Philippians 4 
Kidung Jemaat
'Ku Ingin Menyerahkan [KJ.441]
1. 'Ku ingin menyerahkan seluruh hidupku, sekalipun tak layak,
kepada Tuhanku. Kubunuh keinginan dan hasrat hatiku, supaya
hanya Tuhan mengisi hidupku.
Rm 8:13
Gal 5:24
Kol 3:5
2. Di waktu kesusahan tak usah 'ku gentar; dib'riNya perlindungan,
hatiku pun segar. DarahNya dicurahkan, nyawaNya pun dib'ri,
teruraslah jiwaku, hidupku berseri.
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 10:11, 15
Yoh 15:13
3. Tentu beban tak tanggal, lenyap serta merta, dan salib yang kupikul
tak jatuh segera. Kendati demikian, bertambah dayaku, sebab
pengasihanNya menopang hidupku.
Rm 5:3-4
Flp 4:13
Yak 1:2-4
4. Setiap aku jatuh, dirangkul 'ku erat, tak kunjung dibiarkan anakNya
tersesat. Dan RohNya menerangkan kasihNya yang besar, sehingga
dalam susah hatiku bergemar.
Mzm 66:9
Mzm 73:23
Mzm 145:14
5. KasihNya menentukan waktuNya tepat memanggil aku pulang,
yang rindu dan penat. Di sorga kusampaikan pujian, syukurku,
sebab dib'ri ujian di dalam hidupku.Play Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play Bila Topan K'ras Melanda Hidupmu [KJ.439] ( Count Your Blessings / When upon Life's Billows )
R:Mzm 40:6
1. Bila topan k'ras melanda hidupmu, bila putus asa dan letih lesu,
berkat Tuhan satu-satu hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
2. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
3. Adakah beban membuat kau penat, salib yang kaupikul menekan berat?
Hitunglah berkatNya, pasti kau lega dan bernyanyi t'rus penuh bahagia!
Mat 11:28
4. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
5. Bila kau memandang harta orang lain, ingat janji Kristus yang lebih permai;
hitunglah berkat yang tidak terbeli milikmu di sorga tiada terperi.
Mat 6:19-21
6. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
7. Dalam pergumulanmu di dunia janganlah kuatir, Tuhan adalah!
Hitunglah berkat sepanjang hidupmu, yakinlah, malaikat menyertaimu!
Mat 6:25-34
Flp 4:6
8. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.Play Indahnya Saat yang Teduh [KJ.454] ( Sweet Hour of Prayer )
1. Indahnya saat teduh menghadap takhta Bapaku:
kunaikkan doa padaNya, sehingga hatiku lega.
Di waktu bimbang dan gentar, jiwaku aman dan
Segar; 'ku bebas dari seteru di dalam saat yang teduh.
Ibr 4:16
Flp 4:6
2. Indahnya saat yang teduh dengan bahagia penuh.
Betapa rindu hatiku kepada saat doaku.
Bersama orang yang kudus kucari wajah Penebus;
Dengan gembira dan teguh kunanti saat yang teduh.
Mzm 16:3
Mzm 133
3. Indahnya saat yang teduh penampung permohonanku
kepada yang Mahabenar yang bersedia mendengar.
Sejak kulihat wajahNya, 'ku yakin pada firmanNya
dan menyerahkan bimbangku di dalam saat yang teduh.Mzm 65:3
Mzm 27:8
Play Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play O Berkati Kami [KJ.350]
1. O, berkati kami dan lindungi kami, Tuhan,
b'rilah rahmatMu oleh sinar wajahMu!
Bil 6:24-26
2. WajahMu kiranya ramah bercahaya,
pada kami b'rikanlah damai dan sejahtera!
