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Text -- Acts 18:24 (NET)

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Apollos Begins His Ministry
18:24 Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker, well-versed in the scriptures.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Alexandria an inhabitant of Alexandria
 · Apollos a Jewish man from Alexandria who was taught by Aquila and Priscilla
 · Ephesus a town in western Asia Minor at the mouth of the Cayster River
 · Jews the people descended from Israel

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 18:24 - -- Apollos ( Apollōs ). Genitive ̇ō Attic second declension. Probably a contraction of Apollonios as D has it here.

Apollos ( Apollōs ).

Genitive ̇ō Attic second declension. Probably a contraction of Apollonios as D has it here.

Robertson: Act 18:24 - -- An Alexandrian ( Alexandreus ). Alexander the Great founded this city b.c. 332 and placed a colony of Jews there which flourished greatly, one-third ...

An Alexandrian ( Alexandreus ).

Alexander the Great founded this city b.c. 332 and placed a colony of Jews there which flourished greatly, one-third of the population at this time. There was a great university and library there. The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy developed here of which Philo was the chief exponent who was still living. Apollos was undoubtedly a man of the schools and a man of parts.

Robertson: Act 18:24 - -- A learned man ( anēr logios ). Or eloquent, as the word can mean either a man of words (like one "wordy,"verbose) or a man of ideas, since logos ...

A learned man ( anēr logios ).

Or eloquent, as the word can mean either a man of words (like one "wordy,"verbose) or a man of ideas, since logos was used either for reason or speech. Apollos was doubtless both learned (mighty in the Scriptures) and eloquent, though eloquence varies greatly in people’ s ideas.

Robertson: Act 18:24 - -- Mighty in the Scriptures ( dunatos ōn en tais graphais ). Being powerful (dunatos verbal of dunamai and same root as dunamis , dynamite, dynamo...

Mighty in the Scriptures ( dunatos ōn en tais graphais ).

Being powerful (dunatos verbal of dunamai and same root as dunamis , dynamite, dynamo) in the Scriptures (in the knowledge and the use of the Scriptures), as should be true of every preacher. There is no excuse for ignorance of the Scriptures on the part of preachers, the professed interpreters of the word of God. The last lecture made to the New Testament English class in Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by John A. Broadus was on this passage with a plea for his students to be mighty in the Scriptures. In Alexandria Clement of Alexandria and Origen taught in the Christian theological school.

Vincent: Act 18:24 - -- Eloquent ( λόγιος ) Only here in New Testament. The word is used in Greek literature in several senses. As λόγος means either re...

Eloquent ( λόγιος )

Only here in New Testament. The word is used in Greek literature in several senses. As λόγος means either reason or speech, so this derivative may signify either one who has thought much, and has much to say, or one who can say it well. Hence it is used: 1. Of one skilled in history. Herodotus, for example, says that the Heliopolitans are the most learned in history (λογιώτατοι ) of all the Egyptians. 2. Of an eloquent person. An epithet of Hermes or Mercury, as the god of speech and eloquence. 3. Of a learned person generally. There seems hardly sufficient reason for changing the rendering of the A. V. (Rev., learned ) , especially as the scripture-learning of Apollos is specified in the words mighty in the scriptures, and his superior eloquence appears to have been the reason why some of the Corinthians preferred him to Paul. See 1Co 1:12; 1Co 2:4; 2Co 10:10.

Wesley: Act 18:24 - -- Of the Old Testament. Every talent may be of use in the kingdom of God, if joined with the knowledge of the Scriptures and fervour of spirit.

Of the Old Testament. Every talent may be of use in the kingdom of God, if joined with the knowledge of the Scriptures and fervour of spirit.

JFB: Act 18:24-25 - -- A contraction from Apollonius.

A contraction from Apollonius.

JFB: Act 18:24-25 - -- The celebrated city of Egypt on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean, called after its founder, Alexander the Great. Nowhere was there such a f...

