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Text -- 2 Corinthians 11:1-12 (NET)

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Paul and His Opponents
11:1 I wish that you would be patient with me in a little foolishness, but indeed you are being patient with me! 11:2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy, because I promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ. 11:3 But I am afraid that just as the serpent deceived Eve by his treachery, your minds may be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 11:4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus different from the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the one you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough! 11:5 For I consider myself not at all inferior to those “super-apostles.” 11:6 And even if I am unskilled in speaking, yet I am certainly not so in knowledge. Indeed, we have made this plain to you in everything in every way. 11:7 Or did I commit a sin by humbling myself so that you could be exalted, because I proclaimed the gospel of God to you free of charge? 11:8 I robbed other churches by receiving support from them so that I could serve you! 11:9 When I was with you and was in need, I was not a burden to anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia fully supplied my needs. I kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will continue to do so. 11:10 As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia. 11:11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do! 11:12 And what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may eliminate any opportunity for those who want a chance to be regarded as our equals in the things they boast about.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Achaia a Roman province located in Greece along the south coast of the Gulf of Corinth
 · Eve the first woman created by God; wife of Adam,wife of Adam; mother of all the people of the earth
 · Macedonia a Roman province north of Greece which included 10 Roman colonies (IBD),citizens of the province of Macedonia

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 11:1 - -- Would that ye could bear with me ( ophelon aneichesthe mou ). Koiné[28928]š way of expressing a wish about the present, ophelon (as a conjuncti...

Would that ye could bear with me ( ophelon aneichesthe mou ).

Koiné[28928]š way of expressing a wish about the present, ophelon (as a conjunction, really second aorist active indicative of opheilō without augment) and the imperfect indicative instead of eithe or ei gar (Robertson, Grammar , p. 1003). Cf. Rev 3:15. See note on Gal 5:12 for future indicative with ophelon and note on 1Co 4:8 for aorist. Mou is ablative case after aneichesthe (direct middle, hold yourselves back from me). There is a touch of irony here.

Robertson: 2Co 11:1 - -- Bear with me ( anechesthe mou ). Either imperative middle or present middle indicative (ye do bear with me). Same form.

Bear with me ( anechesthe mou ).

Either imperative middle or present middle indicative (ye do bear with me). Same form.

Robertson: 2Co 11:1 - -- In a little foolishness ( mikron ti aphrosunēs ). Accusative of general reference (mikron ti ). "Some little foolishness"(from aphrōn , foolish)...

In a little foolishness ( mikron ti aphrosunēs ).

Accusative of general reference (mikron ti ). "Some little foolishness"(from aphrōn , foolish). Old word only in this chapter in N.T.

Robertson: 2Co 11:2 - -- With a godly jealousy ( theou zēlōi ). Instrumental case of zēlos . With a jealousy of God.

With a godly jealousy ( theou zēlōi ).

Instrumental case of zēlos . With a jealousy of God.

Robertson: 2Co 11:2 - -- I espoused ( hērmosamēn ). First aorist middle indicative of harmozō , old verb to join, to fit together (from harmos , joint). Common for betr...

I espoused ( hērmosamēn ).

First aorist middle indicative of harmozō , old verb to join, to fit together (from harmos , joint). Common for betrothed, though only here in N.T. The middle voice indicates Paul’ s interest in the matter. Paul treats the Corinthians as his bride.

Robertson: 2Co 11:3 - -- The serpent beguiled Eve ( ho ophis exēpatēsen Heuan ). Paul’ s only mention of the serpent in Eden. The compound exapataō means to dece...

The serpent beguiled Eve ( ho ophis exēpatēsen Heuan ).

Paul’ s only mention of the serpent in Eden. The compound exapataō means to deceive completely.

Robertson: 2Co 11:3 - -- Lest by any means ( mē pōs ). Common conjunction after verbs of fearing.

Lest by any means ( mē pōs ).

Common conjunction after verbs of fearing.

Robertson: 2Co 11:3 - -- Corrupted ( phtharēi ). Second aorist passive subjunctive with mē pōs of phtheirō , to corrupt.

Corrupted ( phtharēi ).

Second aorist passive subjunctive with mē pōs of phtheirō , to corrupt.

Robertson: 2Co 11:4 - -- Another Jesus ( allon Iēsoun ). Not necessarily a different Jesus, but any other "Jesus"is a rival and so wrong. That would deny the identity.

Another Jesus ( allon Iēsoun ).

Not necessarily a different Jesus, but any other "Jesus"is a rival and so wrong. That would deny the identity.

Robertson: 2Co 11:4 - -- A different spirit ( pneuma heteron ). This is the obvious meaning of heteron in distinction from allon as seen in Act 4:12; Gal 1:6. But this di...

A different spirit ( pneuma heteron ).

This is the obvious meaning of heteron in distinction from allon as seen in Act 4:12; Gal 1:6. But this distinction in nature or kind is not always to be insisted on.

Robertson: 2Co 11:4 - -- A different gospel ( euaggelion heteron ). Similar use of heteron .

A different gospel ( euaggelion heteron ).

Similar use of heteron .

Robertson: 2Co 11:4 - -- Ye do well to bear with him ( kalōs anechesthe ). Ironical turn again. "Well do you hold yourselves back from him"(the coming one, whoever he is). ...

Ye do well to bear with him ( kalōs anechesthe ).

Ironical turn again. "Well do you hold yourselves back from him"(the coming one, whoever he is). Some MSS. have the imperfect aneichesthe (did bear with).

Robertson: 2Co 11:5 - -- That I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles ( mēden husterēkenai tōn huperlian apostolōn ). Perfect active infinitive of hustereo...

That I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles ( mēden husterēkenai tōn huperlian apostolōn ).

Perfect active infinitive of hustereō , old verb to fall short with the ablative case. The rare compound adverb huperlian (possibly in use in the vernacular) is probably ironical also, "the super apostles"as these Judaizers set themselves up to be. "The extra-super apostles"(Farrar). Also in 2Co 12:11. He is not referring to the pillar-apostles of Gal 2:9.

Robertson: 2Co 11:6 - -- Rude in speech ( idiōtēs tōi logōi ). Locative case with idiōtēs for which word see note on Act 4:13; note on 1Co 14:16, note on 1Co 14...

Rude in speech ( idiōtēs tōi logōi ).

Locative case with idiōtēs for which word see note on Act 4:13; note on 1Co 14:16, note on 1Co 14:23, and 1Co 14:24. The Greeks regarded a man as idiōtēs who just attended to his own affairs (ta idia ) and took no part in public life. Paul admits that he is not a professional orator (cf. 2Co 10:10), but denies that he is unskilled in knowledge (all' ou tēi gnōsei ).

Robertson: 2Co 11:6 - -- Among all men ( en pāsin ). He has made his mastery of the things of Christ plain among all men. He knew his subject.

Among all men ( en pāsin ).

He has made his mastery of the things of Christ plain among all men. He knew his subject.

Robertson: 2Co 11:7 - -- In abasing myself ( emauton tapeinōn ). Humbling myself by making tents for a living while preaching in Corinth. He is ironical still about "doing ...

In abasing myself ( emauton tapeinōn ).

Humbling myself by making tents for a living while preaching in Corinth. He is ironical still about "doing a sin"(hamartian epoiēsa ).

Robertson: 2Co 11:7 - -- For nought ( dōrean ). Gratis . Accusative of general reference, common adverb. It amounts to sarcasm to ask if he did a sin in preaching the gosp...

For nought ( dōrean ).

Gratis . Accusative of general reference, common adverb. It amounts to sarcasm to ask if he did a sin in preaching the gospel free of expense to them "that ye may be exalted."

Robertson: 2Co 11:8 - -- I robbed ( esulēsa ). Old verb to despoil, strip arms from a slain foe, only here in N.T. He allowed other churches to do more than their share.

I robbed ( esulēsa ).

Old verb to despoil, strip arms from a slain foe, only here in N.T. He allowed other churches to do more than their share.

Robertson: 2Co 11:8 - -- Taking wages ( labōn opsōnion ). For opsōnion see note on 1Co 9:7; note on Rom 6:23. He got his "rations"from other churches, not from Corint...

Taking wages ( labōn opsōnion ).

For opsōnion see note on 1Co 9:7; note on Rom 6:23. He got his "rations"from other churches, not from Corinth while there.

Robertson: 2Co 11:9 - -- I was not a burden to any man ( ou katenarkēsa outhenos ). First aorist active indicative of katanarkaō . Jerome calls this word one of Paul̵...

I was not a burden to any man ( ou katenarkēsa outhenos ).

First aorist active indicative of katanarkaō . Jerome calls this word one of Paul’ s cilicisms which he brought from Cilicia. But the word occurs in Hippocrates for growing quite stiff and may be a medical term in popular use. Narkaō means to become numb, torpid, and so a burden. It is only here and 2Co 12:13. Paul "did not benumb the Corinthians by his demand for pecuniary aid"(Vincent).

Robertson: 2Co 11:9 - -- From being burdensome ( abarē ). Old adjective, free from weight or light (a privative and baros , weight). See note on 1Th 2:9 for same idea. Pa...

From being burdensome ( abarē ).

Old adjective, free from weight or light (a privative and baros , weight). See note on 1Th 2:9 for same idea. Paul kept himself independent.

Robertson: 2Co 11:10 - -- No man shall stop me of this glorying ( hē kauchēsis hautē ou phragēsetai eis eme ). More exactly, "This glorying shall not be fenced in as r...

No man shall stop me of this glorying ( hē kauchēsis hautē ou phragēsetai eis eme ).

More exactly, "This glorying shall not be fenced in as regards me."Second future passive of phrassō , to fence in, to stop, to block in. Old verb, only here in N.T.

Robertson: 2Co 11:10 - -- In the regions of Achaia ( en tois klimasin tēs Achaias ). Klima from klinō , to incline, is Koiné[28928]š word for declivity slope, region...

In the regions of Achaia ( en tois klimasin tēs Achaias ).

Klima from klinō , to incline, is Koiné[28928]š word for declivity slope, region (our climate). See chapter 1 Corinthians 9 for Paul’ s boast about preaching the gospel without cost to them.

Robertson: 2Co 11:11 - -- God knoweth ( ho theos oiden ). Whether they do or not. He knows that God understands his motives.

God knoweth ( ho theos oiden ).

Whether they do or not. He knows that God understands his motives.

Robertson: 2Co 11:12 - -- That I may cut off occasion ( hina ekkopsō tēn aphormēn ). Purpose clause with hina and first aorist active subjunctive of ekkoptō , old ve...

That I may cut off occasion ( hina ekkopsō tēn aphormēn ).

Purpose clause with hina and first aorist active subjunctive of ekkoptō , old verb to cut out or off (Mat 3:10; Mat 5:30). See note on 2Co 5:12 for aphormēn .

Robertson: 2Co 11:12 - -- From them which desire an occasion ( tōn thelontōn aphormēn ). Ablative case after ekkopsō . There are always some hunting for occasions to s...

From them which desire an occasion ( tōn thelontōn aphormēn ).

Ablative case after ekkopsō . There are always some hunting for occasions to start something against preachers.

Robertson: 2Co 11:12 - -- They may be found ( heurethōsin ). First aorist passive subjunctive of heuriskō , to find with final conjunction hina .

They may be found ( heurethōsin ).

First aorist passive subjunctive of heuriskō , to find with final conjunction hina .

Vincent: 2Co 11:1 - -- Folly As my boasting may seem to you. Ironically spoken of that legitimate self-vindication demanded by the circumstances. Rev., foolishness .


As my boasting may seem to you. Ironically spoken of that legitimate self-vindication demanded by the circumstances. Rev., foolishness .

Vincent: 2Co 11:1 - -- Bear with me ( ἀνέχεσθε ) Some render as indicative: ye do bear with me .

Bear with me ( ἀνέχεσθε )

Some render as indicative: ye do bear with me .

Vincent: 2Co 11:2 - -- I am jealous ( ζηλῶ ) The translation is correct. The word is appropriate to the image which follows, in which Paul represents himself as t...

I am jealous ( ζηλῶ )

The translation is correct. The word is appropriate to the image which follows, in which Paul represents himself as the marriage-friend who has betrothed the bride to the bridegroom, and consequently shares the bridegroom's jealousy of his bride (see on Joh 3:29). Compare the Old-Testament passages in which God is represented as the spouse of His people: Isa 54:5; Isa 62:5; Jer 3:1; Eze 16:8; Hos 2:18, Hos 2:19. For the different senses of the word, see on envying , Jam 3:14. Theodoret's comment on the passage is: " I was your wooer for your husband, and the mediator of your marriage; through me you received the bridegroom's gifts; wherefore I am now affected with jealousy."

Vincent: 2Co 11:2 - -- I have espoused ( ἡρμοσάμην ) Only here in the New Testament. Lit., have fitted together . Used in the classics of carpenter's ...

I have espoused ( ἡρμοσάμην )

Only here in the New Testament. Lit., have fitted together . Used in the classics of carpenter's or joiner's work; of arranging music, tuning instruments, and fitting clothes or armor. As here, of betrothing or taking to wife. The Septuagint usage is substantially the same.

Vincent: 2Co 11:2 - -- Present Compare Eph 5:27.


Compare Eph 5:27.

Vincent: 2Co 11:3 - -- The serpent Paul's only allusion to the story of the serpent in Eden.

The serpent

Paul's only allusion to the story of the serpent in Eden.

Vincent: 2Co 11:3 - -- Eve In accordance with the representation of the Church as the bride.


In accordance with the representation of the Church as the bride.

Vincent: 2Co 11:3 - -- Simplicity that is in Christ Rev. adds, and the purity , following Westcott and Hort's text. Simplicity , single-hearted loyalty. In Chri...

Simplicity that is in Christ

Rev. adds, and the purity , following Westcott and Hort's text. Simplicity , single-hearted loyalty. In Christ; better, as Rev., towards (εἰς ).

Vincent: 2Co 11:4 - -- Another Jesus - another Spirit ( ἄλλον - ἕτερον ) Rev., another Jesus, a different Spirit. See on Mat 6:24. Another ...

Another Jesus - another Spirit ( ἄλλον - ἕτερον )

Rev., another Jesus, a different Spirit. See on Mat 6:24. Another denies the identity ; a different denies the similarity of nature . It is the difference of " individuality and kind " (Alford). See on Gal 1:6, Gal 1:7.

Vincent: 2Co 11:4 - -- Ye might well bear ( καλῶς ἠνείχεσθε ) Following the reading which makes the verb in the imperfect tense, putting the matter ...

Ye might well bear ( καλῶς ἠνείχεσθε )

Following the reading which makes the verb in the imperfect tense, putting the matter as a supposed case. The Rev. follows the reading ἀνεχέσθε , present tense, and puts it as a fact: ye do well to bear . Lit., ye endure them finely . The expression is ironical. You gladly endure these false teachers, why do you not endure me?

Vincent: 2Co 11:5 - -- The very chiefest apostles (τῶν ὑπερλίαν ἀποστόλων ) Lit., those who are preeminently apostles . Not referring...

The very chiefest apostles (τῶν ὑπερλίαν ἀποστόλων ) Lit., those who are preeminently apostles . Not referring to the genuine apostles, but ironically to the false teachers , the false apostles of 2Co 11:13. Compare 2Co 12:11. Farrar renders the extra-super apostles .

Vincent: 2Co 11:6 - -- Rude ( ἰδίωτης ) See on 1Co 14:16.

Rude ( ἰδίωτης )

See on 1Co 14:16.

Vincent: 2Co 11:6 - -- Have been made manifest ( φανερωθέντες ) The correct reading is φανερώσαντες , active voice, we have made it ...

Have been made manifest ( φανερωθέντες )

The correct reading is φανερώσαντες , active voice, we have made it manifest .

Vincent: 2Co 11:7 - -- Abasing myself By working at his trade.

Abasing myself

By working at his trade.

Vincent: 2Co 11:7 - -- Preached the Gospel - freely ( δωρεὰν ) Gratuitously. Rev., for nought , is not an improvement, but is quite as ambiguous as freely. W...

Preached the Gospel - freely ( δωρεὰν )

Gratuitously. Rev., for nought , is not an improvement, but is quite as ambiguous as freely. Without charge would be better. Paul's very self-denial in this matter had been construed to his injury by his opponents, as indicating his want of confidence in the Corinthian Church, and his making gain for himself under the guise of disinterestedness. It was also urged that a real apostle would not thus relinquish his right to claim subsistence from the Church. Hence his question, Did I commit a sin , etc.?

Vincent: 2Co 11:8 - -- I robbed ( ἐσύλησα ) Only here in the New Testament, though it appears in the verb ἱεροσυλέω to commit sacrilege , R...

I robbed ( ἐσύλησα )

Only here in the New Testament, though it appears in the verb ἱεροσυλέω to commit sacrilege , Rom 2:22, and in ἱεροσύλοι robbers of churches , Act 19:37. Originally to strip off , as arms from a slain foe, and thence, generally, to rob , plunder , with the accompanying notion of violence. Paul thus strongly expresses the fact that he had accepted from other churches more than their share, that he might not draw on the Corinthians.

Vincent: 2Co 11:8 - -- Wages ( ὀψώνιον ) See on Rom 6:23.

Wages ( ὀψώνιον )

See on Rom 6:23.

Vincent: 2Co 11:9 - -- I was chargeable ( κατενάρκησα ) Only in this epistle. From νάρκη numbness , deadness ; also a torpedo or gymnotus , w...

