Psalms 130 
Kidung Jemaat
'Ku Diberi Belas Kasihan [KJ.39]
1. 'Ku diberi belas kasihan, walau tak layak hatiku;
tadi 'ku angkuh, kini heran: Tuhan, besarlah rahmatMu!
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia,
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia!
Mzm 32:1
Mzm 130:3-4
Ef 2:4-9
2. Walau 'ku patut dihukumkan, Kaulah penuh anugerah:
darah PutraMu dicurahkan membasuh dosa dan cela.
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu,
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Ini tetap pengakuanku, jikalau orang ingin tahu:
hanya berkat pengasihanMu rukunlah aku dan Engkau.
'Ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu,
'ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu.
4. Jangan seseorang pun di dunia merampas harta hatiku:
dasar percaya yang 'ku punya dan alas doa yang teguh;
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam,
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam!
Rm 14:8
5. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil rahmat yang Kauberi kepadaku,
kar'na dengannya aku s'lamat sampai ke dalam rumahMu:
di sana kumuliakanlah rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya,
di sana kumuliakan rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya!Mzm 23:6
Play Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahanPujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
1. Pujian malam kunyanyikan; syukur, ya Tuhan, padaMu.
Meskipun sinar surya hilang, Engkau tetap cahayaku.
Tiada sayang ibu-bapak yang menandingi sayangMu:
Tak putus 'ku Kau pelihara, Kau Sumber rahmat bagiku.
Mat 7:11
2. Dengan setia Kau menjaga, mengasuh dan membimbingku.
Engkau sertaku tiap saat, pun dalam susah dan keluh.
Sekarang tiba malam hari; tubuhku melepas lelah. Telah
Kautolong dari pagi: syukurku, Tuhan t'rimalah!
Mzm 121
3. Anug'rah yang Engkau berikan tak beralaskan jasaku:
jikalau dosaku Kauingat 'ku layak t'rima murkaMu.
Syukur, di dalam darah Kristus pengampunanMu
Tertera dan oleh pendamaian itu Kaubuat hatiku lega.
Mzm 130:3
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 2:3-10
4. Ya Tuhan, malam ini juga padaMu aku berserah.
Semoga 'ku bernyanyi pula ketika fajar merekah.
Dan bila Kau memanggil aku selagi aku terlelap,
Kiranya di depan takhtaMu sejahteraMu kukecap.
Mzm 5:4
Mzm 59:17
Mzm 92:3
5. Kutahu siapa 'ku percaya, baik siang atau malam pun:
Kau Gunung Batu kes'lamatan, landasan pengharapanku!
Sesudah hariku berakhir dan aku tamat berlelah, 'kan
Kusyukuri hari-hari yang t'lah kaub'ri di dunia.2 Kor 1:20-22
2 Tim 1:12
Mzm 62:3, 7
Mzm 95:1
[Psa 130:1] From Deep Distress And Troubled Thoughts
From deep distress and troubled thoughts
To Thee, my God, I raised my cries;
If Thou severely mark our faults,
No flesh can stand before Thine eyes.But Thou hast built Thy throne of grace
Free to dispense Thy pardons there,
That sinners may approach Thy face,
And hope and love, as well as fear.As the benighted pilgrims wait
And long, and wish for breaking day,
So waits my soul before Thy gate;
When will my God His face display?My trust is fixed upon Thy Word,
Nor shall I trust Thy Word in vain;
Let mourning souls address the Lord
And find relief from all their pain.Great is His love, and large His grace,
Through the redemption of His Son;
He turns our feet from sinful ways,
And pardons what our hands have done.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] From Depths Of Woe I Raise To Thee
From depths of woe I raise to Thee
The voice of lamentation;
Lord, turn a gracious ear to me
And hear my supplication;
If Thou iniquities dost mark,
Our secret sins and misdeeds dark,
O who shall stand before Thee?To wash away the crimson stain,
Grace, grace alone availeth;
Our works, alas! are all in vain;
In much the best life faileth:
No man can glory in Thy sight,
All must alike confess Thy might,
And live alone by mercy.Therefore my trust is in the Lord,
And not in mine own merit;
On Him my soul shall rest, His Word
Upholds my fainting spirit:
His promised mercy is my fort,
My comfort, and my sweet support;
I wait for it with patience.What though I wait the livelong night,
And till the dawn appeareth,
My heart still trusteth in His might;
It doubteth not nor feareth:
Do thus, O ye of Israel’s seed,
Ye of the Spirit born indeed;
And wait till God appeareth.Though great our sins and sore our woes,
His grace much more aboundeth;
His helping love no limit knows,
Our utmost need it soundeth.