The celebrated city of Egypt on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean, called after its founder, Alexander the Great. Nowhere was there such a fusion of Greek, Jewish, and Oriental peculiarities, and an intelligent Jew educated in that city could hardly fail to manifest all these elements in his mental character.

JFB: Act 18:24-25 - -- Turning his Alexandrian culture to high account.

Turning his Alexandrian culture to high account.

JFB: Act 18:24-25 - -- His eloquence enabling him to express clearly and enforce skilfully what, as a Jew, he had gathered from a diligent study of the Old Testament Scriptu...

His eloquence enabling him to express clearly and enforce skilfully what, as a Jew, he had gathered from a diligent study of the Old Testament Scriptures.

JFB: Act 18:24-25 - -- On what errand is not known.

On what errand is not known.

Clarke: Act 18:24 - -- A certain Jew named Apollos - One MS., with the Coptic and Armenian, calls him Apelles; and the Codex Bezae, Apollonius. It is strange that we shoul...

A certain Jew named Apollos - One MS., with the Coptic and Armenian, calls him Apelles; and the Codex Bezae, Apollonius. It is strange that we should find a Jew, not only with a Roman name, as Aquila, an eagle; but with the name of one of the false gods, as Apollos or Apollo in the text. Query: Whether the parents of this man were not originally Gentiles, but converted to Judaism after their son Apollo (for so we should write the word) had been born and named

Clarke: Act 18:24 - -- Born at Alexandria - This was a celebrated city of Egypt, built by Alexander the Great, from whom it took its name. It was seated on the Mediterrane...

Born at Alexandria - This was a celebrated city of Egypt, built by Alexander the Great, from whom it took its name. It was seated on the Mediterranean Sea, between the Lake Mareotis and the beautiful harbour formed by the Isle of Pharos, about twelve miles west of the Canopic branch of the Nile, in lat. 31°. 10’ . N. This city was built under the direction of Dinocrates, the celebrated architect of the temple of Diana at Ephesus. It was in this city that Ptolemy Soter founded the famous academy called the Museum, in which a society of learned men devoted themselves to philosophical studies. Some of the most celebrated schools of antiquity flourished here; and here was the Tower of Pharos, esteemed one of the seven wonders of the world. Alexandria was taken by the French, July 4, 1798, under the command of Bonaparte; and was surrendered to the English under General, now Lord, Hutchinson, in 1801. And, in consequence of the treaty of peace between France and England, it was restored to the Turks. Near this place was the celebrated obelisk, called Cleopatra’ s Needle; and the no less famous column, called Pompey’ s Pillar. This city exhibits but very slender remains of its ancient splendor

Clarke: Act 18:24 - -- An eloquent man - Having strong rhetorical powers; highly cultivated, no doubt, in the Alexandrian schools

An eloquent man - Having strong rhetorical powers; highly cultivated, no doubt, in the Alexandrian schools

Clarke: Act 18:24 - -- Mighty in the Scriptures - Thoroughly acquainted with the law and prophets; and well skilled in the Jewish method of interpreting them.

Mighty in the Scriptures - Thoroughly acquainted with the law and prophets; and well skilled in the Jewish method of interpreting them.

Calvin: Act 18:24 - -- 24.A certain Jew This ought for good causes to be ascribed to the providence of God, in that whilst Paul is enforced to depart from Ephesus, Apollos ...

24.A certain Jew This ought for good causes to be ascribed to the providence of God, in that whilst Paul is enforced to depart from Ephesus, Apollos cometh in his place to supply his absence. And it is very expedient to know the beginning of this man of what sort it was, forasmuch as he was Paul’s successor among the Corinthians, and did behave himself so excellently, and did his faithful endeavor, and took great pains, so that Paul commendeth him honorably as a singular fellow in office. −

