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Text -- Matthew 10:19 (NET)

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10:19 Whenever they hand you over for trial, do not worry about how to speak or what to say, for what you should say will be given to you at that time.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Mat 10:19 - -- Be not anxious ( mē merimnēsēte ). Ingressive aorist subjunctive in prohibition. "Do not become anxious"(Mat 6:31). "Self-defence before Jewish...

Be not anxious ( mē merimnēsēte ).

Ingressive aorist subjunctive in prohibition. "Do not become anxious"(Mat 6:31). "Self-defence before Jewish kings and heathen governors would be a terrible ordeal for humble Galileans. The injunction applied to cases when preparation of a speech would be impossible"(McNeile). "It might well alarm the bravest of these simple fishermen to be told that they would have to answer for their doings on Christ’ s behalf before Jewish councils and heathen courts"(Plummer). Christ is not talking about preparation of sermons.

Robertson: Mat 10:19 - -- "In that hour" ( en ekeinēi tēi hōrāi ) , if not before. The Spirit of your Father will speak to you and through you (Mat 10:20). Here is no ...

"In that hour" ( en ekeinēi tēi hōrāi )

, if not before. The Spirit of your Father will speak to you and through you (Mat 10:20). Here is no posing as martyr or courting a martyr’ s crown, but real heroism with full loyalty to Christ.

Vincent: Mat 10:19 - -- Take no thought ( μὴ μεριμνήσητε ) Rev., Be not anxious. See on Mat 6:25.

Take no thought ( μὴ μεριμνήσητε )

Rev., Be not anxious. See on Mat 6:25.

Vincent: Mat 10:19 - -- In that hour ( ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ ) Very precise. " In that selfsame hour." Bengel remarks: " Even though not bef...

In that hour ( ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ )

Very precise. " In that selfsame hour." Bengel remarks: " Even though not before. Many feel most strongly their spiritual power when the hour comes to impart it to others."

Wesley: Mat 10:19 - -- Neither at this time, on any sudden call, need we be careful how or what to answer. Luk 12:11.

Neither at this time, on any sudden call, need we be careful how or what to answer. Luk 12:11.

JFB: Mat 10:19 - -- Be not solicitous or anxious. (See on Mat 6:25).

Be not solicitous or anxious. (See on Mat 6:25).

JFB: Mat 10:19 - -- That is, either in what manner ye shall make your defense, or of what matter it shall consist.

That is, either in what manner ye shall make your defense, or of what matter it shall consist.

JFB: Mat 10:19 - -- (See Exo 4:12; Jer 1:7).

(See Exo 4:12; Jer 1:7).

Clarke: Mat 10:19 - -- Take no thought how or what ye shall speak - Μη μεριμνησετε - Be not anxiously careful, because such anxiety argues distrust in God, ...

Take no thought how or what ye shall speak - Μη μεριμνησετε - Be not anxiously careful, because such anxiety argues distrust in God, and infallibly produces a confused mind. In such a state, no person is fit to proclaim or vindicate the truth. This promise, It shall be given you, etc., banishes all distrust and inquietude on dangerous occasions; but without encouraging sloth and negligence, and without dispensing with the obligation we are under to prepare ourselves by the meditation of sacred truths, by the study of the Holy Scriptures, and by prayer

Clarke: Mat 10:19 - -- It shall be given you in that same hour what - This clause is wanting in the MSS. D and L, and several others, some versions, and several of the fat...

It shall be given you in that same hour what - This clause is wanting in the MSS. D and L, and several others, some versions, and several of the fathers: but it is found in Mar 13:11, without any various reading; and in substance in Luk 11:13.

Calvin: Mat 10:19 - -- 19.Be not anxious 585 A consolation is added: for in vain would Christ have given a hundred exhortations to the disciples, if he had not, at the same...