I was chargeable ( κατενάρκησα )

Only in this epistle. From νάρκη numbness , deadness ; also a torpedo or gymnotus , which benumbs whatever touches it. Compare Homer: " His hand grew stiff at the wrist" (" Iliad," viii., 328). Meno says to Socrates: " You seem to me both in your appearance and in your power over others, to be very like the flat torpedo-fish (νάρκῃ ), who torpifies (ναρκᾶν ποιεῖ ) those who come near him with the touch, as you have now torpified (ναρκᾶν ) me, I think" (Plato, " Meno," 80). The compound verb used here occurs in Hippocrates in the sense of growing quite stiff . The simple verb occurs in the Sept., Gen 32:25, Gen 32:32, of Jacob's thigh, which was put out of joint and shrank . Compare Job 33:19. According to the etymology of the word, Paul would say that he did not benumb the Corinthians by his demand for pecuniary aid. Rev., rather mildly, I was not a burden .

Vincent: 2Co 11:10 - -- No man shall stop me of this boasting ( ἡ καύχησις αὕτη οὐ φραγήσεται εἰς ἐμὲ ) Lit., this bo...

No man shall stop me of this boasting ( ἡ καύχησις αὕτη οὐ φραγήσεται εἰς ἐμὲ )

Lit., this boasting shall not be blocked up as regards me . The boasting is that of preaching gratuitously. For the verb, compare Rom 3:19; Heb 11:33.

Vincent: 2Co 11:12 - -- I will do Will continue to do; refuse to receive pay.

I will do

Will continue to do; refuse to receive pay.

Vincent: 2Co 11:12 - -- Cut off ( ἐκκόψω ) Lit., cut out . See on Luk 13:7, and compare Rom 11:24.

Cut off ( ἐκκόψω )

Lit., cut out . See on Luk 13:7, and compare Rom 11:24.

Vincent: 2Co 11:12 - -- Occasion ( τὴν ἀφορμὴν ) The force of the article must be carefully noted; the particular occasion of fault-finding which concern...

Occasion ( τὴν ἀφορμὴν )

The force of the article must be carefully noted; the particular occasion of fault-finding which concerned his pecuniary relations with the Corinthians. His refusal to receive pay cut out from among other causes of complaint this one.

Vincent: 2Co 11:12 - -- They may be found even as we I can find no satisfactory explanation of this clause, and will not attempt to add to the hopeless muddle of the com...

They may be found even as we

I can find no satisfactory explanation of this clause, and will not attempt to add to the hopeless muddle of the commentators. It is evident that the false teachers had sought occasion for glorifying themselves in comparison with Paul; that they consequently caught eagerly at every pretext for disparaging him; and that this disparagement was in some way connected with Paul's refusal to receive compensation from the Corinthians. Further, that Paul's way of counteracting their attempts was by persisting in this refusal. The intimation in the last clause is apparently to the effect that by this course he will not only remove the occasion for attack, but that the result will show both his opponents and himself in their true light. Compare find and be found , 2Co 12:20.

Wesley: 2Co 11:1 - -- So does he pave the way for what might otherwise have given offence.

So does he pave the way for what might otherwise have given offence.

Wesley: 2Co 11:1 - -- Of commending myself; which to many may appear folly; and really would be so, were it not on this occasion absolutely necessary.

Of commending myself; which to many may appear folly; and really would be so, were it not on this occasion absolutely necessary.

Wesley: 2Co 11:2 - -- The cause of his seeming folly is expressed in this and the following verse; the cause why they should bear with him, 2Co 11:4.

The cause of his seeming folly is expressed in this and the following verse; the cause why they should bear with him, 2Co 11:4.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- Love is full of these fears.

Love is full of these fears.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- A most apposite comparison.

A most apposite comparison.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- Simple, ignorant of evil.

Simple, ignorant of evil.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- Which is in the highest degree dangerous to such a disposition.

Which is in the highest degree dangerous to such a disposition.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- We might therefore be tempted, even if there were no sin in us.

We might therefore be tempted, even if there were no sin in us.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- Losing their virginal purity.

Losing their virginal purity.

Wesley: 2Co 11:3 - -- That simplicity which is lovingly intent on him alone, seeking no other person or thing.

That simplicity which is lovingly intent on him alone, seeking no other person or thing.

Wesley: 2Co 11:4 - -- Any could show you another Saviour, a more powerful Spirit, a better gospel.

Any could show you another Saviour, a more powerful Spirit, a better gospel.

Wesley: 2Co 11:4 - -- But this is impossible.

But this is impossible.

Wesley: 2Co 11:6 - -- If I speak in a plain, unadorned way, like an unlearned person. So the Greek word properly signifies.

If I speak in a plain, unadorned way, like an unlearned person. So the Greek word properly signifies.

Wesley: 2Co 11:7 - -- Will any turn this into an objection? In humbling myself - To work at my trade.

Will any turn this into an objection? In humbling myself - To work at my trade.

Wesley: 2Co 11:7 - -- To be children of God.

To be children of God.

Wesley: 2Co 11:8 - -- I, as it were, took the spoils of them: it is a military term. Taking wages (or pay, another military word) of them - When I came to you at first. And...

I, as it were, took the spoils of them: it is a military term. Taking wages (or pay, another military word) of them - When I came to you at first. And when I was present with you, and wanted - My work not quite supplying my necessities.

Wesley: 2Co 11:8 - -- Of Corinth.

Of Corinth.

Wesley: 2Co 11:9 - -- I choose to receive help from the poor Macedonians, rather than the rich Corinthians! Were the poor in all ages more generous than the rich?

I choose to receive help from the poor Macedonians, rather than the rich Corinthians! Were the poor in all ages more generous than the rich?

Wesley: 2Co 11:10 - -- For I will receive nothing from you.

For I will receive nothing from you.

Wesley: 2Co 11:11 - -- Do I refuse to receive anything of you, because I love you not? God knoweth that is not the case.

Do I refuse to receive anything of you, because I love you not? God knoweth that is not the case.

Wesley: 2Co 11:12 - -- To censure me. That wherein they boast, they may be found even as we - They boasted of being "burdensome to no man." But it was a vain boast in them, ...

To censure me. That wherein they boast, they may be found even as we - They boasted of being "burdensome to no man." But it was a vain boast in them, though not in the apostle.

JFB: 2Co 11:1 - -- Translate as Greek, "I would that."

Translate as Greek, "I would that."

JFB: 2Co 11:1 - -- I may ask not unreasonably to be borne with; not so the false apostles (2Co 11:4, 2Co 11:20).

I may ask not unreasonably to be borne with; not so the false apostles (2Co 11:4, 2Co 11:20).

JFB: 2Co 11:1 - -- Not in the oldest manuscripts.

Not in the oldest manuscripts.

JFB: 2Co 11:1 - -- The Greek is a milder term than that for "foolishness" in 1Co 3:19; Mat 5:22; Mat 25:2. The Greek for "folly" here implies imprudence; the Greek for "...

The Greek is a milder term than that for "foolishness" in 1Co 3:19; Mat 5:22; Mat 25:2. The Greek for "folly" here implies imprudence; the Greek for "foolishness" includes the idea of perversity and wickedness.

JFB: 2Co 11:1 - -- A request (so 2Co 11:16). But the Greek and the sense favor the translation, "But indeed (I need not wish it, for) ye do bear with me"; still I wish y...

A request (so 2Co 11:16). But the Greek and the sense favor the translation, "But indeed (I need not wish it, for) ye do bear with me"; still I wish you to bear with me further, while I enter at large into self-commendations.

JFB: 2Co 11:2 - -- The justification of his self-commendations lies in his zealous care lest they should fall from Christ, to whom he, as "the friend of the Bridegroom" ...

The justification of his self-commendations lies in his zealous care lest they should fall from Christ, to whom he, as "the friend of the Bridegroom" (Joh 3:29), has espoused them; in order to lead them back from the false apostles to Christ, he is obliged to boast as an apostle of Christ, in a way which, but for the motive, would be "folly."

JFB: 2Co 11:2 - -- Literally, "jealousy of God" (compare 2Co 1:12, "godly sincerity," literally, "sincerity of God"). "If I am immoderate, I am immoderate to God" [BENGE...

Literally, "jealousy of God" (compare 2Co 1:12, "godly sincerity," literally, "sincerity of God"). "If I am immoderate, I am immoderate to God" [BENGEL]. A jealousy which has God's honor at heart (1Ki 19:10).

JFB: 2Co 11:2 - -- Paul uses a Greek term applied properly to the bridegroom, just as he ascribes to himself "jealousy," a feeling properly belonging to the husband; so ...

Paul uses a Greek term applied properly to the bridegroom, just as he ascribes to himself "jealousy," a feeling properly belonging to the husband; so entirely does he identify himself with Christ.

JFB: 2Co 11:2 - -- At His coming, when the heavenly marriage shall take place (Mat 25:6; Rev 19:7, Rev 19:9). What Paul here says he desires to do, namely, "present" the...

At His coming, when the heavenly marriage shall take place (Mat 25:6; Rev 19:7, Rev 19:9). What Paul here says he desires to do, namely, "present" the Church as "a chaste virgin" to Christ, Christ Himself is said to do in the fuller sense. Whatever ministers do effectively, is really done by Christ (Eph 5:27-32). The espousals are going on now. He does not say "chaste virgins"; for not individual members, but the whole body of believers conjointly constitute the Bride.

JFB: 2Co 11:3 - -- (2Co 12:20); not inconsistent with love. His source of fear was their yielding character.

(2Co 12:20); not inconsistent with love. His source of fear was their yielding character.

JFB: 2Co 11:3 - -- The utter foe of the "simplicity" which is intent on ONE object, Jesus, and seeks none "other," and no "other" and different Spirit (2Co 11:4); but lo...

The utter foe of the "simplicity" which is intent on ONE object, Jesus, and seeks none "other," and no "other" and different Spirit (2Co 11:4); but loves him with tender SINGLENESS OF AFFECTION. Where Eve first gave way, was in mentally harboring for a moment the possibility insinuated by the serpent, of GOD not having her truest interests at heart, and of this "other" professing friend being more concerned for her than God.

JFB: 2Co 11:3 - -- So as to lose their virgin purity through seducers (2Co 11:4). The same Greek stands for "minds" as for "thoughts" (2Co 10:5, also see on 2Co 10:5); i...

So as to lose their virgin purity through seducers (2Co 11:4). The same Greek stands for "minds" as for "thoughts" (2Co 10:5, also see on 2Co 10:5); intents of the will, or mind. The oldest manuscripts after "simplicity," add, "and the purity" or "chastity."

JFB: 2Co 11:3 - -- Rather, "that is towards Christ."

Rather, "that is towards Christ."

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- Which in fact is impossible. However, if it were possible, ye might then bear with them (see on 2Co 11:1). But there can be no new Gospel; there is bu...

Which in fact is impossible. However, if it were possible, ye might then bear with them (see on 2Co 11:1). But there can be no new Gospel; there is but the one which I first preached; therefore it ought not to be "borne" by you, that the false teachers should attempt to supersede me.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- The high-sounding title assumed by the false teachers, who arrogated Christ's own peculiar title (Greek, Mat 11:3, and Heb 10:37), "He that is coming....

The high-sounding title assumed by the false teachers, who arrogated Christ's own peculiar title (Greek, Mat 11:3, and Heb 10:37), "He that is coming." Perhaps he was leader of the party which assumed peculiarly to be "Christ's" (2Co 10:7; 1Co 1:12); hence his assumption of the title.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- Is preaching . . . ye are receiving.

Is preaching . . . ye are receiving.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- The "Jesus" of Gospel history. He therefore does not say "Christ," which refers to the office.

The "Jesus" of Gospel history. He therefore does not say "Christ," which refers to the office.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- Greek, "another Jesus . . . a different Spirit . . . a different Gospel." Another implies a distinct individual of the same kind; different implies on...

Greek, "another Jesus . . . a different Spirit . . . a different Gospel." Another implies a distinct individual of the same kind; different implies one quite distinct in kind.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- From us.

From us.

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- The will of man is passive in RECEIVING the "Spirit"; but it is actively concurrent with the will of God (which goes before to give the good will) in ...

The will of man is passive in RECEIVING the "Spirit"; but it is actively concurrent with the will of God (which goes before to give the good will) in ACCEPTING the "Gospel."

JFB: 2Co 11:4 - -- There would be an excuse for your conduct, though a bad one (for ye ought to give heed to no Gospel other than what ye have already heard from me, Gal...

There would be an excuse for your conduct, though a bad one (for ye ought to give heed to no Gospel other than what ye have already heard from me, Gal 1:6-7); but the false teachers do not even pretend they have "another Jesus" and a "different Gospel" to bring before you; they merely try to supplant me, your accredited Teacher. Yet ye not only "bear with" them, but prefer them.

JFB: 2Co 11:5 - -- My claim is superior to that of the false teachers, "For," &c.

My claim is superior to that of the false teachers, "For," &c.

JFB: 2Co 11:5 - -- I reckon [ALFORD].

I reckon [ALFORD].

JFB: 2Co 11:5 - -- Greek, "That I have not been, and am not."

Greek, "That I have not been, and am not."

JFB: 2Co 11:5 - -- James, Peter, and John, the witnesses of Christ's transfiguration and agony in Gethsemane. Rather, "those overmuch apostles," those surpassers of the ...

James, Peter, and John, the witnesses of Christ's transfiguration and agony in Gethsemane. Rather, "those overmuch apostles," those surpassers of the apostles in their own esteem. This sense is proved by the fact that the context contains no comparison between him and the apostles, but only between him and the false teachers; 2Co 11:6 also alludes to these, and not to the apostles; compare also the parallel phrase, "false apostles" (see on 2Co 11:13 and 2Co 12:11) [ALFORD].

JFB: 2Co 11:6 - -- Greek, "a common man"; a "laic"; not rhetorically trained; unskilled in finish of diction. 1Co 2:1-4, 1Co 2:13; 2Co 10:10-11, shows his words were not...

Greek, "a common man"; a "laic"; not rhetorically trained; unskilled in finish of diction. 1Co 2:1-4, 1Co 2:13; 2Co 10:10-11, shows his words were not without weight, though his "speech" was deficient in oratorical artifice. "Yet I am not so in my knowledge" (2Co 12:1-5; Eph 3:1-5).

JFB: 2Co 11:6 - -- Read with the oldest manuscripts, "We have made things (Gospel truths) manifest," thus showing our "knowledge." English Version would mean, I leave it...

Read with the oldest manuscripts, "We have made things (Gospel truths) manifest," thus showing our "knowledge." English Version would mean, I leave it to yourselves to decide whether I be rude in speech . . . : for we have been thoroughly (literally, "in everything") made manifest among you (literally, "in respect to you"; "in relation to you"). He had not by reserve kept back his "knowledge" in divine mysteries from them (2Co 2:17; 2Co 4:2; Act 20:20, Act 20:27).

JFB: 2Co 11:6 - -- The Greek rather favors the translation, "among all men"; the sense then is, we have manifested the whole truth among all men with a view to your bene...

The Greek rather favors the translation, "among all men"; the sense then is, we have manifested the whole truth among all men with a view to your benefit [ALFORD]. But the Greek in Phi 4:12, "In each thing and in all things," sanctions English Version, which gives a clearer sense.

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- Literally, "OR have I?" Connected with 2Co 11:6, "Or will any of you make it an objection that I have preached to you gratuitously?" He leaves their g...

Literally, "OR have I?" Connected with 2Co 11:6, "Or will any of you make it an objection that I have preached to you gratuitously?" He leaves their good feeling to give the answer, that this, so far from being an objection, was a decided superiority in him above the false apostles (1Co 9:6-15).

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- In my mode of living, waiving my right of maintenance, and earning it by manual labor; perhaps with slaves as his fellow laborers (Act 18:3; Phi 4:12)...

In my mode of living, waiving my right of maintenance, and earning it by manual labor; perhaps with slaves as his fellow laborers (Act 18:3; Phi 4:12).

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- Spiritually, by your admission to Gospel privileges.

Spiritually, by your admission to Gospel privileges.

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- "in that."

"in that."

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- "of God" implies its divine glory to which they were admitted.

"of God" implies its divine glory to which they were admitted.

JFB: 2Co 11:7 - -- "without charge."

"without charge."

JFB: 2Co 11:8 - -- That is, took from them in order to spare you more than what was their fair share of contribution to my maintenance, for example, the Philippian Churc...

That is, took from them in order to spare you more than what was their fair share of contribution to my maintenance, for example, the Philippian Church (Phi 4:15-16).

JFB: 2Co 11:8 - -- "subsidy."


JFB: 2Co 11:8 - -- Greek, "with a view to ministration to you"; compare "supplied" (Greek, "in addition"), 2Co 11:9, implying, he brought with him from the Macedonians, ...

Greek, "with a view to ministration to you"; compare "supplied" (Greek, "in addition"), 2Co 11:9, implying, he brought with him from the Macedonians, supplies towards his maintenance at Corinth; and (2Co 11:9) when those resources failed ("when I wanted") he received a new supply, while there, from the same source.

JFB: 2Co 11:9 - -- "was in want."

"was in want."

JFB: 2Co 11:9 - -- Greek, "burdensome," literally, "to torpify," and so to oppress. JEROME says it is a Cilician word (2Co 12:14, 2Co 12:16).

Greek, "burdensome," literally, "to torpify," and so to oppress. JEROME says it is a Cilician word (2Co 12:14, 2Co 12:16).

JFB: 2Co 11:9 - -- Rather, as Greek, "the brethren when they came." Perhaps Timotheus and Silas (Act 8:1, Act 8:5). Compare Phi 4:15-16, which refers to donations receiv...

