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Text -- 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (NET)

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2:11 Consequently God sends on them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Unbelief | THESSALONIANS, THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE | Self-delusion | Reprobacy | Miracles | HERETIC; HERETICAL | ESCHATOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, I-V | DELUSION | Call | CAUSE | Blindness | Apostasy | Antichrist | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Th 2:11 - -- And for this reason God sendeth them ( kai dia touto pempei autois ho theos ). Futuristic (prophetic) present of the time when the lawless one is rev...

And for this reason God sendeth them ( kai dia touto pempei autois ho theos ).

Futuristic (prophetic) present of the time when the lawless one is revealed. Here is the definite judicial act of God (Milligan) who gives the wicked over to the evil which they have deliberately chosen (Rom 1:24, Rom 1:26, Rom 1:28).

Robertson: 2Th 2:11 - -- A working of error ( energeian planēs ). Terrible result of wilful rejection of the truth of God.

A working of error ( energeian planēs ).

Terrible result of wilful rejection of the truth of God.

Robertson: 2Th 2:11 - -- That they should believe a lie ( eis to pisteusai autous tōi pseudei ). Note eis to again and tōi pseudei (the lie, the falsehood already des...

That they should believe a lie ( eis to pisteusai autous tōi pseudei ).

Note eis to again and tōi pseudei (the lie, the falsehood already described), a contemplated result. Note Rom 1:25 "who changed the truth of God into the lie."

Vincent: 2Th 2:11 - -- Strong delusion ( ἐνέργειαν πλάνης ) Rev., literally and correctly, a working of error . See on working 2Th 2:9. Th...

Strong delusion ( ἐνέργειαν πλάνης )

Rev., literally and correctly, a working of error . See on working 2Th 2:9. The phrase is unique in N.T. It means an active power of misleading . For πλάνη error which shows itself in action , see on 1Th 2:3.

Vincent: 2Th 2:11 - -- A lie ( τῷ ψεύδει ) Properly, the lie. The article gives the generic sense, falsehood in all its forms. Comp. Joh 8:44; Rom 1:25;...

A lie ( τῷ ψεύδει )

Properly, the lie. The article gives the generic sense, falsehood in all its forms. Comp. Joh 8:44; Rom 1:25; Eph 4:25. Comp. the contrast of truth and unrighteousness in 2Th 2:12. All wrongdoing has an element of falsity.

Wesley: 2Th 2:11 - -- That is, judicially permit to come upon them, strong delusion.

That is, judicially permit to come upon them, strong delusion.

JFB: 2Th 2:11 - -- Because "they received not the love of the truth." The best safeguard against error is "the love of the truth."

Because "they received not the love of the truth." The best safeguard against error is "the love of the truth."

JFB: 2Th 2:11 - -- Greek, "sends," or "is sending"; the "delusion" is already beginning. God judicially sends hardness of heart on those who have rejected the truth, and...

Greek, "sends," or "is sending"; the "delusion" is already beginning. God judicially sends hardness of heart on those who have rejected the truth, and gives them up in righteous judgment to Satan's delusions (Isa 6:9-10; Rom 1:24-26, Rom 1:28). They first cast off the love of the truth, then God gives them up to Satan's delusions, then they settle down into "believing the lie": an awful climax (1Ki 22:22-23; Eze 14:9; Job 12:16; Mat 24:5, Mat 24:11; 1Ti 4:1).

JFB: 2Th 2:11 - -- Greek, "the powerful working of error," answering to the energizing "working of Satan" (2Th 2:9); the same expression as is applied to the Holy Ghost'...

Greek, "the powerful working of error," answering to the energizing "working of Satan" (2Th 2:9); the same expression as is applied to the Holy Ghost's operation in believers: "powerful" or "effectual (energizing) working" (Eph 1:19).

JFB: 2Th 2:11 - -- Rather, "the lie" which Antichrist tells them, appealing to his miracles as proofs of it . . . (2Th 2:9).

Rather, "the lie" which Antichrist tells them, appealing to his miracles as proofs of it . . . (2Th 2:9).

Clarke: 2Th 2:11 - -- God shall send them strong delusion - For this very cause, that they would not receive the love of the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness, t...

God shall send them strong delusion - For this very cause, that they would not receive the love of the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness, therefore God permits strong delusion to occupy their minds; so that they believe a lie rather than the truth, prefer false apostles and their erroneous doctrines to the pure truths of the Gospel, brought to them by the well-accredited messengers of God; being ever ready to receive any false Messiah, while they systematically and virulently reject the true one.

