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Text -- 1 Peter 5:6 (NET)

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5:6 And God will exalt you in due time, if you humble yourselves under his mighty hand
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Humble yourselves therefore ( tapeinōthēte oun ). First aorist passive imperative of tapeinoō , old verb, for which see Mat 18:4. Peter is here...

Humble yourselves therefore ( tapeinōthēte oun ).

First aorist passive imperative of tapeinoō , old verb, for which see Mat 18:4. Peter is here in the role of a preacher of humility. "Be humbled."

Robertson: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Under the mighty hand of God ( hupo tēn krataian cheira tou theou ). Common O.T. picture (Exo 3:19; Eze 20:33, etc.).

Under the mighty hand of God ( hupo tēn krataian cheira tou theou ).

Common O.T. picture (Exo 3:19; Eze 20:33, etc.).

Robertson: 1Pe 5:6 - -- That he may exalt you ( hina hupsōsēi ). Purpose clause with hina and first aorist active subjunctive of hupsoō . Cf. Luk 14:11; Phi 2:9.

That he may exalt you ( hina hupsōsēi ).

Purpose clause with hina and first aorist active subjunctive of hupsoō . Cf. Luk 14:11; Phi 2:9.

Robertson: 1Pe 5:6 - -- In due time ( en kairōi ). Same phrase in Mat 24:45.

In due time ( en kairōi ).

Same phrase in Mat 24:45.

Vincent: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Mighty hand ( κραταιὰν χεῖρα ) A phrase found nowhere else in the New Testament, but occurring in the Septuagint, Exodus 3:19; D...

Mighty hand ( κραταιὰν χεῖρα )

A phrase found nowhere else in the New Testament, but occurring in the Septuagint, Exodus 3:19; Deuteronomy 3:24; Job 30:21. The adjective κραταιὰν , mighty, is, moreover, used only here. Compare Luk 1:51, Luk 1:52.

Wesley: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Is in all troubles.

Is in all troubles.

JFB: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Afflicting you (1Pe 3:15): "accept" His chastisements, and turn to Him that smiteth you. He depresses the proud and exalts the humble.

Afflicting you (1Pe 3:15): "accept" His chastisements, and turn to Him that smiteth you. He depresses the proud and exalts the humble.

JFB: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Wait humbly and patiently for His own fit time. One oldest manuscript and Vulgate read, "In the season of visitation," namely, His visitation in mercy...

Wait humbly and patiently for His own fit time. One oldest manuscript and Vulgate read, "In the season of visitation," namely, His visitation in mercy.

Clarke: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Humble yourselves - Those who submit patiently to the dispensations of God’ s providence he lifts up; those who lift themselves up, God thrusts...

Humble yourselves - Those who submit patiently to the dispensations of God’ s providence he lifts up; those who lift themselves up, God thrusts down

If we humble not ourselves under God’ s grace, he will humble us under his judgments. Those who patiently submit to him, he exalts in due time; if his hand be mighty to depress, it is also mighty to exalt.

Calvin: 1Pe 5:6 - -- 6.Humble yourselves therefore We must ever bear in mind for what end he bids us to be humble before God, even that we may be more courteous and kind ...

6.Humble yourselves therefore We must ever bear in mind for what end he bids us to be humble before God, even that we may be more courteous and kind to our brethren, and not refuse to submit to them as far as love demands. Then they who are haughty and refractory towards men, are, he says, acting insolently towards God. He therefore exhorts all the godly to submit to God’s authority; and he calls God’s power his hand, that he might make them to fear the more. For though hand is often applied to God, yet it is to be understood here according to the circumstances of the passage. But as we are wont commonly to fear, lest our humility should be a disadvantage to us, and others might for this reason grow more insolent, Peter meets this objection, and promises eminency to all who humble themselves.

But he adds, in due time, that he might at the same time obviate too much haste. He then intimates that it is necessary for us to learn humility now, but that the Lord well knows when it is expedient for us to be elevated. Thus it behoves us to yield to his counsel.

