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Text -- 2 Corinthians 3:2 (NET)

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3:2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone,
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 3:2 - -- Ye are our epistle ( hē epistolē hēmōn humeis este ). Bold turn. Paul was writing in their hearts.

Ye are our epistle ( hē epistolē hēmōn humeis este ).

Bold turn. Paul was writing in their hearts.

Robertson: 2Co 3:2 - -- Known and read ( ginōskomenē kai anaginōskomenē ). Play on the word. Literally true. Professing Christians are the Bible that men read and kn...

Known and read ( ginōskomenē kai anaginōskomenē ).

Play on the word. Literally true. Professing Christians are the Bible that men read and know.

Vincent: 2Co 3:2 - -- Our epistle The figure which follows is freely and somewhat loosely worked out, and presents different faces in rapid succession. The figure itse...

Our epistle

The figure which follows is freely and somewhat loosely worked out, and presents different faces in rapid succession. The figure itself is that of a commendatory letter representing the Corinthian Church: " Ye are our letter." This figure is carried out in three directions: 1. As related to the apostles' own consciousness . The Corinthian Church is a letter written on the apostles' hearts. Their own consciousness testifies that that Church is the fruit of a divinely accredited, honest, and faithful ministry. 2. As related to the Corinthians themselves . The Church needs no letter to commend the apostles to it. It is its own commendation. As the visible fruit of the apostles' ministry they are a commendatory letter to themselves. If the question arises among them, " Were Paul and his colleagues duly commissioned?" - the answer is, " We ourselves are the proof of it." 3. As related to others outside of the Corinthian Church . The answer to the charge that the Corinthians have been taught by irregular and uncommissioned teachers is the same: " Behold the fruit of their labors in us. We are their commission."

At this point the figure again shifts; the letter being now conceived as written on the Corinthians' hearts, instead of on the hearts of the apostles: written by Christ through the apostles' ministry. This suggests the comparison with the law written on tables of stone, which are used as a figure of the heart, fleshy tables , thus introducing two incongruities, namely, an epistle written on stone , and writing with ink on stone tables .

Vincent: 2Co 3:2 - -- Written in our hearts See above. Compare Plato: " I am speaking of an intelligent writing which is graven in the soul of him who has learned, and...

Written in our hearts

See above. Compare Plato: " I am speaking of an intelligent writing which is graven in the soul of him who has learned, and can defend itself" (" Phaedrus," 276).

Wesley: 2Co 3:2 - -- More convincing than bare words could be.

More convincing than bare words could be.

Wesley: 2Co 3:2 - -- Deeply engraven there, and plainly legible to all around us.

Deeply engraven there, and plainly legible to all around us.

JFB: 2Co 3:2 - -- Of recommendation.

Of recommendation.

JFB: 2Co 3:2 - -- Not letters borne merely in the hands. Your conversion through my instrumentality, and your faith which is "known of all men" by widespread report (1C...

Not letters borne merely in the hands. Your conversion through my instrumentality, and your faith which is "known of all men" by widespread report (1Co 1:4-7), and which is written by memory and affection on my inmost heart and is borne about wherever I go, is my letter of recommendation (1Co 9:2).

JFB: 2Co 3:2 - -- Words akin in root, sound, and sense (so 2Co 1:13). "Ye are known to be my converts by general knowledge: then ye are known more particularly by your ...

Words akin in root, sound, and sense (so 2Co 1:13). "Ye are known to be my converts by general knowledge: then ye are known more particularly by your reflecting my doctrine in your Christian life." The handwriting is first "known," then the Epistle is "read" [GROTIUS] (2Co 4:2; 1Co 14:25). There is not so powerful a sermon in the world, as a consistent Christian life. The eye of the world takes in more than the ear. Christians' lives are the only religious books the world reads. IGNATIUS [Epistle to the Ephesians, 10] writes, "Give unbelievers the chance of believing through you. Consider yourselves employed by God; your lives the form of language in which He addresses them. Be mild when they are angry, humble when they are haughty; to their blasphemy oppose prayer without ceasing; to their inconsistency, a steadfast adherence to your faith."

Clarke: 2Co 3:2 - -- Ye are our epistle - I bear the most ardent love to you. I have no need to be put in remembrance of you by any epistles or other means; ye are writt...

Ye are our epistle - I bear the most ardent love to you. I have no need to be put in remembrance of you by any epistles or other means; ye are written in my heart - I have the most affectionate remembrance of you

Clarke: 2Co 3:2 - -- Known and read of all men - For wherever I go I mention you; speak of your various gifts and graces; and praise your knowledge in the Gospel.

Known and read of all men - For wherever I go I mention you; speak of your various gifts and graces; and praise your knowledge in the Gospel.

