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Text -- Luke 1:1 (NET)

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Explanatory Preface
1:1 Now many have undertaken to compile an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us,
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Lightfoot , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Luk 1:1 - -- Forasmuch as ( epeidēper ). Here alone in the N.T., though common in literary Attic. Appears in the papyri. A triple compound (epei = since, dē...

Forasmuch as ( epeidēper ).

Here alone in the N.T., though common in literary Attic. Appears in the papyri. A triple compound (epei = since, dē = admittedly true, per = intensive particle to emphasize importance).

Robertson: Luk 1:1 - -- Many ( polloi ). How many no one knows, but certainly more than two or three. We know that Luke used the Logia of Jesus written by Matthew in Aramaic...

Many ( polloi ).

How many no one knows, but certainly more than two or three. We know that Luke used the Logia of Jesus written by Matthew in Aramaic (Papias) and Mark’ s Gospel. Undoubtedly he had other written sources. Have taken in hand (epecheirēsan ). A literal translation of epicheireō (from cheir , hand and epi , upon). Both Hippocrates and Galen use this word in their introduction to their medical works. Here only in the N.T., though a common literary word. Common in the papyri for undertaking with no idea of failure or blame. Luke does not mean to cast reflection on those who preceded him. The apocryphal gospels were all much later and are not in his mind. Luke had secured fuller information and planned a book on a larger scale and did surpass them with the result that they all perished save Mark’ s Gospel and what Matthew and Luke possess of the Logia of Jesus. There was still room for Luke’ s book. That motive influences every author and thus progress is made.

Robertson: Luk 1:1 - -- To draw up, a narrative ( anataxasthai diēgēsin ). Ingressive aorist middle infinitive. This verb anataxasthai has been found only in Plutarch&...

To draw up, a narrative ( anataxasthai diēgēsin ).

Ingressive aorist middle infinitive. This verb anataxasthai has been found only in Plutarch’ s Moral. 968 CD about an elephant "rehearsing"by moonlight certain tricks it had been taught (Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary ). That was from memory going regularly through the thing again. But the idea in the word is plain enough. The word is composed of tassō , a common verb for arranging things in proper order and ana , again. Luke means to say that those before him had made attempts to rehearse in orderly fashion various matters about Christ. "The expression points to a connected series of narratives in some order (taxis ), topical or chronological rather than to isolated narratives"(Bruce). "They had produced something more than mere notes or anecdotes"(Plummer). Diēgēsis means leading or carrying a thing through, not a mere incident. Galen applies this word some seventy-five times to the writing of Hippocrates.

Robertson: Luk 1:1 - -- Which have been fulfilled ( tōn peplērōphorēmenōn ). Perfect passive participle from plērophoreō and that from plērēs (full) an...

Which have been fulfilled ( tōn peplērōphorēmenōn ).

Perfect passive participle from plērophoreō and that from plērēs (full) and pherō (to bring). Hence to bring or make full. The verb is rare outside of the lxx and the N.T. Papyri examples occur for finishing off a legal matter or a financial matter in full. Deissmann ( Light from the Ancient East , pp. 86f.) gives examples from the papyri and inscriptions for completing a task or being convinced or satisfied in mind. The same ambiguity occurs here. When used of persons in the N.T. the meaning is to be convinced, or fully persuaded (Rom 4:21; Rom 14:5; Heb 6:11; Heb 10:22). When used of things it has the notion of completing or finishing (2Ti 4:5, 2Ti 4:17). Luke is here speaking of "matters"(pragmatōn ). Luke may refer to the matters connected with Christ’ s life which have been brought to a close among us or accomplished. Bruce argues plausibly that he means fulness of knowledge "concerning the things which have become widely known among us Christians."In Col 2:2 we have "fulness of understanding"(tēs plērophorias tēs suneseōs ). In modern Greek the verb means to inform. The careful language of Luke here really pays a tribute to those who had preceded him in their narratives concerning Christ.

Vincent: Luk 1:1 - -- Forasmuch as ( ἐπειδὴπερ ) Only here in New Testament. A compound conjunction: ἐπεί , since, δή , as is well known, ...

Forasmuch as ( ἐπειδὴπερ )

Only here in New Testament. A compound conjunction: ἐπεί , since, δή , as is well known, and περ , giving the sense of certainty.

