Text -- Exodus 23:20-33 (NET)

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Wesley: Exo 23:20 - -- The angel of the covenant: Accordingly the Israelites in the wilderness are said to tempt Christ. It is promised that this blessed anger should keep t...
The angel of the covenant: Accordingly the Israelites in the wilderness are said to tempt Christ. It is promised that this blessed anger should keep them in the way, though it lay through a wilderness first, and afterwards through their enemies country; and thus Christ has prepared a place for his followers.

Wesley: Exo 23:21 - -- It is at your peril if you do; for my name - My nature, my authority is in him.
It is at your peril if you do; for my name - My nature, my authority is in him.

Wesley: Exo 23:25 - -- And God's blessing will make bread and water more refreshing and nourishing, than a feast of fat things, and wines on the lees, without that blessing.
And God's blessing will make bread and water more refreshing and nourishing, than a feast of fat things, and wines on the lees, without that blessing.

Wesley: Exo 23:25 - -- Either prevent it or remove it. Thy land shall not be visited with epidemical diseases, which are very dreadful, and sometimes have laid countries was...
Either prevent it or remove it. Thy land shall not be visited with epidemical diseases, which are very dreadful, and sometimes have laid countries waste.

Wesley: Exo 23:26 - -- And they shall not be cut off in the midst by untimely deaths. Thus hath godliness the promise of the life that now is.
And they shall not be cut off in the midst by untimely deaths. Thus hath godliness the promise of the life that now is.

Wesley: Exo 23:27 - -- And they that fear will soon flee. Hosts of hornets also made way for the hosts of Israel; such mean creatures can God make use of for the chastising ...
And they that fear will soon flee. Hosts of hornets also made way for the hosts of Israel; such mean creatures can God make use of for the chastising of his people's enemies.
JFB: Exo 23:20-25 - -- The communication of these laws, made to Moses and by him rehearsed to the people, was concluded by the addition of many animating promises, interming...
The communication of these laws, made to Moses and by him rehearsed to the people, was concluded by the addition of many animating promises, intermingled with several solemn warnings that lapses into sin and idolatry would not be tolerated or passed with impunity.

This angel is frequently called Jehovah and Elohim, that is, God.

JFB: Exo 23:28 - -- Some instrument of divine judgment, but variously interpreted: as hornets in a literal sense [BOCHART]; as a pestilential disease [ROSENMULLER]; as a ...
Some instrument of divine judgment, but variously interpreted: as hornets in a literal sense [BOCHART]; as a pestilential disease [ROSENMULLER]; as a terror of the Lord, an extraordinary dejection [JUNIUS].

JFB: Exo 23:29-30 - -- Many reasons recommend a gradual extirpation of the former inhabitants of Canaan. But only one is here specified--the danger lest, in the unoccupied g...
Many reasons recommend a gradual extirpation of the former inhabitants of Canaan. But only one is here specified--the danger lest, in the unoccupied grounds, wild beasts should inconveniently multiply; a clear proof that the promised land was more than sufficient to contain the actual population of the Israelites.
Clarke: Exo 23:20 - -- Behold, I send an Angel before thee - Some have thought that this was Moses, others Joshua, because the word מל×ך malach signifies an angel o...
Behold, I send an Angel before thee - Some have thought that this was Moses, others Joshua, because the word
Calmet has referred to a very wonderful comment on these words given by Philo Judaeus De Agricultura, which I shall produce here at full length as it stands in Dr. Mangey’ s edition, vol. 1., p. 308:
This is a testimony liable to no suspicion, coming from a person who cannot be supposed to be even friendly to Christianity, nor at all acquainted with that particular doctrine to which his words seem so pointedly to refer.

Clarke: Exo 23:21 - -- He will not pardon your transgressions - He is not like a man, with whom ye may think that ye may trifle; were he either man or angel, in the common...
He will not pardon your transgressions - He is not like a man, with whom ye may think that ye may trifle; were he either man or angel, in the common acceptation of the term, it need not be said, He will not pardon your transgressions, for neither man nor angel could do it

Clarke: Exo 23:21 - -- My name is in him - The Jehovah dwells in him; in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and because of this he could either pardon or pu...
My name is in him - The Jehovah dwells in him; in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and because of this he could either pardon or punish. All power is given unto me in heaven and earth, Mat 28:18.

Clarke: Exo 23:23 - -- Unto the Amorites - There are only six of the seven nations mentioned here, but the Septuagint, Samaritan, Coptic, and one Hebrew MS., add Girgashit...
Unto the Amorites - There are only six of the seven nations mentioned here, but the Septuagint, Samaritan, Coptic, and one Hebrew MS., add Girgashite, thus making the seven nations.

Clarke: Exo 23:24 - -- Break down their images - ×ž×¦×‘×ª×™×”× matstsebotheyhem , from × ×¦×‘ natsab , to stand up; pillars, anointed stones, etc., such as the baitulia...
Break down their images -

Clarke: Exo 23:25 - -- Shall bless thy bread and thy water - That is, all thy provisions, no matter of what sort; the meanest fare shall be sufficiently nutritive when God...
Shall bless thy bread and thy water - That is, all thy provisions, no matter of what sort; the meanest fare shall be sufficiently nutritive when God’ s blessing is in it.

Clarke: Exo 23:26 - -- There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren - Hence there must be a very great increase both of men and cattle
There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren - Hence there must be a very great increase both of men and cattle

Clarke: Exo 23:26 - -- The number of thy days I will fulfill - Ye shall all live to a good old age, and none die before his time. This is the blessing of the righteous, fo...
The number of thy days I will fulfill - Ye shall all live to a good old age, and none die before his time. This is the blessing of the righteous, for wicked men live not out half their days; Psa 55:23.

Clarke: Exo 23:28 - -- I will send hornets before thee - הצרעה hatstsirah . The root is not found in Hebrew, but it may be the same with the Arabic saraa , to lay p...
I will send hornets before thee -

Clarke: Exo 23:31 - -- I will set thy bounds from the Red Sea - On the south-east, even unto the sea of the Philistines - the Mediterranean, on the north-west; and from th...
I will set thy bounds from the Red Sea - On the south-east, even unto the sea of the Philistines - the Mediterranean, on the north-west; and from the desert - of Arabia, or the wilderness of Shur, on the west, to the river - the Euphrates, on the north-east. Or in general terms, from the Euphrates on the east, to the Mediterranean Sea on the west; and from Mount Libanus on the north, to the Red Sea and the Nile on the south. This promise was not completely fulfilled till the days of David and Solomon. The general disobedience of the people before this time prevented a more speedy accomplishment; and their disobedience afterwards caused them to lose the possession. So, though all the promises of God are Yea and Amen, yet they are fulfilled but to a few, because men are slow of heart to believe; and the blessings of providence and grace are taken away from several because of their unfaithfulness.

