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Text -- 1 John 2:8 (NET)

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2:8 On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Word of God | LOVE | JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 4-9 | JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 1-3 | JOHANNINE THEOLOGY, 1 | Gospel | Darkness | COMMANDMENT, THE NEW | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Again a new commandment ( palin entolēn kainēn ). Paradox, but truth. Old in teaching (as old as the story of Cain and Abel, 1Jo 3:11.), but new ...

Again a new commandment ( palin entolēn kainēn ).

Paradox, but truth. Old in teaching (as old as the story of Cain and Abel, 1Jo 3:11.), but new in practice. For this use of palin for a new turn see Joh 16:28. To walk as Christ walked is to put in practice the old commandment and so make it new (ever new and fresh), as love is as old as man and fresh in every new experience.

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- True in him and in you ( alēthes en autōi kai en humin ). This newness is shown supremely in Christ and in disciples when they walk as Jesus did ...

True in him and in you ( alēthes en autōi kai en humin ).

This newness is shown supremely in Christ and in disciples when they walk as Jesus did (1Jo 2:6).

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Because ( hoti ). Explanation of the paradox.

Because ( hoti ).

Explanation of the paradox.

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Is passing away ( paragetai ). Present middle indicative of paragō , old verb, to lead by, to go by (intransitive), as in Mat 20:30. Night does pas...

Is passing away ( paragetai ).

Present middle indicative of paragō , old verb, to lead by, to go by (intransitive), as in Mat 20:30. Night does pass by even if slowly. See this verb in 1Jo 2:17 of the world passing by like a procession.

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- True ( alēthinon ). Genuine, reliable, no false flicker.

True ( alēthinon ).

Genuine, reliable, no false flicker.

Robertson: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Already shineth ( ēdē phainei ). Linear present active, "is already shining"and the darkness is already passing by. Dawn is here. Is John thinkin...

Already shineth ( ēdē phainei ).

Linear present active, "is already shining"and the darkness is already passing by. Dawn is here. Is John thinking of the second coming of Christ or of the victory of truth over error, of light over darkness (cf. Joh 1:5-9), the slow but sure victory of Christ over Satan as shown in the Apocalypse? See 1Jo 1:5.

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- New commandment The commandment of love is both old and new . Old , because John's readers have had it from the beginning of their Christian ...

New commandment

The commandment of love is both old and new . Old , because John's readers have had it from the beginning of their Christian experience. New , because, in the unfolding of Christian experience, it has developed new power, meaning, and obligation, and closer correspondence " with the facts of Christ's life, with the crowning mystery of His passion, and with the facts of the Christian life."

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Which thing is true ( ὅ ἐστιν ἀληθὲς ) The expression which thing , or that which , refers either to the commandme...

Which thing is true ( ὅ ἐστιν ἀληθὲς )

The expression which thing , or that which , refers either to the commandment of love , or to the fact stated, viz., that the old commandment is new . The fact that the old commandment is new is true in Him and in us. On the whole I prefer this.

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- In Him and in us For us , read you . The fact that the old commandment is new, is true in Him (Christ), since He gave it as a new commandme...

In Him and in us

For us , read you . The fact that the old commandment is new, is true in Him (Christ), since He gave it as a new commandment, and illustrated it by His word and example. It is true in you , since you did not receive it until Christ gave it, and since the person and life of Christ are appealing to you in new lights and with fresh power as your Christian life develops. In Him , points back to as He walked .

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Because Explaining the apparent paradox.


Explaining the apparent paradox.

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- The darkness ( ἡ σκοτία ) See on Joh 1:5. God is light ; and whatever is not in fellowship with God is therefore darkness . In all c...

The darkness ( ἡ σκοτία )

See on Joh 1:5. God is light ; and whatever is not in fellowship with God is therefore darkness . In all cases where the word is not used of physical darkness, it means moral insensibility to the divine light; moral blindness or obtuseness. Compare Joh 8:12; Joh 12:35, Joh 12:46; 1Jo 2:9, 1Jo 2:11.

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Is past ( παράγεται ) Wrong. The passing is not represented as accomplished , but as in progress . Rev., rightly rendering the p...

Is past ( παράγεται )

Wrong. The passing is not represented as accomplished , but as in progress . Rev., rightly rendering the present tense, is passing away .

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- The true light ( τὸ φῶς τὸ ἀληθινὸν ) Lit., the light , the true (light). See on that eternal life (1Jo 1:2...