Calvin: 2Th 2:11 - -- 11.The working of delusion. He means that errors will not merely have a place, but the wicked will be blinded, so that they will rush forward to ruin...

11.The working of delusion. He means that errors will not merely have a place, but the wicked will be blinded, so that they will rush forward to ruin without consideration. For as God enlightens us inwardly by his Spirit, that his doctrine may be efficacious in us, and opens our eyes and hearts, that it may make its way thither, so by a righteous judgment he delivers over to a reprobate mind (Rom 1:28) those whom he has appointed to destruction, that with closed eyes and a senseless mind, they may, as if bewitched, deliver themselves over to Satan and his ministers to be deceived. And assuredly we have a notable specimen of this in the Papacy. No words can express how monstrous a sink of errors 682 there is there, how gross and shameful an absurdity of superstitions there is, and what delusions at variance with common sense. None that have even a moderate taste of sound doctrine, can think of such monstrous things without the greatest horror. How, then, could the whole world be lost in astonishment at them, were it not that men have been struck with blindness by the Lord, and converted, as it were, into stumps?

Defender: 2Th 2:11 - -- There is a definite article here - the lie. Those who have refused the truth will be given a strong delusion by God Himself when the man of sin is rev...

There is a definite article here - the lie. Those who have refused the truth will be given a strong delusion by God Himself when the man of sin is revealed. They will believe his lie, receive him as the god of this age, then perish with him."

TSK: 2Th 2:11 - -- for : Psa 81:11, Psa 81:12, Psa 109:17; Isa 29:9-14; Joh 12:39-43; Rom 1:21-25, Rom 1:28 God : 1Ki 22:18-22; 2Ch 18:18-22; Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10; Eze 14:9...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Th 2:11 - -- And for this cause - Because they choose error, or their hearts love that more than they do truth. The original reason then of their embracing ...

And for this cause - Because they choose error, or their hearts love that more than they do truth. The original reason then of their embracing and adhering to the system was not an arbitrary decree on the part of God, but that they did not love the truth. Hence, he gave them up to this system of error. If a man strongly prefers error to truth, and sin to holiness, it is not wrong to allow him freely to evince his own preference.

God shall send them strong delusion - Greek: "energy of deceit;"a Hebraism, meaning strong deceit, The agency of God is here distinctly recognised, in accordance with the uniform statements of the Scriptures, respecting evil; compare Exo 7:13; Exo 9:12; Exo 10:1, Exo 10:20, Exo 10:27; Exo 11:10; Exo 14:8. Isa 45:7. On the nature of this agency, see the notes on Joh 12:40. It is not necessary here to suppose that there was any positive influence on the part of God in causing this delusion to come upon them, but all the force of the language will be met, as well as the reasoning of the apostle, by supposing that God withdrew all restraint, and suffered men simply to show that they did not love the truth. God often places people in circumstances to develop their own nature, and it cannot be shown to be wrong that He should do so. If people have no love of the truth, and no desire to be saved, it is not improper that they should be allowed to manifest this. How it happened that they had no "love of the truth,"is a different question, to which the remarks of the apostle do not appertain; compare Rom 9:17-18, note; Rom 1:24, note.

That they should believe a lie - This does not affirm that God wished them to believe a lie; nor that He would not have preferred that they should believe the truth; nor that He exerted any direct agency to cause them to believe a lie. It means merely that He left them, because they did not love the truth, to believe what was false, and what would end in their destruction. Can anyone doubt that this constantly occurs in the world? People are left to believe impostors; to trust to false guides; to rely on unfounded information; to credit those who live to delude and betray the innocent; and to follow those who lead them to ruin. God does not interpose by direct power to preserve them. Can anyone doubt this? Yet this is not especially the doctrine of revelation. The fact pertains just as much to the infidel as it does to the believer in Christianity, and he is just as much bound to explain it as the Christian is. It belongs to our world - to us all - and it should not be charged on Christianity as a doctrine pertaining especially to that system.

Poole: 2Th 2:11 - -- And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion: we had account in the former verse of such as are deceived by the man of sin, of their sin, a...

