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Text -- Luke 18:3 (NET)

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18:3 There was also a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: TABER | Prayer | PRAYERS OF CHRIST | LUKE, THE GOSPEL OF | Jesus, The Christ | JESUS CHRIST, 4D | Despondency | AVENGE; AVENGER | ADVERSARY | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Luk 18:3 - -- Came oft ( ērcheto ). Imperfect tense denotes repetitions, no adverb for "oft"in the Greek.

Came oft ( ērcheto ).

Imperfect tense denotes repetitions, no adverb for "oft"in the Greek.

Robertson: Luk 18:3 - -- Avenge me of ( ekdikēson me apo ). A late verb for doing justice, protecting one from another (note both ek and apo , here). Deissmann ( Light fr...

Avenge me of ( ekdikēson me apo ).

A late verb for doing justice, protecting one from another (note both ek and apo , here). Deissmann ( Light from the Ancient East , pp. 420ff.) quotes a stēlē of the second century b.c. with a prayer for vengeance for a Jewish girl that had been murdered which has this very verb ekdikeō .

Vincent: Luk 18:3 - -- Avenge ( ἐκδικησον ) The word is too strong. It means do me justice . See on Rom 12:19.

Avenge ( ἐκδικησον )

The word is too strong. It means do me justice . See on Rom 12:19.

JFB: Luk 18:1-5 - -- Compare Luk 18:7, "night and day."

Compare Luk 18:7, "night and day."

JFB: Luk 18:1-5 - -- Lose heart, or slacken.

Lose heart, or slacken.

JFB: Luk 18:3 - -- Kept coming. See Luk 18:5, "her continual coming."

Kept coming. See Luk 18:5, "her continual coming."

JFB: Luk 18:3 - -- That is, rid me of the oppression of.

That is, rid me of the oppression of.

Clarke: Luk 18:3 - -- Avenge me of mine adversary - The original, εκδικησον με απο του αντιδικου μου, had better be translated, Do me justic...

Avenge me of mine adversary - The original, εκδικησον με απο του αντιδικου μου, had better be translated, Do me justice against, or vindicate me from, my adversary. If the woman had come to get revenge, as our common translation intimates, I think our blessed Lord would never have permitted her to have the honor of a place in the sacred records. She desired to have justice, and that only; and by her importunity she got that which the unrighteous judge had no inclination to give, but merely for his own ease.

TSK: Luk 18:3 - -- a widow : Deu 27:19; 2Sam. 14:5-24; Job 22:9, Job 29:13; Isa 1:17, Isa 1:21-23; Jer 5:28 Avenge : Luk 18:7, Luk 18:8; Rom 13:3, Rom 13:4

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 18:3 - -- A widow - This is a circumstance that gives increasing interest to the parable. Judges were bound to show special attention to widows, Isa 1:17...

A widow - This is a circumstance that gives increasing interest to the parable. Judges were bound to show special attention to widows, Isa 1:17; Jer 22:3. The reason of this was that they were defenseless, were commonly poor, and were liable to be oppressed by those in power.

Avenge me - This would have been better translated, "Do me justice against my adversary, or vindicate me from him."It does not denote vengeance or revenge, but simply that she wished to have "justice"done her - a thing which this judge was "bound"to do, but which it seems he had no disposition to do.

Adversary - One opposed in law. In this case it seems that the judge was unwilling to do justice, and probably took advantage of her condition to oppress her.

Poole: Luk 18:2-8 - -- Ver. 2-8. We have here the parable, and the interpretation thereof, both, Luk 18:1 , in the proparabole, or the words immediately going before it,...

Ver. 2-8. We have here the parable, and the interpretation thereof, both, Luk 18:1 , in the proparabole, or the words immediately going before it, and also in an epiparabole, or some words following it, which sufficiently explain our Saviour’ s scope and intention in it, viz. To assure his people, that though the Lord show a great deal of patience towards wicked men, who are the enemies of his people, and doth not presently answer their cries for a deliverance of them out of their hand; yet if they go on crying to him, he will most certainly at length deliver them. To this purpose he tells them a matter of fact, which either had happened, or might happen in the world.

There was in a city a judge, which feared not God & c.: from hence he concludes, arguing from the lesser to the greater, and indeed there is an emphasis in every part of the comparison.

1. This was an unjust judge; God is a righteous Judge.

2. He did this for a stranger; God’ s people are his own elect.

Then he assures them, that God would avenge them speedily. We may from this discourse of our Saviour observe several things.

1. That all the wrongs and injuries which the people of God suffer in this life should make them fervent and frequent in prayer to God for redressing them.

2. That notwithstanding their prayers, God may bear with their enemies long, for so much time as they shall think a long time.

3. If God’ s people do not faint, but continue night and day crying to him, God will hear them, and avenge them of their adversaries.

The power that importunity hath upon sinful men, may confirm us in this thing, and ought to engage us to pray without ceasing and fainting.