Clarke: Exo 23:32 - -- Thou shalt make no covenant with them - They were incurable idolaters, and the cup of their iniquity was full. And had the Israelites contracted any...
Thou shalt make no covenant with them - They were incurable idolaters, and the cup of their iniquity was full. And had the Israelites contracted any alliance with them, either sacred or civil, they would have enticed them into their idolatries, to which the Jews were at all times most unhappily prone; and as God intended that they should be the preservers of the true religion till the coming of the Messiah, hence he strictly forbade them to tolerate idolatry.

Clarke: Exo 23:33 - -- They shall not dwell in thy land - They must be utterly expelled. The land was the Lord’ s, and he had given it to the progenitors of this peop...
They shall not dwell in thy land - They must be utterly expelled. The land was the Lord’ s, and he had given it to the progenitors of this people, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The latter being obliged to leave it because of a famine, God is now conducting back his posterity, who alone had a Divine and natural right to it, and therefore their seeking to possess the inheritance of their fathers can be only criminal in the sight of those who are systematically opposed to the thing, because it is a part of Divine revelation
What a pity that the Mosaic Law should be so little studied! What a number of just and equal laws, pious and humane institutions, useful and instructive ordinances, does it contain! Everywhere we see the purity and benevolence of God always working to prevent crimes and make the people happy! But what else can be expected from that God who is love, whose tender mercies are over all his works, and who hateth nothing that he has made? Reader, thou art not straitened in him, be not straitened in thy own bowels. Learn from him to be just, humane, kind, and merciful. Love thy enemy, and do good to him that hates thee. Jesus is with thee; hear and obey his voice; provoke him not, and he will be an enemy to thine enemies, and an adversary to thine adversaries. Believe, love, obey; and the road to the kingdom of God is plain before thee. Thou shalt inherit the good land, and be established in it for ever and ever.
Calvin: Exo 23:20 - -- 20.Behold, I send an Angel before thee God here reminds the Israelites that their wellbeing is so connected with the keeping of the Law, that, by neg...
20.Behold, I send an Angel before thee God here reminds the Israelites that their wellbeing is so connected with the keeping of the Law, that, by neglecting it, they would sorely suffer. For He says that He will be their leader by the hand of an angel, which was a token of His fatherly love for them; but, on the other hand, He threatens that they would not be unpunished if they should despise such great mercy and follow their own lusts, because they will not escape the sight of the angel whom He had appointed to be their guardian. Almost all the Hebrew rabbins, 267 with whom many others agree, too hastily think that this is spoken of Joshua, but the statements, which we shall consider more fully just beyond, by no means are reconcilable with his person. But their mistake is more than sufficiently refuted by this, first of all, that if we understand it of Joshua, the people would have been without the angel as their leader as long as they wandered in the desert; and, besides, it was afterwards said to Moses, “Mine Angel shall go before thee,†( Exo 32:34;) and again, “And I will send an Angel before thee,†( Exo 33:2.) Moses, too, elsewhere enlarges on this act of God’s goodness, that He should have led forth His people by the hand of an angel. ( Num 20:16.) But what need is there of a long discussion, since already mention has been so often made of the angel of their deliverance? This point ought now to be deemed established, that there is no reference here to a mortal man; and what we have already said should be remembered, that no common angel is designated, but the chief of all angels, who has always been also the Head of the Church. In which matter the authority of Paul should be sufficient for us, when he admonishes the Corinthians not to tempt Christ as their fathers tempted Him in the desert. ( 1Co 10:9.) We gather this, too, from the magnificent attribute which Moses immediately afterwards assigns to Him, that “the name of God should be in him.†I deem this to be of great importance, although it is generally passed over lightly. But let us consider it particularly. When God declares that He will send His angel “to keep them in the way,†He makes a demand upon them for their willing obedience, for it would be too base of them to set at nought, or to forget Him whose paternal care towards them they experience. But in the next verse, He seeks by terror to arouse them from their listlessness, where He commands them to beware of His presence, since He would take vengeance on their transgressions; 268 wherein, also, there is a delicate allusion to be observed in the ambiguous meaning of the word employed. For, since

Calvin: Exo 23:22 - -- 22.But if thou shalt indeed obey He moderates the terror with which He had inspired them for two reasons, — first, that He may rather gently attr...
22.But if thou shalt indeed obey He moderates the terror with which He had inspired them for two reasons, — first, that He may rather gently attract them than force them by the fear of punishment; secondly, lest, if they imagine that the Angel is formidable to them, the anxiety conceived in their minds should deaden their perception of His mercy and layout. Now, although I postpone to another place the promises whereby their obedience to the Law was confirmed, I have thought it right to include this among the exhortations or eulogiums whereby the dignity of the Law is enhanced, because it relates to the time past, for thus is the expression to be paraphrased, “Take heed that ye respond to God who deals so liberally with you. The promises which He made to your fathers as to the inheritance of the land, He is now ready to perform, unless your iniquity should stand in the way. Make room, then, for His grace, that, by the hand of the Angel, He may lead you into His rest.†In order to stimulate them still more, He points out to them their need of His aid, as though He had said that nothing, could be more miserable than their case, unless they were protected from so many enemies by His defense, for He enumerates several most important nations to which they would be by no means a match unless they should fight under the guidance of the Angel. He says, therefore, that if they only obey His Law, there is no occasion for them to be afraid, for that He will destroy by His own power alone all that shall rise against them to resist them.

Calvin: Exo 23:24 - -- 24.Thou shalt not bow down to their gods Moses repeats what had been before said, that the worship of God must be separated from all the superstiti...
24.Thou shalt not bow down to their gods Moses repeats what had been before said, that the worship of God must be separated from all the superstitions of the Gentiles; for this error has been everywhere rife, that unbelievers would rather draw down God to themselves on earth, than ascend above to seek for Him. And in this sense we have said that idols are called gods; because it is impossible but that he who would represent God by wood and stone, should associate Him with corruptible matter. Experience also teaches us, that all the wicked are so attached to their idols, that they gain nothing by their subterfuge, when they allege that this is a necessary help to their ignorance. The following clause, “nor do after their works,†sufficiently proves that all corrupt worship is comprehended under the term idolatry.