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion: we had account in the former verse of such as are deceived by the man of sin, of their sin, and here of their punishment. They were first deluded, which was their sin; and God sends them strong delusion, and that is their punishment. They did not receive the truth in the love of it, which was their sin; and therefore are given up to believe a lie, which is their punishment. Had they received the truth aright, they might have been saved; but not receiving it, they are damned. And they were said to be such as perish, and their perishing is here called damnation. So that though God is not the author of sin or falsehood: Deus non est auctor cujus est ultor, Fulgent.; yet he may in justice give men up to them, which the apostle here calls God’ s sending, &c.; which imports either:

1. Tradition, delivering men to Satan to tempt and deceive.

2. Desertion, withholding or withdrawing that grace that might preserve them.

3. A judicial permission, God purposing not to hinder men to fall into that sin or delusion which he seeth their own hearts incline them to.

God concurs to evil, not positive, but privative; not efficienter, but deficienter; Schoolmen. God in Scripture is often said to do that which he permits to be done; as in the case of Joseph’ s selling unto Egypt, Gen 45:7 , David’ s numbering the people, 2Sa 24:1 , compared with 1Ch 21:1 ; and the ten kings giving their power to the beast, by God’ s putting it into their hearts, Rev 17:17 : and it is not a bare permission, for what evil God permits, he decreed to permit it; and he decreed the circumstances attending it, and the end to which he would order and dispose it, and the degree to which it should break forth. They were deceived into error, and God gave them up to it. And it did work with great efficacy; which either relates to the man of sin, that did lead them strongly into it, or to them that were led by him. When error doth vitiate the life, and one error begets another, and makes men violent against the truth, then it is the efficacy of error. And thus God doth judicially punish sin with sin, and delusion with delusion; and then they are always most operative, and most incurable. But men fall not presently under these judicial acts; men first refitse to see, before God sends blindness, and first harden their own hearts, before God hardens them. These in the text first refused to receive the truth, before they were given up to believe a lie: see Rom 1:24 . So that both God and this man of sin, and themselves also, are concerned in these evils; but they sinfully and unrighteously, but God judicially and in righteousness.

That they should believe a lie: and the lie they were given up to believe, is a doctrinal lie: false speaking is a lie in words, hypocrisy is a lie in fact, and error is a lie in doctrine, Hos 11:12 Act 5:3 . Some by lie here suppose is meant the lying wonders before mentioned; and this sense need not be excluded, but I rather interpret it of false doctrine, as that which stands opposite to the truth before mentioned, and again mentioned in this verse. Sometimes idols are called lies, Isa 44:20 ; sometimes, the things of the world, Psa 4:2 ; sometimes, the great men of the world, Psa 62:9 ; sometimes, false divinations, Eze 22:28 Zec 10:2 ; sometimes, false prophesyings and predictions, Jer 14:14 23:25,26 ; and sometimes, false doctrines, as 1Ti 4:1,2 , where we read of false prophets, who shall arise in the last time, and speak lies in hypocrisy, & c. And false apostles are said to be liars upon that account, Rev 2:2 . And such are many popish doctrines, which the apostle here probably refers to. What is transubstantiation but a lie? Purgatory, infallibility of the church, mediation of saints, their opus operatum, & c.? Men must be strongly deluded to believe such doctrines, and it is mentioned as a great judgment of God upon them to believe such lies, as it is a great mercy to believe the truth, especially if we consider what follows upon it.

Gill: 2Th 2:11 - -- And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,.... Or "efficacy of error", which God may be said to send; and the Alexandrian copy reads, "do...

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,.... Or "efficacy of error", which God may be said to send; and the Alexandrian copy reads, "does send"; because it is not a bare permission but a voluntary one; or it is his will that error should be that truth may be tried, and be illustrated by its contrary, and shine the more through the force of opposition to it; and that those which are on the side of it might be made manifest, as well as that the rejecters of the Gospel might be punished; for the efficacy of error is not to be considered as a sin, of which God cannot be the author, but as a punishment for sin, and to which men are given up, and fall under the power of, because they receive not the love of the truth, which is the reason here given: and this comes to pass partly through God's denying his grace, or withholding that light and knowledge, by which error may be discovered and detected; and by taking from men the knowledge and conscience of things they had, see Rom 1:28. So that they call evil good, and good evil, and do not appear to have the common sense and reason of mankind, at least do not act according to it; and by giving them up to judicial blindness and hardness of heart, and to the god of this world, to blind their minds; and without this it is not to be accounted for, that the followers of antichrist should give into such senseless notions as those of transubstantiation, works of supererogation, &c., or into such stupid practices as worshipping of images, praying to saints departed, and paying such a respect to the pretended relics of saints, &c., as they do; but a spirit of slumber is given them, and eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear, because of their rejection of the Gospel: and

that they should believe a lie; that the pope is Christ's vicar on earth, and has power to forgive sins; that the bread and wine in the Lord's supper are transubstantiated into the very body and blood of Christ; with other lying tenets spoken in hypocrisy concerning good works, merit, pardon, penance; &c. with a multitude of lying wonders and false miracles, of which their legends are full; and this is the first and more near end of strong delusion or efficacious error being sent them; the more remote and ultimate one follows.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Th 2:11 Grk “a working of error.”

