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Text -- Romans 15:31 (NET)

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15:31 Pray that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea and that my ministry in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints,
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Judea a region that roughly corresponded to the earlier kingdom of Judah

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Zeal | Unbelief | Saints | SERVICE | Rome | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 | Minister | Intercession | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rom 15:31 - -- That I may be delivered ( hina rusthō ). First aorist passive subjunctive of ruomai , old verb to rescue. This use of hina is the sub-final one a...

That I may be delivered ( hina rusthō ).

First aorist passive subjunctive of ruomai , old verb to rescue. This use of hina is the sub-final one after words of beseeching or praying. Paul foresaw trouble all the way to Jerusalem (Act 20:23; Act 21:4, Act 21:13).

Robertson: Rom 15:31 - -- May be acceptable to the saints ( euprosdektos tois hagiois genētai ). "May become (second aorist middle subjunctive of ginomai ) acceptable to th...

May be acceptable to the saints ( euprosdektos tois hagiois genētai ).

"May become (second aorist middle subjunctive of ginomai ) acceptable to the saints."The Judaizers would give him trouble. There was peril of a schism in Christianity.

Vincent: Rom 15:31 - -- Them that do not believe ( τῶν ἀπειθούντων ) See on Rom 10:21. Better, Rev., them that are disobedient .

Them that do not believe ( τῶν ἀπειθούντων )

See on Rom 10:21. Better, Rev., them that are disobedient .

Wesley: Rom 15:31 - -- He is thus urgent from a sense of the importance of his life to the church. Otherwise he would have rejoiced "to depart, and to be with Christ." And t...

He is thus urgent from a sense of the importance of his life to the church. Otherwise he would have rejoiced "to depart, and to be with Christ." And that my service may be acceptable - In spite of all their prejudices; to the end the Jewish and gentile believers may be knit together in tender love.

JFB: Rom 15:31 - -- "that do not obey," that is, the truth, by believing it; as in Rom 2:8.

"that do not obey," that is, the truth, by believing it; as in Rom 2:8.

JFB: Rom 15:31 - -- He saw the storm that was gathering over him in Judea, which, if at all, would certainly burst upon his head when he reached the capital; and the even...

He saw the storm that was gathering over him in Judea, which, if at all, would certainly burst upon his head when he reached the capital; and the event too clearly showed the correctness of these apprehensions.

JFB: Rom 15:31 - -- (See on Rom 15:25-28).

(See on Rom 15:25-28).

JFB: Rom 15:31 - -- "prove acceptable to"

"prove acceptable to"

JFB: Rom 15:31 - -- Nor was he without apprehension lest the opposition he had made to the narrow jealousy of the Jewish converts against the free reception of their Gent...

Nor was he without apprehension lest the opposition he had made to the narrow jealousy of the Jewish converts against the free reception of their Gentile brethren, should make this gift of theirs to the poor saints at Jerusalem less welcome than it ought to be. He would have the Romans therefore to join him in wrestling with God that this gift might be gratefully received, and prove a cement between the two parties. But further.

Clarke: Rom 15:31 - -- That I may be delivered from them that do not believe - He knew that his countrymen, who had not received the Gospel, lay in wait for his life; and,...

That I may be delivered from them that do not believe - He knew that his countrymen, who had not received the Gospel, lay in wait for his life; and, no doubt, they thought they should do God service by destroying him, not only as an apostate, in their apprehension, from the Jewish religion, but as one who was labouring to subvert and entirely destroy it

Clarke: Rom 15:31 - -- And that my service - Διακονια . But several eminent MSS. read δωροφορια, the gift which I bear. This probably was a gloss, which...

And that my service - Διακονια . But several eminent MSS. read δωροφορια, the gift which I bear. This probably was a gloss, which in many MSS. subverted the word in the text; for διακονια, service, in its connection here, could refer to nothing else but the contribution which he was carrying to the poor saints at Jerusalem.

Calvin: Rom 15:31 - -- 31.That my ministration, etc Slanderers had so prevailed by their accusations, that he even feared that the present would hardly be acceptable, as co...

31.That my ministration, etc Slanderers had so prevailed by their accusations, that he even feared that the present would hardly be acceptable, as coming from his hands, which otherwise, under such a distress, would have been very seasonable. And hence appears his wonderful meekness, for he ceased not to labor for those to whom he doubted whether he would be acceptable. This disposition of mind we ought to imitate, so that we may not cease to do good to those of whose gratitude we are by no means certain. We must also notice that he honors with the name of saints even those by whom he feared he would be suspected, and deemed unwelcome. He also knew that, saints may sometimes be led away by false slanders into unfavorable opinions, and though he knew that they wronged him, he yet ceased not to speak honorably of them.

