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Text -- Ezekiel 36:1-30 (NET)

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Blessings on the Mountains of Israel
36:1 “As for you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say: ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord! 36:2 This is what the sovereign Lord says: The enemy has spoken against you, saying “Aha!” and, “The ancient heights have become our property!”’ 36:3 So prophesy and say: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Surely because they have made you desolate and crushed you from all directions, so that you have become the property of the rest of the nations, and have become the subject of gossip and slander among the people, 36:4 therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the sovereign Lord: This is what the sovereign Lord says to the mountains and hills, the ravines and valleys, and to the desolate ruins and the abandoned cities that have become prey and an object of derision to the rest of the nations round about36:5 therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: Surely I have spoken in the fire of my zeal against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who with great joy and utter contempt have made my land their property and prey, because of its pasture.’ 36:6 “Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and hills, the ravines and valleys, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I have spoken in my zeal and in my anger, because you have endured the insults of the nations. 36:7 So this is what the sovereign Lord says: I vow that the nations around you will endure insults as well. 36:8 “‘But you, mountains of Israel, will grow your branches, and bear your fruit for my people Israel; for they will arrive soon. 36:9 For indeed, I am on your side; I will turn to you, and you will be plowed and planted. 36:10 I will multiply your people– the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities will be populated and the ruins rebuilt. 36:11 I will increase the number of people and animals on you; they will increase and be fruitful. I will cause you to be inhabited as in ancient times, and will do more good for you than at the beginning of your history. Then you will know that I am the Lord. 36:12 I will lead people, my people Israel, across you; they will possess you and you will become their inheritance. No longer will you bereave them of their children. 36:13 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Because they are saying to you, “You are a devourer of men, and bereave your nation of children,” 36:14 therefore you will no longer devour people and no longer bereave your nation of children, declares the sovereign Lord. 36:15 I will no longer subject you to the nations’ insults; no longer will you bear the shame of the peoples, and no longer will you bereave your nation, declares the sovereign Lord.’” 36:16 The word of the Lord came to me: 36:17 “Son of man, when the house of Israel was living on their own land, they defiled it by their behavior and their deeds. In my sight their behavior was like the uncleanness of a woman having her monthly period. 36:18 So I poured my anger on them because of the blood they shed on the land and because of the idols with which they defiled it. 36:19 I scattered them among the nations; they were dispersed throughout foreign countries. In accordance with their behavior and their deeds I judged them. 36:20 But when they arrived in the nations where they went, they profaned my holy name. It was said of them, ‘These are the people of the Lord, yet they have departed from his land.’ 36:21 I was concerned for my holy reputation which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they went. 36:22 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake that I am about to act, O house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy reputation which you profaned among the nations where you went. 36:23 I will magnify my great name that has been profaned among the nations, that you have profaned among them. The nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the sovereign Lord, when I magnify myself among you in their sight. 36:24 “‘I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries; then I will bring you to your land. 36:25 I will sprinkle you with pure water and you will be clean from all your impurities. I will purify you from all your idols. 36:26 I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh. 36:27 I will put my Spirit within you; I will take the initiative and you will obey my statutes and carefully observe my regulations. 36:28 Then you will live in the land I gave to your fathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. 36:29 I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and multiply it; I will not bring a famine on you. 36:30 I will multiply the fruit of the trees and the produce of the fields, so that you will never again suffer the disgrace of famine among the nations.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Edom resident(s) of the region of Edom
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Eze 36:1 - -- The inhabitants being in captivity, speak to the mountains, that is, the land of Judah, and Israel, which was a country full of mountains.

The inhabitants being in captivity, speak to the mountains, that is, the land of Judah, and Israel, which was a country full of mountains.

Wesley: Eze 36:2 - -- Many were the enemies of God's people; but they so conspired in one design, that the prophet speaks of them as one, and particularly of Edom.

Many were the enemies of God's people; but they so conspired in one design, that the prophet speaks of them as one, and particularly of Edom.

Wesley: Eze 36:3 - -- Devoured you, as hungry beasts devour their prey.

Devoured you, as hungry beasts devour their prey.

Wesley: Eze 36:3 - -- You are the subject of all their discourse.

You are the subject of all their discourse.

Wesley: Eze 36:3 - -- Ever branding you as infamous.

Ever branding you as infamous.

Wesley: Eze 36:7 - -- Sworn in my wrath.

Sworn in my wrath.

Wesley: Eze 36:7 - -- The Moabites, Ammonites, and Idumeans.

The Moabites, Ammonites, and Idumeans.

Wesley: Eze 36:8 - -- The time is near, when my people shall come out of Babylon to settle in their own land.

The time is near, when my people shall come out of Babylon to settle in their own land.

Wesley: Eze 36:12 - -- O land of Canaan.

O land of Canaan.

Wesley: Eze 36:12 - -- Consume thine inhabitants.

Consume thine inhabitants.

Wesley: Eze 36:13 - -- The heathen round about.

The heathen round about.

Wesley: Eze 36:14 - -- I will so bless thee, O land, that thou shalt bring forth and breed up many sons and daughters, and this reproach shall cease for ever.

I will so bless thee, O land, that thou shalt bring forth and breed up many sons and daughters, and this reproach shall cease for ever.

Wesley: Eze 36:17 - -- By their carriage, and whole conversation.

By their carriage, and whole conversation.

Wesley: Eze 36:17 - -- Or as one cut off from the congregation, because of some great sin.

Or as one cut off from the congregation, because of some great sin.

Wesley: Eze 36:20 - -- When they were come into Babylon.

When they were come into Babylon.

Wesley: Eze 36:20 - -- They sinned.

They sinned.

Wesley: Eze 36:20 - -- Their heathen neighbours.

Their heathen neighbours.

Wesley: Eze 36:20 - -- The profane Jews.

The profane Jews.

Wesley: Eze 36:20 - -- These profane slaves, call themselves the people of the Lord and say, he gave them the land out of which they are driven.

These profane slaves, call themselves the people of the Lord and say, he gave them the land out of which they are driven.

Wesley: Eze 36:21 - -- For these sins I had just cause to cut them off; but I had pity, for the glory of my name: had I destroyed them, the heathen would have concluded agai...

For these sins I had just cause to cut them off; but I had pity, for the glory of my name: had I destroyed them, the heathen would have concluded against my omnipotence, and my truth.

Wesley: Eze 36:23 - -- They gave the heathen occasion to think meanly of me, but I will shew I am as great as good. When God performs what he hath sworn by his holiness, the...

They gave the heathen occasion to think meanly of me, but I will shew I am as great as good. When God performs what he hath sworn by his holiness, then he sanctifies his name.

Wesley: Eze 36:25 - -- "This signifies both the blood of Christ sprinkled upon their conscience, to take away their guilt, as the water of purification was sprinkled, to tak...

"This signifies both the blood of Christ sprinkled upon their conscience, to take away their guilt, as the water of purification was sprinkled, to take away their ceremonial uncleanness and the grace of the spirit sprinkled on the whole soul, to purify it from all corrupt inclinations and dispositions."

Wesley: Eze 36:26 - -- A new frame of soul, a mind changed, from sinful to holy, from carnal to spiritual. A heart in which the law of God is written, Jer 31:33. A sanctifie...

A new frame of soul, a mind changed, from sinful to holy, from carnal to spiritual. A heart in which the law of God is written, Jer 31:33. A sanctified heart, in which the almighty grace of God is victorious, and turns it from all sin to God.

Wesley: Eze 36:26 - -- A new, holy frame in the spirit of man; which is given to him, not wrought by his own power.

A new, holy frame in the spirit of man; which is given to him, not wrought by his own power.

Wesley: Eze 36:26 - -- The senseless unfeeling.

The senseless unfeeling.

Wesley: Eze 36:26 - -- Out of you.

Out of you.

Wesley: Eze 36:26 - -- That is, quite of another temper, hearkening to God's law, trembling at his threats, moulded into a compliance with his whole will; to forbear, do, be...

That is, quite of another temper, hearkening to God's law, trembling at his threats, moulded into a compliance with his whole will; to forbear, do, be, or suffer what God will, receiving the impress of God, as soft wax receives the impress of the seal.

Wesley: Eze 36:27 - -- The holy spirit of God, which is given to, and dwelleth in all true believers.

The holy spirit of God, which is given to, and dwelleth in all true believers.

Wesley: Eze 36:27 - -- Sweetly, powerfully, yet without compulsion; for our spirits, framed by God's spirit to a disposition suitable to his holiness, readily concurs.

Sweetly, powerfully, yet without compulsion; for our spirits, framed by God's spirit to a disposition suitable to his holiness, readily concurs.

Wesley: Eze 36:27 - -- Be willing; and able to keep the judgments, and to walk in the statutes of God, which is, to live in all holiness.

Be willing; and able to keep the judgments, and to walk in the statutes of God, which is, to live in all holiness.

Wesley: Eze 36:28 - -- Observe: then, and not before, are these promises to be fulfilled to the house of Israel.

Observe: then, and not before, are these promises to be fulfilled to the house of Israel.

Wesley: Eze 36:28 - -- This is the foundation of the top - stone of a believer's happiness.

This is the foundation of the top - stone of a believer's happiness.

Wesley: Eze 36:29 - -- I will continue to save you.

I will continue to save you.

Wesley: Eze 36:29 - -- Salvation from all uncleannessess, includes justification, entire sanctification, and meetness for glory.

Salvation from all uncleannessess, includes justification, entire sanctification, and meetness for glory.

Wesley: Eze 36:29 - -- All necessaries comprised in one.

All necessaries comprised in one.

JFB: Eze 36:1-2 - -- In contrast to "Mount Seir" of the previous prophecy. They are here personified; Israel's elevation is moral, not merely physical, as Edom's. Her hill...

In contrast to "Mount Seir" of the previous prophecy. They are here personified; Israel's elevation is moral, not merely physical, as Edom's. Her hills are "the everlasting hills" of Jacob's prophecy (Gen 49:26). "The enemy" (Edom, the singled-out representative of all God's foes), with a shout of exultation, "Aha!" had claimed, as the nearest kinsman of Israel (the brother of their father Esau), his vacated inheritance; as much as to say, the so-called "everlasting" inheritance of Israel and of the "hills," which typified the unmoved perpetuity of it (Psa 125:1-2), has come to an end, in spite of the promise of God, and has become "ours" (compare Deu 32:13; Deu 33:15).

JFB: Eze 36:3 - -- Literally, "Because, even because."

Literally, "Because, even because."

JFB: Eze 36:3 - -- Literally, "panted after" you, as a beast after its prey; implying the greedy cupidity of Edom as to Israel's inheritance (Psa 56:1-2).

Literally, "panted after" you, as a beast after its prey; implying the greedy cupidity of Edom as to Israel's inheritance (Psa 56:1-2).

JFB: Eze 36:3 - -- Literally, "lips of the tongue," that is, of the slanderer, the man of tongue. Edom slandered Israel because of the connection of the latter with Jeho...

Literally, "lips of the tongue," that is, of the slanderer, the man of tongue. Edom slandered Israel because of the connection of the latter with Jehovah, as though He were unable to save them. Deu 28:37, and Jer 24:9 had foretold Israel's reproach among the heathen (Dan 9:16).

JFB: Eze 36:4 - -- Inanimate creatures are addressed, to imply that the creature also, as it were, groans for deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the gloriou...

Inanimate creatures are addressed, to imply that the creature also, as it were, groans for deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rom 8:19-21) [POLANUS]. The completeness of the renewed blessedness of all parts of the land is implied.

JFB: Eze 36:4 - -- (Psa 79:4).

JFB: Eze 36:5 - -- That is, to take the land for a prey, its inhabitants being cast out. Or the land is compared to a prey cast forth to wild beasts. FAIRBAIRN needlessl...

That is, to take the land for a prey, its inhabitants being cast out. Or the land is compared to a prey cast forth to wild beasts. FAIRBAIRN needlessly alters the Hebrew pointing and translates, "that they may plunder its pasturage."

JFB: Eze 36:6 - -- Namely, the shame with which the heathen cover you (Psa 123:3-4).

Namely, the shame with which the heathen cover you (Psa 123:3-4).

JFB: Eze 36:7 - -- In token of an oath (Eze 20:5; Gen 14:22).

In token of an oath (Eze 20:5; Gen 14:22).

JFB: Eze 36:7 - -- A perpetual shame; whereas the "shame" which Israel bore from these heathen was only for a time.

A perpetual shame; whereas the "shame" which Israel bore from these heathen was only for a time.

JFB: Eze 36:8 - -- That is the Israelites are soon about to return to their land. This proves that the primary reference of the prophecy is to the return from Babylon, w...

That is the Israelites are soon about to return to their land. This proves that the primary reference of the prophecy is to the return from Babylon, which was "at hand," or comparatively near. But this only in part fulfilled the prediction, the full and final blessing in future, and the restoration from Babylon was an earnest of it.

