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Text -- Deuteronomy 16:1-16 (NET)

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The Passover-Unleavened Bread Festival
16:1 Observe the month Abib and keep the Passover to the Lord your God, for in that month he brought you out of Egypt by night. 16:2 You must sacrifice the Passover animal (from the flock or the herd) to the Lord your God in the place where he chooses to locate his name. 16:3 You must not eat any yeast with it; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, symbolic of affliction, for you came out of Egypt hurriedly. You must do this so you will remember for the rest of your life the day you came out of the land of Egypt. 16:4 There must not be a scrap of yeast within your land for seven days, nor can any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until the next morning. 16:5 You may not sacrifice the Passover in just any of your villages that the Lord your God is giving you, 16:6 but you must sacrifice it in the evening in the place where he chooses to locate his name, at sunset, the time of day you came out of Egypt. 16:7 You must cook and eat it in the place the Lord your God chooses; you may return the next morning to your tents. 16:8 You must eat bread made without yeast for six days. The seventh day you are to hold an assembly for the Lord your God; you must not do any work on that day.
The Festival of Weeks
16:9 You must count seven weeks; you must begin to count them from the time you begin to harvest the standing grain. 16:10 Then you are to celebrate the Festival of Weeks before the Lord your God with the voluntary offering that you will bring, in proportion to how he has blessed you. 16:11 You shall rejoice before him– you, your son, your daughter, your male and female slaves, the Levites in your villages, the resident foreigners, the orphans, and the widows among you– in the place where the Lord chooses to locate his name. 16:12 Furthermore, remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and so be careful to observe these statutes.
The Festival of Temporary Shelters
16:13 You must celebrate the Festival of Temporary Shelters for seven days, at the time of the grain and grape harvest. 16:14 You are to rejoice in your festival, you, your son, your daughter, your male and female slaves, the Levites, the resident foreigners, the orphans, and the widows who are in your villages. 16:15 You are to celebrate the festival seven days before the Lord your God in the place he chooses, for he will bless you in all your productivity and in whatever you do; so you will indeed rejoice! 16:16 Three times a year all your males must appear before the Lord your God in the place he chooses for the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks, and the Festival of Temporary Shelters; and they must not appear before him empty-handed.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abib a month in the spring time, about March or April
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Levite member of the tribe of Levi

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Widows | Weaving, weavers | Thankfulness | Solemn meeting | Seven | STRANGER AND SOJOURNER (IN THE OLD TESTAMENT) | Passover | Moses | LEVITICUS, 2 | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Israel | Hannah | Foreigner | Feast | Entertain | Degrees, Song of | Citizenship | CALENDAR | Bread | Banquet | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Deu 16:1 - -- Or of new fruits, which answers to part of March and part of April, and was by a special order from God made the beginning of their year, in remembran...

Or of new fruits, which answers to part of March and part of April, and was by a special order from God made the beginning of their year, in remembrance of their deliverance out of Egypt.

Wesley: Deu 16:1 - -- In the night Pharaoh was forced to give them leave to depart, and accordingly they made preparation for their departure, and in the morning they perfe...

In the night Pharaoh was forced to give them leave to depart, and accordingly they made preparation for their departure, and in the morning they perfected the work.

Wesley: Deu 16:2 - -- That is, the feast of the passover, and so the place may be rendered, thou shalt therefore observe the feast of the passover unto the Lord thy God, wi...

That is, the feast of the passover, and so the place may be rendered, thou shalt therefore observe the feast of the passover unto the Lord thy God, with sheep, and with oxen, as is prescribed, Num 28:18, &c.

Wesley: Deu 16:3 - -- Or, in it, that is, during the time of the feast of the passover.

Or, in it, that is, during the time of the feast of the passover.

Wesley: Deu 16:3 - -- Bread which is not usual nor pleasant, to put thee in mind both of thy miseries endured in Egypt; and of thy hasty coming out of it, which allowed the...

Bread which is not usual nor pleasant, to put thee in mind both of thy miseries endured in Egypt; and of thy hasty coming out of it, which allowed thee no time to leaven or prepare thy bread.

Wesley: Deu 16:4 - -- That is, of the passover properly so called.

That is, of the passover properly so called.

Wesley: Deu 16:5 - -- That is, of thy cities.

That is, of thy cities.

Wesley: Deu 16:6 - -- Namely, in the court of the tabernacle or temple. This he prescribed, partly that this great work might be done with more solemnity in such manner as ...

Namely, in the court of the tabernacle or temple. This he prescribed, partly that this great work might be done with more solemnity in such manner as God required; partly, because it was not only a sacrament, but also a sacrifice, and because here was the sprinkling of blood, which is the essential part of a sacrifice; and partly to design the place where Christ, the true passover or lamb of God, was to be slain.

Wesley: Deu 16:6 - -- About the time you were preparing yourselves for it.

About the time you were preparing yourselves for it.

Wesley: Deu 16:7 - -- The morning after the seventh day.

The morning after the seventh day.

Wesley: Deu 16:7 - -- That is, thy dwellings, which he calls tents, as respecting their present state, and to put them in mind afterwards when they were settled in better h...

That is, thy dwellings, which he calls tents, as respecting their present state, and to put them in mind afterwards when they were settled in better habitations, that there was a time when they dwelt in tents.

Wesley: Deu 16:8 - -- Namely, besides the first day, on which the passover was killed.

Namely, besides the first day, on which the passover was killed.

Wesley: Deu 16:9 - -- That is, to reap thy corn, thy barley, when the first-fruits were offered.

That is, to reap thy corn, thy barley, when the first-fruits were offered.

Wesley: Deu 16:10 - -- Of pentecost.

Of pentecost.

Wesley: Deu 16:10 - -- Over and besides what was appointed.

Over and besides what was appointed.

JFB: Deu 16:1 - -- Or first-fruits. It comprehended the latter part of our March and the beginning of April. Green ears of the barley, which were then full, were offered...

Or first-fruits. It comprehended the latter part of our March and the beginning of April. Green ears of the barley, which were then full, were offered as first-fruits, on the second day of the passover.

JFB: Deu 16:1 - -- This statement is apparently at variance with the prohibition (Exo 12:22) as well as with the recorded fact that their departure took place in the mor...

This statement is apparently at variance with the prohibition (Exo 12:22) as well as with the recorded fact that their departure took place in the morning (Exo 13:3; Num 33:3). But it is susceptible of easy reconciliation. Pharaoh's permission, the first step of emancipation, was extorted during the night, the preparations for departure commenced, the rendezvous at Rameses made, and the march entered on in the morning.

JFB: Deu 16:2 - -- Not the paschal lamb, which was strictly and properly the passover. The whole solemnity is here meant, as is evident from the mention of the additiona...

Not the paschal lamb, which was strictly and properly the passover. The whole solemnity is here meant, as is evident from the mention of the additional victims that required to be offered on the subsequent days of the feast (Num 28:18-19; 2Ch 35:8-9), and from the allusion to the continued use of unleavened bread for seven days, whereas the passover itself was to be eaten at once. The words before us are equivalent to "thou shalt observe the feast of the passover."

JFB: Deu 16:3 - -- A sour, unpleasant, unwholesome kind of bread, designed to be a memorial of their Egyptian misery and of the haste with which they departed, not allow...

A sour, unpleasant, unwholesome kind of bread, designed to be a memorial of their Egyptian misery and of the haste with which they departed, not allowing time for their morning dough to ferment.

JFB: Deu 16:5-6 - -- The passover was to be observed nowhere but in the court of the tabernacle or temple, as it was not a religious feast or sacramental occasion merely, ...

The passover was to be observed nowhere but in the court of the tabernacle or temple, as it was not a religious feast or sacramental occasion merely, but an actual sacrifice (Exo 12:27; Exo 23:18; Exo 34:25). The blood had to be sprinkled on the altar and in the place where the true Passover was afterwards to be sacrificed for us "at even, at the going down of the sun"--literally, "between the evenings."

JFB: Deu 16:6 - -- That is, the month and day, though not perhaps the precise hour. The immense number of victims that had to be immolated on the eve of the passover--th...

That is, the month and day, though not perhaps the precise hour. The immense number of victims that had to be immolated on the eve of the passover--that is, within a space of four hours--has appeared to some writers a great difficulty. But the large number of officiating priests, their dexterity and skill in the preparation of the sacrifices, the wide range of the court, the extraordinary dimensions of the altar of burnt offering and orderly method of conducting the solemn ceremonial, rendered it easy to do that in a few hours, which would otherwise have required as many days.

JFB: Deu 16:7 - -- (See on Exo 12:8; compare 2Ch 35:13).

(See on Exo 12:8; compare 2Ch 35:13).

JFB: Deu 16:7 - -- The sense of this passage, on the first glance of the words, seems to point to the morning after the first day--the passover eve. Perhaps, however, th...

The sense of this passage, on the first glance of the words, seems to point to the morning after the first day--the passover eve. Perhaps, however, the divinely appointed duration of this feast, the solemn character and important object, the journey of the people from the distant parts of the land to be present, and the recorded examples of their continuing all the time (2Ch 30:21 2Ch 35:17), (though these may be considered extraordinary, and therefore exceptional occasions), may warrant the conclusion that the leave given to the people to return home was to be on the morning after the completion of the seven days.