The true light ( τὸ φῶς τὸ ἀληθινὸν )

Lit., the light , the true (light). See on that eternal life (1Jo 1:2). True , not as distinguished from false, but as answering to the true ideal. See on Joh 1:9. The true light is the revelation of God in Christ. See on 1Jo 1:5.

Vincent: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Shineth ( φαίνει ) See on Joh 1:5. Compare Rev 1:16; Rev 8:12; Rev 21:23; 2Pe 1:19. See also Rom 13:11 sqq.; Tit 2:11; Tit 3:4.

Shineth ( φαίνει )

See on Joh 1:5. Compare Rev 1:16; Rev 8:12; Rev 21:23; 2Pe 1:19. See also Rom 13:11 sqq.; Tit 2:11; Tit 3:4.

Wesley: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Namely, with regard to loving one another. A commandment which, though it also was given long ago, yet is truly new in him and in you. It was exemplif...

Namely, with regard to loving one another. A commandment which, though it also was given long ago, yet is truly new in him and in you. It was exemplified in him, and is now fulfilled by you, in such a manner as it never was before. For there is no comparison between the state of the Old Testament believers, and that which ye now enjoy: the darkness of that dispensation is passed away; and Christ the true light now shineth in your hearts.

JFB: 1Jo 2:8 - -- It was "old," in that Christians as such had heard it from the first; but "new" (Greek, "kaine," not "nea": new and different from the old legal prece...

It was "old," in that Christians as such had heard it from the first; but "new" (Greek, "kaine," not "nea": new and different from the old legal precept) in that it was first clearly promulgated with Christianity; though the inner spirit of the law was love even to enemies, yet it was enveloped in some bitter precepts which caused it to be temporarily almost unrecognized, till the Gospel came. Christianity first put love to brethren on the new and highest MOTIVE, instinctive love to Him who first loved us, constraining us to love all, even enemies, thereby walking in the steps of Him who loved us when enemies. So Jesus calls it "new," Joh 13:34-35, "Love one another as I have loved you" (the new motive); Joh 15:12.

JFB: 1Jo 2:8 - -- "In Christ all things are always true, and were so from the beginning; but in Christ and in us conjointly the commandment [the love of brethren] is th...

"In Christ all things are always true, and were so from the beginning; but in Christ and in us conjointly the commandment [the love of brethren] is then true when we acknowledge the truth which is in Him, and have the same flourishing in us" [BENGEL]. ALFORD explains, "Which thing (the fact that the commandment is a new one) is true in Him and in you because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is now shining; that is, the commandment is a new one, and this is true both in the case of Christ and in the case of you; because in you the darkness is passing away, and in Him the true light is shining; therefore, on both accounts, the command is a new one: new as regards you, because you are newly come from darkness into light; new as regards Him, because He uttered it when He came into the world to lighten every man, and began that shining which even now continues." I prefer, as BENGEL, to explain, The new commandment finds its truth in its practical realization in the walk of Christians in union with Christ. Compare the use of "verily," 1Jo 2:5. Joh 4:42, "indeed"; Joh 6:55. The repetition of "in" before "you," "in Him and in you," not "in Him and you" implies that the love commandment finds its realization separately: first it did so "in Him," and then it does so "in us," in so far as we now "also walk even as He walked"; and yet it finds its realization also conjointly, by the two being united in one sentence, even as it is by virtue of the love commandment having been first fulfilled in Him, that it is also now fulfilled in us, through His Spirit in us: compare a similar case, Joh 20:17, "My Father and your Father"; by virtue of His being "My Father," He is also your Father.

JFB: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Rather, as in 1Jo 2:17, "is passing away." It shall not be wholly "past" until "the Sun of righteousness" shall arise visibly; "the light is now shini...

Rather, as in 1Jo 2:17, "is passing away." It shall not be wholly "past" until "the Sun of righteousness" shall arise visibly; "the light is now shining" already, though but partially until the day bursts forth.

Clarke: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Which thing is true in him and in you - It is true that Christ loved the world so well as to lay down his life for it; and it was true in them, in a...