Rather, as Greek, "the brethren when they came." Perhaps Timotheus and Silas (Act 8:1, Act 8:5). Compare Phi 4:15-16, which refers to donations received from the Philippians (who were in Macedonia) at two distinct periods ("once and again"), one at Thessalonica, the other after his departure from Macedonia, that is, when he came into Achaia to Corinth (from the church in which city he would receive no help); and this "in the beginning of the Gospel," that is, at its first preaching in these parts. Thus all three, the two Epistles and history, mutually, and no doubt undesignedly, coincide; a sure test of genuineness.

JFB: 2Co 11:9 - -- Greek, "supplied in addition," namely, in addition to their former contributions; or as BENGEL, in addition to the supply obtained by my own manual la...

Greek, "supplied in addition," namely, in addition to their former contributions; or as BENGEL, in addition to the supply obtained by my own manual labor.

JFB: 2Co 11:10 - -- Greek, "There is (the) truth of Christ in me that," &c. (Rom 9:1).

Greek, "There is (the) truth of Christ in me that," &c. (Rom 9:1).

JFB: 2Co 11:10 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "This boasting shall not be shut (that is, stopped) as regards me." "Boasting is as it were personified . . . shall not h...

The oldest manuscripts read, "This boasting shall not be shut (that is, stopped) as regards me." "Boasting is as it were personified . . . shall not have its mouth stopped as regards me" [ALFORD].

JFB: 2Co 11:11 - -- Love is often offended at its favors being not accepted, as though the party to whom they are offered wished to be under no obligation to the offerer.

Love is often offended at its favors being not accepted, as though the party to whom they are offered wished to be under no obligation to the offerer.

JFB: 2Co 11:12 - -- I will continue to decline help.

I will continue to decline help.

JFB: 2Co 11:12 - -- Greek, "the occasion," namely, of misrepresenting my motives, which would be afforded to my detractors, if I accepted help.

Greek, "the occasion," namely, of misrepresenting my motives, which would be afforded to my detractors, if I accepted help.

JFB: 2Co 11:12 - -- BENGEL joins this clause with "the occasion," namely, of glorying or boasting; the occasion "that they may be found (a point wherein they glory) even ...

BENGEL joins this clause with "the occasion," namely, of glorying or boasting; the occasion "that they may be found (a point wherein they glory) even as we," that is, quite as disinterested, or virtually, quite as gain-seeking and self-seeking. It cannot mean that the false teachers taught gratuitously even as Paul (compare 2Co 11:20; 1Co 9:12). ALFORD less clearly explains by reference to 2Co 11:18, &c., where the "glorying" here is taken up and described as "glorying after the flesh"; thus it means, that in the matters of which they beast they may be found even as we, that is, we may been a fair and equal footing; that there may be no adventitious comparisons made between us, arising out of misrepresentations of my course of procedure, but that in every matter of boasting we may be fairly compared and judged by facts; FOR (2Co 11:13) realities they have none, no weapons but misrepresentation, being false apostles.

Clarke: 2Co 11:1 - -- Would to God ye could bear with me - Οφελον ηνειχεσθε μου μικρον . As the word God is not mentioned here, it would have bee...

Would to God ye could bear with me - Οφελον ηνειχεσθε μου μικρον . As the word God is not mentioned here, it would have been much better to have translated the passage literally thus: I wish ye could bear a little with me. The too frequent use of this sacred name produces a familiarity with it that is not at all conducive to reverence and godly fear

Clarke: 2Co 11:1 - -- In my folly - In my seeming folly; for, being obliged to vindicate his ministry, it was necessary that he should speak much of himself, his sufferin...

In my folly - In my seeming folly; for, being obliged to vindicate his ministry, it was necessary that he should speak much of himself, his sufferings, and his success. And as this would appear like boasting; and boasting is always the effect of an empty, foolish mind; those who were not acquainted with the necessity that lay upon him to make this defense, might be led to impute it to vanity. As if he had said: Suppose you allow this to be folly, have the goodness to bear with me; for though I glory, I should not be a fool, 2Co 12:6. And let no man think me a fool for my boasting, 2Co 11:16.

Clarke: 2Co 11:2 - -- I am jealous over you, etc. - The apostle evidently alludes either to the שושבינים shoshabinim or paranymphs among the Hebrews, whose off...

I am jealous over you, etc. - The apostle evidently alludes either to the שושבינים shoshabinim or paranymphs among the Hebrews, whose office is largely explained in the notes on Joh 3:29, and the observations at the end of that chapter (see note at Joh 3:36); or to the harmosyni , a sort of magistrates among the Lacedemonians who had the care of virgins, and whose business it was to see them well educated, kept pure, and properly prepared for married life

Clarke: 2Co 11:2 - -- That I may present you as a chaste virgin - The allusion is still kept up; and there seems to be a reference to Lev 21:14, that the high priest must...

That I may present you as a chaste virgin - The allusion is still kept up; and there seems to be a reference to Lev 21:14, that the high priest must not marry any one that was not a pure virgin. Here, then, Christ is the high priest, the spouse or husband; the Corinthian Church the pure virgin to be espoused; the apostle and his helpers the shoshabinim , or harmosyni , who had educated and prepared this virgin for her husband, and espoused her to him. See the observations already referred to at the end of the third chapter of John. (Joh 3:36 (note))

Clarke: 2Co 11:3 - -- As the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty - This is a strong reflection on the false apostle and his teaching: he was subtle, πανουργ...

As the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty - This is a strong reflection on the false apostle and his teaching: he was subtle, πανουργος and by his subtlety ( πανουργια, from παν, all, and εργον, work; his versatility of character and conduct, his capability of doing all work, and accommodating himself to the caprices, prejudices, and evil propensities of those to whom he ministered) he was enabled to corrupt the minds of the people from the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ; or, to follow the metaphor, he had seduced the pure, chaste, well educated virgin, from her duty, affection, and allegiance to her one only true husband, the high priest, Jesus Christ. And here he seems to intimate that the serpent had seduced the mind of Eve from her affections and allegiance to Adam, her true husband; and certainly from God, her creator and governor. See at the end of the chapter (note).

Clarke: 2Co 11:4 - -- For if he that cometh - The false apostle, who came after St. Paul had left Corinth

For if he that cometh - The false apostle, who came after St. Paul had left Corinth

Clarke: 2Co 11:4 - -- Preacheth another Jesus - Who can save more fully and more powerfully than that Jesus whom I have preached

Preacheth another Jesus - Who can save more fully and more powerfully than that Jesus whom I have preached

Clarke: 2Co 11:4 - -- Or if ye receive another spirit - And if in consequence of believing in this new saviour ye receive another spirit, the gifts, graces, and consolati...

Or if ye receive another spirit - And if in consequence of believing in this new saviour ye receive another spirit, the gifts, graces, and consolations of which are greater than those which ye have received from the Holy Ghost, which has been given to you on your believing on the Christ whom we preached

Clarke: 2Co 11:4 - -- Or another Gospel - Containing more privileges, spiritual advantages, and stronger excitements to holiness, than that which we have preached and whi...

Or another Gospel - Containing more privileges, spiritual advantages, and stronger excitements to holiness, than that which we have preached and which ye have accepted, ye might well bear with him. This would be a sufficient reason why you should not only bear with him, but prefer him to me

Others think that the last clause should be rendered, Ye might well bear with Me - notwithstanding he brought you another Jesus, spirit, and gospel, ye might bear with me, who have already ministered so long to and done so much for you. But the former sense seems best.

Clarke: 2Co 11:5 - -- I was not - behind the very chiefest apostles - That is: The most eminent of the apostles have not preached Christ, ministered the spirit, explained...

I was not - behind the very chiefest apostles - That is: The most eminent of the apostles have not preached Christ, ministered the spirit, explained and enforced the doctrines of the Gospel in a more powerful and effectual manner than I have done.

Clarke: 2Co 11:6 - -- But though I be rude in speech - Ιδιωτης τῳ λογῳ Though I speak like a common unlettered man, in plain unadorned phrase, studying...

But though I be rude in speech - Ιδιωτης τῳ λογῳ Though I speak like a common unlettered man, in plain unadorned phrase, studying none of the graces of eloquence; yet I am not unskilled in the most profound knowledge of God, of spiritual and eternal things, of the nature of the human soul, and the sound truths of the Gospel system: ye yourselves are witnesses of this, as in all these things I have been thoroughly manifested among you

Inspired men received all their doctrines immediately from God, and often the very words in which those doctrines should be delivered to the world; but in general the Holy Spirit appears to have left them to their own language, preventing them from using any expression that might be equivocal, or convey a contrary sense to that which God intended

That St. Paul wrote a strong, nervous, and sufficiently pure language, his own writings sufficiently testify; but the graces of the Greek tongue he appears not to have studied, or at least he did not think it proper to use them; for perhaps there is no tongue in the world that is so apt to seduce the understanding by its sounds and harmony, as the Greek. It is not an unusual thing for Greek scholars to the present day to be in raptures with the harmony of a Greek verse, the sense of which is but little regarded, and perhaps is little worth! I should suppose that God would prevent the inspired writers from either speaking or writing thus, that sound might not carry the hearer away from sense; and that the persuasive force of truth might alone prevail, and the excellence of the power appear to be of God and not of man. Taking up the subject in this point of view, I see no reason to have recourse to the supposition, or fable rather, that the apostle had an impediment in his speech, and that he alludes to this infirmity in the above passage.

Clarke: 2Co 11:7 - -- Have I committed an offense in abasing myself - Have I transgressed in labouring with my hands that I might not be chargeable to you? and getting my...

Have I committed an offense in abasing myself - Have I transgressed in labouring with my hands that I might not be chargeable to you? and getting my deficiencies supplied by contributions from other Churches, while I was employed in labouring for your salvation? Does your false apostle insinuate that I have disgraced the apostolic office by thus descending to servile labor for my support? Well; I have done this that you might be exalted - that you might receive the pure doctrines of the Gospel, and be exalted to the highest pitch of intellectual light and blessedness. And will you complain that I preached the Gospel gratis to you? Surely not. The whole passage is truly ironical.

Clarke: 2Co 11:8 - -- I robbed other Churches - This part of the sentence is explained by the latter, taking wages to do you service. The word οψωνιον signifies ...

I robbed other Churches - This part of the sentence is explained by the latter, taking wages to do you service. The word οψωνιον signifies the pay of money and provisions given daily to a Roman soldier. As if he had said: I received food and raiment, the bare necessaries of life, from other Churches while labouring for your salvation. Will you esteem this a crime?

Clarke: 2Co 11:9 - -- And when I was present with you - The particle και which we translate and, should be rendered for in this place: For when I was with you, and w...

And when I was present with you - The particle και which we translate and, should be rendered for in this place: For when I was with you, and was in want, I was chargeable to no man. I preferred to be, for a time, even without the necessaries of life, rather than be a burden to you. To whom was this a reproach, to me or to you

Clarke: 2Co 11:9 - -- The brethren which came from Macedonia - He probably refers to the supplies which he received from the Church at Philippi, which was in Macedonia; o...

The brethren which came from Macedonia - He probably refers to the supplies which he received from the Church at Philippi, which was in Macedonia; of which he says, that in the beginning of the Gospel no Church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but you only; for even at Thessalonica ye sent once and again to my necessity, Phi 4:15, Phi 4:16. See the Introduction, Section 6.

Clarke: 2Co 11:10 - -- As the truth of Christ is in me - Εστιν αληθεια Χριστου εν εμοι· The truth of Christ is in me. That is: I speak as becom...

As the truth of Christ is in me - Εστιν αληθεια Χριστου εν εμοι· The truth of Christ is in me. That is: I speak as becomes a Christian man, and as influenced by the Gospel of Christ. It is a solemn form of asseveration, if not to be considered in the sense of an oath

Clarke: 2Co 11:10 - -- In the regions of Achaia - The whole of the Peloponnesus, or Morea, in which the city of Corinth stood. From this it appears that he had received no...

In the regions of Achaia - The whole of the Peloponnesus, or Morea, in which the city of Corinth stood. From this it appears that he had received no help from any of the other Churches in the whole of that district.

Clarke: 2Co 11:11 - -- Wherefore - Why have I acted thus? and why do I propose to continue to act thus? is it because I love you not, and will not permit you to contribute...

Wherefore - Why have I acted thus? and why do I propose to continue to act thus? is it because I love you not, and will not permit you to contribute to my support? God knoweth the contrary; I do most affectionately love you.

Clarke: 2Co 11:12 - -- But what I do, etc. - I act thus that I may cut off occasion of glorying, boasting, or calumniating from them - the false prophets and his partisans...

But what I do, etc. - I act thus that I may cut off occasion of glorying, boasting, or calumniating from them - the false prophets and his partisans, who seek occasion - who would be glad that I should become chargeable to you, that it might in some sort vindicate them who exact much from you; for they bring you into bondage, and devour you, 2Co 11:20

Nothing could mortify these persons more than to find that the apostle did take nothing, and was resolved to take nothing; while they were fleecing the people. It is certain that the passage is not to be understood as though the false apostles took nothing from the people, to whatever disinterestedness they might pretend, for the apostle is positive on the contrary; and he was determined to act so that his example should not authorize these deceivers, who had nothing but their self-interest in view, to exact contribution from the people; so that if they continued to boast, they must be bound even as the apostle, taking nothing for their labors; which could never comport with their views of gain and secular profit.

Calvin: 2Co 11:1 - -- 1.Would that ye did bear with me As he saw that the ears of the Corinthians were still in part pre-engaged, 793 he has recourse to another contrivanc...

1.Would that ye did bear with me As he saw that the ears of the Corinthians were still in part pre-engaged, 793 he has recourse to another contrivance, for he turns to express a wish, as persons do when they do not venture openly to entreat. 794 Immediately afterwards, however, as if gathering confidence, he nevertheless entreats the Corinthians to bear with his folly. He gives the name of folly to that splendid proclamation of his praises, which afterwards follows. Not as if he were a fool in glorying; for he was constrained to it by necessity, and besides, he restrained himself in such a manner, that no one could justly regard him as going beyond bounds; but as it is an unseemly thing to herald one’s own praises, and a thing that is foreign to the inclinations of a modest man, he speaks by way of concession.

What I have rendered in the imperative — bear with me, Chrysostom interprets as an affirmation, and certainly the Greek word is ambiguous, and either sense suits sufficiently well. As, however, the reasons that the Apostle subjoins are designed to induce the Corinthians to bear with him, and as we will find him afterwards expostulating with them again on the ground of their not conceding anything to him, I have followed the Old Interpreter. 795 By saying, Would that, etc., he had seemed to be distrustful; now, as if correcting that hesitation, he openly and freely commands.

Calvin: 2Co 11:2 - -- 2.For I am jealous Mark why it is that he acts the fool, for jealousy hurries a man as it were headlong. “Do not demand that I should show the eq...

2.For I am jealous Mark why it is that he acts the fool, for jealousy hurries a man as it were headlong. “Do not demand that I should show the equable temper 796 of a man that is at ease, and not excited by any emotion, for that vehemence of vehemence of jealousy, with which I am inflamed towards you, does not suffer me to be at ease.” As, however, there are two kinds of jealousy — the one springs from self love, and of a wicked and perverse nature, while the other is cherished by us on God’s account, 797 he intimates of what sort his zeal is. For many are zealous — for themselves, not for God. That on the other hand, is the only pious and right zeal, that has an eye to God, that he may not be defrauded of the honors that of right belong to him.

For I have united you to one man That his zeal was of such a nature, he proves from the design of his preaching, for its tendency was to join them to Christ in marriage, and retain them in connection with him. 798 Here, however, he gives us in his own person a lively picture of a good minister; for One alone is the Bridegroom of the Church — the Son of God. All ministers are the friends of the Bridegroom, as the Baptist declares respecting himself. (Joh 3:29.) Hence all ought to be concerned, that the fidelity of this sacred marriage remain unimpaired and inviolable. This they cannot do, unless they are actuated by the dispositions of the Bridegroom, so that every one of them may be as much concerned for the purity of the Church, as a husband is for the chastity of his wife. Away then with coldness and indolence in this matter, for one that is cold 799 will never be qualified for this office. Let them, however, in the mean time, take care, not to pursue their own interest rather than that of Christ, that they may not intrude themselves into his place, lest while they give themselves out as his paranymphs, 800 they turn out to be in reality adulterers, by alluring the bride to love themselves.

To present you as a chaste virgin We are married to Christ, on no other condition than that we bring virginity as our dowry, and preserve it entire, so as to be free from all corruption. Hence it is the duty of ministers of the gospel to purify our souls, that they may be chaste virgins to Christ; otherwise they accomplish nothing. Now we may understand it as meaning, that they individually present themselves as chaste virgins to Christ, or that the minister presents the whole of the people, and brings them forward into Christ’s presence. I approve rather of the second interpretation. Hence I have given a different rendering from Erasmus. 801

Calvin: 2Co 11:3 - -- 3.But I fear He begins to explain, what is the nature of that virginity of which he has made mention — our cleaving to Christ alone, sincerely, w...

3.But I fear He begins to explain, what is the nature of that virginity of which he has made mention — our cleaving to Christ alone, sincerely, with our whole heart. God, indeed, everywhere requires from us, that we be joined with him in body and in spirit, and he warns us that he is a jealous God, (Exo 20:5,) to avenge with the utmost severity the wrong done to him, in the event of any one’s drawing back from him. This connection, however, is accomplished in Christ, as Paul teaches in Ephesians, (Eph 5:25.) He points out, however, at present the means of it — when we remain in the pure simplicity of the gospel, for, as in contracting marriages among men, there are written contracts 802 drawn out, so the spiritual connection between us and the Son of God is confirmed by the gospel, as a kind of written contract. 803 Let us maintain the fidelity, love, and obedience, that have been there promised by us; he will be faithful to us on his part.