Our Shepherd good and true is He,
Who will at last His Israel free.
From all their sin and sorrow.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] From Out The Depths I Cry, O Lord
From out the depths I cry, O Lord, to Thee,
Lord, hear my call.
I love Thee, Lord, for Thou dost heed my plea,
Forgiving all.
If Thou dost mark our sins, who then shall stand?
But grace and mercy dwell at Thy right hand.I wait for God, the Lord, and on His Word
My hope relies;
My soul still waits and looks unto the Lord
Till light arise.
I look for Him to drive away my night,
Yea, more than watchmen look for morning light.Hope in the Lord, ye waiting saints, and He
Will well provide;
For mercy and redemption full and free
With Him abide.
From sin and evil, mighty though they seem,
His arm almighty will His saints redeem.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] From The Depths Do I Invoke Thee
From the depths do I invoke Thee,
Lord, to me incline Thine ear;
To my voice be Thou attentive,
And my supplications hear.Lord, if Thou shouldst mark transgressions,
In Thy presence who shall stand?
But with Thee there is forgiveness,
That Thy Name may fear command.For Jehovah I am waiting
And my hope is in His Word;
In His Word of promise given,
Yea, my soul waits for the Lord.For the Lord my soul is waiting
More than watchers in the night;
More than they for morning watching,
Watching for the morning light.Hope in God, ye waiting people,
Mercies great in Him abound;
With the Lord a full redemption
From the guilt of sin is found.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] From The Depths My Prayer Ascendeth
From the depths my prayer ascendeth
Unto God on high;
Hear, O Lord, my supplication
And my cry.None can stand unscathed and blameless
In Thy judgment just,
But the contrite in Thy mercy
Humbly trust.Lord, my hope is in Thy promise,
And I wait for Thee
More than they who watch for morning,
Light to see.With the Lord is tender mercy,
And redeeming love;
Israel, look for full salvation
From above.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] Lord, From The Depths To Thee I Cried
Lord, from the depths to Thee I cried:
My voice, Lord, do Thou hear;
Unto my supplication’s voice
Give an attentive ear.Lord, who shall stand, if Thou, O Lord,
Shouldst mark iniquity?
But yet with Thee forgiveness is,
That feared Thou mayest be.I wait for God, my soul doth wait;
My hope is in His Word.
More than they that for morning watch,
My soul waits for the Lord.I say, more than they that do watch
The morning light to see.
Let Israel hope in the Lord,
For with Him mercies be.Redemption also plenteous
Is ever found with Him;
And from all his iniquities
He Israel shall redeem.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] Out Of My Bondage, Sorrow, And Night
Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee.Out of my shameful failure and loss,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into the glorious gain of Thy cross,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of earth’s sorrows into Thy balm,
Out of life’s storms and into Thy calm,
Out of distress to jubilant psalm,
Jesus, I come to Thee.Out of unrest and arrogant pride,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy blessèd will to abide,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of myself to dwell in Thy love,
Out of despair into raptures above,
Upward for aye on wings like a dove,
Jesus, I come to Thee.Out of the fear and dread of the tomb,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into the joy and light of Thy throne,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of the depths of ruin untold,
Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold,
Ever Thy glorious face to behold,
Jesus, I come to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] Out Of The Deep I Call
Out of the deep I call,
To Thee, O Lord, to Thee,
Before Thy throne of grace I fall;
Be merciful to me.Out of the deep I cry,
The woeful deep of sin,
Of evil done in days gone by,
Of evil now within.Out of the deep of fear
And dread of coming shame;
All night till morning watch is near
I plead the precious Name.Lord, there is mercy now,
As ever was, with Thee,
Before Thy throne of grace I bow;
Be merciful to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] Out Of The Deeps Of Long Distress
Out of the deeps of long distress,
The borders of despair,