JFB: Deu 16:9-12 - -- The feast of weeks, or a WEEK OF WEEKS: the feast of pentecost (see on Lev 23:10; also see Exo 34:22; Act 2:1). As on the second day of the passover a...

The feast of weeks, or a WEEK OF WEEKS: the feast of pentecost (see on Lev 23:10; also see Exo 34:22; Act 2:1). As on the second day of the passover a sheaf of new barley, reaped on purpose, was offered, so on the second day of pentecost a sheaf of new wheat was presented as first-fruits (Exo 23:16; Num 28:26), a freewill, spontaneous tribute of gratitude to God for His temporal bounties. This feast was instituted in memory of the giving of the law, that spiritual food by which man's soul is nourished (Deu 8:3).

JFB: Deu 16:13-17 - -- (See on Exo 23:14; Lev 23:34; Num 29:12). Various conjectures have been formed to account for the appointment of this feast at the conclusion of the w...

(See on Exo 23:14; Lev 23:34; Num 29:12). Various conjectures have been formed to account for the appointment of this feast at the conclusion of the whole harvest. Some imagine that it was designed to remind the Israelites of the time when they had no cornfields to reap but were daily supplied with manna; others think that it suited the convenience of the people better than any other period of the year for dwelling in booths; others that it was the time of Moses' second descent from the mount; while a fourth class are of opinion that this feast was fixed to the time of the year when the Word was made flesh and dwelt--literally, "tabernacled"--among us (Joh 1:14), Christ being actually born at that season.

JFB: Deu 16:15 - -- That is, praising God with a warm and elevated heart. According to Jewish tradition, no marriages were allowed to be celebrated during these great fes...

That is, praising God with a warm and elevated heart. According to Jewish tradition, no marriages were allowed to be celebrated during these great festivals, that no personal or private rejoicings might be mingled with the demonstrations of public and national gladness.

JFB: Deu 16:16 - -- No command was laid on women to undertake the journeys, partly from regard to the natural weakness of their sex, and partly to their domestic cares.

No command was laid on women to undertake the journeys, partly from regard to the natural weakness of their sex, and partly to their domestic cares.

Clarke: Deu 16:1 - -- Keep the passover - A feast so called because the angel that destroyed the firstborn of the Egyptians, seeing the blood of the appointed sacrifice s...

Keep the passover - A feast so called because the angel that destroyed the firstborn of the Egyptians, seeing the blood of the appointed sacrifice sprinkled on the lintels and door-posts of the Israelites’ houses, passed over Them, and did not destroy any of their firstborn. See the notes on Exo 12:2, and Exo 12:3 (note), etc.

Clarke: Deu 16:3 - -- Bread of affliction - Because, being baked without leaven, it was unsavoury, and put them in mind of their afflictive bondage in Egypt.

Bread of affliction - Because, being baked without leaven, it was unsavoury, and put them in mind of their afflictive bondage in Egypt.

Clarke: Deu 16:11 - -- Thou shalt rejoice - The offerings of the Israelites were to be eaten with festivity, communicated to their friends with liberality, and bestowed on...

Thou shalt rejoice - The offerings of the Israelites were to be eaten with festivity, communicated to their friends with liberality, and bestowed on the poor with great generosity, that they might partake with them in these repasts with joy before the Lord. To answer these views it was necessary to eat the flesh while it was fresh, as in that climate putrefaction soon took place; therefore they were commanded to let nothing remain until the morning, Deu 16:4. This consideration is sufficient to account for the command here, without having recourse to those moral and evangelical reasons that are assigned by the learned and devout Mr

Ainsworth for the command. How beneficent and cheerful is the design of this institution! - Harmer, vol. i., p. 396.

Clarke: Deu 16:16 - -- Three times in a year - See Exo 23:14 (note), where all the Jewish feasts are explained. See also Lev 23:34 (note).

Three times in a year - See Exo 23:14 (note), where all the Jewish feasts are explained. See also Lev 23:34 (note).

Calvin: Deu 16:1 - -- 1.Observe the month Abib For what purpose God instituted the Passover, has already been shewn in the exposition of the First Commandment; for since i...

1.Observe the month Abib For what purpose God instituted the Passover, has already been shewn in the exposition of the First Commandment; for since it was a symbol of redemption, and in that ceremony the people exercised themselves in the pure worship of the One God, so as to acknowledge Him to be their only Father, and to distinguish Him from all idols, I thought that the actual slaying of the lamb should be introduced amongst the Supplements to the First Commandment. It only remains for us to speak here of what relates to the Sabbath. This then was the first solemn day, on which God would have His people rest and go up to Jerusalem, forsaking all their business. But mention is here made not only of the Paschal Lamb, but He also commands sheep and oxen to be slain in the place which He should choose. In these words He signifies that on that day a holy convocation was to be held; which is soon after more clearly expressed, for I have already given the two intermediate verses in the institution of the Passover itself, He therefore prohibits their slaying the Passover apart in their own cities, but would have them all meet in the same sanctuary. It has been elsewhere said that one altar was prescribed for them, as if God would gather them under one banner for the preservation of concord and the unity of the faith. What is added respecting the solemnity of the seventh day is very appropriate to this place.

Calvin: Deu 16:3 - -- Deu 16:3Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it Because by this sign they were reminded of their having escaped in haste, as it were from the very fl...

Deu 16:3Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it Because by this sign they were reminded of their having escaped in haste, as it were from the very flames; therefore does Moses so often enforce the prohibition of leaven. And here this reason for it is alleged, viz., that their recollection should be recalled to the affliction from which they were rescued; for they must needs have been involved in the greatest straits, when there was no time even for baking bread. Unleavened bread is therefore called “the bread of affliction,” that the manner of their deliverance may the more enhance God’s grace. He repeats what we have seen before, that none of the flesh of the Lamb should be reserved to the following day. In the former passage from the Book of Exodus, because Moses speaks generally, the command may at first sight be referred to the perpetual sacrifice; but the latter passage takes away all obscurity, by the express mention of the passover. We need not wonder that in one place the word “fat” is used for the whole carcase, or any part of the lamb, either by synecdoche, or that God might commend the superior sanctity of the fat, of which they were not permitted to eat, and which was burnt in all sacrifices.

Calvin: Deu 16:9 - -- 9.Seven weeks shalt thou number It must be observed that the Passover fell in a part of the year when the harvests were beginning to ripen; and conse...

9.Seven weeks shalt thou number It must be observed that the Passover fell in a part of the year when the harvests were beginning to ripen; and consequently the first-fruits, of which I treated under the First Commandment, were then offered. Seven weeks afterwards they celebrated another feast-day, which was called Pentecost, i.e., the fiftieth, by the Greeks. There was just this number of days between the departure of the people and the publication of the Law. Another offering of first-fruits was then made, in which each one, according to his ability, and in proportion to the produce of the year, consecrated a gift to God of the harvested fruits. In order that they might be more ready and cheerful in their liberality, God’s blessing is set before them, as if Moses had commanded the people to testify their gratitude; since whatever springs from the earth, is the mere bounty of God Himself.

Calvin: Deu 16:11 - -- 11.And thou shalt require On another ground he exhorts and excites them to willingness, because the service of God brings this rejoicing; for there i...

11.And thou shalt require On another ground he exhorts and excites them to willingness, because the service of God brings this rejoicing; for there is nothing which ought more to stimulate us to obedience, that when we know that God rather consults our good than seeks to obtain any advantage from us. Ungodly men, indeed, rejoice also, nay, they are wanton and intemperate in their joy; but since that joy is not only transient, but their laughter is turned into weeping and gnashing of teeth, it is not without cause that Moses here magnifies it as a peculiar blessing, to rejoice before God; as if a father should invite his children to delight themselves together with him. But by this external exercise, believers were reminded that there is no real or desirable joy, unless in reference to God. And surely, however the wicked may exult in their pleasures, and abandon themselves to gratifcations, still, since tranquillity of conscience, which alone brings true rejoicing, is wanting to them, they do not enjoy the merriment into which they plunge themselves. Finally, Moses amplifies by a comparison the good which they enjoyed in the service of God, when he says, “And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt;” for that their present condition might be more pleasant to them, he heightened its sweetness by the recollection of their most miserable captivity. I have here neglected Cicero’s 360 very subtle distinction between the words gaudium and laetitia, for unless I take both of them in a good sense, I could not translate the Hebrew words, whereby God would express how indulgently He deals with His children. Meanwhile, this passage contains an exhortation to render thanks to God our deliverer.

Calvin: Deu 16:13 - -- 13.Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles Its first day was called the day of In-gathering, ( collectionum ,) because the produce of the whole...