Flp 4:7
3. Amin, amin, amin. Kami sungguh yakin
dan padaMu bersyukur dalam nama Put'raMu!Play Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, muliakan Dia yang telah menjamu kita:
Tubuh kudusNya sudah dipecahkan dan darahNya dicurahkan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kau menjadi insan dilahirkan
oleh Maria, tubuhMu, darahMu kes'lamatan umatMu.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mrk 14:22-25
1 Kor 11:23-26
Mrk 10:47-48
Gal 4:4
2. Tubuh kudusNya mati disalibkan; kita hidup kar'na Dia.
Dialah Roti kurnia sorgawi, Dia kita peringati, Tuhan,
kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kauberi darahMu yang menghapus
dosa umatMu; olehMu nyatalah kasih Allah yang baka.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mat 20:28
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 5:8-10
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
2 Tim 2:11
1 Yoh 4:9
3. Allah kiranya memberkati kita, hingga kita ikut Dia,
sungguh terpadu dalam kasih Tuhan, satu oleh Perjamuan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, jangan Roh KudusMu
Meninggalkan kami, umatMu. B'rikanlah slamanya
Damai sejahtera. Tuhan, kasihanilah!Mzm 51:13
Bil 6:24-26
Rm 15:33
Flp 4:7
Play Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play Yesus Kawan yang Sejati [KJ.453] ( What a Friend We Have in Jesus )
1. Yesus Kawan yang sejati bagi kita yang lemah.
Tiap hal boleh dibawa dalam doa padaNya.
O, betapa kita susah dan percuma berlelah,
Bila kurang pasrah diri dalam Doa padaNya.
Yoh 15:13
Flp 4:6
2. Jika oleh pencobaan kacau-balau hidupmu,
jangan kau berputus asa; pada Tuhan berseru!
Yesus Kawan yang setia, tidak ada taraNya.
Ia tahu kelemahanmu; naikkan doa padaNya!
Ibr 4:15-16
3. Adakah hatimu sarat, jiwa-ragamu lelah?
Yesuslah Penolong kita; naikkan doa padaNya!
Biar kawan lain menghilang, Yesus Kawan yang baka.
Ia mau menghibur kita atas doa padaNya.Mat 11:28
[Phi 4:1] Stand Fast For Christ Thy Savior
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand fast whate’er betide!
Keep thou the Faith, unstained, unshamed,
By keeping at His side;
Be faithful, ever faithful,
Where’er thy lot be cast,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand faithful to the last!Strong founded like a lighthouse,
That stands the storm and shock,
So be thy soul as if it shared
The granite of the rock.
Then far beyond the breakers
Let thy calm light be cast,Refrain
Stout-hearted like a soldier,
Who never leaves the fight,
But meets the foeman face to face
And meets him with his might,
So bear thee in thy battles
Until the war be past,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
He once stood fast for thee,
And standeth still, and still shall stand
For all eternity;
Be faithful, O be faithful,
To love so true, so vast,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:4] Rejoice, Rejoice, Believer
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
And let thy joy and glory ever be
In Him, the great Deliverer,
Who gave Himself a sacrifice for thee.Refrain
Rejoice, believer, rejoice and sing,
Of Him who lives forever,
Thy great High Priest and King.Rejoice in thy Redeemer,
Thou hast a place that nothing can remove;
He bids thee dwell in safety,
And rest beneath the shadow of His love.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
A home on high is waiting now for thee;
And there, in all His beauty,
The King of saints with wonder thou shalt see.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
Press on to join the happy, happy throng;
Where soon Thy Lord shall call thee
To realms of joy and everlasting song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:4] Rejoice, The Lord Is King
Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore;
Mortals give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!Jesus, the Savior, reigns, the God of truth and love;
When He had purged our stains He took His seat above;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and Heav’n,
The keys of death and hell are to our Jesus giv’n;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!He sits at God’s right hand till all His foes submit,
And bow to His command, and fall beneath His feet:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!He all His foes shall quell, shall all our sins destroy,
And every bosom swell with pure seraphic joy;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!Rejoice in glorious hope! Jesus the Judge shall come,
And take His servants up to their eternal home.
