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Text -- Colossians 1:27 (NET)

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1:27 God wanted to make known to them the glorious riches of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Gentile a non-Jewish person

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wisdom | Salvation | Righteous | RICHES | REGENERATION | Preaching | Mysteries | Minister | MYSTERY | Jesus, The Christ | IMMORTAL; IMMORTALITY | Hope | Gospel | GNOSTICISM | Fellowship | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Col 1:27 - -- God was pleased ( ēthelēsen ho theos ). First aorist active indicative of thelō , to will, to wish. "God willed"this change from hidden mystery...

God was pleased ( ēthelēsen ho theos ).

First aorist active indicative of thelō , to will, to wish. "God willed"this change from hidden mystery to manifestation.

Robertson: Col 1:27 - -- To make known ( gnōrisai ). First aorist active infinitive of gnōrizō (from ginōskō ). Among the Gentiles (en tois ethnesin ). This is ...

To make known ( gnōrisai ).

First aorist active infinitive of gnōrizō (from ginōskō ). Among the Gentiles (en tois ethnesin ). This is the crowning wonder to Paul that God had included the Gentiles in his redemptive grace, "the riches of the glory of this mystery"(to ploutos tēs doxēs tou mustēriou toutou ) and that Paul himself has been made the minister of this grace among the Gentiles (Eph 3:1-2). He feels the high honour keenly and meets the responsibility humbly.

Robertson: Col 1:27 - -- Which ( ho ). Grammatical gender (neuter) agreeing with mustēriou (mystery), supported by A B P Vulg., though hos (who) agreeing with Christos ...

Which ( ho ).

Grammatical gender (neuter) agreeing with mustēriou (mystery), supported by A B P Vulg., though hos (who) agreeing with Christos in the predicate is read by Aleph C D L. At any rate the idea is simply that the personal aspect of "this mystery"is "Christ in you the hope of glory"(Christos en humin hē elpis tēs doxēs ). He is addressing Gentiles, but the idea of en here is in, not among. It is the personal experience and presence of Christ in the individual life of all believers that Paul has in mind, the indwelling Christ in the heart as in Eph 3:17. He constitutes also the hope of glory for he is the Shekinah of God. Christ is our hope now (1Ti 1:1) and the consummation will come (Rom 8:18).

Vincent: Col 1:27 - -- Would make known ( ἠθέλησεν γνωρίσαι ) Lit., willed to make known . Rev., was pleased . Hence the apostles who we...

Would make known ( ἠθέλησεν γνωρίσαι )

Lit., willed to make known . Rev., was pleased . Hence the apostles who were called to make known the Gospel were such by the will of God (Col 1:1).

Vincent: Col 1:27 - -- Riches See on Rom 2:4.


See on Rom 2:4.

Vincent: Col 1:27 - -- Of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles The mystery of the admission of the Gentiles to the gospel covenant, now revealed through Paul's ...

Of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles

The mystery of the admission of the Gentiles to the gospel covenant, now revealed through Paul's preaching, was divinely rich and glorious. This glory is the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ among the Gentiles as their inheritance (Col 1:12; compare Rom 8:18, Rom 8:21; 2Co 4:17). The richness exhibited itself in the free dispensation of the Gospel to the Gentile as well as to the Jew. It was not limited by national lines. Compare " the same Lord is rich unto all," Rom 10:12; and beggarly elements , Gal 4:9.

Vincent: Col 1:27 - -- Which is Christ in you The readings differ. Some read ὅς , masculine, which , referring to the riches : others ὃ , neuter, which ...

Which is Christ in you

The readings differ. Some read ὅς , masculine, which , referring to the riches : others ὃ , neuter, which , referring to mystery . The latter corresponds with Col 2:2, the mystery of God , Christ , etc. In either case the defining words are Christ in you , i.e., in the Gentiles ; either as constituting the richness of glory in this mystery, or as being the essence of the myself itself. In you may be either within you, dwelling in your hearts, or among you. The latter accords with among the Gentiles , the former with dwell in your hearts , Eph 3:17. Compare Rom 8:10; 2Co 13:5; Gal 4:19.

Vincent: Col 1:27 - -- The hope of glory ( ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης ) Lit., of the glory. The Gentiles, in receiving the manifestation of Christ, did...

