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Text -- Deuteronomy 31:1-22 (NET)

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Succession of Moses by Joshua
31:1 Then Moses went and spoke these words to all Israel. 31:2 He said to them, “Today I am a hundred and twenty years old. I am no longer able to get about, and the Lord has said to me, ‘You will not cross the Jordan.’ 31:3 As for the Lord your God, he is about to cross over before you; he will destroy these nations before you and dispossess them. As for Joshua, he is about to cross before you just as the Lord has said. 31:4 The Lord will do to them just what he did to Sihon and Og, the Amorite kings, and to their land, which he destroyed. 31:5 The Lord will deliver them over to you and you will do to them according to the whole commandment I have given you. 31:6 Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or tremble before them, for the Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He will not fail you or abandon you!” 31:7 Then Moses called out to Joshua in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you will accompany these people to the land that the Lord promised to give their ancestors, and you will enable them to inherit it. 31:8 The Lord is indeed going before you– he will be with you; he will not fail you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged!”
The Deposit of the Covenant Text
31:9 Then Moses wrote down this law and gave it to the Levitical priests, who carry the ark of the Lord’s covenant, and to all Israel’s elders. 31:10 He commanded them: “At the end of seven years, at the appointed time of the cancellation of debts, at the Feast of Temporary Shelters, 31:11 when all Israel comes to appear before the Lord your God in the place he chooses, you must read this law before them within their hearing. 31:12 Gather the people– men, women, and children, as well as the resident foreigners in your villages– so they may hear and thus learn about and fear the Lord your God and carefully obey all the words of this law. 31:13 Then their children, who have not known this law, will also hear about and learn to fear the Lord your God for as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”
The Commissioning of Joshua
31:14 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The day of your death is near. Summon Joshua and present yourselves in the tent of meeting so that I can commission him.” So Moses and Joshua presented themselves in the tent of meeting. 31:15 The Lord appeared in the tent in a pillar of cloud that stood above the door of the tent. 31:16 Then the Lord said to Moses, “You are about to die, and then these people will begin to prostitute themselves with the foreign gods of the land into which they are going. They will reject me and break my covenant that I have made with them. 31:17 At that time my anger will erupt against them and I will abandon them and hide my face from them until they are devoured. Many disasters and distresses will overcome them so that they will say at that time, ‘Have not these disasters overcome us because our God is not among us?’ 31:18 But I will certainly hide myself at that time because of all the wickedness they will have done by turning to other gods. 31:19 Now write down for yourselves the following song and teach it to the Israelites. Put it into their very mouths so that this song may serve as my witness against the Israelites! 31:20 For after I have brought them to the land I promised to their ancestors– one flowing with milk and honey– and they eat their fill and become fat, then they will turn to other gods and worship them; they will reject me and break my covenant. 31:21 Then when many disasters and distresses overcome them this song will testify against them, for their descendants will not forget it. I know the intentions they have in mind today, even before I bring them to the land I have promised.” 31:22 So on that day Moses wrote down this song and taught it to the Israelites,
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Amorites members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jordan the river that flows from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea,a river that begins at Mt. Hermon, flows south through Lake Galilee and on to its end at the Dead Sea 175 km away (by air)
 · Joshua a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel
 · Levi members of the tribe of Levi
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Og king of Bashan whom Israel defeated.
 · Sihon the king of the Amorites in Moses time

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Moses | DEUTERONOMY | Moab | Geber | Hilkiah | Minister | Word of God | Backsliders | Instruction | Death | God | Idolatry | Law | Courage | Priest | TABERNACLES, THE FEAST OF | School | SABBATICAL YEAR | Sabbatic Year | Joshua | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Deu 31:1 In the MT this refers to the words that follow (cf. NIV, NCV).

NET Notes: Deu 31:2 Or “am no longer able to lead you” (NIV, NLT); Heb “am no longer able to go out and come in.”

NET Notes: Deu 31:7 Heb “fathers” (also in v. 20).

NET Notes: Deu 31:10 For the regulations on this annual festival see Deut 16:13-15.

NET Notes: Deu 31:11 Heb “before all Israel.”

NET Notes: Deu 31:13 The phrase “this law” is not in the Hebrew text, but English style requires an object for the verb here. Other translations also supply th...

NET Notes: Deu 31:14 Heb “I will command him.”

NET Notes: Deu 31:15 Heb “and the pillar of cloud.” This phrase was not repeated in the translation; a relative clause was used instead.

NET Notes: Deu 31:16 Heb “him.” Smr, LXX, and the Targums read the plural “them.” See note on the first occurrence of “they” in v. 16.

NET Notes: Deu 31:17 Heb “me.” Smr, LXX, and the Targums read the plural “us,” which is necessary in any case in the translation because of contemp...

NET Notes: Deu 31:18 Heb “he.” Smr, LXX, and the Targums read the plural “they.” See note on the first occurrence of “they” in v. 16.

NET Notes: Deu 31:20 Heb “he.” Smr, LXX, and the Targums read the plural “they.” See note on the first occurrence of “they” in v. 16.

NET Notes: Deu 31:21 Heb “him.” Smr, LXX, and the Targums read the plural “them.” See note on the first occurrence of “they” in v. 16.

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