Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Titus 3:9-15 (NET)


- Tit 3:12-15 -- Final Instructions and Greeting
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] chance, an Asiatic Christian, a "faithful minister in the Lord" (Eph. 6:21, 22), who, with Trophimus, accompanied Paul on a part of his journey from Macedonia to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4). He is alluded to also in Col. 4:7, Titu...
[isbe] TYCHICUS - tik'-i-kus (Tuchikos, lit. "chance"): Mentioned 5 times in the New Testament (Acts 20:4; Eph 6:21; Col 4:7; 2 Tim 4:12; Tit 3:12); an Asiatic Christian, a friend and companion of the apostle Paul. (1) In the first...
[nave] TYCHICUS, an Asian companion of Paul. Accompanies Paul from Greece to Asia, Acts 20:4. With Paul in Nicopolis, Tit. 3;12, with postscript to Titus. With Paul in Rome, Eph. 6:21, 22; Col. 4:7, 8, with postscripts to Ephesians...
Titus, Epistle to
[ebd] was probably written about the same time as the first epistle to Timothy, with which it has many affinities. "Both letters were addressed to persons left by the writer to preside in their respective churches during his absen...
[isbe] TRINITY, 1 - trin'-i-ti 1. The Term "Trinity" 2. Purely a Revealed Doctrine 3. No Rational Proof of It 4. Finds Support in Reason 5. Not Clearly Revealed in the Old Testament 6. Prepared for in the Old Testament 7. Presuppos...
[isbe] SUBVERT - sub-vurt' (`awath; anatrepo): Occurs 5 t: (1) in the sense of overturning, etc., as the translation of `awath, "to make bent or crooked" (Lam 3:36), "to subvert a man in his cause"; of anaskeudzo, primarily, "to pa...
[isbe] PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 - V. Work. 1. Adjustment: There was evidently a tumult in Paul's soul. He had undergone a revolution, both intellectual and spiritual. Before he proceeded farther it was wise to think through the most im...
[isbe] PASTORAL EPISTLES - pas'-tor-al, I. GENUINENESS 1. External Evidence 2. Genuineness Questioned II. ALLEGED DIFFICULTIES AGAINST PAULINE AUTHORSHIP 1. Relative to Paul's Experiences (1) Data in 1 Timothy (2) Data in 2 Timothy...
[nave] MINISTER, a sacred teacher. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Call of; Character and Qualifications of; Charge Delivered to; Courage of; Duties of; Duties of the Church to; Emoluments of; Faithful, Instanc...
[isbe] LAWYER - lo'-yer (nomikos, "according or pertaining to law," i.e. legal; as noun, "an expert in law," "about the law," "lawyer" (Mt 22:35; Lk 7:30; 10:25; 11:45,46,52; 14:3; Tit 3:13)): The work of the "lawyers," frequently ...
[nave] LAWYER One versed in the Mosaic law. Test Jesus with questions, Matt. 22:35; Luke 10:25-37. Jesus' satire against, Luke 11:45-52. Zenas, a, Tit. 3:13. Tertullus employed, Acts 24:1, 2. See: Litigation; Scribe.
[ebd] from a Greek word signifying (1) a choice, (2) the opinion chosen, and (3) the sect holding the opinion. In the Acts of the Apostles (5:17; 15:5; 24:5, 14; 26:5) it denotes a sect, without reference to its character. Elsewhe...
[isbe] HERESY - her'-e-si, her'-e-si (hairesis, from verb haireo, "to choose"): The word has acquired an ecclesiastical meaning that has passed into common usage, containing elements not found in the term in the New Testament, exce...
[nave] HERESY Propagandism of, forbidden under severe penalties, Deut. 13; Tit. 3:10, 11; 2 John 10, 11. Teachers of, among early Christians, Acts 15:24; 2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. 1:7; 2:4; 2 Pet. 2; Jude 3-16; Rev. 2:2. Paul and Silas a...
[isbe] HERETIC; HERETICAL - her'-e-tik, her'-e-tik, he-ret'-i-kal (hairetikos): Used in Tit 3:10, must be interpreted according to the sense in which Paul employs the word "heresy" (1 Cor 11:19; Gal 5:20) for "parties" or "factions...
[isbe] HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE - he'-brooz, I. TITLE II. LITERARY 1. The Author's Culture and Style 2. Letter, Epistle or Treatise? 3. A Unity or a Composite Work? III. THE AUTHOR 1. Tradition (1) Alexandrian: Paul (2) African: Bar...
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 1-7 - je-na-al'-o-ji, jen-a-al'-o-ji: 1. Definition 2. Biblical References 3. Importance of Genealogies 4. Their Historical Value 5. Principles of Interpretation 6. Principles of Compilation 7. Sources 8. Principa...
[isbe] EXCOMMUNICATION - eks-ko-mu-ni-ka'-shun: Exclusion from church fellowship as a means of personal discipline, or church purification, or both. Its germs have been found in (1) the Mosaic "ban" or "curse" (cherem, "devoted"), ...
[smith] (expulsion from communion). Jewish excommunication. --The Jewish system of excommunication was threefold. The twenty-four offences for which it was inflicted are various, and range in heinousness from the offence of keeping ...
