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Text -- 1 Samuel 22:2-23 (NET)

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22:2 All those who were in trouble or owed someone money or were discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. He had about four hundred men with him. 22:3 Then David went from there to Mizpah in Moab, where he said to the king of Moab, “Please let my father and mother stay with you until I know what God is going to do for me.” 22:4 So he had them stay with the king of Moab; they stayed with him the whole time that David was in the stronghold. 22:5 Then Gad the prophet said to David, “Don’t stay in the stronghold. Go to the land of Judah.” So David left and went to the forest of Hereth.
Saul Executes the Priests
22:6 But Saul found out the whereabouts of David and the men who were with him. Now Saul was sitting at Gibeah under the tamarisk tree at an elevated location with his spear in hand and all his servants stationed around him. 22:7 Saul said to his servants who were stationed around him, “Listen up, you Benjaminites! Is Jesse’s son giving fields and vineyards to all of you? Or is he making all of you commanders and officers? 22:8 For all of you have conspired against me! No one informs me when my own son makes an agreement with this son of Jesse! Not one of you feels sorry for me or informs me that my own son has commissioned my own servant to hide in ambush against me, as is the case today!” 22:9 But Doeg the Edomite, who had stationed himself with the servants of Saul, replied, “I saw this son of Jesse come to Ahimelech son of Ahitub at Nob. 22:10 He inquired of the Lord for him and gave him provisions. He also gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.” 22:11 Then the king arranged for a meeting with the priest Ahimelech son of Ahitub and all the priests of his father’s house who were at Nob. They all came to the king. 22:12 Then Saul said, “Listen, son of Ahitub.” He replied, “Here I am, my lord.” 22:13 Saul said to him, “Why have you conspired against me, you and this son of Jesse? You gave him bread and a sword and inquired of God on his behalf, so that he opposes me and waits in ambush, as is the case today!” 22:14 Ahimelech replied to the king, “Who among all your servants is faithful like David? He is the king’s son-in-law, the leader of your bodyguard, and honored in your house! 22:15 Was it just today that I began to inquire of God on his behalf? Far be it from me! The king should not accuse his servant or any of my father’s house. For your servant is not aware of all this– not in whole or in part!” 22:16 But the king said, “You will surely die, Ahimelech, you and all your father’s house! 22:17 Then the king said to the messengers who were stationed beside him, “Turn and kill the priests of the Lord, for they too have sided with David! They knew he was fleeing, but they did not inform me.” But the king’s servants refused to harm the priests of the Lord. 22:18 Then the king said to Doeg, “You turn and strike down the priests!” So Doeg the Edomite turned and struck down the priests. He killed on that day eighty-five men who wore the linen ephod. 22:19 As for Nob, the city of the priests, he struck down with the sword men and women, children and infants, oxen, donkeys, and sheep– all with the sword. 22:20 But one of the sons of Ahimelech son of Ahitub escaped and fled to David. His name was Abiathar. 22:21 Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the priests of the Lord. 22:22 Then David said to Abiathar, “I knew that day when Doeg the Edomite was there that he would certainly tell Saul! I am guilty of all the deaths in your father’s house! 22:23 Stay with me. Don’t be afraid! Whoever seeks my life is seeking your life as well. You are secure with me.”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abiathar a son of Ahimelech; a high priest and counselor of David,son of Ahimelech (Ahitub I Ithamar Aaron); counselor of David
 · Ahimelech priest (Eli Ithamar) of Nob, whom Saul killed; Ahimelech I,a priest, Ahimelech II; son of Abiathar son of Ahimelech I,a man who was part of David's fugitive band; a Hittite
 · Ahitub chief priest Ahitub I; son of Phinehas II son of Eli,chief priest Ahitub II; son of Amariah I (WZ-466),chief priest, Ahitub III; son of Amariah II
 · Benjaminite the tribe of Benjamin of Israel
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Doeg a man from Edom who was chief of Saul's herdsmen
 · Edomite resident(s) of the region of Edom
 · Gad the tribe of Israel descended from Gad, the son of Jacob,the man; the son of Jacob and Zilpah,the tribe of Gad in Israel,a prophet and long time advisor to King David
 · Gibeah a town of Judah 8 km north of Jerusalem, 5 km east of Gibeon (SMM)
 · Goliath a Philistine giant from Gath,a Philistine giant from Gath killed by Elhanan.
 · Hereth a forest near Adullam and Keilah
 · Jesse a son of Obed; the father of David the king and ancestor of Jesus,son of Obed of Judah; father of David
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Mizpeh a town of Moab
 · Moab resident(s) of the country of Moab
 · Nob a town 5 or 6 kilometers NE of Jerusalem
 · Philistines a sea people coming from Crete in 1200BC to the coast of Canaan
 · Saul the sixth king of Edom,son of Simeon and a Canaanite woman,son of Uzziah of Kohath son of Levi

Dictionary Themes and Topics: David | Abiathar | Ahimelech | Nob | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | Jesse | Saul | Mizpah | JUDGE | Ahitub | Holy Spirit | Rulers | Malice | Ahijah | Doeg | Government | LAW OF MOSES | Accusation, False | Lies and Deceits | PRIEST, HIGH | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:2 Heb “to.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:3 Heb “go forth.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:4 Heb “all the days.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:6 Heb “and Saul heard that David and the men who were with him were known.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:7 Heb “officers of a thousand and officers of a hundred.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:8 Heb “uncovers my ear.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:13 Heb “rises up against.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:15 Heb “small or great.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:17 Heb “to extend their hand to harm.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:18 The number is confused in the Greek ms tradition. The LXX, with the exception of the Lucianic recension, has the number 305. The Lucianic recension, a...

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:22 The translation follows the LXX, which reads “I am guilty,” rather than the MT, which has “I have turned.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 22:23 Or “the one who.” This may refer specifically to Saul, in which case David acknowledges that Abiathar’s life is endangered because o...

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