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Text -- Daniel 4:32 (NET)

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4:32 You will be driven from human society, and you will live with the wild animals. You will be fed grass like oxen, and seven periods of time will pass by for you before you understand that the Most High is ruler over human kingdoms and gives them to whomever he wishes.”
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Clarke: Dan 4:32 - -- They shall make thee, etc. - Thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen. The madness that fell upon him induced him to forsake society, and to run to t...

They shall make thee, etc. - Thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen. The madness that fell upon him induced him to forsake society, and to run to the woods and deserts, where he lived like a wild beast, his hairs growing long and thick, so as to be a substitute for clothing; and his nails strong and hooked, that he might the better climb trees and grub up the ground, in order to get roots and earth-nuts. It was the mercy of God that thus clothed and accoutred him. His case seems much like that of the maniac in the Gospel, whose dwelling was among the tombs and in the mountains, and who shunned the society of men.

Calvin: Dan 4:32 - -- It follows, — They shall expel thee from among men, and thy habitation shall be with the beasts of the field — or of the country, — they...

It follows, — They shall expel thee from among men, and thy habitation shall be with the beasts of the field or of the country, they shall make thee eat grass like oxen! Some think Nebuchadnezzar to have been changed into a beast; but this is too harsh and absurd. We need not fancy any change of nature; but he was cut off from all intercourse with men, and with the exception of a human form, he did not differ from the brutes, — nay, such was his deformity in his exile that, as we shall afterwards see, he became a horrid spectacle; — all the hairs of his body stood up and grew like eagles’ feathers; his claws were like those of birds. In these points he was like the beasts, in others like the rest of mankind. It is uncertain whether God struck this king with madness, causing him to escape and he hid for a length of time, or whether he was cast forth by a tumult and conspiracy of nobles, or even the consent of the whole people. All this is doubtful, since the history of those times is unknown to us. Whether, then, Nebuchadnezzar was snatched away by madness, and while he continued a maniac was separated from the society of men, or was cast forth as many tyrants have been, his dwelling with beasts for a time, becomes a memorable example to us. He was probably rendered stupid, by God’s leaving him a human form while be deprived him of reason, as the context will make evident to us. They shall cast thee out from human society; thy dwelling shall be with wild beasts; they shall make thee eat grass like an ox! that is, when deprived of all delight, nay, of the commonest and plainest food, thou wilt find no other sustenance than that of oxen. Thou shalt eat the grass like an animal, and seven times shall pass over thee. Of the “seven times” we have spoken before. Some restrict this to days, but this is contrary not only to every reason, but to every pretext. Nor do I explain it of months; the space of time would have been much too short. Hence the opinion of those who extend it to seven years is more probable. If Nebuchadnezzar had been cast out by a tumult, he would not have been so quickly recalled: then, since God wished to make an example of him for all generations, I suppose him to have been driven out from common society for a length of time. For if the penalty had been for seven months only, we see how coolly God’s judgments would be received in the world. Hence, with the view of engraving this penalty more deeply in the hearts of all, he wished to protract it longer — I will not say to seven years, since I have previously expounded the certain number as put for an uncertain one, implying a long space of time.

Seven years, then, shall pass away, says he, until thou shalt know that there is a lofty ruler in the kingdoms of men. This is the end of the punishment, as we have previously said, for I need not repeat my former remarks. But we must remember this — God mitigates the bitterness of the penalty by making it temporary. Then he proposed this end to induce Nebuchadnezzar to repent, as he required many blows for this purpose, according to the old proverb about the fool who can never be recalled to a sound mind without suffering calamity. Thus King Nebuchadnezzar ought to be beaten with stripes, to render him submissive to God, as he never profited by any holy admonition or any heavenly oracle. God does not treat; all in this way. Hence we have here a special example of his clemency, which provides for the punishment inflicted on King Nebuchadnezzar, being both useful and profitable. For the reprobate are more and more hardened against God, and are ever stirred up and excited to madness. It was an act, then, of special grace, when Nebuchadnezzar was chastised for the time by the hand of God, to cause his repentance and his owning God’s entire sway over the whole world.

He says, that God may be Lord in the kingdom of men; because nothing is more difficult than to persuade tyrants to submit to the power of God. On the one side they confess themselves to reign by his grace; but at the same time, they suppose their own sway to be obtained by either valor or good fortune, and to be retained by their own guards, counsels, and wealth. Hence, as far as they can, they shut God out from the government of the world, while they are puffed up with a false conceit of themselves, as if all things were maintained in their present state by their valor or advice. This, then, was an ordinary effect when Nebuchadnezzar began to feel God to be the ruler in the kingdom of men, since kings wish to place him somewhere between themselves and the multitude. They confess the people to be subject to God’s power, but think themselves exempt from the common order of events, and in possession of a privilege in favor of their lusts, relieving them from the hand and empire of God. Hence, as I have said, it was no common thing for Nebuchadnezzar to acknowledge God to reign in the earth; for tyrants usually enclose God in heaven, and think him content with his own happiness, and careless about mingling in the concerns of men. Hence thou mayest know him to be the ruler. He afterwards adds the kind of dominion, because God raises up whomsoever he pleases, and casts down others: God is not only supreme in the sense of sustaining’ all things by his universal providence, but because no one without his will obtains empire at all. He binds some with a belt, and looseth the bonds of others, as it is said in the book of Job. (Job 12:18.) We ought not, therefore, to imagine God’s power to be at rest, but we should join it with present action, as the phrase is. Whether tyrants obtain power, or sovereigns are pious and just, all are governed by God’s secret counsel, since otherwise there could be no king of the world. It follows:

TSK: Dan 4:32 - -- they shall drive : Dan 4:14-16, Dan 4:25, Dan 4:26, Dan 5:21; Job 30:5-7 until : Dan 4:17, Dan 4:25; Exo 8:10, Exo 9:14, Exo 9:29; Jos 4:24; Job 12:18...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Dan 4:32 - -- And they shall drive thee from men ... - See the note at Dan 4:25.