Calvin: Exo 23:24 - -- Exo 23:24.Thou shalt utterly overthrow them I allow indeed that these supplements would partly agree with, and be applicable to, the First Commandment...
Exo 23:24.Thou shalt utterly overthrow them I allow indeed that these supplements would partly agree with, and be applicable to, the First Commandment; but since express mention is everywhere made in them of idols, this place seems to be better suited to them. After Moses has taught what was necessary to be observed, he adds a political law about breaking down altars and overthrowing images, in order that the people may take the more diligent heed. These passages, however, differ from the foregoing; for in condemning thus far the superstitions which are vicious in themselves, God prescribed what He would have observed even to the end of the world. He now confirms that instruction by temporary enactments, that He may keep His ancient people up to their duty. For we have now-a-days no scruples in retaining the temples, which have been polluted by idols, and applying them to a better use; since we are not bound by what was added consequently ( propter consequentiam ), as they say, to the Law. I admit indeed that whatever tends to foster superstition should be removed, provided we are not too rigorously superstitious in insisting peremptorily on what is in itself indifferent. The sum amounts to this, that to shew more clearly how greatly God detests idolatry, He would have the memory of all those things abolished which had once been dedicated to idols. The second passage more fully unfolds what Moses had briefly adverted to in the first; for under the word “image,†he included all those tokens of idolatry which he afterwards enumerates, and of which he commands the whole land to be so cleared that no relics of them should remain. From the words, when ye have come into the land “to possess it,†Augustin 297 sensibly infers, that there is no command for private individuals to destroy the instruments of idolatry; but that the people are armed and furnished with this authority to take the charge of regulating the public interests, when they have obtained possession of the land. The third passage is more brief, only enumerating three kinds; the fourth adds “graven images,†( sculptilia .) The fifth omits the groves, and puts in their place images or representations made of molten materials; and here we must observe what we have before adverted to, that the name of statue ( statuoe ) is sometimes taken in a good sense; and therefore the Jews think that what was permitted to the fathers before the Law is now forbidden. To us, however, it seems more probable, that the statues now condemned are not such as Jacob erected only as a monument, but such as they pretended to be a likeness of God. Some translate the word “titles,†298 others “pictures,†with what propriety I leave to the judgment of my readers. He adds “ image, †299 a word which, though not in itself sinful, is still deservedly rejected in connection with the worship of God. Man is the image of God; for Moses uses this same word, when relating the creation of man. But to represent God by any figure, before which He is worshipped, is nothing less than to corrupt His glory, and so to metamorphose Him. By speaking of molten images, he admits neither sculptures nor pictures; but since they are generally cast in the precious metals, the people were expressly to beware of keeping gods of gold or silver for ornament.

Calvin: Exo 23:25 - -- 25.And ye shall serve the Lord your God It is true that this promise is very similar to others, to which I have assigned a peculiar place, but it has...
25.And ye shall serve the Lord your God It is true that this promise is very similar to others, to which I have assigned a peculiar place, but it has this difference, that, in inviting the people to be zealous in keeping the Law, it sets before their eyes the effect of the covenant already made with their fathers, in order that they may more cheerfully receive the Law. Therefore there was good reason for my saying just before that the promises which refer to the past have their appropriate place here, where their minds are prepared to obey God and keep His Law, because the race of Abraham God had chosen to Himself, that tie may continually visit them with His favor. He therefore promises them His blessing on their bread and water and bodily health, for on these three things depend the condition of our present life. Two other things He adds — fecundity in generation, and length of days. The sum is, that they had been prevented by God’s loving-kindness, in order that they might willingly honor Him, and that now all He had promised them was close at hand, if only they responded to His grace. But, although the fertility of the land was great, and its productions various and abundant, no mention is here made, as in other places, of wine or oil, but only of simple food, as if He had said that the necessary supports of life should not be wanting to them.

Calvin: Exo 23:27 - -- 27.I will send my fear before thee It is very clear from these words that God’s fatherly love towards the people is magnified, to prepare their min...
27.I will send my fear before thee It is very clear from these words that God’s fatherly love towards the people is magnified, to prepare their minds to submit themselves to the yoke of the Law. Therefore their reward, if they should keep the Law, is not so much set before them here, as shame is denounced upon them if they should be ungrateful to God their deliverer, who was soon after about to give them the enjoyment of the promised land. Moreover, God is said to sent forth His fear, when by His secret inspiration He depresses men’s hearts. Whence we gather that fear, as well as courage, is in His hand. Of this no doubtful examples exist in every history, if only God obtained His due rights amongst men. It will often happen that the courage of brave men gives way to alarm, and on the other hand, that the timid and cowardly awake to sudden bravery. Where the cause is not discovered, the profane have recourse to the hidden dominion of fortune to account for it, or imagine that men’s minds have been stupified by Pan or the Satyrs. 269 Let us however learn, that it is in God’s power to bend men’s hearts either way, so as both to cast down the courageous with terror, as well as to animate the timid. From this passage what we read in Psa 44:2, is taken, —
“Thou didst drive out the heathen with thine hand, and plantedst them, (our fathers.) For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them,†etc.
Moreover, Rahab, who was both a harlot and belonged to an unbelieving nation, still acknowledged this, when she said to the spies,
“our hearts did melt; for the Lord your God is God in heaven above, and in the earth beneath.†(Jos 2:11.)
She does not, indeed, express what we have here, that they were smitten from heaven with internal fear, but only says that their terror came from a sense of God’s power; still she admits that it is no human cause which makes them thus to tremble. Moses ascends higher, that God puts to flight or routs their enemies not only by setting before them external objects of terror, but that He works also inwardly in their hearts, that they may fly in confusion and alarm; as it follows in the end of the verse, “I will make them turn their backs,†as much as to say, that He would cause them immediately to retreat, and not even to sustain the sight of the people.

Calvin: Exo 23:28 - -- 28.And I will send hornets Although that secret terror, of which He had made mention, would be sufficient to put their enemies to flight, He states t...
28.And I will send hornets Although that secret terror, of which He had made mention, would be sufficient to put their enemies to flight, He states that there would also be other ready means, to rout them without any danger, or much difficulty to His people. Yet He does not threaten to send great and powerful warriors, but only insects and hornets; as much as to say, that God would be so entirely propitious to His people that He would prepare and arm even the smallest animals to destroy their enemies. 270 Thus is the easiness of their victory shewn; because, without the use of the sword, hornets alone would suffice to rout and exterminate their enemies. He adds, however, an exception, lest the Israelites should complain, if the land should not immediately lie open to them empty and cleared of its old inhabitants; and He reminds them that it would be advantageous to them that He should consume their enemies by degrees. Although, therefore, God might at first sight seem to perform less than He had promised, and thus to retract or diminish somewhat from His grace; yet Moses shews that in this respect also He was considering their welfare, lest the wild beasts should rush in upon the bare and desert land, and prove more troublesome than the enemies themselves. It came to pass indeed, through the people’s slackness, that they were long mixed with their enemies, because they executed with too little energy the vengeance of God; yea, His menace against them by the mouth of Joshua was then fulfilled,
“if ye cleave unto the remnant of these nations, know for a certainty that the Lord your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land, which the Lord your God hath given you.†(Jos 23:12.)
The fact, therefore, that it was later and at the end of David’s reign that these wicked and heathen nations were exterminated so as to deliver up to the people the quiet possession of the land, must be attributed to their own fault, since unbelief and ingratitude rendered them inactive, and disposed to indulge their ease. But, if no such inactivity had delayed the fulfillment of the promise, they would have found that the final destruction of the nations by God would have been delayed no longer than was good for them.