The hope of glory ( ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης )

Lit., of the glory. The Gentiles, in receiving the manifestation of Christ, did not realize all its glory. The full glory of the inheritance was a hope , to be realized when Christ should appear " the second time unto salvation" (Heb 9:28). Compare 1Ti 1:1. Glory refers to the glory of the mystery ; hence the glory, but with more emphasis upon the idea of the same glory consummated at Christ's coming - the glory which shall be revealed. See Rom 8:18; 2Co 4:17; 1Pe 1:7

Wesley: Col 1:27 - -- The ground of your hope.

The ground of your hope.

JFB: Col 1:27 - -- Rather as Greek, "willed," or "was pleased to make known." He resolves all into God's good pleasure and will, that man should not glory save in God's ...

Rather as Greek, "willed," or "was pleased to make known." He resolves all into God's good pleasure and will, that man should not glory save in God's grace.

JFB: Col 1:27 - -- How full and inexhaustible!

How full and inexhaustible!

JFB: Col 1:27 - -- He accumulates phrase on phrase to enhance the greatness of the blessing in Christ bestowed by God on the Gentiles. Compare Col 2:3, "all the treasure...

He accumulates phrase on phrase to enhance the greatness of the blessing in Christ bestowed by God on the Gentiles. Compare Col 2:3, "all the treasures" of wisdom; Eph 3:8, "the unsearchable riches of Christ"; Eph 1:7, "riches of His grace." "The glory of this mystery" must be the glory which this once hidden, and now revealed, truth makes you Gentiles partakers of, partly now, but mainly when Christ shall come (Col 3:4; Rom 5:2; Rom 8:17-18; Eph 1:18). This sense is proved by the following: "Christ in you the hope of the (so Greek) glory." The lower was the degradation of you Gentiles, the higher is the richness of the glory to which the mystery revealed now raises you. You were "without Christ, and having no hope" (Eph 2:12). Now you have "Christ in you the hope of the glory" just mentioned. ALFORD translates, "Christ among you," to answer to "this mystery among the Gentiles." But the whole clause, "Christ IN you (Eph 3:17) the hope of glory," answers to "this mystery," and not to the whole sentence, "this mystery among the Gentiles." What is made known "among you Gentiles" is, "Christ in you (now by faith as your hidden life, Col 3:3; Gal 2:20) the hope of glory" (your manifested life). The contrast (antithesis) between "CHRIST IN YOU" now as your hidden life, and "the hope of glory" hereafter to be manifested, requires this translation.

Clarke: Col 1:27 - -- The riches of the glory - God manifests to these how abundantly glorious this Gospel is among the Gentiles; and how effectual is this doctrine of Ch...

The riches of the glory - God manifests to these how abundantly glorious this Gospel is among the Gentiles; and how effectual is this doctrine of Christ crucified to the salvation of multitudes

Clarke: Col 1:27 - -- Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory - In this and the following verse there are several remarkable particulars: - I. We find here the sum and ...

Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory - In this and the following verse there are several remarkable particulars: -

I. We find here the sum and substance of the apostle’ s preaching

1.    He preached Christ, as the only Savior of sinners

2.    He proclaimed this Christ as being in them; for the design of the Gospel is to put men in possession of the Spirit and power of Christ, to make them partakers of the Divine nature, and thus prepare them for an eternal union with himself. Should it be said that the preposition εν should be translated among, it amounts to the same; for Christ was among them, to enlighten, quicken, purify, and refine them, and this he could not do without dwelling in them

3.    He preached this present and indwelling Christ as the hope of glory; for no man could rationally hope for glory who had not the pardon of his sins, and whose nature was not sanctified; and none could have pardon but through the blood of his cross; and none could have glorification but through the indwelling, sanctifying Spirit of Christ

II. We see the manner in which the apostles preached

1.    They warned every one - they showed every man his danger; they proved that both Jews and Gentiles were under sin; and that the wrath of God was revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men; that time and life were uncertain; and that now was the day of salvation

2.    They taught every man in all wisdom - they considered the world in a state of ignorance and darkness, every man being through sin ignorant of himself and God; and the apostles taught them to know themselves, viz., that they were sinners, wretched, helpless, and perishing; and they taught them to know God, in his purity, justice, and truth, and in his mercy through Christ Jesus. Thus they instructed men in all wisdom; for the knowledge of a man’ s self and his God constitutes all that is essentially necessary to be known for present and eternal happiness

III. The end which the apostles had in view in thus preaching Christ: to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. The words τελειον εν Χριστῳ, perfect in or through Christ, signify two things