13.Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles Its first day was called the day of In-gathering, ( collectionum ,) because the produce of the whole year was then stored in their granaries 361 and provision cellars. Since, therefore, they then rested from their rural labors, it was a convenient time of year for the celebration of the festivals; for in order that they might more willingly go up to Jerusalem, it was arranged by God, that it should be done with but little expense and sacrifice of their domestic interests. Where our translation is, “When Jehovah shall have blessed thee,” it stands literally, “Because he shall bless thee,” 362 but the sense is nearly the same; for Moses assures them that, provided they devote their minds diligently and faithfully to the service of God, they shall never want grounds for rejoicing, since He will never interrupt the flow of His blessing. The end, therefore, of the fifteenth verse, is not a mere command, but also a promise; as if he had said, that, if they were not ungrateful, there was no fear but that God would continually supply new cause for gladness; and these two clauses are to be taken in connection, “God will bless thee, and, therefore, thou shalt only rejoice;” for in this passage I willingly interpret thus 363 the particle אך , ak. It is indeed absurd to take it adversatively. It will not, therefore, be improper to explain it exclusively, as if he said, that, there should be no sorrow or anxiety, which should hinder them from the performance of their pious duty; those who render it “ surely,” approach also to this meaning.

Calvin: Deu 16:16 - -- 16.Three times in a year We have previously said that although the other feast-days were not to be neglected, still, because God would make some allo...

16.Three times in a year We have previously said that although the other feast-days were not to be neglected, still, because God would make some allowance for the infirmity of His people, the necessity of going up to Jerusalem five times a year was not imposed upon them. Again, because only half of the seventh month contained three feast-days, i.e., from the first to the fifteenth, for the same reason it is only required of the males that they should leave their houses and celebrate the sacred convocations; for thus the females are spared, to whom traveling is not so convenient. Besides, through the fecundity promised them by God, they were almost always either pregnant or nursing. It is also certain that the boys and young men were excepted under the age of twenty, since God includes under the term males only those who were comprised in the census. If any object that in God’s spiritual worship there is no difference between males and females; the reply is easy, that the fathers of families presented themselves there in the names of their wives and children: so that the profession was extended to the other sex, and to those of tender age. To this David seems to allude, when he says: 364

"Thy people shall come with voluntary offerings in the day of thy assembly, in the beauties of holiness,” (Psa 110:3;)

for, speaking of the free-will-offerings of the people, he seeks an example of it, after the manner of the prophets, from the legal worship. Lest the Jews should object that there was danger of hostile invasion, if the land should be stripped of its defenses by the gathering together of all the men into one place, God anticipates this doubt in Exo 34:0, promising that He will provide that no one shall desire to assail their forsaken homes; for to this the sentence refers: “ I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders, so that no man shall desire thy land, ” Exo 34:24 Whence also we gather, that God’s worship was not entirely established until all the neighboring nations were subdued, and He had placed His sanctuary in Mount Zion. Not that it was allowable for the people to omit the feast-days before that time; but that experience itself might teach them that God was wroth with them, whilst He deprived them of this special blessing; for fear and alarm arose only from their own fault. But let believers collect from hence the useful doctrine that, whenever they are following God, they will be safe under His protection, since it is in His power to repel the assaults of enemies, and everything that can harm them.

And they shall not appear before the Lord empty, 365 I know not how it could have entered the minds of some to suppose that God here promised that all should be rich who should present themselves three times (a year) before His sanctuary: whereas it is plain from the words of Moses that He requires from every one some gift in token of their gratitude. And perhaps 366 what historians relate respecting the Persians, that none should dare to address the king without a gift, was a more ancient custom, and common to other nations. God would indeed have a gift presented Him by each individual, as a symbol or earnest of their subjection; and, although this legal rite has ceased, yet its substance is to be retained, viz., that those only are true servants of God who do not boastfully make a mere empty profession, but effectually testify that they acknowledge Him as their King.

Defender: Deu 16:2 - -- For the seven annual "feasts of JEHOVAH," see Leviticus 23. These included, in order, these feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Weeks (or...

For the seven annual "feasts of JEHOVAH," see Leviticus 23. These included, in order, these feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Weeks (or Pentecost), Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles (or Ingathering). In this chapter, the Lord through Moses reminds the people again of their solemn obligation to keep the Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread (Deu 16:1-8), the Feast of Weeks (Deu 16:9-12), and the Feast of Tabernacles (Deu 16:13-15). These were not more significant than the other feasts, but at these three (with the Passover and Unleavened Bread feast associated together) all the men of Israel were to make a special offering to the Lord from their increase (Exo 23:14-17)."

TSK: Deu 16:1 - -- the month : Exod. 12:2-20, Exo 34:18; Lev 23:5; Num 9:2-5, Num 28:16 the passover : This word comes from the Hebrew verb pasach , to pass, to leap o...

the month : Exod. 12:2-20, Exo 34:18; Lev 23:5; Num 9:2-5, Num 28:16

the passover : This word comes from the Hebrew verb pasach , to pass, to leap or skip over. The destroying angel passed over the houses marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb, so the wrath of God passes over those whose souls sprinkled with the blood of Christ. 1Co 5:7. As the paschal lamb was killed before Israel was delivered, so by the death of Christ, we have redemption through his blood. It was killed before the tables of the law were delivered to Moses, or Aaron’ s sacrifices were enjoined; thus deliverance comes to men, not by the works of the law, but by the only true passover, the Lamb of God. Rom 3:25. Heb 9:14. It was killed the first month of the year, which prefigured that Christ should suffer death in that month. Joh 18:28. it was killed in the evening. Exo 12:6. Christ suffered at that time of the day. Mat 27:46. Heb 1:2. At even the sun sets; at Christ’ s passion, universal darkness was upon the whole earth. The passover was roasted with fire, denoting the sharp and dreadful pains that Christ should suffer, not only from men, but God also. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs, Exo 12:8; not only to put them in remembrance of their bitter bondage in Egypt, but also to testify our mortification to sin, and readiness to undergo afflictions for Christ, Col 1:24; and likewise to teach us the absolute necessity of true repentance in all that would profitably feed by faith on Christ, the true paschal lamb.

for in : Exo 12:29-42, Exo 13:4, Exo 23:15, Exo 34:18

TSK: Deu 16:2 - -- sacrifice : Exo 12:5-7; Num 28:16-19; 2Ch 35:7; Mat 26:2, Mat 26:17; Mar 14:12; Luk 22:8, Luk 22:15; 1Co 5:7 in the place which : Deu 12:5, Deu 12:11,...

TSK: Deu 16:3 - -- eat no : Exo 12:15, Exo 12:19, Exo 12:20, Exo 12:39, Exo 13:3-7, Exo 34:18; Lev 23:6; Num 9:11, Num 28:17; 1Co 5:8 the bread : 1Ki 22:27; Psa 102:9, P...

TSK: Deu 16:4 - -- there shall : Exo 12:15, Exo 13:7, Exo 34:25 neither : Exo 12:10

there shall : Exo 12:15, Exo 13:7, Exo 34:25

neither : Exo 12:10

TSK: Deu 16:5 - -- sacrifice : or, kill, Deu 16:2, Deu 12:5, Deu 12:6

sacrifice : or, kill, Deu 16:2, Deu 12:5, Deu 12:6

TSK: Deu 16:6 - -- at even : Exo 12:6-9; Num 9:3, Num 9:11; Mat 26:20; Heb 1:2, Heb 1:3, Heb 9:26; 1Pe 1:19, 1Pe 1:20

TSK: Deu 16:7 - -- roast : Exo 12:8, Exo 12:9; 2Ch 35:13; Psa 22:14, Psa 22:15 in the place : Deu 16:2, Deu 16:6; 2Ki 23:23; Joh 2:13, Joh 2:23, Joh 11:55

TSK: Deu 16:8 - -- Six days : Exo 12:15, Exo 12:16, Exo 13:7, Exo 13:8; Lev 23:6-8; Num 28:17-19 solemn assembly : Heb. restraint, Lev 23:36; 2Ch 7:9; Neh 8:18; Joe 1:14...

Six days : Exo 12:15, Exo 12:16, Exo 13:7, Exo 13:8; Lev 23:6-8; Num 28:17-19

solemn assembly : Heb. restraint, Lev 23:36; 2Ch 7:9; Neh 8:18; Joe 1:14 *marg.

TSK: Deu 16:9 - -- Deu 16:10, Deu 16:16; Exo 23:16, Exo 34:22; Lev 23:15, Lev 23:16; Num 28:26-30; 2Ch 8:13; Act 2:1; 1Co 16:8; Heb 2:1

TSK: Deu 16:10 - -- a tribute : or, sufficiency, Deu 16:16; Lev 5:7, Lev 12:8, Lev 25:26 *marg. Num 31:28, Num 31:37; Pro 3:9, Pro 3:10 according : Deu 16:17; Pro 10:22; ...

