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Text -- 2 Chronicles 35:1-10 (NET)

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Josiah Observes the Passover
35:1 Josiah observed a Passover festival for the Lord in Jerusalem. They slaughtered the Passover lambs on the fourteenth day of the first month. 35:2 He appointed the priests to fulfill their duties and encouraged them to carry out their service in the Lord’s temple. 35:3 He told the Levites, who instructed all Israel about things consecrated to the Lord, “Place the holy ark in the temple which King Solomon son of David of Israel built. Don’t carry it on your shoulders. Now serve the Lord your God and his people Israel! 35:4 Prepare yourselves by your families according to your divisions, as instructed by King David of Israel and his son Solomon. 35:5 Stand in the sanctuary and, together with the Levites, represent the family divisions of your countrymen. 35:6 Slaughter the Passover lambs, consecrate yourselves, and make preparations for your countrymen to do what the Lord commanded through Moses.” 35:7 From his own royal flocks and herds, Josiah supplied the people with 30,000 lambs and goats for the Passover sacrifice, as well as 3,000 cattle. 35:8 His officials also willingly contributed to the people, priests, and Levites. Hilkiah, Zechariah, and Jehiel, the leaders of God’s temple, supplied 2,600 Passover sacrifices and 300 cattle. 35:9 Konaniah and his brothers Shemaiah and Nethanel, along with Hashabiah, Jeiel, and Jozabad, the officials of the Levites, supplied the Levites with 5,000 Passover sacrifices and 500 cattle. 35:10 Preparations were made, and the priests stood at their posts and the Levites in their divisions as prescribed by the king.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Conaniah the chief of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Hashabiah son of Amaziah of Levi; father of Malluch,a Merari Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jeduthun the Levite leader under Jeduthun and King David,overseer of King David's work west of the Jordan River,son of Kemuel; David's chief officer over the Levites,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a Levite descendant of Merari who led recruits to Ezra,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,ruler of Keilah who helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Henadad, a Levite who contracted to obey God's law,son of Bunni of Levi,son of Mattaniah of Asaph of Levi,priest and head of the house of Hilkiah,a chief of the Levites in Nehemiah's time
 · Hilkiah father of Eliakim who was head of King Hezekiah's household,a high priest; son of Shalum /Meshulam,son of Amzi of Levi; forefather of returned exiles,son of Hosah; a Levite gatekeeper,priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,a man of Anathoth; father of the prophet Jeremiah
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jehiel son of Heman the Levite in Hezekiah's time
 · Jeiel a descendant of Shelah of Judah, who returned from exile with his family,one of the Levites of Elizaphan that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,head of a family group descended from Adonikam who returned from exile
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Josiah the son who succeeded King Amon of Judah; the father of Jeconiah; an ancestor of Jesus,son and successor of Amon, King of Judah,son of Zephaniah; custodian of the temple treasures that were returned from Babylon
 · Jozabad a man of Gederah; one of the Benjamites who defected to David at Ziklag,two commanders from Manasseh who defected to David in Ziklag,an officer in charge of the temple store house under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Jeshua; a Levite on duty in the time of Ezra,a man who put away his heathen wife; a priest descended from Pashhur,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,a chief Levite who helped supervise the outside work on the house of God in Nehemiah's time
 · Levites relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Nethanel son of Zuar; Moses' officer over the tribe of Issachar,son of Jesse of Judah; brother of David,a priest in David's time,a Levite and father of the scribe Shemaiah in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a Levite gatekeeper,a prince King Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a priest of the Pashhur Clan who put away his heathen wife,a priest and head of the house of Jedaiah under Joiakim,a Levite musician who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Shemaiah a prophet in the days of Rehoboam,son of Shecaniah (Hananiah Zerubbabel David Judah),forefather of Ziza, a prince of the tribe of Simeon,son of Joel of Reuben,son of Hasshub; a Levite leader of some returned exiles,son of Galal; a Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Elizaphan (Kohath Levi),son of Nethanel, a Levite and scribe in David's time,son of Obed-Edom; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a Levite whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,a Levite leader of the Jeduthun Clan in Hezekiah's time,a Levite manager of temple offerings under King Hezekiah,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a leader of the Adonikam Clan back from exile,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Shecaniah; keeper of the East Gate under Nehemiah,son of Delaiah son of Mehetabel; an agent of Nehemiah's enemies,son of Mattaniah; priestly leader among the returned exiles,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a priest who helped dedicate the wall,father of a prophet (Uriah?) from Kiriath-Jearim that Jehoiakim executed,a deceived leader in exile who demanded Jeremiah's execution,father of Delaiah, a prince of Judah in the time of Jehoiakim
 · Solomon the tenth son of David; the father of Rehoboam; an ancestor of Jesus; the third king of Israel.,son of David and Bath-Sheba; successor of King David
 · Zechariah the father of John the baptist,a son of Berekiah, a righteous man who was killed by the Jewish authorities,son and successor of King Jeroboam,father of Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah,a leader of the tribe of Reuben,son of Meshelemiah; a door keeper for the tent of meeting,son of Jeiel and Maacah of Gibeon,a Levite gate keeper and harpist in David's time,a priest and trumpeter in David's time,son of Isshiah (Uzziel Kohath Levi),son of Hosah; a pre-exile Levite gatekeeper,a man of Manasseh in Gilead in Saul and David's time,a prince whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach the law around Judah,son of Benaiah (Asaph Levi),son of King Jehoshaphat,son of Jehoiada the priest; a prophet,a man who influenced King Uzziah for good,a Levite (Asaph) who helped Hezekiah cleanse the temple,a Levite (Kohath) who helped King Josiah restore the temple,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,son of Berechiah; a priest; writer of the book of Zechariah,leader among the Parosh clansmen who returned from exile,son of Bebai; leader among Bebai clansmen returned from exile,a lay man of the Elam Clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who stood with Ezra when he read the law to the assembly,son of Amariah of Judah,a descendant of Shelah,son of Pashhur; a priest whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jonathan (Asaph Levi),son of Jeberechiah; a witness to Isaiah's prophesy

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Josiah | Levites | Influence | Israel | Liberality | Rulers | Revivals | ESDRAS, THE FIRST BOOK OF | Passover | Pentateuch | SACRIFICE, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, 2 | Shemaiah | Jeiel | Hashabiah | Zechariah | CONANIAH | Jehiel | Jozabad | Nethaneel | Priest | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:1 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:4 Heb “written.”

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:5 Heb “and stand in the sanctuary by the divisions of the house of the fathers for your brothers, the sons of the people, and a division of the ho...

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:6 Heb “according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.”

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:7 Heb “and Josiah supplied for the sons of the people sheep, lambs and sons of goats, the whole for the Passover sacrifices for everyone who was f...

NET Notes: 2Ch 35:10 Heb “and the service was prepared.”

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