Calvin: Exo 23:31 - -- 31.And I will set thy bounds There is no question that He confirms here the covenant which he had made with Abraham in somewhat different words. More...
31.And I will set thy bounds There is no question that He confirms here the covenant which he had made with Abraham in somewhat different words. More briefly had it been said to Abraham,
“Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.†(Gen 15:18.)
Here the four cardinal points of the compass are enumerated, and, instead of the Nile, the other sea is mentioned, which is opposite to the sea of Tarshish. 271 Nor is it anything new which the Israelites are commanded to expect; but they are reminded of what they had heard of by tradition even from the time of Abraham. Hence what I have already said is more clearly perceived, viz., that the ancient covenant is set before them, in order that they may respond to God’s gratuitous favor, and on their part honor and worship Him, who had already anticipated them with His mercy. Furthermore, when they had robbed themselves of this blessing, God applied a remedy to their iniquity, by raising up a new condition of things under David, to whom this promise is repeated, as is seen in Psa 72:0 Therefore, although even up to that time their inheritance was in a measure incomplete (truncata), 272 yet, under this renovated condition, they reached its full and solid enjoyment. But since that prosperity and extension of the kingdom was not lasting, but after Solomon’s death began to fail, and at last its dignity was destroyed; therefore Zechariah uses the same words in declaring its ultimate and perfect restoration. (Zec 9:10.) Thence we gather that by the coming of Christ this prophecy at length obtained its perfect accomplishment; not that the race of Abraham then began to bear rule within the bounds here laid down, but inasmuch as Christ embraced the four quarters of the globe under His dominion, from the east even to the west, and from the north even to the south. Meanwhile the power of David was the prototype of this boundless reign, when he acquired the sovereignty of the promised land. We ought not to think it unreasonable that the ancient people should be kept out of some portion of that inheritance which was to be expected by them in accordance with the covenant; but rather does God’s incredible goodness display itself, in that, when they had altogether disinherited themselves, He still combated their iniquity, and failed not to shew practically His faithfulness. We may see the same thing in the calling of the Gentiles; for, if the Jews had continued faithful, the Gentiles would have been joined with them, as it had been said,
“In those days it shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew,†(Zec 8:23;)
but their rebellion brought it about, that God only gathered from among them the first-fruits of His Church, and afterwards the Gentiles were substituted in the place which they had left empty. In this way neither did this people retain their right of primogeniture, neither did God’s truth cease to stand firm, as Paul more fully explains in the eleventh chapter of Romans.
Defender -> Exo 23:23
Defender: Exo 23:23 - -- These tribes were evidently all descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham (Gen 10:15-18; Gen 15:18-21)."
These tribes were evidently all descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham (Gen 10:15-18; Gen 15:18-21)."
TSK: Exo 23:20 - -- Angel : Exo 3:2-6, Exo 14:19, Exo 32:34, Exo 33:2, Exo 33:14; Gen 48:16; Num 20:16; Jos 5:13, Jos 6:2; Psa 91:11; Isa 63:9; Mal 3:1; 1Co 10:9, 1Co 10:...

TSK: Exo 23:21 - -- Beware of him : Psa 2:12; Mat 17:5; Heb 12:25
provoke him not : Num 14:11; Psa 78:40, Psa 78:56; Eph 4:30; Heb 3:10, Heb 3:16
he will not : Exo 32:34;...
Beware of him : Psa 2:12; Mat 17:5; Heb 12:25
provoke him not : Num 14:11; Psa 78:40, Psa 78:56; Eph 4:30; Heb 3:10, Heb 3:16
he will not : Exo 32:34; Num 14:35; Deu 18:19; Jos 24:19; Jer 5:7; Heb 3:11, Heb 10:26-29; Heb 12:25; 1Jo 5:16
my name : Exo 3:14, Exo 34:5-7; Psa 72:19, Psa 83:18; Isa 7:14, Isa 9:6, Isa 42:8, Isa 45:6, Isa 57:15; Jer 23:6; Mat 1:23; Joh 5:23, Joh 10:30, Joh 10:38, Joh 14:9, Joh 14:10; Col 2:9; Rev 1:8; Rev 2:8, Rev 2:23, Rev 3:7

TSK: Exo 23:22 - -- an enemy : Gen 12:3; Num 24:9; Deu 30:7; Jer 30:20; Zec 2:8; Act 9:4, Act 9:5
an adversary unto thine adversaries : or, I will afflict them that affli...

TSK: Exo 23:23 - -- mine Angel : Exo 23:20, Exo 32:2; Isa 5:13
thee in : Exo 3:17; Gen 15:19-21, Gen 34:2; Jos 24:8-11
the Hivites : The LXX, Samaritan, Coptic, and one H...
mine Angel : Exo 23:20, Exo 32:2; Isa 5:13
thee in : Exo 3:17; Gen 15:19-21, Gen 34:2; Jos 24:8-11
the Hivites : The LXX, Samaritan, Coptic, and one Hebrew manuscript add, ""and the Girgashite;""thus making the seven nations.

TSK: Exo 23:24 - -- shalt not : Exo 20:5
do after : Lev 18:3, Lev 18:26-30; Deu 12:30, Deu 12:31; 2Ch 33:2, 2Ch 33:9; Psa 101:3, Psa 106:35-38; Eze 16:47
overthrow : Exo ...

TSK: Exo 23:25 - -- And ye : Deu 6:13, Deu 10:12, Deu 10:20, Deu 11:13, Deu 11:14, Deu 13:4, Deu 28:1-6; Jos 22:5, Jos 24:14, Jos 24:15, Jos 24:21, Jos 24:24; 1Sa 7:3, 1S...

TSK: Exo 23:26 - -- shall nothing : Deu 7:14, Deu 28:4; Job 21:10; Psa 107:38, Psa 144:13; Mal 3:10, Mal 3:11
the number : Gen 25:8, Gen 35:29; 1Ch 23:1; Job 5:26, Job 42...

TSK: Exo 23:27 - -- my fear : Exo 15:14-16; Gen 35:5; Deu 2:25, Deu 11:23, Deu 11:25; Jos 2:9-11; 1Sa 14:15; 2Ki 7:6; 2Ch 14:14
destroy : Deu 7:23
backs : Heb. neck, Psa ...

TSK: Exo 23:28 - -- hornets : Tzirâh , The hornet, may be so called from the Arabic zaraâ , to lay prostrate, strike down, because of the destruction occasioned b...
hornets :

TSK: Exo 23:31 - -- I will set : Gen 15:18; Num 34:3-15; Deu 11:24; Jos 1:4; 1Ki 4:21, 1Ki 4:24; Psa 72:8
deliver the : Num 21:34; Deu 3:2; Jos 8:7, Jos 8:18, Jos 10:8, J...

TSK: Exo 23:32 - -- shalt make : Exo 34:12, Exo 34:15; Deu 7:2; Jos 9:14-23; 2Sa 21:1, 2Sa 21:2; Psa 106:35; 2Co 6:15
nor with : Num 25:1, Num 25:2; Deu 7:16

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Barnes: Exo 23:23 - -- I will cut them off - The national existence of the Canaanites was indeed to be "utterly"destroyed, every trace of their idolatries was to be b...
I will cut them off - The national existence of the Canaanites was indeed to be "utterly"destroyed, every trace of their idolatries was to be blotted out, no social contact was to be held with them while they served other gods, nor were alliances of any kind to be formed with them. (See Deut. 7; Deu 12:1-4, Deu 12:29-31.) But it is alike contrary to the spirit of the divine law, and to the facts bearing on the subject scattered in the history, to suppose that any obstacle was put in the way of well disposed individuals of the denounced nations who left their sins and were willing to join the service of Yahweh. The spiritual blessings of the covenant were always open to those who sincerely and earnestly desired to possess them. See Exo 20:10; Lev 19:34; Lev 24:22.

