Text -- Deuteronomy 33:12-29 (NET)

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Wesley -> Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:14; Deu 33:14; Deu 33:15; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:18; Deu 33:18; Deu 33:18; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:20; Deu 33:20; Deu 33:20; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:22; Deu 33:22; Deu 33:23; Deu 33:23; Deu 33:23; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:25; Deu 33:25; Deu 33:26; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:28; Deu 33:28; Deu 33:28; Deu 33:29; Deu 33:29
Wesley: Deu 33:12 - -- Benjamin is put next to Levi, because the temple, where the work of the Levites lay, was upon the edge of the lot of this tribe. And 'tis put before J...
Benjamin is put next to Levi, because the temple, where the work of the Levites lay, was upon the edge of the lot of this tribe. And 'tis put before Joseph, because of the dignity of Jerusalem, (part of which was in this lot) above Samaria, which was in the tribe of Ephraim: likewise because Benjamin adhered to the house of David and to the temple of God, when the rest of the tribes deserted both.

Wesley: Deu 33:12 - -- So called in allusion to their father Benjamin who was the beloved of his father Jacob; and because of the kindness of God to this tribe which appeare...
So called in allusion to their father Benjamin who was the beloved of his father Jacob; and because of the kindness of God to this tribe which appeared both in this, that they dwelt in the best part of the land, as Josephus affirms, and in the following privilege.

Wesley: Deu 33:12 - -- Shall have his lot nigh to God's temple, which was both a singular comfort and safeguard to him.
Shall have his lot nigh to God's temple, which was both a singular comfort and safeguard to him.

Shall protect that tribe continually while they cleave to him.

Wesley: Deu 33:12 - -- The Lord shall dwell, that is, his temple shall be placed, between his shoulders, that is, in his portion, or between his border's as the word shoulde...
The Lord shall dwell, that is, his temple shall be placed, between his shoulders, that is, in his portion, or between his border's as the word shoulder is often used. And this was truly the situation of the temple, on both sides whereof was Benjamin's portion. And though mount Sion was in the tribe of Judah, yet mount Moriah, on which the temple was built, was in the tribe of Benjamin.

Wesley: Deu 33:13 - -- Including both Ephraim and Manasseh. In Jacob's blessing that of Joseph's is the largest. And so it is here.
Including both Ephraim and Manasseh. In Jacob's blessing that of Joseph's is the largest. And so it is here.

His portion shall be endowed with choice blessings from God.

Wesley: Deu 33:13 - -- That is, the precious fruits of the earth brought forth by the influences of heaven, the warmth of the sun, and the rain which God will send from heav...
That is, the precious fruits of the earth brought forth by the influences of heaven, the warmth of the sun, and the rain which God will send from heaven.

Wesley: Deu 33:13 - -- The springs of water bubbling out of the earth: perhaps it may likewise refer to the great deep, the abyss of waters, which is supposed to be containe...
The springs of water bubbling out of the earth: perhaps it may likewise refer to the great deep, the abyss of waters, which is supposed to be contained in the earth.

Wesley: Deu 33:14 - -- Which opens and warms the earth, cherishes and improves and in due time ripens the seeds and fruits of it.
Which opens and warms the earth, cherishes and improves and in due time ripens the seeds and fruits of it.

Wesley: Deu 33:14 - -- Which by its moisture refreshes and promotes them. Heb. Of the moons, or months, that is, which it bringeth forth in the several months or seasons of ...
Which by its moisture refreshes and promotes them. Heb. Of the moons, or months, that is, which it bringeth forth in the several months or seasons of the year.

Wesley: Deu 33:15 - -- That is, the excellent fruits, as grapes, olives, figs, &c. which delight in mountains, growing upon, or the precious minerals contained in, their mou...
That is, the excellent fruits, as grapes, olives, figs, &c. which delight in mountains, growing upon, or the precious minerals contained in, their mountains and hills called ancient and lasting, that is, such as have been from the beginning of the world, and are likely to continue to the end of it, in opposition to those hills or mounts which have been cast up by man.

Wesley: Deu 33:16 - -- And in general for all the choice fruits which the land produceth in all the parts of it, whither hills or valleys.
And in general for all the choice fruits which the land produceth in all the parts of it, whither hills or valleys.

Wesley: Deu 33:16 - -- That is, the plants and cattle and all creatures that grow, increase, and flourish in it.
That is, the plants and cattle and all creatures that grow, increase, and flourish in it.

Wesley: Deu 33:16 - -- For all other effects of the good will and kindness of God who not long since did for a time dwell or appear in the bush to me in order to the relief ...
For all other effects of the good will and kindness of God who not long since did for a time dwell or appear in the bush to me in order to the relief of his people, Exo 3:2.

Wesley: Deu 33:16 - -- His brethren separated him from them by making him a slave, and God distinguished him from them by making him a prince. The preceeding words might be ...
His brethren separated him from them by making him a slave, and God distinguished him from them by making him a prince. The preceeding words might be rendered, My dweller in the bush. That was an appearance of the divine majesty to Moses only, in token of his particular favour. Many a time had God appeared to Moses; but now he is just dying, he seems to have the most pleasing remembrance, of the first time that he saw the visions of the Almighty. It was here God declared himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and so confirmed the promise made to the father, that promise which our Lord shews, reaches as far as the resurrection and eternal life.

Wesley: Deu 33:17 - -- Or young bull, which is a stately creature, and was therefore formerly used as an emblem of royal majesty. This seems to note the kingdom which Ephrai...
Or young bull, which is a stately creature, and was therefore formerly used as an emblem of royal majesty. This seems to note the kingdom which Ephraim should obtain in Jeroboam and his successors.

His strength and power shall be very great.

All that shall oppose him, and particularly the Canaanites.

Wesley: Deu 33:17 - -- Of the land of Canaan. Though Manasseh be now more numerous, yet Ephraim shall shortly outstrip him, as was foretold Gen 48:17-19.
Of the land of Canaan. Though Manasseh be now more numerous, yet Ephraim shall shortly outstrip him, as was foretold Gen 48:17-19.

Thou shalt prosper and have cause of rejoicing.

Wesley: Deu 33:18 - -- To war, as this phrase is often used. To sea, in way of traffick, because their portion lay near the sea. And in both respects his course is opposite ...
To war, as this phrase is often used. To sea, in way of traffick, because their portion lay near the sea. And in both respects his course is opposite to that of Issachar, who was a lover of peace and pasturage. He is here joined with Zebulun, both because they were brethren by father and mother too, and because their possessions lay near together.

Wesley: Deu 33:18 - -- Thou shalt give thyself to the management of laud and cattle, living quietly in thy own possessions.
Thou shalt give thyself to the management of laud and cattle, living quietly in thy own possessions.

Wesley: Deu 33:19 - -- Zebulun of whom Moses takes more special notice. And so having dispatched Issachar in two words, he returns to Zebulun.
Zebulun of whom Moses takes more special notice. And so having dispatched Issachar in two words, he returns to Zebulun.

Wesley: Deu 33:19 - -- the Gentiles, either those of Galilee, which was called Galilee of the Gentiles, who were their neighbours; or people of other nations, with whom they...
the Gentiles, either those of Galilee, which was called Galilee of the Gentiles, who were their neighbours; or people of other nations, with whom they had commerce, which they endeavoured to improve in persuading them to worship the true God.

That is, to the temple, which Moses knew was to be seated upon a mountain.

Wesley: Deu 33:19 - -- Such as God requires. Their trafficking abroad with Heathen nations shall not make them forget their duty at home, nor shall their distance from the p...
Such as God requires. Their trafficking abroad with Heathen nations shall not make them forget their duty at home, nor shall their distance from the place of sacrifice hinder them from coming to it to discharge that duty.

Wesley: Deu 33:19 - -- They shall grow rich by the traffick of the sea, and shall consecrate themselves and their riches to God.
They shall grow rich by the traffick of the sea, and shall consecrate themselves and their riches to God.

Wesley: Deu 33:19 - -- Such precious things as either Are contained in the sand of the sea and rivers, in which sometimes there is mixed a considerable quantity of gold and ...
Such precious things as either Are contained in the sand of the sea and rivers, in which sometimes there is mixed a considerable quantity of gold and silver. Or, Such as grow in the sea, or are fetched from the sandy bottom of it, as pearls, coral, ambergrease. Or, Such as being cast into the sea by shipwreck are cast upon the shore by the workings of the sea. It were well, if the enlargement of our trade with foreign countries, were made to contribute to the spreading of the gospel.

Wesley: Deu 33:20 - -- That bringeth him out of his straits amid troubles, which he was often engaged in, because he was encompassed with potent enemies.
That bringeth him out of his straits amid troubles, which he was often engaged in, because he was encompassed with potent enemies.

Wesley: Deu 33:20 - -- Safe and secure from his enemies, and terrible to them when they rouse and molest him.
Safe and secure from his enemies, and terrible to them when they rouse and molest him.

Wesley: Deu 33:20 - -- Utterly destroys his enemies, both the head, the seat of the crown, their dignity and principality, and the arm, the subject of strength and instrumen...
Utterly destroys his enemies, both the head, the seat of the crown, their dignity and principality, and the arm, the subject of strength and instrument of action; both chief princes, and their subjects.

Wesley: Deu 33:21 - -- The first fruits of the land of promise, the country of Sihon, which was first conquered, which he is said to provide for himself, because he desired ...
The first fruits of the land of promise, the country of Sihon, which was first conquered, which he is said to provide for himself, because he desired and obtained it of Moses.

Wesley: Deu 33:21 - -- giver - Of Moses, whose portion this is called, either because this part of the land beyond Jordan was the only part of the land which Moses was permi...
giver - Of Moses, whose portion this is called, either because this part of the land beyond Jordan was the only part of the land which Moses was permitted to enter upon: or because it was given him by Moses, whereas the portions beyond Jordan were given to the several tribes by Joshua according to the direction of the lot.

Wesley: Deu 33:21 - -- Heb. hid or protected: for their wives and children were secured in their cities, while many of their men went over to the war in Canaan.
Heb. hid or protected: for their wives and children were secured in their cities, while many of their men went over to the war in Canaan.

Wesley: Deu 33:21 - -- He went, or he will go, to the war in Canaan, with the princes, or captains, or rulers of the people of Israel, that is, under their command and condu...
He went, or he will go, to the war in Canaan, with the princes, or captains, or rulers of the people of Israel, that is, under their command and conduct, as indeed they did; or with the first of the people; or, in the front of the people, as the Syriack renders it; for this tribe and their brethren whose lot fell beyond Jordan, were to march into Canaan before their brethren.

Wesley: Deu 33:21 - -- The just judgment of God against the Canaanites, as the rest of the Israelites did.
The just judgment of God against the Canaanites, as the rest of the Israelites did.

Courageous, and generous, and strong, and successful against his enemies.

Wesley: Deu 33:22 - -- From Bashan, because there were many and fierce lions in those parts, whence they used to come forth and leap upon the prey. Or this may refer either ...
From Bashan, because there were many and fierce lions in those parts, whence they used to come forth and leap upon the prey. Or this may refer either to the particular victories obtained by Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan, or to a more general achievement of that tribe, when a party of them surprised Laish, which lay in the farthest part of the land of Canaan from them. And the mountain of Bashan lying not far from that city, from whence they probably made their descent upon it, thus leaping from Basham.

Wesley: Deu 33:23 - -- With the favour of God. That only is the favour that satisfies the soul. They are happy indeed that have the favour of God; and they shall have it, th...
With the favour of God. That only is the favour that satisfies the soul. They are happy indeed that have the favour of God; and they shall have it, that place their satisfaction in it.

Wesley: Deu 33:23 - -- Not Only with corn, wine and oil, the fruit of the blessing, but with the blessing itself, the grace of God, according to his promise and covenant.
Not Only with corn, wine and oil, the fruit of the blessing, but with the blessing itself, the grace of God, according to his promise and covenant.

Wesley: Deu 33:23 - -- Or, the sea and the south. This is not to be understood of the place, that his lot should fall there, for he was rather in the east and north of the l...
Or, the sea and the south. This is not to be understood of the place, that his lot should fall there, for he was rather in the east and north of the land; but of the pleasures and commodities of the west or of the sea, which were conveyed to him from his neighbour Zebulun; and of the south, that is, from the southern tribes and parts of Canaan, which were brought to him down the river Jordan, and both sorts of commodities were given him in exchange for the fruitful rich soil which he had in great abundance.

Wesley: Deu 33:24 - -- Who carries blessedness in his very name, be blessed with children - He shall have numerous, strong and healthful children.
Who carries blessedness in his very name, be blessed with children - He shall have numerous, strong and healthful children.

By his sweet disposition and winning carriage.

Wesley: Deu 33:24 - -- He shall have such plenty of oil that he may not only wash his face, but his feet also in it.
He shall have such plenty of oil that he may not only wash his face, but his feet also in it.

Wesley: Deu 33:25 - -- The mines of iron and copper, which were in their portion, whence Sidon their neighbor was famous among the Heathens for its plenty of brass, and Sare...
The mines of iron and copper, which were in their portion, whence Sidon their neighbor was famous among the Heathens for its plenty of brass, and Sarepta is thought to have its name from the brass and iron which were melted there in great quantity.

Wesley: Deu 33:25 - -- Thy strength shall not be diminished with age, but thou shalt have the vigor of youth even in thine old age: thy tribe shalt grow stronger and stronge...
Thy strength shall not be diminished with age, but thou shalt have the vigor of youth even in thine old age: thy tribe shalt grow stronger and stronger.

Wesley: Deu 33:26 - -- These are the last words that ever Moses wrote, perhaps the greatest writer that ever lived upon the earth. And this man of God, who had as much reaso...
These are the last words that ever Moses wrote, perhaps the greatest writer that ever lived upon the earth. And this man of God, who had as much reason to know both as ever any mere man had, with his last breath magnifies both the God of Israel, and the Israel of God. Unto the God of Jeshurun, who to help thee, rideth upon the heaven, and with the greatest state and magnificence, on the sky. Riding on the heaven denotes the greatness and glory, in which he manifests himself to the upper world, and the use he makes of the influences of heaven and the products of the clouds, in bringing to pass his own counsels in this lower world. All these he manages and directs, as a man doth the horse he rides on.

Wesley: Deu 33:27 - -- He who was before all worlds, and will be, when time shall be no more: Is thy refuge - Or, thy habitation or mansion - house (so the word signifies) i...
He who was before all worlds, and will be, when time shall be no more: Is thy refuge - Or, thy habitation or mansion - house (so the word signifies) in whom thou art safe, and easy, and at rest, as a man is in his own house. Every true Israelite is at home in God: the soul returns to him, and reposes in him. And they that make him their habitation shall have all the comforts and benefits of an habitation in him.

Wesley: Deu 33:27 - -- The almighty power of God, which protects and comforts all that trust in him, in their greatest straits and distresses.
The almighty power of God, which protects and comforts all that trust in him, in their greatest straits and distresses.

Wesley: Deu 33:27 - -- Shall make room for thee by his resistless power, and shall say, Destroy them - Giving thee not only a commission but strength to put it in execution....
Shall make room for thee by his resistless power, and shall say, Destroy them - Giving thee not only a commission but strength to put it in execution. And, has he not given the same commission and the same strength to believers, to destroy all sin?

Wesley: Deu 33:28 - -- Either Tho' they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient ...
Either Tho' they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient for them. Or, Distinct and separated from all other nations, with whom I will not have them mingle themselves.

Wesley: Deu 33:28 - -- That is, the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him as waters from a fountain, in great abundance. The fountain is here put for the river or stream...
That is, the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him as waters from a fountain, in great abundance. The fountain is here put for the river or streams which flow from it, as Jacob or Israel who is the fountain is often put for the children of Israel.

That is, those heavens or that air which hangs over his land.

Wesley: Deu 33:29 - -- By whom thou are sufficiently guarded against all assailants; and the sword of thy excellency - Or, thy most excellent sword, that is, thy strength an...
By whom thou are sufficiently guarded against all assailants; and the sword of thy excellency - Or, thy most excellent sword, that is, thy strength and the author of all thy past or approaching victories. Those in whose hearts is the excellency of holiness, have God himself for their shield and sword. They are defended by the whole armour of God: His word is their sword, and faith their shield.

Wesley: Deu 33:29 - -- Who said they would destroy thee: or at least, that they would never submit: and thou shalt tread upon their high places - Their strong holds, palaces...
Who said they would destroy thee: or at least, that they would never submit: and thou shalt tread upon their high places - Their strong holds, palaces and temples. Thus shall the God of peace tread Satan under the feet of all believers, and that shortly.
JFB: Deu 33:12 - -- A distinguishing favor was conferred on this tribe in having its portion assigned near the temple of God.
A distinguishing favor was conferred on this tribe in having its portion assigned near the temple of God.