“I have planted, (saith he,) Apollos hath watered,”
( 1Co 3:6.) −

Also, these things have I figuratively appointed unto myself and Apollos, ( 1Co 4:6.) Luke giveth him first two titles of commendation, that he was eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures; afterward he will add his zeal, faith, and constancy. And though Paul do truly deny that the kingdom of God consisteth in words, and he himself was not commended for eloquence yet dexterity in speaking and reasoning − 341 (such as Luke doth here commend) is not to be despised, especially when no pomp or vain boasting is sought after, by using fine words and great eloquence; but he which is to teach counteth it sufficient for him, without fraud or ambition, without lofty words and curious cunning, plainly to lay open the matter he hath in hand. Paul was without eloquence; the Lord would have the chief apostle to want this virtue, to the end the power of the Spirit might appear more excellent in his rude and homely speech. And yet was he furnished with such eloquence as was sufficient to set forth the name of Christ, and to maintain the doctrine of salvation. But as the distribution of the gifts of the Spirit is divers and manifold, Paul’s infancy, − 342 that I may so call it, did no whit let but that the Lord might choose to himself eloquent ministers. Furthermore, lest any man should think that Apollos’ eloquence was profane or vain, − 343 Luke saith that it was joined with great power, − 344 namely, that he was mighty in the Scriptures. Which I expound thus, that he was not only well and soundly exercised in the Scriptures, but that he had the force and efficacy thereof, that, being armed with them, he did in all conflicts get the upper hand. And this (in my judgment) is rather the praise of the Scripture than of man, − 345 that it hath sufficient force both to defend the truth, and also to refute the subtilty of Satan. −

TSK: Act 18:24 - -- Apollos : Act 19:1; 1Co 1:12, 1Co 3:5, 1Co 3:6, 1Co 4:6, 1Co 16:12; Tit 3:13 Alexandria : Act 6:9, Act 27:6 an : Exo 4:10; Isa 3:3; 1Co 2:1, 1Co 2:2; ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 18:24 - -- And a certain Jew named Apollos - Apollos afterward became a distinguished and successful preacher of the gospel, 1Co 1:12; 1Co 3:5-6; 1Co 4:6;...

And a certain Jew named Apollos - Apollos afterward became a distinguished and successful preacher of the gospel, 1Co 1:12; 1Co 3:5-6; 1Co 4:6; Tit 3:13. Nothing more is known of him than is stated in these passages.

Born at Alexandria - Alexandria was a celebrated city in Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great. There were large numbers of Jews resident there. See the notes on Act 6:9.

An eloquent man - Alexandria was famous for its schools, and it is probable that Apollos, in addition to his natural endowments, had enjoyed the benefit of these schools.

Mighty in the scriptures - Well instructed, or able in the Old Testament. The foundation was thus laid for future usefulness in the Christian church. See the notes on Luk 24:19.

Poole: Act 18:24 - -- Apollos who is thought also to be called Apelles, Rom 16:10 . Born at Alexandria his parents having lived there. An eloquent man a rational, prud...

Apollos who is thought also to be called Apelles, Rom 16:10 .

Born at Alexandria his parents having lived there.

An eloquent man a rational, prudent, and learned man. Though the kingdom of God is not in any excellency of speech, 1Co 2:1,4 , yet this Egyptian jewel may be used to adorn the tabernacle.

Mighty in the Scriptures in quoting, explaining, and urging of them.

Haydock: Act 18:24 - -- mighty in the Scripture. Literally, powerful in the Scripture, yet knew no baptism, but that of John. (Witham) --- When we consider th... mighty in the Scripture. Literally, powerful in the Scripture, yet knew no baptism, but that of John. (Witham) ---

When we consider the great harvest, and few labourers, and the small time that the apostles could give to any one place for instructions, we shall not be so much surprised, that this zealous convert should not yet be perfectly instructed in every doctrine of Christianity. This happened about twenty years after our Lord's ascension. He is the same person as is mentioned 1 Corinthians iii. 7. (Haydock)


Gill: Act 18:24 - -- And a certain Jew named Apollos,.... Who by some is thought to be the same with Apelles, Rom 16:10, his name is Greek, though he was a Jew, not only b...

