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Text -- Luke 9:50 (NET)

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9:50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.”
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Tolerance | LUKE, THE GOSPEL OF | John | Jesus, The Christ | JESUS CHRIST, 4C2 | Inclusiveness | Exorcist | DISCREPANCIES, BIBLICAL | Bigotry | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , JFB , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Luk 9:50 - -- "Against you is for you" ( kath' hūmōn huper hūmōn ). Mar 9:40 has "against us is for us"(hēmōn ... hēmōn ). The Koiné Greek e...

"Against you is for you" ( kath' hūmōn huper hūmōn ).

Mar 9:40 has "against us is for us"(hēmōn ... hēmōn ). The Koiné Greek and were often pronounced alike and it was easy to interchange them. So many MSS. here read just as in Mark. The point is precisely the same as it is a proverbial saying. See a similar saying in Luk 11:23 : "He that is not with me is against me."The prohibition here as in Mar 9:39 is general: "Stop hindering him"(mē kōluete , mē and the present imperative, not mē and the aorist subjunctive). The lesson of toleration in methods of work for Christ is needed today.

JFB: Luk 9:49-50 - -- The link of connection here with the foregoing context lies in the words "in My name" (Luk 9:48). "Oh, as to that," said John, young, warm, but not su...

The link of connection here with the foregoing context lies in the words "in My name" (Luk 9:48). "Oh, as to that," said John, young, warm, but not sufficiently apprehending Christ's teaching in these things, "we saw one casting out devils in Thy name, and we forbade him: Were we wrong?" "Ye were wrong." "But we did because he followeth not us,'" "No matter. For (1) There is no man which shall do a miracle in My name that can lightly [soon] speak evil of Me' [Mar 9:39]. And (2) If such a person cannot be supposed to be 'against us,' you are to consider him 'for us.'" Two principles of immense importance. Christ does not say this man should not have followed "with them," but simply teaches how he was to be regarded though he did not--as a reverer of His name and a promoter of His cause. Surely this condemns not only those horrible attempts by force to shut up all within one visible pale of discipleship, which have deluged Christendom with blood in Christ's name, but the same spirit in its milder form of proud ecclesiastic scowl upon all who "after the form which they call a sect (as the word signifies, Act 24:14), do so worship the God of their fathers." Visible unity in Christ's Church is devoutly to be sought, but this is not the way to it. See the noble spirit of Moses (Num 11:24-29).

Defender: Luk 9:50 - -- See also Mar 9:38-40. This seems to conflict superficially with Christ's statements in Luk 9:23; Luk 11:23; etc. However, they refer to two different ...

See also Mar 9:38-40. This seems to conflict superficially with Christ's statements in Luk 9:23; Luk 11:23; etc. However, they refer to two different situations. When people attempt to be neutral about Christ, they are really against Him. However, when people are sincerely trying to honor Him but doing it more out of ignorant zeal than full understanding, the Lord recognizes that they are really for Him and will not discourage them from their efforts. In fact, by implication, Christ will somehow see to it that sincerity will be rewarded with greater understanding (Heb 11:6; Joh 7:17)."

TSK: Luk 9:50 - -- Forbid : Jos 9:14; Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; Mat 13:28-30, Mat 17:24, Mat 17:26; Phi 1:15-18 for : Luk 11:23, Luk 16:13; Mat 12:30; Mar 9:41; 1Co 12:3

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 9:46-50 - -- See the notes at Mat 18:1-5. Compare Mar 9:33-38.

See the notes at Mat 18:1-5. Compare Mar 9:33-38.

Poole: Luk 9:49-50 - -- Ver. 49,50. Mark saith further, that Christ added, for there is no man, which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me: See P...

Ver. 49,50. Mark saith further, that Christ added, for there is no man, which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me: See Poole on "Mar 9:38", See Poole on "Mar 9:39" .

Haydock: Luk 9:50 - -- Forbid him not. Our Lord is not moved by this event, to teach us that perfect virtue entertains no thoughts of revenge, and that anger cannot be fou...

Forbid him not. Our Lord is not moved by this event, to teach us that perfect virtue entertains no thoughts of revenge, and that anger cannot be found where the fulness of charity reigns. The weak must not be driven away, but assisted. Let the breast of the religious man be ever unmoved by passion, and the mind of the generous undisturbed by desires of revenge. (St. Ambrose)

Gill: Luk 9:50 - -- And Jesus said unto him, forbid him not,.... "Or forbid not" him, or any other so doing: for he that is not against us, is for us: in two exemplars...

And Jesus said unto him, forbid him not,.... "Or forbid not" him, or any other so doing:

for he that is not against us, is for us: in two exemplars of Beza's it is read, "for he is not against you": the Vulgate Latin, and Syriac versions, instead of "us", in both clauses read "you", and so likewise the Persic and Ethiopic versions; See Gill on Mar 9:39, Mar 9:40.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 9:1-62 - --1 Christ sends his apostles to work miracles, and to preach.7 Herod desires to see Christ.10 The apostles return.12 Christ feeds five thousand;18 enqu...

MHCC: Luk 9:43-50 - --This prediction of Christ's sufferings was plain enough, but the disciples would not understand it, because it agreed not with their notions. A little...

Matthew Henry: Luk 9:43-50 - -- We may observe here, I. The impression which Christ's miracles made upon all that beheld them (Luk 9:43): They were all amazed at the mighty power ...

Barclay: Luk 9:49-56 - --Here we have two lessons in tolerance. There were many exorcists in Palestine, all claiming to be able to cast out demons; and no doubt John regarde...

Constable: Luk 4:14--9:51 - --IV. Jesus' ministry in and around Galilee 4:14--9:50 Luke commenced Jesus' public ministry with His return to Ga...

Constable: Luk 9:1-50 - --G. Jesus' preparation of the Twelve 9:1-50 In this last major section describing Jesus' ministry in and ...

Constable: Luk 9:49-50 - --The exclusion of others 9:49-50 (cf. Mark 9:38-40) Disciples need to be aware of their a...

College: Luk 9:1-62 - --LUKE 9 J. JESUS AND HIS APOSTLES (9:1-50) 1. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (9:1-6) 1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and...

McGarvey: Luk 9:46-50 - -- LXXIII. FALSE AMBITION VERSUS CHILDLIKENESS. (Capernaum, Autumn, A. D. 29.) aMATT. XVIII. 1-14; bMARK IX. 33-50; cLUKE IX. 46-50.    ...

Lapide: Luk 9:1-62 - --CHAPTER 9 Ver. 8.— One of the old prophets was risen again. As Enoch and Elias will rise again before the end of all things, to resist Antichrist....

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Luk 9:50 LUKE 9:50 —Did Jesus contradict Himself when He referred to those who are for Him (cf. Luke 11:23 )? PROBLEM: In Luke 9:50 , Jesus says that ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 9 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 9:1, Christ sends his apostles to work miracles, and to preach; Luk 9:7, Herod desires to see Christ; Luk 9:10, The apostles return; ...

Poole: Luke 9 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 9

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 9 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 9:1-9) The apostles sent forth. (Luk 9:10-17) The multitude miraculously fed. (Luk 9:18-27) Peter's testimony to Christ, Self-denial enjoined. ...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 9 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. The commission Christ gave to his twelve apostles to go out for some time to preach the gospel, and confirm it by mira...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 9 (Chapter Introduction) Emissaries Of The King (Luk_9:1-9) Food For The Hungry (Luk_9:10-17) The Great Discovery (Luk_9:18-22) The Conditions Of Service (Luk_9:23-27) Th...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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