Text -- 1 Thessalonians 2:15 (NET)

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Robertson: 1Th 2:15 - -- Who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets ( tōn kai ton Kurion apokteinantōn Iēsoun kai tous prophētas ).
First aorist active participl...
Who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets (
First aorist active participle of

Robertson: 1Th 2:15 - -- And drove us out ( kai hēmās ekdiōxantōn ).
An old verb to drive out or banish, to chase out as if a wild beast. Only here in N.T. It is Paul...
And drove us out (
An old verb to drive out or banish, to chase out as if a wild beast. Only here in N.T. It is Paul’ s vivid description of the scene told in Act 17:5. when the rabbis and the hoodlums from the agora chased him out of Thessalonica by the help of the politarchs.

Robertson: 1Th 2:15 - -- Please not God ( Theōi mē areskontōn ).
The rabbis and Jews thought that they were pleasing God by so doing as Paul did when he ravaged the you...
Please not God (
The rabbis and Jews thought that they were pleasing God by so doing as Paul did when he ravaged the young church in Jerusalem. But Paul knows better now.

Robertson: 1Th 2:15 - -- And are contrary to all men ( kai pasin anthrōpois enantiōn ).
Dative case with the adjective enantiōn (old and common word, face to face, op...
And are contrary to all men (
Dative case with the adjective
Vincent: 1Th 2:15 - -- Persecuted ( ἐκδιωξάντων )
Rev. more literally and correctly, drave out . The word only here, though it occurs as an alternativ...
Persecuted (
Rev. more literally and correctly, drave out . The word only here, though it occurs as an alternative reading, Luk 11:49. Probably with special reference to his own expulsion from Thessalonica. Act 17:5-10.

Vincent: 1Th 2:15 - -- Contrary to all men
Tacitus ( Hist . v. 5) describes the Jews as stubborn in their faith, prompt in kindly offices to each other, but bitterly ho...
Contrary to all men
Tacitus ( Hist . v. 5) describes the Jews as stubborn in their faith, prompt in kindly offices to each other, but bitterly hostile toward everybody else: Juvenal ( Sat . xiv. 102 f.) says that they observe and respect whatever Moses has taught in his mystical volume; not to show the way except to one who practices the same rites, and to show the well only to the circumcised.
Apostles and preachers of the gospel.

Wesley: 1Th 2:15 - -- Nor are they even careful to please him, notwithstanding their fair professions.
Nor are they even careful to please him, notwithstanding their fair professions.

Wesley: 1Th 2:15 - -- Are common enemies of mankind; not only by their continual seditions and insurrections, and by their utter contempt of all other nations; but in parti...
Are common enemies of mankind; not only by their continual seditions and insurrections, and by their utter contempt of all other nations; but in particular, by their endeavouring to hinder their hearing or receiving the gospel.
JFB: 1Th 2:15 - -- Rather as Greek, "Jesus THE LORD." This enhances the glaring enormity of their sin, that in killing Jesus they killed the LORD (Compare Act 3:14-15).
Rather as Greek, "Jesus THE LORD." This enhances the glaring enormity of their sin, that in killing Jesus they killed the LORD (Compare Act 3:14-15).