JFB: Eze 36:10 - -- Isa 58:12; Isa 61:4; Amo 9:11-12, Amo 9:14, where, as here (Eze 34:23-24), the names of David, Messiah's type, and Edom, Israel's foe, are introduced...

Isa 58:12; Isa 61:4; Amo 9:11-12, Amo 9:14, where, as here (Eze 34:23-24), the names of David, Messiah's type, and Edom, Israel's foe, are introduced in connection with the coming restoration.

JFB: Eze 36:11 - -- As in the case of Job (Job 42:12). Whereas the heathen nations fall irrevocably, Israel shall be more than restored; its last estate shall exceed even...

As in the case of Job (Job 42:12). Whereas the heathen nations fall irrevocably, Israel shall be more than restored; its last estate shall exceed even its first.

JFB: Eze 36:12 - -- O mountains of Israel (Eze 36:8)!

O mountains of Israel (Eze 36:8)!

JFB: Eze 36:12 - -- Change from plural to singular: O hill of Zion, singled out from the other mountains of Israel (Eze 34:26); or land.

Change from plural to singular: O hill of Zion, singled out from the other mountains of Israel (Eze 34:26); or land.

JFB: Eze 36:12 - -- Thou shalt no more provoke God to bereave them of children (so the ellipsis ought to be supplied, as Ezekiel probably alludes to Jer 15:7, "I will ber...

Thou shalt no more provoke God to bereave them of children (so the ellipsis ought to be supplied, as Ezekiel probably alludes to Jer 15:7, "I will bereave them of children").

JFB: Eze 36:13 - -- Alluding to the words of the spies (Num 13:32). The land personified is represented as doing that which was done in it. Like an unnatural mother it de...

Alluding to the words of the spies (Num 13:32). The land personified is represented as doing that which was done in it. Like an unnatural mother it devoured, that is, it was the grave of its people; of the Canaanites, its former possessors, through mutual wars, and finally by the sword of Israel; and now, of the Jews, through internal and external ills; for example, wars, famine (to which Eze 36:30, "reproach of famine among the heathen," implies the allusion here is).

JFB: Eze 36:14 - -- So the Keri, or Hebrew Margin reads, to correspond to "bereave" in Eze 36:13; but "cause to fall" or "stumble," in the Hebrew text or Chetib, being th...

So the Keri, or Hebrew Margin reads, to correspond to "bereave" in Eze 36:13; but "cause to fall" or "stumble," in the Hebrew text or Chetib, being the more difficult reading, is the one least likely to come from a corrector; also, it forms a good transition to the next subject, namely, the moral cause of the people's calamities, namely, their falls, or stumblings through sin. The latter ceasing, the former also cease. So the same expression follows in Eze 36:15, "Neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more."

JFB: Eze 36:17 - -- (Lev 15:19, &c.).

(Lev 15:19, &c.).

JFB: Eze 36:18-19 - -- The reason for their removal was their sin, which God's holiness could not let pass unpunished; just as a woman's legal uncleanness was the reason for...

The reason for their removal was their sin, which God's holiness could not let pass unpunished; just as a woman's legal uncleanness was the reason for her being separated from the congregation.

JFB: Eze 36:20 - -- The heathen

The heathen

JFB: Eze 36:20 - -- The Israelites.

The Israelites.

JFB: Eze 36:20 - -- The Israelites gave a handle of reproach to the heathen against God, who would naturally say, These who take usury, oppress, commit adultery, &c., and...

The Israelites gave a handle of reproach to the heathen against God, who would naturally say, These who take usury, oppress, commit adultery, &c., and who, in such an abject plight, are "gone forth" as exiles "out of His land," are specimens of what Jehovah can or will effect, for His people, and show what kind of a God this so-called holy, omnipotent, covenant-keeping God must be! (Isa 52:5; Rom 2:24).

JFB: Eze 36:21 - -- That is, I felt pity for it; God's own name, so dishonored, was the primary object of His pitying concern; then His people, secondarily, through His c...

That is, I felt pity for it; God's own name, so dishonored, was the primary object of His pitying concern; then His people, secondarily, through His concern for it [FAIRBAIRN].

JFB: Eze 36:22 - -- That is, not for any merit in you; for, on the contrary, on your part, there is everything to call down continued severity (compare Deu 9:5-6). The so...

That is, not for any merit in you; for, on the contrary, on your part, there is everything to call down continued severity (compare Deu 9:5-6). The sole and sure ground of hope was God's regard to "His own name," as the God of covenant grace (Psa 106:45), which He must vindicate from the dishonor brought on it by the Jews, before the heathen.

JFB: Eze 36:23 - -- Vindicate and manifest as holy, in opposition to the heathen reproaches of it brought on by the Jews' sins and their punishment (see on Eze 36:20).

Vindicate and manifest as holy, in opposition to the heathen reproaches of it brought on by the Jews' sins and their punishment (see on Eze 36:20).

JFB: Eze 36:23 - -- That is, in respect of you; I shall be regarded in their eyes as the Holy One, and righteous in My dealings towards you (Eze 20:41; Eze 28:22).

That is, in respect of you; I shall be regarded in their eyes as the Holy One, and righteous in My dealings towards you (Eze 20:41; Eze 28:22).

JFB: Eze 36:24 - -- Fulfilled primarily in the restoration from Babylon; ultimately to be so in the restoration "from all countries."

Fulfilled primarily in the restoration from Babylon; ultimately to be so in the restoration "from all countries."

JFB: Eze 36:25 - -- The external restoration must be preceded by an internal one. The change in their condition must not be superficial, but must be based on a radical re...

The external restoration must be preceded by an internal one. The change in their condition must not be superficial, but must be based on a radical renewal of the heart. Then the heathen, understanding from the regenerated lives of God's people how holy God is, would perceive Israel's past troubles to have been only the necessary vindications of His righteousness. Thus God's name would be "sanctified" before the heathen, and God's people be prepared for outward blessings.

JFB: Eze 36:25 - -- Phraseology taken from the law; namely, the water mixed with the ashes of a heifer sprinkled with a hyssop on the unclean (Num 19:9-18); the thing sig...

Phraseology taken from the law; namely, the water mixed with the ashes of a heifer sprinkled with a hyssop on the unclean (Num 19:9-18); the thing signified being the cleansing blood of Christ sprinkled on the conscience and heart (Heb 9:13-14; Heb 10:22; compare Jer 33:8; Eph 5:26).

JFB: Eze 36:25 - -- Literal idolatry has ceased among the Jews ever since the captivity; so far, the prophecy has been already fulfilled; but "cleansing from all their id...

Literal idolatry has ceased among the Jews ever since the captivity; so far, the prophecy has been already fulfilled; but "cleansing from all their idols," for example, covetousness, prejudices against Jesus of Nazareth, is yet future.

JFB: Eze 36:26 - -- Mind and will.

Mind and will.

JFB: Eze 36:26 - -- Motive and principle of action.

Motive and principle of action.

JFB: Eze 36:26 - -- Unimpressible in serious things; like the "stony ground" (Mat 13:5, Mat 13:20), unfit for receiving the good seed so as to bring forth fruit.

Unimpressible in serious things; like the "stony ground" (Mat 13:5, Mat 13:20), unfit for receiving the good seed so as to bring forth fruit.

JFB: Eze 36:26 - -- Not "carnal" in opposition to "spiritual"; but impressible and docile, fit for receiving the good seed. In Eze 18:31 they are commanded, "Make you a n...

Not "carnal" in opposition to "spiritual"; but impressible and docile, fit for receiving the good seed. In Eze 18:31 they are commanded, "Make you a new heart, and a new spirit." Here God says, "A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." Thus the responsibility of man, and the sovereign grace of God, are shown to be coexistent. Man cannot make himself a new heart unless God gives it (Phi 2:12-13).

JFB: Eze 36:27 - -- (Eze 11:19; Jer 32:39). The partial reformation at the return from Babylon (Ezr 10:6, &c.; Neh. 8:1-9:38) was an earnest of the full renewal hereafte...

(Eze 11:19; Jer 32:39). The partial reformation at the return from Babylon (Ezr 10:6, &c.; Neh. 8:1-9:38) was an earnest of the full renewal hereafter under Messiah.

JFB: Eze 36:28 - -- (Eze 11:20; Jer 30:22).

JFB: Eze 36:29 - -- The province of Jesus, according to the signification of His name (Mat 1:21). To be specially exercised in behalf of the Jews in the latter days (Rom ...

The province of Jesus, according to the signification of His name (Mat 1:21). To be specially exercised in behalf of the Jews in the latter days (Rom 11:26).

JFB: Eze 36:29 - -- As a master "calls for" a servant; all the powers and productions of nature are the servants of Jehovah (Psa 105:16; Mat 8:8-9). Compare as to the sub...

As a master "calls for" a servant; all the powers and productions of nature are the servants of Jehovah (Psa 105:16; Mat 8:8-9). Compare as to the subordination of all the intermediate agents to the Great First Cause, who will give "corn" and all good things to His people, Hos 2:21-22; Zec 8:12.

JFB: Eze 36:30 - -- To which their taunt (Eze 36:13), "Thou land devourest up men," in part referred.

To which their taunt (Eze 36:13), "Thou land devourest up men," in part referred.

Clarke: Eze 36:1 - -- Prophesy unto the mountains of Israel - This is a part of the preceding prophecy though it chiefly concerns the Jews. In it they are encouraged to e...

Prophesy unto the mountains of Israel - This is a part of the preceding prophecy though it chiefly concerns the Jews. In it they are encouraged to expect a glorious restoration, and that none of the evil wishes of their adversaries should take place against them.

Clarke: Eze 36:2 - -- Because the enemy hath said - The Idumeans thought they would shortly be put in possession of all the strong places of Israel; the ancient high plac...

Because the enemy hath said - The Idumeans thought they would shortly be put in possession of all the strong places of Israel; the ancient high places shall be ours.

Clarke: Eze 36:4 - -- Therefore - thus saith the Lord God to the mountains, etc. - They shall neither possess mountain nor valley, hill nor dale, fountain nor river; for ...

Therefore - thus saith the Lord God to the mountains, etc. - They shall neither possess mountain nor valley, hill nor dale, fountain nor river; for though in my justice I made you desolate, yet they shall not profit by your disasters. See Eze 36:5-7.

Clarke: Eze 36:8 - -- For they are at hand to come - The restoration of the Jews is so absolutely determined that you may rest assured it will take place; and be as confi...

For they are at hand to come - The restoration of the Jews is so absolutely determined that you may rest assured it will take place; and be as confident relative to it, as if you saw the different families entering into the Israelitish borders. It was near at hand in God’ s determination, though there were about fifty-eight of the seventy years unelapsed.

Clarke: Eze 36:9 - -- Ye shall be tilled and sown - The land shall be cultivated as it formerly was, when best peopled and at peace.

Ye shall be tilled and sown - The land shall be cultivated as it formerly was, when best peopled and at peace.

Clarke: Eze 36:11 - -- I will multiply upon you man and beast - The agriculturalist and the beast of burden

I will multiply upon you man and beast - The agriculturalist and the beast of burden

Clarke: Eze 36:11 - -- And will do better unto you than at your beginnings - I agree with Calmet, that it would be difficult to show the literal fulfillment of this prophe...

And will do better unto you than at your beginnings - I agree with Calmet, that it would be difficult to show the literal fulfillment of this prophecy from the days of Zerubbabel to the birth of Christ. The colouring is too high for that period; and the whole falls in better with Gospel than with Jewish times.

Clarke: Eze 36:17 - -- When the house of Israel dwelt in their own land - Had they continued faithful to me, they had never been removed from it: but they polluted it with...

When the house of Israel dwelt in their own land - Had they continued faithful to me, they had never been removed from it: but they polluted it with their crimes; and I abhorred the land on that account, and gave both them and it up to the destroyers.

Clarke: Eze 36:20 - -- And when they entered unto the heathen - So bad were they, and so deeply fallen, that they profaned the Lord’ s name among the heathen; and, on...

And when they entered unto the heathen - So bad were they, and so deeply fallen, that they profaned the Lord’ s name among the heathen; and, on their account, the true God was blasphemed. These, say they, are the people of Jehovah! O what an abominable people are these! and what a being must that God be who can have and own such for his people!

Clarke: Eze 36:23 - -- I will sanctify my great name - By changing your hearts and your conduct, I shall show my hatred to vice, and my love to holiness: but it is not for...

I will sanctify my great name - By changing your hearts and your conduct, I shall show my hatred to vice, and my love to holiness: but it is not for your sakes, but for my holy name’ s sake, that I shall do you good in your latter days.

Clarke: Eze 36:24 - -- I will take you from among the heathen - This does not relate to the restoration from Babylon merely. The Jews are at this day scattered in all Heat...

I will take you from among the heathen - This does not relate to the restoration from Babylon merely. The Jews are at this day scattered in all Heathen, Mohammedan, and Christian countries. From these they are to be gathered, and brought to repossess their own land.

Clarke: Eze 36:25 - -- Then - At the time of this great restoration - will I sprinkle clean water upon you - the truly cleansing water; the influences of the Holy Spirit t...

