Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Titus 1:11-16 (NET)


- Tit 1:5-16 -- Titus' Task on Crete
Bible Dictionary

Titus, Epistle to
[ebd] was probably written about the same time as the first epistle to Timothy, with which it has many affinities. "Both letters were addressed to persons left by the writer to preside in their respective churches during his absen...
[isbe] TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - || I. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE FOR THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 1. Autographs of the New Testament Writers 2. Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament 3. Greek Copies or Manuscript...
[ebd] from the Old Testament in the New, which are very numerous, are not made according to any uniform method. When the New Testament was written, the Old was not divided, as it now is, into chapters and verses, and hence such pe...
[isbe] PAPYRUS - pa-pi'-rus (Cyperus papyrus; bublos, biblos, whence biblion, a roll, ta biblia, "the Books" = the Bible): 1. Papyrus Paper 2. Egyptian Papyri 3. Aramaic Papyri 4. Greek Papyri 5. Their Discovery. 6. Classical Papyr...
Numbers, Book of
[ebd] the fourth of the books of the Pentateuch, called in the Hebrew be-midbar, i.e., "in the wilderness." In the LXX. version it is called "Numbers," and this name is now the usual title of the book. It is so called because it c...
[nave] MINISTER, a sacred teacher. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Call of; Character and Qualifications of; Charge Delivered to; Courage of; Duties of; Duties of the Church to; Emoluments of; Faithful, Instanc...
Luke, Gospel according to
[ebd] was written by Luke. He does not claim to have been an eye-witness of our Lord's ministry, but to have gone to the best sources of information within his reach, and to have written an orderly narrative of the facts (Luke 1:1...
[isbe] JEW, JEWESS, JEWISH - ju, joo, ju'-ish, joo'-ish (yehudhi plural yehudhim; Ioudaioi; feminine adjective yehudhith; Ioudaikos): "Jew" denotes originally an inhabitant of Judah (2 Ki 16:6 applies to the two tribes of the South...
[isbe] GNOSTICISM - nos'-ti-siz'-m: I. GENERAL DEFINITION II. SOURCES OF GNOSTICISM 1. Alexandrian Philosophy 2. Zoroastrianism III. NATURE OF GNOSTICISM Chief Points IV. GNOSTICISM IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1. Colossians 2. 1 Corint...
[isbe] GLUTTON; GLUTTONOUS - glut'-'-n, glut'-'-n-us (zalal, "to be lavish"; phagos): "Glutton" (from glut, to swallow greedily) is the translation of zolel from zalal, "to shake or pour out," "to be lavish, a squanderer." In Dt 21...
[isbe] FILTH; FILTHINESS; FILTHY - filth, fil'-thi-nes, fil'-thi (tso'ah, Tum'ah; rhupoo): The word once translated "filth" in the Old Testament is tso'ah, "excrement" or "dung," elsewhere translated "dung" (Isa 4:4, used figurativ...
[isbe] FAITHLESS - fath'-les: The translation of apistos, "without faith," having the sense of "unbelieving," "disbelieving." Jesus upbraids the people, "O faithless and perverse generation!" (Mt 17:17; Mk 9:19; Lk 9:41); He says t...
[ebd] applied in the New Testament to the traditions and speculations, "cunningly devised fables", of the Jews on religious questions (1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Titus 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16). In such passages the word means anything...
[isbe] FABLE - fa'-b'-l (muthos): (1) Primitive man conceives of the objects around him as possessing his own characteristics. Consequently in his stories, beasts, trees, rocks, etc., think, talk and act exactly as if they were hum...
[smith] A fable is a narrative in which being irrational, and sometimes inanimate, are, for the purpose of moral instruction, feigned to act and speak with human interests and passions. --Encyc. Brit. The fable differs from the parab...