JFB: Deu 33:12 - -- That is, on his sides or borders. Mount Zion, on which stood the city of Jerusalem, belonged to Judah; but Mount Moriah, the site of the sacred edific...
That is, on his sides or borders. Mount Zion, on which stood the city of Jerusalem, belonged to Judah; but Mount Moriah, the site of the sacred edifice, lay in the confines of Benjamin.

JFB: Deu 33:13-17 - -- The territory of this tribe, diversified by hill and dale, wood and water, would be rich in all the productions--olives, grapes, figs, &c., which are ...
The territory of this tribe, diversified by hill and dale, wood and water, would be rich in all the productions--olives, grapes, figs, &c., which are reared in a mountainous region, as well as in the grain and herbs that grow in the level fields. "The firstling of the bullock and the horns of the unicorn" (rhinoceros), indicate glory and strength, and it is supposed that under these emblems were shadowed forth the triumphs of Joshua and the new kingdom of Jeroboam, both of whom were of Ephraim (compare Gen 48:20).

On commercial enterprises and voyages by sea.

Preferring to reside in their maritime towns.

JFB: Deu 33:19 - -- Both tribes should traffic with the Phœnicians in gold and silver, pearl and coral, especially in murex, the shellfish that yielded the famous Tyrian...
Both tribes should traffic with the Phœnicians in gold and silver, pearl and coral, especially in murex, the shellfish that yielded the famous Tyrian dye, and in glass, which was manufactured from the sand of the river Belus, in their immediate neighborhood.

JFB: Deu 33:20-21 - -- Its possessions were larger than they would have been had they lain west of Jordan; and this tribe had the honor of being settled by Moses himself in ...
Its possessions were larger than they would have been had they lain west of Jordan; and this tribe had the honor of being settled by Moses himself in the first portion of land conquered. In the forest region, south of the Jabbok, "he dwelt as a lion" (compare Gen 30:11; Gen 49:19). Notwithstanding, they faithfully kept their engagement to join the "heads of the people" [Deu 33:21] in the invasion of Canaan.

JFB: Deu 33:22 - -- His proper settlement in the south of Canaan being too small, he by a sudden and successful irruption, established a colony in the northern extremity ...
His proper settlement in the south of Canaan being too small, he by a sudden and successful irruption, established a colony in the northern extremity of the land. This might well be described as the leap of a young lion from the hills of Bashan.

JFB: Deu 33:23 - -- The pleasant and fertile territory of this tribe lay to "the west," on the borders of lakes Merom and Chinnereth, and to "the south" of the northern D...
The pleasant and fertile territory of this tribe lay to "the west," on the borders of lakes Merom and Chinnereth, and to "the south" of the northern Danites.

JFB: Deu 33:24-25 - -- The condition of this tribe is described as combining all the elements of earthly felicity.
The condition of this tribe is described as combining all the elements of earthly felicity.

JFB: Deu 33:24-25 - -- These words allude either to the process of extracting the oil by foot presses, or to his district as particularly fertile and adapted to the culture ...
These words allude either to the process of extracting the oil by foot presses, or to his district as particularly fertile and adapted to the culture of the olive.

JFB: Deu 33:25 - -- These shoes suited his rocky coast from Carmel to Sidon. Country people as well as ancient warriors had their lower extremities protected by metallic ...

JFB: Deu 33:26-29 - -- The chapter concludes with a congratulatory address to Israel on their peculiar happiness and privilege in having Jehovah for their God and protector.
The chapter concludes with a congratulatory address to Israel on their peculiar happiness and privilege in having Jehovah for their God and protector.

JFB: Deu 33:26-29 - -- An evident allusion to the pillar of cloud and fire, which was both the guide and shelter of Israel.
An evident allusion to the pillar of cloud and fire, which was both the guide and shelter of Israel.

The posterity of Israel shall dwell in a blessed and favored land.
Clarke -> Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:12; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:13; Deu 33:14; Deu 33:15; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:16; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:18; Deu 33:18; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:19; Deu 33:20; Deu 33:20; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:21; Deu 33:22; Deu 33:23; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:24; Deu 33:25; Deu 33:25; Deu 33:26; Deu 33:26; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:27; Deu 33:28; Deu 33:28; Deu 33:29; Deu 33:29; Deu 33:29
Clarke: Deu 33:12 - -- Of Benjamin - the beloved of the Lord - Alluding to his being particularly beloved of his father Jacob, Gen 49:27, etc
Of Benjamin - the beloved of the Lord - Alluding to his being particularly beloved of his father Jacob, Gen 49:27, etc

Clarke: Deu 33:12 - -- Shall dwell in safety by him - That is, by the Lord, whose temple, which is considered as his dwelling-place, was in the tribe of Benjamin, for a pa...
Shall dwell in safety by him - That is, by the Lord, whose temple, which is considered as his dwelling-place, was in the tribe of Benjamin, for a part of Jerusalem belonged to this tribe

Clarke: Deu 33:12 - -- Shall cover him all the day - Be his continual protector; and he shall dwell between his shoulders - within his coasts, or in his chief city, viz., ...
Shall cover him all the day - Be his continual protector; and he shall dwell between his shoulders - within his coasts, or in his chief city, viz., Jerusalem, where the temple of God was built, on his mountains Zion and Moriah, here poetically termed his shoulders
Some object to our translation of the Hebrew

Clarke: Deu 33:13 - -- Blessed - be his land - The whole of this passage certainly relates to the peculiar fertility of the soil in the portion that fell to this tribe whi...
Blessed - be his land - The whole of this passage certainly relates to the peculiar fertility of the soil in the portion that fell to this tribe which, the Jews say, yielded a greater abundance of all good things than any other part of the promised land

Clarke: Deu 33:13 - -- The precious things of heaven - The peculiar mildness and salubrity of its atmosphere
The precious things of heaven - The peculiar mildness and salubrity of its atmosphere

Clarke: Deu 33:13 - -- For the dew - A plentiful supply of which was a great blessing in the dry soil of a hot climate. The deep that coucheth beneath - Probably referring...
For the dew - A plentiful supply of which was a great blessing in the dry soil of a hot climate. The deep that coucheth beneath - Probably referring to the plentiful supply of water which should be found in digging wells: hence the Septuagint have

Clarke: Deu 33:14 - -- The precious fruits brought forth by the sun - All excellent and important productions of the earth, which come to perfection once in the year. So t...
The precious fruits brought forth by the sun - All excellent and important productions of the earth, which come to perfection once in the year. So the precious things put forth by the moon may imply those vegetables which require but about a month to bring them to perfection, or vegetables of which several crops may be had in the course of a year.

Clarke: Deu 33:15 - -- The chief things of the ancient mountains - ומראש הררי קדם umerosh harerey kedem , and from the head or top of the ancient or eastern m...
The chief things of the ancient mountains -

Clarke: Deu 33:16 - -- The good will of him that dwelt in the bush - The favor of him who appeared in the burning bush on Mount Sinai, who there, in his good will - mere l...
The good will of him that dwelt in the bush - The favor of him who appeared in the burning bush on Mount Sinai, who there, in his good will - mere love and compassion, took Israel to be his people; and who has preserved and will preserve, in tribulation and distress, all those who trust in him, so that they shall as surely escape unhurt, as the bush, though enveloped with fire, was unburnt

Clarke: Deu 33:16 - -- The top of the head, etc. - The same words are used by Jacob in blessing this tribe, Gen 49:26. The meaning appears to be that God should distinguis...
The top of the head, etc. - The same words are used by Jacob in blessing this tribe, Gen 49:26. The meaning appears to be that God should distinguish this tribe in a particular way, as Joseph himself was separated,

Clarke: Deu 33:17 - -- His glory is like the firstling of his bullock - This similitude is very obscure. A bullock was the most excellent of animals among the Jews, not on...
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock - This similitude is very obscure. A bullock was the most excellent of animals among the Jews, not only because of its acceptableness in sacrifice to God, but because of its great usefulness in agriculture. There is something peculiarly noble and dignified in the appearance of the ox, and his greatest ornament are his fine horns; these the inspired penman has particularly in view, as the following clause proves; and it is well known that in Scriptural language horns are the emblem of strength, glory, and sovereignty; Psa 75:5, Psa 75:10; Psa 89:17, Psa 89:24; Psa 112:9; Dan 8:3, etc.; Luk 1:69; Rev 17:3, etc

Clarke: Deu 33:17 - -- His horns are like the horns of unicorns - ראם reem , which we translate unicorn, from the μονοκερως monokeros of the Septuagint, si...
His horns are like the horns of unicorns -

Clarke: Deu 33:17 - -- To the ends of the earth - Of the land of Canaan, for Joshua with his armies conquered all this land, and drove the ancient inhabitants out before h...
To the ends of the earth - Of the land of Canaan, for Joshua with his armies conquered all this land, and drove the ancient inhabitants out before him

Clarke: Deu 33:17 - -- They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, etc. - That is, The horns signify the ten thousands of Ephraim, and the thousands of Manasseh. Jacob prophesi...
They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, etc. - That is, The horns signify the ten thousands of Ephraim, and the thousands of Manasseh. Jacob prophesied, Gen 48:19, that the younger should be greater than the elder; so here Tens of thousands are given to Ephraim, and only thousands to Manasseh. See the census, Num 1:33-35 (note).

Clarke: Deu 33:18 - -- Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out - That is, Thou shalt be very prosperous in thy coasting voyages; for this tribe’ s situation was favorable ...
Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out - That is, Thou shalt be very prosperous in thy coasting voyages; for this tribe’ s situation was favorable for traffic, having many sea-ports. See Gen 49:13 (note)

Clarke: Deu 33:18 - -- And, Issachar, in thy tents - That is, as Zebulun should be prosperous in his shipping and traffic, so should Issachar be in his tents - his agricul...
And, Issachar, in thy tents - That is, as Zebulun should be prosperous in his shipping and traffic, so should Issachar be in his tents - his agriculture and pasturage.

Clarke: Deu 33:19 - -- They shall call the people unto the mountain - By their traffic with the Gentiles (for so I think עמים ammim should be understood here) they ...
They shall call the people unto the mountain - By their traffic with the Gentiles (for so I think

Clarke: Deu 33:19 - -- They shall suck of the abundance of the seas - That is, grow wealthy by merchandise
They shall suck of the abundance of the seas - That is, grow wealthy by merchandise

Clarke: Deu 33:19 - -- And of treasures hid in the sand - Jonathan ben Uzziel has probably hit upon the true meaning of this difficult passage: "From the sand,"says he, "a...
And of treasures hid in the sand - Jonathan ben Uzziel has probably hit upon the true meaning of this difficult passage: "From the sand,"says he, "are produced looking-glasses and glass in general; the treasures - the method of finding and working this, was revealed to these tribes."Several ancient writers inform us that there were havens in the coasts of the Zebulunites in which the vitreous sand, or sand proper for making glass, was found. See Strabo, lib. xvi.; see also Pliny, Hist. Nat. l. xxxvi., c. 26; Tacitus, Hist. l. v., c. 7. The words of Tacitus are remarkable: Et Belus amnis Judaico mari illabitur; circa ejus os lectae arenae admixto nitro in vitrum excoquuntur . "The river Belus falls into the Jewish sea, about whose mouth those sands, mixed with nitre, are collected, out of which glass is formed,"or which is melted into glass. Some think that the celebrated shell-fish called murex, out of which the precious purple dye was extracted, is here intended by the treasure hid in the sand: this also Jonathan introduces in this verse. And others think that it is a general term for the advantages derived from navigation and commerce.

Clarke: Deu 33:20 - -- Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad - As deliverance out of distress is termed enlarging, (see Psa 4:1), this may refer to God’ s deliverance of t...
Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad - As deliverance out of distress is termed enlarging, (see Psa 4:1), this may refer to God’ s deliverance of the tribe of Gad out of that distress mentioned Gen 49:19, and to the enlargement obtained through means of Jephthah, Jdg 11:33, and probably also to the victories obtained by Gad and Reuben over the Hagarites, 1Ch 5:18-20

Clarke: Deu 33:20 - -- He dwelleth as a lion - Probably the epithet of lion or lion-like was applied to this tribe from their fierce and warlike disposition. And on this s...
He dwelleth as a lion - Probably the epithet of lion or lion-like was applied to this tribe from their fierce and warlike disposition. And on this supposition, 1Ch 12:8, will appear to be a sufficient comment: And of the Gadites there were men of might, men of war for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were Like The Faces Of Lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains. Tearing the arm or shoulder with the crown of the head seems simply to mean that no force should be able to prevail over them, or stand against them; as the arm or shoulder signifies dominion, and the crown of the head, sovereign princes.

Clarke: Deu 33:21 - -- He provided the first part - That is, he chose for himself a very excellent portion, viz., the land of Sihon and Og, in which this tribe had request...
He provided the first part - That is, he chose for himself a very excellent portion, viz., the land of Sihon and Og, in which this tribe had requested to be settled by the lawgiver, viz., Moses, from whom they requested this portion, Num 32:1-5

Clarke: Deu 33:21 - -- He came with the heads of the people - Notwithstanding this portion fell unto them on the east side of Jordan, yet they proceeded with the heads of ...
He came with the heads of the people - Notwithstanding this portion fell unto them on the east side of Jordan, yet they proceeded with the heads of the people, the chiefs of the other tribes

Clarke: Deu 33:21 - -- To execute the justice of the Lord - To extirpate the old inhabitants of the country, according to the decree and purpose of the Lord. See on Number...
To execute the justice of the Lord - To extirpate the old inhabitants of the country, according to the decree and purpose of the Lord. See on Numbers 32 (note).

Clarke: Deu 33:22 - -- Dan is a lion’ s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan - The Jewish interpreters observe that Bashan was a place much frequented by lions, who issue...
Dan is a lion’ s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan - The Jewish interpreters observe that Bashan was a place much frequented by lions, who issued thence into all parts to look for prey. By this probably Moses intended to point out the strength and prowess of this tribe, that it should extend its territories, and live a sort of predatory life. It appears from Jos 19:47, that the portion originally assigned to this tribe was not sufficient for them; hence we find them going out to war against Leshem and taking it, adding it to their territories, and calling it by the name of the tribe. Jacob, in his prophetic blessing of this tribe, represents it under the notion of a serpent in the path, Gen 49:17. The character there, and that given here, constitute the complete warrior-stratagem and courage. See the note on Gen 49:17.

Clarke: Deu 33:23 - -- O Naphtali, satisfied with favor - Though this may refer to the very great fertility of the country that fell to this tribe, yet certainly something...
O Naphtali, satisfied with favor - Though this may refer to the very great fertility of the country that fell to this tribe, yet certainly something more is intended. Scarcely any of the tribes was more particularly favored by the wondrous mercy and kindness of God, than this and the tribe of Zebulun. The light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shone brightly here, Mat 4:13, Mat 4:15, Mat 4:16. Christ’ s chief residence was at Capernaum in this tribe, Mat 9:1; Mar 2:1; and this city, through Christ’ s constant residence, and the mighty miracles he wrought in it, is represented as being exalted unto heaven, Mat 11:23. And it is generally allowed that the apostles were principally of the tribe of Naphtali, who were to possess the west and the south - to dispense the Gospel through all the other tribes. The word

Clarke: Deu 33:24 - -- Let Asher be blessed with children - Let him have a numerous posterity, continually increasing
Let Asher be blessed with children - Let him have a numerous posterity, continually increasing

Clarke: Deu 33:24 - -- Let him be acceptable to his brethren - May he be in perfect union and harmony with the other tribes
Let him be acceptable to his brethren - May he be in perfect union and harmony with the other tribes

Clarke: Deu 33:24 - -- Let him dip his foot in oil - Let him have a fertile soil, and an abundance of all the conveniences and comforts of life.
Let him dip his foot in oil - Let him have a fertile soil, and an abundance of all the conveniences and comforts of life.