Then - At the time of this great restoration - will I sprinkle clean water upon you - the truly cleansing water; the influences of the Holy Spirit typified by water, whose property it is to cleanse, whiten, purify, refresh, render healthy and fruitful

Clarke: Eze 36:25 - -- From all your filthiness - From every sort of external and internal abomination and pollution

From all your filthiness - From every sort of external and internal abomination and pollution

Clarke: Eze 36:25 - -- And from all your idols - False gods, false worship, false opinions, and false hopes

And from all your idols - False gods, false worship, false opinions, and false hopes

Clarke: Eze 36:25 - -- Will I cleanse you - Entirely separate you.

Will I cleanse you - Entirely separate you.

Clarke: Eze 36:26 - -- A new heart also will I give you - I will change the whole of your infected nature; and give you new appetites, new passions; or, at least, the old ...

A new heart also will I give you - I will change the whole of your infected nature; and give you new appetites, new passions; or, at least, the old ones purified and refined. The heart is generally understood to mean all the affections and passions

Clarke: Eze 36:26 - -- And a new spirit will I put within you - I will renew your minds, also enlighten your understanding, correct your judgment, and refine your will, so...

And a new spirit will I put within you - I will renew your minds, also enlighten your understanding, correct your judgment, and refine your will, so that you shall have a new spirit to actuate your new heart

Clarke: Eze 36:26 - -- I will take away the stony heart - That heart that is hard, impenetrable, and cold; the affections and passions that are unyielding, frozen to good,...

I will take away the stony heart - That heart that is hard, impenetrable, and cold; the affections and passions that are unyielding, frozen to good, unaffected by heavenly things; that are slow to credit the words of God. I will entirely remove this heart: it is the opposite to that which I have promised you; and you cannot have the new heart and the old heart at the same time

Clarke: Eze 36:26 - -- And I will give you a heart of flesh - One that can feel, and that can enjoy; that can feel love to God and to all men, and be a proper habitation f...

And I will give you a heart of flesh - One that can feel, and that can enjoy; that can feel love to God and to all men, and be a proper habitation for the living God.

Clarke: Eze 36:27 - -- And I will put my Spirit within you - To keep the heart of flesh alive, the feeling heart still sensible, the loving heart still happy. I will put m...

And I will put my Spirit within you - To keep the heart of flesh alive, the feeling heart still sensible, the loving heart still happy. I will put my Spirit, the great principle of light, life, and love, within you, to actuate the new spirit, and to influence the new affections and passions; that the animal spirit may not become brutish, that the mental powers become not foolish. I will put my Spirit within you, so that as the new spirit may influence the new heart, so will My Spirit influence Your new spirit, that each may have a proper mover; and then all will be pure, regular, and harmonious, when passion is influenced by reason, and reason by the Holy Ghost

And the cause shall be evidenced by the effects; for I will cause you to walk in my statutes - not only to believe and reverence my appointments relative to what I command you to perform; but ye shall walk in them, your conduct shall be regulated by them. "And ye shall keep my judgments;"whatsoever I enjoin you to avoid. And ye shall do them - ye shall not only avoid every appearance of evil, but keep all my ordinances and commandments unblamably

Here is the salvation that God promises to give to restored Israel; and here is the salvation that is the birthright of every Christian believer: the complete destruction of all sin in the soul, and the complete renewal of the heart; no sin having any place within, and no unrighteousness having any place without

"But where are they that are thus saved?

Ans. Wherever true Christians are to be found

"But I know many true Christians that have not this salvation, but daily mourn over their evil hearts?

Ans. They may be sincere, but they are not true Christians; i.e., such as are saved from their sins; the true Christians are those who are filled with the nature and Spirit of Christ. But I will ask a question in my turn

"Do those you mention think it a virtue to be always mourning over their impurities?"Most certainly. Then it is a pity they were not better instructed. It is right they should mourn while they feel an impure heart; but why do they not apply to that blood which cleanses from all unrighteousness, and to that Spirit which cleanses the very thoughts of the heart by his inspiration? Many employ that time in brooding and mourning over their impure hearts, which should be spent in prayer and faith before God, that their impurities might be washed away. In what a state of nonage are many members of the Christian Church!

Clarke: Eze 36:28 - -- Ye shall be my people - Wholly given up to me in body, soul, and spirit

Ye shall be my people - Wholly given up to me in body, soul, and spirit

Clarke: Eze 36:28 - -- And I will be your God - To fill you with love, joy, peace, meekness, gentleness, longsuffering, fidelity and goodness, to occupy your whole soul, a...

And I will be your God - To fill you with love, joy, peace, meekness, gentleness, longsuffering, fidelity and goodness, to occupy your whole soul, and gratify your every desire.

Clarke: Eze 36:29 - -- I will also save you from all your uncleannesses - I repeat it; "I Will save you from all your sins."

I will also save you from all your uncleannesses - I repeat it; "I Will save you from all your sins."

Clarke: Eze 36:30 - -- Ye shall receive no more reproach of famine - Ye shall be daily and hourly fed with the bread that endures unto eternal life. "But will not those ge...

Ye shall receive no more reproach of famine - Ye shall be daily and hourly fed with the bread that endures unto eternal life. "But will not those get proud, who are thus saved, if there be any such? and will they not undervalue the blood of the covenant, for then they shall not need it?"Ans. Hear what the Lord saith: -

Defender: Eze 36:21 - -- God thus prophesied, through Ezekiel, that the Israelites would continue to reject Him during the time they were dispersed among the Gentiles (Eze 36:...

God thus prophesied, through Ezekiel, that the Israelites would continue to reject Him during the time they were dispersed among the Gentiles (Eze 36:19, Eze 36:20) just as they had in their own land. Nevertheless, He would finally bring them back, not because they had repented while among the heathen, but "for mine holy name's sake" (Eze 36:22), so that "the heathen shall know that I am the Lord" (Eze 36:23). Their return - especially while still in unbelief - would be a great testimony to the world that God's Word is true and that He will surely fulfill all His prophecies - both of promise and of judgment. And it is exactly that today!"

Defender: Eze 36:27 - -- This regeneration of Israel is to be accomplished by God sometime after their return to Israel in unbelief. This has not yet been fulfilled, but God w...

This regeneration of Israel is to be accomplished by God sometime after their return to Israel in unbelief. This has not yet been fulfilled, but God will do it in such a striking way that "the heathen shall know that I am the Lord" (Eze 36:23), and even "the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward" (Eze 39:22). Chapters 37, 38 and 39 tell how all this will be accomplished."

TSK: Eze 36:1 - -- the mountains : Eze 6:2, Eze 6:3, Eze 33:28, Eze 34:14, Eze 37:22 hear : Eze 36:4, Eze 36:8, Eze 20:47, Eze 37:4; Jer 22:29

TSK: Eze 36:2 - -- Because : Eze 36:5, Eze 25:3, Eze 26:2 even : Deu 32:13; Psa 78:69; Isa 58:14; Hab 3:19 ours : Eze 35:10; Jer 49:1

TSK: Eze 36:3 - -- Because : Heb. Because for because, Eze 13:10; Lev 26:43 they have made : Jer. 39:1-18, 41:1-18, 52:1-34; Lam. 1:1-5:22 swallowed : Psa 35:25, Psa 61:...

Because : Heb. Because for because, Eze 13:10; Lev 26:43

they have made : Jer. 39:1-18, 41:1-18, 52:1-34; Lam. 1:1-5:22

swallowed : Psa 35:25, Psa 61:1; Pro 1:12; Jer 51:34; Lam 2:2, Lam 2:5, Lam 2:16

and ye : Deu 28:37; 1Ki 9:7, 1Ki 9:8; Psa 44:13, Psa 44:14, Psa 79:10; Jer 18:16, Jer 24:9, Jer 33:24; Lam 2:15; Dan 9:16

taken up in the lips of talkers : or, made to come upon the lip of the tongue

and are : Job 30:1-10; Psa 35:15, Psa 35:16, Psa 69:12; Mat 27:39-44; 1Co 4:13

TSK: Eze 36:4 - -- mountains : Eze 36:1, Eze 36:6; Deu 11:11 rivers : or, bottoms, or dales desolate : Eze 36:33-35, Eze 6:14; 2Ch 36:17-21; Isa 6:11, Isa 24:1-12 a prey...

mountains : Eze 36:1, Eze 36:6; Deu 11:11

rivers : or, bottoms, or dales

desolate : Eze 36:33-35, Eze 6:14; 2Ch 36:17-21; Isa 6:11, Isa 24:1-12

a prey : Eze 34:28; Psa 79:4; Isa 64:10,Isa 64:11; Jer 25:9-13, Jer 29:10

TSK: Eze 36:5 - -- Surely : Eze 38:19; Deu 4:24; Isa 66:15, Isa 66:16; Zep 3:8; Zec 1:15 against the : Eze 36:3; Jer 25:9, Jer 25:15-29; Zep 2:8-10 against all : Eze 25:...

TSK: Eze 36:6 - -- Eze 36:4, Eze 36:5, Eze 36:15, Eze 34:29; Psa 74:10,Psa 74:18, Psa 74:23, Psa 123:3, Psa 123:4

TSK: Eze 36:7 - -- I have lifted : Eze 20:5, Eze 20:15; Deu 32:40; Rev 10:5, Rev 10:6 the heathen : Ezek. 25:1-35:15; Jer 25:9, Jer 25:15-29, 47:1-51:64; Amo 1:1-15; Zep...

I have lifted : Eze 20:5, Eze 20:15; Deu 32:40; Rev 10:5, Rev 10:6

the heathen : Ezek. 25:1-35:15; Jer 25:9, Jer 25:15-29, 47:1-51:64; Amo 1:1-15; Zep 2:1-15

TSK: Eze 36:8 - -- ye shall : Eze 34:26-29; Psa 67:6, Psa 85:12; Isa 4:2, Isa 27:6, Isa 30:23; Hos 2:21-23; Amo 9:13-15 for : The Edomites, and other enemies of the Jews...

ye shall : Eze 34:26-29; Psa 67:6, Psa 85:12; Isa 4:2, Isa 27:6, Isa 30:23; Hos 2:21-23; Amo 9:13-15

for : The Edomites, and other enemies of the Jews, who thought they would soon be in possession of the whole land of Judea, might be assured that the predicted seventy years of the captivity were wearing away, and the time would soon arrive when the Jews would repossess and cultivate their own land, and eat its fruits.

at hand : Eze 12:25; Phi 4:5; Heb 10:37; Jam 5:8, Jam 5:9

TSK: Eze 36:9 - -- Psa 46:11, Psa 99:8; Hos 2:21-23; Joe 3:18; Hag 2:19; Zec 8:12; Mal 3:10,Mal 3:11; Rom 8:31

TSK: Eze 36:10 - -- I will : Eze 36:37; Isa 27:6, Isa 41:17-23; Jer 30:19, Jer 31:27, Jer 31:28, Jer 33:12; Zec 8:3-6 the wastes : Eze 36:33; Isa 51:3, Isa 52:9, Isa 58:1...

TSK: Eze 36:11 - -- I will multiply : Jer 31:27, Jer 33:12 and I will settle : The circumstances of the Jews were never so prosperous after the captivity as they had been...

I will multiply : Jer 31:27, Jer 33:12

and I will settle : The circumstances of the Jews were never so prosperous after the captivity as they had been before; hence this prophecy must refer to the times of the Gospel and the future conversion and restoration of the Jews. Jer 30:18, Jer 31:38-40; Oba 1:19-21; Mic 7:14

will do : Eze 36:35; Isa 30:26, Isa 54:7-10; Jer 23:5-8; Joe 3:18-21; Amo 9:15; Hag 2:6-9; Zec 8:11-15; Heb 8:8-13, Heb 11:40

and ye : Eze 35:9, Eze 37:6, Eze 37:13; Isa 52:4-6; Hos 2:20; 1Jo 5:20

TSK: Eze 36:12 - -- I will cause : The prophet is still personifying the mountains, valleys, and wastes of Judea. they shall : Jer 32:15, Jer 32:44; Oba 1:17-21 no more :...

I will cause : The prophet is still personifying the mountains, valleys, and wastes of Judea.

they shall : Jer 32:15, Jer 32:44; Oba 1:17-21

no more : Eze 36:13; Num 13:32; Jer 15:7

TSK: Eze 36:14 - -- no more : Eze 37:25-28; Isa 60:21; Amo 9:15 bereave : or, cause to fail

no more : Eze 37:25-28; Isa 60:21; Amo 9:15

bereave : or, cause to fail

TSK: Eze 36:15 - -- men : Eze 36:6, Eze 34:29; Isa 54:4, Isa 60:14; Mic 7:8-10; Zep 3:19, Zep 3:20 thou bear : Psa 89:50; Zep 2:8

TSK: Eze 36:17 - -- they defiled : Lev 18:24-28; Num 35:33, Num 35:34; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; Isa 24:5; Jer 2:7, Jer 3:1, Jer 3:2, Jer 3:9; Jer 16:18; Mic 2:10 as the : ...