Which thing is true in him and in you - It is true that Christ loved the world so well as to lay down his life for it; and it was true in them, in all his faithful followers at that time, who were ready to lay down their lives for the testimony of Jesus. There is a saying in Synopsis Sohar, p. 94, n. 51, that may cast some light on this passage: That way in which the just have walked, although it be Old, yet may be said to be New in the love of the righteous. The love that the righteous bear to God and to each other is a renewal of the commandment

Clarke: 1Jo 2:8 - -- The darkness is past - The total thick darkness of the heathen world, and the comparative darkness of the Mosaic dispensation, are now passing away;...

The darkness is past - The total thick darkness of the heathen world, and the comparative darkness of the Mosaic dispensation, are now passing away; and the pure and superior light of Christianity is now diffusing its beams everywhere. He does not say that the darkness was all gone by, but παραγεται, it is passing away; he does not say that the fullness of the light had appeared, but ηδη φαινει, it is now shining and will shine more and more to the perfect day; for the darkness passes away in proportion as the light shines and increases.

Calvin: 1Jo 2:8 - -- 8.Again, a new commandment Interpreters do not appear to me to have attained the meaning of the Apostle. He says new, because God, as it were, renew...

8.Again, a new commandment Interpreters do not appear to me to have attained the meaning of the Apostle. He says new, because God, as it were, renews it by daily suggesting it, so that the faithful may practice it through their whole life, for nothing more excellent can be sought for by them. The elements which children learn give place in time to what is higher and more solid. On the contrary, John denies that the doctrine respecting brotherly love is of this kind, is one which grows old with time, but that it is perpetually in force, so that it is no less the highest perfection than the very beginning.

It was, however, necessary that this should be added, for as men are more curious than what they ought to be, there are many who always seek something new. Hence there is a weariness as to simple doctrine, which produces innumerable prodigies of errors, when every one gapes continually for new mysteries. Now, when it is known that the Lord proceeds in the same even course, in order to keep us through life in that which we have learnt, a bridle is cast on desires of this kind. Let him, then, who would reach the goal of wisdom, as to the right way of living, make proficiency in love.

Which then is true, or which is truth. He proves by this reason what he had said; for this one command respecting love, as to our conduct in life, constitutes the whole truth of Christ. Besides, what other greater revelation can be expected? for Christ, doubtless, is the end and the completion of all things. Hence the word truth means this, that they stood, as it were at the goal, for it is to be taken for a completion or a perfect state. He joins Christ to them, as the head to the members, as though he had said, that the body of the Church has no other perfection, or, that they would then be really united to Christ, if holy love existed continually among them.

Some give another explanation, “That which is the truth in Christ, is also in you.” But I do not see what the meaning of this is.

Because the darkness is past The present time is here instead of the past; for he means, that as soon as Christ brings light, we have the full brightness of knowledge: not that every one of the faithful becomes wise the first day as much as he ought to be, (for even Paul testifies that he labored to apprehend what he had not apprehended, (Phi 3:12,) but that the knowledge of Christ alone is sufficient to dissipate darkness. Hence, daily progress is necessary; and the faith of every one has its dawn before it reaches the noonday. But as God continues the inculcation of the same doctrine, in which he bids us to make advances, the knowledge of the Gospel is justly said to be the true light, when Christ, the Sun of righteousness, shines. Thus the way is shut up against the audacity of those men who try to corrupt the purity of the Gospel by their own fictions; and we may safely denounce an anathema on the whole theology of the Pope, for it wholly obscures the true light.

Defender: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Although the commandment to love one another is not new (1Jo 2:7), in so far as knowledge and awareness are concerned, it becomes new when made a part...

Although the commandment to love one another is not new (1Jo 2:7), in so far as knowledge and awareness are concerned, it becomes new when made a part of life when the old spiritual darkness is banished by the true light shining in one's soul (compare 2Co 4:6)."

TSK: 1Jo 2:8 - -- a new : 1Jo 4:21; Joh 13:34, Joh 15:12 which : 1Jo 3:14-16, 1Jo 4:11; Joh 15:12-15; 2Co 8:9; Eph 5:1, Eph 5:2; 1Pe 1:21, 1Pe 4:1-3 the darkness : Son ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Again, a new commandment I write unto you - "And yet, that which I write to you, and particularly enjoin on you, deserves in another sense to b...