Calvin: 2Co 3:2 - -- 2.Ye are our Epistle There is no little ingenuity in his making his own glory hinge upon the welfare of the Corinthians. “So long as you shall rema...

2.Ye are our Epistle There is no little ingenuity in his making his own glory hinge upon the welfare of the Corinthians. “So long as you shall remain Christians, I shall have recommendation enough. For your faith speaks my praise, as being the seal of my apostleship. ” (1Co 9:2.)

When he says — written in our hearts, this may be understood in reference to Silvanus and Timotheus, and in that case the meaning will be: “We are not contented with this praise, that we derive from the thing itself. The recommendations, that others have, fly about before the eyes of men, but this, that we have, has its seat in men’s consciences.” It may also be viewed as referring in part to the Corinthians, in this sense: “Those that obtain recommendations by dint of entreaty, have not in the conscience what they carry about written upon paper, and those that recommend others often do so rather by way of favor than from judgment. We, on the other hand, have the testimony of our apostleship, on this side and on that, engraven on men’s hearts.”

Which is known and read It might also be read — “Which is known and acknowledged,” owing to the ambiguity of the word ἀναγινωσκεσαι, 363 and I do not know but that the latter might be more suitable. I was unwilling, however, to depart from the common rendering, when not constrained to do so. Only let the reader have this brought before his view, that he may consider which of the two renderings is the preferable one. If we render it acknowledged, there will be an implied contrast between an epistle that is sure and of unquestionable authority, and such as are counterfeit. 364 And, unquestionably, what immediately follows, is rather on the side of the latter rendering, for he brings forward the Epistle of Christ, in contrast with those that are forged and pretended.

TSK: 2Co 3:2 - -- are : 1Co 3:10, 1Co 9:1, 1Co 9:2 in : 2Co 7:3, 2Co 11:11, 2Co 12:15; Phi 1:7 known : Rom 1:8; 1Co 9:2; 1Th 1:8

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 3:2 - -- Ye are our epistle - compare 1Co 9:2. This is a most beautiful and happy turn given to the whole subject. The sense is plain. It is, that the co...

Ye are our epistle - compare 1Co 9:2. This is a most beautiful and happy turn given to the whole subject. The sense is plain. It is, that the conversion of the Corinthians, under the faithful labors of the apostle, was a better testimonial of his character and fidelity than any letters could be. To see the force of this, it must be remembered:

(1)    That Corinth was an exceedingly dissolute and abandoned place (see the introduction to the First Epistle);

(2)    That a large number of them had been converted, and a church organized;

(3)    That their conversion, and the organization of a church in such a city were events that would be known abroad; and,

(4)    That it had been accomplished entirely under the labor of Paul and his companions.

To their knowledge of him, therefore, and to his success there, he could confidently appeal as a testimonial of his character. The characteristics of this commendatory epistle, he proceeds immediately to state. The general sense is, that they were the letter of recommendation which God had given to him; and that their conversion under his ministry was the public testimonial of his character which all might see and read.

Written in our hearts - A few mss. and versions read thus, "your hearts;"and Doddridge has adopted this reading, and supposes that it means that the change produced not only in their external conduct, but in their inward temper, was so great, that all must see that it was an unanswerable attestation to his ministry. But there is not sufficient authority for changing the text; nor is it necessary. The sense is, probably, that this letter was. as it were, written on his heart. It was not merely that Paul had a tender affection for them, as Clarke supposes; nor was it that he regarded them as "a copy of the letter of recommendation from Christ written in his heart,"according to the fanciful conceit of Macknight; but Paul’ s idea seems to have been this. He is speaking of the testimonial which he had from God. That testimonial consisted in the conversion of the Corinthians. This he says was written on his heart. It was not a cold letter of introduction, but it was such as, while it left him no room to doubt that God had sent him, also affected his feelings, and was engraved on his soul. It was to him, therefore, far more valuable than any mere letter of commendation or of introduction could be. It was a direct testimonial from God to his own heart of his approbation, and of his having appointed him to the apostolic office. All the difficulty, therefore, which has been felt by commentators in this passage, may be obviated by supposing that Paul here speaks of this testimonial or epistle as addressed to himself, and as satisfactory to him, In the other characteristics which he enumerates, he speaks of it as suited to be a letter commendatory of himself to others.

Known and read of all men - Corinth was a large, splendid, and dissipated city. Their conversion, therefore, would be known afar. All people would hear of it; and their reformation, their subsequent life under the instruction of Paul, and the attestation which God had given among them to his labors, was a sufficient testimonial to the world at large, that God had called him to the apostolic office.

Poole: 2Co 3:2 - -- Your Christianity, and embracing of the gospel of Christ, your fiath and holiness, are instead of an epistle to me, to let the world know, both with...