TSK: Eze 36:18 - -- I poured : Eze 7:8, Eze 14:19, Eze 21:31; 2Ch 34:21, 2Ch 34:26; Isa 42:25; Jer 7:20, Jer 44:6; Lam 2:4; Lam 4:11; Nah 1:6; Rev 14:10, 16:1-21 for the ...

TSK: Eze 36:19 - -- I scattered : Eze 5:12, Eze 22:15; Lev 26:38; Deu 28:64; Amo 9:9 according to their way : Eze 7:3, Eze 7:8, Eze 18:30, Eze 22:31, Eze 39:24; Rom 2:6; ...

TSK: Eze 36:20 - -- they profaned : The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of ...

they profaned : The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of Jehovah wherever they went; but they were looked upon as a viler and more worthless race than any of the idolaters among whom they were driven. Many would ascribe their wickedness to the tendency of their religion, which they abhorred, and not to their having acted inconsistently with it; and regard their miseries, not as the punishment of their sins, but as proofs of God’ s inability to protect them. This profanation of his holy name, Jehovah was determined to wipe away, by shewing mercy unto them. Isa 52:5; Rom 2:24

These : Exo 32:11-13; Num 14:15, Num 14:16; Jos 7:9; 2Ki 18:30,2Ki 18:35, 2Ki 19:10-12; Jer 33:24; Dan 3:15

TSK: Eze 36:21 - -- Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:22; Deu 32:26, Deu 32:27; Psa 74:18; Isa 37:35, Isa 48:9

TSK: Eze 36:22 - -- Eze 36:32; Deu 7:7, Deu 7:8, Deu 9:5-7; Psa 106:8, Psa 115:1, Psa 115:2

TSK: Eze 36:23 - -- sanctify : Eze 20:41, Eze 38:22, Eze 38:23; Num 20:12, Num 20:13; Psa 46:10; Isa 5:16; 1Pe 3:15 and the heathen : Eze 39:28; Exo 15:4-16; Psa 102:13-1...

TSK: Eze 36:24 - -- Eze 11:17, Eze 34:13, Eze 37:21, Eze 37:25, Eze 39:27, Eze 39:28; Deu 30:3-5; Psa 107:2, Psa 107:3; Isa 11:11-16, Isa 27:12, Isa 27:13, Isa 43:5, Isa ...

TSK: Eze 36:25 - -- will I : Lev 14:5-7; Num 8:7, Num 19:13-20; Psa 51:7; Isa 52:15; Joh 3:5; Tit 3:5, Tit 3:6; Heb 9:13, Heb 9:14, Heb 9:19, Heb 10:22; 1Jo 5:6 filthines...

TSK: Eze 36:26 - -- new heart : Deu 30:6; Psa 51:10; Jer 32:39; Joh 3:3-5; 2Co 3:18, 2Co 5:17; Gal 6:15; Eph 2:10; Rev 21:5 the stony : Eze 11:19, Eze 11:20; Zec 7:12; Ma...

TSK: Eze 36:27 - -- I will : Eze 37:14, Eze 39:29; Pro 1:23; Isa 44:3, Isa 44:4, Isa 59:21; Joe 2:28, Joe 2:29; Zec 12:10; Luk 11:13; Rom 8:9, Rom 8:14-16; 1Co 3:16; Gal ...

TSK: Eze 36:28 - -- dwell : Eze 36:10, Eze 28:25, Eze 37:25, Eze 39:28, be people : Eze 11:20, Eze 37:23, Eze 37:27; Son 6:3; Jer 30:22, Jer 30:23, Jer 31:33, Jer 32:38; ...

TSK: Eze 36:29 - -- save : Eze 36:25; Jer 33:8; Hos 14:2, Hos 14:4, Hos 14:8; Joe 3:21; Mic 7:19; Zec 13:1; Mat 1:21; Joh 1:7-9; Rom 6:14, Rom 11:26; Tit 2:14 call : Eze ...

TSK: Eze 36:30 - -- reproach : Deu 29:23-28; Joe 2:17, Joe 2:26

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Eze 36:1 - -- The "mountains of Israel"are opposed to "Seir,"the mount of Edom Eze 35:3.

The "mountains of Israel"are opposed to "Seir,"the mount of Edom Eze 35:3.

Barnes: Eze 36:3 - -- The residue of the pagan - Those of the surrounding nations which had survived Jerusalem’ s fall, and may have profited by it.

The residue of the pagan - Those of the surrounding nations which had survived Jerusalem’ s fall, and may have profited by it.

Barnes: Eze 36:6 - -- The shame of the pagan - The taunts which the pagan heaped upon them.

The shame of the pagan - The taunts which the pagan heaped upon them.

Barnes: Eze 36:7 - -- I have lifted up mine hand - i. e., I have sworn. Compare marginal reference. Their shame - They shall find their taunts come home to the...

I have lifted up mine hand - i. e., I have sworn. Compare marginal reference.

Their shame - They shall find their taunts come home to themselves.

Barnes: Eze 36:8 - -- They are at hand to come - i. e., under Zerubbabel.

They are at hand to come - i. e., under Zerubbabel.

Barnes: Eze 36:13 - -- The judgments which God sent upon the land, had so destroyed the inhabitants that men deemed it a fatal land, which brought destruction to all that ...

The judgments which God sent upon the land, had so destroyed the inhabitants that men deemed it a fatal land, which brought destruction to all that should occupy it (compare 2Ki 17:25).

Barnes: Eze 36:14 - -- Bereave - Or, as in the margin: i. e., the land shall not prove the ruin of its inhabitants by tempting them (as of old time) to the sin of ido...

Bereave - Or, as in the margin: i. e., the land shall not prove the ruin of its inhabitants by tempting them (as of old time) to the sin of idolatry.

Barnes: Eze 36:15 - -- Hear in thee the shame of the pagan - Hear the pagan putting thee to shame by their contemptuous words. The reproach of the people - " Thy...

Hear in thee the shame of the pagan - Hear the pagan putting thee to shame by their contemptuous words.

The reproach of the people - " Thy people"(thy rightful possessors) shall have no cause to reproach thee for want of fertility. Were the blessings promised here merely temporal they could not be said to be fulfilled. The land is still subject to pagan masters. The words must point to blessings yet future, spiritual blessings.

In the following chapters to the end of Ezek. 39 the conflict between the world mid God is described in its most general form, and the absolute triumph of the kingdom of God fully depicted. The honor of God is asserted in the gathering together, and the purification of, His people. As the dispersion of the children of Israel was far wider and more lasting than the sojourn in Chaldaea, so the reunion here predicted is far more extensive and complete. The dispersion yet continues, the reunion will be in those days when Israel shall be gathered into the Church of God.

Barnes: Eze 36:16-20 - -- The defilement of the people described in order to its removal. Eze 36:20 They profaned my holy name - Caused it to be dishonored by the ...

The defilement of the people described in order to its removal.

Eze 36:20

They profaned my holy name - Caused it to be dishonored by the pagan who said in scorn, "This is the people of God."The pagan, seeing the miserable state of the exiles, fancied that Yahweh was no more than a national god, powerless to protect his subjects.

Barnes: Eze 36:21 - -- I had pity for mine holy name - Render it: I "had"a pitiful regard to "Mine Holy Name."

I had pity for mine holy name - Render it: I "had"a pitiful regard to "Mine Holy Name."

Barnes: Eze 36:25 - -- Ezekiel the priest has in view the purifying rites prescribed by the Law, the symbolic purport of which is exhibited in Heb 9:13-14; Heb 10:22. As t...

Ezekiel the priest has in view the purifying rites prescribed by the Law, the symbolic purport of which is exhibited in Heb 9:13-14; Heb 10:22. As the Levites were consecrated with sprinkling of water, so should the approved rite "sprinkling of water"thus prescribed by the Law and explained by the prophets, give occasion to the use of water at the admission of proselytes in later days, and so to its adoption by John in his baptism unto repentance. It was hallowed by our Lord when in His discourse with Nicodemus, referring, no doubt, to such passages as these, He showed their application to the Church of which He was about to be the Founder; and when He appointed Baptism as the sacrament of admission into that Church. In this sacrament the spiritual import of the legal ordinance is displayed - the second birth by water and the Spirit. As Israel throughout the prophecy of Ezekiel prefigures the visible Church of Christ, needing from time to time trim or purification - so does the renovated Israel represent Christ’ s mystical Church Eph 5:26. The spiritual character of the renovation presumes a personal application of the prophet’ s words, which is more thoroughly brought out under the new covenant (e. g., Heb 11:16). Thus the prophecy of Ezekiel furnishes a medium through which we pass from the congregation to the individual, from the letter to the spirit, from the Law to the Gospel, from Moses to Christ.

Barnes: Eze 36:28 - -- Ye shall be my people - (Compare 2Co 6:16-18; Heb 8:10. The writers of the New Testament appropriated these and similar phrases of the Old Test...

Ye shall be my people - (Compare 2Co 6:16-18; Heb 8:10. The writers of the New Testament appropriated these and similar phrases of the Old Testament to the Church of Christ. Between the restoration of the Jews (the first step) there are many steps toward the end - the spread of Christ’ s Church throughout the world, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the acknowledgment of the true God - which justify men in looking forward to a time when the Gospel shall be preached in all the world, and the earth become the kingdom of God in a fuller sense than it has ever yet been. But all these are "steps."Our prophecies look beyond all this to a new heaven to a new earth, and to a new Jerusalem Rev 21:3.

Poole: Eze 36:1 - -- Prophesy declare from me, and in my word, unto the mountains of Israel the inhabitants wasted or in captivity, speak concerning the mountains, that...

Prophesy declare from me, and in my word,

unto the mountains of Israel the inhabitants wasted or in captivity, speak concerning the mountains, that is, the land of Judah and Israel, which was a country full of mountains, which were now horrid, unplanted.

Hear what further revenge I will take on Edom, and on other nations that wasted you: this continued to the end of the 6th verse. And hear what good I will do to you: this from the 7th to the end of the chapter.

The word of the Lord the severe judgments against your enemies, his gracious promises to you.

Poole: Eze 36:2 - -- Many were the enemies of God’ s people, but they so conspired in one design, with one consent, and were so one in their humours, and enmity, an...

Many were the enemies of God’ s people, but they so conspired in one design, with one consent, and were so one in their humours, and enmity, and carriage, that the prophet speaks of them as one, and particularly of Edom.

Aha rejoicingly and with insulting pride, as Ammon did, Eze 25:3 , and Tyre did, Eze 26:2 , which see.

The ancient high places the everlasting hills; but this is common with other hills, whose foundations, as these of Israel, are from the beginning, and shall be to the end. What they aim at is a deriding of Israel, who by promise from God claimed these mountains as a perpetual inheritance, but were now cast out of it, and they hereby tax the God of Israel as not keeping his promise. So they blaspheme God and insult over his people.

Ours our right, as of the elder house, now conquerors and feudatories to him that hath subdued them; thus they pretend right to justify their injustice.

In possession we are now where we should have been these one thousand one hundred and sixty years or more, where we thought we would be one time or other, in spite of them and all their boasts of their God; we are where we will keep, and none shall put us out. Such impious brags were their ruin, and are implied in the words.

Poole: Eze 36:3 - -- Because they Edomites, and others with them, have made you desolate first broken your strength, wasted your cities, and burnt the temple, and wayla...

Because they Edomites, and others with them,

have made you desolate first broken your strength, wasted your cities, and burnt the temple, and waylaid you, to cut off them that were escaped at last.

Swallowed you up devoured you, as hungry beasts devour the prey.

On every side from all coasts of the land, through the whole.

That ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen that such of the heathen as remained here might have, what they no where else could have, being the scum and worst of men, an inheritance and possession; so unnatural was Edom, that east out his own kindred, to bring in the vilest of men and the most barbarous strangers.

Ye are taken up in the lips of talkers you are the subject on which wild and foul mouths discourse, which is explained, in that the people ever talked of them with reproach, and branding them as infamous. This was foretold to Israel, Jer 24:9 , and they were advised to prevent it.

Poole: Eze 36:4 - -- To the hills: now is added a particular of hills, valleys, &c., whereas before only the mountains were mentioned, but by them the whole land was unde...

To the hills: now is added a particular of hills, valleys, &c., whereas before only the mountains were mentioned, but by them the whole land was understood; and to assure them thereof, all parts are here particularly mentioned: all that the enemy wasted shall be repaired, all that he took away shall be restored in kind, and those he derided shall be vindicated; their estates repaired, cities rebuilt and filled, their credit and honour cleared and vindicated. Their deliverance should be complete and full.

Poole: Eze 36:5 - -- Surely in the Hebrew it is in the form of an oath. In the fire in my hot displeasure. Spoken against threatened ruin and desolation to all the na...

Surely in the Hebrew it is in the form of an oath.

In the fire in my hot displeasure.

Spoken against threatened ruin and desolation to all the nations that are and have been enemies to Israel.

