Text -- Daniel 10:8 (NET)

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Literally, "vigor," that is, lively expression and color.
Calvin -> Dan 10:8
Calvin: Dan 10:8 - -- This language all tends to the same purpose — to assure us that Daniel did not write his own comments with rashness, but was truly and clearly taug...
This language all tends to the same purpose — to assure us that Daniel did not write his own comments with rashness, but was truly and clearly taught by the angel on all the points which he committed to writing, and thus all hesitation is removed as to our embracing what we shall afterwards perceive, as he is a faithful interpreter of God. He first states he saw a vision. He had said so before, but he repeats it to produce a due impression; he calls the vision great, to arouse our attention to its importance. He adds, he was deprived of all vigor; as if he had been rendered lifeless by the blast of the Spirit. Thus we gather the object of the exhibition of all these outward signs; they not only bring before us God speaking by the mouth of his angel, but they prepared the Prophet himself, and trained him to reverence. God, however, does not terrify his sons, as if our disquiet was with him an object of delight, but solely because it is profitable for us; for unless our carnal feelings were utterly subdued, we should never be fit to receive improvement. This necessarily requires violence, on account of our inborn perverseness; and this is the reason why the Prophet was reduced to this state of lifelessness. Even my comeliness, or beauty, or appearance, was turned to corruption; meaning, my deformity was similar to that induced by death. He adds lastly, I did not retain my vigor. He uses a variety of phrases to shew himself depressed by the heavenly blast, for but a slight amount of vitality remained, and he was scarcely preserved from actual death. We ought to learn to transfer this instruction to ourselves, not by the vanishing of our rigor or the changing of our appearance whenever God addresses us, but by all our resistance giving way, and all our pride and loftiness becoming prostrate before God. Finally, our carnal disposition ought to be completely reduced to nothing, as true docility will never be found in us until all our senses are completely mortified; for we must always remember how hostile all our natural thoughts are to the will of God. It afterwards follows; — but I cannot proceed further today; I must delay my comment on the next verses till to-morrow.
TSK -> Dan 10:8
TSK: Dan 10:8 - -- I was : Gen 32:24; Exo 3:3; Joh 16:32; 2Co 12:2, 2Co 12:3
and there : Dan 7:28, Dan 8:7, Dan 8:27; Hab 3:16; Mat 17:6; Mar 9:6; Rev 1:17
comeliness : ...

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Barnes -> Dan 10:8
Barnes: Dan 10:8 - -- Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision - That is, I distinctly saw it, or contemplated it. He perceived, doubtless, that it was ...
Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision - That is, I distinctly saw it, or contemplated it. He perceived, doubtless, that it was a heavenly vision; and as he had often been favored with similar manifestations, he remained to receive the communication which probably he understood was to be made.
And there remained no strength in me - He was completely overcome. A similar effect was produced on John when he was in Patmos: "And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead,"Rev 1:17. That he should be overcome, and his strength taken away, was not an unnatural effect; and what occurred to Daniel and John may demonstrate that there may be such views of the Divine character and glory now as to prostrate our physical powers. It is certain that such visions as those which appeared to Daniel and John would have this effect; and, though we are not to expect that they will now be vouchsafed to men, no one can doubt that there may be such views of God, and heaven, and eternal realities presented to the eye of faith and hope; such joy in the evidence of pardoned sin; such a change from a sense of condemnation to the peace resulting from forgiveness, that the powers of the body may be prostrated, and sink from exhaustion. Indeed, it is not much of the revelation of the Divine character that in our present state we can bear.
For my comeliness - Margin, "vigour."Hebrew,
Into corruption - The phrase used here means literally "into destruction."The sense is, that by the change that came over him. his beauty - his bright or florid complexion was completely "destroyed."He became deadly pale.
Poole -> Dan 10:8
Poole: Dan 10:8 - -- This great vision great in the appearance, and great in the great things revealed.
There remained no strength in me; by the recoiling of his spirit...
This great vision great in the appearance, and great in the great things revealed.
There remained no strength in me; by the recoiling of his spirits inward.
My comeliness was turned in me into corruption his colour was changed into paleness, as one that is faint, and pining into a consumption, by terror and consternation.
Gill -> Dan 10:8
Gill: Dan 10:8 - -- Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision,.... Which was great indeed, both with respect to the object now seen, and with respect to the s...
Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision,.... Which was great indeed, both with respect to the object now seen, and with respect to the subject matter, the things afterwards revealed, the nature, use, and importance of them; and it was so wisely ordered by the Lord, that the men with Daniel should be seized with a panic, and flee and leave him alone; that they being removed from him, he might have the secrets of the Lord revealed to him as a peculiar favourite of his, and hear and see the things he did:
and there remained no strength in me: either through the intenseness of his mind upon the object before him, and to what he said; or through the awe he was struck with at the sight of him; his blood running back to the heart to secure that; his nerves loosened; his hands weak and hanging down; his knees feeble, and spirits faint, just ready to sink and swoon away:
for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption; the form of his countenance was marred; his forehead wrinkled; his eyes sunk; the sprightliness and vivacity of them gone; his cheeks turned pale; his lips quivering; his joints trembling; his vigour and health impaired; all nature convulsed; and he lifeless and spiritless, like a dead carcass:
and I retained no strength; or, "restrained" s it not; his strength; could not keep it from going out of him, either of body or mind; he could not rally the powers of nature, so depressed was he with the vision: all which is observed, both to exaggerate the greatness of the vision, and the favour and goodness of God after shown him; as well as to observe the weakness of human nature, not being able to bear the sight of a divine Person, or such discoveries the Lord is sometimes pleased to make, without being strengthened and supported in an extraordinary manner.

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TSK Synopsis -> Dan 10:1-21
TSK Synopsis: Dan 10:1-21 - --1 Daniel, having humbled himself, sees a vision.10 Being troubled with fear, he is comforted by the angel.
MHCC -> Dan 10:1-9
MHCC: Dan 10:1-9 - --This chapter relates the beginning of Daniel's last vision, which is continued to the end of the book. The time would be long before all would be acco...
Matthew Henry -> Dan 10:1-9
Matthew Henry: Dan 10:1-9 - -- This vision is dated in the third year of Cyrus, that is, of his reign after the conquest of Babylon, his third year since Daniel became acquainte...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Dan 10:8
Keil-Delitzsch: Dan 10:8 - --
Daniel here calls the appearance great with reference to the majesty displayed, such as had never hitherto been known to him. Its influence upon h...
Constable: Dan 8:1--12:13 - --III. Israel in relation to the Gentiles: God's program for Israel chs. 8--12
Two things signal the beginning of ...

Constable: Dan 10:1--12:13 - --C. Daniel's most detailed vision of the future chs. 10-12
We have observed that God's method of revealin...