Clarke: Deu 33:25 - -- Thy shoes shall be iron and brass - Some suppose this may refer to the iron and copper mines in their territory; but it is more likely that it relat...
Thy shoes shall be iron and brass - Some suppose this may refer to the iron and copper mines in their territory; but it is more likely that it relates to their warlike disposition, as we know that greaves, boots, shoes, etc., of iron, brass, and tin, were used by ancient warriors. Goliath had greaves of brass on his legs, 1Sa 17:6; and the brazen-booted Greeks,

Clarke: Deu 33:25 - -- And as thy days, so shall thy strength be - If we take this clause as it appears here, we have at once an easy sense; and the saying, I have no doub...
And as thy days, so shall thy strength be - If we take this clause as it appears here, we have at once an easy sense; and the saying, I have no doubt, has comforted the souls of multitudes. The meaning is obvious: "Whatever thy trials or difficulties may be, I shall always give thee grace to support thee under and bring thee through them."The original is only two words, the latter of which has been translated in a great variety of ways,
Moses, having now finished what God gave him to predict concerning the twelve tribes, and what he was led in the fullness of his heart to pray for in their behalf, addresses all the tribes collectively under the names Jeshurun and Israel; and in an ode of astonishing energy and elegance describes this wondrous people, and their still more wonderful privileges. The reader will observe that, though the latter part of this chapter appears in the form of prose in our Bibles, yet it is written in hemistichs or short metrical lines in the original, which is the form in which all the Hebrew poetry is written; and as in other cases, so in this, it would contribute much to the easy understanding of the author’ s meaning, were the translation produced in lines corresponding to those of the original.

Clarke: Deu 33:26 - -- There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun - We have already seen the literal meaning of Jeshurun, Deu 32:15; but besides its literal meaning, it s...
There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun - We have already seen the literal meaning of Jeshurun, Deu 32:15; but besides its literal meaning, it seems to be used as an expression of particular affection: hence Calmet understands it as a diminutive of the word Israel. We know that
Israel’ s God, and God’ s Israel, have no fellows. What were all the gods of the nations, even supposing they were real beings, in comparison of the Almighty? And what nation under heaven could be compared to the Israel of God? It was, however, from God’ s excellence that they derived theirs

Clarke: Deu 33:26 - -- Rideth upon the heaven, etc. - Unites heaven and earth in thy defense and support, and comes with irresistible velocity to succor and defend thee, a...
Rideth upon the heaven, etc. - Unites heaven and earth in thy defense and support, and comes with irresistible velocity to succor and defend thee, and to discomfit thine adversaries.

Clarke: Deu 33:27 - -- The eternal God - אלהי קדם elohey kedem , the former God; He who was of old. Not like the gods which were lately come up. He who ever was an...
The eternal God -

Clarke: Deu 33:27 - -- Everlasting arms - As the arm is the emblem of power, and of power in a state of exertion, the words here state that an unlimited and unconquerable ...
Everlasting arms - As the arm is the emblem of power, and of power in a state of exertion, the words here state that an unlimited and unconquerable power shall be eternally exerted in the defense of God’ s Church, and in the behalf of all those who trust in Him

Clarke: Deu 33:27 - -- Thrust out the enemy - He will expel all the ancient inhabitants, and put thee in possession of their land.
Thrust out the enemy - He will expel all the ancient inhabitants, and put thee in possession of their land.

Clarke: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel then shall dwell - alone - This people shall not be incorporated with any other people under heaven. A prophecy which continues to be fulfill...
Israel then shall dwell - alone - This people shall not be incorporated with any other people under heaven. A prophecy which continues to be fulfilled to the very letter. Every attempt to unite them with any other people has proved absolutely ineffectual

Clarke: Deu 33:28 - -- The fountain of Jacob - His offspring, shall possess a most fertile land; such was Palestine.
The fountain of Jacob - His offspring, shall possess a most fertile land; such was Palestine.

Clarke: Deu 33:29 - -- Happy art thou, etc. - אשרי ashrey . O the happiness of Israel! it is ineffable, inconceivable, because they are a people saved by the Lord - ...
Happy art thou, etc. -

Clarke: Deu 33:29 - -- Sword of thy excellency - Or whose sword - his all-conquering Word, is thine excellency, in its promises, threatenings, precepts, etc., etc. St. Pau...
Sword of thy excellency - Or whose sword - his all-conquering Word, is thine excellency, in its promises, threatenings, precepts, etc., etc. St. Paul, in his exhortation to the Christians at Ephesus, uses the same metaphor, Take unto you the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

Clarke: Deu 33:29 - -- Thine enemies shall be found liars - Who said thou shouldst never be able to gain the possession of this good land; for thou shalt tread on - subdue...
Thine enemies shall be found liars - Who said thou shouldst never be able to gain the possession of this good land; for thou shalt tread on - subdue, their high places - even their best fortified cities
The blessings contained in this chapter belong also to the spiritual Israel of God, who, according to the Divine promise, shall have a complete victory over all their spiritual foes, shall have all their inward enemies, the whole of the carnal mind, destroyed, (for the blood of Jesus Christ, applied by the energy of the eternal Spirit, shall not only blot out all their sin, but purify their hearts from all unrighteousness); and thus, being delivered from their enemies, they shall love God with all their heart, and serve him in righteousness and true holiness, without fear before him all the days of their life. There are many circumstances and expressions in this ode similar to several in the prophetical blessing pronounced by Jacob on his twelve sons, Gen. 49, for the subject is the same in both chapters, the reader is therefore requested to compare the two places, and to consider the notes on each, as they have some tendency to cast light on each other. Both these chapters constitute a part of those Scriptures which, according to St. Paul, Rom 15:4, were written for our learning; and, as to instruct the reader and make him wise unto salvation was the gracious design of God, we should particularly beg of him "that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that, by patience and comfort of his holy word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life which he has given us in our Savior Jesus Christ"- Collect for the second Sunday in Advent.
Calvin: Deu 33:12 - -- 12.And of Benjamin he said It is probable that Moses alludes to the inheritance which fell to the lot of the children of Benjamin; for the part of Je...
12.And of Benjamin he said It is probable that Moses alludes to the inheritance which fell to the lot of the children of Benjamin; for the part of Jerusalem in which the temple stood was contained in it. Since, therefore, God assigned them a dwelling-place, in which He in a manner protected them, and cherished them beneath His wings, they are not without reason called His beloved, for this was no ordinary pledge of His love To “dwell upon God,” 319 and “between his shoulders,” is equivalent to reposing upon Him; a similitude taken from fathers who carry their children whilst yet they are small and tender. Others extract a different meaning, viz., that God would dwell upon the shoulders of Benjamin; but this is very unnatural. 320

Calvin: Deu 33:13 - -- 13.And of Joseph he said Moses repeats some portions of the blessing of Jacob; nor with respect to any other tribe does he approach so closely to the...
13.And of Joseph he said Moses repeats some portions of the blessing of Jacob; nor with respect to any other tribe does he approach so closely to the words of the Patriarch. And, although the family of Joseph was already divided into two tribes or nations, still he begins by the head itself, and at the conclusion declares that what had been given to their fathers pertains to Ephraim and Manasseh. First, he celebrates the exceeding fertility of the land, in which the descendants of Joseph were to dwell; and then ratifies his testimony by the authority of God. He promises them, then, that their land shall be fertile, from the best treasures of heaven; for

Calvin: Deu 33:15 - -- 15.And for the chief things of the ancient mountains In these words he shows that no part of the land would be barren. We know that the tops of mount...
15.And for the chief things of the ancient mountains In these words he shows that no part of the land would be barren. We know that the tops of mountains are generally and uncultivated, or at any rate bear nothing but trees that have no fruit. But Moses affirms that even there also there shall be the richest produce, for which reason, at least in my opinion, he calls the mountains ancient, and the hills lasting, as if being very highly renowned; for their antiquity is not praised, as if they were created before the rest of the world, but these mountains are honorably distinguished as the first-born, because God’s blessing eminently rests upon them. Thus in the blessing of Jacob it is said, “unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills,” as much as to say, that no corner of these most celebrated mountains should be devoid of fertility. (Gen 49:26.)
In the next verse he extends generally to the whole land what he had said of the mountains.
Those are wide of the meaning of Moses, who translate what follows: “On account of the good-will of the dweller in the bush the blessing shall come;” and his rendering is altogether barbarous who gives it, “On account of the piety,” etc. My opinion is that the word
God is called “the dweller in the bush” by periphrasis, with reference to the vision which was presented to Moses on Mount Sinai; for God then appeared a second time as the Redeemer and Father of His people; after having made His covenant with Abraham and Jacob. And this serves by way of confirmation; as if it were said, that the same God who had formerly blessed Joseph by the mouth of His servant Jacob, now repeated the same prophecy, in order to give fuller assurance of its truth.

Calvin: Deu 33:17 - -- 17.His glory is like the firstling Translators obscure the meaning by translating the word firstling in the nominative case. I have no doubt, howev...
17.His glory is like the firstling Translators obscure the meaning by translating the word firstling in the nominative case. I have no doubt, however, but that he compares the glory of Joseph to the size of a very fine bullock, as if He had said, “His beauty is as of the most choice bullocks in his herds.” At least it is very consistent that the word firstling should be used for pre-eminent. He says, then, that no more magnificent or glorious bullocks should be found in the land of Joseph than the people itself would be. And to beauty he adds strength and vigor, so that they should be victorious over all their enemies.
At the end of the verse (as I have before stated,) he declares that what he had prophesied of Joseph should be common to the two families of Ephraim and Manasseh. At the same time he confirms the declaration of Jacob, whereby he had preferred Ephraim the younger to the elder. Manasseh, therefore, only reckons his thousands, but Ephraim his tell thousands, a proof of which fact God had given in the census which has been already recorded, in which the tribe of Ephraim was found to be the more numerous.

Calvin: Deu 33:18 - -- 18.And of Zebulun he said He compares two tribes with each other, which, although neighbors in position, were still very dissimilar; for the one bein...
18.And of Zebulun he said He compares two tribes with each other, which, although neighbors in position, were still very dissimilar; for the one being devoted to mercantile pursuits, went forth frequently in various directions; the other took more delight in quietude and repose; and this their great variety of condition is indicated, when he bids Zebulun rejoice in its expeditions, and Issachar in its domestic repose. Moses thus confirms the prophecy of Jacob, who said that Zebulun should “dwell at the haven of the sea,” so as to make voyages of traffic; whilst Issachar, as delighting more in repose, should be lazy and idle, so as to make no objections against paying tribute, in order to purchase peace. (Gen 49:13.)
What follows I suppose to be added, as though Moses had said that their distant location should not prevent them from going up with the others to Jerusalem, for the purpose of performing their religious duties. For in that they were farther removed from the temple, their zeal in the legal service might have grown cold. Although, then, they dwelt in the utmost borders of the land, Moses says that they should nevertheless come to offer sacrifices to God. By the peoples some understand the other tribes, which does not appear at all consistent; and others, foreign nations, to which their commercial intercourse gave them access. My interpretation, however, is simply that, although the length of the journey should invite them to remain at home, still they should mutually exhort each other to betake themselves in large companies to the temple. The end of the verse may be the statement of a reason for this, as if it were said, that they will be more attentive to the service of God, because, being enriched by him, they will be desirous to offer Him the praise. And assuredly it is a sign of gross ingratitude, when we are not stimulated by God’s blessings to strive more earnestly to render thanks to him, in proportion as he deals more liberally with us. At the same time, Moses shows that, in consideration of their great wealth, the expenses of the journey would be by no means onerous to them; for, although their country was not very fertile, still its position was most advantageous for the acquirement of riches. Thus when it is here said, “they shall suck of the abundance of the seas,” an antithesis is to be understood between the fruits of the earth and the abundant revenues derived from merchandise. To the same effect, “the treasures hid in the sand” are spoken of. For the exposition given by some, that their treasures should be so great as that they should hide them in the sand; and by others, that the sands should there be so prolific in silver and gold; and by others, that they should collect what the sea should throw up, is poor and vapid. Whereas, therefore, others should grow rich from their lands, Moses says, by an elegant figure, that the sands of Zebulun should be filled with hidden treasures, on account of their foreign traffic.

Calvin: Deu 33:20 - -- 20.And of Gad he said In the blessing of the tribe of Gad, mention is only made of the hereditary portion, which it had obtained without casting of l...
20.And of Gad he said In the blessing of the tribe of Gad, mention is only made of the hereditary portion, which it had obtained without casting of lots. He therefore celebrates the blessing of God, because He had accorded to the Gadites an ample dwelling-place; for the word “enlargeth” refers to the extent of their possession. But inasmuch as in that extremity of the land beyond Jordan, they were on a hostile border, he declares that they would be warlike, and hence compares them to a lion, which tears its prey sometimes from the head, and sometimes from the arm. Since, then, that position would not be so peaceful as any other region in the midst of Canaan, he declares that they should be safe and sound, through their own audacity. And although it is not a very pleasant condition to be harassed by constant wars, still, in such a disagreeable case, God’s grace was not to be despised, which made them formidable to their enemies, and of great valor, whereby they might not only repel hostile invasions, but be willing of themselves to make predatory expeditions. If any should object that license for rapine was quite unsuitable for God’s children, the solution is obvious, that reference is not here made to what was lawful, or what was desirable and praiseworthy, but that a consolation was offered them by way of protection against the incursions and annoyances of their enemies. Besides, the lust for booty is not made permissible, but praise is merely given to their courage in overcoming their enemies.

Calvin: Deu 33:21 - -- 21.And he provided the first part for himself 322 Others translate it not badly, the first-fruits. Jerome’s rendering, pre-eminence ( principat...
21.And he provided the first part for himself 322 Others translate it not badly, the first-fruits. Jerome’s rendering, pre-eminence ( principatum,) however, is quite out of the question. The word beginning ( principium, ) however, is very suitable, for Moses thus signifies that the Gadites were beforehand in seeking a dwelling-place for themselves; for before possession of the land was accorded to the people, they asked for the kingdom of Sihon for themselves. It is afterwards added, in what way they were provident in choosing their abode, namely, because God suggested to them that Moses was at liberty to assign this portion to them. For it is called the “portion of the lawgiver,” as being that respecting which Moses might lawfully decide, since he appropriated it to the Gadites, not by hazard, nor otherwise than by God’s command. It is called the hidden portion, 323 as not having been included by God in His promise. The sum is, that although God’s will was not yet revealed, with respect to this addition to the land, still they obtained it through His secret liberality. And Moses desires flint his decision with regard to the Gadites remaining on this side Jordan should be thus confirmed, since disputes might have otherwise arisen, inasmuch as God’s promise had assigned the boundaries of the whole people on the opposite bank. Theirs is a poor exposition who explain it that Moses was buried there; and those also violently wrest the words, who understand by “the lawgiver” the chiefs of the Amorites, and render the words “hidden portion,” the ceiled palaces; 324 nor would they have been thus extravagant in their notions, if the natural meaning which I have given had occurred to them.
The other clause of the verse is added by way of qualification; for Moses shows that this advantageous provision was made for the children of Gad, on condition that they should accompany the other tribes, and not return home until the land of Canaan was at peace, and their enemies subdued. And we have already seen that, when they sought for themselves this location outside the land, in the kingdom of the Amorites, they were severely rebuked by Moses, until they promised that they would share the war with their brethren until its conclusion. This is what Moses means by “executing the justice of God, and his judgments with Israel;” not only because it was but just that they should share the war with their brethren, and assist them in obtaining possession of the land, but because God ordained that His just vengeance should be executed upon those heathen and wicked nations by the whole of Israel, and had chosen all the tribes generally to be the ministers of His judgment; as it is said, in Psa 149:7, that they were charged “to execute vengeance upon the heathen, to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written;” for it was no common honor to be appointed to be, as it were, the judges of the ungodly, so as to destroy them all, and thus to purify the land.

Calvin: Deu 33:22 - -- 22.And of Dan he said He foretells that the tribe of Dan, like that of Gad, should be warlike, not so much from voluntary disposition, as from necess...
22.And of Dan he said He foretells that the tribe of Dan, like that of Gad, should be warlike, not so much from voluntary disposition, as from necessity; for their love of war was not to be deemed praiseworthy, inasmuch as it is altogether contrary to humanity; but because the unscrupulousness of the enemies, by which that tribe was infested, compelled them to take up arms. He compares it to a lion impetuously leaping from Mount Bashan; and the particle of comparison must be understood here, for Mount Bashan was not situated in the territory of this tribe. But Moses means to say that they should be as ready for the combat as a lion, which, after it has issued from its den into the open plains, makes an attack upon every one that it meets.