Barnes: Exo 23:28 - -- Hornets - Compare the marginal references. The word is used figuratively for a cause of terror and discouragement. Bees are spoken of in the li...
Hornets - Compare the marginal references. The word is used figuratively for a cause of terror and discouragement. Bees are spoken of in the like sense, Deu 1:44; Psa 118:12.

Beast of the field - i. e. destructive animals.

Barnes: Exo 23:31 - -- In Exo 23:23, the limits of the Land of Canaan, strictly so called, are indicated; to this, when the Israelites were about to take possession of it,...
In Exo 23:23, the limits of the Land of Canaan, strictly so called, are indicated; to this, when the Israelites were about to take possession of it, were added the regions of Gilead and Bashan on the left side of the Jordan Num 32:33-42; Jos 13:29-32. These two portions made up the holy land, of which the limits were recognized, with inconsiderable variations, until the final overthrow of the Jewish polity. But in this verse the utmost extent of Hebrew dominion, as it existed in the time of David and Solomon, is set forth. The kingdom then reached to Eloth and Ezion-geber on the AElanitic Gulf of the Red Sea 1Ki 9:26, and to Tiphsah on the "River,"that is, the River Euphrates 1Ki 4:24, having for its western boundary "the Sea of the Philistines,"that is, the Mediterranean, and for its southern boundary "the desert,"that is, the wildernesses of Shur and Paran (compare Gen 15:18; Deu 1:7; Deu 11:24; Jos 1:4).
Poole: Exo 23:20 - -- To wit, Christ, the Angel of the covenant, as may be gathered both from the following words, because pardon of sin, which is God’ s prerogative...
To wit, Christ, the Angel of the covenant, as may be gathered both from the following words, because pardon of sin, which is God’ s prerogative, Mar 2:7 , is here ascribed to him, and God’ s name is in him , and by comparing other scriptures, as Exo 32:34 Act 7:38,39 1Co 10:9 . See Exo 13:21 14:19 .

Poole: Exo 23:21 - -- He will not pardon your transgressions i.e. he will severely punish you for them, by a common meiosis, as Exo 20:7 . Understand, if you continue obst...
He will not pardon your transgressions i.e. he will severely punish you for them, by a common meiosis, as Exo 20:7 . Understand, if you continue obstinate in your sins.
My name is in him Heb. is in his inward parts , i.e. is intimately united to him, according to Joh 14:11 ,
I am in the Father, and the Father in me It not only signifies that he acts in his name, and by his power and authority, which even the apostles did, and other ministers of the gospel do, and therefore it is unreasonable to think no more is ascribed to this Angel; but that his Divine nature or essence is in him, whence he is called the Lord our Righteousness , Jer 23:6 ; and God, who will not give his glory to another , Isa 42:8 , hath given it to Christ, that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father , Joh 5:23 , which never was nor can be said of any angel without blasphemy. Add to this, that the word name is oft put for the thing or being, whether it be human or Divine, as is manifest from Deu 28:58 Psa 20:1 115:1 Isa 30:27 Act 1:15 Rev 3:4 11:13 . And so it must be here, because this name is not said to be given to him , as it would be, if it were properly taken; but to be in him ; or in his inwards , which agrees well to the Divine nature or essence, but not to the mere name.

Poole: Exo 23:22 - -- All that I speak all that I have already commanded, and shall further prescribe by him unto Moses.
All that I speak all that I have already commanded, and shall further prescribe by him unto Moses.

Poole: Exo 23:24 - -- Thou shalt not bow down nor serve them , i.e. give them neither outward worship with thy body, nor inward with thy mind, nor follow their example i...
Thou shalt not bow down nor serve them , i.e. give them neither outward worship with thy body, nor inward with thy mind, nor follow their example in the worship of idols. Them shalt overthrow them , i.e. the people, lest thou be insnared by their counsel or example, and quite break down their images, or statues, or pillars, or any thing else erected in honour to their false gods. See Gen 28:18 35:20 .

Poole: Exo 23:25 - -- Thy bread and thy water i.e. thy meat and thy drink, that they shall be able to nourish thee, and give thee comfort, which without my blessing they w...
Thy bread and thy water i.e. thy meat and thy drink, that they shall be able to nourish thee, and give thee comfort, which without my blessing they will never be able to do.

Poole: Exo 23:26 - -- Here was a double mercy. God gave them strength both to conceive, and to retain the conception till the natural and proper time of bringing forth ca...
Here was a double mercy. God gave them strength both to conceive, and to retain the conception till the natural and proper time of bringing forth came.
The number of thy days I will fulfil I will preserve thee so as thou shalt live as long as the course of nature and temper of thy body will permit, when evil men shall not live out half their days , Psa 55:23 .

Poole: Exo 23:27 - -- My fear i.e. a great terror, or a terror wrought by me. See Exo 33:2 Jos 24:12

Poole: Exo 23:28 - -- Hornets properly so called, as may be gathered from Jos 24:12 Deu 7:20 . Hornets are of themselves very troublesome and mischievous; but these it is ...
Hornets properly so called, as may be gathered from Jos 24:12 Deu 7:20 . Hornets are of themselves very troublesome and mischievous; but these it is very probable were like those Egyptian flies, Exo 8:21 , of an extraordinary bigness and perniciousness. Nor is it strange that such creatures did drive many of these people from their habitations; for many heathen writers give us instances of some people driven from their seats by frogs, others by mice, others by bees and wasps; of which see Herodotus, Diodorus, Pliny, Elian, Justin, &c. He names these three people, either for all the rest, because they were the most potent about the time of Israel’ s first entrance into Canaan, and gave them most trouble; or because these three were more infested with hornets than the other nations, as being more numerous and dangerous.

Poole: Exo 23:29 - -- Desolate void of inhabitants in a great measure, because thy present number is not sufficient to occupy and manage their whole land.
Desolate void of inhabitants in a great measure, because thy present number is not sufficient to occupy and manage their whole land.

Poole: Exo 23:31 - -- Compare this place with Gen 15:18 Num 34:3 . The sea of the Philistines, i.e. the Mediterranean or midland sea, upon whose coast the land of the Phi...
Compare this place with Gen 15:18 Num 34:3 . The sea of the Philistines, i.e. the Mediterranean or midland sea, upon whose coast the land of the Philistines lay. The desert, of Egypt or Arabia; whereof see Gen 16:7 Exo 15:22 . The river, to wit, Euphrates, as it is expressed Deu 1:7 11:24 , which is oft called the river by way of eminency. All within these bounds were given them by God, but upon conditions, which they manifestly broke, and therefore were for the most part confined to a much narrower compass.