Your Christianity, and embracing of the gospel of Christ, your fiath and holiness, are instead of an epistle to me, to let the world know, both with what faithfulness, and with what blessing of God, and success upon my labours, I have preached the gospel; and you are such an epistle as I do not carry about in my pockets, or lay up in my closet, but it is written in my heart, where I carry continually both a thankful and honourable remembrance of you. Nor are you only taken notice of by me as a famous church, to the planting and watering of which God hath blessed my labours, and the labours of other ministers; but, as he saith to the Romans, Rom 1:8 : Your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world, so he saith here:

Ye are our epistle, known and read of all men that is, all Christians take notice of you as a church to which God hath particularly blessed my ministry; so as I need no other recommendation than what I have from your receiving, and the proficiency you have made in, the gospel. Nothing so commends a minister as the proficiency of his people.

PBC: 2Co 3:2 - -- YOUR OWN VERSION By Paul Gilbert You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day By deeds that you do, by words that you say, Men read what you write, ...


By Paul Gilbert

You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day By deeds that you do, by words that you say, Men read what you write, whether faithless or true, Say, what is the gospel according to you?

Haydock: 2Co 3:2 - -- You are our epistle, better, and of greater force, than any commendatory epistle, written and engraven in my heart, by the love and affection I be...

You are our epistle, better, and of greater force, than any commendatory epistle, written and engraven in my heart, by the love and affection I bear you. You may also be looked upon as the epistle of Christ, because of your zeal for the Christians religion, written upon the soft and fleshy tables of your tender affections, with which you have received, and kept his precepts; and not like the precepts of the law, which were engraven on tables of stone, which the hard-hearted Jews did not keep. (Witham)

Gill: 2Co 3:2 - -- Ye are our epistle,.... Here a reason is given why they stood in no need of letters of commendation, to or from the church at Corinth, because that ch...

Ye are our epistle,.... Here a reason is given why they stood in no need of letters of commendation, to or from the church at Corinth, because that church was their living epistle, and which was much preferable to any written one. The apostle calls them their epistle in the same sense, as they are said to be his "work in the Lord, and the seal of his apostleship", 1Co 9:1 they were so as persons regenerated by the Spirit and grace of God, in whose conversion he was an instrument; now it was the work of conversion in them, which was the epistle said to be

written in our hearts; some think it should be read, "in your hearts"; and so the Ethiopic version reads it; and it looks as if it should be so read, from the following verse, and from the nature of the thing itself; for the conversion of the Corinthians was not written in the heart of the apostle, but in their own; and this was so very notorious and remarkable, that it was

known and read of all men; everyone could read, and was obliged to acknowledge the handwriting; it was so clear a case, what hand the apostle, as an instrument, had in the turning of these persons from idols to serve the living God; and which was so full a proof of the divinity, efficacy, truth, and sincerity of his doctrine, that he needed no letters from any to recommend him.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 3:2 That is, “letter of recommendation.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 3:1-18 - --1 Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient commendation of his...

MHCC: 2Co 3:1-11 - --Even the appearance of self-praise and courting human applause, is painful to the humble and spiritual mind. Nothing is more delightful to faithful mi...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 3:1-5 - -- In these verses, I. The apostle makes an apology for seeming to commend himself. He thought it convenient to protest his sincerity to them, because ...

Barclay: 2Co 3:1-3 - --Behind this passage lies the thought of a custom which was common in the ancient world, that of sending letters of commendation with a person. If so...


Constable: 2Co 3:1--6:11 - --B. Exposition of Paul's view of the ministry 3:1-6:10 The apostle proceeded to explain his view of Chris...

Constable: 2Co 3:1-11 - --1. The superiority of Christian ministry to Mosaic ministry 3:1-11 Paul contrasted the ministry ...

Constable: 2Co 3:1-3 - --Testimonial letters 3:1-3 3:1 The preceding verses could have drawn offense from the Corinthians because Paul told them things about himself that they...

College: 2Co 3:1-18 - --2 CORINTHIANS 3 2. A Living Letter of Recommendation Sent (3:1-3) 3:1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Paul asks this question tongue-...

McGarvey: 2Co 3:2 - --Ye are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read of all men ;

Lapide: 2Co 3:1-18 - --CHAPTER III. SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. Paul asserts that he does not seek or need the praise of men, as the Judaising false apostles sought it: th...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 3:1, Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 3:1-11) The preference of the gospel to the law given by Moses. (2Co 3:12-18) The preaching of the apostle was suitable to the excellency and ev...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle makes an apology for his seeming to commend himself, and is careful not to assume too much to himself, but to ascribe all praise unto G...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Each Man A Letter Of Christ (2Co_3:1-3) The Surpassing Glory (2Co_3:4-11) The Veil Which Hides The Truth (2Co_3:12-18)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 3 In this chapter the apostle clears himself from the charge of arrogance and self-commendation, and ascribes both th...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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