TSK: Deu 16:11 - -- Deu 16:14, Deu 12:7, Deu 12:12, Deu 12:18; Isa 64:5, Isa 66:10-14; Hab 3:18; Rom 5:11; 2Co 1:24; Phi 4:4

TSK: Deu 16:12 - -- Deu 16:15, Deu 15:15; Lam 3:19, Lam 3:20; Rom 6:17, Rom 6:18; Eph 2:1-3, Eph 2:11

TSK: Deu 16:13 - -- the feast : Deu 31:10; Exo 23:16, Exo 34:22; Lev 23:34-36; Num. 29:12-40; 2Ch 5:3, 2Ch 7:8-10; 2Ch 8:13; Ezr 3:4; Neh 8:14-18; Zec 14:16-18; Joh 7:2 c...

the feast : Deu 31:10; Exo 23:16, Exo 34:22; Lev 23:34-36; Num. 29:12-40; 2Ch 5:3, 2Ch 7:8-10; 2Ch 8:13; Ezr 3:4; Neh 8:14-18; Zec 14:16-18; Joh 7:2

corn and thy wine : Heb. floor and thine wine-press

TSK: Deu 16:14 - -- Deu 12:12, Deu 26:11; Neh 8:9-12; Ecc 9:7; Isa 12:1-6, Isa 25:6-8, Isa 30:29, Isa 35:10; 1Th 5:16

TSK: Deu 16:15 - -- Seven days : Lev 23:36-42; Num. 29:12-38 because : Deu 16:10, Deu 7:13, Deu 28:8-12, Deu 30:16

Seven days : Lev 23:36-42; Num. 29:12-38

because : Deu 16:10, Deu 7:13, Deu 28:8-12, Deu 30:16

TSK: Deu 16:16 - -- Three times : Exo 23:14-17, Exo 34:22, Exo 34:23; 1Ki 9:25 and they shall : Exo 23:15, Exo 34:20; 1Ch 29:3-9, 1Ch 29:14-17; Psa 96:8; Pro 3:9, Pro 3:1...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Deu 16:1-8 - -- The cardinal point on which the whole of the prescriptions in this chapter turn, is evidently the same as has been so often insisted on in the previ...

The cardinal point on which the whole of the prescriptions in this chapter turn, is evidently the same as has been so often insisted on in the previous chapters, namely, the concentration of the religious services of the people round one common sanctuary. The prohibition against observing the great Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and tabernacle, the three annual epochs in the sacred year of the Jew, at home and in private, is reiterated in a variety of words no less than six times in the first sixteen verses of this chapter Deu 16:2, Deu 16:6-7, Deu 16:11, Deu 16:15-16. Hence, it is easy to see why nothing is here said of the other holy days.

The Feast of Passover Exo. 12:1-27; Num 9:1-14; Lev 23:1-8. A re-enforcement of this ordinance was the more necessary because its observance had clearly been intermitted for thirty-nine years (see Jos 6:10). One Passover only had been kept in the wilderness, that recorded in Num. 9, where see the notes.

Deu 16:2

Sacrifice the passover - " i. e."offer the sacrifices proper to the feast of the Passover, which lasted seven days. Compare a similar use of the word in a general sense in Joh 18:28. In the latter part of Deu 16:4 and in the following verses Moses passes, as the context again shows, into the narrower sense of the word Passover.

Deu 16:7

After the Paschal Supper in the courts or neighborhood of the sanctuary was over, they might disperse to their several "tents"or "dwellings"1Ki 8:66. These would of course be within a short distance of the sanctuary, because the other Paschal offerings were yet to be offered day by day for seven days and the people would remain to share them; and especially to take part in the holy convocation on the first and seventh of the days.

Barnes: Deu 16:9-12 - -- Feast of Weeks; and Deu 16:13-17, Feast of Tabernacles. Nothing is here added to the rules given in Leviticus and Numbers except the clauses so ofte...

Feast of Weeks; and Deu 16:13-17, Feast of Tabernacles. Nothing is here added to the rules given in Leviticus and Numbers except the clauses so often recurring in Deuteronomy and so characteristic of it, which restrict the public celebration of the festivals to the sanctuary, and enjoin that the enjoyments of them should be extended to the Levites, widows, orphans, etc.

Poole: Deu 16:1 - -- Object. They came out of Egypt by day, and in the morning, as appears from Exo 12:22 13:3 Num 33:3 . Answ They are said to be brought out by nigh...

Object. They came out of Egypt by day, and in the morning, as appears from Exo 12:22 13:3 Num 33:3 .

Answ They are said to be brought out by night, because in the night Pharaoh was forced to give them leave to depart, and accordingly they made preparation for their departure, and in the morning they perfected the work.

Poole: Deu 16:2 - -- The passover i.e. either, 1. Properly and strictly so called, which was the paschal lamb, and so the sheep and oxen, which here follow, are mentio...

The passover i.e. either,

1. Properly and strictly so called, which was the paschal lamb, and so the sheep and oxen, which here follow, are mentioned only as additional sacrifices, which were to be offered in the seven days of the paschal solemnity, Num 28:18,19 , &c. Or,

2. Largely, to wit, for the passover-offerings , to wit, which were offered after the lamb in the seven days, and so this very word is used 2Ch 35:8,9 . And this signification seems necessary here, partly because it is here said to consist

of the flock and of the herd or of sheep and oxen , and partly because it follows, Deu 16:3 , Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it, seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith , i.e. with the passover, which could not be done with the passover strictly so called, which was to be wholly spent in one day. Or,

3. The feast of the passover, and so the place may be rendered, Thou shalt therefore observe or keep the feast of the passover (as those same Hebrew words are taken, Num 9:5 Jos 5:10 2Ch 35:1,17,18,19 ) unto the Lord thy God, with sheep and with oxen , as is prescribed, Num 28:18 , &c.

Poole: Deu 16:3 - -- With it to wit, with the passover, in the sense delivered; or, in it , i.e. during the time of the feast of the passover. The bread of affliction ...

With it to wit, with the passover, in the sense delivered; or, in it , i.e. during the time of the feast of the passover.

The bread of affliction i.e. bread which is not usual nor pleasant, but unsavoury and unwholesome, to put thee in mind both of thy miseries endured in Egypt, and of thy hasty coming out of it, which allowed thee no time to leaven or to prepare thy bread.

Poole: Deu 16:4 - -- At even i.e. of the passover properly so called, and by these words plainly described; which circumlocution may seem to insinuate that the word passo...

At even i.e. of the passover properly so called, and by these words plainly described; which circumlocution may seem to insinuate that the word passover, Deu 16:1 , was improperly used, and therefore he chose rather to describe it than to name it, lest the ambiguity of the word should occasion some mistake.

Poole: Deu 16:5 - -- Within any of thy gates i. e of thy cities, as that word is oft used, as Gen 22:17 24:60 Deu 17:2 Rth 4:10 .

Within any of thy gates i. e of thy cities, as that word is oft used, as Gen 22:17 24:60 Deu 17:2 Rth 4:10 .

Poole: Deu 16:6 - -- There thou shalt sacrifice the passover to wit, in the court of the tabernacle or temple. This he prescribed, partly, that this great work might be d...

There thou shalt sacrifice the passover to wit, in the court of the tabernacle or temple. This he prescribed, partly, that this great work might be done with more solemnity and care, in such manner as God required; partly, because it was not only a sacrament, but also a sacrifice, as appears because it is so called, Exo 12:27 23:18 34:25 Num 9:7 , and because here was the sprinkling of blood, which is the essential part and character of a sacrifice; and partly, to design the place where Christ, the true Passover or Lamb of God, was to be slain.

At the season understand this with some latitude, as such phrases are commonly taken, about that season, when you had received command from me to go out of Egypt, and were preparing yourselves for the journey.

Poole: Deu 16:7 - -- Thou shalt roast so that word is used also 2Ch 35:13 . In the morning either, 1. The morning after the seventh day, as appears, partly, by the fol...

Thou shalt roast so that word is used also 2Ch 35:13 .

In the morning either,

1. The morning after the seventh day, as appears, partly, by the following verse, which is added to explain and limit this ambiguous word; partly, by the express command of God that the people should come to Jerusalem to keep this feast, which by God’ s appointment lasted for seven days; partly, from the examples of the people staying there the whole time of the feast, 2Ch 30:21 35:17 ; and partly, from the nature and business of this feast, wherein there being so many extraordinary sacrifices to be offered, and feasts made by the people upon the sacrifices, and two days of solemn assemblies, it is not probable that they would absent themselves from these solemn services, for the performance whereof they came purposely to Jerusalem. Or,

2. The morning after the first day, and so they were permitted to go then, and possibly some that lived near Jerusalem might go and return again to the last day of the solemn assembly. But the former seems more probable.

Thy tents i.e. thy dwellings, which he calls tents, as respecting their present state, and withal to put them in mind afterwards when they were settled in better habitations, that there was a time when they dwelt in tents.

Poole: Deu 16:8 - -- Six days to wit, besides the first day, on which the passover was killed; or rather besides the seventh and the last day, which is here mentioned apa...

Six days to wit, besides the first day, on which the passover was killed; or rather besides the seventh and the last day, which is here mentioned apart, not as if leavened bread might be eaten then, for the contrary was evident from many places, but because there was something more to be done, to wit, a solemn assembly to be kept. So in all there were seven days , as it is said, Exo 12:15 Lev 23:6 Num 28:17 .

Poole: Deu 16:9 - -- Seven weeks of which see on Exo 34:22 Lev 23:10,15 . To put the sickle to the corn i.e. to reap thy corn, thy barley, when the first-fruits were of...

Seven weeks of which see on Exo 34:22 Lev 23:10,15 .

To put the sickle to the corn i.e. to reap thy corn, thy barley, when the first-fruits were offered, Lev 23:10,11 .

Poole: Deu 16:10 - -- The feast of weeks i.e. of pentecost, Act 2:1 . Which thou shalt give over and besides what was appointed, Lev 23:17-20 Num 28:27-31 .

The feast of weeks i.e. of pentecost, Act 2:1 .

Which thou shalt give over and besides what was appointed, Lev 23:17-20 Num 28:27-31 .