Poole: Exo 23:32 - -- To worship them, as they made a covenant with Jehovah to worship him. The sense is, Thou shalt not engage thyself, either to the people or to their ...
To worship them, as they made a covenant with Jehovah to worship him. The sense is, Thou shalt not engage thyself, either to the people or to their gods, but shalt root out both.

Poole: Exo 23:33 - -- For if thou serve or, for thou wilt serve ; this will be the fruit of thy cohabitation with them, thou wilt thereby be drawn to idolatry.
It will s...
For if thou serve or, for thou wilt serve ; this will be the fruit of thy cohabitation with them, thou wilt thereby be drawn to idolatry.
It will surely or, and assuredly this will be a snare ; an occasion of further sin and utter ruin.
Haydock: Exo 23:20 - -- Angel; my only son. (Philo) ---
St. Paul says, they tempted Jesus Christ, (1 Corinthians x. 9,) who is styled, the angel of the covenant, Malachia...
Angel; my only son. (Philo) ---
St. Paul says, they tempted Jesus Christ, (1 Corinthians x. 9,) who is styled, the angel of the covenant, Malachias iii. 1. Some apply this to Josue, others to St. Michael, who, from the cloud, conducted the army of Israel. (Calmet)

Haydock: Exo 23:21 - -- Forgive. Dimittet, as well as the Hebrew and Septuagint, may signify, "he will not abandon." (Haydock) ---
My name. Moses, Josue, and still mo...
Forgive. Dimittet, as well as the Hebrew and Septuagint, may signify, "he will not abandon." (Haydock) ---
My name. Moses, Josue, and still more our Saviour, acted in the name and by the authority of God the Father.

Waters, or all things necessary for your sustenance.

Haydock: Exo 23:26 - -- Fruitless. Hebrew may also be, "miscarrying." ---
Days. An untimely death was a judgment of God on the wicked, though sometimes he chooses to dra...
Fruitless. Hebrew may also be, "miscarrying." ---
Days. An untimely death was a judgment of God on the wicked, though sometimes he chooses to draw his elect quickly out of this dangerous world, Wisdom iv. 11.

Destroy. Hebrew, "fill with consternation."

Haydock: Exo 23:28 - -- Hornets, or wasps, Wisdom xii. 8. Josue (xxiv. 12) assures us this was verified. Thus scorpions forced the Ethiopians to abandon their country, and...
Hornets, or wasps, Wisdom xii. 8. Josue (xxiv. 12) assures us this was verified. Thus scorpions forced the Ethiopians to abandon their country, and flies and wasps drove away the Mysians and Phaselides. See Bochart, iv. 13. The latter people were of Phœnician extraction, and probably fled before Josue. Most of the Chanaanites withdrew into Africa; some perhaps into America. (Calmet)

Haydock: Exo 23:29 - -- Beasts. Herod the great killed many in hunting. (Josephus, Jewish Wars i. 16.) Two bears rushed upon the children, 4 Kings ii. 24. How much woul...
Beasts. Herod the great killed many in hunting. (Josephus, Jewish Wars i. 16.) Two bears rushed upon the children, 4 Kings ii. 24. How much would they have increased in all the countries from the Euphrates to the Nile, had they been destitute of any other inhabitants but the Hebrews, (Calmet) many of whom perished in the desert!

Haydock: Exo 23:33 - -- Scandal. If you have any society with these nations, it will turn to your ruin, which was but too literally manifested afterwards.
Scandal. If you have any society with these nations, it will turn to your ruin, which was but too literally manifested afterwards.
Gill: Exo 23:20 - -- Behold, I send an angel before thee,.... Not a created angel, but the uncreated one, the Angel of God's presence, that was with the Israelites at Sina...
Behold, I send an angel before thee,.... Not a created angel, but the uncreated one, the Angel of God's presence, that was with the Israelites at Sinai, and in the wilderness; who saved, redeemed, bore, and carried them all the days of old, whom they rebelled against and tempted in the wilderness; as appears by all the characters after given of him, which by no means agree with a created angel: Aben Ezra observes, that some say this is the book of the law, because it is said, "my name is in him", or "in the midst of it"; others say, the ark of the covenant; but he says this angel is Michael; and if indeed by Michael is intended the uncreated angel, as he always is in Scripture, he is right: Jarchi remarks, that their Rabbins say, this is Metatron, whose name is as the name of his master; Metatron, by gematry, is Shaddai, which signifies almighty or all-sufficient, and is an epithet of the divine Being; and Metatron seems to be a corruption of the word "mediator": some of the ancient Jewish writers say k, this is the Angel that is the Redeemer of the world, and the keeper of the children of men: and Philo the Jew l applies the word unto the divine Logos, and says,"he (God) uses the divine Word as the guide of the way; for the oracle is, "behold, I send my Angel", &c.''which agrees with what follows:
to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared; to preserve the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness, from all their enemies that should set upon them, and to bring them safe at last to the land of Canaan, which he had appointed for them, and promised to them, and had prepared both in his purpose and gift for them, and would make way for their settlement in it by driving out the nations before them.

Gill: Exo 23:21 - -- Beware of him,.... Of his face or countenance; observe his looks towards you in a providential way, whether frowning or smiling; observe his direction...
Beware of him,.... Of his face or countenance; observe his looks towards you in a providential way, whether frowning or smiling; observe his directions and instructions, laws and commands:
and obey his voice; hearken to what he says, and cheerfully, readily, and punctually do as he orders:
provoke him not; by unbelief, by murmurings and complaints, by unbecoming words and actions, by transgressing his commands, and acting contrary to his will:
for he will not pardon your transgressions: or suffer them to pass unchastised and uncorrected, but will, as he did, take vengeance on their inventions, and on them because of them, though he forgave their iniquities; for that he was such an Angel as could forgive sin, which none but God can do, is evident; because it would be absurd to say he will not pardon, if he could not pardon their transgressions, see Mat 9:6,
for my name is in him; the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father; the nature and perfections of God are in the Word and Son of God, and so his name Jehovah, which is peculiar to him; Christ is Jehovah our righteousness: or "though my name is in him" m; as Abendana and others, his name the Lord God, gracious and merciful, pardoning iniquity, transgression and sin, as afterwards proclaimed in him; and yet, notwithstanding this, he would not clear the guilty, or suffer the Israelites to go unpunished, if they offended him: the Targum of Onkelos is,"or in my name is his word,''he is my ambassador and speaks in my name.

Gill: Exo 23:22 - -- But, if thou shall indeed obey his voice,.... Or "hearkening hearken", n to it attentively, listen to it, and diligently and constantly observe and ob...
But, if thou shall indeed obey his voice,.... Or "hearkening hearken", n to it attentively, listen to it, and diligently and constantly observe and obey in whatever he shall direct and order:
and do all that I speak; by him; or whatsoever he had spoke, or was about to speak; for as yet all the laws and statutes were not delivered, especially those of the ceremonial kind:
then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries; which they should either meet with in their passage through the wilderness, or when they came into the land of Canaan; signifying hereby that he would protect them from them, subdue them under them, and give them victory over them, as that they should be utterly destroyed, and so way made for their possession of their land, as in the following words.