Vincent: Luk 1:1 - -- Have taken in hand ( ἐπεχείρησαν ) Used by Luke only. A literal translation. The word carries the sense of a difficult undertaki...

Have taken in hand ( ἐπεχείρησαν )

Used by Luke only. A literal translation. The word carries the sense of a difficult undertaking (see Act 19:13), and implies that previous attempts have not been successful. It occurs frequently in medical language. Hippocrates begins one of his medical treatises very much as Luke begins his gospel. " As many as have taken in hand (ἐπεχείρησαν ) to speak or to write concerning the healing art."

Vincent: Luk 1:1 - -- To set forth in order ( ἀνατάξασθαι ) Only here in New Testament. The A. V. is true to the core of the word, which is τάσσω...

To set forth in order ( ἀνατάξασθαι )

Only here in New Testament. The A. V. is true to the core of the word, which is τάσσω , to put in order, or arrange. Rev. happily gives the force of the preposition ἀνὰ , up , by the rendering draw up.

Vincent: Luk 1:1 - -- A declaration ( διήγησιν ) Only here in New Testament. From διά , through, and ἡγέομαι , to lead the way. Hence som...

A declaration ( διήγησιν )

Only here in New Testament. From διά , through, and ἡγέομαι , to lead the way. Hence something which leads the reader through the mass of facts: a narrative, as A. V., with the accompanying idea of thoroughness. Note the singular number. Many took in hand to draw up, not narratives , but a narrative, embracing the whole of the evangelic matter. The word was particularly applied to a medical treatise. Galen applies it at least seventy-three times to the writings of Hippocrates.

Vincent: Luk 1:1 - -- Which are most surely believed ( τῶν πεπληροφορημένων ) From πλήρης , full, and φορέω , the frequentative...

Which are most surely believed ( τῶν πεπληροφορημένων )

From πλήρης , full, and φορέω , the frequentative form of φέρω , to bring, meaning to bring frequently or habitually. Hence, to bring full measure; to fulfil. Compare 2Ti 4:5, 2Ti 4:17. Also of full assurance. Applied to persons. Rom 4:21; Heb 10:22. As applied to things, therefore, the sense of the A. V. is inadmissible. Render as Rev., have been fulfilled. The word is chosen to indicate that these events happened in accordance with a preconceived design. Wyc., been filled in us.

Wesley: Luk 1:1-2 - -- This short, weighty, artless, candid dedication, belongs to the Acts, as well as the Gospel of St. Luke.

This short, weighty, artless, candid dedication, belongs to the Acts, as well as the Gospel of St. Luke.

Wesley: Luk 1:1-2 - -- He does not mean St. Matthew or Mark; and St. John did not write so early. For these were eye witnesses themselves and ministers of the word.

He does not mean St. Matthew or Mark; and St. John did not write so early. For these were eye witnesses themselves and ministers of the word.

JFB: Luk 1:1 - -- (Luk 1:1-4)

JFB: Luk 1:1 - -- More simply, to draw up a narrative.

More simply, to draw up a narrative.

Clarke: Luk 1:1 - -- Many have taken in hand - Great and remarkable characters have always many biographers. So it appears it was with our Lord: but as most of these acc...

Many have taken in hand - Great and remarkable characters have always many biographers. So it appears it was with our Lord: but as most of these accounts were inaccurate, recording as facts things which had not happened; and through ignorance or design mistaking others, especially in the place where St. Luke wrote; it seemed good to the Holy Spirit to inspire this holy man with the most correct knowledge of the whole history of our Lord’ s birth, preaching, miracles, sufferings, death, resurrection, and ascension, that the sincere, upright followers of God might have a sure foundation, on which they might safely build their faith. See the note on Luk 9:10

Clarke: Luk 1:1 - -- Most surely believed among us - Facts confirmed by the fullest evidence - των πεπληροφορημενων πραγματων . Every thing ...

Most surely believed among us - Facts confirmed by the fullest evidence - των πεπληροφορημενων πραγματων . Every thing that had been done or said by Jesus Christ was so public, so plain, and so accredited by thousands of witnesses, who could have had no interest in supporting an imposture, as to carry the fullest conviction, to the hearts of those who heard and saw him, of the divinity of his doctrine, and the truth of his miracles.

