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Text -- 1 Timothy 2:11 (NET)

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2:11 A woman must learn quietly with all submissiveness.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Ti 2:11 - -- In quietness ( en hēsuchiāi ). Old word from hēsuchios . In N.T. only here, Act 22:2; 2Th 3:12.

In quietness ( en hēsuchiāi ).

Old word from hēsuchios . In N.T. only here, Act 22:2; 2Th 3:12.

Robertson: 1Ti 2:11 - -- In all subjection ( en pasēi hupotagēi ). Late word (Dion. Hal., papyri), in N.T. only here, 2Co 9:13; Gal 2:5. See 1Co 14:33-35.

In all subjection ( en pasēi hupotagēi ).

Late word (Dion. Hal., papyri), in N.T. only here, 2Co 9:13; Gal 2:5. See 1Co 14:33-35.

Vincent: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Learn ( μανθανέτω ) Comp. 1Co 14:35.

Learn ( μανθανέτω )

Comp. 1Co 14:35.

Vincent: 1Ti 2:11 - -- In silence ( ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ ) See on peaceable , 1Ti 2:2. Rev. renders quietness ; but the admonition concerns the behavior of women...

In silence ( ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ )

See on peaceable , 1Ti 2:2. Rev. renders quietness ; but the admonition concerns the behavior of women in religious assemblies. Comp. 1Co 14:34. The word is used in the sense of silence , Act 22:2 : with the broader meaning quietness in 2Th 3:12.

JFB: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Not "teach" (1Ti 2:12; 1Co 14:34). She should not even put questions in the public assembly (1Co 14:35).

Not "teach" (1Ti 2:12; 1Co 14:34). She should not even put questions in the public assembly (1Co 14:35).

JFB: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Not "usurping authority" (1Ti 2:12). She might teach, but not in public (Act 18:26). Paul probably wrote this Epistle from Corinth, where the precept ...

Not "usurping authority" (1Ti 2:12). She might teach, but not in public (Act 18:26). Paul probably wrote this Epistle from Corinth, where the precept (1Co 14:34) was in force.

Clarke: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Let the woman learn in silence - This is generally supposed to be a prohibition of women’ s preaching. I have already said what I judge necessa...

Let the woman learn in silence - This is generally supposed to be a prohibition of women’ s preaching. I have already said what I judge necessary on this subject in the notes on 1Co 11:5, etc., and 1Co 14:34 (note), 1Co 14:35 (note); to which places I beg leave to refer the reader.

Calvin: 1Ti 2:11 - -- 11.Let a woman learn in quietness. After having spoken of dress, he now adds with what modesty women ought to conduct themselves in the holy assembly...

11.Let a woman learn in quietness. After having spoken of dress, he now adds with what modesty women ought to conduct themselves in the holy assembly. And first he bids them learn quietly; for quietness means silence, that they may not take upon them to speak in public. This he immediately explains more clearly, by forbidding them to teach.

TSK: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Gen 3:16; Est 1:20; 1Co 11:3, 1Co 14:34, 1Co 14:35; Eph 5:22-24; Col 3:18; 1Pe 3:1, 1Pe 3:5, 1Pe 3:6

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Let the woman learn in silence - Listen attentively to instruction, without attempting to teach in public; see the notes on 1Co 14:35. Wit...

Let the woman learn in silence - Listen attentively to instruction, without attempting to teach in public; see the notes on 1Co 14:35.

With all subjection - With due subjection to those who are in authority, and who are appointed to minister in holy things; notes, 1Co 14:34.

Poole: 1Ti 2:11 - -- That is, in the public assemblies for worship, it is the woman’ s part silently to learn, showing thereby a subjection to the man, who is the h...

That is, in the public assemblies for worship, it is the woman’ s part silently to learn, showing thereby a subjection to the man, who is the head of the woman.

PBC: 1Ti 2:11 - -- For comments on 1Ti 2:11-15 See GG: 19,24 June 13, 2004 What is the intent of women learning "in silence with all subjection?" The Greek word transla...

For comments on 1Ti 2:11-15 See GG: 19,24 June 13, 2004

What is the intent of women learning "in silence with all subjection?" The Greek word translated "silence" means "quietness; description of the life of one who stays at home doing his own work, and does not officiously meddle with the affairs of others; silence." The point is broader than merely not permitting a woman preacher in the church. Paul establishes a specific attitude of godly business for the women in the church that prohibits "officiously meddling with the affairs of others." A woman may never consider stepping into the pulpit and still grievously violate the spirit of this lesson by being an "officious meddler" in the lives of other church members. She pretends to have special "authority" in their lives. She acts "officious," as if on an official and authoritative mission for the church. She readily volunteers her opinion whether needed or requested. She pretends to act with authority that she does not actually have.

Rather than imposing a carnal motive onto Paul, we must accept this lesson no less than we accept Eph 2:8-10 as inspired Scripture from God. Whether we know it or not, He has good reason for the rules that He imposes on His church. Whether we understand them or not, we are directed to obey His commandments. Sometimes understanding grows out of obedience, not out of intellect. Both men and women in the church should respect Paul’s inspired intent in this lesson no less than we accept the truth of Eph 2:8-10. More than once I have known of preachers’ or deacons’ wives who quietly operate so that their husbands think they are submissive in their roles, but who openly boast to other women of their ability to control their husbands without the husband even knowing that he is controlled. This rebellious spirit is a disgrace to the Biblical offices involved, and to the Biblical qualifications for those offices. Such a wife disqualifies her husband from the office that he fills.