I sent my cries to seek Thy grace,
My groans to move Thine ear.Great God, should Thy severer eye,
And Thine impartial hand,
Mark and revenge iniquity,
No mortal flesh could stand.But there are pardons with my God
For crimes of high degree;
Thy Son has bought them with His blood,
To draw us near to Thee.I wait for Thy salvation, Lord,
With strong desires I wait;
My soul, invited by Thy Word,
Stands watching at Thy gate.Just as the guards that keep the night
Long for the morning skies,
Watch the first beams of breaking light,
And meet them with their eyes;So waits my soul to see Thy grace,
And, more intent than they,
Meets the first openings of Thy face,
And finds a brighter day.Then in the Lord let Israel trust,
Let Israel seek His face;
The Lord is good as well as just,
And plenteous is His grace.There’s full redemption at His throne
For sinners long enslaved;
The great Redeemer is His Son,
And Israel shall be saved.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] Out Of The Depths To Thee I Cry
Out of the depths to Thee I cry,
Whose fainting footsteps trod
The paths of our humanity,
Incarnate Son of God!Thou Man of grief, who once apart
Didst all our sorrows bear,
The trembling hand, the fainting heart
The agony, and prayer!Is this the consecrated dower,
Thy chosen ones obtain,
To know Thy resurrection power
Through fellowship of pain?Then, O my soul, in silence wait;
Faint not, O faltering feet;
Press onward to that blest estate,
In righteousness complete.Let faith transcend the passing hour,
The transient pain and strife,
Upraised by an immortal power,
The power of endless life.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:1] When In The Hour Of Utmost Need
When in the hour of utmost need
We know not where to look for aid,
When days and nights of anxious thought
Nor help nor counsel yet have brought.Then this our comfort is alone,
That we may meet before Thy throne,
And cry, O faithful God, to Thee
For rescue from our misery.That so with all our hearts we may
Once more our glad thanksgivings pay,
And walk obedient to Thy Word,
And now and ever praise the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:5] My Rest
Deep and deeper fell the shadows,
Nearer seemed the golden strand,
And my trusting heart was waiting,
Passive in my Savior’s hands;
O how brightly o’er my spirit
Came a radiance from afar,
Like the blush of early morning,
Like the rising of a star.Refrain
I was waiting, calmly waiting,
Not a fear was in my breast;
I had trusted my Redeemer,
And in Him was now my rest.Nearer seemed the shining portals,
But the Master said to me,
“There are sheaves that must be garnered
Ere the reaping dawns for thee;
Yet I know that thou wert weary,
And I bade thy heart repose
By a healing stream that murmurs
Where the Rose of Sharon grows.”Refrain
In the silent hours of midnight,
When my waking thoughts take wings,
O the tranquil peace He gives me,
And the hallowed songs He brings!
He has crowned me with His blessing,
And I now by faith can say,
I am going forth with vigor,
Still rejoicing on my way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Psa 130:5] My Savior, On The Word Of Truth
My Savior, on the word of truth
In earnest hope I live;
I ask for all the precious things
Thy boundless love can give.
I look for many a lesser light
About my path to shine;
But chiefly long to walk with Thee,
And only trust in Thine.In holy expectation held,
Thy strength my heart shall stay,
For Thy right hand will never let
My trust be cast away.
Yea, Thou hast kept me near Thy feet,
In many a deadly strife,
By the stronghold of hope in Thee,
The hope of endless life.Thou knowest that I am not blest
As Thou wouldst have me be,
Till all the peace and joy of faith
Possess my soul in Thee
And still I seek ’mid many fears,
With yearnings unexpressed,
The comforts of Thy strengthening love,
Thy soothing, settling rest.It is not as Thou wilt with me,
Till, humbled in the dust;
I know no place in all my heart
Wherein to put my trust.
Until I find, O Lord, in Thee,
The Lowly and the Meek,
That fullness which Thy own redeemed
Go nowhere else to seek.Then, O my Savior, on my soul,
Cast down, but not dismayed,
Still be Thy chastening, healing hand
In tender, mercy laid.
And while I wait for all Thy joys,
My yearning heart to fill,
Teach me to walk and work with Thee,
And at Thy feet sit still.Play source: Cyberhymnal