And they shall drive thee from men ... - See the note at Dan 4:25.

Poole: Dan 4:32 - -- From men from the society and conversation of men.

From men from the society and conversation of men.

Haydock: Dan 4:32 - -- With, or "by the powers ( angels. ver. 10.) by men." (Grotius) --- The stars are also frequently thus described. (Matthew xxiv. 29.) The kin...

With, or "by the powers ( angels. ver. 10.) by men." (Grotius) ---

The stars are also frequently thus described. (Matthew xxiv. 29.) The king probably believed that the God of the Jews was above his gods, the sun, fire, &c. (Calmet)

Gill: Dan 4:32 - -- And they shall drive thee from men,.... According to the interpretation of the dream given by Daniel, which this voice from heaven confirms; See Gill ...

And they shall drive thee from men,.... According to the interpretation of the dream given by Daniel, which this voice from heaven confirms; See Gill on Dan 4:25, where the same things are said as here.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Dan 4:32 Aram “until.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Dan 4:1-37 - --1 Nebuchadnezzar confesses God's kingdom,4 makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret.8 Daniel hears the dream.19 He interp...

MHCC: Dan 4:28-37 - --Pride and self-conceit are sins that beset great men. They are apt to take that glory to themselves which is due to God only. While the proud word was...

Matthew Henry: Dan 4:28-33 - -- We have here Nebuchadnezzar's dream accomplished, and Daniel's application of it to him justified and confirmed. How he took it we are not told, whe...

Keil-Delitzsch: Dan 4:28-33 - -- (4:25-30) The fulfilling of the dream . Nebuchadnezzar narrates the fulfilment of the dream altogether objectively, so that he speaks of himself i...

Constable: Dan 2:1--7:28 - --II. The Times of the Gentiles: God's program for the world chs. 2--7 Daniel wrote 2:4b-7:28 in the Aramaic langu...

Constable: Dan 4:1-37 - --C. Nebuchadnezzar's pride and humbling ch. 4 We have seen that in the first three chapters of Daniel Kin...

Constable: Dan 4:28-33 - --5. The fulfillment of threatened discipline 4:28-33 4:28 Verse 28 introduces the fulfillment of what God had warned Nebuchadnezzar he could expect if ...

Guzik: Dan 4:1-37 - --Daniel 4 - The Fall and Rise of Nebuchadnezzar A. Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the tree. 1. (1-3) The opening of Nebuchadnezzar's decree. Nebuchadnez...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Daniel (Book Introduction) DANIEL, that is, "God is my judge"; probably of the blood royal (compare Dan 1:3, with 1Ch 3:1, where a son of David is named so). Jerusalem may have ...


TSK: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Dan 4:1, Nebuchadnezzar confesses God’s kingdom, Dan 4:4, makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret; Dan 4:...

Poole: Daniel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF DANIEL THE ARGUMENT IN Daniel and his prophecy, observe these things for the better understanding of this book, and the mind of God in it...

Poole: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 4 Nebuchadnezzar acknowledgeth God’ s eternal dominion, Dan 4:1-3 . He relateth a dream which the magicians could not interpret, Dan 4...

MHCC: Daniel (Book Introduction) Daniel was of noble birth, if not one of the royal family of Judah. He was carried captive to Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiachin, B. C. 606, whe...

MHCC: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-18) Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges the power of Jehovah. (Dan 4:19-27) Daniel interprets his dream. (Dan 4:28-37) The fulfilment of it.

Matthew Henry: Daniel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Daniel The book of Ezekiel left the affairs of Jerusalem under a doleful aspect...

Matthew Henry: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) The penman of this chapter is Nebuchadnezzar himself: the story here recorded concerning him is given us in his own words, as he himself drew it up...

Constable: Daniel (Book Introduction) Introduction Background In 605 B.C. Prince Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonian army of h...

Constable: Daniel (Outline) Outline I. The character of Daniel ch. 1 A. Historical background 1:1-2 ...

Constable: Daniel Daniel Bibliography Albright, William F. From Stone Age to Christianity. 2nd ed. New York: Doubleday Press, Anc...

Haydock: Daniel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL. INTRODUCTION. DANIEL, whose name signifies "the judgment of God," was of the royal blood of the kings of Juda, and one o...

Gill: Daniel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL This book is called, in the Vulgate Latin version, "the Prophecy of Daniel"; and in the Syriac and Arabic versions "the Prop...

Gill: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL 4 This chapter was written by Nebuchadnezzar himself; and was either taken out of his archives, or given by him to Daniel, w...

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