Geneva Bible: 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them ( n ) strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ( n ) A most mighty working to deceive them.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Th 2:1-17 - --1 Paul urges them to continue stedfast in the truth received;3 shows that there shall be a departure from the faith,9 and a discovery of Antichrist, b...

MHCC: 2Th 2:5-12 - --Something hindered or withheld the man of sin. It is supposed to be the power of the Roman empire, which the apostle did not mention more plainly at t...

Matthew Henry: 2Th 2:3-12 - -- In these words the apostle confutes the error against which he had cautioned them, and gives the reasons why they should not expect the coming of Ch...

Barclay: 2Th 2:1-12 - --This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult passages in the whole New Testament; and it is so because it is using terms and thinking in pictures wh...

Constable: 2Th 2:1-12 - --III. CORRECTION OF PRESENT ERROR 2:1-12 Paul next dealt with a doctrinal error that had come into the Thessaloni...

Constable: 2Th 2:6-12 - --B. The mystery of lawlessness 2:6-12 Paul continued his instruction concerning the events that must precede the beginning of the day of the Lord by st...

College: 2Th 2:1-17 - --2 THESSALONIANS 2 III. INSTRUCTION ON THE LORD'S RETURN (2:1-12) This section, which is central to the entire second Thessalonian letter, presents o...

McGarvey: 2Th 2:11 - --And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error [the threefold working of error mentioned in verse 9], that they should believe a lie :

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: 2Th 2:11 2 THESSALONIANS 2:11—How can God send a lie for people to believe and yet not allow liars in heaven? PROBLEM: Paul wrote, “And for this reaso...

Evidence: 2Th 2:11 If sinners refuse to truly embrace the gospel, God in His righteousness will give them over to " powerful delusion" and a " depraved mind" ( Rom 1:2...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) Second Thessalonians From Corinth a.d. 50 Or 51 By Way of Introduction It is plain that First Thessalonians did not settle all the difficulties ...

JFB: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) Its GENUINENESS is attested by POLYCARP [Epistle to the Philippians, 11], who alludes to 2Th 3:15. JUSTIN MARTYR [Dialogue with Trypho, p. 193.32], al...


TSK: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, it is generally agreed, was the earliest written of all St. Paul’s epistles, whence we see the reason and pr...

TSK: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Th 2:1, Paul urges them to continue stedfast in the truth received; 2Th 2:3, shows that there shall be a departure from the faith, 2Th 2...

Poole: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 2

MHCC: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Thessalonians was written soon after the first. The apostle was told that, from some expressions in his first letter, many e...

MHCC: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) (2Th 2:1-4) Cautions against the error that the time of Christ's coming was just at hand. There would first be a general apostacy from the faith, and ...

Matthew Henry: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians This Second Epistle was written soon after the form...

Matthew Henry: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle is very careful to hinder the spreading of an error into which some among them had fallen concerning the coming of Christ, as being ver...

Barclay: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) The Lawless One (2Th_2:1-12) God's Demand And Our Effort (2Th_2:13-17)

Constable: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background This epistle contains evidence that Paul had recent...

Constable: 2 Thessalonians (Outline)

Constable: 2 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians Bibliography Barclay, William. The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians. Da...

Haydock: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE THESSALONIANS. INTRODUCTION. In this epistle St. Paul admonishes the Thessalonians to be c...

Gill: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 THESSALONIANS This second epistle was written, not from Athens, as the subscription testifies, nor from Rome, as Athanasius a sup...

Gill: 2 Thessalonians 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 THESSALONIANS 2 In this chapter the apostle guards against a notion, as if the second coming of Christ was at hand; declares that...

College: 2 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION The pressures of persecution, apparent in 1 Thessalonians, have intensified in this letter. In its three brief chapters the reader perce...

College: 2 Thessalonians (Outline) OUTLINE I. GREETING - 1:1-2 II. OPENING THANKSGIVING, ENCOURAGEMENT AND PRAYER - 1:3-12 A. Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians' Growth and Endu...

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