Calvin: Deu 33:23 - -- 23.And of Naphtali he said He predicts that God would deal bountifully towards these two tribes; for to the first a fertile district would be allotte...
23.And of Naphtali he said He predicts that God would deal bountifully towards these two tribes; for to the first a fertile district would be allotted towards “the west and the south.” What he declares respecting the tribe of Asher is not free from ambiguity; for he is said to be blessed,
“Out of Asher shall bread be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.” (Gen 49:20.)
He adds that “Asher shall be acceptable to his brethren;” from whence we gather that his tribe should be of a placid disposition: and afterwards figuratively celebrates the abundance of his oil, and iron, and brass. For to “dip his foot in oil,” is as much as to say that he should collect an abundant supply of oil; and that “his shoes should be iron and brass,” is nothing more than that he should tread upon a soil full of these metals. It is to be readily inferred from hence, as from preceding passages, that the blessings, which are now mentioned, are not so much wishes or prayers, as prophecies; since without the spirit of prophecy Moses could never have divined what, or what sort of, territory was to be bestowed on the several tribes.
Commentators vary as to the latter words; for some render the word

Calvin: Deu 33:26 - -- 26.There is none like unto the God Moses proceeds from the parts to the whole, and now comes to speak of the whole body, which consisted of the twelv...
26.There is none like unto the God Moses proceeds from the parts to the whole, and now comes to speak of the whole body, which consisted of the twelve families. All that he says tends to the same end, viz., that the people of Israel were happy as being taken by God under this faithful guardianship: for nothing is more to be desired with regard to our best interests, than that our welfare should be intrusted to the hand of God. But, since this inestimable blessing of being protected by the care of God is often but lightly prized, Moses exclaims in admiration, that there is none to be compared to the God of Israel. We know that all nations had their tutelary gods or patrons, and foolishly gloried in their respective idols; although they often found from experience, that whatever confidence they placed in them was vain and frivolous. Moses, therefore, separates from this imaginary multitude of false gods the God of Israel, like whom, he says, none can be anywhere found. He also extols His power, because He rides gloriously on the heavens and clouds, which is tantamount to all high things being subject to His dominion. But, whereas it would be of little profit to reflect on his infinite power except; in its connection with ourselves, Moses expressly reminds us that God is not strong for Himself, but in order that He may help His people.

Calvin: Deu 33:27 - -- 27.The eternal God is thy refuge This is just as if he had said that the Israelites were protected from above by the help of God, and also based, as ...
27.The eternal God is thy refuge This is just as if he had said that the Israelites were protected from above by the help of God, and also based, as it were, upon Him. The beginning of the prayer corresponds with that other in Psa 90:1, “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations.” The sum is, that although the Israelites might be exposed to many injuries, still there was secure repose for them under the shadow of God’s wings; and assuredly unless the hand of God had been like a roof to protect them, they would have perished a thousand times over. But, inasmuch as it would not be sufficient for our heads to be in safety, the other point is also added, viz., that God’s arms should be stretched forth to sustain them from beneath. He calls them “everlasting,” because the security of the pious, who rely upon God, is never shaken: it is, therefore, just as though he represented God to be at the same time the foundation, and the roof, of their abode. Others translate it less correctly, “Thou shalt live under the arms of the Everlasting;” for an elegant distinction is drawn, 326 which, however, tends to the same point, when God it called
He adduces experimental evidence of the above statements, inasmuch as God had 327 miraculously destroyed the enemies of His people; at the same time he specifies the manner in which this was done, viz., that He had said, Destroy, or blot out, or dissipate. And by this word he signifies that, although God had made use of the agency of the Israelites, still He only was the conqueror; since the Israelites prevailed not except at His bidding, and by His will.

Calvin: Deu 33:28 - -- 28.Israel then shall dwell in safety alone 328 The beginning of the verse is by no means obscure, for Moses promises in it to the elect people what a...
28.Israel then shall dwell in safety alone 328 The beginning of the verse is by no means obscure, for Moses promises in it to the elect people what all have naturally a great desire for, viz., peace or tranquillity; for he is said to dwell confidently alone, who: fears no danger, whom no care harasses, and who needs no garrison, or defense. This, indeed, God never vouchsafed altogether to the Israelites, that they should inhabit their land in security and without the fear of enemies, inasmuch as their ingratitude did not allow of it; and therefore the prophets, in enumerating the blessings of Christ’s kingdom, declare that every one should “dwell beneath his own vine, and his own fig-tree.”
For “the fountain of Jacob,” some have the word eye, 329 and suppose it to be used metaphorically for his vision; as though it were said, that the quiet and peaceful habitation referred to was to be expected by the people from the vision of their father Jacob. Others, however, more correctly read the words “fountain of Jacob,” in apposition (with Israel,) inasmuch as all the tribes derived their origin from that one father. In this way the “fountain” will not be only the actual source; but the rivulet, or stream, which flows down from it.
In conclusion, Moses promises that the very sky of the Holy Land should be propitious, and benignant.

Calvin: Deu 33:29 - -- 29.Happy art thou, O Israel He again exclaims that happy is the people, whose salvation is in God; and surely this is the only true happiness; for un...
29.Happy art thou, O Israel He again exclaims that happy is the people, whose salvation is in God; and surely this is the only true happiness; for unless we ascend to the first cause of Salvation, all salvations, so to speak, are but transitory. And, since God had honored the Israelites alone with this privilege, their condition is here distinguished from the common lot of the whole human race. By the words shield and sword is meant a perfect defense, as much as to say, that no part of their armor was to be sought elsewhere.
TSK: Deu 33:12 - -- The beloved : Deu 33:27-29; Josh. 18:11-28; Jdg 1:21; 1Ki 12:21; 2Ch 11:1, 2Ch 15:2; 2Ch 17:17-19; Psa 132:14; Isa 37:22, Isa 37:35
cover him : Psa 91...
The beloved : Deu 33:27-29; Josh. 18:11-28; Jdg 1:21; 1Ki 12:21; 2Ch 11:1, 2Ch 15:2; 2Ch 17:17-19; Psa 132:14; Isa 37:22, Isa 37:35

TSK: Deu 33:13 - -- Joseph : Gen 48:5, Gen 48:9, Gen 48:15-20, Gen 49:22-26
the dew : Deu 32:2; Gen 27:28, Gen 27:29; Job 29:19; Psa 110:3; Pro 3:20, Pro 19:12; Isa 18:4;...

TSK: Deu 33:14 - -- the precious : Deu 28:8; Lev 26:4; 2Sa 23:4; Psa 65:9-13, Psa 74:16, Psa 84:11; Mal 4:2; Mat 5:45; Act 14:17; 1Ti 6:17
put forth : Heb. thrust forth

TSK: Deu 33:16 - -- the earth : Psa 24:1, Psa 50:12, Psa 89:11; Jer 8:16 *marg. 1Co 10:26, 1Co 10:28
the good : Exo 3:2-4; Mar 12:26; Luk 2:14; Act 7:30-33, Act 7:35; 2Co...

TSK: Deu 33:17 - -- the firstling : 1Ch 5:1
his horns : Num 23:22, Num 24:8; Job 39:9, Job 39:10; Psa 22:21, Psa 29:6, Psa 92:10; Isa 34:7
unicorns : Heb. an unicorn
he s...

TSK: Deu 33:19 - -- call the people : Isa 2:3; Jer 50:4, Jer 50:5; Mic 4:2
they shall : Psa 4:5, Psa 50:13-15, Psa 51:16, Psa 51:17, Psa 107:22; Heb 13:15, Heb 13:16; 1Pe...

TSK: Deu 33:20 - -- Blessed : Gen 9:26, Gen 9:27; Jos 13:8, Jos 13:10, Jos 13:24-28; 1Ch 4:10, 1Ch 12:8, 1Ch 12:37, 1Ch 12:38; Psa 18:19, Psa 18:36
he dwelleth : 1Ch 5:18...
Blessed : Gen 9:26, Gen 9:27; Jos 13:8, Jos 13:10, Jos 13:24-28; 1Ch 4:10, 1Ch 12:8, 1Ch 12:37, 1Ch 12:38; Psa 18:19, Psa 18:36
he dwelleth : 1Ch 5:18-21, 1Ch 12:8-14
teareth : Mic 5:8

TSK: Deu 33:21 - -- the first part : Num 32:1-6, Num 32:16, 17-42
a portion : Num 32:33; Jos 1:14, Jos 22:4
seated : Heb. cieled
he came : Num 32:16, Num 32:21; Jos 4:12,...

TSK: Deu 33:22 - -- Gen 49:16, Gen 49:17; Jos 19:47; Jdg 13:2, Jdg 13:24, Jdg 13:25, Jdg 14:6, Jdg 14:19, Jdg 15:8, Jdg 15:15, Jdg 16:30; Jdg 18:27; 1Ch 12:35

TSK: Deu 33:23 - -- O : Gen 49:21; Psa 36:8, Psa 90:14; Isa 9:1, Isa 9:2; Jer 31:14; Mat 4:13, Mat 4:16, Mat 11:28
possess : Jos 19:32-39

TSK: Deu 33:24 - -- Asher be blessed : Gen 49:20; Psa 115:15, Psa 128:3, Psa 128:6
let him be : Pro 3:3, Pro 3:4; Exo 12:10; Act 7:10; Rom 14:18, Rom 15:31
let him dip : ...

TSK: Deu 33:25 - -- Thy shoes : etc. or, Under thy shoes shall be iron, Deu 8:9; Luk 15:22; Eph 6:15
and as thy : 2Ch 16:9; Psa 138:3; Isa 40:29, Isa 41:10; 1Co 10:13; 2C...

TSK: Deu 33:26 - -- none : Exo 15:11; Psa 86:8; Isa 40:18, Isa 40:25, Isa 43:11-13, Isa 66:8; Jer 10:6
Jeshurun : Deu 32:15
rideth : Psa 18:10, Psa 68:4, Psa 68:33, Psa 6...

TSK: Deu 33:27 - -- eternal : 1Sa 15:29; Psa 90:1, Psa 90:2, Psa 102:24; Isa 9:6, Isa 25:4, Isa 57:15; Jer 10:10; Mic 5:2; 1Ti 1:17; Heb 9:14
refuge : Psa 18:2, Psa 27:5,...
eternal : 1Sa 15:29; Psa 90:1, Psa 90:2, Psa 102:24; Isa 9:6, Isa 25:4, Isa 57:15; Jer 10:10; Mic 5:2; 1Ti 1:17; Heb 9:14
refuge : Psa 18:2, Psa 27:5, Psa 36:7, Psa 46:1, Psa 46:7, Psa 46:11, Psa 48:3, Psa 91:1, Psa 91:2, Psa 91:9, Psa 91:15; Pro 18:10; Isa 32:2; Luk 13:34; Phi 3:9
underneath : Gen 49:24; Pro 10:25; Son 2:6; Isa 26:4; 1Pe 1:5; Jud 1:24
thrust : Deu 9:3-5; Joh 10:28, Joh 10:29; Rom 8:2, Rom 16:20; Rev 20:2, Rev 20:3, Rev 20:10

TSK: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel : Exo 33:16; Num 23:9; Jer 23:6, Jer 33:16; Eze 34:25; Rev 21:27, Rev 22:14, Rev 22:15
the fountain : Deu 8:7, Deu 8:8; Psa 68:26; Pro 5:15-18;...

TSK: Deu 33:29 - -- Happy : Deu 4:7, Deu 4:8; Num 23:20-24, Num 24:5; 2Sa 7:23; Psa 33:12, Psa 144:15
saved : Isa 12:2, Isa 45:17; 1Ti 4:10
the shield : Gen 15:1; Psa 84:...
Happy : Deu 4:7, Deu 4:8; Num 23:20-24, Num 24:5; 2Sa 7:23; Psa 33:12, Psa 144:15
saved : Isa 12:2, Isa 45:17; 1Ti 4:10
the shield : Gen 15:1; Psa 84:11, Psa 115:9-11
the sword : Jdg 7:20; Psa 7:12, Psa 45:3; Isa 27:1, Isa 34:5, Isa 34:6; Jer 12:12, Jer 47:6; Rev 1:16; Rev 19:21
found liars : or, subdued, 2Sa 22:45; Psa 18:44, Psa 66:3, Psa 81:15 *marg.

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Deu 33:12 - -- He shall dwell between his shoulders - i. e., be supported by God as a son who is carried by his father (compare Deu 1:31). Benjamin was especi...

Barnes: Deu 33:13-17 - -- Comparing the words of Moses with those of Jacob, it will be seen that the patriarch dwells with emphasis on the severe conflicts which Joseph, i. e...
Comparing the words of Moses with those of Jacob, it will be seen that the patriarch dwells with emphasis on the severe conflicts which Joseph, i. e., Ephraim and Manasseh, would undergo (compare Gen 49:23-24); while the lawgiver seems to look beyond, and to behold the two triumphant and established in their power.
Rather: "The first-born of his"(i. e. Joseph’ s) "bullock is his glory": the reference being to Ephraim, who was raised by Jacob to the honors of the firstborn (Gen 48:20, and is here likened to the firstling of Joseph’ s oxen, i. e., of Joseph’ s offspring. The ox is a common emblem of power and strength.

Barnes: Deu 33:18-19 - -- Zebulun possessed a commodious sea-shore and the fisheries of the Lake of Tiberias: and was therefore to thrive by commerce, and to rejoice in his "...
Zebulun possessed a commodious sea-shore and the fisheries of the Lake of Tiberias: and was therefore to thrive by commerce, and to rejoice in his "going out,"i. e., in his mercantile enterprises. Issachar possessed a fertile inland district, and would therefore dwell at home and prosper in agriculture. Both tribes distinguished themselves in the contest with Jabin (compare Jdg 5:14-15, Jdg 5:18): and of Zebulun it is particularly noted that it produced the officers and tacticians who led and marshalled the host which vanquished Sisera (see Jdg 5:14, and compare 1Ch 12:33).
Unto the mountain - Compare Exo 15:17.
Sacrifices of righteousness - Sacrifices offered in a righteous spirit, and therefore well pleasing to God (compare Psa 4:5; Psa 51:19).
Treasures hid in the sand - The riches of the seas in general. However, it is noteworthy that the sand of these coasts was especially valuable in the manufacture of glass; and glass was a precious thing in ancient times (compare Job 28:17). The murex from which the highly-prized purple dye was extracted, was also found here. A typical reference to the conversion of the Gentiles is strongly suggested by Isa 60:5-6, Isa 60:16; Isa 66:11-12.

Barnes: Deu 33:20 - -- i. e., Blessed be God who shall grant to Gad a spacious territory. Compare the blessing of Shem Gen 9:26. With the crown - Rather, yea, the cr...
i. e., Blessed be God who shall grant to Gad a spacious territory. Compare the blessing of Shem Gen 9:26.
With the crown - Rather, yea, the crown. The warlike character of this tribe is shown by their leading the van in the long campaigns of Joshua (compare Jos 4:12-13; Jos 22:1-4). Compare also 1Ch 5:18-22; 1Ch 12:8 ff, and the acts of Jehu, the Gadite, in 2 Kings 9; 10.

Barnes: Deu 33:21 - -- The first fruits of the conquest made by Israel were assigned to Gad and Reuben by Moses, at their own request. Because ... seated - Render, b...
The first fruits of the conquest made by Israel were assigned to Gad and Reuben by Moses, at their own request.
Because ... seated - Render, because there was the leader’ s portion reserved, i. e., there was reserved the fitting portion for Gad as a leader in war.
And he came ... - i. e., he joined the other leaders to fulfill the commands of God respecting the conquest of Canaan (compare Num 32:17, Num 32:21, Num 32:32; Jos 1:14). Moses regards the promise of the Gadites to do this as already redeemed.

Barnes: Deu 33:22 - -- Dan shall be like a lion which leaps forth from his covert in Bashan. Compare Son 4:8.
Dan shall be like a lion which leaps forth from his covert in Bashan. Compare Son 4:8.

Barnes: Deu 33:23 - -- Satisfied with favor - Compare Gen 49:21 and note. The west and the south - i. e., taking the words as referring not to geographical posi...
Satisfied with favor - Compare Gen 49:21 and note.
The west and the south - i. e., taking the words as referring not to geographical position but to natural characteristics, "the sea and the sunny district."The possession of Naphtali included nearly the whole west coast of the Sea of Galilee, the Lake of Merom, the modern Bahr el Hulch, and the well watered district near the springs of Jordan. It contained some of the grandest scenery and some of the most fertile land in Palestine. Josephus speaks of the shore of Gennesaret as "an earthly paradise;"and Porter describes it as "the garden of Palestine."The modern name for this district, "land of good tidings,"is significant.

Barnes: Deu 33:24 - -- Rather, "Blessed above the sons"(i. e. of Jacob-most blessed among the sons of Jacob) "be Asher; let him he the favored one of his brethren,"i. e., ...
Rather, "Blessed above the sons"(i. e. of Jacob-most blessed among the sons of Jacob) "be Asher; let him he the favored one of his brethren,"i. e., the one favored of God. The plenty with which this tribe should be blessed is described under the figure of dipping the foot in oil (compare the marginal reference).

