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Text -- 2 Chronicles 31:10-21 (NET)

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31:10 Azariah, the head priest from the family of Zadok, said to him, “Since the contributions began arriving in the Lord’s temple, we have had plenty to eat and have a large quantity left over. For the Lord has blessed his people, and this large amount remains.” 31:11 Hezekiah ordered that storerooms be prepared in the Lord’s temple. When this was done, 31:12 they brought in the contributions, tithes, and consecrated items that had been offered. Konaniah, a Levite, was in charge of all this, assisted by his brother Shimei. 31:13 Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath, and Benaiah worked under the supervision of Konaniah and his brother Shimei, as directed by King Hezekiah and Azariah, the supervisor of God’s temple. 31:14 Kore son of Imnah, a Levite and the guard on the east side, was in charge of the voluntary offerings made to God and disbursed the contributions made to the Lord and the consecrated items. 31:15 In the cities of the priests, Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah faithfully assisted him in making disbursements to their fellow priests according to their divisions, regardless of age. 31:16 They made disbursements to all the males three years old and up who were listed in the genealogical records– to all who would enter the Lord’s temple to serve on a daily basis and fulfill their duties as assigned to their divisions. 31:17 They made disbursements to the priests listed in the genealogical records by their families, and to the Levites twenty years old and up, according to their duties as assigned to their divisions, 31:18 and to all the infants, wives, sons, and daughters of the entire assembly listed in the genealogical records, for they faithfully consecrated themselves. 31:19 As for the descendants of Aaron, the priests who lived in the outskirts of all their cities, men were assigned to disburse portions to every male among the priests and to every Levite listed in the genealogical records. 31:20 This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah. He did what the Lord his God considered good and right and faithful. 31:21 He wholeheartedly and successfully reinstituted service in God’s temple and obedience to the law, in order to follow his God.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Amariah a Levite (Hebron Kohath); founder of a sub-clan of Hebron,the chief priest, Amariah I; son of Marioth I; 1100 BC,son of Azariah II; chief priest under Jehoshaphat; Amariah II,a Levite temple assistant to Kore under King Hezekiah; 725 BC,son of King Hezekiah; 700 BC,an Israelite (Binnui) who put away his heathen wife; 458 BC,a priestly leader who returned with Zerubbabel 537 BC (NIVsn),son of Shephatiah of Judah
 · Asahel son of Zeruiah, David's sister; brother of Joab,a Levite assigned to teach in Judah under Jehoshaphat,a Levite assistant to the temple treasurer under Hezekiah,father of Jonathan who opposed Ezra's policies
 · Azariah son of Ahimaaz; grandson and successor of Zadok I,son of Nathan; a priest who was chief of Solomons officers,son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah,son of Ethan son of Zerah of Judah,son of Jehu son of Obed of Judah,son of Johanan; descendant of Meraioth I,son of Hilkiah before the exile; high priest Azariah III,a descendant of Hilkiah the priest,son of Zephaniah/Uriel (Korah Levi); forefather of Samuel,son of Oded; prophet under King Asa,second son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,fifth son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,son of Jeroham; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,son of Obed; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,the priest who confronted Uzziah for offering incense,a chief of Ephraim under Israel's King Pekah,father of Joel (Kohath Levi), who served under Hezekiah,son of Jehallelel (Merari Levi). He served under Hezekiah,chief priest, of Zadok's line, under Hezekiah,son of Maaseiah son of Ananiah; a repairer of Nehemiah's wall,a man who accompanied Zerubbabel back to the land of Judah,a scribe who helped Ezra explain the reading of the Law,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a prince of Judah who led praises to God on the new city wall,son of Hoshaiah; one of the leaders rebelling against Jeremiah,a man exiled from Judah and trained with Daniel in Babylon
 · Azaziah a man of Levi; a lyre player in David's worship team,father of Hoshea, David's deputy over the Ephraimites,an officer over the temple store house under King Hezekiah
 · Benaiah son of Jehoiada; commander of King Solomon's army,son of Jehoiada of Pirathon in Ephraim; one of David's elite,head of a large influential family of Simeon in Hezekiah's time,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a priest in David's time,father of Jehoiada, one of king David's counselors,son of Jeiel; a priest under Jehoshaphat,a man who was a temple helper in the time of Hezekiah,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Nebo clan who put away his heathen wife,the father of Pelatiah, a wicked counselor exposed by Ezekiel
 · Conaniah the chief of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time
 · Eden a place near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet (NIVsn),son of Joah (Gershon Levi) in King Hezekiah's time,a district along the Euphrates River south of Haran (NIVsn)
 · Eliel son of Toah/Nahath/Tohu of Levi; Samuel's great grandfather,head of a large clan in eastern Manasseh in the time of Jotham,son of Shime-i of Benjamin,son of Shashak of Benjamin,a Mahavite man; one of David's military elite,a Mezobaite man; one of David's military elite,an officer from Gad who defected to David in the wilderness,chief of the Levite clan of Hebron under King David,an officer over the temple store house under King Hezekiah
 · Hezekiah the son of Ahaz who succeeded him as king of Judah; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ahaz; king of Judah,forefather of the prophet Zephaniah,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law
 · Imnah son of Asher son of Jacob,father of Kore the Levite in the time of Hezekiah