Calvin: Luk 1:1 - -- Luke is the only Evangelist who makes a preface to his Gospel, for the purpose of explaining briefly the motive which induced him to write. By addres...

Luke is the only Evangelist who makes a preface to his Gospel, for the purpose of explaining briefly the motive which induced him to write. By addressing a single individual he may appear to have acted foolishly, instead of sounding the trumpet aloud, as was his duty, and inviting all men to believe. It appears, therefore, to be unsuitable that the doctrine which does not peculiarly belong to one person or to another, but is common to all, should be privately sent to his friend Theophilus. Hence some have been led to think that Theophilus is an appellative noun, and is applied to all godly persons on account of their love of God; but the epithet which is joined to it is inconsistent with that opinion. Nor is there any reason for dreading the absurdity which drove them to adopt such an expedient. For it is not less true that Paul’s doctrine belongs to all, though some of his Epistles were addressed to certain cities, and others to certain men. Nay, we must acknowledge, if we take into account the state of those times, that Luke adopted a conscientious and prudent course. There were tyrants on every hand who, by terror and alarm, were prepared to obstruct the progress of sound doctrine. This gave occasion to Satan and his ministers for spreading abroad the clouds of error, by which the pure light would be obscured. Now, as the great body of men cared little about maintaining the purity of the Gospel, and few considered attentively the inventions of Satan or the amount of danger that lurked under such disguises, every one who excelled others by uncommon faith, or by extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, was the more strongly bound to do his utmost, by care and industry, for preserving the doctrine of godliness pure and uncontaminated from every corruption. Such persons were chosen by God to be the sacred keepers of the law, by whom the heavenly doctrine committed to them should be honestly handed down to posterity. With this view therefore, Luke dedicates his Gospel to Theophilus, that he might undertake the faithful preservation of it; and the same duty Paul enjoins and recommends to Timothy, (2Ti 1:14.)

1.Forasmuch as many He assigns a reason for writing which, one would think, ought rather to have dissuaded him from writing. To compose a history, which had already employed many authors, was unnecessary labor, at least if they had faithfully discharged their duty. But no accusation of imposture, or carelessness, or any other fault, is in the slightest degree insinuated. It looks, therefore, as if he were expressing a resolution to do what had been already done. I reply, though he deals gently with those who had written before him, he does not altogether approve of their labors. He does not expressly say that they had written on matters with which they were imperfectly acquainted, but by laying claim to certainty as to the facts, he modestly denies their title to full and unshaken confidence. It may be objected that, if they made false statements, they ought rather to have been severely censured. I reply again, they may not have been deeply in fault; they may have erred more from want of consideration than from malice; and, consequently, there would be no necessity for greater fierceness of attack. And certainly there is reason to believe that these were little more than historical sketches which, though comparatively harmless at the time, would afterwards, if they had not been promptly counteracted, have done serious injury to the faith. But it is worthy of remark that, in applying this remedy through Luke to unnecessary writings, God had a wonderful design in view of obtaining, by universal consent, the rejection of others, and thus securing undivided credit to those which reflect brightly his adorable majesty. There is the less excuse for those silly people, by whom disgusting stories, under the name of Nicodemus, or some other person, are, at the present day, palmed upon the world.

Are most surely believed among us The participle πεπληροφορημένα, which Luke employs, denotes things fully ascertained, and which do not admit of doubt. The old translator has repeatedly fallen into mistakes about this word, and through that ignorance has given us a corrupted sense of some very beautiful passages. One of these occurs in the writings of Paul, where he enjoins every man to be fully persuaded in his own mind, (Rom 14:5,) that conscience may not hesitate and waver, tossed to and fro (Eph 4:14) by doubtful opinions. Hence, too, is derived the word πληροφορία , which he erroneously renders fullness, while it denotes that strong conviction springing from faith, in which godly minds safely rest. There is still, as I have said, an implied contrast; for, by claiming for himself the authority of a faithful witness, he destroys the credit of others who give contrary statements.