Barnes: Deu 33:25 - -- The strength and firmness of Asher is as if he were shod with iron and brass (compare Rev 1:15). The territory of this tribe probably contained iron...
The strength and firmness of Asher is as if he were shod with iron and brass (compare Rev 1:15). The territory of this tribe probably contained iron and copper. Compare the marginal reference.
As thy days, so shall thy strength be - i. e., "thy strength"(some prefer "thy rest") "shall be continued to thee as long as thou shalt live: thou shalt never know feebleness and decay."

Barnes: Deu 33:26 - -- Rather, There is none like unto God, O Jeshurun! See marginal reference and note.
Rather, There is none like unto God, O Jeshurun! See marginal reference and note.

Barnes: Deu 33:28 - -- The fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine - The King James Version does not preserve the symmetry of the clauses. Render it: ...

Barnes: Deu 33:29 - -- Be found liars unto thee - Perhaps rather, "cringe before thee."The verb means to show a feigned or forced obedience: see the marginal referenc...
Be found liars unto thee - Perhaps rather, "cringe before thee."The verb means to show a feigned or forced obedience: see the marginal references.
Tread upon their high places - i. e., occupy the commanding positions in their land, and so have it in subjection.
Poole: Deu 33:12 - -- The beloved of the Lord i.e. this beloved tribe: so called partly in allusion to their father Benjamin, who was the beloved of his father Jacob; and ...
The beloved of the Lord i.e. this beloved tribe: so called partly in allusion to their father Benjamin, who was the beloved of his father Jacob; and partly because of the love and kindness of God towards this tribe, which appeared both in this, that they dwelt in the fattest and best part of the land, as Josephus affirms and especially in the following privilege.
Shall dwell in safety by him i.e. shall have his lot nigh unto God’ s temple, which was both a singular comfort and safeguard to him.
The Lord may well be understood here, because he was expressed in the former member.
Shall cover him all the day long shall protect that tribe continually while they cleave to him.
He shall dwell between his shoulders the Lord shall dwell, i.e. his temple shall be placed, between his shoulders , i.e. in his portion, or between his borders, or sides, as the word shoulder is oft used, as Exo 28:7 Num 34:11 Jos 15:8,10 Eze 47:1,2 . And this was truly the situation of the temple, on both sides whereof was Benjamin’ s portion; and though Mount Sion was in the tribe of Judah, yet Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built, was in the tribe of Benjamin.

Poole: Deu 33:13 - -- His portion shall be excellent, and endowed with choice blessings from God, as it here follows.
For the precious things of heaven i.e. the preciou...
His portion shall be excellent, and endowed with choice blessings from God, as it here follows.
For the precious things of heaven i.e. the precious fruits of the earth brought forth by the influences of heaven, the warmth of the sun, and the rain which God will send from heaven.
For the deep that coucheth beneath the springs of water bubbling out of the earth.

Poole: Deu 33:14 - -- By the sun which opens and warms the earth, cherisheth and improveth, and in due time ripeneth the seeds and fruits of the earth.
By the moon which...
By the sun which opens and warms the earth, cherisheth and improveth, and in due time ripeneth the seeds and fruits of the earth.
By the moon which by its moisture refreshes and promotes them Heb. of the moons , or months , i.e. which it bringeth forth in the several months or seasons of the year.

Poole: Deu 33:15 - -- i.e. The excellent fruits, as grapes, olives, figs, &c., which delight in mountains, growing upon, or the precious minerals contained in, their mou...
i.e. The excellent fruits, as grapes, olives, figs, &c., which delight in mountains, growing upon, or the precious minerals contained in, their mountains and hills , called ancient and lasting , i.e. such as have been from the beginning of the world, and likely to continue to the end of it, in opposition to those hills or mounts which have been cast up by the wit of man.

Poole: Deu 33:16 - -- For the precious things of the earth and in general for all the choice fruits which the land produceth in all the parts of it, whether hills or valle...
For the precious things of the earth and in general for all the choice fruits which the land produceth in all the parts of it, whether hills or valleys.
Fulness thereof i.e. the plants and cattle, and all creatures that grow, increase, and flourish in it.
For the good will of him that dwelt in the bush for all other effects of the good will and kindness of God, who not long since did for a time dwell or appear in the bush to me in order to the relief of his people, Exo 3:2 .
Of Joseph i.e. of Joseph’ s posterity.

Poole: Deu 33:17 - -- The firstling of his bullock in whose countenance there is a kind of awful majesty and comely generosity, as Tully, Aelian, &c. observe. This seems t...
The firstling of his bullock in whose countenance there is a kind of awful majesty and comely generosity, as Tully, Aelian, &c. observe. This seems to note the kingdom which Ephraim should obtain in Jeroboam and his successors.
His horns are like the horns of unicorns his strength and power shall be very great.
He shall push the people i.e. all that shall oppose him, and particularly the Canaanites.
To the ends of the earth i.e. of the land of Canaan.
They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh though Manasseh be now more numerous, yet Ephraim shall shortly outstrip him, as was foretold, Gen 48:19 .

Poole: Deu 33:18 - -- Thou shalt prosper; and have cause of rejoicing.
In thy going out either,
1. To war, as this phrase is oft used, as Gen 14:17 , which was in part...
Thou shalt prosper; and have cause of rejoicing.
In thy going out either,
1. To war, as this phrase is oft used, as Gen 14:17 , which was in part verified, Jud 5:18 . Or,
2. To sea, in way of traffic, because their portion lay near the sea. Or both may be joined; and in both respects his course is opposite to that of Issachar, who was a lover of peace and pasturage. See Gen 49:14,15 .
Issachar is here joined with
Zebulun both because they were brethren by father and mother too, and because their possessions lay near together.
In thy tents i.e. thou shalt give thyself to the management of land and cattle, living quietly in thy own possessions, disliking the troubles of war and of merchandise. So the phrase is used Gen 25:27 Jos 22:4 Jud 5:24 7:8 .

Poole: Deu 33:19 - -- They either,
1. Zebulun and Issachar. Or rather,
2. Zebulun only, as the following matter shows; and it was Zebulun that Moses takes more special n...
They either,
1. Zebulun and Issachar. Or rather,
2. Zebulun only, as the following matter shows; and it was Zebulun that Moses takes more special notice of, Deu 33:18 , bringing in Issachar only by the by, in conjunction with him, or in opposition to him. And so having despatched Issachar in two words, he returns to Zebulun, a more active tribe.
The people i.e. the Gentiles; either those of Galilee, which was called Galilee of the Gentiles , who were their neighbours; or people of other nations, with whom they had commerce, which they endeavoured to improve in persuading them to the true God, and his worship and service.
Unto the mountain i.e. to the temple, which Moses knew was to be seated upon a mountain.
Sacrifices of righteousness i.e. such as God requires and righteousness obligeth them to offer. Their trafficking abroad with heathen nations shall not make them forget or neglect their duty at home, nor shall their distance from the place of sacrifice hinder them from coming to it to discharge that duty.
They shall suck of the abundance of the seas they shall grow rich by the traffic of the sea; and their riches shall not make them the worse, as they do others, but they shall consecrate themselves and their riches to the service of God.
Treasures hid in the sand such precious things as either,
1. Are contained in the sand of the sea and rivers, in which sometimes there is mixed a considerable quantity of gold and silver. Or,
2. Such as grow in the sea, or are fetched from the sandy bottom of it, as pearls, coral, ambergris, &c. Or,
3. Such as being east into the sea by shipwreck are cast upon the shore by the workings of the sea, and thence taken either by merchants, or by the people that live upon the sea-coast.

Poole: Deu 33:20 - -- By praising God for enlarging Gad he supposeth the ground of these praises, that God would enlarge Gad, i.e. either.
1. Enlarge his territories; ...
By praising God for enlarging Gad he supposeth the ground of these praises, that God would enlarge Gad, i.e. either.
1. Enlarge his territories; which seems needless, because they had a very large portion now when Moses uttered these words. Or,
2. Bring him out of his straits and troubles, which he was likely to be oft engaged in, because he was encompassed with potent enemies. And in this sense the phrase is used Psa 4:1 : compare Psa 31:8 118:5 . One instance of the fulfilling hereof we have Jud 11 .
He dwelleth as a lion i.e. safe and secure from his enemies, and terrible to them when they rouse and molest him. See 1Ch 5:18 , &c.; 1Ch 12:8 .
Teareth the arm with the crown of the head i.e. utterly destroys his enemies; both the head , the seat of the crown, their dignity and principality, and the arm, the subject of strength and instrument of action; both chief princes, and their instruments and subjects.

Poole: Deu 33:21 - -- The first part the first-fruits of the Land of Promise, the country of Sihon, which was first conquered, which he is said to provide for himself , b...
The first part the first-fruits of the Land of Promise, the country of Sihon, which was first conquered, which he is said to provide for himself , because he desired and so obtained it of Moses, Nu 32 .
A portion of the lawgiver i.e. of Moses, whose portion this is called, either because this part of the land beyond Jordan was the only part of the land which Moses was permitted to enter upon; or because it was given to him by Moses; whereas the portions beyond Jordan were given to the several tribes by Joshua, according to the direction of the lot.
Was he seated Heb. hid or protected ; for their wives and children were secured in their cities, whilst many of their men went over to the war in Canaan.
He came with the heads of the people i.e. he went, or he will go, (the preter tense being put for the future, after the manner of the prophets,) to wit, to the war in Canaan, with the princes, or captains, or rulers of the people of Israel , i.e. under their command and conduct, as indeed they did; or with the first of the people ; or, in the front of the people, as the Syriac renders it; for this tribe and their brethren, whose lot fell beyond Jordan, were to march, and did march, into Canaan before their brethren , as it is expressed, Jos 1:14 . And the Hebrew word rosch oft signifies the beginning or first of a thing .
He executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel i.e. he did or will execute the just judgment of God against the Canaanites, as the rest of the Israelites did; he will join in the war against them, as he promised to do, Num 32:27 , and actually did, Jos 1:14 .

Poole: Deu 33:22 - -- Lion’ s whelp i.e. courageous, and generous, and strong, and successful against his enemies.
He shall leap from Bashan or, which leapeth from...
Lion’ s whelp i.e. courageous, and generous, and strong, and successful against his enemies.
He shall leap from Bashan or, which leapeth from Bashan ; for this clause seems not to belong to the tribe of Dan, which was at a great distance from Bashan, even at the other end of the land, and therefore this seems too great a leap for him; and if he did leap so far, he should rather be said to take his leap from his own lot in the south of Canaan, and thence to leap not from Bashan , but to Bashan , to fall upon his enemies there: but it rather is a continuation of the metaphor, and belongs to the lion , which is said to leap from Bashan, because there were many and fierce lions in those parts; see Jud 14:5 ; whence they used to come forth to prey, and their manner was to leap upon the prey.

Poole: Deu 33:23 - -- With favour either,
1. With God’ s favour, as it follows; or,
2. With men’ s favour or good-will, his carriage being peaceable, courteous...
With favour either,
1. With God’ s favour, as it follows; or,
2. With men’ s favour or good-will, his carriage being peaceable, courteous, and obliging, as is intimated, Gen 49:21 , according to the common translation: see the notes there.
Full with the blessing of the Lord i.e. seated in a pleasant, and fertile, and happy soil; such as Galilee (in which their share lay) eminently was, as Josephus and others report.
The west and the south or, the sea and the south . This is not to be understood of the places, that his lot should fall there, for he was rather in the east and north of the land; but of the pleasures and commodities of the west, or of the sea, which were conveyed to him from his neighbour Zebulun; and of the south , i.e. from the southern tribes and parts of Canaan, which were brought to him down the river Jordan, and both sorts of commodities were given him in exchange for the fruits of his rich soil, which he had in great abundance.

Poole: Deu 33:24 - -- He shall have numerous, and those strong, and healthful, and comely, children. Or, shall be blessed or praised of or above the sons , i.e. the othe...
He shall have numerous, and those strong, and healthful, and comely, children. Or, shall be blessed or praised of or above the sons , i.e. the other sons of Israel, or his brethren, as it here follows, i.e. his portion shall fall in an excellent part, where he may have the benefits both of his own fat soil, and of the sea, by his neighbours Tyrus and Sidon.
Acceptable to his brethren by his sweet disposition and winning carriage, and communication of his excellent commodities to his brethren, he shall gain their affections.
Let him dip his foot in oil he shall have such plenty of oil, that he may not only wash his face, but his feet also, in it. Or, the fatness and fertility of his country may be expressed by oil, as Job 29:6 . And so it agrees with Jacob’ s blessing of him, Gen 49:20 .

Poole: Deu 33:25 - -- Thy shoes shall be iron and brass: this may note either,
1. Their great strength, by which they should be able to tread down and crush their enemies...
Thy shoes shall be iron and brass: this may note either,
1. Their great strength, by which they should be able to tread down and crush their enemies, as Christ’ s feet for this very reason are said to be of brass , Rev 1:15 . Or,
2. The mines of iron and copper, which were in their portion, whence Sidon their neighbour was famous among the heathens for its plenty of brass and iron, and Sarepta is thought to have its name from the brass and iron, which were melted there in great quantity. Compare Deu 8:9 . Or,
3. The strength of its situation; and so some ancients and modems render the words, thy habitation or thy enclosure shall be iron and brass, i.e. fortified as it were with walls and gates of iron and brass, being defended by the sea on one side, by their brethren on other sides, as also by mountains and rivers.
So shall thy strength be i.e. thy strength shall not be diminished with thine age, but thou shalt have the rigour of youth even in thine old age; thy tribe shall grow stronger and stronger.

Poole: Deu 33:26 - -- Upon the heaven i. e. upon the clouds, to succour thee from thence, by sending thunder and lightning upon thine enemies. See Psa 18:7 68:34 , &c.
Upon the heaven i. e. upon the clouds, to succour thee from thence, by sending thunder and lightning upon thine enemies. See Psa 18:7 68:34 , &c.
In his excellency or,
in his magnificence i.e. magnificently, gloriously, and with great majesty as well as power.

Poole: Deu 33:27 - -- Thy refuge or, thy dwelling-place . Compare Psa 91:1 .
Underneath i.e. under thy arms to hold thee up, as my hands were once held up by Aaron and ...
Thy refuge or, thy dwelling-place . Compare Psa 91:1 .
Underneath i.e. under thy arms to hold thee up, as my hands were once held up by Aaron and Hur. He will support and defend thee. Or the meaning is, Though he dwelleth on high, yet he comes down to the earth beneath to assist and deliver thee.
Shall say, Destroy them i.e. shall give thee not only command and commission, but also power, to destroy them; for God’ s saying is doing, his word comes with power.

Poole: Deu 33:28 - -- Alone either,
1. Though they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall ...
Alone either,
1. Though they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient for them. Or,
2. Distinct and separated from all other nations, with whom I will not have them to mingle themselves. See Num 23:9 Ezr 9:1,2 .
The fountain of Jacob i.e. the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him its waters from a fountain, in great abundance. Compare Psa 68:26 Isa 48:1 . The fountain is here put for the river or streams which flow from it, as Psa 94:10 ; as the root is put for the branch , 2Ch 22:10 Isa 11:10 Rev 5:5 ; and as Jacob or Israel, who is the fountain , is oft put for the children of Israel. Or, the eye (for so the Hebrew word oft signifies)
of Jacob i.e. of the people of Israel; and so the sense is, They who now only hear of the land of promise shall shortly see it, which I am not suffered to do, and shall enjoy it, which is oft signified by seeing, as Psa 4:6 27:13 34:12 Ecc 2:1 3:13 .
His heavens i.e. those heavens or that air which hangs over his land.