Now Paul says that he is concerned, that the minds of the Corinthians may not be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ Paul, it is true, says in Greek εἰς Χριστόν , which Erasmus renders towards Christ, 804 but the Old Interpreter has come nearer, in my opinion, to Paul’s intention, 805 because by the simplicity that is in Christ is meant, that which keeps us in the unadulterated and pure doctrine of the gospel, and admits of no foreign admixtures 806 By this he intimates that men’s minds are adulterated, 807 whenever they turn aside, even in the least degree, to the one side or to the other, from the pure doctrine of Christ. Nor is it without good reason, for who would not condemn a matron as guilty of unchastity, so soon as she lends an ear to a seducer? So in like manner we, when we admit wicked and false teachers, who are Satan’s vile agents, show but too clearly, that we do not maintain conjugal fidelity towards Christ. We must also take notice of the term simplicity, for Paul’s fear was not, lest the Corinthians should all at once openly draw back altogether from Christ, but lest, by turning aside, by little and little, from the simplicity which they had learned, so as to go after profane and foreign contrivances, they should at length become adulterated.

He brings forward a comparison as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty For if false teachers have a show of wisdom, if they have any power of eloquence for persuading, if they plausibly insinuate themselves into the minds of their hearers, and instill their poison by fawning artifices, it was in a similar way that Satan also beguiled Eve, as he did not openly declare himself to be an enemy, but crept in privily under a specious pretext.

Calvin: 2Co 11:4 - -- 4.For if he that cometh He now reproves the Corinthians for the excessive readiness, which they showed to receive the false apostles. For while they ...

4.For if he that cometh He now reproves the Corinthians for the excessive readiness, which they showed to receive the false apostles. For while they were towards Paul himself excessively morose and irritable, 808 so that on any, even the least occasion, they were offended if he gave them even the slightest reproof, there was, on the other hand, nothing that they did not bear with, on the part of the false Apostles. They willingly endured their pride, haughtiness, and unreasonableness. An absurd reverence of this nature he condemns, because in the mean time they showed no discrimination or judgment. “How is it that they take 809 so much liberty with you, and you submit patiently to their control? Had they brought you another Christ, or another gospel, or another Spirit, different from what you received through my hands, I would assuredly approve of your regard for them, for they would be deserving of such honor. But as they have conferred upon you nothing, that I had not given you previously, what sort of gratitude do you show in all but adoring those, to whom you are indebted for nothing, while you despise me, through whom God has bestowed upon you so many and so distinguished benefits?” Such is the reverence that is shown even at this day by Papists towards their pretended Bishops. For while they are oppressed by their excessively harsh tyranny, 810 they submit to it without difficulty; but, at the same time, do not hesitate to treat Christ himself with contempt. 811

The expressions — another Christ, and another gospel, are made use of here in a different sense from what they bear in Gal 1:8. For another is used there in opposition to what is true and genuine, and hence it means false and counterfeit. Here, on the other hand, he means to say — “If the gospel had come to you through their ministry, and not through mine.”

Calvin: 2Co 11:5 - -- 5.For I reckon that I am He now convicts them of ingratitude, by removing the only thing that could serve as an excuse for them, for he shows that he...

5.For I reckon that I am He now convicts them of ingratitude, by removing the only thing that could serve as an excuse for them, for he shows that he is on a level, even with the chief of the Apostles. The Corinthians, therefore, were ungrateful 812 in not esteeming him more highly, after having found him, by experience, to be such; while, on the other hand, the authority that was justly due to him, they transferred to persons of no value. For the sake of modesty, however, he says that he reckons so, while the thing was known and manifest to all. His meaning, however, is, that God had honored his Apostleship with no less distinguished marks of favor, than that of John or Peter. Now the man that despises the gifts of God, which he himself recognizes, cannot clear himself from the charge of being spiteful and ungrateful. Hence, wherever you see the gifts of God, you must there reverence God himself: 813 I mean, that every one is worthy of honor, in so far as he is distinguished by graces received from God, and especially if any advantage has redounded to thee from them.

Calvin: 2Co 11:6 - -- 6.But though I am rude There was one thing 814 in which he might appear, at first view, to be inferior — that he was devoid of eloquence. This judg...

6.But though I am rude There was one thing 814 in which he might appear, at first view, to be inferior — that he was devoid of eloquence. This judgment, 815 therefore, he anticipates and corrects, while he acknowledges himself, indeed, to be rude and unpolished in speech, while at the same time he maintains that he has knowledge By speech here he means, elegance of expression; and by knowledge he means, the very substance of doctrine. For as man has both a soul and a body, so also in doctrine, there is the thing itself that is taught, and the ornament of expression with which it is clothed. Paul, therefore, maintains that he understands, what should be taught, and what is necessary to be known, though he is not an eloquent orator, so as to know how to set off his doctrine by a polished and eloquent manner of expression.

It is asked, however, whether elegance of speech 816 is not also necessary for Apostles; for how will they otherwise be prepared for teaching? Knowledge might perhaps suffice for others, but how could a teacher be dumb? I answer, that, while Paul acknowledges himself to be rude in speech, it is not as though he were a mere infant, but as meaning, that he was not distinguished by such splendid eloquence as others, to whom he yields the palm as to this, retaining for himself what was the principal thing — the reality itself, 817 while he leaves them talkativeness without gravity. If, however, any one should inquire, why it is that the Lord, who made men’s tongues, (Exo 4:11,) did not also endow so eminent an apostle with eloquence, that nothing might be wanting to him, I answer, that he was furnished with a sufficiency for supplying the want of eloquence. For we see and feel, what majesty there is in his writings, what elevation appears in them, what a weight of meaning is couched under them, what power is discovered in them. In fine, they are thunderbolts, not mere words. Does not the efficacy of the Spirit appear more clearly in a naked rusticity of words, (so to speak,) than under the disguise of elegance and ornament? Of this matter, however, we have treated more largely in the former Epistle. 818 In short, he admits, as far as words are concerned, what his adversaries allege by way of objection, while he denies in reality what they hold forth. Let us also learn, from his example, to prefer deeds to words, and, to use a barbarous but common proverb — “ Teneant alii quid nominis, nos autem quid rei ;” — “Let others know something of the name, but let us know something of the reality. 819 If eloquence is superadded, let it be regarded by us as something over and above; and farther, let it not be made use of for disguising doctrine, or adulterating it, but for unfolding it in its genuine simplicity.

But everywhere As there was something magnificent in placing himself on a level with the chief Apostles, that this may not be ascribed to arrogance, he makes the Corinthians judges, provided they judge from what they have themselves experienced; for they had known sufficiently well, from many proofs, that he did not boast needlessly, or without good reason. He means, therefore, that he needs not make use of words, inasmuch as reality and experience afford clear evidence of every thing that he was about to say 820

Calvin: 2Co 11:7 - -- 7.Have I committed an offense? His humility was cast up to him by way of reproach, while it was an excellence that was deserving of no ordinary comme...

7.Have I committed an offense? His humility was cast up to him by way of reproach, while it was an excellence that was deserving of no ordinary commendation. Humility here means — voluntary abasement; for in conducting himself modestly, as if he had nothing in him that was particularly excellent, so that many looked upon him as one of the common people, he had done that for the advantage of the Corinthians. For the man was inflamed with so great a desire, 823 and so great an anxiety for their salvation, that he made a regard to himself a secondary consideration. Hence he says, that he had of his own accord made a surrender of his own greatness, that they might become great through his abasement. For his design was, that he might promote their salvation. He now indirectly charges them with ingratitude, in imputing to him as a fault so pious a disposition — not indeed for the purpose of reproaching him, but with the view of restoring them so much the better to a sound mind. And certainly, he wounded them more severely by speaking ironically, than if he had spoken in a simple way, and without a figure. He might have said, “What is this? Am I despised by you, because I have lowered myself for your advantage?” The questioning, however, which he makes use of, was more forcible for putting them to shame.

Because I preached freely This is a part of his abasement. For he had given up his own right, as though his condition had been inferior to that of others; but such was the unreasonableness of some of them, that they esteemed him the less on that account, as if he had been undeserving of remuneration. The reason, why he had given his services to the Corinthians gratuitously, is immediately subjoined — for he did not act in this manner everywhere, but, as we have seen in the former Epistle, 824 there was a danger of his furnishing the false Apostles with a handle against him.

Calvin: 2Co 11:8 - -- 8.I robbed other churches He has intentionally, in my opinion, made use of an offensive term, that he might the more forcibly express the unreasonabl...

8.I robbed other churches He has intentionally, in my opinion, made use of an offensive term, that he might the more forcibly express the unreasonableness of the matter — in respect of his being despised by the Corinthians. “I have,” says he, “procured pay for myself from the spoils of others, that I might serve you. While I have thus spared you, how unreasonable it is to make me so poor a return!” It is, however, a metaphor, that is taken from what is customary among soldiers; for as conquerors take spoils from the nations that they have conquered, so every thing that Paul took from the Churches that he had gained to Christ was, in a manner, the spoils of his victories, though, at the same time, he never would have taken it from persons against their will, but what they contributed gratuitously was, in a manner, due by right of spiritual warfare. 825

Calvin: 2Co 11:9 - -- Observe, however, that he says that he had been in want, for he would never have been a burden to them, had he not been constrained by necessity. H...

Observe, however, that he says that he had been in want, for he would never have been a burden to them, had he not been constrained by necessity. He, nevertheless, in the mean time, labored with his hands, as we have seen before, (1Co 4:12,) but, as the labor of his hands was not sufficient for sustaining life, something additional was contributed by the Macedonians. Accordingly he does not say, that his living had been furnished to him by the Macedonians, 826 but merely that they had supplied what was wanting. We have spoken elsewhere of the Apostle’s holy prudence and diligence in providing against dangers. Here we must take notice of the pious zeal of the Macedonians, who did not hesitate to contribute of their substance for his pay, that the gospel might be proclaimed to others, and those, too, that were wealthier than themselves. Ah! how few Macedonians are there in the present day, and on the other hand how many Corinthians you may find everywhere!

Calvin: 2Co 11:10 - -- 10.The truth of Christ is in me Lest any one should suspect, that Paul’s words were designed to induce the Corinthians to be more liberal to him in...

10.The truth of Christ is in me Lest any one should suspect, that Paul’s words were designed to induce the Corinthians to be more liberal to him in future, and endeavor to make amends for their error in the past, he affirms with an oath, that he would take nothing from them, or from others in Achaia, though it were offered to him. For this manner of expression — the truth of Christ is in me, is in the form of oath. Let me not be thought to have the truth of Christ in me if I do not retain this glorying among the inhabitants of Achaia. Now Corinth was in Achaia. 827

Calvin: 2Co 11:11 - -- 11.Is it because I love you not? Those that we love, we treat with greater familiarity. Lest the Corinthians, therefore, should take it amiss, that h...

11.Is it because I love you not? Those that we love, we treat with greater familiarity. Lest the Corinthians, therefore, should take it amiss, that he refused their liberality, while he allowed himself to be assisted by the Macedonians, and even declared with an oath that he would do so still, he anticipates that suspicion also. And by the figure termed anthypophora, 828 he asks, as it were in their name, whether this is a token of a malevolent mind? He does not return a direct answer to the question, but the indirect answer that he returns has much more weight, inasmuch as he calls God to be a witness of his good disposition towards them. You see here, that in the course of three verses 829 there are two oaths, but they are lawful and holy, because they have a good design in view, and a legitimate reason is involved. Hence to condemn indiscriminately all oaths is to act the part of fanatics, who make no distinction between white and black. 830

Calvin: 2Co 11:12 - -- 12.But what I do He again explains the reason of his intention. 831 The false Apostles, with the view of alluring to themselves ignorant persons, too...

12.But what I do He again explains the reason of his intention. 831 The false Apostles, with the view of alluring to themselves ignorant persons, took no pay. Their serving gratuitously was a show of uncommon zeal. 832 If Paul had availed himself of his right, he would have given them occasion to raise their crest, as if they had been greatly superior to him. Paul, accordingly, that he might give them no occasion of doing injury, did himself, also, preach the Gospel, free of charge, and this is what he adds — that he is desirous to cut off occasion from those that desire occasion For the false Apostles were desirous to insinuate themselves by this artifice, and to detract, in proportion to this, from Paul’s credit, if they were superior to him in any respect. He says, that he will not give them this advantage. “They will be found,” says he, “on a level with us in that glorying which they would wish to have for themselves exclusively.” This, however, is a useful admonition in connection with cutting off occasion from the wicked, as often as they desire one. For this is the only way to overcome them — not in the way of furnishing them with arms through our imprudence. 833

Defender: 2Co 11:2 - -- The true church of Christ, encompassing all who have received Him as Savior and Lord, is also called the bride of Christ. Paul, as the spiritual "fath...

The true church of Christ, encompassing all who have received Him as Savior and Lord, is also called the bride of Christ. Paul, as the spiritual "father" of the Corinthian Christians, desired to present his "daughter" pure and whole to the heavenly Bridegroom when He comes to claim her and take her to His Father's house, where He has prepared "mansions" for her (Joh 14:2, Joh 14:3). There are numerous other references to this unique espousal relation of the church to Christ (Joh 3:29; Eph 5:31, Eph 5:32; Rev 19:7-9; Rev 21:2, Rev 21:9), as well as numerous Old Testament references to Israel as the wife of Jehovah (Isa 54:5; Hos 2:19).

Defender: 2Co 11:2 - -- The very fact that the New Testament writers use the engagement relationship of the Bride to the Bridegroom as a representation of the ideal relation ...

The very fact that the New Testament writers use the engagement relationship of the Bride to the Bridegroom as a representation of the ideal relation of the church to Christ proves unequivocally that each human bride should come to her marriage as a chaste virgin; the same is equally true of the bridegroom. This is surely the best foundation for a godly home. God can and does forgive repentant sinners, but it is far better - especially in marriage - if this sin has never been committed at all."

Defender: 2Co 11:3 - -- Paul here asserts and confirms that the Genesis record of Eve's temptation and fall is true and historical, not allegorical. The "serpent" in Genesis ...

Paul here asserts and confirms that the Genesis record of Eve's temptation and fall is true and historical, not allegorical. The "serpent" in Genesis is explicitly identified as Satan, the arch deceiver (2Co 11:14), who turned Adam's bride against her Maker, in similar fashion to what he was now doing at Corinth, using false apostles (instead of a serpent's body) to turn His espoused Bride away from the soon-coming Bridegroom (Rev 12:9)."

Defender: 2Co 11:4 - -- The fact that a preacher or teacher talks about "Jesus" means little, for false prophets and false teachers have always invoked His name whenever it s...

The fact that a preacher or teacher talks about "Jesus" means little, for false prophets and false teachers have always invoked His name whenever it suited their purposes, and they still do. There are the "buddy" Jesus of country music, the socialist Jesus of liberal theology, the esoteric Jesus of the New Age and the ritualistic Jesus of sacramentalism, but none of these Jesus-figures is the Savior. The true Jesus is the Creator of the universe, the Word made flesh, the one Sacrifice for sins forever, the resurrected Lord and our coming King.

Defender: 2Co 11:4 - -- There are many evil spirits at large in the world who would seek to counterfeit the Holy Spirit in the believer's experience if they could. We must "t...

There are many evil spirits at large in the world who would seek to counterfeit the Holy Spirit in the believer's experience if they could. We must "try the spirits." "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God" (see note on 1Jo 4:2).

Defender: 2Co 11:4 - -- Paul warned against believing any man or even any angel who came preaching some other Gospel than the true saving Gospel of Christ which he had preach...

Paul warned against believing any man or even any angel who came preaching some other Gospel than the true saving Gospel of Christ which he had preached (Gal 1:6-9). That Gospel includes the fullness of the person and work of Christ, from eternity to eternity (see Mat 4:23, note; 1Co 15:1-4, note; Rev 14:6, Rev 14:9, note)."

TSK: 2Co 11:1 - -- Would : Num 11:29; Jos 7:7; 2Ki 5:3; Act 26:29; 1Co 4:8 bear with me a : 2Co 11:4; Act 18:14; Heb 5:2 in : 2Co 11:16, 2Co 11:17, 2Co 11:19, 2Co 11:21,...

Would : Num 11:29; Jos 7:7; 2Ki 5:3; Act 26:29; 1Co 4:8

bear with me a : 2Co 11:4; Act 18:14; Heb 5:2

in : 2Co 11:16, 2Co 11:17, 2Co 11:19, 2Co 11:21, 2Co 5:13, 2Co 12:11; 1Co 1:21, 1Co 3:18, 1Co 4:10

bear with me : or, ye do bear with me

TSK: 2Co 11:2 - -- jealous : Gal 4:11, Gal 4:17-19; Phi 1:8; 1Th 2:11 I have : Gen 24:2-5, Gen 24:58-67; Psa 45:10,Psa 45:11; Isa 54:5, Isa 62:4, Isa 62:5; Hos 2:19, Hos...

TSK: 2Co 11:3 - -- I fear : 2Co 11:29, 2Co 12:20,2Co 12:21; Psa 119:53; Gal 1:6, Gal 3:1, Gal 4:11; Phi 3:18, Phi 3:19 as : Gen 3:4, Gen 3:13; Joh 8:44; 1Ti 2:14; Rev 12...