TSK: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Humble : Exo 10:3; Lev 26:41; 1Ki 21:29; 2Ki 22:19; 2Ch 12:6, 2Ch 12:7, 2Ch 12:12, 2Ch 30:11, 2Ch 32:26; 2Ch 33:12, 2Ch 33:19, 2Ch 33:23, 2Ch 36:12; P...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Humble yourselves therefore - Be willing to take a low place - a place such as becomes you. Do not arrogate to yourselves what does not belong t...

Humble yourselves therefore - Be willing to take a low place - a place such as becomes you. Do not arrogate to yourselves what does not belong to you; do not evince pride and haughtiness in your manner; do not exalt yourselves above others. See the notes at Luk 14:7-11. Compare Pro 15:33; Pro 18:12; Pro 22:4; Mic 6:8; Phi 2:8.

Under the mighty hand of God - This refers probably to the calamities which he had brought upon them, or was about to bring upon them; represented here, as often elsewhere, as the infliction of his hand - the hand being that by which we accomplish anything. When that hand was upon them they were not to be lifted up with pride and with a spirit of rebellion, but were to take a lowly place before him, and submit to him wish a calm mind, believing that he would exalt them in due time. There is no situation in which one will be more likely to feel humility than in scenes of affliction.

That he may exalt you in due time - When he shall see it to be a proper time:

(1)    They might be assured that this would be done at some time. He would not always leave them in this low and depressed condition. He would take off his heavy hand, and raise them up from their state of sadness and suffering.

(2)\caps1     t\caps0 his would be in due time; that is, in the proper time, in the best time:

\tx720 \tx1080 (a)    It might be in the present life.

(b)    It would certainly be in the world to come. There they would be exalted to honors which will be more than an equivalent for all the persecution, poverty, and contempt which are suffered in this world. He may well afford to be humble here who is to be exalted to a throne in heaven.

Poole: 1Pe 5:6 - -- The mighty hand of God by this he means God’ s omnipotence, which sometimes is called a strong hand, Exo 3:19 , a mighty hand, Exo 32:11 Deu 3...

The mighty hand of God by this he means God’ s omnipotence, which sometimes is called a strong hand, Exo 3:19 , a mighty hand, Exo 32:11 Deu 3:24 , the right hand of power, Mat 26:64 ; by which he is able to beat down those that are proud and high, and to defend or exalt those that are humble and lowly.

In due time Greek, in season, viz. that which God sees most fit and conducing to his own glory and your real welfare.

Gill: 1Pe 5:6 - -- Humble yourselves therefore,.... Or be ye humbled before God, and in his sight; quietly submit to his will; patiently bear every affliction without mu...

Humble yourselves therefore,.... Or be ye humbled before God, and in his sight; quietly submit to his will; patiently bear every affliction without murmuring, repining, or replying against him; be still under the rod, and despise not the chastening of the Lord; mourn over sin as the cause, acknowledge your vileness and unworthiness, and stand in awe of his majesty, considering yourselves as

under the mighty hand of God a phrase expressive of his omnipotence which cannot be stayed, and it would be madness to oppose it; and which is able to cast down the proud, and dash them to pieces, as well as to exalt the humble. His hand, upon men, in a way of chastisement, presses sore, and, in a way of punishment, presses down, and crushes to pieces; but to be under it in an humble manner is safe and profitable; such are hid as in the hollow of his hand, and are safe as in a pavilion, and comfortable under the shadow of his wings; and such humiliation and submission to him, and putting themselves under his mighty hand and care, is the way to exaltation:

that he may exalt you in due time: the Arabic version reads, "in the time of exaltation": when his time to exalt is come, either in this world, or more especially at the appearance of Christ and his kingdom. The Vulgate Latin version, and two copies of Beza's, one of Stephens's, and the Alexandrian, read, "in the time of visitation"; and so the Ethiopic version, "when he shall have visited you"; which seems to be taken out of 1Pe 2:12 sooner or later such who are humbled shall be exalted; it is the usual way and method which God takes to abase the proud, and exalt the humble; for humble souls honour him, and therefore such as honour him he will honour; and this he does in his own time, in a time that makes most for his glory, and their good; oftentimes he does it in this life, and always in that which is to come.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Pe 5:6 Grk “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that in due time he may exalt you.” The sentence was rearranged so tha...