Again, a new commandment I write unto you - "And yet, that which I write to you, and particularly enjoin on you, deserves in another sense to be called a new commandment, though it has been also inculcated from the beginning, for it was called new by the Saviour himself."Or the meaning may be, "In addition to the general precepts which I have referred to, I do now call your attention to the new commandment of the Saviour, that which he himself called new."There can be no doubt here that John refers to the commandment to "love one another,"(see 1Jo 2:9-11), and that it is here called new, not in the sense that John inculcated it as a novel doctrine, but in the sense that the Saviour called it such. For the reasons why it was so called by him, see the notes at Joh 13:34.

Which thing is true in him - In the Lord Jesus. That is, which commandment or law of love was illustrated in him, or was manifested by him in his contact with his disciples. That which was most prominent in him was this very love which he enjoined on all his followers.

And in you - Among you. That is, you have manifested it in your contact with each other. It is not new in the sense that you have never heard of it, and have never evinced it, but in the sense only that he called it new.

Because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth - The ancient systems of error, under which people hated each other, have passed away, and you are brought into the light of the true religion. Once you were in darkness, like others; now the light of the pure gospel shines around you, and that requires, as its distinguishing characteristic, love. Religion is often represented as light; and Christ spoke of himself, and was spoken of, as the Light of the world. See the notes at Joh 1:4-5. Compare Joh 8:12; Joh 12:35-36, Joh 12:46; Isa 9:2.

Poole: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Yet also he calls it a new commandment, as our Saviour did, Joh 13:34 , upon the subjoined accounts. Which thing is true i.e. evident, or verif...

Yet also he calls it a new commandment, as our Saviour did, Joh 13:34 , upon the subjoined accounts.

Which thing is true i.e. evident, or verified, fulfilled, exemplified.

In him viz. in that new and high demonstration he had given of the sincerity and greatness of his own love, laying down his life for us, as Joh 15:13 .

And in you or, us, (as some read), i.e. the mind of God herein is by a new and fresh light most evidently and gloriously signified in or among you, (the subject being here collective and plural, admits this varied and very usual sense of the particle in ), inasmuch as

the darkness is past i.e. the heathenish ignorance that made the world barbarous; a darkness in which the furious lusts and passions of men are wont to rage, turning this earth into another hell, Psa 74:20 , is in a great measure vanished; and also the dark umbrage of the Judaic dispensation, (some read skia for skotia , not darkness, but shadow ), in which the love of God to men was more obscurely represented, is past away and gone,

and the true light now shineth the love and grace of God towards sinners (the pattern and argument of our mutual love to one another) shines with

true light that is evident, in opposition to darkness, or immediately substantial, in opposition to type or shadow, as Joh 1:9,14,17 : representing the gracious design of God, and his very nature, who is love, 1Jo 4:8,16 , with so bright and glorious beams as ought to transform us into his likeness; and which therefore render the mutual hatred of one another the most incongruous thing to us in the world. Whereupon he adds... see 1Jo 2:9

Haydock: 1Jo 2:7-8 - -- An old commandment.... and again, a new commandment. He means the commandment of charity, or of the love of God and the love of our neighbour. Thi...

An old commandment.... and again, a new commandment. He means the commandment of charity, or of the love of God and the love of our neighbour. This he calls both an old and a new precept. It may be called old, not only as being a precept of the law of nature, and always obligatory, but because St. John and the other apostles had delivered it to them long ago, i.e. when these persons were first converted. It may also be called a new precept, St. John recommending it anew to them in this epistle, and declaring it to be enjoined in a particular manner by our Saviour Christ, after it had been misconstrued and neglected, especially as regards our neighbour, that is, every one without exception; so that if any one hate another, it is in vain that he pretends to walk in the light of the gospel. (Witham) ---

A new commandment; viz. the commandment of love, which was given in the old law, but was renewed and extended by Christ. See John xiii. 33. (Challoner)

Gill: 1Jo 2:8 - -- Again, a new commandment I write unto you,.... Which is the same with the former, considered in different respects. The command of brotherly love is a...

Again, a new commandment I write unto you,.... Which is the same with the former, considered in different respects. The command of brotherly love is a new one; that is, it is an excellent one, as a new name is an excellent name, and a new song is an excellent one; it is renewed by Christ under the Gospel dispensation; it is newly explained by him, and purged from the false glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees; see Mat 5:43; and enforced by him with a new argument, and by a new example of his own, even his own love to his people; and which is observed by them in a new manner, they being made new creatures; and this law being anew written in their hearts, under the renewing work of the Spirit of God, as a branch of the new covenant of grace; see Joh 13:34. The Jews c expect תורה חדשה, "a new law" to be given them by the bands of the Messiah; and a new one he has given, even the new commandment of love, and which is the fulfilling of the law.