JFB: 1Th 2:15 - -- That is, they do not make it their aim to please God. He implies that with all their boast of being God's peculiar people, they all the while are "no ...
That is, they do not make it their aim to please God. He implies that with all their boast of being God's peculiar people, they all the while are "no pleasers of God," as certainly as, by the universal voice of the world, which even they themselves cannot contradict, they are declared to be perversely "contrary to all men." JOSEPHUS [Against Apion, 2.14], represents one calling them "Atheists and Misanthropes, the dullest of barbarians"; and TACITUS [Histories, 5.5], "They have a hostile hatred of all other men." However, the contrariety to all men here meant is, in that they "forbid us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved" (1Th 2:16).
Clarke -> 1Th 2:15-16
Clarke: 1Th 2:15-16 - -- Who hath killed the Lord Jesus, etc. - What a finished but just character is this of the Jews
1. They slew the Lord Jesus, through...
Who hath killed the Lord Jesus, etc. - What a finished but just character is this of the Jews
1. They slew the Lord Jesus, through the most unprincipled and fell malice
2. They killed their own prophets; there was no time in which the seed of the serpent did not hate and oppose spiritual things, they slew even their own prophets who declared to them the will of God
3. They persecuted the apostles; showing the same spirit of enmity to the Gospel which they had shown to the law
4. They did not please God, nor seek to please him; though they pretended that their opposition to the Gospel was through their zeal for God’ s glory, they were hypocrites of the worst kind
5. They were contrary to all men; they hated the whole human race, and judged and wished them to perdition
6. They forbade the apostles to preach to the Gentiles, lest they should be saved; this was an inveteracy of malice completely superhuman; they persecuted the body to death, and the soul to damnation! They were afraid that the Gentiles should get their souls saved if the Gospel was preached to them
7. They filled up their sins always; they had no mere purposes or outlines of iniquity, all were filled up; every evil purpose was followed, as far as possible, with a wicked act! Is it any wonder, therefore, that wrath should come upon them to the uttermost? It is to be reckoned among the highest mercies of God that the whole nation was not pursued by the Divine justice to utter and final extinction.
Calvin -> 1Th 2:15
Calvin: 1Th 2:15 - -- 15.Who killed the Lord Jesus. As that people had been distinguished by so many benefits from God, in consequence of the glory of the ancient fathers,...
15.Who killed the Lord Jesus. As that people had been distinguished by so many benefits from God, in consequence of the glory of the ancient fathers, the very name 544 was of great authority among many. Lest this disguise should dazzle the eyes of any one, he strips the Jews of all honor, so as to leave them nothing but odium and the utmost infamy.
“Behold,” says he, “the virtues for which they deserve praise among the good and pious! — they killed their own prophets and at last the Son of God, they have persecuted me his servant, they wage war with God, they are detested by the whole world, they are hostile to the salvation of the Gentiles; in fine, they are destined to everlasting destruction.”
It is asked, why he says that Christ and the prophets were killed by the same persons? I answer, that this refers to the entire body, 545 for Paul means that there is nothing new or unusual in their resisting God, but that, on the contrary, they are, in this manner, filling up the measure of their fathers, as Christ speaks. (Mat 23:32)
TSK -> 1Th 2:15
TSK: 1Th 2:15 - -- killed : Mat 5:12, Mat 21:35-39, Mat 23:31-35, Mat 23:37, Mat 27:25; Luk 11:48-51, Luk 13:33, Luk 13:34; Act 2:23, Act 3:15, Act 4:10, Act 5:30, Act 7...
killed : Mat 5:12, Mat 21:35-39, Mat 23:31-35, Mat 23:37, Mat 27:25; Luk 11:48-51, Luk 13:33, Luk 13:34; Act 2:23, Act 3:15, Act 4:10, Act 5:30, Act 7:52
persecuted us : or, chased us out, Amo 7:12; Act 22:18-21