Among us 17 has the same meaning as with us. 18 He appears to make faith rest on a weak foundation, its relation to men, while it ought to rest on the Word of God only; and certainly the full assurance (πληροφορία) of faith is ascribed to the sealing of the Spirit, (1Th 1:5; Heb 10:22.) I reply, if the Word of God does not hold the first rank, faith will not be satisfied with any human testimonies, but, where the inward confirmation of the Spirit has already taken place, it allows them some weight in the historical knowledge of facts. By historical knowledge I mean that knowledge which we obtain respecting events, either by our own observation or by the statement of others. For, with respect to the visible works of God, it is equally proper to listen to eye-witnesses as to rely on experience. Besides, those whom Luke follows were not private authors, but were also ministers of the Word By this commendation he exalts them above the rank of human authority; for he intimates that the persons from whom he received his information had been divinely authorized to preach the Gospel. Hence, too, that security which he shortly afterwards mentions, and which, if it does not rest upon God, may soon be disturbed. There is great weight in his denominating those from whom he received his Gospel ministers of the Word; for on that ground believers conclude that the witnesses are beyond all exception, as the Lawyers express it, and cannot lawfully be set aside.

Erasmus, who has borrowed from Virgil 19 a phrase used in his version, did not sufficiently consider the estimation and weight due to a Divine calling. Luke does not talk in a profane style, but enjoins us in the person of his friend Theophilus to keep in view the command of Christ, and to hear with reverence the Son of God speaking through his Apostles. It is a great matter that he affirms them to have been eye-witneses, but, by calling them ministers, he takes them out of the common order of men, that our faith may have its support in heaven and not in earth. In short, Luke’s meaning is this: “that, since thou now hast those things committed faithfully to writing which thou hadst formerly learned by oral statements, thou mayest place a stronger reliance on the received doctrine.” It is thus evident that God has employed every method to prevent our faith from being suspended on the doubtful and shifting opinions of men. There is the less room for excusing the ingratitude of the world, which, as if it openly preferred the uncertainty arising out of vague and unfounded reports, turns from so great a Divine favor with loathing. But let us attend to the remarkable distinction which our Lord has laid down, that foolish credulity may not insinuate itself under the name of faith. Meanwhile, let us allow the world to be allured, as it deserves, by the deceitful baits of foolish curiosity, and even to surrender itself willingly to the delusions of Satan.

TSK: Luk 1:1 - -- those : Joh 20:31; Act 1:1-3; 1Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:16-19 most surely : Πεπληροφορημενον , the passive participle of πληροφορεω...

those : Joh 20:31; Act 1:1-3; 1Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:16-19

most surely : Πεπληροφορημενον , the passive participle of πληροφορεω [Strong’ s G4135], from πληρης [Strong’ s G4134], φορα , full measure; and is applied to a ship fully laden, to a tree in full bearing, etc. Hence it implies that fulness of evidence by which any fact is supported, and also that confidence, or feeling of assent, by which facts so supported are believed.

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 1:1 - -- Forasmuch as many - It has been doubted who are referred to here by the word "many."It seems clear that it could not be the other evangelists, ...

Forasmuch as many - It has been doubted who are referred to here by the word "many."It seems clear that it could not be the other evangelists, for the gospel by "John"was not yet written, and the word "many"denotes clearly more than "two."Besides, it is said that they undertook to record what the "eye-witnesses"had delivered to them, so that the writers did not pretend to be eye-witnesses themselves. It is clear, therefore, that other writings are meant than the gospels which we now have, but what they were is a matter of conjecture. What are now known as spurious gospels were written long after Luke wrote his. It is probable that Luke refers to "fragments"of history, or to narratives of "detached"sayings, acts, or parables of our Lord, which had been made and circulated among the disciples and others. His doctrines were original, bold, pure, and authoritative. His miracles had been extraordinary, clear, and awful. His life and death had been peculiar; and it is not improbable - indeed it is highly probable that such broken accounts and narratives of detached facts would be preserved. That this is what Luke means appears farther from Luk 1:3, where "he"professes to give a regular, full, and systematic account from the very beginning - "having had perfect understanding of "all things from the very first."The records of the others - the "many"- were broken and incomplete. His were to be regular and full.

Taken in hand - Undertaken, attempted.

To set forth in order - To compose a narrative. It does not refer to the "order"or "arrangement,"but means simply to give a narrative. The word rendered here "in order"is different from that in the third verse, which "has"reference "to order,"or to a full and fair "arrangement"of the principal facts, etc., in the history of our Lord.

A declaration - A narrative - an account of.

