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Text -- Jude 1:4 (NET)

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1:4 For certain men have secretly slipped in among you– men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe– ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Lasciviousness | James | Jesus, The Christ | Infidelity | Heresy | God | Grace of God | Judas | Jude | Sanctification | Servant of the Lord | Reprobacy | Predestination | Doctrines | Minister | Wicked | Call | GRACE | JUDE, THE EPISTLE OF | GOD, NAMES OF | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jud 1:4 The terms “Master and Lord” both refer to the same person. The construction in Greek is known as the Granville Sharp rule, named after the...

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