Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Romans 1:1-2 (NET)


- Rom 1:1-7 -- Salutation
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - || I. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE FOR THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 1. Autographs of the New Testament Writers 2. Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament 3. Greek Copies or Manuscript...
[isbe] SON OF GOD, THE - (ho huios theou): 1. Use of Title in the Synoptists 2. Meanings in the Old Testament 3. Sense as Applied to Jesus 4. Physical Reason 5. Alleged Equivalence to "Messiah"--Personal Sense Implied 6. Higher Use...
[isbe] SCRIPTURE - skrip'-tur (he graphe, plural hai graphai): The word means "writing." In the Old Testament it occurs in the King James Version only once, "the scripture of truth," in Dan 10:21, where it is more correctly rendere...
[isbe] SANCTIFICATION - sank-ti-fi-ka'-shun: Etymology I. THE FORMAL SENSE 1. In the Old Testament 2. In the New Testament II. THE ETHICAL SENSE 1. Transformation of Formal to Ethical Idea 2. Our Relation to God as Personal: New Te...
Romans, Epistle to the
[ebd] This epistle was probably written at Corinth. Phoebe (Rom. 16:1) of Cenchrea conveyed it to Rome, and Gaius of Corinth entertained the apostle at the time of his writing it (16:23; 1 Cor. 1:14), and Erastus was chamberlain o...
[isbe] PROMISE - prom'-is (most frequently in the Old Testament dabhar, "speaking," "speech," and dabhar, "to speak" also 'amar, "to say," once in Ps 77:8, 'omer, "speech"; in the New Testament epaggelia, and the verbs epaggellomai...
[isbe] PAULINE THEOLOGY - pol'-in: I. THE PREPARATION 1. The Pharisee 2. Saul and Sin 3. Primitive Christianity II. THE CONVERSION 1. Christ 2. The Spirit 3. The Unio Mystica 4. Salvation 5. Justification III. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS ...
[isbe] PAPYRUS - pa-pi'-rus (Cyperus papyrus; bublos, biblos, whence biblion, a roll, ta biblia, "the Books" = the Bible): 1. Papyrus Paper 2. Egyptian Papyri 3. Aramaic Papyri 4. Greek Papyri 5. Their Discovery. 6. Classical Papyr...
[isbe] MINISTRY - min'-is-tri: I. THE WORD "MINISTRY" Use of the Word in This Article II. TWO KINDS OF MINISTRY 1. The Prophet Ministry (1) Apostles (2) Prophets (3) Teachers 2. The Local Ministry Origin III. THREEFOLD CONGREGATION...
[nave] INCLUSIVENESS Liberality of religious sentiment. often taught Mark 9:38-41 Luke 9:49, 50. Acts 10:1-48; Acts 11:17, 18; Acts 15:1-31; Rom. 1:1-7, 14-16; Rom. 3:20-31; Rom. 4:1-25; Rom. 5:1, 2; Gal. 3:27, 28; Eph. 2:14-17; ...
[isbe] HOLINESS - ho'-li-nes (qadhosh, "holy," qodhesh, "holiness"; hagios, "holy"): I. IN THE OLD TESTAMENT MEANING OF THE TERM 1. The Holiness of God (1) Absoluteness and Majesty (2) Ethical Holiness 2. Holiness of Place, Time an...
[isbe] GENEALOGY OF JESUS CHRIST, THE - || I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Problems Involved 2. Nature and Importance of the Issue II. THE GENEALOGIES SEPARATELY 1. Peculiarities of Matthew's Genealogy 2. Explanation of the Foregoing 3. Pec...
Fall of man
[ebd] an expression probably borrowed from the Apocryphal Book of Wisdom, to express the fact of the revolt of our first parents from God, and the consequent sin and misery in which they and all their posterity were involved. The ...
[isbe] CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, II - II. Examination of the Witnesses. 1. The Old Testament's Witness to Itself (circa 1450-444 BC): Though the Old Testament does not tell us anything about the processes of its own canonization,...
[ebd] Bible, the English form of the Greek name Biblia, meaning "books," the name which in the fifth century began to be given to the entire collection of sacred books, the "Library of Divine Revelation." The name Bible was adopte...
[isbe] BIBLE, THE, V INSPIRATION - V. Unity and Spiritual Purpose--Inspiration. 1. Scripture a Unity: Holy Scripture is not simply a collection of religious books: still less does it consist of mere fragments of Jewish and Christia...