TSK: 2Co 11:4 - -- preacheth : Act 4:12; 1Ti 2:5 receive : 1Co 12:4-11; Gal 3:2; Eph 4:4, Eph 4:5 another gospel : Gal 1:7, Gal 1:8 with him : or, with me

preacheth : Act 4:12; 1Ti 2:5

receive : 1Co 12:4-11; Gal 3:2; Eph 4:4, Eph 4:5

another gospel : Gal 1:7, Gal 1:8

with him : or, with me

TSK: 2Co 11:5 - -- I was not : 2Co 12:11, 2Co 12:12; 1Co 15:10; Gal 2:6-9

TSK: 2Co 11:6 - -- rude : 2Co 10:10; 1Co 1:17, 1Co 1:21, 1Co 2:1-3, 1Co 2:13 not : Eph 3:4; 2Pe 3:15, 2Pe 3:16 but we : 2Co 4:2, 2Co 5:11, 2Co 7:2, 2Co 12:12

TSK: 2Co 11:7 - -- in : 2Co 10:1, 2Co 12:13; Act 18:1-3, Act 20:34; 1Co 4:10-12, 1Co 9:6, 1Co 9:12, 1Co 9:14-18; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8

TSK: 2Co 11:8 - -- 2Co 11:9; Phi 4:14-16

TSK: 2Co 11:9 - -- 2Co 11:8 wanted : 2Co 6:4, 2Co 9:12; Phi 2:25, Phi 4:11-14; Heb 11:37 I was : 2Co 12:13; Neh 5:15; Act 18:3, Act 20:33; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8, 2Th 3:9 the ...

TSK: 2Co 11:10 - -- the truth : 2Co 11:31, 2Co 1:23, 2Co 12:19; Rom 1:9, Rom 9:1; Gal 1:20; 1Th 2:5, 1Th 2:10; 1Ti 2:7 no man shall stop me of this boasting : Gr. this bo...

the truth : 2Co 11:31, 2Co 1:23, 2Co 12:19; Rom 1:9, Rom 9:1; Gal 1:20; 1Th 2:5, 1Th 2:10; 1Ti 2:7

no man shall stop me of this boasting : Gr. this boasting shall not be stopped in me, 2Co 11:12, 2Co 11:16, 2Co 11:17, 2Co 10:15; 1Co 9:15-18

the regions : 2Co 1:1, 2Co 9:2; Act 18:12, Act 18:27; Rom 16:5; 1Co 16:15; 1Th 1:7, 1Th 1:8

TSK: 2Co 11:11 - -- because : 2Co 6:11, 2Co 6:12, 2Co 7:3, 2Co 12:15 God : 2Co 11:10, 2Co 12:2, 2Co 12:3; Jos 22:22; Psa 44:21; Joh 2:24, Joh 2:25, Joh 21:17; Act 15:8; H...

TSK: 2Co 11:12 - -- what : 2Co 11:9, 2Co 1:17; Job 23:13 that I may : 1Co 9:12; 1Ti 5:14 them : Gal 1:7; Phil. 1:15-30 they glory : 2Co 11:18, 2Co 5:12, 2Co 10:17; 1Co 5:...

what : 2Co 11:9, 2Co 1:17; Job 23:13

that I may : 1Co 9:12; 1Ti 5:14

them : Gal 1:7; Phil. 1:15-30

they glory : 2Co 11:18, 2Co 5:12, 2Co 10:17; 1Co 5:6; Gal 6:13, Gal 6:14

collapse all
Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 11:1 - -- Would to God - Greek, "I would"( Ὄφελον Ophelon ). This expresses earnest desire, but in the Greek there is no appeal to God. The...

Would to God - Greek, "I would"( Ὄφελον Ophelon ). This expresses earnest desire, but in the Greek there is no appeal to God. The sense would be well expressed by "O that,"or "I earnestly wish."

Ye could bear with me - That you would bear patiently with me; that you would hear me patiently, and suffer me to speak of myself.

In my folly - Folly in boasting. The idea seems to be, "I know that boasting is generally foolish, and that it is not to be indulged in. But though it is to be generally regarded as folly, yet circumstances compel me to it, and I ask your indulgence in it."It is possible also that his opponents accused him of folly in boasting so much of himself.

And indeed bear with me - Margin, "Ye do bear."But the text has probably the correct rendering. It is the expression of an earnest wish that they would tolerate him a little in this. He entreats them to bear with him because he was constrained to it.

Barnes: 2Co 11:2 - -- For I am jealous over you - This verse expresses the reason why he was disposed to speak of his attainments, and of what he had done. It was be...

For I am jealous over you - This verse expresses the reason why he was disposed to speak of his attainments, and of what he had done. It was because he loved them, and because he feared that they were in danger of being seduced from the simplicity of the gospel. The phrase "I am jealous"( Ζηλῶ Zēlō ) means properly, I ardently love you; I am full of tender attachment to you. The word was usual among the Greeks to denote an ardent affection of any kind (from ζέω zeō , to boil, to be fervid or fervent). The precise meaning is to be determined by the connection; see the note on 1Co 12:31. The word may denote the jealousy which is felt by an apprehension of departure from fidelity on the part of those whom we love; or it may denote a fervid and glowing attachment. The meaning here probably is, that Paul had a strong attachment to them.

With godly jealousy - Greek, "with the zeal of God" Θεοῦ ζήλῳ Theou zēlō ). That is, with very great or vehement zeal - in accordance with the Hebrew custom when the name God is used to denote any thing signally great, as the phrase "mountains of God,"meaning very elevated or lofty mountains. The mention of this ardent attachment suggested what follows. His mind reverted to the tenderness of the marriage relation, and to the possibility that in that relation the affections might be estranged. He makes use of this figure, therefore, to apprize them of the change which he apprehended.

For I have espoused you ... - The word used here ( ἁρμόζω harmozō ) means properly "to adapt, to fit, to join together."Hence, "to join in wedlock, to marry."Here it means to marry to another; and the idea is, that Paul had been the agent employed in forming a connection, similar to the marriage connection. between them and the Saviour. The allusion here is not certain. It may refer to the custom which prevailed when friends made and procured the marriage for the bridegroom; or it may refer to some custom like that which prevailed among the Lacedemonians where persons were employed to form the lives and manners of virgins and prepare them for the duties of the married life. The sense is clear. Paul claims that it was by his instrumentality that they had been united to the Redeemer. Under him they had been brought into a relation to the Saviour similar to that sustained by the bride to her husband; and he felt all the interest in them which naturally grew out of that fact and from a desire to present them blameless to the pure Redeemer. The relation of the Church to Christ is often represented by marriage; see Eph 5:23-33; Rev 19:7; Rev 21:9.

To one husband - To the Redeemer.

That I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ - The allusion here, according to Doddridge, is, to the custom among the Greeks "of having an officer whose business it was to educate and form young women, especially those of rank and figure, designed for marriage, and then to present them to those who were to be their husbands, and if this officer through negligence permitted them to be corrupted between the espousals and the consummation of the marriage, great blame would fall upon him."Such a responsibility Paul felt. So anxious was he for the entire purity of that church which was to constitute "the bride, the Lamb’ s wife;"so anxious that all who were connected with that church should be presented pure in heaven.

Barnes: 2Co 11:3 - -- But I fear - Paul had just compared the church to a virgin, soon to be presented as a bride to the Redeemer. The mention of this seems to have ...

But I fear - Paul had just compared the church to a virgin, soon to be presented as a bride to the Redeemer. The mention of this seems to have suggested to him the fact that the first woman was deceived and led astray by the tempter, and that the same thing might occur in regard to the church which he was so desirous should be preserved pure. The grounds of his fear were:

(1)    That Satan had seduced the first woman, thus demonstrating that the most holy ones were in danger of being led astray by temptation; and,

(2)    That special efforts were made to seduce them from the faith. The persuasive arts of the false teachers; the power of philosophy; and the attractive and corrupting influences of the world, he had reason to suppose might be employed to seduce them from simple attachment to Christ.

Lest by any means - Lest somehow ( μήπως mēpōs ). It is implied that many means would be used; that all arts would be tried; and that in some way, which perhaps they little suspected, these arts would be successful, unless they were constantly put upon their guard.

As the serpent beguiled Eve - see Gen 3:1-11. The word "serpent"here refers doubtless to Satan, who was the agent by whom Eve was beguiled see Joh 8:44; 1Jo 3:8; Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2. Paul did not mean that they were in danger of being corrupted in the same way, but that similar efforts would be made to seduce them. Satan adapts his temptations to the character and circumstances of the tempted. He varies them from age to age, and applies them in such a way as best to secure his object. Hence, all should be on their guard. No one knows the mode in which he will approach him, but all may know that he will approach them in some way.

Through his subtilty - see Gen 3:1. By his craft, art, wiles ( ἐν τῇ πανουργίᾳ en tē panourgia ). The word implies that shrewdness, cunning, craft was employed. A tempter always employs cunning and art to accomplish his object. The precise mode in which Satan accomplished his object is not certainly known. Perhaps the cunning consisted in assuming an attractive form - a fascinating manner - a manner suited to charm; perhaps in the idea that the eating of the forbidden fruit had endowed a serpent with the power of reason and speech above all other animals, and that it might be expected to produce a similar transformation in Eve. At all events there were false pretences and appearances, and such Paul apprehended would be employed by the false teachers to seduce and allure them; see on 2Co 11:13-14.

So your minds should be corrupted - So your thoughts should be perverted. So your hearts should be alienated. The mind is corrupted when the affections are alienated from the proper object, and when the soul is filled with unholy plans, and purposes, and desires.

From the simplicity that is in Christ -

(1) From simple and single-hearted devotedness to him - from pure and unmixed attachment to him. The fear was that their affections would be fixed on other objects, and that the singleness and unity of their devotedness to him would be destroyed.

\caps1 (2) f\caps0 rom his pure doctrines. By the admixture of philosophy; by the opinions of the world there was danger that their minds should be turned away from their hold on the simple truths which Christ had taught.

\caps1 (3) f\caps0 rom that simplicity of mind and heart; that childlike candor and docility; that freedom from all guile, dishonesty, and deception which so eminently characterized the Redeemer. Christ had a single aim; was free from all guile; was purely honest; never made use of any improper arts; never resorted to false appearances; and never deceived. His followers should in like manner be artless and guileless. There should be no mere cunning, no trick, no craft in advancing their purposes. There should be nothing but honesty and truth in all that they say. Paul was afraid that they would lose this beautiful simplicity and artlessness of character and manner; and that they would insensibly be led to adopt the maxims of mere cunning, of policy, of expediency, of seductive arts which prevailed so much in the world - a danger which was imminent among the shrewd and cunning people of Greece; but which is confined to no time and no place. Christians should be more guileless than even children are; as pure and free from trick, and from art and cunning as was the Redeemer himself.

\caps1 (4) f\caps0 rom the simplicity in worship which the Lord Jesus commended and required. The worship which the Redeemer designed to establish was simple, unostentatious, and pure - strongly in contrast with the gorgeousness and corruption of the pagan worship, and even with the imposing splendor of the Jewish temple service. He intended that it should be adapted to all lands, and such as could be offered by all classes of people - a pure worship, claiming first the homage of the heart, and then such simple external expressions as should best exhibit the homage of the heart. How easily might this be corrupted! What temptations were there to attempt to corrupt it by those who had been accustomed to the magnificence of the temple service, and who would suppose that the religion of the Messiah could not be less gorgeous than that which was designed to shadow forth his coming; and by those who had been accustomed to the splendid rites of the pagan worship, and who would suppose that the true religion ought not to be less costly and splendid than the false religion had been. If so much expense had been lavished on false religions, how natural to suppose that equal costliness at least should be bestowed on the true religion. Accordingly the history of the church for a considerable part of its existence has been little more than a record of the various forms in which the simple worship instituted by the Redeemer has been corrupted, until all that was gorgeous in pagan ceremonies and splendid in the Jewish ritual has been introduced as a part of Christian worship.

\caps1 (5) f\caps0 rom simplicity in dress and manner of living. The Redeemer’ s dress was simple. His manner of living was simple. His requirements demand great simplicity and plainness of apparel and manner of life; 1Pe 3:3-6; 1Ti 2:9-10. Yet how much proneness is there at all times to depart from this! What a besetting sin has it been in all ages to the church of Christ! And how much pains should there be that the very simplicity that is in Christ should be observed by all who bear the Christian name!

Barnes: 2Co 11:4 - -- For if he that cometh ... - There is much difficulty in this verse in ascertaining the true sense, and expositors have been greatly perplexed a...

For if he that cometh ... - There is much difficulty in this verse in ascertaining the true sense, and expositors have been greatly perplexed and divided in opinion, especially with regard to the true sense of the last clause, "ye might well bear with him."It is difficult to ascertain whether Paul meant to speak ironically or seriously; and different views will prevail as different views are taken of the design. If it be supposed that he meant to speak seriously, the sense will be, "If the false teacher could recommend a better Saviour than I have done, or a Spirit better able to sanctify and save, then there would be a propriety in your receiving him and tolerating his doctrines."If the former, then the sense will be, "You cannot well bear with me; but if a man comes among you preaching a false Saviour, and a false Spirit, and a false doctrine. then you bear with him without any difficulty."

Another interpretation still has been proposed, by supposing that the word "me"is to be supplied at the close of the verse instead of "him,"and then the sense would be, "If you receive so readily one who preaches another gospel, one who comes with far less evidence that he is sent from God than I have, and if you show yourselves thus ready to fall in with any kind of teaching that may be brought to you, you might at least bear with me also."Amidst this variety it is not easy to ascertain the true sense. To me it seems probable, however, that Paul spoke seriously, and that our translation has expressed the true sense. The main idea doubtless is, that Paul felt that there was danger that they would be corrupted. If they could bring a better gospel, a more perfect system, and proclaim a more perfect Saviour, there would be no such change. But that could not be expected. It could not be done.

If therefore they preached any other Saviour or any other gospel; if they departed from the truths which he had taught them, it would be for the worse. It could not be otherwise. The Saviour whom he preached was perfect, and was able to save. The Spirit which he preached was perfect, and able to sanctify. The gospel which he preached was perfect, and there was no hope that it could be improved. Any change must be for the worse; and as the false teachers varied from his instructions, there was every reason to apprehend that their minds would be corrupted from the simplicity that was in Christ. The principal idea, therefore, is, that the gospel which he preached was as perfect as it could be, and that any change would be for the worse. No doctrine which others brought could be recommended because it was better. By the phrase "he that cometh"is meant doubtless the false teacher in Corinth.

Preacheth another Jesus - Proclaims one who is more worthy of your love and more able to save. If he that comes among you and claims your affections can point out another Christ who is more worthy of your confidence, then I admit that you do well to receive him. It is implied here that this could not be done. The Lord Jesus in his character and work is perfect. No Saviour superior to him has been provided; none but he is necessary.

Whom we have not preached - Let them show, if they can, that they have any Saviour to tell of whom we have not preached. We have given all the evidence that we are sent by God, and have laid all the claim to your confidence, which they can do for having made known the Saviour. They with all their pretensions have no Saviour to tell you of with whom we have not already made you acquainted. They have no claims, therefore, from this quarter which we have not also.

Or if ye receive another spirit ... - If they can preach to you another Sanctifier and Comforter; or if under their ministry you have received higher proofs of the power of the Spirit in performing miracles; in the gift of tongues; in renewing sinners and in comforting your hearts. The idea is, that Paul had proclaimed the existence and agency of the same Holy Spirit which they did; that his preaching had been attended with as striking proofs of the presence and power of that Spirit; that he had all the evidence of a divine commission from such an influence attending his labors which they could possibly have. They could reveal no spirit better able to sanctify and save; none who had more power than the Holy Spirit which they had received under the preaching of Paul, and there was therefore no reason why they should be "corrupted"or seduced from the simple doctrines which they had received and follow others.

Or another gospel ... - A gospel more worthy of your acceptance - one more free, more full, more rich in promises; one that revealed a better plan of salvation, or that was more full of comfort and peace.

Ye might well bear with him - Margin, "with me."The word "him"is not in the Greek; but is probably to be supplied. The sense is, there would then be some excuse for your conduct. There would be some reason why you should welcome such teachers. But if this cannot be done; if they can preach no other and no better gospel and Saviour than I have done, then there is no excuse. There is no reason why you should follow such teachers and forsake those who were your earliest guides in religion. - Let us never forsake the gospel which we have until we are sure we can get a better. Let us adhere to the simple doctrines of the New Testament until some one can furnish better and clearer doctrines. Let us follow the rules of Christ in our opinions and our conduct; our plans, our mode of worship, our dress, and our amusements, engagements, and company, until we can certainly ascertain that there are better rules. A man is foolish for making any change until he has evidence that he is likely to better himself; and it remains yet to be proved that anyone has ever bettered himself or his family by forsaking the simple doctrines of the Bible, and embracing a philosophical speculation; by forsaking the scriptural views of the Saviour as the incarnate God, and embracing the views which represent him as a mere man; by forsaking the simple and plain rules of Christ about our manner of life, our dress, and our words and actions, and embracing those which are recommended by mere fashion and by the customs of a frivolous world.

Barnes: 2Co 11:5 - -- For I suppose ... - I think that I gave as good evidence that I was commissioned by God as the most eminent of the apostles. In the miracles wh...

For I suppose ... - I think that I gave as good evidence that I was commissioned by God as the most eminent of the apostles. In the miracles which I performed; in the abundance of my labors, and in my success, I suppose that I did not fall behind any of them. If so, I ought to be regarded and treated as an apostle; and if so, then the false teachers should not be allowed to supplant me in your affections, or to seduce you from the doctrines which I have taught. On the evidence that Paul was equal to others in the proper proof of a commission from God; see notes on 2Co 11:21-30.

Barnes: 2Co 11:6 - -- But though I be rude in speech - see the note, 2Co 10:10. The word rendered "rude"here ( ἰδιώτης idiōtēs ) means properly a ...

But though I be rude in speech - see the note, 2Co 10:10. The word rendered "rude"here ( ἰδιώτης idiōtēs ) means properly a private citizen, in opposition to one in a public station; then a plebeian, or one unlettered or unlearned, in opposition to one of more elevated rank, or one who is learned; see the Act 4:13 note; 1Co 14:16 note. The idea is, my language is that of a plain unlettered person. This was doubtless charged upon him by his enemies, and it may be that he designed in part to admit the truth of the charge.