1.    That they should be thoroughly instructed in the doctrines of Christianity, so that they should know the truth as it is in Jesus

2.    That they should be made partakers of the grace of the Gospel, so that they might be saved from all their sins, and be filled with His fullness. The succeeding chapter amply proves that nothing less than this entered into the apostle’ s design. Men may dispute as they please about Christian perfection, but without it no soul shall ever see God. He who is not saved from all sin here, cannot, to his joy, see God hereafter. This perfection of which the apostle speaks, and to which he labored to bring all men, was something to be attained in and through Christ. The apostles preached Christ in the people; and they preached him as crucified for mankind. He who died for them was to live in them, and fill their whole souls with his own purity. No indwelling sin can be tolerated by an indwelling Christ; for he came into the world to save his people from their sins

IV. We see who were the objects of the apostle’ s ministry: the Jews and Gentiles; παντα ανθρωπον, every man, the whole human race. Every man had sinned; and for every sinner Christ had died; and he died for them that they might be saved from all their sins. The apostles never restrained the offers of salvation; they made them frankly to all, believing that it was the will of God that all should believe and be saved: hence they warned and taught every man that they might, at the day of judgment, present every man perfect in Christ Jesus; for, although their own personal ministry could not reach all the inhabitants of the earth, yet it is by the doctrines which they preached, and by the writings which they have left on record, that the earth is to be filled with the knowledge and glory of God, and the souls of men brought to the enjoyment of the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of peace.

Calvin: Col 1:27 - -- 27.To whom God was pleased to make known Here he puts a bridle upon the presumption of men, that they may not allow themselves to be wise, or to inqu...

27.To whom God was pleased to make known Here he puts a bridle upon the presumption of men, that they may not allow themselves to be wise, or to inquire beyond what they ought, but may learn to rest satisfied with this one thing that it has so pleased God. For the good pleasure of God ought to be perfectly sufficient for us as a reason. This, however, is said principally for the purpose of commending the grace of God; for Paul intimates, that mankind did by no means furnish occasion for God’s making them participants of this secret, when he teaches that he was led to this of his own accord, and because he was pleased to do so. For it is customary for Paul to place the good pleasure of God in opposition to all human merits and external causes.

What are the riches We must always take notice, in what magnificent terms he speaks in extolling the dignity of the gospel. For he was well aware that the ingratitude of men is so great, that notwithstanding that this treasure is inestimable, and the grace of God in it is so distinguished, they, nevertheless, carelessly despise it, or at least think lightly of it. Hence, not resting satisfied with the term mystery, he adds glory, and that, too, not trivial or common. For riches, according to Paul, denote, as is well known, amplitude. 342 He states particularly, that those riches have been manifested among the Gentiles; for what is more wonderful than that the Gentiles, who had during so many ages been sunk in death, so as to appear to be utterly ruined, are all on a sudden reckoned among the sons of God, and receive the inheritance of salvation?

Which is Christ in you What he had said as to the Gentiles generally he applies to the Colossians themselves, that they may more effectually recognize in themselves the grace of God, and may embrace it with greater reverence. He says, therefore, which is Christ, meaning by this, that all that secret is contained in Christ, and that all the riches of heavenly wisdom are obtained by them when they have Christ, as we shall find him stating more openly a little afterwards. He adds, in you, because they now possess Christ, from whom they were lately so much estranged, that nothing could exceed it. Lastly, he calls Christ the hope of glory, that they may know that nothing is wanting to them for complete blessedness when they have obtained Christ. This, however, is a wonderful work of God, that in earthen and frail vessels (2Co 4:7) the hope of heavenly glory resides.

Defender: Col 1:27 - -- Some interpret this majestic statement as referring merely to the fact that Christ is now being preached among the Gentiles as well as the Jews. The g...

Some interpret this majestic statement as referring merely to the fact that Christ is now being preached among the Gentiles as well as the Jews. The greater truth, however, is that Christ is now in you - that is, He has come to dwell in the heart of each believer, whether Jew or Gentile, through the Holy Spirit (Joh 14:17 : Gal 2:20). His spiritual presence in us now assures us of His glorious physical presence with us in the ages to come (Eph 2:4-7)."

