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Text -- Exodus 7:1-23 (NET)

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7:1 So the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. 7:2 You are to speak everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh that he must release the Israelites from his land. 7:3 But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and although I will multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt, 7:4 Pharaoh will not listen to you. I will reach into Egypt and bring out my regiments, my people the Israelites, from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. 7:5 Then the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I extend my hand over Egypt and bring the Israelites out from among them. 7:6 And Moses and Aaron did so; they did just as the Lord commanded them. 7:7 Now Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh. 7:8 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 7:9 “When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Do a miracle,’ and you say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh,’ it will become a snake.” 7:10 When Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh, they did so, just as the Lord had commanded them– Aaron threw down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants and it became a snake. 7:11 Then Pharaoh also summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the magicians of Egypt by their secret arts did the same thing. 7:12 Each man threw down his staff, and the staffs became snakes. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. 7:13 Yet Pharaoh’s heart became hard, and he did not listen to them, just as the Lord had predicted.
The First Blow: Water to Blood
7:14 The Lord said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s heart is hard; he refuses to release the people. 7:15 Go to Pharaoh in the morning when he goes out to the water. Position yourself to meet him by the edge of the Nile, and take in your hand the staff that was turned into a snake. 7:16 Tell him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to you to say, “Release my people, that they may serve me in the desert!” But until now you have not listened. 7:17 Thus says the Lord: “By this you will know that I am the Lord: I am going to strike the water of the Nile with the staff that is in my hand, and it will be turned into blood. 7:18 Fish in the Nile will die, the Nile will stink, and the Egyptians will be unable to drink water from the Nile.”’” 7:19 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Take your staff and stretch out your hand over Egypt’s waters– over their rivers, over their canals, over their ponds, and over all their reservoirs– so that it becomes blood.’ There will be blood everywhere in the land of Egypt, even in wooden and stone containers.” 7:20 Moses and Aaron did so, just as the Lord had commanded. Moses raised the staff and struck the water that was in the Nile right before the eyes of Pharaoh and his servants, and all the water that was in the Nile was turned to blood. 7:21 When the fish that were in the Nile died, the Nile began to stink, so that the Egyptians could not drink water from the Nile. There was blood everywhere in the land of Egypt! 7:22 But the magicians of Egypt did the same by their secret arts, and so Pharaoh’s heart remained hard, and he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron– just as the Lord had predicted. 7:23 And Pharaoh turned and went into his house. He did not pay any attention to this.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Egyptians descendants of Mizraim
 · Hebrew a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Nile a river that flows north through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea
 · Pharaoh the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Abraham's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Joseph's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who refused to let Israel leave Egypt,the title of the king of Egypt whose daughter Solomon married,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in the time of Isaiah,the title Egypt's ruler just before Moses' time

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Moses | Egyptians | Judgments | DIVORCE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | GENESIS, 1-2 | Lies and Deceits | Rulers | Quotations and Allusions | Sin | Plague | PLAGUES, THE TEN | Aaron | PLAGUES OF EGYPT | Blood | REVELATION, 3-4 | DRAGON | Miracles | Serpent | Heart | EXODUS, THE BOOK OF, 2 | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Exo 7:1 The word נְבִיאֶךָ (nÿvi’ekha, “your prophet”) recalls 4:16. Moses was to...

NET Notes: Exo 7:2 The form is וְשִׁלַּח (vÿshillakh), a Piel perfect with vav (ו) consecutive. Followin...

NET Notes: Exo 7:3 The form beginning the second half of the verse is the perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive, הִרְבֵּ...

NET Notes: Exo 7:4 See the note on this term in 6:26.

NET Notes: Exo 7:5 This is another anthropomorphism, parallel to the preceding. If God were to “put” (נָתַן, natan), “ext...

NET Notes: Exo 7:8 Heb “said to Moses and Aaron, saying.”

NET Notes: Exo 7:9 The form is the jussive יְהִי ( yÿhi). Gesenius notes that frequently in a conditional clause, a sentence with a pr...

NET Notes: Exo 7:10 The noun used here is תַּנִּין (tannin), and not the word for “serpent” or “snake...

NET Notes: Exo 7:11 The term בְּלַהֲטֵיהֶם (bÿlahatehem) means “by their secret a...

NET Notes: Exo 7:12 The verb is plural, but the subject is singular, “a man – his staff.” This noun can be given a distributive sense: “each man t...

NET Notes: Exo 7:13 For more on this subject, see B. Jacob, Exodus, 241-49. S. R. Driver (Exodus, 53) notes that when this word (חָזַק) is u...

NET Notes: Exo 7:14 The Piel infinitive construct לְשַׁלַּח (lÿshallakh) serves as the direct object of מ...

NET Notes: Exo 7:15 The final clause begins with the noun and vav disjunctive, which singles this instruction out for special attention – “now the staff…...

NET Notes: Exo 7:16 Or “complied” (שָׁמַעְתָּ, shama’ta).

NET Notes: Exo 7:17 W. C. Kaiser summarizes a view that has been adopted by many scholars, including a good number of conservatives, that the plagues overlap with natural...

NET Notes: Exo 7:18 The verb לָאָה (la’a), here in the Niphal perfect with a vav consecutive, means “be weary, impatient.”...

NET Notes: Exo 7:19 Or “in all.”

NET Notes: Exo 7:20 There have been various attempts to explain the details of this plague or blow. One possible suggestion is that the plague turned the Nile into “...

NET Notes: Exo 7:21 Heb “and there was blood.”

NET Notes: Exo 7:22 Heb “to them”; the referents (Moses and Aaron) have been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Exo 7:23 The text has וְלֹא־שָׁת לִבּוֹ גַּ&#...

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