[isbe] BIBLE, THE, I-III INTRODUCTION - bi'-b'-l, (biblia): I. THE NAMES 1. Bible 2. Other Designations--Scriptures, etc. 3. Old Testament and New Testament II. LANGUAGES III. COMPASS AND DIVISIONS 1. The Jewish Bible Josephus, etc...
[isbe] APOSTLE - a-pos'-l ([ @apostolos], literally, "one sent forth," an envoy, missionary): For the meaning of this name as it meets us in the New Testament, reference is sometimes made to classical and Jewish parallels. In earli...
[isbe] AFORE - a-for': Archaic for "before" of time, or "formerly"; frequently occurs as compound, as in "aforetime," "aforehand," etc.; in the New Testament most commonly for the Greek prefix, pro, in compound words (Rom 1:2; 15:4...

- My wife and I have lost a son, and I also spent some time addressing your question in my sermon on 2 Samuel chapter 12. In my study for that sermon I found that Reformed and Calvinistic writers took the strongest position r...
- First, just as a beginning, it should be noted that the Israelites were not always commanded to annihilate all their enemies, only certain ones. The reasons will be suggested below. Second, if there is plenty of evidence ...
- I fear that these members are trying, in one way or another, to put the church back under the Old Testament law. The fact is that Paul, as a Jew, continued to observe the Jewish holidays (Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8). Th...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
"As the Egyptian magicians saw nothing more than the finger of God in the miracle which they could not imitate, that is to say, the work of some deity, possibly one of the gods of the Egyptians, and not the hand of Jehovah th...
God had announced that Saul would deliver His people from the hand of the Philistines (9:16). However, Saul frustrated God's purpose by not following the Lord faithfully. Consequently the Philistines got the better of Saul an...
The fact that this book opens and closes with death should be a clue as to its message.It opens with David's death, and it closes with Ahab's death. The intervening period of about a century and a half is a story of national ...
What this book is all about has been the subject of considerable debate. Many people think God gave it to us to provide His answer to the age-old problem of suffering. In particular, many believe it is in the Bible to help us...
53:1 A fool in the ancient Hebrew view of life was a person who did not acknowledge God's existence either intellectually or practically (cf. Rom. 1). He lived as though God does not exist. Such a viewpoint leads to unrestrai...
Chapters 1-9, as we have seen, contain discourses that Solomon evidently wrote urging his sons to choose the way of wisdom for their lives.92At 10:1 we begin the part of the book that sets forth what the wise way is in a vari...
In contrast to the New Testament prophets, Isaiah had very little to say about an individual's relationship with God. His concern was more the relationship of God's people as a whole to the Lord, specifically the nation of Is...
The Lord's condemnation of His people continues, but there is a change in focus. In verses 1-5 it was the male leaders who received criticism, but in this section the female citizens are more prominent. Undoubtedly what the L...
Isaiah revealed that the Lord's people are at the center of His plans for the world (cf. 14:2; 21:10). He will preserve them even though He will judge sinful humanity.227This passage contains many connections with the flood n...
The preceding section answered the question that the people of Isaiah's day had about God's desire to deliver them. Yes, He wantedto deliver them. This section answered their question about whether He could save them. Yes, He...
The book of Hosea is an unusually powerful book because the prophet ministered out of his deep personal emotions. His intellectual appeals to the Israelites in his day, and to us in ours, arose out of great personal tragedy i...
The Book of Amos is distinctive from the other prophetic books of the Old Testament in two respects.First, the prophet Amos was not a prophet in the same sense that the other prophets were prophets. He was not recognized as a...
14:8 Like Antioch of Pisidia, Lystra (modern Zoldera) was a Roman colony.580It was the most eastern of the fortified cities of Galatia. Lystra was about 20 miles south of Iconium.581Luke did not mention synagogue evangelism h...
Luke probably recorded Paul's address (vv. 22-31) as a sample of his preaching to intellectual pagans (cf. 13:16-41; 14:15-18; 20:18-35).712In this speech Paul began with God as Creator and brought his hearers to God as Judge...
Throughout the history of the church, from postapostolic times to the present, Christians have regarded Romans as having been one of the Apostle Paul's epistles.1Not only does the letter claim that he wrote it (1:1), but it d...
I. Introduction 1:1-17A. Salutation 1:1-71. The writer 1:12. The subject of the epistle 1:2-53. The original recipients 1:6-7B. Purpose 1:8-15C. Theme 1:16-17II. The need for God's righteousness 1:18-3:20A. The need of all pe...
This great epistle begins with a broad perspective. It looks at the promise of a Savior in the Old Testament, reviews Paul's ministry to date, and surveys the religious history of the Gentile world."The main body of Romans is...
