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Text -- 1 Timothy 5:2 (NET)

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5:2 older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters– with complete purity.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women as mothers ( presbuteras hōs mēteras ). Anarthrous again, "older women as mothers."Respect and reverence once more.

The elder women as mothers ( presbuteras hōs mēteras ).

Anarthrous again, "older women as mothers."Respect and reverence once more.

Robertson: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The younger as sisters, in all purity ( neōteras hōs adelphas en pasēi hagniāi ). Anarthrous also and comparative form as in 1Ti 5:1. See not...

The younger as sisters, in all purity ( neōteras hōs adelphas en pasēi hagniāi ).

Anarthrous also and comparative form as in 1Ti 5:1. See note on 1Ti 4:12 for hagnia . No sort of behavior will so easily make or mar the young preacher as his conduct with young women.

Vincent: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women ( πρεσβυτέρας ) N.T.o . Comp. πρεσβύτιδας aged women , Tit 2:3. The word indicates distinction in a...

The elder women ( πρεσβυτέρας )

N.T.o . Comp. πρεσβύτιδας aged women , Tit 2:3. The word indicates distinction in age merely, although some think that it points to an official position which is further referred to in the following directions concerning widows.

JFB: 1Ti 5:2 - -- Respectful treatment of the other sex will promote "purity."

Respectful treatment of the other sex will promote "purity."

Clarke: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women as mothers - Treating them with the respect due to their age

The elder women as mothers - Treating them with the respect due to their age

Clarke: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The younger as sisters - Feel for every member of the Church, old and young, male and female; consider them as fathers, mothers, brothers, and siste...

The younger as sisters - Feel for every member of the Church, old and young, male and female; consider them as fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters; treat them all with gentleness; and labor to keep them in, not to expel them from, the Church

Clarke: 1Ti 5:2 - -- With all purity - Εν πὰƒῃ ἁγνειᾳ· With all chastity. See the note on 1Ti 4:12 There are some who seem to take a barbarous ple...

With all purity - Εν πὰƒῃ ἁγνειᾳ· With all chastity. See the note on 1Ti 4:12

There are some who seem to take a barbarous pleasure in expelling members from, the Church. They should be continued in as long as possible; while they are in the Church - under its ordinances and discipline, there is some hope that their errors may be corrected; but when once driven out again into the world, that hope must necessarily become extinct. As judgment is God’ s strange work, so excommunication should be the strange, the last, and the most reluctantly performed work of every Christian minister.

Calvin: 1Ti 5:2 - -- 2.The younger as sisters, with all chastity The phrase, with all chastity, relates to younger women; for at that age they ought always to dread every...

2.The younger as sisters, with all chastity The phrase, with all chastity, relates to younger women; for at that age they ought always to dread every kind of suspicion. Yet Paul does not forbid Timothy to have any criminal or immodest conduct towards young women, (for there was no need of such a prohibition,) but only enjoins him to beware of giving to wicked men any handle for laughter. For this purpose, he demands a chaste gravity, which shall shine throughout all their intercourse and conversation; so that he may more freely converse with young persons, without any unfavorable reports.

TSK: 1Ti 5:2 - -- elder : 1Ti 5:3; Mat 12:50; Joh 19:26, Joh 19:27 with : 1Ti 4:12; Phi 4:8; 1Th 5:22; 2Ti 2:22

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women as mothers - Showing still the same respect for age, and for the proprieties of life. No son who had proper feelings would rebu...

The elder women as mothers - Showing still the same respect for age, and for the proprieties of life. No son who had proper feelings would rebuke his own mother with severity. Let the minister of religion evince the same feelings if he is called to address a "mother in Israel"who has erred.

The younger as sisters - With the feelings which you have toward a sister. The tender love which one has for a beloved sister would always keep him from using harsh and severe language. The same mildness, gentleness, and affection should be used toward a sister in the church.

With all purity - Nothing could be more characteristic of Paul’ s manner than this injunction; nothing could show a deeper acquaintance with human nature. He knew the danger which would beset a youthful minister of the gospel when it was his duty to admonish and entreat a youthful female; he knew, too, the scandal to which he might be exposed if, in the performance of the necessary duties of his office, there should be the slightest departure from purity and propriety. He was therefore to guard his heart with more than common vigilance in such circumstances, and was to indulge in no word, or look, or action, which could by any possibility be construed as manifesting an improper state of feeling. On nothing else do the fair character and usefulness of a youthful minister more depend, than on the observance of this precept. Nowhere else does he more need the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the exercise of prudence, and the manifestation of incorruptible integrity, than in the performance of this duty. A youthful minister who fails here, can never recover the perfect purity of an unsullied reputation, and never in subsequent life be wholly free from suspicion; compare notes, Mat 5:28.

Poole: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women as mothers the same prudence also is to be used to matrons and aged women. The younger as sisters yea, and to younger women too, co...

The elder women as mothers the same prudence also is to be used to matrons and aged women.

The younger as sisters yea, and to younger women too, considering our relation and equality in Christ.

With all purity only as to them, (considering their sex), a further gravity and prudence is to be used, that we give no occasion to lust, or unclean motions.