By adding that I may come to you, he intimates that this prayer would be profitable also to them, and that it concerned them that he should not be killed in Judea. To the same purpose is the expression with joy; for it would be advantageous to the Romans for him to come to them in a cheerful state of mind and free from all grief, that he might in a more lively and strenuous manner labor among them. And by the word refreshed, 467 or satisfied, he again shows how fully persuaded he was of their brotherly love. The words by the will of God remind us how necessary it is to be diligent in prayer, for God alone directs all our ways by his providence.

And the God of peace, 468 etc. From the universal word all, I conclude that he did not simply pray that God would be present with and favor the Romans in a general sense, but that he would rule and guide every one of them. But the word peace refers, I think, to their circumstances at the time, that God, the author of peace, would keep them all united together.

TSK: Rom 15:31 - -- I may : Act 21:27-31, Act 22:24, Act 23:12-24, Act 24:1-9, Act 25:2, Act 25:24; 1Th 2:15; 2Th 3:2 do not believe : or, are disobedient and that : Rom ...

I may : Act 21:27-31, Act 22:24, Act 23:12-24, Act 24:1-9, Act 25:2, Act 25:24; 1Th 2:15; 2Th 3:2

do not believe : or, are disobedient

and that : Rom 15:25; 2Co 8:4, 2Co 9:1

accepted : Act 21:17-26

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rom 15:31 - -- That I may be ... - The unbelieving Jews in Judea had been opposed to Paul’ s conversion. They could not forget that he had borne letters ...

That I may be ... - The unbelieving Jews in Judea had been opposed to Paul’ s conversion. They could not forget that he had borne letters of commission from them to persecute the Christians at Damascus. They regarded him as an apostate. They had heard of his success among the Gentiles; and they had been informed that he "taught all the Jews among the Gentiles to forsake the laws of Moses;"Act 21:21. Hence, the apostle could not but be aware that in returning to Judea, he exposed himself to special dangers. His fears, as the result showed, were well founded. They evinced all the opposition to him which he had ever anticipated; Acts 21.

And that my service - My ministry; or the act of service which I am going to perform for them; referring to the contribution which he was bearing for the poor saints at Jerusalem.

For Jerusalem - For the poor Christians in Jerusalem.

May be accepted of the saints - That the poor Christians there may be willing to receive it. The grounds of "doubt"and "hesitation"whether they would be willing to receive this, seem to have been two.

\caps1 (1) m\caps0 any, even among Christians, might have had their minds filled with prejudice against the apostle, from the reports constantly in circulation among the Jews, that he was opposing and denouncing the customs of Moses. Hence, in order to satisfy them, when he went up to Jerusalem, he actually performed a "vow,"in accordance with the Law of Moses, to show that he did not intend to treat his laws with contempt; Act 21:22-23, Act 21:26-27.

\caps1 (2) m\caps0 any of the converts from Judaism might be indisposed to receive an offering made by "Gentiles."They might have retained many of their former feelings - that the Gentiles were polluted, and that they ought to have no fellowship with them. Early opinions and prejudices wear off by slow degrees. Christians retain former notions long after their conversion; and often many years are required to teach them enlarged views of Christian charity. It is not wonderful that the Christians in Judea should have been slow to learn all the ennobling lessons of Christian benevolence, surrounded as they were by the institutions of the Jewish religion, and having been themselves educated in the strictest regard for those institutions.

Poole: Rom 15:31 - -- Here are two things more particularly, which he desires them to beg of God in his behalf. First: That ye may be delivered from them that did not be...

Here are two things more particularly, which he desires them to beg of God in his behalf.

First: That ye may be delivered from them that did not believe, or were disobedient and refractory, in Judea. He knew the Jews were incensed against him; that troubles did abide him or wait for him in Judea, thither he was going; see Act 20:23 . And it happened accordingly, for the Jews went about to kill him, Act 21:31 . Therefore it is that he desires their prayers, that he might be delivered from them; see 2Th 3:2 .

Secondly: That the alms he brought the poor saints at Jerusalem might be taken by them in good part; that they might be reconciled, both to the Gentile churches that sent it, and to him that brought it. It detracts greatly from a gift, when it comes, either from one, or by one, against whom we are prejudiced.

Gill: Rom 15:31 - -- That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judea,.... By whom some think are meant such, who, though they believed in Jesus as the Messi...

That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judea,.... By whom some think are meant such, who, though they believed in Jesus as the Messiah, yet were violently set against the apostle for preaching down the ceremonial law; and from whom he foresaw he should be in much danger when he came to Jerusalem, and therefore desires the church at Rome to pray for his deliverance from them; though rather such who did not believe in Jesus Christ at all are designed; and who were enemies to the Gospel, and to all Gospel ministers, but especially to the Apostle Paul, for preaching among the Gentiles, and such doctrines as he did, which struck at their peculiar notions; and, as he feared, he should be set upon by them, and his life be in great danger, so it was; see Act 21:27; though he was not disheartened and intimidated, and did not shun going up to Jerusalem, though entreated not to go; yet he thought proper to engage the churches of Christ in prayer for him, that he might be delivered out of the hands of such wicked and unreasonable men, who being destitute of faith in Christ, were filled with enmity against his ministers; see 2Th 3:1;

and that my service which I have for Jerusalem, may be accepted of the saints; that is, that the collection which was made by the Gentile churches for the poor saints at Jerusalem, the ministration of which unto them he had took upon him, might be cheerfully and gratefully received by them. One would think there were no fear of this, nor any need to pray for it; for if they were poor, and in necessitous circumstances, as they were, they would be glad of relief, and thankfully accept it: but the case was this, and the difficulties attending this service were, that this collection came from the Gentiles, to whom the Jews had an aversion, and was brought to them by one that they had entertained an ill opinion of, being informed that he had taught the Gentiles to forsake Moses, not to circumcise their children, or walk after the customs; wherefore he did not know whether, though in necessity, anything coming for their relief from such a quarter, and through his hands, would be received with any pleasure by them: besides, his desire was that it might be received as a token of the true and sincere love the Gentiles bore to them; and be a means of reconciling the believing Jews to them, to own them as sister churches of the same faith and order with themselves.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rom 15:31 Verses 30-31 form one long sentence in the Greek but have been divided into two distinct sentences for clarity in English.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rom 15:1-33 - --1 The strong must bear with the weak.2 We must not please ourselves;3 for Christ did not so;7 but receive one another, as Christ did us all;8 both Jew...

MHCC: Rom 15:30-33 - --Let us learn to value the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. How careful should we be, lest we forfeit our interest in the love and prayers o...

Matthew Henry: Rom 15:30-33 - -- Here we have, I. St. Paul's desire of a share in the prayers of the Romans for him, expressed very earnestly, Rom 15:30-32. Though Paul was a great ...

Barclay: Rom 15:30-33 - --We came to the end of the last passage by saying that as far as we know Paul's plans to go to Spain were never realized. We know for a certainty that...

Constable: Rom 15:14--1Co 1:1 - --VII. CONCLUSION 15:14--16:27 The conclusion of the epistle corresponds to its introduction (1:1-17; cf. 15:14 an...

Constable: Rom 15:14-33 - --A. Paul's ministry 15:14-33 The apostle first gave information concerning his past labors (15:14-21). Th...

Constable: Rom 15:30-33 - --3. Future plans 15:30-33 15:30 Paul drew attention to the great need he felt for his readers' prayers by using the same term he did when appealing for...

College: Rom 15:1-33 - --C. LIVING IN UNITY AND HOPE (15:1-13) These verses form the conclusion of the larger section on Christian liberty in matters of opinion (14:1-15:13)....

McGarvey: Rom 15:31 - --that I may be delivered from them that are disobedient in Judæa, and that my ministration [offering] which I have for Jerusalem may be acceptable to ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans Spring of a.d. 57 By Way of Introduction Integrity of the Epistle The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally adm...

JFB: Romans (Book Introduction) THE GENUINENESS of the Epistle to the Romans has never been questioned. It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to CLEMENT OF ROME, the apo...


TSK: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans is " a writing," says Dr. Macknight, " which, for sublimity and truth of sentiment, for brevity and strength of expression,...

TSK: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rom 15:1, The strong must bear with the weak; Rom 15:2, We must not please ourselves; Rom 15:3, for Christ did not so; Rom 15:7, but rece...

Poole: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 15

MHCC: Romans (Book Introduction) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confir...

MHCC: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) (Rom 15:1-7) Directions how to behave towards the weak. (Rom 15:8-13) All to receive one another as brethren. (Rom 15:14-21) The writing and preachi...

Matthew Henry: Romans (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans If we may compare scripture with scripture, and take the opinion ...

Matthew Henry: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle, in this chapter, continues the discourse of the former, concerning mutual forbearance in indifferent things; and so draws towards a co...

Barclay: Romans (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The Marks Of The Fellowship (Rom_15:1-6) The Inclusive Church (Rom_15:7-13) The Words Reveal The Man (Rom_15:14-21) Plans Present And Future (Rom...

Constable: Romans (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Throughout the history of the church, from postapos...

Constable: Romans (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-17 A. Salutation 1:1-7 1. The writer 1:1 ...

Constable: Romans Romans Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881. ...

Haydock: Romans (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE ROMANS. INTRODUCTION. After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of...

Gill: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles ...

Gill: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 15 The apostle in this chapter pursues his exhortation to mutual affection and forbearance, notwithstanding their different ...

College: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION I. ROMANS: ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps 119:105), and no part of it shine...

College: Romans (Outline) VIII. OUTLINE PROLOGUE - 1:1-17 I. EPISTOLARY GREETING - 1:1-7 A. The Author Introduces Himself - 1:1 1. A Slave of Christ Jesus 2. Call...

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