Geneva Bible: 1Pe 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore ( 10 ) under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: ( 10 ) Because those proud and lofty spirits thre...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Pe 5:1-14 - --1 He exhorts the elders to feed their flocks;5 the younger to obey;8 and all to be sober, watchful, and constant in the faith;9 and to resist the crue...

MHCC: 1Pe 5:5-9 - --Humility preserves peace and order in all Christian churches and societies; pride disturbs them. Where God gives grace to be humble, he will give wisd...

Matthew Henry: 1Pe 5:5-7 - -- Having settled and explained the duty of the pastors or spiritual guides of the church, the apostle comes now to instruct the flock, I. How to behav...

Barclay: 1Pe 5:6-11 - --Here Peter speaks in imperatives, laying down certain laws for the Christian life. (i) There is the law of humility before God. The Christian must h...

Barclay: 1Pe 5:6-11 - --(v) Finally, Peter speaks of the law of Christian suffering. He says that, after the Christian has gone through suffering, God will restore, esta...

Constable: 1Pe 5:1-11 - --B. The Church under Trial 5:1-11 Peter concluded the body of his epistle and this section on encourageme...

Constable: 1Pe 5:6-7 - --3. The importance of humility and trust in God 5:6-7 5:6 God's almighty hand had permitted affliction to touch Peter's readers. The apostle urged them...

College: 1Pe 5:1-14 - --1 PETER 5 B. SHOW HUMILITY IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, ESPECIALLY YOU WHO SHEPHERD (5:1-5) 1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witn...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE GENERAL OF PETER ABOUT a.d. 65 By Way of Introduction The Author The Epistle is not anonymous, but claims to be written by "...

JFB: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) ITS GENUINENESS is attested by 2Pe 3:1. On the authority of Second Peter, see the Introduction. Also by POLYCARP (in EUSEBIUS [Ecclesiastical History,...


TSK: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) As the design of this Epistle is excellent, remarks Dr. Macknight, so is its execution, in the judgment of the best critics, does not fall short of it...

TSK: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Pe 5:1, He exhorts the elders to feed their flocks; 1Pe 5:5, the younger to obey; 1Pe 5:8, and all to be sober, watchful, and constant i...

Poole: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) PETER CHAPTER 5

MHCC: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) The same great doctrines, as in St. Paul's epistles, are here applied to same practical purposes. And this epistle is remarkable for the sweetness, ge...

MHCC: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) (1Pe 5:1-4) Elders exhorted and encouraged. (1Pe 5:5-9) Younger Christians are to submit to their elders, and to yield with humility and patience to ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle General of Peter Two epistles we have enrolled in the sacred canon of the scripture w...

Matthew Henry: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) In which the apostle gives particular directions, first to the elders, how to behave themselves towards their flock (1Pe 5:1-4); then to the younge...

Barclay: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST LETTER OF PETER The Catholic Or General Epistles First Peter belongs to that group of New Testament letters which are k...

Barclay: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) The Elders Of The Church (1Pe_5:1-4) The Christian Eldership (1Pe_5:1-4 Continued) The Perils And Privileges Of The Eldership (1Pe_5:1-4 Continu...

Constable: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background This epistle claims that the Apostle Peter wrote it...

Constable: 1 Peter (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-2 II. The identity of Christians 1:3-2:10 A....

Constable: 1 Peter 1 Peter Bibliography Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publ...

Haydock: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PETER, THE APOSTLE. INTRODUCTION. This first Epistle of St. Peter, though brief, contains much doctrine concerning fa...

Gill: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 PETER That Simon, called Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, was the writer of this epistle, is not questioned by any; nor was the...

Gill: 1 Peter 5 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 PETER 5 In this chapter the apostle first exhorts pastors and members of churches to their respective duties as such; and then to...

College: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION This commentary is written for the general reader with a serious interest in Scripture. Its purpose is to provide a historical interpret...

College: 1 Peter (Outline) OUTLINE I. THE GREETING - 1:1-2 II. A CALL TO BE HOLY - 1:3-2:10 A. The Hope of Salvation - 1:3-9 B. The Glory of This Salvation - 1:10-1...

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