19.Be not anxious 585 A consolation is added: for in vain would Christ have given a hundred exhortations to the disciples, if he had not, at the same time, promised that God would be with them, and that through his power they would assuredly be victorious. Hence we infer, that Christ is very far from intending, by announcing those dangers, to abate the fervor of that zeal with which it would be necessary for the disciples to burn if they wished to discharge their duty in a proper manner. It is, no doubt, a great matter to endure the presence of princes; for not only fear, but even shame, sometimes overpowers well-regulated minds. What, then, may be expected, if princes break out into furious anger, and almost thunder? 586 Yet Christ charges his disciples not to be anxious.

For in that hour shall be given to you what you shall speak The Spirit will suggest words to them. The more a man distrusts himself through consciousness of his own weakness, the more is he alarmed, unless he expect assistance from another quarter. Accordingly, we see that the reason why most men give way is, that they measure by their own strength, which is very small or almost nothing, the success of their undertakings. Christ forbids the disciples to look at their own strength, and enjoins them to rely, with undivided confidence, on heavenly grace. “It is not,” he says, “your ability that is in question, but the power of the Holy Spirit, who forms and guides the tongues of believers to a sincere confession of their faith.”

That they may not be alarmed by their present deficiency, he assures them that assistance will come at the very instant when it is needed. Frequently does it happen that the Lord leaves believers destitute of the gift of eloquence, so long as he does not require that they give him a testimony, but, when the necessity for it arrives, those who formerly appeared to be dumb are endued by him with more than ordinary eloquence. Thus, in our own time, we have seen some martyrs, who seemed to be almost devoid of talent, and yet were no sooner called to make a public profession of their faith, than they exhibited a command of appropriate and graceful language altogether miraculous. 587

Yet it was not the will of Christ that the apostles should be free from all care: for it was advantageous to them to have such a measure of anxiety, as to supplicate and entreat that the Spirit might be given to them; but he desired to remove that deep and uneasy thought which almost always tends to perplex and embarrass. So long as men indulge in conjecture what is to take place, or whether this or the other thing will happen, and do not rely on the providence of God, they are kept in a wretched state of trouble and uneasiness. And, indeed, those who do not render such honor to the providence of God, as to believe that it will seasonably relieve their wants, deserve to be tormented in this manner.

TSK: Mat 10:19 - -- when : Mar 13:11-13; Luk 12:11, Luk 21:14, Luk 21:15 take : Mat 6:25, Mat 6:31, Mat 6:34; Phi 4:6; Jam 1:5 it shall : Exo 4:12, Exo 4:15; Jer 1:7, Jer...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mat 10:19-20 - -- Take no thought - That is, be not anxious or unduly solicitous. See the notes at Mat 6:25. This was a full promise that they should be inspired...

Take no thought - That is, be not anxious or unduly solicitous. See the notes at Mat 6:25. This was a full promise that they should be inspired, and was a most seasonable consolation. Poor, and ignorant, and obscure fishermen would naturally be solicitous what they should say before the great men of the earth. Eastern people regarded kings as raised far above common mortals - as approaching to divinity. How consoling, then, the assurance that God would aid them and speak within them!

Poole: Mat 10:19-20 - -- Ver. 19,20. Mark hath much the same, Mar 13:11 ; so hath Luke, Luk 11:11,12 . The apostles being men but of an ordinary education before Christ calle...

Ver. 19,20. Mark hath much the same, Mar 13:11 ; so hath Luke, Luk 11:11,12 . The apostles being men but of an ordinary education before Christ called them, he might reasonably suppose that they would not appear before councils, and kings, and governors without some abashment, having not been accustomed to such presences; he therefore arms them in these words, wherein he doth not prohibit ordinary thoughts, which every man hath before he speaketh, but anxious thoughts beforehand, for, ( saith he),

it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak The Lord seemeth to speak here as he did to Moses, Exo 4:12 , complaining he was slow of speech, and of a slow tongue: Exo 4:11 , Who hath made man’ s mouth? It shall, ( saith Christ), be given you from God.