Poole: Deu 16:13 - -- Of the feast of tabernacles see on Exo 23:16 Lev 23:34 Num 29:12 .

Of the feast of tabernacles see on Exo 23:16 Lev 23:34 Num 29:12 .

Poole: Deu 16:15 - -- To wit, in God and the effects of his favour, praising him with glad heart.

To wit, in God and the effects of his favour, praising him with glad heart.

Poole: Deu 16:16 - -- All thy males not the women, partly, because of their infirmity and unfitness for many journeys; partly, because the care of their children and famil...

All thy males not the women, partly, because of their infirmity and unfitness for many journeys; partly, because the care of their children and families lay upon them; and partly, because they were sufficiently represented in the men.

Haydock: Deu 16:1 - -- Statue. Hebrew matseba, means also a pillar, monument, heap of stones, image, title, &c., Genesis xxviii. --- Hateth, when they are designed for...

Statue. Hebrew matseba, means also a pillar, monument, heap of stones, image, title, &c., Genesis xxviii. ---

Hateth, when they are designed for superstitious purposes. On other occasions, statues and pictures may be very instructive and commendable. (Haydock) ---

The patriarchs set up pillars, altars, &c., as did also the Israelites, (Josue xxii. 10.) Samuel, &c., even after this prohibition, and without any offence. The Rabbins allow, that the proselytes of justice do well in erecting such monuments of religion, provided they be not intended for false worship. (Selden, Jur. ii. 6.) (Calmet) ---

How blind then must be our dissenting brethren, who cannot make this easy and obvious distinction, but indiscriminately condemn all Catholics as guilty of idolatry, because they make and keep in their chapels, and bow down before images of the saints. This trifling objection is pressed with great vigour by J. Wesley, the founder of the Methodists. "The Papists," says he, "set up their idols in their churches---they worship the picture of the Queen of heaven---they idolize a dead man or woman." To whom Dr. Parker, a Protestant bishop, replies: (Disc. for the Abrog. of the Test.) "Yet, after all, we have no other ground for the bold conceit, than some crude and rash assertions of some popular divines, who have no other measures of truth and zeal, but their hatred to popery....As to the use of images in the worship of God, I cannot but admire at the confidence of these men, to make so bold a charge against them in general, when the images of the cherubim were commanded by God himself, Exodus xxv. 22. They were the most solemn and sacred part of the Jewish religion, and therefore, though images, so far from idolatry, that God made them the seat of his presence, and from between them delivered his oracles. This instance is so plain and obvious to every reader,....that it is a much greater wonder to me that those men, who advance the objection of idolatry so groundlessly, ( against the greater part of Christendom, as he observed before) can so slightly rid themselves of so pregnant a proof against it." See an answer to the Rev. J. Wesley's Misrepresentations, &c., by the Rev. N. G. published at Whitby, 1811, where some of the variations in doctrine of the pillars of Methodism, are also briefly noticed, as well as the absurdity of a man setting up for a reformer of religion, who at the time did not believe in Christ, (Journal ii. p. 102-3,) and for forty-two years afterwards preached a doctrine either Popish (Jour. for 1739) or Antinomian, than which, to use the words of his own recantation, " nothing could be more false. " (Minutes of a conference, 1770.) It may not be improper to observe, that in the last great deluge of error, the Methodist Society began, 1st May, 1738, at London, though it had a more obscure beginning at Oxford, 1729, and another at Havannah, 1736. Yet even when this third grand attempt was made to spread it wider, and to rectify former mistakes, the author acknowledges that he was not converted, no not till many days afterwards, when, being in a Lutheran society! (26th May) "an assurance, says he, was given me, that Christ had taken away my sins, even mine;" (Journal) and still, in the year 1770, he had to "review the whole affair." Such is the man who has deluded so many thousands! Out of thy own mouth will I condemn thee. Surely those who wilfully follow such blind guides, deserve to fall into the ditch. What confidence now can the Methodists have in the interpretations which Wesley has given them of the Scriptures, since he stumbled in broad daylight; and even preached for above thirty years together, that the observance of God's law is not only unnecessary, but sinful, an error to which he was forced, at last, to open his eyes by the scandalous immoralities of several of his deluded admirers, whom he had been all along foolishly flattering with the assurance that faith alone would insure their salvation. Strange it may appear, that he should not be put on his guard by the fall of Luther, who split against the same rock, and scrupled not to condemn the Epistle of St. James as not worth a straw, stramineam epistolam, an expression for which he is said afterwards to have been sorry, as Wesley was for the doctrine which he had been delivering for so many years. But the evil was then done. Multitudes had been deceived by these arch impostors. Their surviving followers might, however, if they would, derive this lesson from their tardy repentance and recantation, to examine with more caution their other doctrines, which they have delivered with the like confidence; and as they have reason to fear the yielding of an implicit belief to such innovators, so they may be induced to flee to the ark, the true Catholic Church, that they may be protected from the contradiction of tongues, Psalm xxx. 21. (St. Augustine, ibid.) "After Christ and the gospel, we have no farther inquiry to make." (Tertullian) ---

We know that novelty in religion is a sure mark of falsehood, as no one can place any other foundation besides that which has been fixed by the beginner and finisher of our faith. From the written and unwritten Word of God, we learn what He has taught, and among the rest, we are authorized to keep holy pictures with respect. This is not an attempt against the worship of God, but designed to promote it. We do not make them to ourselves, without a divine authority. The same things which we are not allowed to adore, we must not make. Yet Methodists have and make pictures. We have God's will clearly expressed to us by his Church, which he has commanded us to hear and obey. If we be led astray by so doing, we may at least plead that we did, to the best of our judgment, as we were ordered by God; which those, who choose for themselves, cannot do. If this Church, so strongly recommended to us in Scripture, be capable of deceiving us in an affair of so great consequence as in that of idolatry, to what article of the Christian revelation can we yield our assent with safety? So, on the other hand, if Luther and Wesley have grossly imposed on their followers, by teaching them to believe that Catholics are idolaters, and that faith alone is necessary for salvation, as they are self-convicted in the latter point, how can their disciples forget the old proverb, "A liar is not believed even when he speaks the truth;" and consequently, how can they take up their faith on their bare word, though they may pretend to ground their doctrine on the word of God? They confessedly misapplied that sacred word, with respect to faith alone, and they shut their eyes to the obvious meaning of the texts which forbid graven things. Ought not, therefore, the unlearned and the unstable to dread lest they may have wrested the other Scriptures to their own perdition? (2 Peter iii. 16.) See Exodus xx. This subject is of such vast importance, the accusation of idolatry is of so black a nature, that it deserves to be accurately and frequently refuted. It is not an accusation brought only by a few obscure individuals, who have not the power to do any great harm to it; the most exalted dignitaries of the Protestant church, such as Dr. Shute, of Durham, in two charges to his clergy, the most famous modern reformers, like Wesley, &c., have not scrupled to repeat the calumny; and the Legislature has, for many years, been actuated by what they perhaps have thought a pious zeal, to exterminate the imitators of the Chanaanites! They may have listened too attentively to the intolerant institutor of the love-feasts, (who seems, nevertheless, to threaten the overthrow of the established church) and who, in the excess of his zeal, exclaims, "I insist upon it that no government, not Roman Catholic, ought to tolerate men of the Roman Catholic persuasion." (Letter written 1780, a short time before the riots.) They must then be murdered, banished, or forced into the church, that little society which began in the evening of the 1st of May, 1738, in Fetter-lane; (Journal i.) for Methodists assert, that the God of this world has hitherto triumphed over every revival of true religion, (Dedic. prefixed to the Life of J. Wesley, by Drs. Coke and Moore) and consequently over the reformed Church of England; so that they can hardly insist, that we should embrace her doctrine, and thus increase the triumph of the devil. We have therefore no alternative left, but either to abandon our country or our religion. These are the apostles, worthy of Mahomet, who would have us believe that they are inspired by the Holy Ghost, and divinely commissioned to raise another holy temple out of the scattered lively stones of that once beautiful building, which was erected by Jesus Christ, against which they say (Ibid.) the gates of hell have never wholly prevailed. These are the teachers whom they have heaped up to themselves, having itching ears, 2 Timothy iv. 3. These are the interpreters of the sacred oracles. Both Wesley and Coke have, at least, acquired great celebrity with their adherents, by their labours in this way; but how much their explication may be depended upon, we may form some judgment from the preceding remarks. The character of bishop, which Dr. Coke extorted from the hands of his great master, 10th of Sept. 1784, at Bristol, will not give us any higher idea of the sagacity of either. It disgusted all thinking men, as a similar action of Luther, a fallen priest, consecrating a bishop had done long before. Mr. Charles Wesley upon hearing of his brother having ordained a bishop, being but a presbyter himself, is said to have exclaimed, "So easily are bishops made, by man's or woman's whim;

Wesley his hands on Coke has laid---but who laid hands on him?

See Nightingale, &c., for further information on Methodism, which now makes such a noise, though its novelty, variations, acknowledged mistakes, calumnies, spirit of persecution, want of lawful pastors, &c., here briefly instanced, might suffice to put people upon their guard. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 16:1 - -- Corn. Hebrew abib, "green ears of corn," when barley begins to ripen, and wheat is yet green in Palestine; at the time of the year which correspon...