Idumea the land in which the Edomites dwelt; the Hebrew is Edom.

Have appointed my land have given or delivered, helped to take the land from my people, and then left it in the hand of the Chaldeans, in hope it should be given back to them for their possession.

With the joy of all their heart transported with joy; Jacob’ s children put out, the heathen came in to possess the land, with rancorous minds, swelling with hatred, and from that acting with the utmost vigour to slay the inhabitants, that there might be no pretenders to the land, but that they might inherit it.

Poole: Eze 36:6 - -- Say unto the mountains: see Eze 36:4 . In my fury: see Eze 36:5 , where is no difference in the thing expressed, though a little difference in the ...

Say unto the mountains: see Eze 36:4 .

In my fury: see Eze 36:5 , where is no difference in the thing expressed, though a little difference in the expressing of it; there it was

the fire of my jealousy here

in my jealousy and in my fury. Have borne the shame of the heathen which in Eze 36:5 is, being a

derision to the residue of the heathen these loaded them with reproaches, and exposed them to contempt, and Israel could not prevent it, they were forced to bear it.

Poole: Eze 36:7 - -- Lifted up mine hand sworn in my wrath, but in my truth also, Deu 32:40 ; and when men did swear solemnly, they did heretofore use this rite, Gen 14:2...

Lifted up mine hand sworn in my wrath, but in my truth also, Deu 32:40 ; and when men did swear solemnly, they did heretofore use this rite, Gen 14:22 .

The heathen that are about you Moabites, Ammonites, and Idumeans shall be repaid in their own coin; I will, as sure as I am God, as sure as I can, so surely make them a taunt, a proverb, and a curse among men.

Poole: Eze 36:8 - -- Shall shoot shall be fruitful, and send forth the branches, trees, plants, herbs, and grass, that are proper for you, and these branches shall not ha...

Shall shoot shall be fruitful, and send forth the branches, trees, plants, herbs, and grass, that are proper for you, and these branches shall not have leaves only, but they shall bring forth their fruit.

They are at hand the time will come, yea is near, when my people shall come out of Babylonish captivity to resettle in their own land. I will perform my word, and give them assured peace, and this will not be long ere it is begun at least.

Poole: Eze 36:9 - -- I am for you favour you, and am pacified towards you, or I come towards you with redemption, that your old inhabitants may return to you with singing...

I am for you favour you, and am pacified towards you, or I come towards you with redemption, that your old inhabitants may return to you with singing.

Turn unto you look towards you, with regard to what hath been and is your estate, your sufferings, which were less than you deserved, yet were the greater because ye are mine. Your inhabitants gave me the back and sinned against me, and I turned the back on you and regarded you not; then all darkness covered you. now my face shall be towards you, and you shall prosper and be fruitful, to the comfort of those that shall dwell in you and plough and sow you.

Poole: Eze 36:11 - -- These verses contain much the same promise of future good which God engageth to do for Israel after their return out of Babylon. He will multiply me...

These verses contain much the same promise of future good which God engageth to do for Israel after their return out of Babylon. He will multiply men upon the mountains of Israel, he will increase them; now, lest any should reply there had been too many men on the mountains, even all the heathen, God addeth, they shall be all of them of the house of Israel, Jews, and they should settle and build the wasted cities, not Jerusalem only, but other cities also; even wasted houses shall be built, you shall have large stocks of cattle, that your condition shall be as in days of old.

Will do better unto you I will give spiritual blessings instead of temporal, and Messiah’ s kingdom shall hasten to you instead of that which was abolished: in whatsoever this better consisted, it is certain God performed his word.

Poole: Eze 36:12 - -- For years past since your captivity wild devouring beasts ranged up and down, but now, instead of such, men shall walk up and down in the mountains ...

For years past since your captivity wild devouring beasts ranged up and down, but now, instead of such, men shall walk up and down in the mountains of Israel; I will take away the beasts from off you, and bring men upon you.

My people Israel a people that are mine by covenant, whom I will own, my Israel.

They shall possess thee Edom boasted he would possess you, O mountains; not Edom, or heathens, but your own ancient dwellers shall possess you, even Abraham’ s seed.

Their inheritance for perpetuity, as inheritances are.

Thou O land of Canaan.

Bereave them consume and destroy thine inhabitants.

Poole: Eze 36:13 - -- They say the heathen round about, the enemies of Israel, accuse the land of destroying its natives, and bring an evil report on it. Devourest up men...

They say the heathen round about, the enemies of Israel, accuse the land of destroying its natives, and bring an evil report on it.

Devourest up men either by intestine wars, or foreign invasions, or by unhealthful air, or by multitude of wild beasts, or by barrenness and famine, thou killest them, art like a womb that conceives often, but almost as often miscarrieth, as the word implieth.

Hast bereaved consumed thy nations, so the French; deprived them of their hope of increasing in numbers of men, as a miscarrying womb deprives a family of hoped children.

Poole: Eze 36:14 - -- I will so bless thee, O land, that thou shalt bring forth and breed up many sons and daughters, thou shalt see thy children’ s children increas...

I will so bless thee, O land, that thou shalt bring forth and breed up many sons and daughters, thou shalt see thy children’ s children increase, and this reproach shall cease for ever.

Poole: Eze 36:15 - -- This verse is a confirmation of what was promised in Eze 36:12-14 , all which is doubled for more assurance, and each part already explicated. See E...

This verse is a confirmation of what was promised in Eze 36:12-14 , all which is doubled for more assurance, and each part already explicated. See Eze 36:6 .

Poole: Eze 36:17 - -- In their own land in fullness, case, and security, as in days past they did. They defiled it brought in much sin and great guilt upon the land, i.e...

In their own land in fullness, case, and security, as in days past they did.

They defiled it brought in much sin and great guilt upon the land, i.e. on themselves who dwelt there, and sinned greatly.

By their own way leaving my law, despising my counsel, forsaking my worship and temple.

By their doings by their carriage and practices in their whole conversation.

As the uncleanness & c.; or as one excommunicate, and cut off from the congregation, because of some great sin. Or, since idolatry is so often compared to fornication and whoredom, possibly it may be here the filthiness of spiritual whoredom. I hated and loathed the filthiness of their ways, as I would the impurity of a whorish woman prostituting herself for gain. The word may include the reward of a whore, as it doth Eze 16:33 .

Poole: Eze 36:18 - -- Wherefore these and other sins were the true cause that the land was emptied of men, there was no ground for the heathen’ s calumny. I poured m...

Wherefore these and other sins were the true cause that the land was emptied of men, there was no ground for the heathen’ s calumny.

I poured my fury I was angry with them, and the effects of my anger were such as made the land and cities desolate.

For the blood that they had shed for murders committed in the land, and frequently charged on them, Eze 22:3,6,9,12,27 23:45 .

For their idols: idolatry was another of their sins, which brought desolation on them.

Poole: Eze 36:19 - -- My hand scattered them, and what hand can retain the inhabitants that God will fling out? They were driven away, as chaff before the wind. As thei...

My hand scattered them, and what hand can retain the inhabitants that God will fling out?

They were driven away, as chaff before the wind. As their ways and doings provoked me, and deserved what I brought on them, so I judged them, and punished them with desolation.

Poole: Eze 36:20 - -- When they entered when they were come into Babylon, and entered into familiarity with the inhabitants as neighbours. Profaned my holy name did prof...

When they entered when they were come into Babylon, and entered into familiarity with the inhabitants as neighbours.

Profaned my holy name did profanely sin against those precepts of my law, which heathens did know, venerate, and observe better than the Jews; or it may include the misery their sins had brought them to, which misery reflected upon their God in the opinion of the heathen.

They said their heathen neighbours, to them, the miserable and profane Jews,

These are the people of the Lord with taunt and cutting reprimand. These, these captive slaves, that are most forlorn of men, will have it that their God is the Lord, the mighty and the good God, the true and faithful One, that gave them the land out of which they are driven. If he be good, as they boast, how comes it to pass his people are in such ill state? Or is he not able to better their state? Was he weak, and could not keep them in their own land? or doth he falsify his word? You miserable Jews, say what this meaneth. But by their impure life they opened the mouths of the heathen more to blaspheme, and call the holiness of God into question; when they saw his people so unholy, they concluded. As is the people so is their God; and this, as it was a great offence and scandal to the heathen, so it was a great dishonour to God.

Poole: Eze 36:21 - -- I had pity I spared them, who in captivity continued to sin greatly against me, and for which sins I had just cause to cut them off; but I had pity. ...

I had pity I spared them, who in captivity continued to sin greatly against me, and for which sins I had just cause to cut them off; but I had pity.

For mine holy name for my own sake, and for the glory of my name: had I destroyed them, the heathen would have concluded against my omnipotence and my truth. I preserved, I reduced, I re-established them for the honour of my mercy, truth, and power.

Poole: Eze 36:22 - -- I do not this which I have done, sparing you and preserving you, and giving you favour in the sight of the heathen; nor do I that I am about to do fo...

I do not this which I have done, sparing you and preserving you, and giving you favour in the sight of the heathen; nor do I that I am about to do for you, returning you to Judea, planting you, increasing you, and establishing you, and making you a blessing; I do not this for your sake, you deserve no such kindness from me.

For mine holy name’ s sake my infinite mercy is the spring and fountain; the vindicating my name from all imputation of weakness or unfaithfulness, and the magnifying the glory of my goodness, wisdom, truth, and power, are the reasons on which I do what I do for Israel.

Which ye have profaned brought under suspicion with the heathen, who think that the only and almighty God should do better for his own and only people!

Poole: Eze 36:23 - -- Will sanctify by clearing it up, and removing the objection that the Jews’ sufferings and sins among the Babylonians had raised. My great name...

Will sanctify by clearing it up, and removing the objection that the Jews’ sufferings and sins among the Babylonians had raised.

My great name they gave the heathen occasion to think meanly and contemptibly of me, but I will show I am as great as good, in both infinite.

Was profaned: see Eze 36:20,22 .

Which ye have profaned God chargeth the Jews with the blasphemies the heathen cast on God, the Jews were the cause of them, and they are therefore justly imputed to the Jews.

That I am the Lord by what I do, the heathen shall know what I am, and from the great and good things I do for you, performing my promises, and purifying you, shall see I am great, good, faithful, and holy; then shall I be sanctified in you, as I have been profaned by you in their eyes: and so it was, Psa 127:2 .

Poole: Eze 36:24 - -- The heathen purpose, as Pharaoh did, to detain you servants, and think it impossible any power should take you out of their hand or break the yoke; ...

The heathen purpose, as Pharaoh did, to detain you servants, and think it impossible any power should take you out of their hand or break the yoke; but I will do it. I will by my omnipotent hand rescue you from their power.

Gather you they were scattered so through a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, that the heathen judged it impossible to reassemble them, but God will do this too. Will bring you into your own land : so many difficulties lay in their way of getting into their own land, that they thought them insuperable, so long a journey, so many enemies, and strong, crafty, and malicious, such weak, poor, and unarmed people, &c.; yet all these shall not prevent me; I will bring them safe to their own land, and settle them. When this is done, they shall confess, and the heathen shall confess, that I am great, good, wise, and faithful to my promise; a God not like theirs, but-worthy to be thought well of, and to be spoken well of, to be praised and obeyed.

Poole: Eze 36:25 - -- He alludes to the sprinklings under the law, perhaps to that Num 19:9 , which was for purification of sin; and Eze 36:19,20 . So God will purify the...

He alludes to the sprinklings under the law, perhaps to that Num 19:9 , which was for purification of sin; and Eze 36:19,20 . So God will purify them from their guilt. Clean water : some think it may refer to baptismal water; if so, it is to the blood of Christ, signified by it, and this, say the best expositors, is here intended, and this is

the blood of sprinkling Heb 12:24 .

Ye shall be clean when sin is remitted, the person is indeed clean, both in the account of God and Christ.

From all your filthiness though they have been many of all sorts, and among all ranks of men, yet multitude of sins shall not hinder me from pardoning.

From all your idols that notorious great abomination, your multiplied idolatry, I will pardon that also, that ye may be clean. Thus remission of sin is promised.

Poole: Eze 36:26 - -- A new heart a renewed frame of soul, a disposition and mind changed from sinful to holy, from evil to good, from carnal to spiritual. See Eze 11:19 ....

A new heart a renewed frame of soul, a disposition and mind changed from sinful to holy, from evil to good, from carnal to spiritual. See Eze 11:19 . A heart in which the law of God is written, as Jer 31:33 . It is a sanctified heart, in which the almighty grace of God is victorious, and turns it from sin to God.

Will I give you God takes it to himself, as indeed it is his only work, see Eze 11:19 .

A new spirit: this is exegetical, and tells us what the new heart is; it is a new holy frame in the spirit of man, which is put in him, not found in him; given to him, not wrought by his own power.

The stony heart stubborn, senseless, untractable heart, that receives no kindly impressions from the word, providences, or Spirit of God in its ordinary operations and influences, that hardens itself in a day of provocation, that is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin; this evil heart shall be taken away, and this God will do, who only can do it.