For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you that is, not you from yourselves only: the Holy Spirit shall influence your thoughts as to the matter, and suggest that to you, and it shall influence your tongues, giving you a freedom of speech. This was verified in Stephen, Act 6:10 , and hath been eminently verified in a multitude of martyrs. We may observe from hence, that the influence of the Spirit is not to be confined to the will and afflictions. It hath also an influence upon our words in the service of God: not that we can conclude, that whatsoever Christians so speak, either in their confessions or other duties, is from such immediate assistance; but there is such an influence, though the Spirit in this, as in other operations, like the wind, bloweth where and when it listeth.

Haydock: Mat 10:19 - -- Be not thoughtful, with too great a concern of mind. (Witham) --- That the apostles might not be discouraged at the description, which our Saviour g...

Be not thoughtful, with too great a concern of mind. (Witham) ---

That the apostles might not be discouraged at the description, which our Saviour gave them in the two preceding verses, of the troubles which they would have to sustain in their ministry, he now endeavours to console them. When you are called before councils, says he, do not think how or what to speak, for it shall be given you in that hour what to speak. A truly comfortable thought for all who should afterwards engage in the ministry of Christ. Whatever troubles, whatever persecutions may fall to your lot, if even you should be cited before kings and councils to answer for your faith, do not be troubled. You engage in the conflict, I will fight: you speak, but I will tell you what you ought to say. (Haydock)

Gill: Mat 10:19 - -- But when they deliver you up,.... The apostles hearing that they should be delivered up to councils, and brought before governors and kings, might be ...

But when they deliver you up,.... The apostles hearing that they should be delivered up to councils, and brought before governors and kings, might be under some concern how they should behave, and what they should be able to say in vindication of themselves and truth, before such great persons; they not being used to converse with men in such high stations: they were illiterate men, and of no elocution; men of mean birth, low life, most of them poor fishermen; and might fear, on these accounts, that the Gospel would suffer for want of able persons to defend it before the great ones of the earth. Now, in order to remove these their fears and objections, and to strengthen and comfort their minds, our Lord bids them, when this would be their ease, that the Jews would deliver them to the Roman magistrates, to

take no thought how, or what ye shall speak; not to be anxiously concerned, neither as to the matter, or manner of what they should say in their defence: they should have no occasion, as orators do, to take pains, and rack their thoughts, to prepare a studied, elaborate oration, dressed with all the flowers of rhetoric, filled with the most moving and powerful arguments, and clothed with diction of the strictest propriety and elegance; for they should want neither words, nor things; they should have arguments put into their mouths, and helped to proper language to express them in:

for it shall be given you in the same hour, what ye shall speak; immediate assistance should be afforded them either by his father, or himself; or rather, the blessed Spirit, who would suggest unto them, at once, things, the most proper to be said, and help them to deliver them in the most proper manner: and these are the most convincing arguments, and that the best elocution, which the Spirit of God helps men to; these vastly exceed all the art of men, and strength of nature. This was greatly verified in Peter and John, two poor fishermen, when before the council, and in Stephen the protomartyr.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Mat 10:19 Grk “in that hour.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mat 10:1-42 - --1 Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles;5 giving them their charge, teaches them;16 comforts them against pers...

Maclaren: Mat 10:16-31 - --The Widened Mission, Its Perils And Defences Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless...

MHCC: Mat 10:16-42 - --Our Lord warned his disciples to prepare for persecution. They were to avoid all things which gave advantage to their enemies, all meddling with world...

Matthew Henry: Mat 10:16-42 - -- All these verses relate to the sufferings of Christ's ministers in their work, which they are here taught to expect, and prepare for; they are direc...

Barclay: Mat 10:16-22 - --Before we deal with this passage in detail, we may note two things about it in general. When we were studying the Sermon on the Mount, we saw that o...