Gill: Exo 23:23 - -- For mine Angel shall go before thee,.... The same as before described:
and bring thee in unto the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and ...
For mine Angel shall go before thee,.... The same as before described:
and bring thee in unto the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Canaanite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite; six nations are only mentioned, though there were seven; the Girgashites are omitted, though added in the Septuagint version; and this omission of them might be, either because they were swallowed up by one or other of the other nations, particularly the Amorites, who were the most powerful; or rather, having mentioned the most and chiefest, the Lord was not careful, as Aben Ezra observes, to take notice of the least:
and I will cut them off; from being a nation, either of them; for though there were some of them left, and dwelt about in the land, yet not as a kingdom and nation of themselves, as they had been, but became tributary to the Israelites.

Gill: Exo 23:24 - -- Thou shalt not bow down to their gods,.... In a way of honour to them, doing them reverence, expressing thereby an high esteem of them, trust in them,...
Thou shalt not bow down to their gods,.... In a way of honour to them, doing them reverence, expressing thereby an high esteem of them, trust in them, and expectation of good things from them:
nor serve them: in any kind of service in which they usually are served by their votaries; as by offering sacrifice, incense, libations, &c. or by praying to them or praising of them, or in whatsoever way they are served by idolaters:
nor do after their works; the works of the worshippers of idols; all those wicked works in general done by them, which should not be imitated; and those particularly relating to the service and worship of their deities:
but thou shalt overthrow them; the heathen gods; utterly destroy them, and break them to pieces, or demolish their temples, the idolatrous houses built for them, and their altars; for the word has the signification, of demolishing buildings, and razing up the very foundations of them:
and quite break down their images; or, "in breaking break down" o; utterly and entirely break them down, break them to shivers, all their statues of gold or silver, brass, wood, or stone, or of whatsoever materials they were made; none were to be spared, nor any remains of them to be seen, that they might not prove a snare to any to worship them; and hereby they were to express their detestation of idolatry, and their strict and close adherence to the true God, and the worship of him as follows.

Gill: Exo 23:25 - -- And ye shall serve the Lord your God,.... And him only, who had brought them out of Egypt, and done so many great and good things for them at the Red ...
And ye shall serve the Lord your God,.... And him only, who had brought them out of Egypt, and done so many great and good things for them at the Red sea, and now in the wilderness; by which he appeared to be the true Jehovah, the one and only living God, and to be their God in covenant, who had promised them much, and had performed it; and therefore was in a special and peculiar manner their God, and they were under the highest obligations to serve and worship him in the way and manner he directed them to:
and he shall bless thy bread and thy water; and make them nourishing and refreshing to them, and preserve them thereby in health, as well as prosper and succeed them, and increase their worldly substance:
and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee; the stroke of bitterness, or the bitter stroke, as the Targum of Jonathan, any grievous disease, which is bitter and distressing; signifying that there should be none among them, but that they should be healthful, and free from distempers and diseases.

Gill: Exo 23:26 - -- There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in the land,.... There shall be no abortions or miscarriages, nor sterility or barrenness, either ...
There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in the land,.... There shall be no abortions or miscarriages, nor sterility or barrenness, either among the Israelites, or their cattle of every kind, so that there should be a great increase, both of men and beasts:
the number of thy days I will fulfil; which was fixed for each of them, in his eternal purposes and decrees; or what, according to the temperament of their bodies and the course of nature, which, humanly speaking, it might be supposed they would arrive unto; or generally the common term of human life, which, in the days of Moses, was threescore years and ten, or fourscore, see Job 14:5, it may be considered whether any respect is had to the time of their continuance in the land of Canaan, the term of which was fixed in the divine mind, or the fulness of time in which the Messiah was to come.

Gill: Exo 23:27 - -- And I will send my fear before thee,.... What should cause fear among the nations of the land of Canaan; either the hornets mentioned in the next vers...
And I will send my fear before thee,.... What should cause fear among the nations of the land of Canaan; either the hornets mentioned in the next verse as the explanative of this; or the fame of his mighty works, which he had done for Israel in Egypt, at the Red sea, and in the wilderness; which struck the inhabitants of Canaan with such a panic, that they were ready to faint and melt away, and lost all courage, Jos 2:9.
and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come; that is, the greatest part of them:
and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee; flee away, not being able to face them and stand a battle, or, however, not stand it long, but run and make their escape: "or I will give thee the neck of them" p; cause them to submit, to lay down their necks and be trampled upon; an expression denoting their subjection, and an entire conquest of them, see Psa 18:39.

Gill: Exo 23:28 - -- And I will send hornets before thee,.... Which may be interpreted either figuratively, and so may signify the same as fear before which should fall on...
And I will send hornets before thee,.... Which may be interpreted either figuratively, and so may signify the same as fear before which should fall on the Canaanites upon hearing the Israelites were coming; the stings of their consciences for their sins, terrors of mind, dreading the wrath of the God of Israel, of whom they had heard, and terrible apprehensions of ruin and destruction from the Israelites: Aben Ezra interprets it of some disease of the body, which weakens it, as the leprosy, from the signification of the word, which has some affinity with that used for the leprosy; and so the Arabic version understands it of a disease: or rather, the words are to be taken literally, for hornets, which are a sort of wasps, whose stings are very penetrating and venomous; nor is it any strange or unheard of thing for people to be drove out of their countries by small animals, as mice, flies, bees, &c. and particularly Aelianus q relates, that the Phaselites were drove out of their country by wasps: and Bochart r has shown that those people were of a Phoenician original, and inhabited the mountains of Solymi; and that this happened to them about the times of Joshua, and so may probably be the very Canaanites here mentioned, as follow: the wasps, in Aristophanes's comedy which bears that name, are introduced speaking of themselves, and say, no creature when provoked is more angry and troublesome than we are s:
which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee; which three are mentioned instead of the rest, or because they were more especially infested and distressed with the hornets, and drove out of their land by means of them.

Gill: Exo 23:29 - -- I will not drive them out from before thee in one year,.... This is observed before hand, lest the Israelites should be discouraged, and fear they sho...
I will not drive them out from before thee in one year,.... This is observed before hand, lest the Israelites should be discouraged, and fear they should never be rid of them; and it was so ordered in Providence for the following reason:
lest the land become desolate; there being not a sufficient number of Israelites to replace in their stead, to repeople the land, and to cultivate it; and yet their number was very large, being, when they came out of Egypt, as is generally computed, about two millions and a half, besides the mixed multitude of Egyptians and others, and during their forty years in the wilderness must be greatly increased:
and the beast of the field multiply against thee; there being so much waste ground for them to prowl about in, they would so increase as to make head against them, and be too many for them; or, however, it would be difficult to keep them under control: the Targum of Jonathan adds,"when they shall come to eat their carcasses (the carcasses of the Canaanites slain in war), and may hurt thee.''