Poole: Deu 33:29 - -- Saved by the Lord the giver and preserver of all that excellency, that glory, safety, and happiness, which thou hast above all other people, which th...
Saved by the Lord the giver and preserver of all that excellency, that glory, safety, and happiness, which thou hast above all other people, which thou dost not obtain either by or for thy own wisdom, or strength, or goodness.
The sword of thy excellency or, thy most excellent sword, i.e. thy strength and the author of all this, past or approaching victories.
Shall be found liars unto thee i.e. shall be deceived, as to all their vain hopes and confidences of destroying thee or saving themselves, whether grounded upon their own numbers, and valour, and strong holds, or upon old prophecies and predictions of success, or upon their idols. Or, shall lie unto thee , i.e. shall submit themselves to thee, though it be done but feignedly and by constraint, as this phrase is used, Psa 18:44 66:3 81:15 . Possibly this may design the lies and frauds which the Gibeonites would use to deceive them, Jos 9:4 .
Thou shalt tread upon their high places i.e. thou shalt subdue their greatest princes, and their strongest holds, Deu 32:13 , and their idols, temples, and worship.
Haydock: Deu 33:12 - -- Shall dwell, &c. This seems to allude to the temple being built in the confines of the tribe of Benjamin, (Challoner) on the northern part of Jerusa...
Shall dwell, &c. This seems to allude to the temple being built in the confines of the tribe of Benjamin, (Challoner) on the northern part of Jerusalem. The southern division of the city was in the territory of Juda; and hence Jerusalem is attributed to both, Josue xv. 63., and Judges i. 21. (Calmet) ---
He rest. The temple was situated on Mount Moria, which was higher than the rest of the city, as the head is above the shoulders. (Menochius) ---
Chaldean, "The majesty of the Lord shall dwell in his land." This was the sure ground of confidence to Benjamin. As long as God continued with his people, they had nothing to fear, no more than in a bride-chamber, being under the protection of the most High. (Haydock) ---
As Benjamin had been the object of his father's love, so God chose the first king out of his tribe; (Menochius) and by protecting his temple in a more particular manner, secured him. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 33:13 - -- Fruits. Hebrew, "for the precious things of heaven, for the dew," &c., so also it has precious, ver. 14, &c.
Fruits. Hebrew, "for the precious things of heaven, for the dew," &c., so also it has precious, ver. 14, &c.

Haydock: Deu 33:14 - -- Moon; both those which are annual, as wheat, and those which come every month. (Chaldean) The sun and moon greatly contribute to nourish (Haydock) ...
Moon; both those which are annual, as wheat, and those which come every month. (Chaldean) The sun and moon greatly contribute to nourish (Haydock) and to bring fruit to maturity. (Pliny, [Natural History?] ii. 100. (Calmet) ---
Both the tribes of Ephraim and of Manasses inhabited a fertile region. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 33:15 - -- Everlasting hills. Chaldean, "which never fail" to produce an abundant crop. (Haydock) ---
The hills of the Israelites were very productive. But ...
Everlasting hills. Chaldean, "which never fail" to produce an abundant crop. (Haydock) ---
The hills of the Israelites were very productive. But when they rebelled against their God, in very deed the hills were liars, and yielded little or nothing, Jeremias iii. 23.

Haydock: Deu 33:16 - -- Thereof, whatever the earth can produce, particularly wheat, &c. The fruits of heaven, (ver. 13,) may denote such as grew on trees. (Calmet) ---
Thereof, whatever the earth can produce, particularly wheat, &c. The fruits of heaven, (ver. 13,) may denote such as grew on trees. (Calmet) ---
Bush; God, who appeared to Moses. (Haydock) ---
Nazarite. See the note on Genesis xlix. 26. (Challoner) ---
Joseph was distinguished by God, by his father, and by the king of Egypt, in a particular manner. The high priest was the Nasir in the house of God, (Leviticus xxi. 12,) as Joseph ws the chief officer, at the court of Pharao. The eastern kings still give this title to their prime minister. (Chardin. Perse. T. ii. 5, p. 136.)

Haydock: Deu 33:17 - -- Bullock, or cow. Shor, denotes all the species, chap. xv. 19. ---
Firstling, is likewise often put for the most excellent. Thus "his beauty, li...
Bullock, or cow. Shor, denotes all the species, chap. xv. 19. ---
Firstling, is likewise often put for the most excellent. Thus "his beauty, like the finest bullock." The Egyptians had a high esteem for bulls; and Elian (ii. 10,) informs us that Mnevis, one of their kings, ordered the people to adore the bull, as the most beautiful of animals. Moses points at the kingdom of Israel, which was chiefly governed by the tribe of Ephraim; or perhaps he alludes to Josue, (Calmet) who was to succeed him, and to conquer the nations on the other side of the Jordan, with so much resolution and ability. (Haydock) ---
Rhinoceros, as stronger and more penetrating. See Numbers xxxii. 22. (Calmet) ---
Horns, designate strength and beauty, Psalm lxxiv. (Menochius) ---
Push, alluding to the manner in which bulls attack their opponents, and hurl them into the air, sparsa ad pugnam proludit arena. (Georg. iii.) (Calmet) ---
Some of the Fathers have explained this passage of Jesus Christ, the first-born of the creation, who is possessed of all the treasures of wisdom (Haydock) and beauty, whose strength drew all things to himself, after he had lifted up the nations on his cross, as it were with horns, and rescued them from the power of the devil. (St. Augustine, q. ultra[last]) (Calmet) ---
Manasses. To these two tribes, the blessings of their father, Joseph, belong; and their multitudes shall render them very formidable to the nations around them, as long as they obey their God. (Haydock) ---
The younger brother, Ephraim, is preferred before the elder, Genesis xlviii. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 33:18 - -- Out to sea. (Calmet) ---
The territory of Zabulon had the Mediterranean sea on the west, and the lake of Tiberias, into which the Jordan flowed, on...
Out to sea. (Calmet) ---
The territory of Zabulon had the Mediterranean sea on the west, and the lake of Tiberias, into which the Jordan flowed, on the east. (Haydock) ---
By the advantages of their situation, and by the example of the Tyrians, the people were induced to engage in commerce, and to study the art of navigation. ---
Tabernacles. Issachar preferred staying at home to cultivate his rich soil, Genesis xlix. 13. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 33:19 - -- Mountain. Full of gratitude to God, who has bestowed such advantages upon them, these tribes shall go with zeal to the place which the Lord shall ch...
Mountain. Full of gratitude to God, who has bestowed such advantages upon them, these tribes shall go with zeal to the place which the Lord shall choose, (Haydock) and invite the people, on the road, to go along with them, to offer sacrifice. (Menochius) ---
Perhaps this may allude also to their conduct in the war against Jabin, in which they were particularly active, appointing the place of rendezvous at Mount Thabor, where, though the Scripture be silent, it is probable they would offer a sacrifice of thanks, as they had the prophetess, Debora, along with them, (Calmet) in like manner as Samuel immolated a calf at Bethlehem, (1 Kings xvi.) and Elias a bullock on Mount Carmel, 3 Kings xviii. (Haydock) See 1 Kings xiii. 12. ---
Sands. This blessing chiefly regarded Zabulon, who received the riches of the sea by commerce, bringing home the gold dust which is found among the sand of some rivers. The river Belus, near Ptolemais, was particularly famous for a sort of sand, of which glass was made. Josephus (Jewish Wars ii. 17,) says, that near the tomb of Memnon, a bed of such sand is found, about 100 cubits long, which, though many vessels have been filled from it, has never been exhausted. See Pliny, [Natural History?] v. 19., and Strabo, xvi. ---
The discovery of glass is supposed to have been the effect of chance; some merchants having placed a nitrous stone under their pot, as soon as it grew hot, and mixed with the sand, which is found near the shore of Tyre, a transparent substance was formed, which the Greeks called ualos, "glass," perhaps in imitation of the Hebrew eul, or "sand," of which it was chiefly composed. (Calmet) ---
The Septuagint render this verse, "They shall destroy the nations, and you shall call thither, and there you shall sacrifice,....because the riches of the sea shall suckle thee, and the merchandise of those who inhabit the sea shore." These tribes greatly contributed to overthrow the army of Sisara beside the torrent of Cisson, which divides their territories, Judges iv., and v. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 33:20 - -- Breadth. The tribe of Gad, &c., slew or drove the Agarites from their neighbourhood, and seized their country, 1 Paralipomenon v. 18, 22. Hebrew, S...
Breadth. The tribe of Gad, &c., slew or drove the Agarites from their neighbourhood, and seized their country, 1 Paralipomenon v. 18, 22. Hebrew, Septuagint, and Chaldean, "Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad," which was verified in Jephte, Josue xi. 33. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 33:21 - -- He saw, &c. The pre-eminence of the tribe of Gad, to which this alludes, was their having the lawgiver, Moses, buried in their borders; though the p...
He saw, &c. The pre-eminence of the tribe of Gad, to which this alludes, was their having the lawgiver, Moses, buried in their borders; though the particular place was not known. (Challoner) ---
Protestants, "and he provided the first part for himself; because there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated, and he came with the heads of the people," &c. Septuagint, "And he saw his first-fruits," (the first conquered country of Sehon and of Og,) because there the land of the princes was divided, the leaders of the people being assembled, or who were assembled with the leaders. (Haydock) ---
Gad and the two other tribes petitioned for that part of the country, and obtained their request of Moses, Numbers xxxii. 27. ---
Israel. This is generally understood of Moses; but it may be explained of the tribe of Gad, which complied with the conditions imposed on him, and on his brethren, by the Lord, when he allotted the land of Galaad to them, chap. iii. 18. (Calmet) ---
Hebrew, "he executed the justice of the Lord," &c. Septuagint, "the Lord did justice and his judgment with Israel," approving his choice. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 33:22 - -- Basan. As the Jordan rushes with impetuosity (Haydock) from Lais, which was seized by some of this tribe; (Judges xviii.) and as a lion falls on its...
Basan. As the Jordan rushes with impetuosity (Haydock) from Lais, which was seized by some of this tribe; (Judges xviii.) and as a lion falls on its prey from the mountains of Basan, so shall this tribe give birth to Samson, who was stronger than a lion, (Calmet) and terribly harassed the Philistines, Judges xiv. 5, 14, &c. When the Danites found themselves straitened for room, they sent a colony, (Haydock) which took possession of Lais, and called it after their own name: one of the fountains of the Jordan was in this place, the other was called Jor, (Menochius) though the river may have a more distant and obscure source in the lake of Phiala, whence Josephus says (Haydock) it runs, by a subterraneous passage, to a fountain of Dan. As it then takes its course through the promised land, of which it is the principal river, Dan may thus be said to supply waters abundantly for the whole country. (Menochius) ---
But the Hebrew and Septuagint have, "he shall leap from Basan," which must be understood of the lion, since the territory of Dan was very remote from that mountain. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 33:23 - -- The sea. The lake of Genesareth. (Challoner) ---
South. That lake forms the southern extremity of the tribe of Nephthali. (Haydock) ---
The Me...
The sea. The lake of Genesareth. (Challoner) ---
South. That lake forms the southern extremity of the tribe of Nephthali. (Haydock) ---
The Mediterranean, and the countries south of Palestine, are commonly understood in this manner, but they cannot be understood here. (Calmet) ---
By means of their neighbours of Tyre and Sidon, (Menochius) and of Zabulon, who lay on the west, (Haydock) they would be supplied with all the luxuries of the sea and of the south. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 33:24 - -- Blessed. He alludes to the name of Aser, which has this signification. (Haydock) ---
This tribe had been upon the increase in the desert, (Calme...
Blessed. He alludes to the name of Aser, which has this signification. (Haydock) ---
This tribe had been upon the increase in the desert, (Calmet) and now comprised 53,000 warriors. (Haydock) ---
The province of Galilee, where Aser dwelt, was one of the most fertile of all Chanaan, and noted for abundance of oil, Genesis xlix. 20. (Josephus, Jewish Wars iii. 2., and ii. 22.) (Calmet) ---
Oil. So Job (xxix. 6,) says, When I washed my feet with butter. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 33:25 - -- Iron and brass, to denote the warlike disposition of this tribe. Goliah[Goliath], and the heroes before Troy, wore boots of brass, 1 Kings xvii. 6. ...
Iron and brass, to denote the warlike disposition of this tribe. Goliah[Goliath], and the heroes before Troy, wore boots of brass, 1 Kings xvii. 6. (Homer) ---
The greatest part of the army of Antiochus had even golden nails in their shoe soles, (Val. Max.) while the Romans contented themselves with iron. (Josephus, Jewish Wars vii. 3.) ---
But this custom was not peculiar to the soldiers. People of all descriptions did the like, either for ornament, or to make their sandals last longer. Empedocles wore brass at the bottom of his sandals; (Laertius viii.) and as one of them was thrown out from the top of Mount Etna, it was discovered that he had destroyed himself in that volcano, to make people suppose (Calmet) that he was a god, and had gone up to heaven. (Haydock) ---
Clement of Alexandria (Pœd. ii.) complains, that some wore such gaudy ornaments in his days. (Calmet) ---
This passage is interpreted in a figurative sense by some, as if Aser would trample under his feet and despise the instruments of war, (Jansenius) and would turn those metals to the purposes of agriculture. Others render the Hebrew, "Thy bars shall be of iron and brass, and thy reputation (strength, repose, or sorrow) shall endure as long as thy life; or May they, " &c., in the form of a wish. Moses desires that Aser may be secure against his enemies, as if he had a mind to insinuate, that this tribe would be led captive among the first by Teglathphalasar, 4 Kings xv. 29. Many of the cities of this tribe were strongly fortified. (Josephus) ---
If we adopt thy sorrow shall, &c., we must observe, that the neighbourhood of Phœnicians exposed the people to continual incursions, (Calmet) and the king of Assyria at last came to complete their ruin. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 33:26 - -- Rightest, ( rectissimi .) Hebrew yeshurun, "the beloved," Israel. (Haydock) ---
Thither, as messengers. Hebrew, "The clouds are in his elevati...
Rightest, ( rectissimi .) Hebrew yeshurun, "the beloved," Israel. (Haydock) ---
Thither, as messengers. Hebrew, "The clouds are in his elevation," like so many steps to his throne. Who makest the clouds thy chariot, ( ascensum tuum ) who walkest upon the wings of the winds, Psalm ciii. 3. (Calmet) ---
Septuagint, "He is the great ornament of the firmament." None is like to him in power and majesty. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 33:27 - -- Underneath are the everlasting arms. Though the dwelling of God be above in heaven, his arms are always stretched out to help us here below. (Chall...
Underneath are the everlasting arms. Though the dwelling of God be above in heaven, his arms are always stretched out to help us here below. (Challoner) ---
Hebrew, "The eternal God is thy refuge; or, From eternity is the abode of God, or in fine, the protection of the Lord is before, and his eternal arms underneath;" so that nothing can hurt you. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 33:28 - -- Alone, without standing in need of the assistance of any other but God. See Numbers xxiii. 9. (Haydock) ---
Some of the ancient Germans would have...
Alone, without standing in need of the assistance of any other but God. See Numbers xxiii. 9. (Haydock) ---
Some of the ancient Germans would have no communication with any other nation; and they depopulated the country around, to keep all at a distance. (Calmet) ---
The Chinese seem to be at present nearly of the same disposition, as well as those who inhabit Japan, &c. ---
The eye of Jacob. His posterity, by whom he sees the transactions of the world. (Haydock) ---
Hebrew the fountain, is taken in the same sense. The country which his descendants enjoyed, was well watered with springs, Numbers xxiv. 7. ---
Dew, it will be so abundant. Chaldean, The heavens will drop down dew, chap. xxxii. 2.

Haydock: Deu 33:29 - -- Deny thee. Break their word and most solemn treaties. Hebrew, "shall lie unto thee," which will afford thee a just reason to seize their effects. ...
Deny thee. Break their word and most solemn treaties. Hebrew, "shall lie unto thee," which will afford thee a just reason to seize their effects. (Haydock) ---
Some translate, "the efforts of thy enemies shall be frustrated." ---
Necks. Thus Josue ordered the five kings to be treated, (Josue x. 24.) and Tamerlane used Bajazet as a footstool, when he had to mount his horse. (Calmet) ---
This fierce Tartarian conqueror, the enemy of the Christian name, humbled the pride of the Turkish emperor, by confining him in a cage of iron, A.D. 1403. (Haydock)
Gill: Deu 33:12 - -- And of Benjamin he said,.... The tribe of Benjamin, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; which is taken notice of next to Levi, because, as the ...
And of Benjamin he said,.... The tribe of Benjamin, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; which is taken notice of next to Levi, because, as the priesthood was in the tribe of Levi, the temple in which the priests officiated was in the tribe of Benjamin, or near it; and is observed next but one to Judah, and before his elder brother Joseph, because his tribe lay between Judah and Joseph, Jos 18:11; and Levi having no inheritance in the land:
the beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; this is commonly understood of the tribe of Benjamin, beloved by the Lord, as the head of the tribe was by his father Jacob; the first king of Israel being of that tribe, and the temple built in it, or on the edge of it, and its land the most fat and fertile of the land of Canaan, as Josephus m observes; and may be said to "dwell by him", the Lord, because the tabernacle of the Lord was so near that tribe, and so to dwell "in safety" under his protection, and which was the means of preserving it from apostasy, when ten tribes revolted: though the Messiah may be intended, the Son of God, and man of God's right hand, the antitype of Benjamin, the beloved of the Lord, and dear son of his love; his Benjamin, who is now in human nature exalted at his right hand: and this may denote his inhabitation in the flesh, and dwelling by or near Benjamin, being born at Bethlehem in the tribe of Judah, bordering on Benjamin, and frequently had his abode in Jerusalem, which was in the tribe of Benjamin, Jos 18:28; and where he was in safety amidst his enemies, they not having power to lay hold on him until his hour was come:
and the Lord shall cover him all the day long; for ever, as Jarchi notes, because that, after Jerusalem was chosen, the divine Majesty dwelt in no other place: this may be understood either of the Messiah covering Benjamin and protecting him, as he is the covert of all his Benjamites and beloved ones, from all their enemies, from all evils and dangers, from all storms and tempests, and everything troublesome and distressing, see Isa 32:2; or the Lord's covering his beloved One the Messiah; as he did in his infancy, from the designs of Herod upon his life, and from the attempts of others before his time was come; he hid him in the shadow of his hand, Isa 49:2,
and he shall dwell between his shoulders; either the Lord shall dwell between the shoulders of Benjamin; the temple in which the Lord dwelt was built on Mount Moriah, in the tribe of Benjamin, in the highest part of his land, as Jarchi notes; the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase the words,"in his border the Shechinah (or the glory of the Shechinah of the Lord) shall dwell,''for if the temple was not within the tribe of Benjamin, yet it was certainly on the borders of it: or Benjamin shall dwell between the shoulders of the Lord, being bore up and supported by him: Christ dwells in the hearts of his people, and over them as an head, and they dwell upon his shoulders, on which the care and government of them lies, Isa 9:6; in the Talmud n this passage is applied to the days of the Messiah.

