (cf. 1:4; 3:1; 8:6; 15:1). Exactly who these angels were is not clear. Some interpreters have identified th...
This pericope furnishes the plot for the drama that unfolds in the rest of the chapter.12:1 John saw a "sign,"something that signified or represented something else (cf. v. 3; 13:13-14; 15:1; 16:14; 19:29). Usually John used ...
This "voice"was probably the Lamb's (1:10-11, 19; cf. 10:4, 8; 11:12; 14:2; 18:4; 21:3). The voice told John to record that it would be a blessing for the believers who live during the Great Tribulation to die as martyrs. The...
17:3 The angel carried John away in the Spirit to a wilderness area (cf. 1:10; 4:1; 21:10). This wilderness may refer to the desert near literal Babylon,558or it may anticipate the desolate condition of the harlot.559There he...
The next scenes in John's visions proved to be of conditions that will exist after the Millennium. He recorded this insight to reveal the final home of believers. There are many allusions to Isaiah 60 and 65 and Ezekiel 40-48...
21:9 One of the angels with the seven bowls of judgment served as John's guide in this part of his vision (cf. 17:1). The fact that one of these particular angels helped John understand both the mystery of Babylon and that of...
In this final section of the book John reported concluding information and instructions that God gave him. He did this to comfort and caution his readers and to affirm the authority of this book."The concluding paragraphs of ...
Abbott-Smith, George. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1950.Aldrich, Roy L. "The Divisions of the First Resurrection."Bibliotheca Sacra128:510 (April-June 1971):117-19.Alford, Henry. ...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
"I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10. I was in...