Out of your flesh put for the man. An heart of flesh ; that is, a heart different from the stony, hard heart, quite of another temper and frame, hearkening to God’ s law, trembling at his threats, by gentlest providences mounded to a compliance with his will; to forbear, do, be, or suffer what God will, receiving the impress of God, as softened wax receiveth the impress of the seal.

Poole: Eze 36:27 - -- Put elsewhere pour out; God will give freely and abundantly. My spirit the Holy Spirit of God, which is the immediate principal cause of that chang...

Put elsewhere pour out; God will give freely and abundantly.

My spirit the Holy Spirit of God, which is the immediate principal cause of that change of an old heart into new, and of hard into soft. By the efficient cause we may know the effect; and understand what a new heart is, and what the new spirit is, when we know they are wrought in us by the Spirit of God, which is given to and dwelleth in the saints, which makes them saints, and then abideth with them.

Cause you sweetly, powerfully, successfully, yet without compulsion; for our spirit, framed by God’ s Spirit to a disposition suitable to his holiness, readily concurreth and co-worketh.

Keep my judgments be willing and ready, able, and in your degree sufficient, to keep the judgments and to walk in the statutes of God, which is to live holiness.

Poole: Eze 36:28 - -- Spiritual blessings, promised in Eze 36:25-27 , are now followed with temporal blessings; so earth doth follow heaven. Ye shall dwell: God adds th...

Spiritual blessings, promised in Eze 36:25-27 , are now followed with temporal blessings; so earth doth follow heaven.

Ye shall dwell: God adds this to his taking, gathering, and bringing into the land, Eze 36:24 ; when they are there, they shall settle and continue proprietors, possessing their own houses and lands.

Which I gave they were greatly pleased to think Canaan their land was by God given to their fathers; in this land under this character you shall dwell, the land that was your right by promise to Abraham, 1346 years or near it.

My people as your fathers were, who reverenced, loved, worshipped, obeyed, and believed in me.

Your God as I was their God, to protect, guide, comfort, and enrich, &c.; see Eze 11:20 ; to perform my promise to their faith and patience; and so you shall inherit the blessing.

Poole: Eze 36:29 - -- Perhaps the former part of this verse would have been better joined with the former verse, as a glorious fruit of God’ s taking them to be his ...

Perhaps the former part of this verse would have been better joined with the former verse, as a glorious fruit of God’ s taking them to be his people, and his condescending to be their God. Salvation from all uncleannesses includeth justification, in our pardon, sanctification, the renewing our minds, somewhat of adoption in peace and hope, and a consummate glorification in heaven, that state of absolute purity. All this God gives when he is our God. Corn; all necessaries for aliment comprised in one, and these brought to them at God’ s call, which they will hear, Psa 105:16,40 Ho 2:21,22 .

Famine is God’ s arrow, he shoots it; where it is, he layeth it; but his people shall neither have it their misery nor their reproach any more; as in the next verse.

Poole: Eze 36:30 - -- The former part of this verse is explained Eze 34:27 , and Eze 36:8-10 of this chapter. The latter part is explained in Eze 36:29 .

The former part of this verse is explained Eze 34:27 , and Eze 36:8-10 of this chapter. The latter part is explained in Eze 36:29 .

PBC: Eze 36:25 - -- " sprinkle clean water" This sprinkling of clean water is a type or figure of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is not a figure or type of baptism....

" sprinkle clean water"

This sprinkling of clean water is a type or figure of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is not a figure or type of baptism. Sprinkling and pouring in the bible is never used as a figure of baptism. Many times it is used as a figure or type of the Holy Spirit.


" from all your idols, will I cleanse you"


Haydock: Eze 36:1 - -- More. This whole promise principally relates to the Church of Christ, and God's perpetual protection of her; for to the carnal Jews, they have been ...

More. This whole promise principally relates to the Church of Christ, and God's perpetual protection of her; for to the carnal Jews, they have been removed out of their land these sixteen hundred years. (Challoner)

Haydock: Eze 36:1 - -- Israel. The restoration of the Jews and the redemption of Christ, constitute this fourth division. (Worthington) -- Edom has seized parts of the co...

Israel. The restoration of the Jews and the redemption of Christ, constitute this fourth division. (Worthington) -- Edom has seized parts of the country, as if I had abandoned my people for ever.

Haydock: Eze 36:2 - -- Heights. Septuagint, "deserts." The mountains are often styled eternal, as being the best symbols of durability, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 15.

Heights. Septuagint, "deserts." The mountains are often styled eternal, as being the best symbols of durability, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 15.

Haydock: Eze 36:3 - -- Reproach. This God had repeatedly threatened, Deuteronomy xxviii. 37., (Calmet) and Jeremias xxiv. 9. --- People talked of their distress. (Worthin...

Reproach. This God had repeatedly threatened, Deuteronomy xxviii. 37., (Calmet) and Jeremias xxiv. 9. ---

People talked of their distress. (Worthington)

Haydock: Eze 36:8 - -- Israel. Some apply what follows to the captives returning; others, perceiving that the expressions were not then literally verified, have recourse t...

Israel. Some apply what follows to the captives returning; others, perceiving that the expressions were not then literally verified, have recourse to the reign of 1000 years. Others again explain the whole of Christ's Church. But some expressions refer to it, and others to the captives; which, though mixed together, induce no confusion, as what belongs to the Jews was a figure of what regarded Christ; and the predictions of the Messias might be applied to the Jews in a hyperbolical sense. (St. Augustine, Doct. iii. 34.) (St. Jerome) (Menochius) (Tirinus) (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 36:11 - -- Greater. Septuagint, "similar." (Haydock) --- It would be difficult to shew that the Jews arrived at greater eminence after the captivity than bef...

Greater. Septuagint, "similar." (Haydock) ---

It would be difficult to shew that the Jews arrived at greater eminence after the captivity than before, (Calmet) though they were less addicted to idolatry. Their kingdom was not independent: they had no prophets, &c. But the superior numbers and excellence of the Christian Church is manifest.

Haydock: Eze 36:12 - -- Them. Antiochus and the Romans laid waste the country; (Calmet) and Adrian would not allow the Jews to come near Jerusalem. (St. Jerome) (Eusebius...

Them. Antiochus and the Romans laid waste the country; (Calmet) and Adrian would not allow the Jews to come near Jerusalem. (St. Jerome) (Eusebius, [History of the Church] iv. 6.) ---

The people were not indeed removed together, as they had been. But all this is verified only in the Church, which in the midst of persecutions always subsists. Theodoret thinks these promises were conditional with respect to the Jews.

Haydock: Eze 36:13 - -- Men. This remark was very ancient, Numbers xiii. 33. Wars had almost always raged in the country. (Calmet)

Men. This remark was very ancient, Numbers xiii. 33. Wars had almost always raged in the country. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 36:18 - -- Blood of their own children, and of the innocent, chap. xvi. 36., and xxii. 2., and xxxiii. 25.

Blood of their own children, and of the innocent, chap. xvi. 36., and xxii. 2., and xxxiii. 25.

Haydock: Eze 36:20 - -- Land. Yet their conduct was no better than that of infidels. Thus they throw the blame on the law, and upon God himself, Jeremias xlviii. 9., &c. ...

Land. Yet their conduct was no better than that of infidels. Thus they throw the blame on the law, and upon God himself, Jeremias xlviii. 9., &c. (Calmet) ---

The Jews had provoked God to punish them with captivity; and hence the nations took occasion to blaspheme, that he could not protect them. (Worthington)

Haydock: Eze 36:22 - -- Holy, that my attributes of justice and mercy may be confessed, Isaias xlviii. 2., Daniel iii. 49., and Judith viii. 24.

Holy, that my attributes of justice and mercy may be confessed, Isaias xlviii. 2., Daniel iii. 49., and Judith viii. 24.

Haydock: Eze 36:25 - -- Water. R. David and the Chaldean explain this of the remission of sin; and all Christians understand it of baptism in water, remitting all offences,...

Water. R. David and the Chaldean explain this of the remission of sin; and all Christians understand it of baptism in water, remitting all offences, Ephesians v. 26., and Titus iii. 5. (Worthington) ---

He alludes to the purification of the Jews, which prefigured baptism and penance, in which the blood of Christ is applied to our souls. This of course was only fulfilled in his church.

Haydock: Eze 36:26 - -- Flesh. The Jews at their return fell not so often into the sins of idolatry, &c., of which the prophets complained. But yet they were far from answ...

Flesh. The Jews at their return fell not so often into the sins of idolatry, &c., of which the prophets complained. But yet they were far from answering this character. Great irregularities prevailed under Nehemias, and in the days of the Machabees the priests publicly worshipped idols, 1 Esdras ix., and 2 Esdras v., and viii., and 2 Machabees iv., and v. Christ enables his servants to act with purity unto the end, by the influence of his all-powerful grace. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 36:27 - -- Do them. Hence the efficacy of grace appears, (St. Augustine; Haydock) and hereby some keep the commandments. (Worthington) --- God assists our fr...

Do them. Hence the efficacy of grace appears, (St. Augustine; Haydock) and hereby some keep the commandments. (Worthington) ---

God assists our free-will. (Theodoret) (Cornelius a Lapide) (Calmet)

Gill: Eze 36:1 - -- Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel,.... The land of Judah, which was very mountainous, at least one part of it, called the h...

Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel,.... The land of Judah, which was very mountainous, at least one part of it, called the hill country, Luk 1:39 and now the country being cleared of men through the captivity, and other desolating judgments, there were none but bare mountains to speak unto: or, "prophesy concerning the mountains of Israel" d; the inhabitants of them, or those that should be restored to them, concerning their future happiness and comfort: some render it, "against the mountains of Israel" e; but the later prophecies of them are in their favour, and not against them:

and say, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord; concerning the destruction of their enemies, and concerning the temporal blessings that should be bestowed on them.

Gill: Eze 36:2 - -- Thus saith the Lord God,.... By the mouth of the prophet, who was bid to prophesy: because the enemy had said against you, aha: rejoicing at the ca...

Thus saith the Lord God,.... By the mouth of the prophet, who was bid to prophesy:

because the enemy had said against you, aha: rejoicing at the calamity of God's people, particularly the Edomites or Idumeans, as in the preceding chapter; and who are chiefly meant; and also the Ammonites and Tyrians, Eze 25:3,

even the ancient high places are ours in possession; or, "the high places of the world shall be unto us for a possession" f; the land of Israel, according to Kimchi and others, was the highest part of the world, Jerusalem the highest part of that land, and the temple was built on the highest part of the city; and all these the Edomites claimed as their own, the land, city, and temple, and thought themselves sure of the same, as if they had them in actual possession; even the hilly part of the country, which had been so from the creation, and where stood many of the fortified and frontier towns and cities; which as strong as they were, or had been, they fancied would easily fall into their hands, now such desolations were made in the land.

Gill: Eze 36:3 - -- Therefore prophesy and say, thus saith the Lord God,.... Who heard all the enemy said, and knew all their designs and purposes, their schemes and devi...

Therefore prophesy and say, thus saith the Lord God,.... Who heard all the enemy said, and knew all their designs and purposes, their schemes and devices:

because they have made you desolate; ravaged their country, destroyed their cities, burnt their temple, and carried them captive, and left the land without men or cattle:

and swallowed you up on every side; all their neighbours, being their enemies, were like ravenous beasts of prey, gaping upon them with their mouths; and, observing the low condition into which they were brought by the king of Babylon, helped forward the destruction; and everyone shared in the spoil and plunder nearest to them they could conveniently come at:

that ye might be a possession to the residue of the Heathen; either to those that were left in the land by the king of Babylon, or to the rest of the Heathen nations round about them:

ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people; reproached, defamed, and made a proverb and byword, by every foul mouthed prating fellow.

Gill: Eze 36:4 - -- Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord,.... As in Eze 36:1, here repeated to raise and quicken their attention to what was about...

Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord,.... As in Eze 36:1, here repeated to raise and quicken their attention to what was about to be said to them:

thus saith the Lord God to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken; before only the mountains are spoken to, though the whole land was included; here the several particulars are given, which describe the whole, and which suffered in the calamity, and the inhabitants that dwelt in them or near them; who only can be supposed to hear the word of the Lord, though places are only mentioned, because of the great depopulation of them:

which became a prey and derision to the residue of the Heathen that are round about; to the Tyrians, Philistines, Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites; who mocked the Jews, rejoicing at their destruction by the king of Babylon, and seized upon as a prey to themselves what he left: or these are the residue of the Heathens round about Judea; who remained after the judgments threatened were executed on the above nations, foretold in chapters twenty five and twenty six, see Eze 36:36.

Gill: Eze 36:5 - -- Therefore thus saith the Lord God,.... Because these Heathens have acted such an unkind and cruel part to Israel: surely in the fire of my jealousy...