We soon shall hear th’archangel’s voice;
The trump of God shall sound, rejoice!Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:4] Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart
Rejoice ye pure in heart;
Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
Give thanks and sing.Bright youth and snow crowned age,
Strong men and maidens meek,
Raise high your free, exultant song,
God’s wondrous praises speak.Refrain
Yes onward, onward still
With hymn, and chant and song,
Through gate, and porch and columned aisle,
The hallowed pathways throng.Refrain
With all the angel choirs,
With all the saints of earth,
Pour out the strains of joy and bliss,
True rapture, noblest mirth.Refrain
Your clear hosannas raise;
And alleluias loud;
Whilst answering echoes upward float,
Like wreaths of incense cloud.Refrain
With voice as full and strong
As ocean’s surging praise,
Send forth the hymns our fathers loved,
The psalms of ancient days.Refrain
Yes, on through life’s long path,
Still chanting as ye go;
From youth to age, by night and day,
In gladness and in woe.Refrain
Still lift your standard high,
Still march in firm array,
As warriors through the darkness toil,
Till dawns the golden day.Refrain
At last the march shall end;
The wearied ones shall rest;
The pilgrims find their heavenly home,
Jerusalem the blessed.Refrain
Then on, ye pure in heart!
Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.Refrain
Praise Him Who reigns on high,
The Lord Whom we adore,
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
One God forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:6] Spend One Hour With Jesus
Weary soul by sin oppressed,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He will give your spirit rest,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He has felt your grief before,
Numbered all your sorrows o’er,
He will ev’ry joy restore;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Do you fear the gath’ring gloom?
Spend one hour with Jesus;
In the silent inner room,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He will speak unto your soul,
Make your ev’ry heartache whole,
Point you to the heav’nly goal;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Ev’ry need He will supply,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He alone can satisfy,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Oh, the mercy He will show,
Oh, the grace He will bestow,
Grace to conquer ev’ry foe;
Spend one hour with Jesus.All along life’s stormy way,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
Call upon Him day by day,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Tell Him all—He is your Friend,
He will countless blessings send,
He will keep you to the end;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:7] Hidden Peace
I cannot tell thee whence it came,
This peace within my breast;
But this I know, there fills my soul
A strange and tranquil rest.Refrain
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.Beneath the toil and care of life,
This hidden stream flows on;
My weary soul no longer thirsts,
Nor am I sad and lone.Refrain
I cannot tell the half of love,
Unfeigned, supreme, divine,
That caused my darkest inmost self
With beams of hope to shine.Refrain
I cannot tell thee why He chose
To suffer and to die,
But if I suffer here with Him
I’ll reign with Him on high.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:11] Come, Come, Ye Saints
Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy, wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
’Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive;
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell
All is well! All is well!Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
’Tis not so, all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward,
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take;
Our God will never us forsake,
And soon we’ll have this tale to tell,
All is well! All is well!We’ll find the place which God for us prepared,
In His house full of light,
Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;
There the saints will shine bright.
We’ll make the air with music ring,
Shout praises to our God and King;
Above the rest these words we’ll tell,
All is well! All is well!And should we die before our journey’s through,
Happy day! All is well!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell!
But if our lives are spared again
To see the saints their rest obtain,
O how we’ll make this chorus swell,
All is well! All is well!Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:19] I Choose Jesus
When I need someone in time of grief,
Someone my cheer to be,
Jesus I choose, for He gives relief,
He is the best for me.Refrain
I choose Jesus when I need a friend,
What I need I know that He will send;
I have proved Him, good and true is He;
I choose Jesus, He is the best for me.When I need someone to guide my soul
Over the stormy sea,
Always to Jesus I give control,
He is the best for me.Refrain
When I need help to defeat the foe,
Someone my shield to be,
Always to Jesus in faith I go,
He is the best for me.Refrain
When all my trials on earth are o’er,
And the dark stream I see,
Jesus shall bear me to yonder shore,
He is the best for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal [Phi 4:19] Just When I Need Him Most
Just when I need Him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him most,
Just when I need Him most,
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need Him most.Just when I need Him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking all the way through;
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him, He is my all,
Answering when upon Him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal