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Text -- 2 Corinthians 12:5 (NET)

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12:5 On behalf of such an individual I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except about my weaknesses.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
, Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 12:5 - -- But on mine own behalf ( huper de emautou ). As if there were two Pauls. In a sense there were. He will only glory in the things mentioned above, the...

But on mine own behalf ( huper de emautou ).

As if there were two Pauls. In a sense there were. He will only glory in the things mentioned above, the things of his weaknesses (2Co 11:30).

Wesley: 2Co 12:5 - -- I might, glory; but I will not glory of myself - As considered in myself.

I might, glory; but I will not glory of myself - As considered in myself.

JFB: 2Co 12:5 - -- Concerning myself. Self is put in the background, except in respect to his infirmities. His glorying in his other self, to which the revelations were ...

Concerning myself. Self is put in the background, except in respect to his infirmities. His glorying in his other self, to which the revelations were vouchsafed, was not in order to give glory to his fleshly self, but to bring out in contrast the "infirmities" of the latter, that Christ might have all the glory.

Clarke: 2Co 12:5 - -- Of such a one will I glory - Through modesty he does not mention himself, though the account can be understood of no other person; for, did he mean ...

Of such a one will I glory - Through modesty he does not mention himself, though the account can be understood of no other person; for, did he mean any other, the whole account would be completely irrelevant.

Calvin: 2Co 12:5 - -- 5.Of such a man It is as though he had said “I have just ground for glorying, but I do not willingly avail myself of it. For it is more in accordan...

5.Of such a man It is as though he had said “I have just ground for glorying, but I do not willingly avail myself of it. For it is more in accordance with my design, to glory in my infirmities If, however, those malicious persons harass me any farther, and constrain me to boast more than I am inclined to do, they shall feel that they have to do with a man, whom God has illustriously honored, and raised up on high, with a view to his exposing their follies.

TSK: 2Co 12:5 - -- such : 2Co 12:2-4 yet : 2Co 12:9, 2Co 12:10, 2Co 11:30

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 12:5 - -- Of such an one will I glory - Of such a man it would be right to boast. It would be admitted that it is right to exult in such a man, and to es...

Of such an one will I glory - Of such a man it would be right to boast. It would be admitted that it is right to exult in such a man, and to esteem him to be uniquely favored by God. I will boast of him as having received special honor from the Lord. Bloomfield, however, supposes that the words rendered "of such an one should be translated "of such a thing,"or of such a transaction; meaning"I can indeed justly boast of my being caught up to heaven as of a thing the whole glory of which pertains to him who has thus exalted me; but of myself, or of anything in me, I will not boast."So Rosenmuller explains it. But it seems to me that the connection requires that we should understand it of a person, and that the passage is partly ironical. Paul speaks in the third person. He chooses to keep himself directly out of view. And though he refers really to himself, yet he wound not say this directly, but says that of such a man they would admit it would be proper to boast.

Yet of myself - Directly. It is not expedient for me to boast of myself. "You would allow me to boast of such a man as I have referred to; I admit that it is not proper for me to boast directly of myself."

But in mine infirmities - My weaknesses, trials, pains, sufferings; such as many regard as infirmities; see the note on 2Co 11:30.

Poole: 2Co 12:5 - -- Of such an one will I glory: the apostle, as appeareth by what followeth, speaketh of himself; but he does it in a third person. The meaning is, that...

Of such an one will I glory: the apostle, as appeareth by what followeth, speaketh of himself; but he does it in a third person. The meaning is, that that man who had been thus dignified of God, in such revelations and visions, might well glory of such a favour; but yet (saith he) of myself will I glory. But how doth the apostle say, that of himself he will not glory, if he were the person intended?

Answer. Some say, he distinguisheth concerning himself; as to his inward man, his soul, (which was rapt into the third heavens) he did glory; but as to his body, or outward man, he would not glory in any thing which he had done, but only in what he had suffered. I should rather interpret it thus: In this the Lord greatly dignified me; but here was nothing of myself; of myself therefore I will not glory in any thing, except those things which I have suffered for the name of God.

Gill: 2Co 12:5 - -- Of such an one will I glory,.... The apostle in great modesty seems to speak of some other person, and not himself, as caught up into the third heaven...

Of such an one will I glory,.... The apostle in great modesty seems to speak of some other person, and not himself, as caught up into the third heaven, when he yet means himself; and does as it were distinguish himself from himself; himself in paradise from himself on earth; his sense is, that though he might lawfully glory of such a person so highly exalted and favoured, yet since this was his own case, he chose to forbear, and say no more of it:

yet of myself I will not glory; though he could, and might, and did glory in the Lord, who had done such great things for him; as that he was in Christ, and knew himself to be so, had been rapt up into heaven, and heard things unutterable; yet he would not glory of these things as from himself, as owing to any merit or worthiness of his, but as instances of mere favour, grace, and goodness; if he gloried of anything of himself in his present state and condition, it should be of his weaknesses:

but in mine infirmities; not his sinful ones, for these he mourned over, and was humbled before God and man under a sense of; but his many pressing difficulties of life, heavy reproaches, very great afflictions, and violent persecutions he endured for Christ's sake; see 2Co 12:10.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

Geneva Bible: 2Co 12:5 ( 2 ) Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities. ( 2 ) To remove all suspicion of seeking glory, he witnes...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 12:1-21 - --1 For commending of his apostleship, though he might glory of his wonderful revelations,9 yet he rather chooses to glory of his infirmities;11 blaming...

MHCC: 2Co 12:1-6 - --There can be no doubt the apostle speaks of himself. Whether heavenly things were brought down to him, while his body was in a trance, as in the case ...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 12:1-10 - -- Here we may observe, I. The narrative the apostle gives of the favours God had shown him, and the honour he had done him; for doubtless he himself i...

Barclay: 2Co 12:1-10 - --If we have any sensitiveness, we should read this passage with a certain reverence, for in it Paul lays bare his heart and shows us at one and the s...

Constable: 2Co 10:1--13:11 - --IV. APPEALS CONCERNING PAUL'S APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY 10:1--13:10 In this third and last major division of his epist...

Constable: 2Co 11:1--12:19 - --B. Claims made by Paul 11:1-12:18 In this section Paul gave further evidence that he possessed apostolic...

Constable: 2Co 12:1-10 - --4. Special revelations Paul received 12:1-10 Paul had cited his freedom to minister without the Corinthians' financial support and his sufferings in m...

College: 2Co 12:1-21 - --2 CORINTHIANS 12 D. MORE BOASTING (12:1-10) 1. A Vision Divulged (12:1-6) 12:1 I must go on boasting. Paul's introductory words to this section m...

McGarvey: 2Co 12:5 - --On behalf of such a one will I glory: but on mine own behalf I will not glory, save in my weaknesses . [Here Paul speaks of an experience of his, but ...

Lapide: 2Co 12:1-21 - --CHAPTER 12 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. That the Corinthians may esteem him above the false apostles, he describes his being carried up into the thir...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 12:1, For commending of his apostleship, though he might glory of his wonderful revelations, 2Co 12:9, yet he rather chooses to glory...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 12

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 12:1-6) The apostle's revelations. (2Co 12:7-10) Which were improved to his spiritual advantage. (2Co 12:11-21) The signs of an apostle were in...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle proceeds in maintaining the honour of his apostleship. He magnified his office when there were those who vilified it. W...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) The Thorn And The Grace (2Co_12:1-10) The Defence Draws To An End (2Co_12:11-18) The Marks Of An Unchristian Church (2Co_12:19-21)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 12 The apostle in this chapter proceeds upon the same subject, in vindicating himself against the false teachers, and...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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