Yet not in knowledge - I do not admit that I am ignorant of the religion which I profess to teach. I claim to be acquainted with the doctrines of Christianity. It does not appear that they charged him with ignorance. If it be asked how the admission that he was rude in speech consists with the fact that he was endowed by the Holy Spirit. with the power of speaking languages, we may observe that Paul had undoubtedly learned to speak Greek in his native place (Tarsus in Cilicia). and that the Greek which he had learned there was probably a corrupt kind, such as was spoken in that place. It was this Greek which he probably continued to speak; for there is no more reason to suppose that the Holy Spirit would aid him in speaking language which he had thus early learned than he would in speaking Hebrew. The endowments of the Holy Spirit were conferred to enable the apostles to speak languages which they had never learned, not in perfecting them in languages with which they were before acquainted. It may have been true, therefore, that Paul may have spoken some languages which he never learned with more fluency and perfection than he did those which he had learned to speak when he was young. See the remarks of the Archbishop of Cambray, as quoted by Doddridge in loc. It may be remarked. also, that some estimate of the manner of Paul on this point may be formed from his writings. Critics profoundly acquainted with the Greek language remark, that while there is great energy of thought and of diction in the writings of Paul; while he chooses or coins most expressive words, yet that there is everywhere a lack of Attic elegance of manner, and of the smoothness and beauty which were so grateful to a Grecian ear.

But we have been thoroughly made manifest ... - You have known all about me. I have concealed nothing from you, and you have had ample oppotunity to become thoroughly acquainted with me. The meaning is, "I need not dwell on this. I need speak no more of my manner of speech or knowledge. With all that you are well acquainted."

Barnes: 2Co 11:7 - -- Have I committed an offence - Have I done wrong. Greek, "Have I committed a sin."There is here a somewhat abrupt transition from the previous v...

Have I committed an offence - Have I done wrong. Greek, "Have I committed a sin."There is here a somewhat abrupt transition from the previous verse; and the connection is not very apparent. Perhaps the connection is this. "I admit my inferiority in regard to my manner of speaking. But this does not interfere with my full understanding of the doctrines which I preach, nor does it interfere with the numerous evidences which I have furnished that I am called to the office of an apostle. What then is the ground of offence? In what have I erred? Wherein have I shown that I was not qualified to be an apostle? Is it in the fact that I have not chosen to press my claim to a support, but have preached the gospel without charge?"There can be no doubt that they urged this as an objection to him, and as a proof that he was conscious that he had no claim to the office of an apostle; see the notes on 1Co. 9:3-18. Paul here answers this charge; and the sum of his reply is, that he had received a support, but that it had come from others, a support which they had furnished because the Corinthians had neglected to do it.

In abasing myself - By laboring with my own hands; by submitting to voluntary poverty, and by neglecting to urge my reasonable claims for a support.

That ye might be exalted - In spiritual blessings and comforts. I did it because I could thus better promote religion among you. I could thus avoid the charge of aiming at the acquisition of wealth; could shut the mouths of gainsayers, and could more easily secure access to you. Is it now to be seriously urged as a fault that I have sought your welfare, and that in doing it I have submitted to great self-denial and to many hardships? See notes on 1Co 9:18 ff.

Barnes: 2Co 11:8 - -- I robbed other churches - The churches of Macedonia and elsewhere, which had ministered to his needs. Probably he refers especially to the chur...

I robbed other churches - The churches of Macedonia and elsewhere, which had ministered to his needs. Probably he refers especially to the church at Philippi (see Phi 4:15-16), which seems to have done more than almost any other church for his support. By the use of the word "robbed"here Paul does not mean that he had obtained anything from them in a violent or unlawful manner, or anything which they did not give voluntarily. The word ( ἐσύλησα esulēsa ) means properly, "I spoiled, plundered, robbed,"but the idea of Paul here is, that he, as it were, robbed them, because he did not render an equivalent for what they gave him. They supported him when he was laboring for another people. A conqueror who plunders a country gives no equivalent for what he takes. In this sense only could Paul say that he had plundered the church at Philippi. His general principle was, that "the laborer was worthy of his hire,"and that a man was to receive his support from the people for whom he labored (see 1Co 9:7-14), but this rule he had not observed in this case.

Taking wages of them - Receiving a support from them. They bore my expenses.

To do you service - That I might labor among you without being supposed to be striving to obtain your property, and that I might not be compelled to labor with my own hands, and thus to prevent my preaching the gospel as I could otherwise do. The supply from other churches rendered it unnecessary in a great measure that his time should be taken off from the ministry in order to obtain a support.

Barnes: 2Co 11:9 - -- And when I was present with you - When I was laboring in order to build up the church in Corinth. I was chargeable to no man - I was burd...

And when I was present with you - When I was laboring in order to build up the church in Corinth.

I was chargeable to no man - I was burdensome to no one; or more liter ally,"I did not lie as a dead weight upon you."The word used here, which occurs nowhere else in the New Testament ( κατενάρκησα katenarkēsa ), means, literally, to become torpid against, that is, to the detriment of anyone; and hence, to be burdensome. According to Jerome, its use here is a Cilicism of Paul. The idea is that he did not lead a torpid, inactive life at the expense of others. He did not expect a support from them when he was doing nothing; nor did he demand support which would in any sense be a burden to them. By his own hands Act 18:3, and by the aid which he received from abroad, he was supported without deriving aid from the people of Corinth.

And in all things ... - In all respects I have carefully kept myself from being a burden on the church. Paul had no idea of living at other people’ s expense when he was doing nothing. He did not, as a general thing, mean to receive anything for which he had not rendered a fair equivalent; a just principle for ministers and for all other people; see 2Co 12:13.

Barnes: 2Co 11:10 - -- As the truth of Christ is in me - That is, I solemnly declare this as in the presence of Christ. As I am a Christian man; as I feel bound to de...

As the truth of Christ is in me - That is, I solemnly declare this as in the presence of Christ. As I am a Christian man; as I feel bound to declare the truth, and as I must answer to Christ. It is a solemn form of asseveration, equal to an oath; see the note on Rom 9:1; compare 1Ti 2:7.

No man shall stop me ... - Margin, "This boasting shall not be stopped in me;"see the note on 1Co 9:15. The idea here is, that Paul was solemnly determined that the same thing should continue. He had not been burdensome to any, and he was resolved that he would not be. Rather than be burdensome he had labored with his own hands, and he meant to do it still. No man in all Achaia should ever have reason to say that he had been an idler, and had been supported by the churches when he was doing nothing. It was the fixed and settled purpose of his life never to be burdensome to any man. What a noble resolution! How fixed were the principles of his life! And what an instance of magnanimous self-denial and of elevated purpose! Every man, minister or otherwise, should adopt a similar resolution. He should resolve to receive nothing for which he has not rendered a fair equivalent, and resolve if he has health never to be a burden to his friends or to the church of God. And even if sick he may yet feel that he is not burdensome to others. If he is gentle and grateful; if he makes no unnecessary care; and especially if he furnishes an example of patience and piety, and seeks the blessing of God on his benefactors, he furnishes them what they will usually esteem an ample equivalent. No man need be burdensome to his friends; and all should resolve that by the grace of God they never will be. There is considerable variety in the mss. here (see Mill on the place), but in regard to the general sense there can be no doubt. Nothing should ever hinder this boasting; nothing should deprive him of the privilege of saying that he had not been a burden.

In the regions of Achaia - Achaia was that part of Greece of which Corinth was the capital; see the note on Act 18:12.

Barnes: 2Co 11:11 - -- Wherefore ... - It is not because I do not love you. It is not from pride, or because I would not as willingly receive aid from you as from any...

Wherefore ... - It is not because I do not love you. It is not from pride, or because I would not as willingly receive aid from you as from any other. It is not because I am more unwilling to be under obligation to you than to others. I have a deep and tender attachment to you; but it is because I can thus best promote the gospel and advance the kingdom of the Redeemer. Possibly it might have been thought that his unwillingness to receive aid from them was some proof of reserve toward them or lack of affection, and this may have been urged against him. This he solemnly denies.

Barnes: 2Co 11:12 - -- But what I do - The course of life which I have been pursuing I will continue to pursue. That is, I will continue to preach as I have done with...

But what I do - The course of life which I have been pursuing I will continue to pursue. That is, I will continue to preach as I have done without demanding a support. I will labor with my own hands if necessary; I will preach without demanding rigidly what I might be entitled to.

That I may cut off occasion - That I might give them no opportunity of accusing me of desiring to grow rich, and of calumniating me. Paul meant that they should have no plausible pretext even for accusing him; that no man should be able to say that he was preaching merely for the hire.

Which desire occasion - No doubt his enemies eagerly sought opportunities of accusing him, and greatly wished for some plausible reason for charging him with that which would be disgraceful and ruinous to his character. Or it may mean that they desired opportunity from the example of Paul to justify themselves in their course; that they took wages from the church at Corinth largely, and desired to be able to say that they had his example.

That wherein they glory - Probably meaning that they boasted that they preached the gospel for free (gratis); that they received nothing for their labors. Yet while they did this, it is not improbable that they received presents of the Corinthians, and under various pretences contrived to get from them an ample support, perhaps much more than would have been a reasonable compensation. People who profess to preach the gospel gratis, usually contrive in various ways to get more from the people than those who receive a regular and stipulated compensation. By taxing pretty liberally their hospitality; by accepting liberal presents; by frequent proclamation of their self-denial and their poverty, they usually filch large amounts from the people. No people were ever louder in praise of poverty, or in proclamation of their own self-denials than some orders of monks, and that when it might be said almost that the richest possessions of Europe were passing into their hands. At all events, Paul meant that these people should have no opportunity from his course to take any such advantage. He knew what he had a right to 1 Cor. 9, but he had not urged the right. He had received nothing from the church at Corinth, and he meant to receive nothing. He had honestly preached the gospel to them without charge, and he meant still to do it, 1Co 9:18. They should, therefore, have no opportunity from his conduct either to accuse him of preaching for money, or of sheltering themselves under his example in pretending to preach for nothing when they were in fact obtaining large sums from the people.

They may be found even as we - That they may be compelled honestly to pursue such a course as I do, and be found to be in fact what they pretend to be. The sense is, "I mean so to act that if they follow my example, or plead my authority, they may be found to lead an honest life; and that if they boast on this subject, they shall boast strictly according to truth. There shall be no trick; nothing underhanded or deceptive in what they do so far as my example can prevent it."

Poole: 2Co 11:1 - -- 2Co 11:1-4 Paul unwillingly entereth upon a commendation of himself, out of jealousy lest the Corinthians should be perverted by false apostles fro...

2Co 11:1-4 Paul unwillingly entereth upon a commendation of

himself, out of jealousy lest the Corinthians should

be perverted by false apostles from the pure doctrine

of Christ.

2Co 11:5,6 He showeth that he was in all respects equal to the

chiefest apostles.

2Co 11:7-15 That he declined being chargeable to them, not for

want of love toward them, but to cut off occasion

from those deceitful workers of taking shelter under

his example.

2Co 11:16-22 That he was not inferior to those, whom they so patiently

submitted to, in any of their boasted pretogatives,

2Co 11:23-33 but as a minister of Christ, in labours and

sufferings for the gospel’ s sake, was abundantly

their superior.

That which the apostle here calls his folly was his speaking so much in his own commendation; which indeed is no better than folly, unless there be a great reason; which was here, for it was the false teachers, vilifying his person and office, that put him upon it. The verb in the latter part of the verse, may be read either imperatively, (and so we translate it), as if it were an entreaty of them to excuse him in speaking so much good of himself; or indicatively, you do bear with me.

Poole: 2Co 11:2 - -- Jealousy is a passion in a person which makes him impatient of any rival or partner in the thing or person beloved. The apostle tells them, that he ...

Jealousy is a passion in a person which makes him impatient of any rival or partner in the thing or person beloved. The apostle tells them, that he was jealous over them, and thereby lets them know, that he so passionately loved them, as that he was not patient that any should pretend more kindness to them than he had for them; and withal, that he had some fear of them, lest they should be perverted and drawn away from the simplicity of the gospel; upon this account he calls it a

godly jealousy For (saith he) I have been instrumental to bring you to Christ; this he calls an espousing of them, the union of persons with Christ being expressed in Scripture under the notion of a marriage, Eph 5:23 , &c. And he expresseth his earnest desire to present them to Christ uncorrupted, like a chaste virgin

Poole: 2Co 11:3 - -- In all jealousy there is a mixture of love and fear: the apostle’ s love to this church, together with his earnest desire to present them in th...

In all jealousy there is a mixture of love and fear: the apostle’ s love to this church, together with his earnest desire to present them in the day of judgment unto Christ pure and uncorrupted, caused him to write; because he was afraid, lest that as the serpent by his subtlety deceived Eve, so some subtle seducers should corrupt them, and so withdraw them from the simplicity of their faith in Christ, and obedience to him. This danger was partly from the pagan philosophers, mixing their philosophical notions with the plain doctrine of the gospel; and partly from some that were tenacious of the Judaical rites, and would not understand the abolition of the ceremonial law.

Poole: 2Co 11:4 - -- How our translators have interpreted kalwv hneicesye , ye might well bear I cannot tell: the words manifestly are to be interpreted, you have well...

How our translators have interpreted kalwv hneicesye ,

ye might well bear I cannot tell: the words manifestly are to be interpreted, you have well borne, and so are plainly a reflection upon some in this church, who had patiently endured false teachers, who had preached other doctrine than what Paul had preached. And this the apostle giveth as a reason of his fear, lest they should be corrupted and drawn away from the simplicity of the gospel. This certainly is more obviously the sense of the words, than what others incline to, who make the sense this: If any other could come to you, who could preach to you a better Jesus, a more excellent Saviour, than we have done; or a more excellent spirit than him whom you have received; or a more excellent doctrine than the doctrine of the gospel, which we have preached; you might bear with him. For I see no pretence to interpret the verb as in the potential mood, it is manifestly the indicative mood; and declareth, not what they might do, but what they had done; which made the apestle jealous of them, lest they should be perverted. And our Saviour, Joh 5:43 , hath taught us, that those who with the most difficulty receive those who come to them in God’ s name, are always most easy to receive those who come in their own name, without any due authority or commission from God.

Poole: 2Co 11:5 - -- The apostle, doubtless, meaneth those that were the true apostles of our Lord. those who were immediately sent out by him to preach the gospel, behi...

The apostle, doubtless, meaneth those that were the true apostles of our Lord. those who were immediately sent out by him to preach the gospel, behind whom the apostle was not, either in respect of ministerial gifts and graces, or in respect of labours, or in respect of success which God had given him in his work. One method that false teachers used to vilify Paul, was by magnifying some others of the apostles above him, and preferring them before him; which makes him, both here, and in Gal 2:1-21 , and Rom 11:13 , to magnify his office, by showing them, there was no reason why they should make a difference between him and other apostles; for he had the same immediate call, was intrusted with the same power, furnished and adorned with the same gifts, in labours (as he elsewhere saith) he had been more than they all; nor had God been wanting in giving him success in his labours, proportionable to the chiefest of them: so as he was not a whit behind them.

Poole: 2Co 11:6 - -- But though I be rude in speech admit (saith the apostle) that I be no orator, speaking to you in high language, or in a neat style and phrase; either...

But though I be rude in speech admit (saith the apostle) that I be no orator, speaking to you in high language, or in a neat style and phrase; either having no faculty that way, or, if I have, yet choosing rather to speak plainly, and home to your consciences, than floridly, to tickle your ears with a fine sound and chiming of words.

Yet not in knowledge yet, I bless God, I am not defective in knowledge; and, as God hath enlightened me with a large knowledge of his will, so I have communicated to you the whole counsel of God.

But we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things and in all things, which may declare me an apostle, one sent of Christ about the business of the gospel, I have been made manifest amongst you; preaching amongst you the whole doctrine of the gospel, and having been an instrument to convert many of you from paganism to Christianity.

Poole: 2Co 11:7 - -- What is it that hath made you take such offence at me; seeing you cannot say, that either in my call, or in my gifts and graces, or in my labours, o...

What is it that hath made you take such offence at me; seeing you cannot say, that either in my call, or in my gifts and graces, or in my labours, or in the success of my labours, I have been inferior to the chiefest of the apostles? Doth this offend you, that for your sake I have veiled my authority, and departed from my right? Which makes some of you say, I am base in presence. Is it for my putting you to no charge in my preaching the gospel? This was a thing wherein he gloried, and told them, 1Co 9:6,12,15 , that he would rather die, than have his glorying void in this particular.

Poole: 2Co 11:8 - -- He interpreteth the term of robbed other churches by a taking wages of them; which indeed is no robbery, as he had proved, 1Co 9:1-27 . All the ...

He interpreteth the term of robbed other churches by a taking wages of them; which indeed is no robbery, as he had proved, 1Co 9:1-27 . All the robbery that was in it lay in this, that his maintenance, in strictness of right, should have been proportionably from this, as well as from other churches; but for some reasons (which he thinks fit to conceal) he refused to receive any thing from this church; but spared them, and lived upon the maintenance he had from other churches, while he was doing them service. Either he saw the members of this church were poor, or that there were some in this clulrch who would sooner have taken advantage to reproach him for it, and so have hindered the success of the gospel. Whatever it was that caused the apostle to do it, certain it is, that he did it, and make it a great piece of his glorying.

Poole: 2Co 11:9 - -- The word which we translate chargeable signifies to benumb; I benumbed no man: or, (as others), I was not myself more benumbed in any thing. If we ...