Which are most surely believed among us - Among Christians - among all the Christians then living. Here we may remark:

1.    That Christians of that day had the best of all opportunities for knowing whether those things were true. Many had seen them, and all others had had the account from those who had witnessed them.

2.    That infidels now cannot "possibly"be as good judges in the matter as those who lived at the time, and who were thus competent to determine whether these things were true or false.

3.    That all Christians do "most surely believe"the truth of the gospel. It is their life, their hope, their all. Nor can they doubt that their Saviour lived, bled, died, rose, and still lives; that he was their atoning sacrifice, and that he is God over all, blessed forever.

Poole: Luk 1:1 - -- LUKE CHAPTER 1 Luk 1:1-4 Luke’ s preface. Luk 1:5-17 An angel appeareth to Zacharias, and promises him a son in his old age. Luk 1:18-23 ...


Luk 1:1-4 Luke’ s preface.

Luk 1:5-17 An angel appeareth to Zacharias, and promises him a

son in his old age.

Luk 1:18-23 Zacharias doubting is struck dumb for a sign.

Luk 1:24-25 His wife Elisabeth conceives.

Luk 1:26-38 The angel’ s visit to Mary.

Luk 1:39-45 Elisabeth, saluted by Mary, prophesieth.

Luk 1:46-56 Mary’ s song of thanksgiving.

Luk 1:57-63 The birth and circumcision of John the Baptist.

Luk 1:64-66 Zacharias’ s mouth is opened.

Luk 1:67-80 His prophecy.

Ver. 1-4. Luke’ s evangelical history hath this peculiar to itself, that whereas the histories of the other evangelists are written to the whole world, having no particular inscription, or dedication, Luke dedicates his to a particular person, named Theophilus; for though that name signifieth one that loveth God, yet I cannot think it is to be taken here appellatively, it being commonly used as a proper name; parents in former ages giving children names generally either expressive of their children’ s duty to God, (that by their names they might be put in mind of it), or expressive of God’ s mercy to themselves in giving them such children. The evangelist here suggests, that many had taken in hand orderly to write an account of the things which were certainly believed amongst the Jews. Some think that Luke here reflects upon some that, even so early, had given false accounts of our Saviour’ s history; for there were several pretended Gospels wrote, called, The Gospel of the Nazarenes, of Thomas, Matthias, Nicodemus, and many others, which the church soon saw cause to reject. But others think that Luke doth not at all reflect, and possibly those figments were not so early; but Luke, observing that many did write this famous history, and some, possibly, for want of due information, not so exactly as they might, yet as they were delivered to them from such as from the beginning were eye witnesses, and ministers of the word, but possibly might not be able so exactly to inform them, or the writers not so able duly to digest them (for most think Matthew, Mark, and John wrote after); or possibly because, there being then no printing, but all in manuscripts, because he thought his friend Theophilus (to whom he knew such a history would be grateful) might not have come to the sight of those manuscripts, he undertakes (not without the direction of the Holy Spirit, as appeared afterward) to compile a history of these things, to which he was either encouraged by the example of others, or incited by the mistakes of those who had done it ill, having the advantage perfectly to understand all things from the first. Most think that this advantage arose not from his personal knowledge, but his converse with the apostles and other ministers of Christ; for he saith no more, Luk 1:2 , than,

even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eye witnesses, and ministers of the word by which it seemeth to be hinted to us, that he was no eyewitness, nor minister of the word. To understand by the word in that verse Christ (whom John indeed so calleth, Joh 1:1 ) seemeth to me too hard, considering the word, in the evangelists, doth ordinarily signify the gospel, and no where Christ but in Joh 1:1,2 , &c.

That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed hat is, by the relation of others. Before I pass this preface, I shall make some observations upon it.

1. That even from the beginning there were some cheats, in reporting matters of fact concerning the church. Whether Luke intended to reflect on them, or not, if we may believe any thing of ecclesiastical history, there were some false Gospels; and before the time of the Gospel there were apocryphal writings relating to the history of the Old Testament. No writings but the Scriptures deserve our faith (otherwise than they agree with them) in things of which they give us an account.

2. In Luke’ s time the history of the Gospel was most surely believed, as being delivered from eyewitnesses.

3. Men ought to have perfect understanding of matters of fact before they write them. Whoso writes a history upon uncertainty, imposes upon all future ages.

