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Text -- Titus 2:9 (NET)

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2:9 Slaves are to be subject to their own masters in everything, to do what is wanted and not talk back,
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Tit 2:9 - -- Servants ( doulous ). "Slaves."Supply "exhort"(parakalei ). See note on 1Ti 6:1 for "masters"(despotais ).

Servants ( doulous ).

"Slaves."Supply "exhort"(parakalei ). See note on 1Ti 6:1 for "masters"(despotais ).

Robertson: Tit 2:9 - -- Well-pleasing ( euarestous ). See note on 2Co 5:9.

Well-pleasing ( euarestous ).

See note on 2Co 5:9.

Robertson: Tit 2:9 - -- Not gainsaying ( mē antilegontas ). "Not answer back."See note on Rom 10:21.

Not gainsaying ( mē antilegontas ).

"Not answer back."See note on Rom 10:21.

Vincent: Tit 2:9 - -- To please them well in all things ( ἐν πᾶσιν εὐαρέστους εἶναι ) Wrong. Const. in all things with to be...

To please them well in all things ( ἐν πᾶσιν εὐαρέστους εἶναι )

Wrong. Const. in all things with to be in subjection . Note the position of ἐν πᾶσιν in 1Ti 3:11; 1Ti 4:15; 2Ti 2:7; 2Ti 4:5, and comp. ὑπακούειν κατὰ πάντα obey in all things, Col 3:20, Col 3:22; and ὑποτάσσεται - ἐν παντί is subject in everything , Eph 5:24. Ἑυάρεστος well pleasing , only here in Pastorals. Almost exclusively in Paul. See also Heb 13:21. Ευαρέστως acceptably , Heb 12:28.

Wesley: Tit 2:9 - -- Wherein it can be done without sin.

Wherein it can be done without sin.

Wesley: Tit 2:9 - -- Though blamed unjustly. This honest servants are most apt to do.

Though blamed unjustly. This honest servants are most apt to do.

Wesley: Tit 2:9 - -- Not taking or giving any thing without their master's leave: this fair - spoken servants are apt to do.

Not taking or giving any thing without their master's leave: this fair - spoken servants are apt to do.

JFB: Tit 2:9 - -- "slaves."


JFB: Tit 2:9 - -- "to give satisfaction" [ALFORD]. To be complaisant in everything; to have that zealous desire to gain the master's goodwill which will anticipate the ...

"to give satisfaction" [ALFORD]. To be complaisant in everything; to have that zealous desire to gain the master's goodwill which will anticipate the master's wish and do even more than is required. The reason for the frequent recurrence of injunctions to slaves to subjection (Eph 6:5, &c.; Col 3:22; 1Ti 6:1, &c.; 1Pe 2:18) was, that in no rank was there more danger of the doctrine of the spiritual equality and freedom of Christians being misunderstood than in that of slaves. It was natural for the slave who had become a Christian, to forget his place and put himself on a social level with his master. Hence the charge for each to abide in the sphere in which he was when converted (1Co 7:20-24).

JFB: Tit 2:9 - -- In contradiction to the master: so the Greek, "not contradicting" [WAHL].

In contradiction to the master: so the Greek, "not contradicting" [WAHL].

Clarke: Tit 2:9 - -- Exhort servants to be obedient - The apostle refers to those who were slaves, and the property of their masters; even these are exhorted to be obedi...

Exhort servants to be obedient - The apostle refers to those who were slaves, and the property of their masters; even these are exhorted to be obedient ιδιοις δεσποταις, to their own despots, though they had no right over them on the ground of natural justice

Clarke: Tit 2:9 - -- Please them well in all things - They were to endeavor to do this in all things, though they could not hope to succeed in every thing

Please them well in all things - They were to endeavor to do this in all things, though they could not hope to succeed in every thing

Clarke: Tit 2:9 - -- Not answering again - Μη αντιλεγοντας· Not contradicting or gainsaying. This is no part of a servant’ s duty; a servant is hir...

Not answering again - Μη αντιλεγοντας· Not contradicting or gainsaying. This is no part of a servant’ s duty; a servant is hired to do his master’ s work, and this his master has a right to appoint.

Calvin: Tit 2:9 - -- 9.Servants, that they be subject to their masters It has been already said that Paul merely glances at some things by way of example, and does not ex...