TSK: Col 1:27 - -- whom : 1Co 2:12-14; 2Co 2:14, 2Co 4:6; Gal 1:15, Gal 1:16 the riches : Col 2:3; Rom 9:23, Rom 11:33; Eph 1:7, Eph 1:17, Eph 1:18, Eph 3:8-10,Eph 3:16;...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Col 1:27 - -- To whom - To the saints. God would make known - "Willed (Greek) to make known;"that is, he was pleased to make this known. It was conceal...

To whom - To the saints.

God would make known - "Willed (Greek) to make known;"that is, he was pleased to make this known. It was concealed in his bosom until he chose to reveal it to his apostles. It was a doctrine which the Jewish people did not understand; Eph 3:5-6.

What is the riches of the glory of this mystery - The rich glory of this great, long-concealed truth. On the use of the word "riches,"see the notes at Rom 2:4. It is a favorite word with the apostle Paul to denote that which is valuable, or that which abounds. The meaning here is, that the truth that the gospel was to be preached to all mankind, was a truth abounding in glory.

Among the Gentiles - That is, the glory of this truth is manifested by the effects which it has produced among the Gentiles.

Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory - Or, Christ among you. Margin. The meaning is, that the whole of that truth, so full of glory, and so rich and elevated in its effect, is summed up in this - that Christ is revealed among you as the source of the hope of glory in a better world. This was the great truth which so animated the heart and fired the zeal of the apostle Paul. The wonderful announcement had burst on his mind like a flood of day, that the offer of salvation was not to be confined, as he had once supposed, to the Jewish people, but that all men were now placed on a level; that they had a common Saviour; that the same heaven was now opened for all, and that there were none so degraded and vile that they might not have the offer of life as well as others. This great truth Paul burned to communicate to the whole world; and for holding it, and in making it known, he had involved himself in all the difficulties which he had with his own countrymen; had suffered from want, and peril, and toil; and had finally been made a captive, and was expecting to be put to death. It was just such a truth as was fitted to fire such a mind as that of Paul, and to make it; known as worth all the sacrifices and toils which he endured. Life is well sacrificed in making known such a doctrine to the world.

Poole: Col 1:27 - -- To whom God would make known he refers the manifestation purely to God’ s good will and pleasure, as Christ himself doth, Mat 11:26,27 Lu 10:21 ...

To whom God would make known he refers the manifestation purely to God’ s good will and pleasure, as Christ himself doth, Mat 11:26,27 Lu 10:21 ; so in the like case, Rev 9:18 ; that having mentioned saints, none might conceit it was for foreseen faith, but the Colossians might value their privilege, reverently receive that grace which was not given to all: in short, to restrain curiosity why God would not do it otherwise or sooner, he cuts the knots of all questions, only by signifying his sovereign pleasure, he would make it known to them; elsewhere, this mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, Eph 1:9 , which was not to be touched till he thought meet to make it known.

What is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: some refer the glory to mystery, as glorious mystery, because it lets forth Divine glory, and promiseth it to believers, Luk 2:14 ; others, and the most, rather to riches, and that either as its epithet, Col 1:11the glorious riches of this mystery, or noting the subject, for salvation of the church amongst the Gentiles, Eph 1:18 3:7,8 . It is usual with the apostle to use the word riches to set forth abundance, Rom 2:4,11:33 Eph 1:7 : here, for the praise of the gospel, he would signify a very great and most abundant glory, far surpassing any former ministration, 2Co 3:8,18 . In the law those riches Eph 2:7were not only imperfectly and obscurely discovered, but scatteredly with broken beams, as the sun in water when the water is disturbed; one attribute shining out in one work, another in another; but now the harmony of the Divine attributes in man’ s redemption shines out most fully, clearly, and gloriously, contracted in Christ, who is the object and revealer of the mystery by his Spirit, the glory whereof breaks forth with much more splendour amongst the Gentiles, Rom 15:7-9 1Co 2:10 2Co 3:9,18 ; all glory before was but a shadow to this. Col 2:17 2Co 3:18 Gal 3:1 Heb 10:1 .

Which is Christ in you which is Christ, amongst, for, or in them, i.e. who not only was preached amongst them, but whom they possessed, and who dwelt in them by faith, Eph 3:17 ; the revelation being accompanied with the power of the Spirit in the translating them by his glorious power from the kingdom of darkness into his kingdom, Col 1:13 Luk 17:21 Gal 2:20 4:19 Eph 3:5,7 .