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> 1Th 2:15
Barnes: 1Th 2:15 - -- Who both killed the Lord Jesus - see the notes on Act 2:23. The meaning here is, that it was characteristic of the Jews to be engaged in the wo...
Who both killed the Lord Jesus - see the notes on Act 2:23. The meaning here is, that it was characteristic of the Jews to be engaged in the work of persecution, and that they should not regard it as strange that they who had put their own Messiah to death, and slain the prophets, should now be found persecuting the true children of God.
And their own prophets - see the Mat 21:33-40; 23:29-37 notes; Act 7:52 note.
And have persecuted us - As at Iconium Act 14:1, Derbe, and Lystra Act 14:6, and at Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. The meaning is, that it was characteristic of them to persecute, and they spared no one. If they had persecuted the apostles themselves, who were their own countrymen, it should not be considered strange that they should persecute those who were Gentiles.
And they please not God - Their conduct is not such as to please God, but such as to expose them to his wrath; 1Th 2:16. The meaning is not that they did not aim to please God - whatever may have been the truth about that - but that they had shown by all their history that their conduct could not meet with the divine approbation. They made extraordinary pretensions to being the special people of God, and it was important for the apostle to show that their conduct demonstrated that they had no such claims. Their opposition to the Thessalonians, therefore, was no proof that God was opposed to them, and they should not allow themselves to be troubled by such opposition. It was rather proof that they were the friends of God - since those who now persecuted them had been engaged in persecuting the most holy people that had lived.
And are contrary to all men - They do not merely differ from other people in customs and opinions - which might be harmless - but they keep up an active opposition to all other people. It was not opposition to one nation only, but to all; it was not to one form of religion only, but to all - even including God’ s last revelation to mankind; it was not opposition evinced in their own country, but they carried it with them wherever they went. The truth of this statement is confirmed, not only by authority of the apostle and the uniform record in the New Testament, but by the testimony borne of them in the classic writers. This was universally regarded as their national characteristic, for they had so demeaned themselves as to leave this impression on the minds of those with whom they had contact. Thus Tacitus describes them as "cherishing hatred against all others"- adversus omnes alios hostile odium; Hist . v. 5. So Juvenal (Sat. xiv. 103, 104), describes them.
Non monstrare vias eadem nisi sacra colenti,
Quaesitum a.d. fontem solos deducere verpos .
"They would not even point out the way to any one except of the same religion, nor, being asked, guide any to a fountain except the circumcised."So they are called by Appollonius "atheists and misanthropes, and the most uncultivated barbarians"-
Poole -> 1Th 2:15
Poole: 1Th 2:15 - -- Who both killed the Lord Jesus no wonder then though they have persecuted you, and the believing Jews their countrymen. They killed the Lord Jesus by...
Who both killed the Lord Jesus no wonder then though they have persecuted you, and the believing Jews their countrymen. They killed the Lord Jesus by the hands of Pilate, crying: Crucify him, crucify him. Though it was by God’ s determinate counsel, and the Roman power, yet by the Jews’ malice they killed him; Mat 21:38 : This is the heir; let us kill him.
And their own prophets of their own nation, and directed and sent particularly to them of God; so that it was no new thing in them thus to do. Not that these individual Jews who persecuted Paul killed the prophets, but they were of the same nation, the same blood, and of the same spirit with them, and were the children of them, that killed the prophets, as our Saviour charged them, Mat 23:31 . The spirit of persecution was natural to them, it descended from one generation to another; their kings were guilty of it, their priests, their false prophets, and the common people. And though better things might be expected of the Jews than any other people, yet thus they did. And it was not only because of the new doctrine or worship that the apostle preached, for they killed their own prophets before them; but it was their love to their lusts, hatred of reproof, enmity to holiness, &c., that was the cause. And Christ himself chargeth them with the same things, Mat 23:37 : O Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, & c.; and foretells it as that which they would yet practise, Mat 23:34 .
And they please not God by the figure called meiosis; it is meant they highly displeased God, and were haters of God, and hated, and now rejected, of him. Though they had the advantages and reasons to please God above all other people, having had the law and ordinances of his worship among them, yet they pleased not God, and particularly in their persecutions of the gospel and the apostles, though they might think that therein they did God good service, as Joh 16:2 .
And are contrary to all men contrary in their worship, laws, and customs. Or rather, contrary to all men, in hindering the course of the gospel appointed for men’ s salvation. And despising all other nations in comparison of themselves, they were apt to be seditious, and raise tumults every where, and to disdain familiarity and common friendship with the Gentiles.
Gill -> 1Th 2:15
Gill: 1Th 2:15 - -- Who both killed the Lord Jesus,.... For though Pilate condemned him to death, and the Roman soldiers executed the sentence, yet it was through the mal...
Who both killed the Lord Jesus,.... For though Pilate condemned him to death, and the Roman soldiers executed the sentence, yet it was through the malice and envy of the Jews that he was delivered to him, who brought charges against him, and insisted upon the crucifixion of him; and who are therefore said to have taken him with wicked hands, and crucified and slain him; and to have killed the Prince of life, and to have been the betrayers and murderers of him; and therefore it is no wonder that such persons should persecute the followers of Christ, whether in Judea or elsewhere:
and their own prophets; whom God sent unto them; these they not only mocked and misused, and persecuted, but many of them they put to death, as Isaiah and others; and though this was done by their fathers, yet the present generation were the children of them that killed the prophets; and showed themselves to be of the same principles, and by their practices approved of what they had done: hence our Lord addresses the city of Jerusalem thus, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the prophets", Mat 23:31. The Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions leave out the phrase "their own", and so does the Alexandrian copy; but it stands in the Syriac and Arabic versions, and is rightly retained, it having an emphasis in it; these prophets being of their own nation, born among them, and raised up in the midst of them, and sent unto them particularly, and yet were so used; and therefore it need not seem strange that they should treat in an ill manner persons of a lower character, that did not agree with them; the consideration of which serves to support under reproach and persecution; see Mat 5:12.
And have persecuted us; the apostles of Christ; have drove us out of our own country, and pursued us from place to place, and caused us to flee from one city to another:
and they please not God: though they reckoned themselves his chosen people, the favourites of heaven, and whom God delighted in; but neither their persons nor their actions were pleasing to him, their carnal minds being enmity to him, to his law and to his Gospel; and they in the flesh, or in an unregenerate estate, and without faith in Christ, without which it is impossible to please God, and their actions such as before described:
and are contrary to all men; not only Christians, but Heathens; to all the Gentiles, who are called all men, the nations of the world, the world, and the whole world; they were contrary to these, both in their religious and civil principles, and had an aversion to them, of which the following is a full instance.

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