Barclay: Mat 10:16-22 - --No one can read this passage without being deeply impressed with the honesty of Jesus. He never hesitated to tell men what they might expect, if the...

Barclay: Mat 10:16-22 - --Looking at things from our own point of view, we find it hard to understand why any government should wish to persecute the Christians, whose only a...

Constable: Mat 8:1--11:2 - --III. The manifestation of the King 8:1--11:1 "Matthew has laid the foundational structure for his argument in ch...

Constable: Mat 9:35--11:2 - --B. Declarations of the King's presence 9:35-11:1 The heart of this section contains Jesus' charge to His...

Constable: Mat 10:5-42 - --3. Jesus' charge concerning His apostles' mission 10:5-42 Matthew proceeded to record Jesus' sec...

Constable: Mat 10:16-25 - --The perils of their mission 10:16-25 Jesus proceeded to elaborate on the dangers the apostles would face and how they should deal with them. In His de...

College: Mat 10:1-42 - --MATTHEW 10 F. A CALL TO MISSION (9:35-10:4) (Continued) 10:1. Remarkably, the disciple's prayer for additional workers is answered by Jesus taking a...

Lapide: Mat 10:1-42 - --CHAPTER 10 And when He had called, &c. Observe that Christ, out of all His disciples, chose principally twelve, as S. Luke shows more at length (vi. ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW By Way of Introduction The passing years do not make it any plainer who actually wrote our Greek Matthew. Papias r...

JFB: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE author of this Gospel was a publican or tax gatherer, residing at Capernaum, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. As to his identity with t...

JFB: Matthew (Outline) GENEALOGY OF CHRIST. ( = Luke 3:23-38). (Mat. 1:1-17) BIRTH OF CHRIST. (Mat 1:18-25) VISIT OF THE MAGI TO JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM. (Mat 2:1-12) THE F...

TSK: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was...

TSK: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mat 10:1, Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles; Mat 10:5, giving them their charge, teaches them...

Poole: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 10

MHCC: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a publican, or tax-gatherer under the Romans at Capernaum. He is generally allowed to have written h...

MHCC: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) (Mat 10:1-4) The apostles called. (Mat 10:5-15) The apostles instructed and sent forth. (v. 16-42) Directions to the apostles.

Matthew Henry: Matthew (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Matthew We have now before us, I. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior...

Matthew Henry: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) This chapter is an ordination sermon, which our Lord Jesus preached, when he advanced his twelve disciples to the degree and dignity of apostles. I...

Barclay: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MATTHEW The Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke are usually known as the Synoptic Gospels. Synopt...

Barclay: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) The Messengers Of The King (Mat_10:1-4) The Making Of The Messengers (Mat_10:1-4 Continued) The Commission Of The King's Messenger (Mat_10:5-8) T...

Constable: Matthew (Book Introduction) Introduction The Synoptic Problem The synoptic problem is intrinsic to all study of th...

Constable: Matthew (Outline) Outline I. The introduction of the King 1:1-4:11 A. The King's genealogy 1:1-17 ...

Constable: Matthew Matthew Bibliography Abbott-Smith, G. A. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Cl...

Haydock: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW INTRODUCTION. THIS and other titles, with the names of those that wrote the Gospels,...

Gill: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MATTHEW The subject of this book, and indeed of all the writings of the New Testament, is the Gospel. The Greek word ευαγγελ...

College: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF INTERPRETATION It may surprise the modern reader to realize that for the first two centuries of the Christian era, Matthew's...

College: Matthew (Outline) OUTLINE I. ESTABLISHING THE IDENTITY AND ROLE OF JESUS THE CHRIST - Matt 1:1-4:16 A. Genealogy of Jesus - 1:1-17 B. The Annunciation to Joseph...

Lapide: Matthew (Book Introduction) PREFACE. —————— IN presenting to the reader the Second Volume [Matt X to XXI] of this Translation of the great work of Cornelius à Lapi...

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