Gill: Deu 33:13 - -- And of Joseph he said,.... The tribe of Joseph, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
blessed of the Lord be his land; as the lands inherited ...
And of Joseph he said,.... The tribe of Joseph, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
blessed of the Lord be his land; as the lands inherited by his sons were extremely fruitful, the countries of lead and Bashan by Manasseh, and the fields of Samaria by Ephraim: Jarchi says,"there was not in the inheritance of the tribes a land so full of all good things as the land of Joseph;''typical of the church of Christ, the antitypical Joseph, which abounds with all good things through him, or of the better country in heaven:
for the precious things of heaven; that is, the pleasant, precious, and excellent fruits, reproduced by the influence of the heavens, particularly showers of rain which descend from thence; emblems of the grace of God, and Gospel of Christ, which bring spiritual blessings to the sons of men on earth, and make them fruitful in every good word and work: for the dew; which descends also from heaven, and is of unspeakable use to the fruits of the earth, and is sometimes used as an emblem of the favour and goodness of God to his people, Hos 14:5,
and for the deep that coucheth beneath; that is, beneath the earth, and breaks out upon it, and waters it, and makes it fruitful, which happiness the land of Joseph had, as well as the rain and dew of heaven: this is to be understood of springs and fountains that flow out of the earth to the enriching of it; and so the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase the words, and may be applied to Christ and to his Gospel, Son 4:15.

Gill: Deu 33:14 - -- And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun,.... Which has a wonderful influence upon many and most of the fruits of the earth, to produce t...
And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun,.... Which has a wonderful influence upon many and most of the fruits of the earth, to produce them out of their seeds in it, to bring them forward, to ripen and perfect them, and to make them rich and excellent. Jarchi says,"the land of Joseph lay open to the sun, and it sweetened the fruits of it;''it improved them, and made them more valuable; and this is spiritually true of Christ the sun of righteousness, to whose influence are owing the blessings of grace, redemption, peace, pardon, and justification, and the graces of the Spirit, faith, hope, and love, and by what believers are filled with, the fruits of righteousness, see Mal 4:2,
and for the precious things put forth by the moon; the fruits which the moon helps forward by its coolness and moisture; and those the above Jewish writer says are cucumbers and gourds; and as various creatures are affected by the moon, it is observed by a naturalist o, that onions, when the moon waxes old, increase, and flag when it is young; and Pliny says p, that at the increase of the moon all sort of corn grows bigger and larger; but a late learned writer q remarks, that though upon the pressure of the moon on the globe many things depend, as the ebbing and flowing of the sea, epileptic and convulsive paroxysms, yet it does not appear that this pressure exerts its power on plants, so as to thrust them forth, and therefore thinks this respects the ejection or protrusion of monthly fruits; for the word here used is in the plural number, and signifies "months"; and so Onkelos paraphrases the words,"it produces precious fruits at the beginning of every month;''or ripe fruit at the beginning of every month, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; for the spiritual meaning, see Rev 22:2.

Gill: Deu 33:15 - -- And for the chief things of the ancient mountains,.... Which were from the beginning of the world, and for which the land, possessed by the children o...
And for the chief things of the ancient mountains,.... Which were from the beginning of the world, and for which the land, possessed by the children of Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim, were famous; as the mountains of Gilead and Bashan, inherited by the former, and Mount Ephraim, and the mountains of Samaria, by the latter; which produced, besides great quantities of grass and corn, also vines, figs, olives, &c.
and for the precious things of the lasting hills; which will endure as long as the world, the same as before in other words; and which precious things may be emblems of the spiritual blessings of grace, provided in an everlasting covenant, and given to Christ for his people before the world began, or any mountains and hills were formed, and which are as lasting and as immovable as they are; see Pro 8:22, Isa 54:10.

Gill: Deu 33:16 - -- And for the precious things of the earth, and fulness thereof,.... Corn of all sorts produced out of the earth, and grass that grows out of it, and ca...
And for the precious things of the earth, and fulness thereof,.... Corn of all sorts produced out of the earth, and grass that grows out of it, and cattle that feed upon it; for all which some part of the land of Joseph, particularly Bashan, was famous; as for the oaks that grew on it, so for the pasturage of it, and the cattle it bred, Deu 32:14; see Psa 22:12,
and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush; the angel of the Lord, the Word and Son of God, who appeared to Moses in the bush, and made himself known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and expressed his good will to Israel, by sending Moses to deliver them out of their bondage: and the favour and good will of the same divine Person is here wished for, and which has appeared in his assumption of human nature, obedience, sufferings, and death, Luk 2:14. The bush was an emblem of Israel, and the state they were then in, and of the church of Christ; of which See Gill on Exo 3:2; and where Christ may be said to dwell, as he did among men, when he was made flesh, and does dwell in the midst of his churches, and in the hearts of his people by faith:
let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph; that is, in all things, as Onkelos; or all these blessings, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; all before mentioned, let them come openly and visibly, and in great plenty, upon the posterity of Joseph, who was a type of Christ, the head of the righteous, on whom all the blessings of grace are, and from whom they descend to all his spiritual offspring, Pro 10:6,
and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren; when he was sold by them into Egypt; the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem are,"and was shining in the glory of his brethren;''that is, when he was a ruler in Egypt, and had honour from his brethren there, and was beautiful and glorious among them, as a Nazarite, as the word here used signifies, see Lam 4:7; and may he applied to Christ, who was chosen from among the people, and separated from sinners, and called a Nazarene, Psa 89:19.

Gill: Deu 33:17 - -- His glory is like the firstling of his bullock,.... Such as were in Bashan, a country possessed by the posterity of Joseph, see Psa 22:12; and so mig...
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock,.... Such as were in Bashan, a country possessed by the posterity of Joseph, see Psa 22:12; and so might be called "his" bullock, or a young bull, was reckoned both comely and majestic; so Menis or Mnevis, king of Egypt, preferred a bull above all animals to be worshipped, because the most beautiful of all, as Aelianus w relates; and Astarte, according to Sanchoniatho x, put a bull's head upon her own, as a sign of royalty or kingly power. The Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem refer this to the birthright which belonged to Reuben, and was taken from him, and given to Joseph, see 1Ch 5:2. Some will have Joshua intended by the firstling of his bullock, so Jarchi; who was of the tribe of Ephraim, and so famous for his strength and courage, his warlike exploits and victories, and the glory, honour, and renown he obtained; and who was a type of Christ, the first and only begotten Son of God, the brightness of his Father's glory, and the express image of his person; this is applied to the Messiah in some ancient Jewish writings y:
and his horns are like the horns of unicorns; of the monoceros or rhinoceros; and as the strength of these creatures, as of others, lies in their horns, these are figures of the power and strength of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph; see Num 23:22,
with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; not to the ends of the world, as if the posterity of Joseph should carry their conquests and spread their dominion over all people to the ends of the world, as the Targum of Jonathan suggests; but to the ends of the land of Canaan, which was done by Joshua, when he smote the thirty one kings of that country. The word "push" is used in allusion to the horns of creatures, with which they push, drive away from them, or hurt and destroy those that annoy them:
and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh; though Manasseh was the eldest son of Joseph, fewer are ascribed to him than to Ephraim the younger, according to Jacob's prediction, Gen 48:19. This has been in a spiritual sense verified in Christ, the antitype of Joseph, the horn of salvation, who by his great strength has vanquished all his, and the enemies of his people, and even spoiled principalities and powers.

Gill: Deu 33:18 - -- And of Zebulun he said,.... The tribe of Zebulun, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, with whom Issachar is joined, they being brethren, and of ...
And of Zebulun he said,.... The tribe of Zebulun, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, with whom Issachar is joined, they being brethren, and of the same mother as well as father; though Zebulun the youngest is set before Issachar the older, as in Jacob's blessing, Gen 49:13,
rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out; in their going out to sea, to merchandise, to traffic in foreign parts, it being a maritime tribe, see Gen 49:13; and so are called upon to rejoice and be thankful for their safe preservation on the seas, and success in trade; and to this sense are the paraphrases of Jonathan and Jerusalem: though Onkelos interprets it of their going out to war against their enemies, and certain it is that they were also a warlike as well as a seafaring tribe; see Jdg 5:18,
and Issachar, in thy tents; being a tribe that stayed at home, and attended to husbandry, and dwelt in tents, to take care of and feed their cattle; in doing which they should be prosperous, and have occasion to rejoice, and be thankful to the Lord: though the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem carry it to a different sense, to their schools, in which they dwelt: this tribe being, as supposed, a learned tribe, studious, in the law; which is gathered from 1Ch 12:32.

Gill: Deu 33:19 - -- They shall call the people unto the mountain,.... To the mountain of the house of the sanctuary, as all the three Targums; to the temple built on a mo...
They shall call the people unto the mountain,.... To the mountain of the house of the sanctuary, as all the three Targums; to the temple built on a mountain, which Moses by a spirit of prophecy foresaw would be, to which the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar would not only come up themselves, though at the more distant parts of the land; but call and urge others, both Israelites and Gentiles, to do the same, partly by their example, and partly by persuasions and arguments; not the tribes of Israel that lay nearest them only, but the Heathens, the Tyrians and Sidonians, on whom they bordered, and the Gentiles in Galilee of the Gentiles, which were neighbours to them; a like instance see in Isa 2:2; and perhaps this may have respect to the times of Christ and his apostles, and to their being in those parts where the Gospel was preached, and many people were called, Mat 4:13,
there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness; or true sacrifices, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, in opposition to illegitimate ones, which were not according to the law, that had blemishes and defects in them, and to such as were gotten by robbery, or in an unlawful way; and may signify all righteous actions and good works done in faith, and from right principles, though not to be depended upon for a justifying righteousness before God; and all spiritual sacrifices, especially the sacrifices of praise for all blessings, and particularly for the righteousness of Christ; and these are to be offered in the church of God, and upon the altar, which sanctifies every gift, and from whence they come up with acceptance to God:
for they shall suck of the abundance of the sea; get a great deal of riches by trading at sea, and therefore under great obligations to offer sacrifices to the Lord, by whom they were prospered:
and of the treasure hid in the sand; as gold and silver, pearls and corals, and the like, extracted from thence; or riches buried there through shipwrecks; or it may design the great wealth and riches they got by glass made of sand, taken out of the river Belus, which washed the coast of the tribe of Zebulun, as many historians relate z.

Gill: Deu 33:20 - -- And of Gad he said,.... The tribe of Gad, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
blessed be he that enlargeth Gad; that is, the Lord, to whom t...
And of Gad he said,.... The tribe of Gad, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
blessed be he that enlargeth Gad; that is, the Lord, to whom the praise and glory were to be given, who had appointed to Gad a large inheritance on the other side Jordan, and had settled him in it, and which became larger by the conquest of the Hagarites, and others, 1Ch 5:18,
he dwelleth as a lion; bold and courageous, secure, and without fear of any of his enemies, though near him, on his borders, as the Moabites and Ammonites were; of the same spirit and temper were the men of the tribe of Gad in the times of David, 1Ch 12:8,
and teareth the arm with the crown of the head, at once, just as a lion tears its prey; which figurative phrases are expressive of this tribe conquering and destroying strong and mighty men, signified by the "arm", in which the strength of a man lies, and of kings and governors, pointed at by the "crown of the head"; as the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan; which was done in the times of Joshua, when with and under him they subdued and destroyed the kings and princes of the land of Canaan.

Gill: Deu 33:21 - -- And he provided a first part for himself,.... That is, the portion of the land of Sihon and Og, as Jarchi rightly interprets it; which was the beginni...
And he provided a first part for himself,.... That is, the portion of the land of Sihon and Og, as Jarchi rightly interprets it; which was the beginning or firstfruits of the subduing of the land that was promised; this he looked at, chose, and desired it as his inheritance, Num 32:1,
because there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; or in the portion and part of the inheritance of Israel was he placed by Moses the lawgiver, according to the will of God; or because there were in it palaces and towers of great personages, lawgivers, kings, and princes, well covered and strongly fortified; or here he was "hid", or "protected", i.e. their families, wives, and children, while they assisted their brethren in subduing Canaan:
and he came with the heads of the people; either "to" them, to Moses, Eleazar, and the seventy elders, and the heads of the tribes of Israel, to ask leave to have his part and portion on the other side Jordan, or "with" them, as we supply it; came with them over Jordan armed, to assist in the conquest and subduing of the land of Canaan:
he executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel; that is, either he justly and truly fulfilled all his promises and engagements, on condition of which he was placed on the other side; or he, together with the rest of the Israelites, executed the righteous judgment of God upon the Canaanites, in the expulsion and destruction of them.

Gill: Deu 33:22 - -- And of Dan he said,.... Of the tribe of Dan, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
Dan is a lion's whelp; or like one for boldness, strength, ...
And of Dan he said,.... Of the tribe of Dan, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
Dan is a lion's whelp; or like one for boldness, strength, and courage; and was verified in Samson, who was of this tribe; who, when a young lion roared against him, the Spirit of the Lord came on him, and he tore it to pieces, Jdg 14:5,
he shall leap from Bashan; not Dan, for he was seated far from that country; but the sense is, he was like to a young lion for its strength, when it leaps from Bashan, as Aben Ezra rightly explains it. Bashan was a mountain in which lions haunted, and from whence they might be said to leap, as they do when they seize on their prey: it may have some respect to the leap of the Danites from the northwest part of the land of Israel, where they were settled, but was not sufficient for them, to the northeast of it, when they went against Leshem, and took it, and called it Dan; see Jos 19:47.

Gill: Deu 33:23 - -- And of Naphtali he said,.... The tribe of Naphtali, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
O Naphtali, satisfied with favour; with the favour of...
And of Naphtali he said,.... The tribe of Naphtali, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
O Naphtali, satisfied with favour; with the favour of men, which to have is a great blessing; and as he gave goodly words to others, he had the good word of others, Gen 49:21; and with the favour of God, as the next clause shows; which is the greatest blessing of all, and is special and peculiar, free and sovereign, and the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; and to be full of this, and satisfied of an interest in it, is the highest of enjoyments; and nothing is of a more satisfying nature, it is a feast of itself; see Psa 63:3,
and full with the blessing of the Lord; as such must needs be who are full of and satisfied with the your, good will, and love of God; for they are filled with all spiritual blessings, with all the blessings of grace, which spring from his free favour, as pardon of sin, a justifying righteousness, adoption, sanctifying grace, a right and title to eternal life. This may have respect to the temporal happiness of this tribe, which had a remarkable share in the favour and good will of God, and in the blessings of his goodness. Strabo a, an Heathen writer, speaking of this part of the land of Judea, says it was a happy and fruitful country, bearing all manner of fruit; in this tribe was the fruitful country of Gennesaret, full of delightful gardens and fields, which lay along by a lake of that name, frequently mentioned in the New Testament; which country, Josephus says b, one may call the ambition of nature; and the Targum of Jonathan has it,"ye shall be full of the fruits of the valley of Gennesaret;''and particularly this country was favoured with the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ; see Mat 4:13,
possess thou the west and the south; not the west and south of the land of Israel; for, according to Josephus c, this tribe lay to the east and north of it, just the reverse; and it is plain from Jos 19:34; that it had Asher on the west, and Zebulun on the south; wherefore some understand this of the commodities this tribe was supplied with, as through the tribe of Asher on the west, on which those trading cities Tyre and Sidon bordered; and through Zebulun on the south, which was near the sea, and was given to navigation and trade: though it should be observed that the word for "west" signifies the "sea" d; and intends not the Mediterranean sea, which this tribe did not reach; but the sea of Tiberias and Gennesaret, as all the Targums explain it; and Bochart e observes, that the portion of Naphtali reached from the south of the city of Dan to the sea of Tiberias; so that the south is observed with respect to Dan last mentioned, and the west or sea to the sea of Tiberias.