Haydock: 1Ti 2:11 - -- In silence. See 1 Corinthians xiv. 34. See St. John Chrysostom.[3] (Witham) =============================== [BIBLIOGRAPHY] In silentio. S...

In silence. See 1 Corinthians xiv. 34. See St. John Chrysostom.[3] (Witham)



In silentio. St. John Chrysostom ( Greek: log. th. ) Greek: edidazen apax e gune, kai panta katestrepse.


Gill: 1Ti 2:11 - -- Let the woman learn in silence,.... The apostle goes on to give some other instructions to women, how they should behave themselves in public worship,...

Let the woman learn in silence,.... The apostle goes on to give some other instructions to women, how they should behave themselves in public worship, in the church of God; he would have them be learners and not teachers, sit and hear, and learn more of Christ, and of the truth of the Gospel, and to maintain good works; and he would have them learn in silence, and not offer to rise and speak, under a pretence of having a word from the Lord, or of being under an impulse of the Spirit of the Lord, as some frantic women have done; and if they should meet with anything, under the ministry of the word, they did not understand, or they had an objection to, they were not to speak in public, but ask their own husbands at home; see 1Co 14:34. And thus, they were to behave

with all subjection; both to the ministers of the word, and to their own husbands; obeying from the heart the form of doctrine delivered to them; and submitting cheerfully to the ordinances of Christ; the whole of which is a professed subjection to the Gospel, and which becomes all professing godliness.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Ti 2:11 Or “receive instruction.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Ti 2:1-15 - --1 That it is meet to pray and give thanks for all men, and the reason why.9 How women should be attired.12 They are not permitted to teach.15 They sha...

MHCC: 1Ti 2:8-15 - --Under the gospel, prayer is not to be confined to any one particular house of prayer, but men must pray every where. We must pray in our closets, pray...

Matthew Henry: 1Ti 2:9-15 - -- I. Here is a charge, that women who profess the Christian religion should be modest, sober, silent, and submissive, as becomes their place. 1. They ...

Barclay: 1Ti 2:8-15 - --The early Church took over the Jewish attitude of prayer, which was to pray standing, with hands outstretched and the palms upwards. Later Tertulli...

Barclay: 1Ti 2:8-15 - --The second part of this passage deals with the place of women in the Church. It cannot be read out of its historical context, for it springs entirel...

Constable: 1Ti 2:1--4:6 - --III. INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE LIFE OF THE LOCAL CHURCH 2:1--4:5 Paul moved on from instructions aimed primari...

Constable: 1Ti 2:8-15 - --B. The primary responsibilities of the men and the women in church meetings 2:8-15 "In this paragraph Paul continues his instructions on prayers' begu...

College: 1Ti 2:1-15 - --1 TIMOTHY 2 III. DIRECTION FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP (2:1-15) Following his charge to Timothy with regard to his faith and conscience and the warning with ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) First Timothy Probably a.d. 65 From Macedonia By Way of Introduction Assuming the Pauline authorship the facts shape up after this fashion. Pau...

JFB: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) GENUINENESS.--The ancient Church never doubted of their being canonical and written by Paul. They are in the Peschito Syriac version of the second cen...


TSK: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) This Epistle bears the impress of its genuineness and authenticity, which are corroborated by the most decisive external evidence; and its Divine insp...

TSK: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Ti 2:1, That it is meet to pray and give thanks for all men, and the reason why; 1Ti 2:9, How women should be attired; 1Ti 2:12, They ar...

Poole: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) TIMOTHY CHAPTER 2

MHCC: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) The design of the epistle appears to be, that Timothy having been left at Ephesus, St. Paul wrote to instruct him in the choice of proper officers in ...

MHCC: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) (1Ti 2:1-7) Prayer to be made for all persons, since the grace of the gospel makes no difference of ranks or stations. (1Ti 2:8-15) How men and women...

Matthew Henry: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy Hitherto Paul's epistles were directed to churches; now follow...

Matthew Henry: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter Paul treats, I. Of prayer, with many reasons for it (1Ti 2:1-8). II. Of women's apparel (1Ti 2:9, 1Ti 2:10). III. Of their subje...

Barclay: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) The Universality Of The Gospel (1Ti_2:1-7) The Way Of Prayer (1Ti_2:1-7 Continued) Prayer For Those In Authority (1Ti_2:1-7 Continued) The Gifts...

Constable: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Timothy apparently became a Christian as a result o...

Constable: 1 Timothy (Outline) Outline I. Salutation 1:1-2 II. Timothy's mission in Ephesus 1:3-20 A. T...

Constable: 1 Timothy 1 Timothy Bibliography Andrews, J. N. "May Women Speak in Meeting?" Review and Herald. January 2, 1879. Reprint...

Haydock: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO TIMOTHY. INTRODUCTION. St. Paul passing through Lycaonia, about the year 51, some of the brethr...

Gill: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 TIMOTHY Timothy, to whom this epistle is written, was eminent for his early piety and acquaintance with the sacred Scriptures; hi...

Gill: 1 Timothy 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 TIMOTHY 2 In this chapter the apostle exhorts to prayer for all sorts of men, gives rules and directions about the dress of women...

College: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) FOREWORD A movement which prides itself in its back-to-the-Bible underpinnings and its plea for unity should welcome any effort of the stature of the...

College: 1 Timothy (Outline) OUTLINE I. THE SALUTATION - 1:1-2 II. PAUL'S CHARGE TO TIMOTHY - 1:3-20 A. The Charge and the False Teachers - 1:3-7 B. The Lawful Use of...

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