9.Servants, that they be subject to their masters It has been already said that Paul merely glances at some things by way of example, and does not explain the whole of these subjects, as if he undertook, expressly, to handle them. Accordingly, when he enjoins servants to please their masters in all things, this desire of pleasing must be limited to those things which are proper; as is evident from other passages of a similar nature, in which an exception is expressly added, to the effect that nothing should be done but according to the will of God.

It may be observed that the Apostle dwells chiefly on this point, that they who are under the authority of others shall be obedient and submissive. With good reason he does this, for nothing is more contrary to the natural disposition of man than subjection, and there was danger lest they should take the gospel as a pretext for becoming more refractory, as reckoning it unreasonable that they should be subject to the authority of unbelievers. So much the greater care and diligence ought pastors to use for either subduing or checking this rebellious spirit.

TSK: Tit 2:9 - -- servants : Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:22-25; 1Ti 6:1, 1Ti 6:2; 1Pe 2:18-25 to please : Eph 5:24 answering again : or, gainsaying

servants : Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:22-25; 1Ti 6:1, 1Ti 6:2; 1Pe 2:18-25

to please : Eph 5:24

answering again : or, gainsaying

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Tit 2:9 - -- Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters - See this explained in the notes at Eph 6:5, following, and 1Ti 6:1-4. And to please ...

Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters - See this explained in the notes at Eph 6:5, following, and 1Ti 6:1-4.

And to please them well in all things - That is, so far as they lawfully may, or in those things which are not contrary to the will of God; compare Eph 6:6. It should be an object with one who is a servant, to meet the approbation of his master, as long as this relation continues. This rule would not, however, go to the extent to require him to please his master in doing anything that is contrary to the law of God, or that is morally wrong.

Not answering again - Margin, "gainsaying."Not contradicting, or not disobeying. They were to do what the master required, if it did not interfere with the rights of conscience, without attempting to argue the matter - without disputing with the master - and without advancing their own opinions. Where this relation exists, no one can doubt that this is a proper frame of mind for a servant. It may be observed, however, that all that is here said would be equally appropriate, whether the servitude was voluntary or involuntary. A man who becomes voluntarily a servant, binds himself to obey his master cheerfully and quietly, without gainsaying, and without attempting to reason the matter with him, or propounding his own opinions, even though they may be much wiser than those of his employer. He makes a contract to obey his master, not to reason with him, or to instruct him.

Poole: Tit 2:9 - -- Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters the apostle directeth as to servants of all sorts, whether bond or free, otherwise than that by...

Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters the apostle directeth as to servants of all sorts, whether bond or free, otherwise than that by covenant they have obliged themselves to men, he willeth they should be obedient to the commands of those who were their legal masters, neither thinking themselves free from them by their Christianity, if their masters were pagans, nor that they had a greater liberty to be saucy with them, or less obedient to them, because they were Christians, and upon that account brethren, 1Ti 6:2 .

And to please them well in all things that is, in civil things, wherein alone they were servants.

Not answering again not saucily replying when they were reproved, nor contradicting the commands of their masters.

Haydock: Tit 2:9 - -- Servants to be obedient. Servants owe respect and submission to their masters in every thing not contrary to the law, or the will of God. Hence the...

Servants to be obedient. Servants owe respect and submission to their masters in every thing not contrary to the law, or the will of God. Hence they are strictly forbidden to murmur at their commands, to show any repugnance to obey them, or to censure their conduct. To avoid these evils, they ought to consider their masters as Jesus Christ himself, and their commands as those of God himself: which St. Paul often inculcates in other places in his epistles. (Ephesians vi. 5, 6.; Colossians iii. 23.) (St. Jerome)

Gill: Tit 2:9 - -- Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters,.... And not others, whether they be believers, or unbelievers, gentle or froward, all their lawf...

Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters,.... And not others, whether they be believers, or unbelievers, gentle or froward, all their lawful commands ought to be obeyed; See Gill on Eph 6:5 and to please them well in all things; not only to obey and serve them, and do what they order, but to seek and endeavour to do it in such a way as may be grateful, acceptable, and well pleasing to them, whereby an interest in their affection, esteem, and commendation, may be gained: and this should be done always, and in all things, that are not contrary to a good conscience and to the Christian religion, and to the laws of God and nature. Or "that they may be well pleased in all things"; that is, be satisfied and contented with such things as they have, and in their state and condition as servants, and cheerfully abide in the calling wherein they are called:

not answering again; replying to their masters' orders, or complaints, either in a pert, or saucy, or grumbling manner; an evil very incident to servants, and which greatly provokes.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Tit 2:9 Or “to be subject to their own masters, to do what is wanted in everything.”