4. A knowledge of certainties is what all good men ought to aim at in writing and reading. It is a mean soul that can feed upon an uncertainty, and they are as mean that spend their time in catering such food for reasonable souls. Men’ s understandings are given them for nobler uses than to gain the notion of a falsehood, and they are low born souls that can spend their precious hours in such cookery let the sauce with which they serve it up be never so artificial.

Lightfoot: Luk 1:1 - -- Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,   [Forasmu...

Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,   

[Forasmuch as many have taken in hand, etc.] whereas it was several years after the ascension of our Lord before the four books of the holy gospel were committed to writing; the apostles, the seventy disciples, and other ministers of the word, in the mean time everywhere dispersing the glad tidings: no wonder if any pious and greedy auditors had, for their own memory's sake and the good of others, noted in their own private table-books as much as they were capable of carrying from the sermons and discourses which they so frequently heard. Nor is it more strange if some of these should from their own collections compile and publish now and then some commentaries or short histories of the passages they had met with. Which, however they might perform out of very good intentions, and a faithful impartial pen, yet were these writings far from commencing an infallible canon, or eternal unalterable rule of the Christian faith.  

It was not in the power of this kind of writers either to select what the Divine Wisdom would have selected for the holy canon, or to declare those things in that style wherein the Holy Spirit would have them declared, to whom he was neither the guide in the action nor the director of their pen.  

Our evangelist, therefore, takes care to weigh such kind of writings in such a balance as that it may appear they are neither rejected by him as false or heretical, nor yet received as divine and canonical: not the first, because he tells us they had written even those very things which the heavenly preachers had delivered to them; not the latter, for to those writings he opposeth, that he himself was one that had perfect understanding of things from above. Of which we shall consider in its proper place.  

[To set forth in order a declaration.] A kind of phrase not much unlike what was so familiar amongst the Jews, an orderly narration; saving, that that was more peculiarly applied by them to the commemoration of the Passover. And yet it is used in a larger sense too, who was he who set forth in order a declaration.  

[Of those things which are most surely believed among us, etc.] let us recollect what the unbelieving Jews think and say of the actions, miracles, and doctrine of Christ; and then we shall find it more agreeable to render this clause, of those things which are most surely believed among us; according to what Erasmus, Beza, our own English translators, and others, have rendered it, than with the vulgar, of the things which are fulfilled amongst us. They had said, "This deceiver seduceth the people, those wonders he did were by the power of magic; 'but we do most surely believe those things which he did and taught.'"

Haydock: Luk 1:1 - -- That have been accomplished. [1] In the Protestant translation, of things most surely believed. They have followed Beza, and Erasmus: but other le...

That have been accomplished. [1] In the Protestant translation, of things most surely believed. They have followed Beza, and Erasmus: but other learned critics have shewn that the same Greek word often signifies to fulfil; and it is clearly proved by St. John Chrysostom.



Completæ sunt. Greek: peplerophoremenon. I know the pretended differences betwixt Greek: plerophoreisthai, and plerousthai. But divers learned critics, after St. John Chrysostom take notice, that they are many times taken for the same. So 2 Timothy iv. 5. Ministerium tuum imple. Greek: plerophoreson, toutesti, says St. John Chrysostom, Greek: plerosou. log. th. p. 371. Ed. Savil. and on the 17th ver. of the same chapter, ut per me impleretur, Greek: plerophorethe, toutesti, plerothe. (Ibid. p. 376.)

Gill: Luk 1:1 - -- Forasmuch as many have taken in hand,.... From hence, to the end of Luk 1:4 is a preface of the evangelist to his Gospel, setting forth the reasons of...