The word which we translate chargeable signifies to benumb; I benumbed no man: or, (as others), I was not myself more benumbed in any thing. If we take it in the first mentioned sense, it lets us see a reason why Paul refused to take wages of the church of Corinth, test he should cool and benumb them as to the receiving of the gospel, when they saw it would prove chargeable to them. If in the latter sense, the apostle seems to reflect upon such whom wages only edged to their work, who preached merely for gain and filthy lucre. To distinguish himself from such hirelings, he tells them, that when he was with them, and laboured amongst them in preaching the gospel, he put them to no charge; yet he was not slothful in his work, but as laborious as those who did take wages. As to himself, he had want enough whilst he was amongst them; but the providence of God ordered him a supply from the churches of Macedonia, and by that means he kept himself from being burdensome to them; and, he tells them, so he was resolved that he would still be.

Poole: 2Co 11:10 - -- The apostle often repeateth this, glorying much in it, that in this region of Achaia he had preached the gospel without charge to the hearers: he di...

The apostle often repeateth this, glorying much in it, that in this region of Achaia he had preached the gospel without charge to the hearers: he did so also at Thessalonica, 1Th 2:5,6,9 ; but concerning them, he saith, what he no where saith of the Corinthians, that they received the word in much affliction; which might, probably, be the cause. It is most likely that he either discerned this people to be more covetous, and too much lovers of their money: or that there was a generation among them, who, if he had taken wages for his labours, would have reproached him as one that was a hireling, and who did all that he did for money. And, indeed, himself seemeth in the next verses to give this as a reason.

Poole: 2Co 11:11 - -- Can you possibly interpret my not being chargeable to you, as proceeding from a want of love in me to you? God knoweth the contrary.

Can you possibly interpret my not being chargeable to you, as proceeding from a want of love in me to you? God knoweth the contrary.

Poole: 2Co 11:12 - -- I know (saith the apostle) that there are some amongst you who, out of their hatred to me, would seek any occasion to asperse me to justify themselv...

I know (saith the apostle) that there are some amongst you who, out of their hatred to me, would seek any occasion to asperse me to justify themselves. If I had (as I might) have taken wages amongst you for my labours, they would either have taken occasion from it to have aspersed me, (as doing what I did from a mercenary spirit), or at least to have justified themselves in their exactings upon you. I had a mind to prevent any such occasions of boasting.

That wherein they glory, they may be found even as we: it should seem by these words, that some teachers in this church, being (possibly) men of estates, required no maintenance of the people; and would have taken advantage against the apostle, if he had taken any: or, possibly, some others exacted upon them unreasonably, who, had Paul taken wages, would have justified themselves by his example. The apostle therefore was resolved to cut off from them any pretence or occasion of boasting, and to do whatever any of them did, in sparing the Corinthians as to the business of their purses.

Haydock: 2Co 11:1 - -- My folly. So he calls his reciting his own praises, which commonly speaking, is looked upon as a piece of folly and vanity; though the apostle was ...

My folly. So he calls his reciting his own praises, which commonly speaking, is looked upon as a piece of folly and vanity; though the apostle was constrained to do it, for the good of the souls committed to his charge. (Challoner)

Haydock: 2Co 11:2 - -- With the jealousy of God, or that came from God: it may also signify a great, or godly jealousy. --- To present you, that is, the Church of Corinth...

With the jealousy of God, or that came from God: it may also signify a great, or godly jealousy. ---

To present you, that is, the Church of Corinth, a chaste virgin to Christ, as the whole Catholic Church is called the chaste spouse of Christ. See Matthew ix. 13.; Apocalypse xxi. 2. (Witham) ---

I cannot suffer these false prophets thus to destroy what has been prepared with so much labour, but I am not jealous for my own sake; it is for the honour of God; for I do not wish to prepare this spouse for myself, but for God. (Tirinus) ---

It is a duty incumbent on me to preserve you in the purity of the faith you have received, to present you to him as a virgin, holy, and free from every spot or blemish, and hence arise my fear and solicitude, lest by insinuating and designing men, you suffer yourselves to be drawn away from the simplicity of your faith in Christ Jesus, the Lord.

Haydock: 2Co 11:3 - -- So your minds shall be corrupted by those false teachers, from the simplicity in Christ, from the sincerity and purity of the gospel doctrine. (Wit...

So your minds shall be corrupted by those false teachers, from the simplicity in Christ, from the sincerity and purity of the gospel doctrine. (Witham)

Haydock: 2Co 11:4 - -- You might well bear with him. These new teachers pretended at least to preach only the doctrine of Christ. St. Paul tells them, they might in some ...

You might well bear with him. These new teachers pretended at least to preach only the doctrine of Christ. St. Paul tells them, they might in some measure be excused, if they preached a new doctrine, or another gospel that brought them greater blessings, or another Spirit accompanied with greater spiritual gifts, than they had already received by his preaching. But I think, and may say, I have nothing less than the greatest apostles, and you have received the same blessings from me, as others from them. (Witham)

Haydock: 2Co 11:5 - -- For I suppose. Many understand this as spoken ironically, and alluding to the false apostles, who called themselves great. But it ought rather to b...

For I suppose. Many understand this as spoken ironically, and alluding to the false apostles, who called themselves great. But it ought rather to be understood in a literal sense, that God had performed as many and great miracles by his hands, as by any of the apostles. St. Paul here wished to refute those who called themselves the disciples of Peter, and other apostles. (Calmet)

Haydock: 2Co 11:6 - -- Though I be rude in speech, (as St. Jerome also thought) in my expressions in the Greek tongue, yet not in knowledge, the chief or only thing to be...

Though I be rude in speech, (as St. Jerome also thought) in my expressions in the Greek tongue, yet not in knowledge, the chief or only thing to be regarded. Nay, St. Paul's adversaries acknowledged that his letters were weighty and strong. (chap. x. ver. 11.) St. John Chrysostom in many places, and St. Augustine, lib. iv. de Doct. Christians, chap. vi. and vii tom. 3. p. 68. and seq., shews at large the solid rhetoric and eloquence of St. Paul, even in this and the next chapter. (Witham)

Haydock: 2Co 11:7 - -- Did I commit a fault? &c. It is a kind of reproach to them, and by the figure, called irony, with a reflection on the false preachers, who some way ...

Did I commit a fault? &c. It is a kind of reproach to them, and by the figure, called irony, with a reflection on the false preachers, who some way or other, got themselves handsomely maintained, while St. Paul neither took, nor would take any thing of them, that his adversaries might not have an occasion to say, he did as they did, or that they only did as he did. And lest they should suspect that he would receive nothing from them, because he did not love them (as men sometimes refuse presents from those whom they do not love) he appeals to God, how much he loves them. But he will have this to boast of against his adversaries, those false apostles and crafty labourers, who cunningly endeavoured to transform themselves, that they might be thought the apostles of Christ, insinuating themselves into their favour, and receiving at least presents from them, which St. Paul would not do, though it was but reasonable that he should live by the gospel. See 1 Corinthians chap. ix. (Witham)

Haydock: 2Co 11:10 - -- The truth of Christ is in me. This is a kind of asseveration; I assure you by the truth of Christ, which is in me, that what I say is true, and that...

The truth of Christ is in me. This is a kind of asseveration; I assure you by the truth of Christ, which is in me, that what I say is true, and that no one can deny it in Achaia. (Theodoret)

Haydock: 2Co 11:12 - -- St. Paul declares that he will continue to receive nothing for his preaching and his labours, that the false apostles may not glory in their disintere...

St. Paul declares that he will continue to receive nothing for his preaching and his labours, that the false apostles may not glory in their disinterestedness; or rather, that he will not, by receiving any thing, authorize by his example, these new teachers, who only seek their own ease, to live on the Church, and to receive their support from it. (St. Augustine and Estius)

Gill: 2Co 11:1 - -- Would to God you could bear with me a little,.... The false apostles boasted so much of their gifts, abilities, and usefulness, that the apostle found...

Would to God you could bear with me a little,.... The false apostles boasted so much of their gifts, abilities, and usefulness, that the apostle found himself under a necessity of saying some things in his own defence, for the honour of God, and the good of this church; which otherwise his modesty would not have permitted him, and which he saw would be accounted and censured as folly in him by others; and therefore he entreats their patience a little while, and that they would suffer him to say a few things in vindication of his character, and not be offended; though it would be in commendation of himself, which, were he not forced to, would look vain and foolish: and therefore says,

bear with me a little in my folly, and which he presses with importunity,

and indeed bear with me; he insists upon it, he urges it as what he must not be denied in; for could he have avoided it, he would not have done it; but such was the case, that if he did not do it, he must greatly suffer in his character and usefulness; the members of this church would be in great danger from these false apostles, and the honour and glory of Christ lay greatly at stake; which when considered, he hoped his request would be granted: the last clause may be rendered, but also ye do bear with me; signifying that they had done so already, and continued to do so, and therefore he could not but encourage himself, that they still would bear with him a little longer, and in a few things more.

Gill: 2Co 11:2 - -- For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy,.... He lets them know it was not so much on his own account, or at all with any selfish views, or for a...

For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy,.... He lets them know it was not so much on his own account, or at all with any selfish views, or for any secular interest of his own, that he was so concerned, but it was "a godly jealousy", or a "zeal of God"; which he was inspired with by God, and which was for the honour and glory of God, even Jesus Christ, who is God overall; and for their real good and spiritual welfare, as a church of Christ, that possessed him, which put him upon saying what he was about to do; and what affected him the more was, when he considered himself as a friend of the bridegroom, who had been concerned in the betrothing of them to Christ:

for I have espoused you to one husband; by whom is meant Christ, as the following clause explains it: Christ stands in the relation of an husband to the church catholic and universal; to the whole general assembly and church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven; even to all the elect of God, that ever were, are, or shall be; and so he does to particular congregated churches, as he did to this church at Corinth, and so he does to every individual believer: which character he responds to, by loving them with a love prior to theirs, a love of complacency and delight, which is single, special, and peculiar, strong and affectionate, wonderful and inconceivable, constant, and what will last for ever; by sympathizing with them under all their afflictions, temptations, desertions, and exercises of every kind; by nourishing and cherishing them, which phrases are expressive of the spiritual food and clothing he provides for them, of that intimate communion he admits them to, and of that whole care he takes of them; by paying all their debts, supplying all their wants, supporting them with his right hand, protecting them against all their enemies, giving them grace here, and glory hereafter; and, last of all, by interesting them in his person, and all that he has, in all the blessings and promises of the covenant in his wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. The act of espousing, the apostle here, with respect to this church, takes to himself, though in another sense, and which is the principal one, it is ascribed to Christ himself, who betroths all his to himself in righteousness, in judgment, in lovingkindness, and tender mercies; he saw them in his Father's purposes and decrees, in all the glory they were designed to be brought unto, when he loved them as his Father did, and desired them for his spouse and bride, which was granted to him; and then secretly in covenant betrothed them to himself, and ever after looked upon them as in a conjugal relation to him; wherefore though they fell in Adam, and became guilty and filthy, he gave himself for them as his church and bride, to sanctify and cleanse them, that he might present them to himself, just such a glorious church he had seen them before. In consequence of this, the Spirit of God attends the ministration of the Gospel, to the conversion of each of these souls, when they become willing to be the Lord's, and give their free and full consent to have him for their husband; and this is the day of their open espousal to him, and in this the apostle had, and other ministers of the Gospel have a concern; he was a means, in the hands of the Spirit, of their regeneration, a minister by whom they believed, an instrument in directing their souls to Christ, by setting forth his unsearchable riches, the glory of his person, and fulness of his grace: as Abraham's servant set forth the greatness of his master, and the large possessions his son was heir to, and brought out his bracelets and ear rings, his jewels of gold and silver, and thereby gained his point, a wife for Isaac; so the Spirit of God going along with the ministration of the apostle so wrought upon these Corinthians, as to give up themselves to the Lord, and take him for their head and husband, Saviour and Redeemer. This was the concern the apostle had herein, and his view, desire, and hope were, to set them before Christ their husband, pure and incorrupt:

that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ; that is, single in their love to, him, strictly adhering to him, and him only, as standing in such a relation to them; pure in the principles of faith, sincere and upright in their worship, and holy in their lives and conversations; nothing was more desirable to him than this, that he might thus present them to Christ at the great day; whereby it would appear, that his labour was not in vain in the Lord: now having been concerned in this affair of espousing them to Christ, and they not yet presented to him, or took home by him, he could not, as things were circumstanced, but entertain a godly jealousy over them in his own breast, lest the false apostles should draw them aside in any degree from their love to Christ, and faith in him.

Gill: 2Co 11:3 - -- But I fear lest by any means,.... Jealousy is always attended with fear, care, and solicitude, whether in things natural or spiritual. The apostle, as...

But I fear lest by any means,.... Jealousy is always attended with fear, care, and solicitude, whether in things natural or spiritual. The apostle, as things were in this church, could not but express his fears, lest

as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety; that is, the old serpent the devil, who made use of a serpent, the most subtle creature of all the beasts of the field, and seduced Eve from her obedience to God, to transgress his command, by eating the forbidden fruit. The apostle here speaks the language and sense of the Jews, who say p, that, שטן ונחש שם אחד להם "Satan and the serpent have one name", i.e. are the same; and that it was the old serpent (the devil), דפתי לחוה, "that beguiled Eve" q, and who is said to be corrupted by him;

"the serpent (they say r) was corrupted first, after that, נתקלקלה חוה, "Eve was corrupted", and after that Adam was corrupted.''

So the apostle was jealous and fearful, knowing that the false apostles were ministers of Satan, artful and cunning men, lest, through their craftiness and sophistry,

your minds, says he,

should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ; that is, lest their judgments should be misled, their minds be vitiated with corrupt principles, and be carried away in any degree with the error of the wicked, from off the pure and simple doctrine of the Gospel, which respects the person and grace of Christ; and chiefly lies in this one plain, easy, and important truth, salvation alone by him. The Vulgate Latin version reads, "your minds should be corrupted, and should fall from the simplicity that is in Christ".

Gill: 2Co 11:4 - -- For if he that cometh,.... Meaning either some particular man, the apostle might have had some information of, who came from Judea to Corinth, under t...

For if he that cometh,.... Meaning either some particular man, the apostle might have had some information of, who came from Judea to Corinth, under the character of a true apostle; or anyone of the false apostles whatever, who came of their own accord, and was never sent by Christ, or by any of his churches:

preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached; that is, if he proposes and recommends in his ministry, a better Saviour and Redeemer than had been preached by the apostles; one that was better qualified, and more fit for the purposes of salvation; one that they could more safely venture their souls upon, and believe in, as the alone able and all sufficient Saviour, a thing impossible to be: or the sense is, if this other apostle taught the doctrine of salvation by Christ, in another and better method and in a clearer manner, more to the honour of the Redeemer, the glory of God, and the good of their souls, they would have some reason then to pay a greater regard to him:

or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received; a better spirit than the Spirit of God, which the had received through the preaching of the Gospel by the apostles; either for graces, for they had received him as a spirit of regeneration and conversion, of sanctification and faith, of adoption and liberty, of peace and joy, and comfort; or for gifts, both ordinary and extraordinary, which could not possibly be; the spirit which the contrary ministers brought with it, and tended to not generate in them, must be the reverse of this, even a spirit of bondage again to fear:

or another Gospel which ye have not accepted, or "embraced"; a better Gospel than had been preached by the apostles, and received by them; which contained more wholesome doctrines, more comfortable truths, more excellent promises, better tidings of good things, than those of peace, pardon, righteousness, life, and salvation, by a crucified Jesus; proposed a better scheme of things, more for the honour of the divine perfections, and for the comfort and safety of believers; and which laid a better foundation for faith and hope, and tended more to encourage true religion and powerful godliness:

ye might well bear with him; receive his doctrine, submit to his authority, and prefer him to the apostles: but since another and a better Saviour than Jesus of Nazareth could not be proposed, or the doctrine of salvation by him be preached in another and better manner than it was; nor had they received, nor could they receive, another and a better spirit, than the spirit of grace and truth, which was communicated to them, through the apostle's ministry; nor was a better and a more excellent Gospel preached to them, than what they had heard; therefore they ought not to connive at, indulge and tolerate, such a false apostle among them, which it seems they did; and was the reason of the apostle's fears and jealousies, before expressed: and besides, supposing that this man that was among them, and caressed by many of them, did preach the same Jesus, and the same doctrine of salvation by him, and the same Spirit and power went along with his ministry, it being the same Gospel that was preached by Paul and others, there was no reason why he should be set up above them, who had been the instruments of conveying the Gospel, and the Spirit of it, to them, long before he was known by them.

Gill: 2Co 11:5 - -- For I suppose I was not a whit behind,.... This is very modestly expressed by the apostle; for he does not assert, and in a haughty and confident way ...

For I suppose I was not a whit behind,.... This is very modestly expressed by the apostle; for he does not assert, and in a haughty and confident way affirm, but only supposes, or thinks that this might be admitted, that he was not inferior to, or did not come short of, in gifts, grace, and usefulness,

the very chiefest of the apostles: such as Peter, James, and John; who seemed to be pillars, were eminent apostles, of great note among them, and such as Christ, in the days of his flesh, took particular notice of. This he says, not to exalt himself, but to show, how weakly and injudiciously the Corinthians acted in setting up the false apostle above him; or else these words are spoken ironically, and design the false teachers, who vaunted so much of their gifts, learning, eloquence, and usefulness; and extolled themselves at such a rate, as if they were υπερ λιαν αποστολων, "greatly above the apostles"; and therefore he jeeringly calls them

the very chiefest of them; and yet thinks fit to put himself at least, upon an equality with them: one manuscript reads, "the chiefest of the apostles among you"; and the Ethiopic version seems to have read you.