Which things is true in him, and in you. The Alexandrian copy reads, "in us"; the sense is either, it is true "in itself", as the phrase will bear to be rendered, and it is verified in you, or in us, to be a new commandment; or it is true in Christ, it is yea and amen in him; it has its full completion in him, who is the fulfilling end of the law, as well as it has been faithfully delivered, truly explained, and warmly and affectionately recommended and urged by him; and he is the great pattern and exemplar of it: and the love which this new commandment requires is really and truly in the saints, implanted in them in regeneration, is a fruit of the Spirit, and which faith works by, and will always continue in them; and should be in its actings like Christ's, true, sincere, cordial, affectionate, constant, and universal: and some think the word εστι, or εστω, "is", or "let it be", is wanting in the last clause, and may be read, "which thing is true in him, and is", or "let it be in you": that is, as love to the brethren is true and sincere in Christ, so it is, or should be in you; it should be without dissimulation, and so it was, as the reason following shows:

because the darkness is past, or is "passing"; meaning either the darkness of the ceremonial law, which lay in dark types and shadows, and in cloudy sacrifices, and mystical representations of things, and was a shadow of good things to come; and its shadows were now fleeing away apace, in fact as well as in right; and so the Alexandrian copy reads, "because the shadow is passing away"; the night of Jewish darkness was far spent, and the Gospel day was not only broke, but it was, or near noonday, which brought the light of faith, and the heat of love with it: or else the darkness of sin and ignorance, of a state of nature, and of the kingdom of Satan, in which the people of God are before conversion; which then passes away gradually, by little and little, for it is not removed at once, or wholly gone; for though the saints are at once removed out of a state of darkness, and from the kingdom of darkness, and the power of it, yet they are not wholly free from the darkness of sin and ignorance, they still see but through a glass darkly: and the words are better rendered, the darkness passes", or "is passing away", and not is past", or "has passed away"; for as yet it is not entirely gone;

and the true light now shineth; either the Gospel, which is a light, and a true and substantial one, in distinction from the dim light of nature, or the shadowy law of Moses; and which now, under the present dispensation, shines out in a most glorious manner, as the sun in its full strength; and so the Ethiopic version renders it, "the light of truth"; the word of truth, the Gospel of our salvation: or Jesus Christ, who is so called, Joh 1:9; in distinction from typical lights, as the "Urim" on the high priest's breastplate, the candlestick in the tabernacle and temple, and the pillar of fire by night, which guided the Israelites through the wilderness; and in opposition to all false lights, to the Scribes and Pharisees, to false Christs and false prophets, which are so many "ignes fatui"; but Christ is the sun of righteousness that is risen in our "horizon", and the true light which shines out in a most illustrious manner: or the light of grace is here intended, that light which the Spirit of God illuminates with in conversion; in which a man sees sin in its true colours, and has a spiritual and saving sight of Christ, of pardon, peace, life, righteousness, and salvation by him; which is no other than the light of faith, by which an enlightened person sees the Son, looks to him, and has an evidence of the unseen glories of another world. Now this is a true light, things are seen by the believer in a right light, both his own sins, and the person, blood, and righteousness of Christ; this is a shining one, which cannot but be observed by himself, and shines more and more to the perfect day; and it now shines as it did not before, in a state of nature, and continues to shine, and ever will: this light will never be put out, and is the cause of brotherly love, being truly in the saints, and of the continuance of it; before this light shines, men live in malice, but when it comes and shines, as they walk in light, they walk in love.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Jo 2:8 The reference to the darkness…passing away and the true light…already shining is an allusion to John 1:5, 1:9, and 8:12. Because the autho...

Geneva Bible: 1Jo 2:8 ( 7 ) Again, a new commandment I write unto you, ( h ) which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shi...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Jo 2:1-29 - --1 He comforts them against the sins of infirmity.3 Rightly to know God is to keep his commandments;9 to love our brethren;15 and not to love the world...

Maclaren: 1Jo 2:7-8 - --The Commandment, Old Yet New I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning … Again, a new commandm...

MHCC: 1Jo 2:3-11 - --What knowledge of Christ can that be, which sees not that he is most worthy of our entire obedience? And a disobedient life shows there is neither rel...