[nave] DOCTRINES See Teaching.John 7:16, 17 Set forth by church councils, Acts 15:6-29. False Matt. 5:19; Matt. 15:9, 13; Rom. 16:17, 18; 1 Cor. 3:11, 21 vs. 1-4.; 1 Cor. 11:18, 19; 2 Cor. 2:17; 2 Cor. 11:3, 4; Gal. 1:6-8; Eph. 4...
[isbe] DEFILE; DEFILEMENT - de-fil', de-fil'-ment (Anglo-Saxon, afylau, etc.; Middle English, defoulen, "make foul," "pollute," render (the King James Version) 9 Hebrew roots (the Revised Version (British and American) six): ga`al,...
[nave] COMMANDMENTS. Ex. 13:8-10; Ex. 20:3; Ex. 20:4-6; Ex. 20:7; Ex. 20:8-11; Ex. 20:12; Ex. 20:13; Ex. 20:14; Ex. 20:15; Ex. 20:16; Ex. 20:17 Deut. 5:6-21. Deut. 4:5, 9, 10; Deut. 6:4-9; Deut. 11:18-21; Deut. 32:46, 47; Josh. 8:...
[isbe] CASTAWAY - kast'-a-wa (adokimos, from dokimazo, "I test," "I approve after testing," hence, approved after being tested): This word is rendered "castaway" only in the King James Version: "I myself should be a castaway" ("rej...
[isbe] BEAST - best: This word occurs often in both Old and New Testaments and denotes generally a mammal (though sometimes a reptile) in distinction to a man, a bird, or a fish. In this distinction the English is fairly in accord ...
[isbe] ASHAMED - a-shamd': Almost exclusively moral in significance; confusion or abashment through consciousness of guilt or of its exposure. Often including also a sense of terror or fear because of the disgrace connected with th...


- The New Testament does distinguish between the qualification between elders and deacons, though I think the difference pertains primarily to the areas of giftedness needed for elders to be able to carry out their roles or fun...
- "Pastor" is a spiritual gift while "elder" is an official role of leadership in the church. Ephesians 4:7 articulates that gifts are in view; all the entities named in v. 11 are spiritual gifts. Those with such gifts should l...
- The term "pastoral epistles" is used to designate the three epistles or letters addressed to Timothy and Titus (1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus). Though addressed to individuals, they are not limited to personal and private commun...
- A friend of mine has some thoughts that I need clarification on: 1. You are submit to your pastor's authority (obey those who have rule over you ). 2. Ditto for your deacons. 3. If you want to leave church you need to ta...
- The question you have raised is not my area of expertise, but the Norman Willis' theory is on the one hand, speculation, and on the other, a veiled attempt to exalt the Old Testament and the Old (Mosaic) Covenant above the Ne...
- Matthew 7:13-23 "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. 14 "For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few...
- I fear that these members are trying, in one way or another, to put the church back under the Old Testament law. The fact is that Paul, as a Jew, continued to observe the Jewish holidays (Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8). Th...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
God blessed David and his kingdom because David had honored God by seeking to bring the ark into Jerusalem. The Chronicler recorded three instances of divine blessing in this chapter.First, God gave David favor in the eyes of...
17:13-14 David's mention of the Lord's sword may mean he expected God to use a human army to deliver him, or this may be just a metaphorical way of speaking about deliverance. His description of the wicked draws attention to ...
15:10-11 Jesus had been responding to the question of His critics so far. Now He taught the assembled crowds the same lesson and at the same time gave a direct answer to the Pharisees and scribes. He responded with a parable ...
16:5 Jesus again pointed out that the revelation of His departure had made the disciples sad rather than happy. They had little interest in where He was going. What concerned them was the sorrow that His departure produced fo...
Jesus now proceeded to use the miracle that He had just performed as the background for important instruction. John presented Jesus doing this many times in this Gospel. The repetition of this pattern in the epilogue is an ev...
14:21b-22 The missionaries confined their labors to the Galatian province on this trip. They did not move farther east into the kingdom of Antiochus or the province Cilicia that Paul may have evangelized previously during his...