Forasmuch as many have taken in hand,.... From hence, to the end of Luk 1:4 is a preface of the evangelist to his Gospel, setting forth the reasons of his writing it; and which he wrote and sent to the excellent Theophilus, for the further confirmation of him in the faith of Christ. It seems that many had took in hand, or attempteo set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us; that is, they undertook to write and publish a very particular and exact narrative of the birth, life, actions, doctrines, miracles, sufferings, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ; things which Luke, and other Christians, had the fullest and strongest evidence, and were confidently assured of, and most firmly believed, even with a full assurance of faith. By these many, he cannot mean the authentic historians of evangelical facts, as Matthew and Mark; for they two cannot, with any propriety, be called many; and besides, it is not so very clear and certain a point, that they had, as yet, wrote their Gospels; nor would this evangelist suggest any deficiency, weakness, and inaccuracy in them, as he seems to do: nor does he intend such spurious writers as the authors of the Gospels according to the Nazarenes, Hebrews, and Egyptians; of Nicodemus, Thomas, Matthias, and of the twelve apostles; and still less, the Gospels of Cerinthus, Basilides, and other heretics; since these would not have passed without a censure from him, for the falsehood, fabulous, and trifling stuff in them, as well as for the wicked and heretical opinions propagated by them; and besides, these pieces were not extant when this Gospel was written: but he seems to design some honest and well meaning Christians, who undertook to write, and did write an account of the above things, which were firmly believed by all; and which they took from the apostles, and first ministers of the Gospel, from their sermons and discourses, and from conversation with them; and which they committed to writing, partly to help their own memories, and partly for the benefit of others; in which, no doubt, they acted an upright part, though attended with weakness: wherefore, the evangelist does not censure them as false, wicked, and heretical, nor approve of them as divine and perfect for though they honestly meant, and designed well, yet there might be many things collected by them, which were impertinent, and not proper to be transmitted to posterity; and what might be wrote with great inaccuracy and deficiency, and in a style the Holy Ghost thought improper things of this kind should be delivered in: and therefore the evangelist, moved and inspired by the Spirit of God, set about the following work, and under the same influence completed it. The phrase, αναταξασθαι διηγησιν, "to set forth in order a declaration", is as Dr. Lightfoot observes, out of the Talmud h, agreeably to the Jewish way of speaking,

"R. Chasdai said to one of the Rabbins, who was מסדר אגדתא, "setting in order a declaration" before him. &c. or relating in order a story before him.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Luk 1:1 Or “have been accomplished.” Given Luke’s emphasis on divine design (e.g., Luke 24:43-47) a stronger sense (“fulfilled”)...

Geneva Bible: Luk 1:1 Forasmuch as ( 1 ) many have ( a ) taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, ( 1 ) L...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 1:1-80 - --1 The preface of Luke to his whole gospel.5 The conception of John the Baptist;26 and of Christ.39 The prophecy of Elisabeth and of Mary, concerning C...

MHCC: Luk 1:1-4 - --Luke will not write of things about which Christians may safely differ from one another, and hesitate within themselves; but the things which are, and...

Matthew Henry: Luk 1:1-4 - -- Complimental prefaces and dedications, the language of flattery and the food and fuel of pride, are justly condemned by the wise and good; but it do...

Barclay: Luk 1:1-4 - --Luke's introduction is unique in the first three gospels because it is the only place where the author steps out upon the stage and uses the pronoun ...

Constable: Luk 1:1-4 - --I. Introduction 1:1-4 Luke introduced his Gospel in a classical literary fashion. "It was customary among the great Greek and Hellenistic historians, ...

College: Luk 1:1-80 - --LUKE 1 I. PROLOGUE (1:1-4) 1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled a among us, 2 just as they were hande...


Lapide: Luk 1:1-34 - -- S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— T   HE Holy Gospel o...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

Vincent: Luke (Book Introduction) The Gospel According to Luke Introduction to the Writings of Luke Legend has been busy with the name of Luke. The Greek Church, in which paintin...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 1:1, The preface of Luke to his whole gospel; Luk 1:5, The conception of John the Baptist; Luk 1:26, and of Christ; Luk 1:39, The pro...

Poole: Luke 1 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 1 The Argument Concerning the penman of this history, the certain time when he wrote it, and the occasion of his writing of it, we have lit...

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 1:1-4) The Preface. (v. 5-25) Zacharias and Elisabeth. (Luk 1:26-38) Christ's birth announced. (v. 39-56) Interview of Mary and Elisabeth. (L...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 1 (Chapter Introduction) The narrative which this evangelist gives us (or rather God by him) of the life of Christ begins earlier than either Matthew or Mark. We have reaso...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 1 (Chapter Introduction) An Historian's Introduction (Luk_1:1-4) A Son Is Promised (Luk_1:5-25) God's Message To Mary (Luk_1:26-38) The Paradox Of Blessedness (Luk_1:39-4...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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