Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Titus 3:4 (NET)


- Tit 3:1-7 -- Conduct Toward Those Outside the Church
Bible Dictionary

[nave] WORKS. Good Jesus an example of, John 10:32; Acts 10:38. Holy women should manifest, 1 Tim. 2:10; 5:10. God remembers, Neh. 13:14, with Heb. 6:9, 10. Shall be brought into judgment, Eccl. 12:14, with 2 Cor. 5:10. In th...
[nave] TYCHICUS, an Asian companion of Paul. Accompanies Paul from Greece to Asia, Acts 20:4. With Paul in Nicopolis, Tit. 3;12, with postscript to Titus. With Paul in Rome, Eph. 6:21, 22; Col. 4:7, 8, with postscripts to Ephesians...
[nave] TRINITY. The Holy Gen. 1:26; Gen. 3:22; Isa. 6:3, 8; Isa. 11:2, 3; Isa. 42:1 Matt. 12:18. Isa. 48:16; Isa. 61:1 [Luke 4:18.] Isa. 61:2, 3; Isa. 63:9, 10; Matt. 1:18, 20; Matt. 3:11 Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16. Matt. 12:28; Matt. 2...
[nave] TESTIMONY. Legal See: Evidence; Witnesses. Ark of, See: Ark. Religious 1 Chr. 16:8, 9; Psa. 9:11; Psa. 18:49; Psa. 26:6, 7; Psa. 119:27,172; Psa. 145:11, 12; Isa. 12:4-6; Isa. 32:4; Isa. 43:10 Isa. 44:8. Isa. 45:24; Jer...
[isbe] TRINITY, 2 - 16. Conjunction of the Three in Paul: In numerous passages scattered through Paul's Epistles, from the earliest of them (1 Thess 1:2-5; 2 Thess 2:13,14) to the latest (Tit 3:4-6; 2 Tim 1:3,13,14), all three Pers...
[nave] SALVATION (Scriptures relating directly and remotely to a topic of the nature of this one, are difficult to separate accurately into sub-topics without giving space beyond reasonable limits. The plan of salvation, begun and ...
[isbe] SAVIOUR - sav'-yer: (1) While that "God is the deliverer of his people" is the concept on which, virtually, the whole Old Testament is based (see SALVATION), yet the Hebrews seem never to have felt the need of a title for Go...
[isbe] REVELATION, 3-4 - III. The Modes of Revelation. 1. Modes of Revelation: Theophany may be taken as the typical form of "external manifestation"; but by its side may be ranged all of those mighty works by which God makes Himse...
[isbe] PASTORAL EPISTLES - pas'-tor-al, I. GENUINENESS 1. External Evidence 2. Genuineness Questioned II. ALLEGED DIFFICULTIES AGAINST PAULINE AUTHORSHIP 1. Relative to Paul's Experiences (1) Data in 1 Timothy (2) Data in 2 Timothy...
[isbe] KINDNESS - kind'-nes (checedh; chrestotes): "Kindness" in the Old Testament is (with one exception) the translation of checedh, "kindness," "favor," "mercy," etc., used chiefly of man but also of God (Gen 20:13; 40:14; 1 Sam...
[isbe] JUSTIFICATION - jus-ti-fi-ka'-shun (tsedheq, verb tsadheq; Septuagint and New Testament dikaioma, dikaiosis, verb dikaioo, "justification" "to justify," in a legal sense, the declaring just or righteous. In Biblical literatu...
[nave] GOD. List of Sub-Topics Miscellany; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Access to; Compassion of; Creator; Creator of Mankind; Eternity of; Faithfulness of; Fatherhood of; Favor of; Foreknowledge of; Glory of; Goodness of...
[isbe] ASSURANCE - a-shoor'-ans: A term exceptionally rich in spiritual meaning. It signifies the joyous, unwavering confidence of an intelligent faith; the security of a fearless trust. The original words have to do with the heart...
[isbe] ACCEPTANCE - ak-sep'-tans: A rendering of the Hebrew retson, "delight," found only in Isa 60:7. It pictures God's delight in His redeemed people in the Messianic era, when their gifts, in joyful and profuse abundance, "shall...

(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku [KJ.367]
Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28] ( Lord Jesus, Think on Me / Mnooeo Khriste )

- The Scripture teaches us that anyone who truly believes the gospel message is saved. This is true regardless of their religious affiliation. The question for anyone is really, "What does a person actually believe?" The belief...
- There is a very delicate balance that we must maintain here. I am once again teaching through the Book of Acts. There, you do not see anyone coming to faith without being baptized (for example the new converts in Acts 2:41; t...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Paul began this very personal letter with a customary salutation to set the tone for what followed. The salutation reveals that this was not just a personal letter, however, as was Paul's epistle to Philemon, but it was also ...
Paul thanked God for changing him to enable Timothy to appreciate the fact that God can transform even the worst of sinners and enable His saints to accomplish supernatural feats. What precipitated Paul's testimony here was t...
I. Salutation 1:1-4II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11A. The appointment of elders 1:5-9B. The correction of false teachers 1:10-16C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:111. The behavior of various groups i...
As usual, Paul began this letter with comments that not only introduced himself and greeted his reader but also set the tone for his emphasis in what followed. The emphasis in this section is on Paul's duty and the nature of ...
"After a brief exhortation to Titus (2:15) to teach these things' (at least 2:1-14), Paul returns in this section to the major concern of the letter--'good works' (i.e., genuinely Christian behavior) for the sake of the outsi...
3:3 To motivate his readers to obey these commands Paul encouraged them by reminding them of the way they used to be. They had already come a long way. Each characteristic he mentioned in this verse contrasts with one he had ...
3:9 On the other hand Titus should shun what was worthless and unprofitable. In view of the context Paul especially meant those things the false teachers were promoting (1:14; 1 Tim. 1:3-7; 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:23). Examples of thes...