Corn. Hebrew abib, "green ears of corn," when barley begins to ripen, and wheat is yet green in Palestine; at the time of the year which corresponds with half of our March and April. The Chaldeans called this month Nisan, "of the standards;" because the armies then left thir winter quarters. The first-fruits of the barley harvest were offered on the second day of the paschal solemnity, Leviticus xxiii. 10., and Exodus xiii. 4. (Calmet) ---

Night. We read (Exodus xii. 22., and Numbers xxxiii. 3,) that the Hebrews were ordered not to leave their houses till morning, and that they departed from Ramesses on the day after the passage of the destroying angel. They began, therefore, to prepare for their journey on the evening of the 14th, and began their march at day-break on the 15th of Nisan, ver. 6. Their departure may be considered in its different stages: 1. Of eating the paschal lamb, with their staves in their hands; 2. of being urged by the Egyptians to depart, at midnight; 3. of their leaving their respective homes, to meet all together at Ramesses; and lastly, [ 4. ] of their beginning their march from that place to leave Egypt. They did not, however, quit the confines till they had passed the Red Sea, which took place effectually in the night, Exodus xiv. 20, 24. (Haydock) ---

Thus they departed in the evening, at night, in the morning, and in the open day. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 16:2 - -- Phase. Hebrew and Septuagint, "the Phase (or lamb) to the Lord thy God, sheep and oxen," or "of the flock and the herd," (Protestant) offered on the...

Phase. Hebrew and Septuagint, "the Phase (or lamb) to the Lord thy God, sheep and oxen," or "of the flock and the herd," (Protestant) offered on the same festival, (Haydock) or victims proper for the solemnity, besides the paschal lamb, Numbers xxviii. 19., and 2 Paralipomenon xxx. 15. Peace-offerings were also made; (Leviticus vi. 12., and 2 Paralipomenon xxxv. 7,) and of these free offerings some explain the words of the Jews, (John xviii. 28,) as they suppose the lamb had been eaten the night before. (Menochius; Bochart; Tirinus) ---

They might, however, have refrained from eating of these on that day. (Calmet) ---

But they perhaps did not choose to be debarred of that privilege. ---

There. The place peculiarly consecrated to the worship of God, for length of days. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 16:3 - -- Affliction. Hebrew also, "of poverty." Syriac, "of humility." Septuagint, "of evil treatment;" or such bread as the poorest sort of people and slav...

Affliction. Hebrew also, "of poverty." Syriac, "of humility." Septuagint, "of evil treatment;" or such bread as the poorest sort of people and slaves are forced to eat. The Jews serve the bread in small pieces, to denote their former poverty. This unleavened bread is also less palatable, and less wholesome. ---

Fear. Septuagint, "in haste," Exodus xii. 11. The psalmist (Psalm civ. 43,) mentions the exultation and joy of the Hebrews, but it was mixed with fear, lest they should lose so great a benefit.

Haydock: Deu 16:6 - -- Phase, or paschal lamb, which was to be sacrificed between the two evenings, during the space of about four hours, in the court before the ark. So...

Phase, or paschal lamb, which was to be sacrificed between the two evenings, during the space of about four hours, in the court before the ark. Some think that this precept was binding only in times of peace; and that when the people could not assemble in the place appointed, they might sacrifice the lamb elsewhere, which seems very probable, though no positive proof can be adduced. In the reign of Amon, when the priests could not perform their sacred functions in the temple, they removed the ark to another place: but Josias caused it to be brought back, 2 Paralipomenon xxxv. 3. (Calmet) ---

As the Jews have now no temple, they cannot sacrifice the paschal lamb. (Tirinus) ---

The priests were very expert, and observed an admirable order in offering such a surprising multitude of victims, (Calmet) as would be offered by every family of ten people. (Haydock) ---

The blood, and perhaps the fat also, was presented on the altar of holocausts, which was very large, and the court exceedingly spacious. (Calmet) ---

Which. This may not signify the precise hour, but may refer to all the time while the Hebrews were preparing for and commencing their journey. (Menochius) Ver. 1. ---

Hebrew, "at the (return of the) season in which," &c.

Haydock: Deu 16:7 - -- Dress, ( coques .) Hebrew bashal means frequently, to boil, and sometimes to roast, as it must here, if it refer to the paschal lamb; the othe...

Dress, ( coques .) Hebrew bashal means frequently, to boil, and sometimes to roast, as it must here, if it refer to the paschal lamb; the other victims might however be boiled, and the Septuagint use both expressions, "Thou shalt boil and roast." See 2 Paralipomenon xxxv. 13. It seems that Moses speaks only of the lamb, the method of preparing which he had abundantly explained before. (Calmet) ---

Hebrew has not it, and of course the passage may be understood of all the victims offered on this solemnity. On the morning after it was concluded, people might all depart to their respective homes. The Rabbins observe, that the could not do this on the morning of the 15th Nisan, as it was a solemn festival, on which long journeys were prohibited, and they ought to wait till the end of the seventh day, to make their offering. Under Ezechias and Josias the people appear to have continued together during the whole octave, 2 Paralipomenon xxx., and xxxv. 17. (Haydock) ---

Others are of opinion that the people might retire home after the 15th, (Tostat) or in the morning after they had eaten the paschal lamb. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 16:8 - -- Six days after the solemn day is ended, or in all seven (Exodus xiii. 7.; Calmet); or the seventh day is here remarkable for some particular distinct...

Six days after the solemn day is ended, or in all seven (Exodus xiii. 7.; Calmet); or the seventh day is here remarkable for some particular distinction. (Menochius) ---

Assembly. Hebrew, " the feast of prohibition, or of withholding," or rather the festival day, in which all must make their appearance, to do homage to their Lord, Leviticus xxiii. 36. (Calmet) ---

Septuagint, "on the 7th is the dismission, ( or termination) a feast to the Lord." (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 16:9 - -- Corn: that is, from the 16th of Nisan, (Menochius) the second day of the paschal solemnity, on which new barley was presented before the Lord, as new...

Corn: that is, from the 16th of Nisan, (Menochius) the second day of the paschal solemnity, on which new barley was presented before the Lord, as new wheat was on the second day of Pentecost, Leviticus xxiii. 10.

Haydock: Deu 16:10 - -- Hand. Hebrew and Septuagint, "as much as thy hand is able;" an offering, bearing a due proportion with what God has bestowed upon thee. (Haydock) -...

Hand. Hebrew and Septuagint, "as much as thy hand is able;" an offering, bearing a due proportion with what God has bestowed upon thee. (Haydock) ---

Each one was exhorted to make peace-offerings and feasts, at Jerusalem, in honour of God, ver. 11. On these festival days the first-born, fattened animals, were brought to be slain, chap. xii. 17., and xiv. 23. The Jews think that by these feasts their solemnities are very much honoured. But the intention of the lawgiver, was only to keep them at a distance from the profane rejoicings of the pagans, and to raise their thoughts and their hearts, by degrees, to the more solid spiritual delights. There were, however, too much inclined to stop at the gratification of the senses, and understood in that sense the sabbath, which Isaias (lviii. 13,) calls delightful, or delicate. (Buxtorf, Syn. x.)

Haydock: Deu 16:12 - -- Commanded, in gratitude for past favours.

Commanded, in gratitude for past favours.

Haydock: Deu 16:15 - -- In joy. Hebrew adds, "surely, or wholly." Hence the Rabbins esteem it unlawful to marry on these days, lest they should blend sacred and worldly jo...

In joy. Hebrew adds, "surely, or wholly." Hence the Rabbins esteem it unlawful to marry on these days, lest they should blend sacred and worldly joy together.

Haydock: Deu 16:16 - -- Empty. All were bound to make some offering, which was left to their option, and thus the festivity was much increased, by the abundance of all thin...

Empty. All were bound to make some offering, which was left to their option, and thus the festivity was much increased, by the abundance of all things; so that all might find a particular pleasure in being present at these feasts, even though they were not influenced by sentiments of piety and of religion. See Exodus xxiii. 15. (Calmet) ---

While the masters of families were from home, thrice in the year, God protected their houses and children from the incursions of enemies, so that they were never more secure. (Sanctius) (Tirinus)

Gill: Deu 16:1 - -- Observe the month of Abib,.... Sometimes called Nisan; it answered to part, of our March, and part of April; it was an observable month, to be taken n...

Observe the month of Abib,.... Sometimes called Nisan; it answered to part, of our March, and part of April; it was an observable month, to be taken notice of; it was called Abib, from the corn then appearing in ear, and beginning to ripen, and all things being in their verdure; the Septuagint calls it the month of new fruit; it was appointed the first of the months for ecclesiastic things, and was the month in which the Israelites went out of Egypt, and the first passover was kept in it, and therefore deserving of regard; see Exo 12:2.

for in the month of Abib the Lord thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night; for though they did not set out until morning, when it was day light, and are said to come out in the day, yet it was in the night the Lord did wonders for them, as Onkelos paraphrases this clause; that he smote all the firstborn in Egypt, and passed over the houses of the Israelites, the door posts being sprinkled with the blood of the passover lamb slain that night, and therefore was a night much to be observed; and it was in the night Pharaoh arose and gave them leave to go; and from that time they were no more under his power, and from thence may be reckoned their coming out of bondage; see Exo 12:12.