[nave] DOCTRINES See Teaching.John 7:16, 17 Set forth by church councils, Acts 15:6-29. False Matt. 5:19; Matt. 15:9, 13; Rom. 16:17, 18; 1 Cor. 3:11, 21 vs. 1-4.; 1 Cor. 11:18, 19; 2 Cor. 2:17; 2 Cor. 11:3, 4; Gal. 1:6-8; Eph. 4...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[isbe] CONDEMN; CONDEMNATION - kon-dem', kon-dem-na'-shun: 1. In the Old Testament: (1) The causative stem of rasha` "to declare (or make) wrong," "to condemn," whether in civil, ethical or religious relations. Taken in this sense ...
[isbe] BRING - dasha' = "to sprout," "spring" (Gen 1:11 the King James Version); sharats = "to wriggle," "swarm" (Gen 1:20 f; 9:7; Ex 8:3); yaladh = "to bear," "beget" (Gen 3:16; 2 Ki 19:3; Job 15:35; 39:1,2; "what a day may bring ...
[isbe] APOLLOS - a-pol'-os (Apollos, the short form of Apollonius): Apollos was a Jew of Alexandrian race (Acts 18:24) who reached Ephesus in the summer of 54 AD, while Paul was on his third missionary journey, and there he "spake ...
[smith] (given by Apollo) a Jew from Alexandria, eloquent (which may also mean learned) and mighty in the Scriptures; one instructed in the way of the Lord, according to the imperfect view of the disciples of John the Baptist, (Acts ...
[nave] APOLLOS An eloquent Christian convert at Corinth, Acts 18:24-28; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4-7. Refuses to return to Rome, 1 Cor. 16:12. Paul writes Titus about, Tit. 3:13.
[isbe] AVOID - a-void: Archaic use in 1 Sam 18:11 for "escaped." In the Revised Version (British and American) of New Testament only in 2 Cor 8:20 stellomenoi with negative), literally, "arranging that not," etc., i.e. by anticipat...
[isbe] APOSTOLIC AGE - ap-os-tol'-ik aj. 1. The Mission: (1) When the disciples realized that they had seen the risen Christ for the last time and that it had now become their duty to spread His message, they gathered themselves to...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The purpose of this pericope (18:24-28) seems primarily to be to bring us up to date on what had transpired in Ephesus since Paul left that city.755Luke also introduced his readers to another important servant of the Lord to ...
"This report of Paul's return visit to Macedonia and Achaia is the briefest account of an extended ministry in all of Acts--even more so than the summary of the ministry at Ephesus (cf. 19:8-12). Nevertheless, it can be fille...
Paul's innocence of anything worthy of punishment is clear from his living a relatively comfortable life in Rome for the following two years (60-62 A.D.).977Paul was able to preach (Gr. kerysso, to proclaim as a herald) the k...
"The letter now concludes with a series of standard (for Paul) greetings (vv. 19-22) and the grace-benediction (v. 23). But Paul cannot quite give up the urgency of the letter, so he interrupts these two rather constant eleme...
Paul addressed fathers because they are God's ordained family heads on whom the primary responsibility for child training rests. When a father is absent in a family, the mother usually assumes this responsibility. In Greco-Ro...
Paul's anticipation of his defense before Nero brought him back to the present in his thinking. His exposition of the mystery of the church to his readers had ended. He had also explained their proper conduct in view of their...
4:7-8 Paul sent Tychicus with this letter for two primary purposes. He wanted to provide more information about himself and his present ministry than he felt led to record in this letter. He also wanted to encourage the Colos...
3:14 Failure to abandon the idle lifestyle after having received the further warnings in this epistle should result in increased ostracism (cf. Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 5:9, 11; Titus 3:10-11). This discipline would embarrass the o...
Paul penned these opening words to remind Timothy to correct teachers in the Ephesian church who were majoring on minor matters in their Bible teaching. In so doing he reminded Timothy of his own responsibility as a communica...
Paul closed his letter with a final exhortation to urge Timothy again to avoid going astray in his ministry."What is most remarkable about this conclusion is the lack of any final greetings. All the Pauline letters, including...
Assuming Paul visited Nicapolis as he planned (Titus 3:12), he went from there to Rome evidently indirectly. His visit to Troas (2 Tim. 4:13) probably took place shortly before he wrote 2 Timothy. It may be that Paul's arrest...
Paul may have visited Crete more than once. It seems unlikely that he would have had time to plant a church in Crete on his way to Rome as a prisoner (Acts 27:7-13, 21). One may have already been in existence then (cf. Acts 2...
I. Salutation 1:1-4II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11A. The appointment of elders 1:5-9B. The correction of false teachers 1:10-16C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:111. The behavior of various groups i...
As usual, Paul began this letter with comments that not only introduced himself and greeted his reader but also set the tone for his emphasis in what followed. The emphasis in this section is on Paul's duty and the nature of ...
Paul listed seven responsibilities of these women. They were (1) to be lovers of their husbands (to put their welfare before self-interests), (2) to be lovers of their children, and (3) to be sensible (Gr. sophronas; self-con...
"After a brief exhortation to Titus (2:15) to teach these things' (at least 2:1-14), Paul returns in this section to the major concern of the letter--'good works' (i.e., genuinely Christian behavior) for the sake of the outsi...
3:9 On the other hand Titus should shun what was worthless and unprofitable. In view of the context Paul especially meant those things the false teachers were promoting (1:14; 1 Tim. 1:3-7; 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:23). Examples of thes...
Paul closed this epistle by sending Titus instructions concerning fellow workers, a final charge, and greetings. He did so to enable him to complete his task of setting the church in order.3:12 Paul evidently intended to send...
John commended Gaius for his love of the brethren to encourage him to continue practicing this virtue.v. 5 John loved Gaius as Gaius loved the brethren to whom he had extended hospitality."The early Christian community's deep...