The hope of glory so is not only the object, 1Ti 1:1 , but the ground of their expectation of glory, he in whom the mystery begins and ends, 1Ti 3:16 ; out of whom all are hopeless of being happy, Eph 2:12 , and in whom all have strong consolation, Heb 6:18 .

Gill: Col 1:27 - -- To whom God would make known,.... The spring and cause of the manifestation of the Gospel to the saints, and chosen of God, is not their works, for Go...

To whom God would make known,.... The spring and cause of the manifestation of the Gospel to the saints, and chosen of God, is not their works, for God does not call them with an holy calling according to them, but according to his own grace; nor any preparations and dispositions in them before such manifestation, towards the Gospel and the truths of it, for there are none such naturally in men, but all the reverse; nor a foresight of their better improvement of it, when made known, for this is not the method of divine grace, witness the instances of Sodom and Gomorrha, Tyre and Sidon; nor any holiness in them, or because they were sanctified, for they became so by the power of divine grace, through the Gospel revelation; but it is the pure sovereign good will and pleasure of God; see Eph 1:9; as appears from what they were before the Gospel came unto them, what is made known to them in it and by it; and from this, that they and not others, equally as deserving, are favoured with it:

what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles. The apostle, besides calling the Gospel a "mystery", as before, ascribes "glory" to it; it is a glorious mystery, there is a glory in all the mysteries of it; it is a glorious Gospel, as it is often called, in its author, subject, matter, use, and efficacy: and also "riches" of glory, or glorious riches; containing rich truths, an immense treasure of them, comparable to gold, silver, and precious stones; rich blessings of justification, pardon, reconciliation, adoption, and eternal life; and rich promises, relating both to this life, and that which is to come; all which were opened and made known, not to the Jews only, but "among the Gentiles" also; who before were aliens, enemies, exceeding wicked, poor, blind, and miserable, but now, through the Gospel, were become rich and glorious, wise, knowing, and happy:

which is Christ in you, the hope of glory; this is to be connected with all that goes before: Christ is the riches of the Gospel; the riches of the divine perfections, which the Gospel more clearly displays than the works of creation or providence, are all in Christ, the fulness of them dwells in him; and this is the grace the Gospel reveals, that he, who was rich with all these, became poor to make us rich; the rich promises of the Gospel were all made to Christ, and are all yea and "Amen" in him; the rich blessings of it are all in his hands, righteousness, peace, and pardon, the riches both of grace and glory; the rich treasures of its divine truths are hid in him; and he is the substance of everyone of them: Christ is also the glory of the Gospel, inasmuch as he is the author, preacher, and subject of it; it is full of the glory of his person, both as the only begotten of the Father, and as the only Mediator between God and man; it is the glass through which this is seen: moreover, the glory of God in him is expressed hereby; the glory of his wisdom and power, of his truth and faithfulness, of his justice and holiness, of his love, grace, and mercy, and every other perfection, is eminently held forth in the Gospel; as this is great in the salvation and redemption of his people by Christ, which the Gospel brings the good news of; add to this, that that glory which the saints shall have with Christ, and will lie in the enjoyment of him to all eternity, is brought to light in the Gospel: Christ is also the mystery of the Gospel; he is one of the persons in the mystery of the Trinity; the mystery of his divine sonship, of his divine person, being God and yet man, man and yet God, and both in one person, and of his incarnation and redemption, makes a considerable part of the Gospel: and Christ, who is the sum and substance of it, is "in" his people; not only as the omnipresent God, as the author of the light of nature, as the Creator of all things, in whom all live, move, and have their beings, but in a way of special grace; and the phrase is expressive of a revelation of him in them, of their possession of him, of his inhabitation in them by his Spirit and grace, particularly by faith, and of their communion with him, in consequence of their union to him; and being so, he is the ground and foundation of their hopes of glory. There is a glory which the saints are hoping for, which the glories of this world are but a faint resemblance of; which is unseen at present, and which the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared unto; what is eternal, and which Christ has entered into, and took possession of; and what will greatly consist in beholding his glory, and in everlasting communion with him; this through grace saints have a good hope of, and are waiting for, and even rejoice at times in the hope of it; of which hope Christ is the foundation; for not only the promise of it is with him, but the glory itself is in his hands; the gift of it is with him, and through him; he has made way by his sufferings and death for the enjoyment of it, and is now preparing it for them, by his presence and intercession; his grace makes them meet for it, his righteousness gives them a title to it, and his Spirit is the earnest of it, and the substance of it will be the fruition of himself.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Col 1:27 The genitive noun τῆς δόξης (ths doxhs) is an attributive genitive and has therefore been translated as ̶...