Gill: Exo 23:30 - -- By little and little I will drive them out from before thee,.... Not the beasts of the field, but the inhabitants of Canaan, who were left partly to k...
By little and little I will drive them out from before thee,.... Not the beasts of the field, but the inhabitants of Canaan, who were left partly to keep up the cities and towns, that they might not fall to ruin, and to till the land, that it might not be desolate; and partly to be trials and exercises to the people of Israel, and to prove whether they would serve the Lord or not. Just as the corruptions of human nature remain with the people of God when converted, for the trial and exercise of their graces, and that they may have their dependence not on themselves, but on the grace of God to keep them in his ways, and to preserve them safe to eternal glory; and by completing the work of grace, which is gradually done, they might be made meet for it:
until thou be increased, and inherit the land; for as their enemies were driven out gradually, by little and little, so they multiplied gradually, until at length they became a sufficient number to fill all the cities and towns in all the nations of Canaan, and take an entire possession of it, as their inheritance given unto them by God.

Gill: Exo 23:31 - -- And I will set thy bounds,.... The bounds of the land of Canaan, which in process of time it should reach unto, though not at once, not until the time...
And I will set thy bounds,.... The bounds of the land of Canaan, which in process of time it should reach unto, though not at once, not until the times of David and Solomon, 2Sa 8:1 which bounds were as follow:
from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines: the Red sea was the boundary eastward, as the sea of the Philistines, or the Mediterranean sea, was the boundary westward:
and from the desert unto the river; the desert of Shur or Arabia, towards Egypt, was the boundary southward, as the river Euphrates was the boundary northward, and is the river here meant, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it; and so Jarchi interprets it, and generally others:
for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; the greater part upon their entrance into it, and settlement in it, and the rest afterwards:
and thou shalt drive them out before thee; not all at once, but by degrees, as before observed.

Gill: Exo 23:32 - -- Thou shalt make no covenant with them,.... A covenant of peace, a league, a confederacy, so as to take them to be their allies and friends; but they w...
Thou shalt make no covenant with them,.... A covenant of peace, a league, a confederacy, so as to take them to be their allies and friends; but they were always to consider them as their enemies, until they had made an utter end of them; though the Gibeonites by craft and guile obtained a league of them; but the methods they took to get it show they had some knowledge of this law, that the Israelites might not, or at least would not, make any league or covenant with the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. This may be also extended to marriage covenants, which they were forbid to make with them; which yet they did, and proved a snare to them, for this brought them to makes a covenant with their gods, and serve them, which is here also forbidden:
nor with their gods; making vows unto them, promising to serve them, if they would do such and such things for them.

Gill: Exo 23:33 - -- They shall not dwell in thy land,.... The land of Canaan, given by God for an inheritance, and now would be in the possession of the Israelites; and t...
They shall not dwell in thy land,.... The land of Canaan, given by God for an inheritance, and now would be in the possession of the Israelites; and therefore were not to suffer the old inhabitants to dwell with them in it, at least no longer than they could help it; they were to do all they could to root them out:
lest they make thee sin against me; by their ill examples and persuasions, drawing them into idolatry, than which there is no greater sin against God, it being not only contrary to his law, his mind, and will, but directly against his nature, being, perfections, and glory:
for if thou serve their gods, or "for thou wilt serve" t; this would be the consequence of their dwelling in the land, they would draw the Israelites into the worship of their idols, to which they were naturally prone; and should they commit idolatry:
it will surely be a snare unto thee: idolatry would be the cause of their ruin and destruction, they would be snared by it, as fishes in a net, or birds and beasts by traps and gins; or "for it will be a snare" u, that is, the Canaanites dwelling among them would be a snare to draw them into their idolatry, and go into ruin.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Exo 23:20 The form is the Hiphil perfect of the verb כּוּן (kun, “to establish, prepare”).

NET Notes: Exo 23:21 This means “the manifestation of my being” is in him (S. R. Driver, Exodus, 247). Driver quotes McNeile as saying, “The ‘angel...

NET Notes: Exo 23:22 The infinitive absolute here does not add as great an emphasis as normal, but emphasizes the condition that is being set forth (see GKC 342-43 §1...

NET Notes: Exo 23:24 Both verbs are joined with their infinitive absolutes to provide the strongest sense to these instructions. The images of the false gods in Canaan wer...

NET Notes: Exo 23:25 On this unusual clause B. Jacob says that it is the reversal of the curse in Genesis, because the “bread and water” represent the field wo...

NET Notes: Exo 23:26 No one will die prematurely; this applies to the individual or the nation. The plan of God to bless was extensive, if only the people would obey.

NET Notes: Exo 23:27 The text has “and I will give all your enemies to you [as] a back.” The verb of making takes two accusatives, the second being the adverbi...

NET Notes: Exo 23:30 The repetition expresses an exceptional or super-fine quality (see GKC 396 §123.e).

NET Notes: Exo 23:31 In the Hebrew Bible “the River” usually refers to the Euphrates (cf. NASB, NCV, NRSV, TEV, CEV, NLT). There is some thought that it refers...

NET Notes: Exo 23:33 The idea of the “snare” is to lure them to judgment; God is apparently warning about contact with the Canaanites, either in worship or in ...
Geneva Bible: Exo 23:21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my ( m ) name [is] in him.
( m ) I will give him ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt ( n ) utterly overthrow them, and quite break down the...

Geneva Bible: Exo 23:25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy ( o ) bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.
( o ) ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 23:27 I will send my ( p ) fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unt...

Geneva Bible: Exo 23:31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea ( q ) of the Philistines, and from the ( r ) desert unto the ( s ) river: for I will deli...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Exo 23:1-33
TSK Synopsis: Exo 23:1-33 - --1 Of slander, false witness, and partiality.4 Of charitableness.6 Of justice in judgment.8 Of taking bribes.9 Of oppressing a stranger.10 Of the year ...
MHCC -> Exo 23:20-33
MHCC: Exo 23:20-33 - --It is here promised that they should be guided and kept in their way through the wilderness to the land of promise, Behold, I send an angel before the...
Matthew Henry -> Exo 23:20-33
Matthew Henry: Exo 23:20-33 - -- Three gracious promises are here made to Israel, to engage them to their duty and encourage them in it; and each of the promises has some needful pr...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Exo 23:20-33
Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 23:20-33 - --
Relation of Jehovah to Israel. - The declaration of the rights conferred by Jehovah upon His people is closed by promises, through which, on the one...
Constable: Exo 15:22--Lev 1:1 - --II. THE ADOPTION OF ISRAEL 15:22--40:38
The second major section of Exodus records the events associated with Go...

Constable: Exo 19:1--24:12 - --B. The establishment of the Mosaic Covenant 19:1-24:11
The Lord had liberated Israel from bondage in Egy...

Constable: Exo 20:22--24:1 - --4. The stipulations of the Book of the Covenant 20:22-23:33
Israel's "Bill of Rights" begins her...