Therefore thus saith the Lord God,.... Because these Heathens have acted such an unkind and cruel part to Israel:

surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken; in his fierce wrath and hot displeasure, resenting the ill usage of his people; hot with indignation against their enemies, having a fervent zeal for his own glory, and an affectionate concern for the good of his people. It is in the original text in the form of an oath, "if I have not spoken", &c. g; let me be reckoned a liar, or not God; believe me that I have spoken, and in this warm manner; and have not only foretold in prophecy, and threatened the destruction of these nations, but have resolved and determined upon it in my own mind. So the Targum,

"if I have not in the fire of my vengeance decreed in my word:''

against the residue of the Heathen, and against all Idumea; or Edom; the Edomites, even all of them, who of all the Heathen were the most inveterate and implacable enemies of the Jews, though related to them, and are therefore particularly mentioned as the objects of the divine vengeance: the reason follows,

which have appointed my land into their possession; this land where his chosen people dwelt, and which he chose for them, and gave unto them; the land where he himself dwelt, and granted his presence; where his temple was, and he was worshipped. So the Targum,

"the land of the house of my majesty.''

Now this the Lord took ill at their hands, and resented, that they should lay out this land for themselves, and determine upon it as a possession and inheritance of theirs.

With the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey; with the utmost joy they joined Nebuchadnezzar's army when he invaded the land of Judea and besieged Jerusalem, out of pure malice and spite to the people of the Jews, in order to eject them from the possession of their land, that it might become a prey to them; see Psa 137:7.

Gill: Eze 36:6 - -- Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel,.... And the inhabitants of it, for their comfort, in this their time of distress: and say unto th...

Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel,.... And the inhabitants of it, for their comfort, in this their time of distress:

and say unto the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, thus saith the Lord God, I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury; with great zeal for his honour, and the interest of his people; and with indignation at his and their enemies:

because ye have borne the shame of the Heathen; their calumnies and lies, their reproaches and scoffs, their injuries and abuses; all which were resented by the Lord, and therefore he determines to punish for them.

Gill: Eze 36:7 - -- Therefore thus saith the Lord God,.... This being the case, the people of God being in distress, and under shame and disgrace, and the enemy insulting...

Therefore thus saith the Lord God,.... This being the case, the people of God being in distress, and under shame and disgrace, and the enemy insulting them, and triumphing over them:

I have lifted up mine hand; solemnly swore; lifting up of the hand being a rite used by men when they swore, Gen 14:22,

surely the Heathen that are about you, they shall bear their shame; the punishment of their shame; that which is justly due to them for reproaching and putting to shame the people of God: or they shall be a laughing stock to others, and be reproached and derided themselves, and so be paid in their own coin; a just retaliation this for their treatment of the Jews.

Gill: Eze 36:8 - -- But ye, O mountains of Israel,.... Literally understood, as appears by what follows; for though they could not hear what was said, the proprietors of ...

But ye, O mountains of Israel,.... Literally understood, as appears by what follows; for though they could not hear what was said, the proprietors of them could, now in captivity; and the efficacy of the word should be seen on them, producing the following effects:

ye shall shoot forth your branches; that is, the trees that grew upon them should; the vines, and the olive trees, planted on hills and mountains, as was usual, as appears from the mount of Olives, and other places:

and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; not only put forth branches, but bear fruit; and which should be given to the right owners, the people of Israel, and not to the Heathens, who had claimed the ancient mountains for their possession:

for they are at hand to come; the Israelites; either by repentance, as Kimchi; or by a return from the Babylonish captivity, which was about forty or fifty years after this prophecy; and which was but a shadow and figure of their restoration in the latter day, yet to come; which might be said to be at hand, or near, with respect to God, with whom two or three thousand years are as nothing. The Targum is,

"for the day of my redemption is near to come.''

Gill: Eze 36:9 - -- For, behold, I am for you,.... For the mountains, that they might be cultivated and become fruitful, and be of advantage to their proprietors, and app...

For, behold, I am for you,.... For the mountains, that they might be cultivated and become fruitful, and be of advantage to their proprietors, and appear beautiful and lovely to behold, as well as to be useful:

and I will turn unto you; the Lord had turned from them, and left them a prey to the enemy, whereby they were become desolate; but now he would turn unto them, and bless them, and make them fruitful, and return the right owners of them to them, who should greatly improve them:

and ye shall be tilled and sown; manured and cultivated, and sown with wheat and barley, as in former times.

Gill: Eze 36:10 - -- And I will multiply men upon you,.... Who should inhabit the cities on the mountains, and increase very much: all the house of Israel, even all of ...

And I will multiply men upon you,.... Who should inhabit the cities on the mountains, and increase very much:

all the house of Israel, even all of it: not the Heathens should be multiplied on them, but the Israelites, all of them, and them only; all the tribes of Israel, the ten tribes as well as the other; and which is repeated for the confirmation of it: by this it appears that the prophecy has a further view than to the return of the Jews from the Babylonish captivity; for all did not return, many remained in the provinces of Babylon; and those that returned were chiefly of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin; but few of the rest came with them. Kimchi thinks the words have respect to the ten tribes, which he says are hid to this day; so Ben Melech.

And the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded; in a literal sense; as well as the church of God, and inheritance of Christ, shall then be in a flourishing condition.

Gill: Eze 36:11 - -- And I will multiply upon you man and beast,.... Not only men, but beasts also, of which the mountains had been deprived, being killed by the enemy for...

And I will multiply upon you man and beast,.... Not only men, but beasts also, of which the mountains had been deprived, being killed by the enemy for present use, or drove off for future subsistence; but now there should be an increase of them, which should feed upon the herbage of the mountains, and the rich pastures on them, to the great advantage of the proprietors:

and they shall increase and bring forth; or, "multiply and increase" h; both men and beasts:

and I will settle you after your old estates; that is, you mountains shall be inhabited by those that formerly dwelt in you, and you shall be enjoyed by your right owners; by those who had you in possession from the beginning, from the times of Joshua; by whom you were settled on them by lot, according to their several tribes:

and will do better unto you than at your beginnings; not that the land should be better or more fruitful than in the times of Joshua, who led the people into and found it a land flowing with milk and honey, and abounding with all kind of fruit; or that the people should be more flourishing in temporal things than in the times of David and Solomon; for no such fruitfulness and prosperity took place upon the return from the Babylonish captivity: but rather this is to be understood of spiritual blessings and privileges in the times of the Messiah; and particularly when the Jews will be converted in the latter day:

and ye shall know that I am the Lord; that is, the inhabitants of the mountains of Israel, the converted Jews, shall know and own the Messiah, and that he is Jehovah, the eternal God, and not a mere man.

Gill: Eze 36:12 - -- Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you,.... And not beasts, as during the captivity; and that without fear of wild beasts, or any enemy; and not as tr...

Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you,.... And not beasts, as during the captivity; and that without fear of wild beasts, or any enemy; and not as travellers upon them, but as inhabitants of them; who shall walk to and fro upon them, as the owners of them, and doing their proper business there:

even my people Israel; and them only: some read it, "with my people Israel" i; as if other men, Gentiles called by grace, should dwell with the Jews at this time, particularly at their restoration in the latter day; which may be true, and, which seems to be the sense of the whole sixtieth chapter of Isaiah's prophecy:

and they shall possess thee, and thou shall be their inheritance; that is, thou mountain; a change of number, meaning everyone of the mountains, even the whole land of Canaan, which was given to the Israelites for an inheritance; and was typical of the eternal inheritance in heaven:

and thou shall no more henceforth bereave them; of men, or of children; or be no more the cause of their being childless, or of bereaving them of men; sins committed on the mountains being the cause of provoking the Lord to bereave them; or men should be no more killed upon them, as they had been.

Gill: Eze 36:13 - -- Thus saith the Lord God, because they say unto you,.... The Heathens that dwelt round about the land of Judea said to the mountains, or to the whole l...

Thus saith the Lord God, because they say unto you,.... The Heathens that dwelt round about the land of Judea said to the mountains, or to the whole land,

thou land devourest up men; eats up the inhabitants of it; which is part of the ill report the spies, in the times of Moses, brought on it, Num 13:32, to which the allusion is here; suggesting, that either the air was unwholesome; or that the land did not produce a sufficiency of food to support the inhabitants of it; or that the curse of God was upon it; and that one judgment or another was ever on it; either famine, or pestilence, or the sword of the enemy, or internal broils among themselves, or wild beasts, whereby the inhabitants of the land were wasted and consumed:

and hast bereaved thy nations; the several tribes, of men and children; so that they were diminished and depopulated: the allusion seems to be to miscarrying women, or such who kill their children in the womb, and become abortive.

Gill: Eze 36:14 - -- Therefore thou shalt devour men no more,.... Or they shall be no more destroyed in thee by pestilence, famine, sword, or other means: neither berea...

Therefore thou shalt devour men no more,.... Or they shall be no more destroyed in thee by pestilence, famine, sword, or other means:

neither bereave that nations any more, saith the Lord; or, "thou shalt not cause them to fall any more" k, for so it is written, as in Eze 36:15, though the marginal reading is, "thou shalt not bereave", which we follow; and both are to be received, since miscarriages often come by falls.

Gill: Eze 36:15 - -- Neither will I cause men to hear in thee the shame of the Heathen any more,.... Their calumnies and revilings, their scoffs and jeers: neither shal...

Neither will I cause men to hear in thee the shame of the Heathen any more,.... Their calumnies and revilings, their scoffs and jeers:

neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more; or be any more a taunt and a curse, a proverb and a byword of the people; or be their laughing stock, and the object of their derision:

neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more, saith the Lord God; by famine, sword, or pestilence, or any other judgment caused by sin: or, "thou shalt not bereave" l, as the marginal reading is; and which the Targum and many versions follow: now what is here promised, in this and the preceding verse, had not its full accomplishment upon the Jews' return from the Babylonish captivity; for since that time their men have been devoured, and their tribes have been bereaved of them by famine, sword, and pestilence; and they have heard and bore the shame and reproach of the nations where they have been dispersed, and do to this day; wherefore these prophecies must refer to a future restoration of that people.

Gill: Eze 36:16 - -- Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me,.... Here begins another prophecy, which was delivered about the same time with the former: saying; as f...

Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me,.... Here begins another prophecy, which was delivered about the same time with the former:

saying; as follows:

Gill: Eze 36:17 - -- Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land,.... The land of Canaan, which the Lord their God gave unto them; a land abounding with a...

Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land,.... The land of Canaan, which the Lord their God gave unto them; a land abounding with all good things, where they dwelt in great ease, plenty, and prosperity; and which also was a holy land, peculiarly chosen of God for his worship and service:

they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: by their sinful ways and evil works: sin is of a defiling nature; it defiles the bodies and souls of men; it defiles their own, and it defiles others; it defiles a land, and the inhabitants of it, and makes them loathsome and abominable to a pure and holy God:

their way was before me, as the uncleanness of a removed woman: of a menstruous woman in the time of her separation; when she was debarred the company of her husband, and might not enter into the sanctuary of the Lord: this shows what an evil thing sin is, what an uncleanness it is in the sight of God, how abhorrent sinful ways are to him; and though he was the husband of these people, yet, because of their sins, he separated from them, and removed them from and out of their land, as not fit to be in his presence, nor to live there.

Gill: Eze 36:18 - -- Wherefore I poured my fury on them,.... Like a mighty flood that carries all before it, in just retaliation for the blood they had shed upon the la...

Wherefore I poured my fury on them,.... Like a mighty flood that carries all before it, in just retaliation

for the blood they had shed upon the land; the innocent blood, as the Targum; the blood of righteous men, that opposed and reproved them for their sinful ways; the blood of the prophets, that were sent to warn them of them; and especially the blood of the Son of God; for this prophecy reaches further than to the times of the Babylonish captivity:

and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it; or, "for their dung" m; their dunghill gods; not only for their idols, and their idolatry, before the Babylonish captivity, which they after that were free from; but for the traditions of their elders, they set up against and above the word of God; and their own legal righteousness, their idols, the works of their hands, which wore as dung; and through their attachment to which they rejected Christ and his righteousness; and which brought wrath upon them, and them into their present captivity.

Gill: Eze 36:19 - -- And I scattered them among the Heathen,.... First by the Chaldeans, in the various provinces of Babylon; and next by the Romans, in the various parts ...

And I scattered them among the Heathen,.... First by the Chaldeans, in the various provinces of Babylon; and next by the Romans, in the various parts of the world; and in this condition they now are:

and they were dispersed through the countries; or blown about as chaff, stubble, or any such like thing, is by the wind:

according to their way and according to their doings I judged them; condemned and punished them as their evil ways and wicked works deserved, according to the rules of justice and equity; so that no injustice was done them, nor could any fault be justly found in the proceedings of God towards them.

Gill: Eze 36:20 - -- And when they entered unto the Heathen, whither they went,.... When the Jews went into the Heathen countries, whither they were carried captive, eithe...