And a certain Jew named Apollos,.... Who by some is thought to be the same with Apelles, Rom 16:10, his name is Greek, though he was a Jew, not only by religion, but by birth, being of a Jewish extract:

born at Alexandria; in Egypt, which was built by Alexander the great, from whence it had its name; it was the metropolis of Egypt, and the seat of the kings of it; great numbers of Jews were in this place; here lived Philo the famous Jew:

an eloquent man; in speech, as well as learned, wise, and "prudent", as the Ethiopic version renders it:

and mighty in the Scriptures; of the Old Testament, particularly in the prophecies of them concerning the Messiah; he had thoroughly read them, and carefully examined them, and could readily cite them; as well as had great knowledge of them, and was capable of explaining them; he was "skilful in the Scriptures", as the Syriac version renders it; or he "knew" them, as the Ethiopic; he had large acquaintance with them, and was well versed in them: it is a Jewish way of speaking; so Ahithophel is said to be גבור בתורה, "mighty in the law" d; the same is said of the sons of Reuben e: this man

came to Ephesus; after the departure of the Apostle Paul, and while Aquila and Priscilla were there; the reason of his coming hither was to preach the word, as he did.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 18:24 Grk “powerful.” BDAG 264 s.v. δυνατός 1.b has “in the Scriptures = well-versed 18:24.”

Geneva Bible: Act 18:24 ( 8 ) And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, [and] ( n ) mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. ( 8 ) Apollos, a g...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 18:1-28 - --1 Paul labours with his hands, and preaches at Corinth to the Gentiles.9 The Lord encourages him in a vision.12 He is accused before Gallio the deputy...

Combined Bible: Act 18:24 - --(24) " Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born in Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. (25) This man was instru...

MHCC: Act 18:24-28 - --Apollos taught in the gospel of Christ, as far as John's ministry would carry him, and no further. We cannot but think he had heard of Christ's death ...

Matthew Henry: Act 18:24-28 - -- The sacred history leaves Paul upon his travels, and goes here to meet Apollos at Ephesus, and to give us some account of him, which was necessary t...

Barclay: Act 18:24-28 - --The story of the Third Missionary Journey begins at Act 18:23. It began with a tour of Galatia and Phrygia to confirm the brethren there. Paul then ...

Barclay: Act 18:24-28 - --Christianity is here described as The Way of the Lord. One of the commonest titles in Acts is: "The Way" (Act 9:2; Act 19:9; Act 19:23; Act 22:4...

Constable: Act 9:32--Rom 1:1 - --III. THE WITNESS TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH 9:32--28:31 Luke next recorded the church's expansion beyond...

Constable: Act 16:6--19:21 - --C. The extension of the church to the Aegean shores 16:6-19:20 The missionary outreach narrated in this ...

Constable: Act 18:23--19:21 - --5. The results of ministry in Asia 18:23-19:20 Luke gave considerable information regarding Paul...

Constable: Act 18:24-28 - --The ministry of Apollos 18:24-28 The purpose of this pericope (18:24-28) seems primarily to be to bring us up to date on what had transpired in Ephesu...

College: Act 18:1-28 - --ACTS 18 13. The Visit at Corinth (18:1-17) Paul's Arrival and Ministry with Aquila and Priscilla (18:1-4) 1 After this, Paul left Athens and went ...

McGarvey: Act 18:24-26 - --24-26. (24) " Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born in Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. (25) This man was i...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 18 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 18:1, Paul labours with his hands, and preaches at Corinth to the Gentiles; Act 18:9, The Lord encourages him in a vision; Act 18:12,...

Poole: Acts 18 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 18

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 18 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 18:1-6) Paul at Corinth, with Aquila and Priscilla. (Act 18:7-11) He continues to preach at Corinth. (Act 18:12-17) Paul before Gallio. (Act 1...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 18 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. Paul's coming to Corinth, his private converse with Aquila and Priscilla, and his public reasonings with the Jews, fro...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 18 (Chapter Introduction) Preaching In Corinth (Act_18:1-11) In The Worst Of Cities (Act_18:1-11 Continued) Impartial Roman Justice (Act_18:12-17) The Return To Antioch (...

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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