Gill: Deu 16:2 - -- Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto the Lord thy God,.... In the month Abib, and in the night of that month they came out of Egypt, even ...

Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto the Lord thy God,.... In the month Abib, and in the night of that month they came out of Egypt, even on the fourteenth day of it at night, between the two evenings, as the Targum of Jonathan; which was a lamb, and typical of Christ, the passover sacrificed for us, 1Co 5:7.

of the flock and the herd; that is, you shall sacrifice also the offerings which were offered throughout the seven days of unleavened bread, and these were both sheep and oxen, Num 28:19 and are expressly called passover offerings and peace offerings, 2Ch 30:21, for what was strictly and properly the passover was only of the flock, a lamb, and not of the herd, or a bullock; though Aben Ezra says there were some that thought that in Egypt it was only a lamb or a kid, but now it might be a bullock; which he observes is not right. It may be indeed that the word "passover" here is a general term, comprehending the whole passover solemnity, and all the sacrifices of the seven days: the Jews commonly understand this clause of the Chagigah, or feast of the fifteenth day, the first day of unleavened bread, and so the Targum of Jonathan,"and the sheep and the oxen on the morrow;''some distinguish them thus, the flock for the duty of the passover, the herd for the peace offerings, so Aben Ezra; or as Jarchi interprets it, the flock of the lambs and kids, and the herd for the Chagigah or festival; in the Talmud m; the flock, this is the passover; the herd, this is the Chagigah, so Abendana: there was a Chagigah of the fourteenth day, which was brought with the lamb and eaten first, when the company was too large for the lamb, that their might eat with satiety n; but this was not reckoned obligatory upon them o, but they were bound to bring their Chagigah on the fifteenth day:

in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name there; that is, at Jerusalem, as the event has shown; hence we read of the parents of our Lord going up to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover, Luk 2:41.

Gill: Deu 16:3 - -- Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it,.... With the passover, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it; that is, with the passover lamb, nor indeed w...

Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it,.... With the passover, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it; that is, with the passover lamb, nor indeed with any of the passover, or peace offerings, as follows; see Exo 12:8.

seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread therewith; with the passover; this plainly shows, that by the passover in the preceding verse is not meant strictly the passover lamb, for that was eaten at once on the night of the fourteenth of the month, and not seven days running, and therefore must be put for the whole solemnity of the feast, and all the sacrifices of it, both the lamb of the fourteenth, and the Chagigah of the fifteenth, and every of the peace offerings of the rest of the days were to be eaten with unleavened bread:

even the bread of affliction; so called either from the nature of its being heavy and lumpish, not grateful to the taste nor easy of digestion, and was mortifying and afflicting to be obliged to eat of it seven days together; or rather from the use of it, which was, as Jarchi observes, to bring to remembrance the affliction they were afflicted with in Egypt:

for thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste; and had not time to leaven their dough; so that at first they were obliged through necessity to eat unleavened bread, and afterwards by the command of God in remembrance of it; see Exo 12:33,

that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life; how it was with them then, how they were hurried out with their unleavened dough; and that this might be imprinted on their minds, the master of the family used p, at the time of the passover, to break a cake of unleavened bread, and say, this is the bread of affliction, &c. or bread of poverty; as it is the way of poor men to have broken bread, so here is broken bread.

Gill: Deu 16:4 - -- And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coasts seven days,.... For before the passover they were to search diligently every roo...

And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coasts seven days,.... For before the passover they were to search diligently every room in the house, and every hole and crevice, that none might remain any where; see Exo 12:15,

neither shall there be anything of the flesh, which thou sacrificedst the first day at even, remain all night until the morning; which may be understood both of the flesh of the passover lamb, as Aben Ezra, according to Exo 12:10 and of the flesh of flocks and herds, or of the Chagigah; according to Jarchi this Scripture speaks of the Chagigah of the fourteenth, which was not to remain on the first day of the feast (the fifteenth) until the morning of the second day (the sixteenth).

Gill: Deu 16:5 - -- Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates,.... Or cities, as the Targum of Jonathan, so called because they usually had gates to ...

Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates,.... Or cities, as the Targum of Jonathan, so called because they usually had gates to them, in which public affairs were transacted; but in none of these, only in the city of Jerusalem, the place the Lord chose, might they kill the passover and eat it, and other passover offerings:

which the Lord thy God giveth thee; in the land of Canaan, and which land was given them of God.

Gill: Deu 16:6 - -- But at the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in,.... To place the ark and the mercy seat with the cherubim over them, where ...

But at the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in,.... To place the ark and the mercy seat with the cherubim over them, where he caused his Shechinah, or divine Majesty, to dwell; and this was at Jerusalem, where the temple was built by Solomon:

there thou shalt sacrifice the passover; kill and eat the paschal lamb:

at even, at the going down of the sun; between the two evenings it was killed, before the sun was set, and afterwards at night it was eaten; the Targum of Jonathan is,"and at evening, at the setting of the sun, ye shall eat it until the middle of the night:"

at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt; or as the same Targum,"the time of the beginning of your redemption out of Egypt;''which was when Pharaoh rose at midnight, and gave them leave to go; from thence their redemption commenced, though they did not actually set out until the morning.

Gill: Deu 16:7 - -- And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose,.... The word for "roast" signifies to "boil", and is justly so used,...

And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose,.... The word for "roast" signifies to "boil", and is justly so used, and so Onkelos here renders it, and the Septuagint version both roast and boil; but it is certain that the passover lamb was not to be boiled, it is expressly forbidden, Exo 12:8 wherefore some think the Chagigah is here meant, and the other offerings that were offered at this feast; and so in the times of Josiah they roasted the passover with fire, according to the ordinance of God; but the other holy offerings sod or boiled they in pots, cauldrons and pans, and divided them speedily among the people, 2Ch 35:13, but the passover lamb seems plainly to be meant here by the connection of this verse with the preceding verses; wherefore Jarchi observes, that this is to be understood of roasting with fire, though expressed by this word:

and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents; not in the morning of the fifteenth, after the passover had been killed and eaten on the fourteenth, but in the morning, after the feast of unleavened bread, which lasted seven days, was over; though some think that they might if they would depart home after the passover had been observed, and were not obliged to stay and keep the feast of unleavened bread at Jerusalem, but march to their own cities; and so Aben Ezra observes, that some say a man may go on a feast day to his house and country, but, says he, we do not agree to it; and it appears from the observation of other feasts, which lasted as long as these, that the people did not depart to their tents till the whole was over; see 1Ki 8:66 and with this agrees the Targum of Jonathan,"and thou shall turn in the morning of the going out of the feast, and go to thy cities.''Jarchi indeed interprets it afterwards of the second day.

Gill: Deu 16:8 - -- Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread,.... In other places it is ordered to be eaten seven days, Exo 12:15 and here it is not said six only; it was...

Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread,.... In other places it is ordered to be eaten seven days, Exo 12:15 and here it is not said six only; it was to be eaten on the seventh as on the other, though that is here distinguished from the six, because of special and peculiar service assigned to it, but not because of an exemption from eating unleavened bread on it. The Jews seem to understand this of different corn of which the bread was made, and not of different sort of bread; the Targum of Jonathan is, on the first day ye shall offer the sheaf (the firstfruits of the barley harvest), and on the six days which remain ye shall begin to eat the unleavened bread of the new fruits, and so Jarchi:

and on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the Lord thy God; a holy convocation, devoted to religious exercises, and the people were restrained, according to the sense of the word, from all servile work, as follows:

thou shalt do no work therein; that is, the business of their callings, their trades and manufactories; they were obliged to abstain from all kind of work excepting what was necessary for the dressing of food, and in this it differed from a sabbath; see Exo 12:16.

Gill: Deu 16:9 - -- Seven weeks then shalt thou number unto thee,.... And then another feast was to take place, called from hence the feast of weeks, and sometimes Pentec...

Seven weeks then shalt thou number unto thee,.... And then another feast was to take place, called from hence the feast of weeks, and sometimes Pentecost, from its being the fiftieth day:

begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn; for the sheaf of the wave offering, as the first fruits of barley harvest, which was done on the morrow after the sabbath in the passover week, and from thence seven weeks or fifty days were reckoned, and the fiftieth day was the feast here ordered to be kept; so the Targum of Jonathan,"after the reaping of the sheaf ye shall begin to number seven weeks;''see Lev 23:15.

Gill: Deu 16:10 - -- And thou shall keep the feast of weeks unto the Lord thy God,.... The feast of Pentecost, at which time the Spirit was poured down upon the apostles, ...

And thou shall keep the feast of weeks unto the Lord thy God,.... The feast of Pentecost, at which time the Spirit was poured down upon the apostles, Act 2:1.

with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand; there were two wave loaves which were ordered to be brought and seven lambs, one young bullock and two rams for a burnt offering, together with the meat and drink offerings belonging thereunto, and a kid of the goats for a sin offering, and two lambs for a peace offering, Lev 23:17, and besides all this, there was to be a voluntary contribution brought in their hands; for this was one of those feasts at which all the males were to appear before the Lord, and none of them empty:

which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy God,

according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee; no certain rate was fixed, it was to be a free gift, and in proportion to a man's abilities, or what the Lord had blessed him with.