 · Ismachiah officer of the temple treasures under King Hezekiah
 · Jehiel son of Heman the Levite in Hezekiah's time
 · Jerimoth son of Bela son of Benjamin,one of the Benjamites who defected to David at Ziklag,son of Mushi son of Merari son of Levi,son of Heman the Levite and worship leader under Heman and King David,son of King David and father-in-law of King Rehoboam,an officer in charge of the temple store house under King Hezekiah
 · Jeshua chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a man a Levite assistant to Kore in managing the free will offerings of the temple under King Hezekiah,a chief priest and leader among those who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; son of Jozadak; father of Joiakim,father of Jozabad, a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon,the father of Ezer who helped to repair the wall,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law; son of Kadmiel,son of Nun; successor of Moses,son of Azaniah; a Levite leader who signed the covenant to obey God's law,a town of Judah
 · Jozabad a man of Gederah; one of the Benjamites who defected to David at Ziklag,two commanders from Manasseh who defected to David in Ziklag,an officer in charge of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Jeshua; a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a man who put away his heathen wife; a priest descended from Pashhur,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,a chief Levite who helped supervise the outside work on the house of God in Nehemiah's time
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Kore son of Ebiasaph; a Levite gatekeeper whose descendants returned from exile,son of Imnah; keeper of the gate, and overseer of free will offerings under Hezekiah
 · Levite member of the tribe of Levi
 · Levites relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · Mahath son of Amasai (Kohath Levi), Hezekiah's chief temple restorer,officer in charge of the temple store house under King Hezekiah
 · Miniamin a Levite who helped Kore manage temple offerings for Hezekiah,a priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
 · Nahath son of Reuel son of Esau,son of Zophai/Zuph (Kohath Levi); forefather of Samuel,an officer of the temple store house under King Hezekiah
 · Shecaniah son of Obadiah of Zerubbabel of David,the chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a Levite assistant manager of temple offerings under Hezekiah,son of Jahaziel; post-exile leader of the Zattu Clan,son of Jehiel of the clan of Elam,father of Shemaiah, a wall rebuilder and guard of the east gate,son of Arah; father-in-law of Tobiah, Nehemiah's enemy,priestly leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
 · Shemaiah a prophet in the days of Rehoboam,son of Shecaniah (Hananiah Zerubbabel David Judah),forefather of Ziza, a prince of the tribe of Simeon,son of Joel of Reuben,son of Hasshub; a Levite leader of some returned exiles,son of Galal; a Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Elizaphan (Kohath Levi),son of Nethanel, a Levite and scribe in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a Levite whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a Levite leader of the Jeduthun Clan in Hezekiah's time,a Levite manager of temple offerings under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a leader of the Adonikam Clan back from exile,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Shecaniah; keeper of the East Gate under Nehemiah,son of Delaiah son of Mehetabel; an agent of Nehemiah's enemies,son of Mattaniah; priestly leader among the returned exiles,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a priest who helped dedicate the wall,father of a prophet (Uriah?) from Kiriath-Jearim that Jehoiakim executed,a deceived leader in exile who demanded Jeremiah's execution,father of Delaiah, a prince of Judah in the time of Jehoiakim
 · Shime-i son of Gershon/Gershom son of Levi,the son of Gera of Benjamin,son of Jesse (Judah); father of Jonathan who killed a giant,a man who was a friend of kings David and Solomon,son of Ela, Moses' land distribution deputy for Benjamin,son of Pedaiah son of King Jehoiachin,son of Zaccur of Simeon,son of Gog of Reuben,son of Libni of Merari of Levi,the head of a clan of Benjamin; son of Elpaal?,a man who was a descendant of Ladan/Libni son of Levi (WZ),son of Jeduthun (Levi); worship leader under Jeduthun and David,a man of Ramoth; David's supervisor of vineyards,son of Heman (David's seer) of Samuel of Kohath of Levi,an officer of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Kish; founding father of the clan of Shime-i of Benjamin
 · Zadok a son of Azor; the father of Akim; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ahitub II; high priest Zadok I in David's time,father of Jerusha, who was the mother of King Jotham,the chief priest Zadok II; son of Meraioth II,a man who was one of David's military elite from Aaron's clan,son of Baana; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,son of Immer; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a Levite who served as Nehemiah's scribe

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Hezekiah | Revivals | Israel | Influence | Rulers | Priest | Church and State | Levites | Shimei | Azariah | Amariah | Cononiah | GENEALOGY, 1-7 | Kore | Nahath | Shemaiah | Eliel | Azaziah | Asahel | Mahath | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:11 Heb “and they prepared.”

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:12 Heb “and holy things in faithfulness.”

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:15 Heb “like great, like small” (i.e., old and young alike).

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:16 Heb “in addition enrolling them by males from a son of three years and upwards, to everyone who enters the house of the Lord for a matter of a d...

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:19 Heb “designated by names.”

NET Notes: 2Ch 31:21 Heb “and in all the work which he began with regard to the service of the house of God and with respect to the law and with respect to the comma...

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