Haydock: 1Ti 5:2 - -- A just medium must be observed in the guidance of the sex, avoiding equally an indiscreet severity or an affection too tender and bordering on sensual...

A just medium must be observed in the guidance of the sex, avoiding equally an indiscreet severity or an affection too tender and bordering on sensuality. A just diffidence in self is the best security. ---

All chastity refers to the heart, eyes, ears, words, looks, with the precautions of times and places.

Gill: 1Ti 5:2 - -- The elder women as mothers,.... When they offend in any point, they are to be reasoned, and argued, and pleaded with, as children should with their mo...

The elder women as mothers,.... When they offend in any point, they are to be reasoned, and argued, and pleaded with, as children should with their mothers; see Hos 2:2 and are to be considered as mothers in Israel, and to be treated with great tenderness and respect.

The younger as sisters; using the freedom as a brother may with a sister; and considering them as sisters in Christ, and in a way becoming the relation, tell them their faults freely and privately, but

with all purity: in such manner as to preserve chastity in looks, in words, and actions.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Ti 5:1-25 - --1 Rules to be observed in reproving.3 Of widows.17 Of elders.23 A precept for Timothy's health.24 Some men's sins go before unto judgment, and some me...

MHCC: 1Ti 5:1-2 - --Respect must be paid to the dignity of years and place. The younger, if faulty, must be rebuked, not as desirous to find fault with them, but as willi...

Matthew Henry: 1Ti 5:1-2 - -- Here the apostle gives rules to Timothy, and in him to other ministers, in reproving. Ministers are reprovers by office; it is a part, though the le...

Barclay: 1Ti 5:1-2 - --It is always difficult to reprimand anyone with graciousness; and to Timothy there would sometimes fall a duty that was doubly difficult--that of rep...

Barclay: 1Ti 5:1-2 - --These two verses lay down the spirit which the different age relationships should display. (i) To older people we must show affection and respect. An...

Constable: 1Ti 5:1-2 - --B. Basic principles of interpersonal relationships 5:1-2 Paul turned to the subject of interpersonal rel...

College: 1Ti 5:1-25 - --1 TIMOTHY 5 VI. RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY (5:1-6:2) In this section Paul gives Timothy instructions for dealing with special grou...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) First Timothy Probably a.d. 65 From Macedonia By Way of Introduction Assuming the Pauline authorship the facts shape up after this fashion. Pau...

JFB: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) GENUINENESS.--The ancient Church never doubted of their being canonical and written by Paul. They are in the Peschito Syriac version of the second cen...


TSK: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) This Epistle bears the impress of its genuineness and authenticity, which are corroborated by the most decisive external evidence; and its Divine insp...

TSK: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Ti 5:1, Rules to be observed in reproving; 1Ti 5:3, Of widows; 1Ti 5:17, Of elders; 1Ti 5:23, A precept for Timothy’s health; 1Ti 5:24...

Poole: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) TIMOTHY CHAPTER 5

MHCC: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) The design of the epistle appears to be, that Timothy having been left at Ephesus, St. Paul wrote to instruct him in the choice of proper officers in ...

MHCC: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) (1Ti 5:1, 1Ti 5:2) Directions as to the elder and younger men and women. (1Ti 5:3-8) And as to poor widows. (1Ti 5:9-16) Concerning widows. (1Ti 5:...

Matthew Henry: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy Hitherto Paul's epistles were directed to churches; now follow...

Matthew Henry: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) Here the apostle, I. Directs Timothy how to reprove (1Ti 5:1, 1Ti 5:2). II. Adverts to widows, both elder and younger (1Ti 5:3-16). III. To elde...

Barclay: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) The Duty To Reprimand (1Ti_5:1-2) The Relationships Of Life (1Ti_5:1-2 Continued) Church And Family Duty (1Ti_5:3-8) An Honoured And A Useful Old...

Constable: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Timothy apparently became a Christian as a result o...

Constable: 1 Timothy (Outline) Outline I. Salutation 1:1-2 II. Timothy's mission in Ephesus 1:3-20 A. T...

Constable: 1 Timothy 1 Timothy Bibliography Andrews, J. N. "May Women Speak in Meeting?" Review and Herald. January 2, 1879. Reprint...

Haydock: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO TIMOTHY. INTRODUCTION. St. Paul passing through Lycaonia, about the year 51, some of the brethr...

Gill: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 TIMOTHY Timothy, to whom this epistle is written, was eminent for his early piety and acquaintance with the sacred Scriptures; hi...

Gill: 1 Timothy 5 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 TIMOTHY 5 In this chapter the apostle lays down rules about the manner of rebuking persons, suitable to their several ages; gives...

College: 1 Timothy (Book Introduction) FOREWORD A movement which prides itself in its back-to-the-Bible underpinnings and its plea for unity should welcome any effort of the stature of the...

College: 1 Timothy (Outline) OUTLINE I. THE SALUTATION - 1:1-2 II. PAUL'S CHARGE TO TIMOTHY - 1:3-20 A. The Charge and the False Teachers - 1:3-7 B. The Lawful Use of...

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