The salutation, which is the longest salutation in Paul's epistles, identifies the writer (v. 1), introduces the subject of the letter (vv. 2-5), and greets the original readers (vv. 6-7).12This first sentence (vv. 1-7) impli...
1:2 Paul next began to exalt the gospel that God had called him to proclaim. It was a message that God had promised, not just prophesied, in the Old Testament Scriptures. The words "his"and "holy"stress the unique origin of t...
1:6-7 Paul assured his readers that they were part of the intent of the gospel. God had not called them to apostleship as God had called him (v. 1) but to sainthood, saint being a common term for believer in the New Testament...
Having begun with a formal and unusually long greeting compared to his other epistles, Paul next proceeded to address his readers more personally. He had not met the Christians to whom he wrote so he spent some time getting a...
If anyone thought Paul had not visited Rome because he doubted the power of his gospel to work in that sophisticated environment, the apostle now clarified his reason. These verses conclude the epistolary introduction and tra...
1:19-20 These verses begin a discussion of "natural revelation."Natural revelation describes what everyone knows about God because of what God has revealed concerning Himself in nature. What He has revealed about Himself in S...
In the previous section (1:18-32), Paul showed mankind condemned for its refusal to respond appropriately to general revelation. In this one (2:1-3:8), His subject is more man's failure to respond to special revelation. Since...
Paul's original readers would have had another question because of what he had written in chapters 1-4. Is this method of justification safe? Since it is by faith, it seems quite unsure. Paul next gave evidence that this meth...
The question of fairness arises whenever someone makes a choice to favor one person over another. Paul dealt with the justice of God in doing what He did in this pericope."These verses are a detour from the main road of Paul'...
Next Paul dealt with a question that rises out of what he had just argued for, namely God's freedom to extend mercy to whom He will. Is it not logical that if God is going to show mercy to whom He will in spite of human actio...
In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, perhaps the most important distinction is that the first part deals primarily with God's actions for humanity, and the last part deals with people's actions in respo...
The conclusion of the epistle corresponds to its introduction (1:1-17; cf. 15:14 and 1:8; 15:15b-21 and 1:3, 13; 15:22 and 1:13a; 15:27 and 1:14; 15:29 and 1:11-12; and 15:30-32 and 1:9-10). Both sections deal with matters of...
The apostle brought together words and ideas from his earlier epistles as well as from this one in this doxology.16:25 The apostle was confident that God could do for his readers what they needed (cf. 1:11; Eph. 3:20). The go...
Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881.Allen, Kenneth W. "Justification by Faith."Bibliotheca Sacra135:538 (April-June 1978):109-16.Auden, W. H. For the Time Being. London: Faber and F...
The apostle Paul began this epistle as he did his others by identifying himself and a fellow worker known to the readers. Then he identified and described the recipients of the letter and greeted them with a benediction. This...
Paul proceeded to deal with the larger issue of the believer's relationship to fornicators inside and outside the church. He did this so his readers would understand their responsibility in this area of their lives in their i...
4:1 Paul now returned to the theme of being a minister of the New Covenant (3:6). Since we have a ministry in which the Spirit opens people's eyes and transforms their characters we can feel encouraged. Our job is not simply ...
In these opening words Paul rebuked his readers for turning away from the gospel that he had preached to them and for turning toward a different "gospel."He accused them of being religious turncoats. He did so to impress them...
The apostle began by reminding his readers how not to walk, namely as they used to walk before their conversion to Christianity.4:17 The "therefore"in this verse is coordinate with the one in verse 1. Here we have more instru...
Paul began his letter with this salutation to introduce himself to his readers and to wish God's blessing on them.1:1 Paul cited his apostolic calling and office to lend authority to what follows. "Paul"was the name the apost...
The writer identified himself for the original recipients of this epistle and greeted them to introduce himself to his readers.James (lit. Jacob) was probably the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ who evidently became a b...
Peter began his second epistle as he did to introduce himself to his readers and to lay a foundation for what follows.1:1 The writer could hardly have stated his identity more clearly than he did in this verse. "Simon"was Pet...
The Apostle John wrote these opening verses to introduce to his readers the main subject dealt with in this book and his purpose for writing it.1:1 "The revelation of Jesus Christ"is the subject of this book. "Revelation"mean...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
This form of the expression, though by no means so frequent as the other, is found throughout Paul's epistles, thrice in the earliest--Thessalonians (1 Thess. 2:8), once in the great Epistle to the (Romans 1:1), once in Corin...
The horror of idolatry, which was their inheritance from a hundred generations, flamed Up at the thought of themselves being made objects of worship. They had met many different sorts of receptions on this journey, but never ...