Gill: Deu 16:11 - -- And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God,.... Make a liberal feast, and keep it cheerfully, in the presence of God, in the place where he reside...

And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God,.... Make a liberal feast, and keep it cheerfully, in the presence of God, in the place where he resides, thankfully acknowledging all his mercies and favours:

thou, and thy son, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates; that dwelt in the same city, who were all to come with him to Jerusalem at this feast, and to partake of it with him:

and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen to place his name there; who should be at Jerusalem at this time.

Gill: Deu 16:12 - -- And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt,.... And now delivered from that bondage; the consideration of which should make them libera...

And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt,.... And now delivered from that bondage; the consideration of which should make them liberal in their freewill offering, and generous in the feast they provided, and compassionate to the stranger, widow, and fatherless:

and thou shalt observe and do these statutes; concerning the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, and of Pentecost, and the peace offerings and the freewill offerings belonging to them: and nothing could more strongly oblige them to observe them than their redemption from their bondage in Egypt; as nothing more engages to the performance of good works than the consideration of our spiritual and eternal redemption by Christ, 1Co 6:19.

Gill: Deu 16:13 - -- Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days,.... Which began on the fifteenth day of Tisri, or September; see Lev 23:34, &c. after that ...

Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days,.... Which began on the fifteenth day of Tisri, or September; see Lev 23:34, &c.

after that thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine; and therefore sometimes called the feast of ingathering, Exo 23:16, barley harvest began at the passover, and wheat harvest at Pentecost; and before the feast of tabernacles began, the vintage and the gathering of the olives were over, as well as all other summer fruits were got in.

Gill: Deu 16:14 - -- And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast,.... At this feast of tabernacles and ingathering of the fruits of the earth, in token of gratitude and thankfulne...

And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast,.... At this feast of tabernacles and ingathering of the fruits of the earth, in token of gratitude and thankfulness for the goodness of God bestowed on them; the Targum of Jonathan adds, with the flute and the pipe, making use of instrumental music to increase the joy on this occasion:

thou and thy son, &c. See Gill on Deu 16:11

Gill: Deu 16:15 - -- Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the Lord thy God,.... The feast of tabernacles still spoken of: in the place which the Lord thy God ...

Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the Lord thy God,.... The feast of tabernacles still spoken of:

in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose: the city of Jerusalem:

because the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy increase, and in all the works of thine hands; both in the increase of their fields, vineyards, and oliveyards, and also in their several handicraft trades and occupations they were employed in; so Aben Ezra interprets all the works of their hands of merchandise and manufactories:

therefore thou shalt surely rejoice; extremely, heartily, and sincerely, and not fail to express joy on this occasion, and manifest it by a generous freewill offering to the Lord, and a bountiful entertainment for himself, his family, friends, and others.

Gill: Deu 16:16 - -- Three times a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God,.... This has been observed before, Exo 23:17, and is repeated here for the sake...

Three times a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God,.... This has been observed before, Exo 23:17, and is repeated here for the sake of mentioning the place where they were to appear, which before now was not observed, and indeed it is chiefly for that the other festivals are here recited:

in the place which he shall choose; which though not expressed is now easily understood; and the three times at which they were to appear there were, in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles; or passover, Pentecost, and tabernacles; and of numbers of people going up from the country to each of these feasts, we have instances in the New Testament; to the passover, Luk 2:42, to Pentecost, Act 2:5, to tabernacles, Joh 7:2,

and they shall not appear before the Lord empty; Aben Ezra observes, the meaning is, not empty of the tribute of the freewill offering of their hand, and which Jarchi more fully explains of the burnt offerings of appearance, and of the peace offerings of the Chagigah, or money answerable to them; which, according to the Misnah q was a meah of silver for a burnt offering, and two pieces of silver for the Chagigah, which weighed thirty two barley corns r.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Deu 16:1 Heb “the Lord your God.” The pronoun has been used in the translation for stylistic reasons to avoid redundancy.

NET Notes: Deu 16:2 Heb “the Lord.” See note on “he” in the previous verse.

NET Notes: Deu 16:4 Heb “remain all night until the morning” (so KJV, ASV). This has been simplified in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Deu 16:5 Heb “gates.”

NET Notes: Deu 16:6 Heb “the Lord your God.” See note on “he” in 16:1.

NET Notes: Deu 16:7 The rules that governed the Passover meal are found in Exod 12:1-51, and Deut 16:1-8. The word translated “cook” (בָּ...

NET Notes: Deu 16:8 The words “on that day” are not in the Hebrew text; they are supplied in the translation for clarification (cf. TEV, NLT).

NET Notes: Deu 16:9 Heb “the seven weeks.” The translation uses a pronoun to avoid redundancy in English.

NET Notes: Deu 16:10 Heb “the Lord your God.” See note on “he” in 16:1.

NET Notes: Deu 16:11 Heb “gates.”

NET Notes: Deu 16:13 Heb “when you gather in your threshing-floor and winepress.”

NET Notes: Deu 16:14 Heb “in your gates.”

NET Notes: Deu 16:15 Heb “in all the work of your hands” (so NASB, NIV); NAB, NRSV “in all your undertakings.”

NET Notes: Deu 16:16 Heb “the Lord.” See note on “he” in 16:1.

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:1 Observe the month of ( a ) Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egyp...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:2 Thou shalt therefore ( b ) sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:3 Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, [even] the bread of ( c ) affliction; for thou camest ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:5 Thou mayest ( d ) not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee: ( d ) This was chiefly accomplished, when t...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:6 But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the ( e ) passover at even, at the going down of...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:9 Seven weeks shalt thou ( f ) number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from [such time as] thou beginnest [to put] the sickle to the corn. ( ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 16:13 Thou shalt ( g ) observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after that thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine: ( g ) That is, the 15th day of ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Deu 16:1-22 - --1 The feast of the passover,9 of weeks,13 of tabernacles.16 Every male must offer, as he is able, at these three feasts.18 Of judges and justice.21 Gr...

MHCC: Deu 16:1-17 - --The laws for the three yearly feasts are here repeated; that of the Passover, that of the Pentecost, that of Tabernacles; and the general law concerni...

Matthew Henry: Deu 16:1-17 - -- Much of the communion between God and his people Israel was kept up, and a face of religion preserved in the nation, by the three yearly feasts, the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 16:1-17 - -- The annual feasts appointed by the law were to be celebrated, like the sacrificial meals, at the place which the Lord would choose for the revelatio...

Constable: Deu 5:1--26:19 - --IV. MOSES' SECOND MAJOR ADDRESS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE LAW chs. 5--26 ". . . Deuteronomy contains the most compre...

Constable: Deu 12:1--25:19 - --B. An exposition of selected covenant laws 12-25 Moses' homiletical exposition of the law of Israel that...

Constable: Deu 14:22--16:18 - --4. Laws arising from the fourth commandment 14:22-16:17 The fourth commandment is, "Observe the ...

Constable: Deu 16:1-17 - --The celebration of Passover, Firstfruits, and Tabernacles 16:1-17 The point of connectio...

Guzik: Deu 16:1-22 - --Deuteronomy 16 - The Three Major Feasts A. The observance of Passover. 1. (1-2) The sacrifice of the Passover. Observe the month of Abib, and keep...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Deu 16:5 DEUTERONOMY 16:5 —Was the passover lamb to be slain at home or at the sanctuary? PROBLEM: Exodus 12:7 instructs that the passover lamb be kille...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) DEUTERONOMY, the second law, a title which plainly shows what is the object of this book, namely, a recapitulation of the law. It was given in the for...


TSK: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) The book of Deuteronomy marks the end of the Pentateuch, commonly called the Law of Moses; a work every way worthy of God its author, and only less th...

TSK: Deuteronomy 16 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Deu 16:1, The feast of the passover, Deu 16:9, of weeks, Deu 16:13, of tabernacles; Deu 16:16, Every male must offer, as he is able, at t...

Poole: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) FIFTH BOOK of MOSES, CALLED DEUTERONOMY THE ARGUMENT Moses, in the two last months of his life, rehearseth what God had done for them, and their ...

Poole: Deuteronomy 16 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 16 Their feast of the passover to be kept, Deu 16:1-7 , and to eat unleavened bread, Deu 16:8 . The seven weeks and their feasts, Deu 16:9-...

MHCC: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) This book repeats much of the history and of the laws contained in the three foregoing books: Moses delivered it to Israel a little before his death, ...

MHCC: Deuteronomy 16 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-17) The yearly feasts. (Deu 16:18-22) Of judges, Groves and images forbidden.

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fifth Book of Moses, Called Deuteronomy This book is a repetition of very much both of the history ...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy 16 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. A repetition of the laws concerning the three yearly feasts; in particular, that of the passover (Deu 16:1-8). That of...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible was its first two words,...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Outline) Outline I. Introduction: the covenant setting 1:1-5 II. Moses' first major address: a review...

Constable: Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyt...

Haydock: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. This Book is called Deuteronomy, which signifies a second law , because it repeats and inculcates the ...

Gill: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY This book is sometimes called "Elleh hadebarim", from the words with which it begins; and sometimes by the Jews "Mishne...

Gill: Deuteronomy 16 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY 16 This chapter treats of the three grand yearly festivals, of the feast of passover, when, where, and what was to be s...

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