Geneva Bible: Col 1:27 To whom God ( u ) would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Col 1:1-29 - --1 After salutation Paul thanks God for their faith;7 confirms the doctrine of Epaphras;9 prays further for their increase in grace;14 describes the tr...

MHCC: Col 1:24-29 - --Both the sufferings of the Head and of the members are called the sufferings of Christ, and make up, as it were, one body of sufferings. But He suffer...

Matthew Henry: Col 1:12-29 - -- Here is a summary of the doctrine of the gospel concerning the great work of our redemption by Christ. It comes in here not as the matter of a sermo...

Barclay: Col 1:24-29 - --Paul begins this passage with a daring thought. He thinks of the sufferings through which he is passing as completing the sufferings of Jesus Christ ...

Constable: Col 1:15-29 - --II. EXPLANATION OF THE PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST 1:15-29 Paul next proceeded to reiterate the "full knowledge" a...

Constable: Col 1:21-29 - --B. The reconciling work of Christ 1:21-29 Paul continued his exposition of Christ's superiority with emp...

Constable: Col 1:24-29 - --2. As ministered by Paul 1:24-29 Paul had received a unique function to fulfill in the body of C...

Constable: Col 1:25-27 - --Paul's message 1:25-27 Paul's role in the household of God (the meaning of "stewardship"...

College: Col 1:1-29 - --COLOSSIANS 1 SALUTATION (1:1-2) 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2 To the holy and faithful a brothe...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Col 1:27 Salvation doesn’t come from what we know, but from Who we know. Jesus said, " This is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Colossians (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Colossians From Rome a.d. 63 By Way of Introduction Genuineness The author claims to be Paul (Col_1:1) and there is no real...

JFB: Colossians (Book Introduction) The GENUINENESS of this Epistle is attested by JUSTIN MARTYR [Dialogue with Trypho, p. 311, B.], who quotes "the first-born of every creature," in ref...


TSK: Colossians (Book Introduction) Colosse was a large and populous city of Phrygia Pacatiana, in Asia Minor, seated on an eminence to the south of the river Meander. It is supposed to...

TSK: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Col 1:1, After salutation Paul thanks God for their faith; Col 1:7, confirms the doctrine of Epaphras; Col 1:9, prays further for their i...

Poole: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) ARGUMENT God having a church planted in the city of Colosse, (by some since called Chone), situated at the conflux of the rivers Meander and Lycus,...

MHCC: Colossians (Book Introduction) This epistle was sent because of some difficulties which arose among the Colossians, probably from false teachers, in consequence of which they sent t...

MHCC: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Col 1:1-8) The apostle Paul salutes the Colossians, and blesses God for their faith, love, and hope. (Col 1:9-14) Prays for their fruitfulness in sp...

Matthew Henry: Colossians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians Colosse was a considerable city of Phrygia, and probably not ...

Matthew Henry: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) We have here, I. The inscription, as usual (Col 1:1, Col 1:2). II. His thanksgiving to God for what he had heard concerning them - their faith, l...

Barclay: Colossians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) Christian Greetings (Col_1:1) The Double Commitment (Col_1:2-8) The Essence Of The Gospel (Col_1:2-8 Continued) The Essence Of Prayer's Request ...

Constable: Colossians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The city of Colosse lay in the beautiful Lycus Vall...

Constable: Colossians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-14 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving 1:3-8...

Constable: Colossians Colossians Bibliography Abbott, T. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and...

Haydock: Colossians (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE COLOSSIANS. INTRODUCTION. Colosse was a city of Phrygia, near Laodicea. It does not appear that ...

Gill: Colossians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO COLOSSIANS The Colossians, to whom this epistle is written, were not the Rhodians, by some called Colossians, from Colossus, the la...

Gill: Colossians 1 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO COLOSSIANS 1 This chapter contains the inscription of the epistle; the apostle's usual salutation; his thanksgiving to God on behal...

College: Colossians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION THE CITY Colosse had been a thriving and important city several centuries before Christ, but by the time this letter was written its im...

College: Colossians (Outline) OUTLINE SALUTATION - 1:1-2 I. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-8 II. PAUL'S PRAYER FOR THE COLOSSIANS - 1:9-14 III. THE HYMN ABOUT CHRIST - 1:15-20 IV. ...

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