Matthew Henry: 1Jo 2:7-11 - -- The seventh verse may be supposed either to look backward to what immediately preceded (and then it is walking as Christ walked that is here repre...

Barclay: 1Jo 2:7-8 - --Beloved is John's favourite address to his people (compare 1Jo 3:2; 1Jo 3:21; 1Jo 4:1, 1Jo 4:7; 3Jn 1-2, 5, 11). The whole accent of his writin...

Barclay: 1Jo 2:7-8 - --John goes on to say that this commandment of love is true in Jesus Christ and true in the people to whom he is writing. To John, as we have seen, t...

Constable: 1Jo 1:5--3:1 - --II. Living in the light 1:5--2:29 "The teaching of 1 John is concerned essentially with the conditions for true ...

Constable: 1Jo 1:8--3:1 - --B. Conditions for living in the light 1:8-2:29 John articulated four fundamental principles that underli...

Constable: 1Jo 2:3-11 - --2. Obeying God 2:3-11 "The author is explaining to the members of his church, in answer to developing heretical tendencies, the nature of true Christi...

College: 1Jo 2:1-29 - --1 JOHN 2 C. THE ATONING SACRIFICE (2:1-2) 1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who...

Lapide: 1Jo 2:1-29 - --CHAPTER 2 Ver. 1.— My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. At the end of the last chapter it was said that all who wer...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 John (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN ABOUT a.d. 85 TO 90 By Way of Introduction Relation to the Fourth Gospel There are few scholars who deny that the Ep...

JFB: 1 John (Book Introduction) AUTHORSHIP.--POLYCARP, the disciple of John [Epistle to the Philippians, 7], quotes 1Jo 4:3. EUSEBIUS [Ecclesiastical History, 3.39] says of PAPIAS, a...


TSK: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Jo 2:1, He comforts them against the sins of infirmity; 1Jo 2:3, Rightly to know God is to keep his commandments; 1Jo 2:9, to love our b...

Poole: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) JOHN CHAPTER 2

MHCC: 1 John (Book Introduction) This epistle is a discourse upon the principles of Christianity, in doctrine and practice. The design appears to be, to refute and guard against erron...

MHCC: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) (1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:2) The apostle directs to the atonement of Christ for help against sinful infirmities. (1Jo 2:3-11) The effects of saving knowledge i...

Matthew Henry: 1 John (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle General of John Though the continued tradition of the church attests that this epistl...

Matthew Henry: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) Here the apostle encourages against sins of infirmity (1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:2), shows the true knowledge and love of God (1Jo 2:3-6), renews the precept ...

Barclay: 1 John (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST LETTER OF JOHN A Personal Letter And Its Background First John is entitled a letter but it has no opening address nor c...

Barclay: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) A Pastor's Concern (2Jo_2:1-2) Jesus Christ, The Paraclete (2Jo_2:1-2 Continued) Jesus Christ, The Propitiation (2Jo_2:1-2 Continued) The True...

Constable: 1 John (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background This epistle does not contain the name of its write...

Constable: 1 John (Outline) Outline I. Introduction: the purpose of the epistle 1:1-4 II. Living in the light 1:5-2:29 ...

Constable: 1 John 1 John Bibliography Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publi...

Haydock: 1 John (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN, THE APOSTLE. INTRODUCTION. This epistle was always acknowledged for canonical, and written by St. John, the apo...

Gill: 1 John (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 JOHN The author of this epistle was John, the son of Zebedee, the disciple whom Jesus loved: he was the youngest of the apostles,...

Gill: 1 John 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 JOHN 2 In this chapter the apostle comforts the saints under a sense of sin; urges them to an observance of the commandments of G...

College: 1 John (Book Introduction) FOREWORD It has been my pleasure to have been associated with Professor Morris Womack since the middle 1960s when we both accepted positions in the L...

College: 1 John (Outline) OUTLINE I. THE WORD OF LIFE - 1:1-4 II. LIFE WITH GOD AND THE WORLD - 1:5-2:27 A. The Way of Light and Darkness - 1:5-7 B. Admitting Our ...

Lapide: 1 John (Book Introduction) PREFACE TO THE FIRST EPISTLE OF S. JOHN. ——o—— I mention three things by way of preface. First, concerning the authority of the Epistle. Se...

Advanced Commentary (Dictionaries, Hymns, Arts, Sermon Illustration, Question and Answers, etc)

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