Gill: 2Co 11:6 - -- But though I be rude in speech,.... Which might be objected to him, setting himself upon a level with men so famous for their diction, and elegance of...

But though I be rude in speech,.... Which might be objected to him, setting himself upon a level with men so famous for their diction, and elegance of style; and to this he answers, not by owning he was so, but granting it to be so; for the Apostle Paul was not an unlearned man, an idiot in speech, unskilful in language, his writings testify the contrary; he did not indeed, in his public ministry, dress his sermons with the flowers of rhetoric, or adorn his discourses with the words of human wisdom, with bombast, and great swelling words of vanity; he chose a plainer and easier style, more accommodated to the vulgar, to the capacities of the people he was concerned with; for he had not to do with philosophers and senators, but with the common people chiefly; with persons of every sex, age, and condition of life: in this sense indeed he acted as an idiot, a plebeian, a private person; he used a popular style, or, as the Jews say of several of their Rabbins s, he דורש לשון הדיוט, "preached", or explained "in the common language" of people; which the common people used, and not the learned, and to which reference may be had here: but though he wisely pursued this method, as being most likely to be useful,

yet he was

not rude

in knowledge, or unskilful in the mysteries of the Gospel; he was well learned in the knowledge of Christ, and in the doctrines of grace, as all his discourses, sermons, and letters testified; and however negligent he might be thought to be of his style, and take no pains or care about the elegance of his language, but rather studied a plain and popular diction, yet he was always careful to convey profitable and useful knowledge to the souls of men; and thought his discourses might not be fraught with all the beauties of oratory, and enticing words of man's wisdom, they were full of spiritual knowledge, and showed him to have a large understanding of divine things, for the truth of which he appeals to the Corinthians:

but we have been thoroughly manifest among you in all things; his faith and doctrine, as well as manner of life, were well known unto them; he had not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God unto them: his knowledge in the mystery of Christ's person and grace, and in all the parts of the everlasting Gospel, was no secret to them; he had used no artful methods to hide himself, or conceal the truth; but by manifestation of it, had commended himself to every man's conscience in the sight of God; and by observing this, as he had witnesses now among them of the truth of it, so he strikes at the hypocrisy and deceitful methods the false teachers took to cover themselves, their practices, and principles.

Gill: 2Co 11:7 - -- Have I committed an offence in abasing myself,.... Either by behaving among them, when he was first with them, in a very modest and humble manner, in ...

Have I committed an offence in abasing myself,.... Either by behaving among them, when he was first with them, in a very modest and humble manner, in much fear and trembling, without pride and haughtiness, or affectation of power and authority over them; or by using a popular style, suited to the capacity of the common people; or by labouring with his own hands, exercising his trade of tent making among them, that he might provide food for himself, and not be chargeable to them; and which he suggests was so far from being criminal in him, that he ought rather to be commended for it; since it could not be thought to be with any view to himself, and his own advantage, but purely for their good:

that you might be exalted; that nothing might lie in their way of receiving the Gospel of Christ, or prejudice them against it; that they might the more easily be brought to listen to it, come to the knowledge of it, and embrace it, and so be exalted, as they were, to a participation of the grace of Christ; to fellowship with him; to the honour and dignity of being a church of Christ; to an enjoyment of the privileges of God's house; to have a name better than that of sons and daughters, and to have a right and title to the heavenly glory: "because", or is it

because I have preached to you the Gospel of God freely? The Gospel he preached was not his own, but God's; of which he was the author; his grace was the subject of it, and his glory the end of its ministration; which he had given to the apostle to preach; to which he had separated him, for which he had abundantly qualified him, and in which he was greatly succeeded by him. This he preached "freely" to the Corinthians at his first coming among them, without putting them to any expense, or receiving anything from them; which though he might lawfully have done, yet he judged it most advisable, at that time, to minister to his own necessities, by working with his hands, lest he should be burdensome to them; and this be an objection to the Gospel he preached, that he sought rather theirs than them; and for so doing he was not to be blamed, but to be praised: and yet such was the weakness of many at least in this church, that they highly valued the false apostles, who made merchandise of them, and treated with contempt this excellent servant of Christ, who had freely imparted the Gospel to them.

Gill: 2Co 11:8 - -- I robbed other churches,.... Meaning the churches of Macedonia; not that what he had of them was by force and rapine, or by plundering of them, and sp...

I robbed other churches,.... Meaning the churches of Macedonia; not that what he had of them was by force and rapine, or by plundering of them, and spoiling of their substance, and living upon them against their wills, as soldiers use a conquered people, though the allusion is to such a custom; for what he had of theirs was freely communicated to him; as appears from the following verse: but because these churches from whom he received were poor, and the Corinthians whom he served were rich, he calls it a robbing of the former, though there was no injury in the case, for it was voluntary, because it was expended for the service of the latter:

taking wages of them to do you service; or "for your ministry"; either to supply their poor, or rather to support the ministry of the Gospel among them. The apostle continues the metaphor, taken from soldiers, to whom wages are due for their warfare; as are also to the ministers of the Gospel, the good soldiers of Jesus Christ; since no man goes a warfare at his own charges and expense but is for by those in whose service he is: and therefore, though the apostle did not think it advisable to ask for, and insist upon wages from them at that time, for his service among them, yet he took it of others in lieu of it; and this he mentions, partly to show that wages were due to him for his ministry, and partly to observe to them who they were beholden to for the support of the Gospel at first among them; as also to stir them up to be serviceable to other churches, as others had been to them.

Gill: 2Co 11:9 - -- And when I was present with you, and wanted,.... Whilst he was among them, preaching the Gospel to them, he wanted the common necessaries of life: and...

And when I was present with you, and wanted,.... Whilst he was among them, preaching the Gospel to them, he wanted the common necessaries of life: and yet, says he,

I was chargeable to no man, or "benumbed no man"; a metaphor, as some think, taken from the torpedo, or cramp fish; which is of such a cold and benumbing nature, as that, when even at the hook, it will strike the fisherman with its cold, and so benumb him as to take away his feeling, and the use of his limbs: now the apostle's meaning is, that he did not chill and benumb any man's charity, by asking relief from him, for he importuned no man on this account; nor was he benumbed himself, to the detriment of any man; for though he was reduced to great straits, he was not slothful and sluggish in preaching the Gospel, but pursued it with as much diligence and industry as if he had been supported by it in the most handsome manner; nor did he act the part of an idle drone, sit still and starve, but laboured with his own hands, to the relief of himself and others; and whereas it could not be thought he should be able to provide this way thoroughly, both for himself and these that were with him, it was made up by other hands:

for that which was lacking to me; which he could not make up by his own hand labour and industry:

the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied; meaning either Silas and Timotheus, who came to him from Macedonia, whilst he was at Corinth, working at his trade with Aquila and Priscilla, Act 18:5 who might bring him a supply out of these parts; or else some that belonged to the churches of Macedonia, particularly the Philippians, who frequently communicated to him, and sent him presents by some or other of the brethren, as by Epaphroditus, Phi 4:15.

And in all things, adds he,

I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you; he worked hard, lived sparingly, and received from others; that as in respect to his maintenance, so in everything else he might live without being a dead weight upon them, or any ways troublesome to them: not that a minister's maintenance is, or ought to be reckoned a burden upon a people; it is but a due debt, and what is their just right; but because it is accounted so by carnal men, and such as are disaffected to the Gospel, and the ministry of it, therefore the apostle uses such language:

and so will I keep myself; time is, for the future; he having taken up a resolution in himself not to be chargeable and troublesome to them, but to provide for himself some other way. This he adds, lest they should think that he had said what lie did to stir them up to a discharge of their duty, in contributing towards his support for time to come.

Gill: 2Co 11:10 - -- As the truth of Christ is in me,.... To show the firmness of his resolution, and how determined he was to abide by it, he joins an oath to it; for the...

As the truth of Christ is in me,.... To show the firmness of his resolution, and how determined he was to abide by it, he joins an oath to it; for these words are the form of an oath; and it is as if he should say, as sure as Christ is truth, who is in me; or as that the truth of grace, or the truth of the Gospel of Christ is in my heart and mouth, so sure will I constantly persevere in this determination; or let the truth of Christ never be thought to be in me, if I do not:

no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia; or this boasting shall not be stopped in me; of preaching the Gospel freely at Corinth, and that he had not been chargeable and burdensome to them; nor would he be for time to come, neither there, nor in any part of Achaia, of which Corinth was the metropolis; See Gill on 2Co 9:2. No man should stop his mouth from boasting of this, by putting anything into his hands, for he was determined not to receive anything from any person in these climates; not but that he reserved a liberty in himself to receive from other persons and churches, for his comfortable subsistence, and so much the limitation of his resolution to these parts implies; for if he had not intended to have received a supply from any persons whatever, the restriction to the regions of Achaia would have been unnecessary; and he should rather have said, that no man should stop him of this boasting in any part of the world. The Vulgate Latin version reads, "this boasting shall not be broken"; and to the same sense the Syriac version, "this boasting shall not be abolished".

Gill: 2Co 11:11 - -- Wherefore? because I love you not?.... Why did the apostle do this? why did he take nothing, and resolve to take nothing of the Corinthians, for preac...

Wherefore? because I love you not?.... Why did the apostle do this? why did he take nothing, and resolve to take nothing of the Corinthians, for preaching the Gospel to them? why did he determine, that no man should prevent his glorying of this, in all the country of Achaia? was it because he did not love the Corinthians? some might insinuate this was the reason of it, that he had no true affection for them, and therefore would take none of their gifts, but despised both them and theirs, and loved the Macedonian and other churches better than they. To which he answers by saying,

God knoweth; which is another form of an oath, and is a solemn appeal to God, the searcher of hearts, who knows all things, that he knew he heartily loved them; that it was not want of love to them, which was the reason of his entering into such a resolution, never to take anything of them; but it was something else, quite another thing, which induced him to it, and is mentioned in the following verse.

Gill: 2Co 11:12 - -- But what I do, that I will do,.... As he preached the Gospel freely at Corinth and in Achaia, so he was determined to do it for the future, for this r...

But what I do, that I will do,.... As he preached the Gospel freely at Corinth and in Achaia, so he was determined to do it for the future, for this reason only, or chiefly:

that, says he,

I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion: meaning the false apostles, who sought for, and were desirous of every occasion and opportunity of exalting themselves, and reproaching him: that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we; the sense of which according to some interpreters is, that whereas some of the false apostles, at least who were rich men, took nothing for preaching, but gave their labours freely, were very desirous that the apostle would receive of the churches in these parts, that they might have an occasion against him, and an opportunity of showing themselves, as in learning and eloquence, so in this respect, to be superior to him, in that they preached freely, and he for gain; wherefore to cut off such an occasion, the apostle determines he would take nothing; that in this very thing which they boasted of, that they preached the Gospel freely, they might appear to be at most to be but upon a par with the apostle, and not to exceed him. This sense would seem very appropriate, was it a clear point that the false apostles received nothing for preaching; but the contrary is most evident; wherefore the apostle's meaning is, that these men were desirous that he would take wages, because they did; that in this respect he might not excel them, and that they might be able to plead his example and authority, and so get an occasion of extorting more money from the Corinthians: wherefore to cut off all such occasion from them, the apostle resolves to take nothing himself; that whereas they boasted they were equal to, or superior to the apostles, they might be found, would they follow their example, even as they, not taking any money at all of them, and poor, and working with their own hands.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 11:2 Or “chaste.”

NET Notes: 2Co 11:3 Although most mss (א2 H Ψ 0121 0243 1739 1881 Ï) lack “and pure” (καὶ τῆς ἁγ ...

NET Notes: 2Co 11:4 Or “you endure it very well.”

NET Notes: 2Co 11:5 The ‘super-apostles’ refers either (1) to the original apostles (the older interpretation) or (2) more probably, to Paul’s opponents...

NET Notes: 2Co 11:6 Unskilled in speaking means not professionally trained as a rhetorician.

NET Notes: 2Co 11:7 Or “preached.”

NET Notes: 2Co 11:8 That is, serve them free of charge (cf. the end of v. 7).

NET Notes: 2Co 11:9 Grk “needs, and I kept.” A new sentence was started here in the translation.

NET Notes: 2Co 11:10 Or “silenced.”

NET Notes: 2Co 11:11 Grk “God knows!” The words “I do” are supplied for clarity. Direct objects were often omitted in Greek when clear from the con...

NET Notes: 2Co 11:12 Grk “an opportunity, so that they may be found just like us.”

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:1 Would ( 1 ) to God ye could bear with me a little in [my] folly: and indeed bear with me. ( 1 ) He grants that in a way he is playing the fool in thi...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:2 For I am jealous over you with ( a ) godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may ( b ) present [you as] a chaste virgin to Chri...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be ( c ) corrupted from the simplicity that is i...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:4 ( 2 ) For if he that cometh preacheth ( e ) another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, o...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:6 ( 3 ) But though [I be] ( f ) rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things. ( 3 ) He refute...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:7 ( 4 ) Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely? ( 4 ) Another ...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:9 And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia suppl...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:10 As the ( g ) truth of Christ is in me, no man shall ( h ) stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia. ( g ) This is a form of an oath, as if h...

Geneva Bible: 2Co 11:12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they ( i ) glory, they may be found even as w...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 11:1-33 - --1 Out of his jealousy over the Corinthians, who seemed to make more account of the false apostles than of him, he enters into a forced commendation of...

Maclaren: 2Co 11:3 - --Simplicity Towards Christ But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the...

MHCC: 2Co 11:1-4 - --The apostle desired to preserve the Corinthians from being corrupted by the false apostles. There is but one Jesus, one Spirit, and one gospel, to be ...

MHCC: 2Co 11:5-15 - --It is far better to be plain in speech, yet walking openly and consistently with the gospel, than to be admired by thousands, and be lifted up in prid...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 11:1-4 - -- Here we may observe, 1. The apology the apostle makes for going about to commend himself. He is loth to enter upon this subject of self-commendation...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 11:5-15 - -- After the foregoing preface to what he was about to say, the apostle in these verses mentions, I. His equality with the other apostles - that he wa...

Barclay: 2Co 11:1-6 - --All through this section Paul has to adopt methods which are completely distasteful to him. He has to stress his own authority, to boast about himse...

Barclay: 2Co 11:7-15 - --Here again Paul is meeting a charge that has been levelled against him. This time the charge is clear. It was rankling in the minds of the Corinthia...

Constable: 2Co 10:1--13:11 - --IV. APPEALS CONCERNING PAUL'S APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY 10:1--13:10 In this third and last major division of his epist...

Constable: 2Co 11:1--12:19 - --B. Claims made by Paul 11:1-12:18 In this section Paul gave further evidence that he possessed apostolic...

Constable: 2Co 11:1-6 - --1. Paul's reasons for making these claims 11:1-6 In the first subsection he explained his need to present this evidence. 11:1 Paul found it necessary ...

Constable: 2Co 11:7-15 - --2. Freedom to minister without charge 11:7-15 Paul claimed the freedom to minister in Corinth without receiving financial support from the Corinthians...

College: 2Co 11:1-33 - --2 CORINTHIANS 11 B. COMPARISON TO FALSE APOSTLES MADE (11:1-15) 1. True Message of Jesus Preached (11:1-6) 11:1 I hope you will put up with a littl...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:1 - --[While this third part of Paul's epistle is directed against his enemies, it is obvious that even these are, in his estimation, divided into two class...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:2 - --For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy: for I espoused you to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ .

McGarvey: 2Co 11:3 - --But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve in his craftiness, your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity and the purity that i...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:4 - --For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if ye receive a different spirit, which ye did not receive, or a different g...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:5 - --For I reckon that I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles . [I can not think that you receive these rival teachers and professed apostles as...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:6 - --But though I be rude in speech, yet am I not in knowledge; nay, in every way have we made this manifest unto you in all things . [Paul admits that one...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:7 - --Or did I commit a sin in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I preached to you the gospel of God for nought? [A second accusation which h...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:8 - --I robbed other churches [Paul again shows his emotion by the indignant hyperbole "robbed"], taking wages of them that I might minister unto you ;

McGarvey: 2Co 11:9 - --and when I was present with you and was in want, I was not a burden on any man; for the brethren [i. e., Silas and Timothy, Act 18:5], when they came ...

McGarvey: 2Co 11:10 - --As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this glorying in the regions of Achaia .

McGarvey: 2Co 11:11 - --Wherefore? because I love you not? God knoweth .

McGarvey: 2Co 11:12 - --But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them that desire an occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we . ...

Lapide: 2Co 11:1-33 - --CHAPTER 11 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. After declaring his love for the Corinthians, he proceeds (ver. 4) to defend his apostleship against the fals...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: 2Co 11:5 2 CORINTHIANS 11:5 —Was Paul the greatest or the least of apostles? PROBLEM: Here Paul claimed, “I am not at all inferior to the most eminent...

Evidence: 2Co 11:3 Notice that Paul believed the Genesis account of the Fall. See 2Pe 3:6 footnote. When the serpent deceived Eve, he cast doubt on God’s Word, causi...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 11:1, Out of his jealousy over the Corinthians, who seemed to make more account of the false apostles than of him, he enters into a f...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 11

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 11:1-14) The apostle gives the reasons for speaking in his own commendation. (2Co 11:5-15) Shows that he had freely preached the gospel. (2Co 1...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle goes on with his discourse, in opposition to the false apostles, who were very industrious to lessen his interest and r...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) The Peril Of Seduction (2Co_11:1-6) Masquerading As Christians (2Co_11:7-15) The Credentials Of An Apostle (2Co_11:16-33)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 11 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 11 In this chapter, the apostle continues his discourse concerning the false teachers; blames the Corinthians for the...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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