Gill: Deu 33:24 - -- And of Asher he said,.... The tribe of Asher, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
let Asher be blessed with children; with large numbers, a...
And of Asher he said,.... The tribe of Asher, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem:
let Asher be blessed with children; with large numbers, as it appears this tribe was, having in it 53,400 men of war, Num 26:47. It was esteemed a great blessing to have many children, Psa 128:3; or "above the children"; above or more than the rest of the children of Jacob; see Luk 2:36; Jarchi observes, that he had seen, in a book called Siphri, that there was none in all the tribes blessed with children as Asher, but not known how:
let him be acceptable to his brethren; either for his excellent bread, and royal dainties, Gen 49:20; or for the goodness of his olives and oil, and for the brass and iron found in this tribe, as follows; or, as some say, because of his children, his daughters being very beautiful:
and let him dip his foot in oil; have such plenty of it, that if he would he might dip or wash his feet in it; and it was usual not only to anoint the head, but the feet f also, with oil, Luk 7:46.

Gill: Deu 33:25 - -- Thy shoes shall be iron and brass,.... Either they should have such an abundance of these metals, that they could if they would have made their shoes...
Thy shoes shall be iron and brass,.... Either they should have such an abundance of these metals, that they could if they would have made their shoes of them; but that is not usual; though it is said of Empedocles g the philosopher, that he wore shoes of brass, which was very singular; and some think that this tribe, because of the abundance of these metals, used to stick their shoes with iron and brass nails at the bottom of them, as country people, soldiers, and travellers in various nations do; but the true sense seems to be, that the land that fell to this tribe, and on which they trod, should yield much iron and brass; as in Carmel, a mountain on the borders of it, brass was taken, as says Hesychius; and Zidon is by Homer i said to abound with brass, which belonged to this tribe; and Sarepta, another city in it, had its name from
and as thy days, so shall thy strength be; the same in old age as in youth; which is the sense of the Latin Vulgate version, and all the Targums: such were the vigour and strength of. Moses himself, Deu 34:7; and so may denote a renewal of youth, like that of eagles; and, in a spiritual sense, a revival of the graces of the Spirit of God, as to the exercise of them, and an increase of spiritual strength, so that the inward man is renewed day by day; and may also denote such a measure of strength given, as is proportioned to the events that daily befall, or to the services and sufferings men are called unto; see 1Co 10:13.

Gill: Deu 33:26 - -- There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun,.... Or Israel, as all the three Targums; for this is one of the names of the people of Israel; See Gill ...
There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun,.... Or Israel, as all the three Targums; for this is one of the names of the people of Israel; See Gill on Deu 32:15; and the Lord was their God in a special sense, having chosen, redeemed them, and made a covenant with them; and there is no God like him for the perfections of his nature, his purity and holiness, his goodness, wisdom, power, faithfulness, &c. and for the wonderful works of nature, providence, and grace, done by him; and for the blessings of goodness, temporal and spiritual, he bestows on men. The tribes being particularly blessed, the whole body of the people are pronounced happy, and whose happiness is enlarged on in Deu 33:26,
who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky; which he has the sovereign rule and disposal of, and can and does dispose of all the artillery therein, as illustrious proofs of his glory and excellency, and for the help of his people, and the destruction of their enemies; as when he sent forth hail, thunderings, and lightnings, upon the Egyptians, and frightened them; and cast down hailstones upon the Canaanites, and slew many of them; and when the stars in their course fought against Sisera; see Psa 68:4 Jdg 5:20.

Gill: Deu 33:27 - -- The eternal God is thy refuge,.... God is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting; the Ancient of days, before all things, and all time; which is, a...
The eternal God is thy refuge,.... God is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting; the Ancient of days, before all things, and all time; which is, and was, and is to come: the same is true of Christ, who is the everlasting Father, or Father of eternity, the true God, and eternal life; as appears from his nature, having the whole fulness, all the perfections of deity in him; from his office, as Mediator, in which he was set up from everlasting; from his concern in eternal election, in the everlasting covenant, and in the creation of all things out of nothing: and he is the refuge of his people, the antitype of the cities of refuge, to whom sinners, under a sense of sin, flee for refuge; and where they are safe from avenging justice, the wrath of God, the condemnation of the law, everlasting ruin and destruction, or the second death; or their "mansion", or "dwelling place" k; which he has been in all generations, as Moses also says, Psa 90:1. Such is Christ to his people, who dwelt secretly in him from everlasting, being chosen in him, and given to him; and openly in conversion, where they dwell as in a strong hold, safely, quietly, comfortably, and pleasantly:
and underneath are the everlasting arms; that is, of God, which are the support of his people, and their protection, safety, and security; such as the arms of his everlasting love, which encircle them, and compass them about as a shield; his everlasting covenant, which is immovable, and in which they ever remain; eternal redemption and salvation, wrought out by Christ, which secures them from destruction; and everlasting power, by which they are kept and preserved as in a garrison; and everlasting consolation, which flows from all this: and so the arms of Christ, or his almighty power, are under the world, to uphold it in being; and under his church, to support it, on whose shoulders the government of it is; and under particular believers, whom he carries in his arms, embraces in his bosom, bears them up under all their afflictions and temptations, trials and exercises; nor will he ever suffer them to drop out of his arms, or to be plucked from thence:
and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; the Canaanites out of the land of Canaan, to make room for Israel, which he was just about to do, and quickly did. In like manner Christ thrusts out Satan and the spiritual enemies of his people, whom to dispossess is a work of mighty power; and not only so, but gives orders to destroy them, and does destroy them, and makes his people more than conquerors over them:
and shall say, destroy them; the Canaanites: to do which the people of Israel had an order from the Lord, Deu 7:1.

Gill: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel then shall dwell in safety alone,.... The Canaanites being thrust out of their land, and Israel put into the possession of it, should dwell in ...
Israel then shall dwell in safety alone,.... The Canaanites being thrust out of their land, and Israel put into the possession of it, should dwell in safety, or "confidently" l; without fear of enemies, though surrounded with them on all hands; and though alone, a separate people, distinct from all others their neighbours round about them; see Num 23:9. So the spiritual Israel dwell in the eternal God, their mansion, or dwelling place; in Christ, their rock; and in a strong city, the church, where they are in the utmost safety. God is all around them; Christ is their refuge, strong hold, and tower; the Holy Spirit in the midst of them is mighty; angels are their guardians, and the church their strong city, whose walls and bulwarks are salvation: here they dwell confidently and securely; though they have sometimes their fears, they have no just reason for them; and when faith is in exercise, are free from them, casting all their care on the Lord, and having confidence in him; where they are alone, not solitary; all the three divine Persons dwell with them, and also angels and saints their fellow citizens; but independent of others, having large provisions in Christ, in the covenant, and in the house of God; and are a separate and distinct people now, and will be to all eternity; See Gill on Num 23:9,
the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; that is, the Israelites that spring from Jacob, as streams of water from a fountain; see Isa 48:1; these shall be or dwell upon the land of Canaan, a land abounding with corn and wine, and all good things, Deu 8:7; or "in" or "by the fountain of Jacob" m; in a well watered land, there they should dwell. So the spiritual Israel of God dwell in and by Christ, the fountain of gardens, the well of living waters, of life and salvation, in whom all fulness of grace dwells for their supply: or "the eye of Jacob" n is or shall be on a land, &c. that is, the Israelites had their eye on the good land of Canaan, and would quickly not only be in sight, but in possession of it. Every true Israelite has a spiritual eye, which is the eve of faith, the evidence of things not seen, which looks to and upon that better country, the land afar off, heaven and eternal happiness, and expects and waits for the full, enjoyment of it:
also his heavens shall drop down dew: the heavens over the land of Canaan should drop down dew upon it, and make it fruitful to bring forth corn and wine, which was Jacob's blessing, Gen 27:28. Thus the Lord in the heavens drops down the dew of grace, and the blessings of it, upon his people, which make them revive as the corn, and grow as the vine; and Christ's heavenly ministers drop the dew of Gospel doctrine upon them, to the great refreshment of them, Deu 32:3.

Gill: Deu 33:29 - -- Happy art thou, O Israel,.... This is the conclusion of the blessing on Israel summed up in a few words; they having God to be their God, and having ...
Happy art thou, O Israel,.... This is the conclusion of the blessing on Israel summed up in a few words; they having God to be their God, and having so many good things promised them, and in sight of them; being now got through, the wilderness, and on the borders of the land of Canaan; as all such must be happy, whose covenant God is the Lord; since they must be beloved of him, chosen by him, and blessed with all spiritual blessings; and in the faith, hope, and view of eternal happiness:
who is like unto thee? for an interest in the favour of God, for a share in the blessings of goodness, for a good God, a good land, and good laws; for wisdom and knowledge, for riches and honour, for holiness and happiness:
O people saved by the Lord; redeemed by him out of Egypt, preserved in the wilderness, saved from many dangers and enemies, and now brought near to the land of Canaan. The Targum of Jonathan is,"saved or redeemed in the name of the word of the Lord:''by whom the spiritual Israel of God are redeemed from all their sins, from the curses of the law, and out of the hand of all their enemies; and are and will be completely saved in soul and body, with an everlasting salvation:
the shield of thy help; that, is, the Lord, by whom they are saved; he is the shield that protects them; the shield of faith and of salvation, which faith lays hold on and makes use of for its defence, and who is the help of his people in all times of trouble:
and who is the sword of thy excellency; to destroy their enemies, and whereby they would be raised to that excellency and glory they were in the land of Canaan:
and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; who threatened what they would do unto them, but were not able: or "shall lie unto thee" o, be in such dread and fear as to tell lies to save themselves, and pretend to be what they were not, as the Gibeonites did, of whom Jarchi interprets this passage:
and thou shall tread upon their, high places; be possessed of their cities and fortresses, built on an eminence; see Deu 32:13; all the three Targums, and so Jarchi, interpret it of treading on the necks of their kings, which was fulfilled, Jos 10:24.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Deu 33:12 Heb “between his shoulders.” This suggests the scene in John 13:23 with Jesus and the Beloved Disciple.

NET Notes: Deu 33:13 Heb “from the harvest of the heavens.” The referent appears to be good crops produced by the rain that falls from the sky.

NET Notes: Deu 33:14 Heb “the moon.” Many English versions regard this as a reference to “months” (“moons”) rather than the moon itself...

NET Notes: Deu 33:16 This apparently refers to Joseph’s special status among his brothers as a result of his being chosen by God to save the family from the famine a...

NET Notes: Deu 33:17 Ephraim and Manasseh were the sons of Joseph who became founders of the two tribes into which Joseph’s descendants were split (Gen 48:19-20). Ja...

NET Notes: Deu 33:22 He will leap forth from Bashan. This may refer to Dan’s conquest of Laish, a region just to the west of Bashan (Judg 18:27-28).

NET Notes: Deu 33:24 Dip his foot in olive oil. This is a metaphor for prosperity, one especially apt in light of the abundance of olive groves in the area settled by Ashe...

NET Notes: Deu 33:25 The words “of your gates” have been supplied in the translation to clarify the referent of “bars.”

NET Notes: Deu 33:26 Or “(who) rides (on) the heavens” (cf. NIV, NRSV, NLT). This title depicts Israel’s God as sovereign over the elements of the storm ...

NET Notes: Deu 33:27 Heb “and from under, arms of perpetuity.” The words “you” and “his” are supplied in the translation for clarificat...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:12 [And] of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the LORD shall ( k ) dwell in safety by him; [and the LORD] shall cover him all the day long, and he shall d...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:16 And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and [for] the good will of him that dwelt in the ( l ) bush: let [the blessing] come upo...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:18 And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy ( m ) going out; and, Issachar, in thy tents.
( m ) In thy prosperous voyages on the sea, (Gen 49:13...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:19 They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for ( n ) they shall suck [of] the abundance of the ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:21 And he provided the first part for himself, because there, [in] a portion of the ( o ) lawgiver, [was he] seated; and he came with the heads of the pe...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:23 And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou ( p ) the west and the south.
( p ) ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:25 Thy shoes [shall be] ( q ) iron and brass; and as thy days, [so shall] thy strength [be].
( q ) You will be strong or, your country full of metal. It...

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:28 Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: ( r ) the fountain of Jacob [shall be] upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:29 Happy [art] thou, O Israel: who [is] like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who [is] the sword of thy excellency! and...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 33:1-29
TSK Synopsis: Deu 33:1-29 - --1 The majesty of God.6 The blessings of the twelve tribes.26 The excellency of Israel.
Maclaren: Deu 33:12 - --Deut. 33:12
Benjamin was his father's favorite child, and the imagery of this promise is throughout drawn from the relations between such a child and ...

Maclaren: Deu 33:15 - --Deut. 33:15
I think this is the only reference in the Old Testament to that great vision which underlay Moses' call and Israel's deliverance. It occur...

Maclaren: Deu 33:25 - --Deut. 33:25
There is a general correspondence between those blessings wherewith Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before his death, and the circumsta...
MHCC: Deu 33:6-23 - --The order in which the tribes are here blessed, is not the same as is observed elsewhere. The blessing of Judah may refer to the whole tribe in genera...

MHCC: Deu 33:24-25 - --All shall be sanctified to true believers; if their way be rough, their feet shall be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. As thy days, s...

MHCC: Deu 33:26-29 - --None had such a God as Israel. There is no people like the Israel of God. What is here said of the church of Israel is to be applied to the spiritual ...
Matthew Henry: Deu 33:12-17 - -- Here is, I. The blessing of Benjamin, Deu 33:12. Benjamin is put next to Levi, because the temple, where the priests' work lay, was just upon the ed...

Matthew Henry: Deu 33:18-21 - -- Here we have, I. The blessings of Zebulun and Issachar put together, for they were both the sons of Jacob by Leah, and by their lot in Canaan they w...

Matthew Henry: Deu 33:22-25 - -- Here is, I. The blessing of Dan, Deu 33:22. Jacob in his blessing had compared him to a serpent for subtlety; Moses compares him to a lion for coura...

Matthew Henry: Deu 33:26-29 - -- These are the last words of all that ever Moses, that great writer, that great dictator, either wrote himself or had written from his dictation; the...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 33:12; Deu 33:13-16; Deu 33:17; Deu 33:18-19; Deu 33:20-21; Deu 33:22; Deu 33:23; Deu 33:24-25; Deu 33:26-29
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:12 - --
Benjamin. - "The beloved of the Lord will dwell safely with Him; He shelters him at all times, and he dwells between His shoulders." Benjamin, the s...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:13-16 - --
Joseph. - Deu 33:13. " Blessed of the Lord be his land, of (in) the most precious things of heaven, the dew, and of the flood which lies beneath, (...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:17 - --
"The first-born of his ox, majesty is to him, and buffalo-horns his horns: with them he thrusts down nations, all at once the ends of the earth. The...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:18-19 - --
Zebulun and Issachar. - "Rejoice, Zebulun, at thy going out; and, Issachar, at thy tents. Nations will they invite to the mountain; there offer the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:20-21 - --
Gad. - "Blessed be He that enlargeth Gad: like a lioness he lieth down, and teareth the arm, yea, the crown of the head. And he chose his first-frui...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:22 - --
Dan is "a young lion which springs out of Bashan." Whilst Jacob compared him to a serpent by the way, which suddenly bites a horse's feet, so that i...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:23 - --
Naphtali. - "O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full of the blessing of Jehovah; of sea and south shall he take possession." If the gracefulness...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:24-25 - --
Asher. - "Blessed before the sons be Asher; let him be the favoured among his brethren, and dipping his foot in oil. Iron and brass be thy castle; a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:26-29 - --
The conclusion of the blessing corresponds to the introduction. As Moses commenced with the glorious fact of the founding of the kingdom of Jehovah ...
Constable -> Deu 31:1--34:12; Deu 33:1-29
Constable: Deu 31:1--34:12 - --VII. MOSES' LAST ACTS chs. 31--34
Having completed the major addresses to the Israelites recorded to this point ...