Luke probably recorded Paul's address (vv. 22-31) as a sample of his preaching to intellectual pagans (cf. 13:16-41; 14:15-18; 20:18-35).712In this speech Paul began with God as Creator and brought his hearers to God as Judge...
Paul began this epistle by identifying himself and his companion and by wishing God's richest blessings on his readers."Almost all letters from the Greco-Roman period began with a threefold salutation: The Writer, to the Addr...
Paul penned these opening words to remind Timothy to correct teachers in the Ephesian church who were majoring on minor matters in their Bible teaching. In so doing he reminded Timothy of his own responsibility as a communica...
Paul explained his reason for writing this epistle and, in particular, what he had just said. He did so to impress on Timothy a view of the church that was foundational to all his instructions in this letter.3:14-15 In view o...
In this pericope Paul reminded Timothy of the apostasy that Jesus Christ had foretold to equip him to identify and to deal with it.143"The change that occurs at 4:1 following the hymn of victory, then, is not unexpected. Oppo...
To encourage Timothy further to endure hardship Paul cited a commonly accepted and used quotation that encouraged believers to remain faithful to their Christian profession (cf. 1 Tim. 1:15; 3:1; 4:9; Titus 3:8). It may have ...
Paul may have visited Crete more than once. It seems unlikely that he would have had time to plant a church in Crete on his way to Rome as a prisoner (Acts 27:7-13, 21). One may have already been in existence then (cf. Acts 2...
By way of review, in 1 Timothy we saw that the purpose of the local church is to be the supporting pedestal of God's truth. To fulfill this function each church needs proper organization. In Titus, Paul emphasized the importa...
I. Salutation 1:1-4II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11A. The appointment of elders 1:5-9B. The correction of false teachers 1:10-16C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:111. The behavior of various groups i...
Paul began his instructions with these directions to emphasize the priority of setting qualified leaders over the affairs of the local churches (cf. Acts 6:3).1:5 Titus, like Timothy, served as the agent of an apostle with ap...
Paul emphasized the need to guard the church against false teaching to inform Titus how to deal with the problems false teachers create. The instructions in this pericope naturally grew out of Paul's emphasis on the elder's r...
To establish order in the church Paul gave Titus instructions concerning the behavior of various groups of Christians that was appropriate for them. He had given directions concerning the appointment of proper leaders and had...
This verse introduces the instructions concerning individual conduct that follow. In contrast to the false teachers, Titus was to teach the believers conduct that was in harmony with sound (i.e., healthy) doctrine (cf. 1 Tim....
The same principles apply to the behavior of young men. Since Titus was one of these, Paul addressed him personally. They should also be sensible (Gr. sophronein; self-controlled, vv. 2, 5, 6) and a good example (pattern) of ...
Slaves were (1) to be submissive to their own masters in everything and (2) to try to please their masters. They were (3) to refrain from talking back when given instructions, (4) not to steal from them, and (5) to prove comp...
3:9 On the other hand Titus should shun what was worthless and unprofitable. In view of the context Paul especially meant those things the false teachers were promoting (1:14; 1 Tim. 1:3-7; 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:23). Examples of thes...
Paul closed this epistle by sending Titus instructions concerning fellow workers, a final charge, and greetings. He did so to enable him to complete his task of setting the church in order.3:12 Paul evidently intended to send...
"The comparison between Christ and Moses leads to one between their followers. The writer uses the conduct of the Israelites as a means of challenging his readers to a closer walk with God."109The writer next reminded his rea...
3:13 This statement carries on what the psalmist said in the quotation just cited. If God will punish those who do evil (v. 12), who will harm those who do good? God will not, and under normal circumstances no other person wi...
Jude explained his reason for writing this letter to introduce what follows and to impress the urgency of his subject on his readers.v. 3 Most Spirit-led preachers have felt exactly how Jude said he felt in this verse. It is ...