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? When Christ shall come to judgment, he will find very few whose hearts have not fainted; there will be multitudes who are fallen away, through the power that temptations have upon the frailty of human nature. By faith here seems to be understood the true and proper effects of faith, growing out of it as the fruit out of the root. This premonition of our Saviour also served for an excellent caution to his disciples, that they would watch, and take care that they might be none of that part of the stars of heaven, which by the dragon’ s tail should be cast down to the earth.

Haydock: Luk 18:3 - -- Avenge me; i.e. do me justice. It is a Hebraism. (Witham)

Avenge me; i.e. do me justice. It is a Hebraism. (Witham)

Gill: Luk 18:3 - -- And there was a widow in that city,.... Poor and helpless, and none among men to counsel, direct, and assist her, and take her part: now as in the acc...

And there was a widow in that city,.... Poor and helpless, and none among men to counsel, direct, and assist her, and take her part: now as in the accommodation of this parable, the elect of God answer to this widow; such an one is rather pitched upon to represent the helpless, desolate, and forlorn condition they are in among men in this world, though they are espoused to one husband, Christ; and especially to signify the state and condition of God's elect among the Jews in those sad times, before the destruction of Jerusalem, this parable has respect unto. Christ is the bridegroom of his church and people; he is their husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and they are espoused as a chaste virgin to him; and whilst he was here on earth, his disciples, who were the children of the bridegroom, could not fast and mourn, for which they had no reason; but upon the death of Christ, when he was removed from them, they had great sorrow of heart; they were left like widows and orphans; hence those words of Christ, Joh 14:18 and were persecuted by the Jews in their own land; and wherever they went, they stirred up the Gentiles against them; and so things continued till near the destruction of Jerusalem; during which time many a request was made to God, the judge of the widows and fatherless, to the following purport:

and she came unto him, saying, avenge me of my adversary; or do me justice in the cause depending between me, and him that has wronged me; hear the cause, and do right; vindicate, and deliver me. Many are the adversaries of God's people, as the sins and corruptions of their own hearts, Satan, and his angels, wicked oppressors, and persecutors; the last seem, in the mystical sense, to be designed here: it is lawful to pray for vengeance on them; it is right to apply to God, and leave it with him, to whom it belongs; and it has been the suit and cry of the best of men; see Rev 6:9. It does not become the people of God to avenge themselves, even when it is in the power of their hands; nor should they desire it for their own sakes, so much as for the glory of God; they should ask it, not to gratify a revengeful spirit in them, but for the honour or divine justice; and this should be always with submission to the will of God, leaving it to his own time and way, to whom vengeance belongs, and who has said it is mine, and I will repay it; as he certainly will sooner or later: the purity of his nature, his abhorrence of sin, and sinful men, and his love to his own people engage him to it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Luk 18:3 This is an iterative imperfect; the widow did this on numerous occasions.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 18:1-43 - --1 Of the importunate widow.9 Of the Pharisee and the publican.15 Of Children brought to Christ.18 A ruler would follow Christ, but is hindered by his ...

Maclaren: Luk 18:1-14 - --Three Kinds Of Praying And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 2. Saying, There was in a city ...

MHCC: Luk 18:1-8 - --All God's people are praying people. Here earnest steadiness in prayer for spiritual mercies is taught. The widow's earnestness prevailed even with th...

Matthew Henry: Luk 18:1-8 - -- This parable has its key hanging at the door; the drift and design of it are prefixed. Christ spoke it with this intent, to teach us that men oug...

Barclay: Luk 18:1-8 - --This parable tells of the kind of thing which could, and often did, happen. There are two characters in it. (i) The judge was clearly not a Jewish ...

Constable: Luk 9:51--19:28 - --V. Jesus' ministry on the way to Jerusalem 9:51--19:27 This large section of the Book of Luke has no counterpart...

Constable: Luk 17:20--18:9 - --I. Jesus' teaching about His return 17:20-18:8 Again an action by the Pharisees led to a brief answer fr...

Constable: Luk 18:1-8 - --3. The parable of the persistent widow 18:1-8 Jesus continued His instruction to the disciples about His return. He told them a parable designed to en...

College: Luk 18:1-43 - --LUKE 18 3. The Parable of the Persistent Widow (18:1-8) 1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not ...

Lapide: Luk 18:1-43 - --CHAPTER 18 Ver. 1.— He spake a parable unto them to the end that. Christ had said, at the end of the last chapter, that the Apostles and the faith...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 18 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 18:1, Of the importunate widow; Luk 18:9, Of the Pharisee and the publican; Luk 18:15, Of Children brought to Christ; Luk 18:18, A ru...

Poole: Luke 18 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 18

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 18 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 18:1-8) The parable of the importunate widow. (Luk 18:9-14) The Pharisee and the publican. (Luk 18:15-17) Children brought to Christ. (Luk 18:...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 18 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. The parable of the importunate widow, designed to teach us fervency in prayer (Luk 18:1-8). II. The parable of the Ph...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 18 (Chapter Introduction) Unwearied In Prayer (Luk_18:1-8) The Sin Of Pride (Luk_18:9-14) The Master And The Children (Luk_18:15-17) The Man Who Would Not Pay The Price (L...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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