Geneva Bible: Tit 2:9 ( 4 ) [Exhort] servants to be obedient unto their own masters, [and] to please [them] well in all ( c ) [things]; not answering again; ( 4 ) The seve...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Tit 2:1-15 - --1 Directions given unto Titus both for his doctrine and life.10 Of the duty of servants, and in general of all Christians.

Combined Bible: Tit 2:9 - --[Exhort] servants to be obedient unto their own masters,

MHCC: Tit 2:9-10 - --Servants must know and do their duty to their earthly masters, with a reference to their heavenly one. In serving an earthly master according to Chris...

Matthew Henry: Tit 2:1-10 - -- Here is the third thing in the matter of the epistle. In the chapter foregoing, the apostle had directed Titus about matters of government, and to s...

Barclay: Tit 2:9-10 - --In the early Church the problem of the Christian workman was acute. It was one which could operate in two directions. If the master was a heathen, t...

Constable: Tit 1:5--3:12 - --II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING THE CHURCH IN ORDER 1:5--3:11 As in 1 Timothy, Paul plunged into the business of hi...

Constable: Tit 2:1-15 - --1. The behavior of various groups in the church 2:1-15 To establish order in the church Paul gav...

Constable: Tit 2:9-10 - --Bond-slaves 2:9-10 Slaves were (1) to be submissive to their own masters in everything a...

College: Tit 2:1-15 - --TITUS 2 III. INSTRUCTIONS FOR VARIOUS GROUPS (2:1-15) The current section is similar to 1 Tim 5:1-2, where people are grouped by sex and age. This t...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Titus (Book Introduction) The Epistle to Titus Probably 66 or 67 Apparently From Nicopolis

JFB: Titus (Book Introduction) GENUINENESS.--CLEMENT OF ROME quotes it [Epistle to the Corinthians, 2]; IRENÆUS [Against Heresies, 3.3.4] refers to it as Paul's; THEOPHILUS OF ANTI...


TSK: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Tit 2:1, Directions given unto Titus both for his doctrine and life; Tit 2:10, Of the duty of servants, and in general of all Christians.

Poole: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 2

MHCC: Titus (Book Introduction) This epistle chiefly contains directions to Titus concerning the elders of the Church, and the manner in which he should give instruction; and the lat...

MHCC: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) (Tit 2:1-8) The duties which become sound doctrine. (Tit 2:9, Tit 2:10) Believing servants must be obedient. (Tit 2:11-15) All is enforced from the ...

Matthew Henry: Titus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to Titus This Epistle of Paul to Titus is much of the same nature with those to...

Matthew Henry: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle here directs Titus about the faithful discharge of his own office generally (Tit 2:1), and particularly as to several sorts of persons ...

Barclay: Titus (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) The Christian Character (Tit_2:1-10) (1) The Senior Men (Tit_2:1-2) (2) The Older Women (Tit_2:3-5) (3) The Younger Women (Tit_2:3-5 Continued) ...

Constable: Titus (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Paul may have visited Crete more than once. It seem...

Constable: Titus (Outline) Outline I. Salutation 1:1-4 II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11 ...

Constable: Titus Titus Bibliography Bailey, Mark L. "A Biblical Theology of Paul's Pastoral Epistles." in A Biblical Theology of...

Haydock: Titus (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO TITUS. INTRODUCTION. The design of this epistle is much the same as in the two former to Timothy. He...

Gill: Titus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO TITUS Titus, to whom this epistle is inscribed, was a Greek, an uncircumcised Gentile, and so remained; nor did the apostle circumc...

Gill: Titus 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO TITUS 2 In this chapter the apostle exhorts Timothy to the discharge of his office with respect to all sorts of persons, of every a...

College: Titus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION PLACE OF ORIGIN AND DATE At the time of writing Titus, Paul was in or on his way to Nicopolis where he planned to spend the winter (3:1...

College: Titus (Outline) OUTLINE I. SALUTATION - 1:1-4 II. APPOINTING ELDERS - 1:5-16 A. Qualification of Elders - 1:5-9 B. Elders' Duty to False Teachers - 1:10-...

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