And when they entered unto the Heathen, whither they went,.... When the Jews went into the Heathen countries, whither they were carried captive, either by the Chaldeans, or by the Romans:

they profaned my holy name; by their irreligion and immorality; by their violation of both tables of the law; by their wicked lives and conversations, whereby they gave the enemy an occasion to reproach them, their religion, and their God, Rom 2:24,

when they said to them, these are the people of the Lord, and are gone forth out of his land; these are the men that boast they are the people of the Lord, whom he has chosen above all people, and see what a wicked people they are; for their sins they are driven out of the land, and become our captives: or though they were the Lord's people, as they pretend, and were under his care and protection; yet he was not able to keep them in their own land, and deliver them out of our hands, but they are carried captive by us; and thus the name of God, his being and perfections, were blasphemed, and his word, worship, and worshippers, were ridiculed by them. The Targum is,

"if these are the people of the Lord, how is it that they are gone out of the land of the house of his majesty?''

Gill: Eze 36:21 - -- But I had pity for my holy name,.... Had pity on the Jews for his name's sake, and not theirs; or he had a tender concern for his own honour and glory...

But I had pity for my holy name,.... Had pity on the Jews for his name's sake, and not theirs; or he had a tender concern for his own honour and glory:

which the house of Israel had profaned among the Heathen, whither they went; and therefore was resolved to take a method for the glorifying of it, and that in a way of special grace and mercy to his people; See Gill on Eze 36:20.

Gill: Eze 36:22 - -- Therefore say unto the house of Israel,.... This is an order to the prophet, the son of man, Eze 36:17, thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for ...

Therefore say unto the house of Israel,.... This is an order to the prophet, the son of man, Eze 36:17,

thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel; what he hereafter promises to do for them, both with respect to things temporal and spiritual; which he did, not on account of any deserts or worthiness in them; for they had none, having done nothing to merit his favour, but, on the contrary, everything to provoke the eyes of his glory:

but for my holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the Heathen, whither ye went; for the honour of his holy name, for the glory of his holy word, holy worship, and holy religion; all which were traduced and reproached among the Heathen, by reason of the ungodly behaviour of the Jews.

Gill: Eze 36:23 - -- And I will sanctify my great name,.... The same with his holy name; for his greatness lies in his holiness; which name he sanctifies when he clears it...

And I will sanctify my great name,.... The same with his holy name; for his greatness lies in his holiness; which name he sanctifies when he clears it from all charges and imputations; when he makes it appear to be holy and himself to be glorious in holiness; when he vindicates the honour of his name, not in a way of punishment, as he justly might, but in a way of grace and mercy; he sanctifies his name when he proclaims it, a God gracious and merciful; for it was in this way and manner he determined to make himself illustrious and glorious, and do honour to his name:

which was profaned among the Heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; this is repeated again and again, to show the heinousness of this sin, how ill he took it at their hands, and what a concern it gave him:

and the Heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes; when the Lord shall fulfil his promises, and deliver his people; when he shall sanctify, justify, and save them; and he shall be sanctified, served, and worshipped by them, and among them: it will be taken notice of by infidels themselves; and they shall hereby know, and be obliged to acknowledge, that the God of Israel is the only Lord God; that he is true and faithful to his word, righteous and holy, in his ways, the Lord God omniscient and omnipotent.

Gill: Eze 36:24 - -- For I will take you from among the Heathen,.... The Chaldeans and other nations, among whom they were carried captive; and the Papists, among whom man...

For I will take you from among the Heathen,.... The Chaldeans and other nations, among whom they were carried captive; and the Papists, among whom many of them now are, often called Heathens and Gentiles in Scripture: this will be fully completed at the time of the Jews' conversion in the latter day: the phrase fitly expresses the act of divine grace, in taking his people from among the world by the effectual calling:

and gather you out of all countries; to himself, and to his Son, and to his church, and to some certain place from whence they will go up in a body to their own land, as follows: see Hos 1:11,

and will bring you into your own land; into the land of Canaan literally understood, as well as into the church of God here, and into the heavenly country hereafter, of which Canaan was a type.

Gill: Eze 36:25 - -- Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you,.... Not baptismal water, as Jerom; an ordinance indeed of the Gospel, and to which the Jews will submit whe...

Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you,.... Not baptismal water, as Jerom; an ordinance indeed of the Gospel, and to which the Jews will submit when converted; and which is performed by water, but not by sprinkling, nor does it cleanse from sin; and is administered by men, and is not an operation of God, as this is: rather the regenerating grace of the Spirit; though this does not purify from all sin, and besides is intended in the next verse: it seems best to understand it of the blood of Christ, the blood of sprinkling, and of justification from sin, and pardon of it by it; so Kimchi and Jarchi interpret of purification by atonement; and the Targum is,

"I will forgive your sins, as one is cleansed by the water of sprinkling, and the ashes of a heifer, which is for a sin offering:''

and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you; the blood of Christ cleanses from all sin; by it men are justified from all things, and are made perfectly pure and spotless in the sight of God; they are cleansed from original sin, the pollution of their nature; from all actual sins and transgressions, which are very defiling; from sins of heart, lip, and life; even from such as are idols, set up in the heart, and served.

Gill: Eze 36:26 - -- A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you,.... A "new heart" and a "new spirit" are one and the same; that is, a renewe...

A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you,.... A "new heart" and a "new spirit" are one and the same; that is, a renewed one; renewed by the Spirit and grace of God; in which a new principle of life is put; new light is infused; a new will, filled with new purposes and resolutions; where new affections are placed, and new desires are formed; and where there are new delights and joys, as well as new sorrows and troubles; the same which in the New Testament is called the "new man", and the new creature, Eph 4:24. The Targum paraphrases it,

"a heart fearing, and a spirit fearing;''

where the true fear of God is, a truly gracious heart; and which is purely the gift of God, and is the fruit of his rich grace, abundant mercy, and great love:

and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh; the Targum is,

"and I will break the heart of the wicked, which is hard as a stone;''

this is a heart hardened by sin, and confirmed in it; destitute of spiritual life and motion; senseless and stupid, stubborn and inflexible; on which no impressions are made; and which remains hard and impenitent: now this is in "the flesh", in corrupt nature; and this hardness of heart is natural to men; and all who have it are after the flesh, or are carnal; and it requires omnipotence to remove it; it cannot be taken out by men of themselves: nor by ministers of the word; nor by the bare mercies and judgments of God; but by the powerful and efficacious grace of God; giving repentance unto life; working faith in the soul, to look to a crucified Christ; and shedding abroad the love of God in the heart, which softens and melts it; all which is done by the Spirit, and frequently by means of the word. This is interpreted, in the Talmud n, of the evil imagination, or corruption of nature; and is one of the names of it, a stone; and it refers, it is said o, to the time or world to come, the days of the Messiah:

and I will give you an heart of flesh; a heart sensible of sin and danger; a penitent one, soft and tender, through the love and fear of God; a spiritual and sanctified heart; submissive to the will of God; flexible and obsequious to the commands of Christ; on which impressions are made by the grace of God; where the laws of God are written, the Gospel of Christ is put; where Christ himself is formed; where are the fear of God, faith, hope, and love, and every other grace.

Gill: Eze 36:27 - -- And I will put my Spirit within you,.... My Holy Spirit, as the Targum; the Spirit of holiness; the author of internal sanctification, of the new hear...

And I will put my Spirit within you,.... My Holy Spirit, as the Targum; the Spirit of holiness; the author of internal sanctification, of the new heart and spirit, and of the fleshy one before mentioned; and through whose grace and strength the saints do what is after said they shall do:

and cause you to walk in my statutes: men are first made alive by the Spirit of God, and have spiritual strength put into them, who of themselves can do nothing; by means of which they are enabled to walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, and to continue in the observation of them; which walking in them supposes:

and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them; being constrained by the love of God; influenced by the grace of Christ; and strengthened by the blessed Spirit: and such persons observe and do them willingly and cheerfully; from a principle of love; in faith, and to the glory of God; without any mercenary and selfish views; without trusting to, and depending upon, what is done for salvation.

Gill: Eze 36:28 - -- And ye shall dwell in the land which I gave to your fathers,.... Not only shall be brought into it, but shall inhabit it, and continue there, and that...

And ye shall dwell in the land which I gave to your fathers,.... Not only shall be brought into it, but shall inhabit it, and continue there, and that in great safety and plenty; and which will be the more valued and esteemed, and reckoned a great blessing to enjoy; because this land is the gift of God, and what he gave to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by promise so long ago, and to their seed; of which promise it appears he is not unmindful:

and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God; which is the sum and substance of the covenant of grace; which will now be renewed, and the blessings of it applied. The Jews will appear to be the people of God by their effectual calling and conversion; and God will show himself to be their God, by his presence with them, his protection of them, and that communion with himself he will admit them to: see Jer 31:1, "the loammi" will be taken off, and they will be again declared to be the covenant people of God, Hos 1:9.

Gill: Eze 36:29 - -- And I will also save you from all your uncleannesses,.... From all their filthy lusts of pride, envy, malice, covetousness, whoredom, blasphemy, and i...

And I will also save you from all your uncleannesses,.... From all their filthy lusts of pride, envy, malice, covetousness, whoredom, blasphemy, and infidelity, to which the Jews are now addicted; but at this time shall be saved from the power and dominion of them by the sanctifying grace of the Spirit; and from the guilt and pollution of them by the blood of Christ sprinkled on them; and this, not from one, or some of them only, but from all of them; all Israel will be saved, and they will be saved from all their sins, Rom 11:25,

and I will call for the corn, and will increase it; which shall answer to the call of God, as a servant to his master; and shall spring up out of the earth in great abundance; and which shall grow, and increase, and bring forth much fruit; and yield bread to the eater, and seed to the sower: and which is to be understood, not of corn in a literal sense only, but of corn in a spiritual sense; of all spiritual provisions, the word and ordinances, and especially the corn of wheat, Christ Jesus; who is the sum and substance of the Gospel and his ordinances, and is in them food for the faith of his people; see Zec 9:17, and

lay no famine upon you; neither a famine of bread, or of water; nor of hearing the word of the Lord; but shall have plenty of provisions, both for soul and body; see Amo 8:11.

Gill: Eze 36:30 - -- And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field,.... The fruit of trees that grow in gardens, and orchards, and vineyards, as...

And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field,.... The fruit of trees that grow in gardens, and orchards, and vineyards, as pomegranates, apples, olives, grapes, &c. and the corn and grass of the field; so that there shall be great plenty of each of these, and no want of anything for man or beast: and by these are mystically designed spiritual blessings; the fruits of righteousness, with which the saints, who are trees of righteousness, shall be laden; and an increase of gifts and grace in the churches of Christ, and the members of them:

that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the Heathen; who upbraided them with it, that they were forced to go to other nations for food, as in the times of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and that their land wanted rain, and waited for it; which, if it had not, became barren; whereas the Egyptians particularly needed it not, their land being watered yearly with the overflowings of the Nile: or the sense is, they should not be reproached with their penury and want of the things of life; and spiritually, that they should not be upbraided by the Gentiles with their want of the Gospel, and their contempt of it, their blasphemy and their unbelief; since they should now have it, receive, embrace, and love it, and feed upon it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Eze 36:2 Or “high places.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:3 Heb “lip of the tongue.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:7 Heb “I lifted up my hand.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:8 Heb “they draw near to arrive.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:9 Heb “I (am) toward you.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:10 Heb “I will multiply on you human(s).”

NET Notes: Eze 36:11 Heb “your beginning.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:15 The MT reads תַכְשִׁלִי (takhshiliy), a metathesis for תַשְׁ...

NET Notes: Eze 36:17 Heb “way.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:18 For the concept of defiling the land in legal literature, see Lev 18:28; Deut 21:23.

NET Notes: Eze 36:21 Heb “name.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:22 In Ezek 20:22 God refrained from punishment for the sake of his holy name. Here God’s reputation is the basis for Israel’s restoration.

NET Notes: Eze 36:23 Or “sanctify,” Heb “make holy.”

NET Notes: Eze 36:25 The Lord here uses a metaphor from the realm of ritual purification. For the use of water in ritual cleansing, see Exod 30:19-20; Lev 14:51; Num 19:18...

NET Notes: Eze 36:26 That is, a heart which symbolizes a will that is responsive and obedient to God.

NET Notes: Eze 36:27 Heb “and my laws you will guard and you will do them.” Jer 31:31-34 is parallel to this passage.

NET Notes: Eze 36:28 This promise reflects the ancient covenantal ideal (see Exod 6:7).

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:2 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the ( a ) enemy had said against you, Aha, even the ancient ( b ) high places are ours in possession: ( a ) That is,...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:3 Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made [you] desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a pos...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:5 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who have ( d...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:6 Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saith the Lord G...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:7 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I have ( f ) lifted up my hand, Surely the nations that [are] about you, they shall bear their shame. ( f ) By mak...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:8 But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall ( g ) shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are soon to come. ( g ...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you according to your old estates, and will do ...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:12 Yea, I will cause men to walk ( i ) upon you, [even] my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shal...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:13 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say to you, Thou ( k ) [land] devourest men, and hast bereaved thy nations; ( k ) This the enemies imputed as t...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:21 But I had pity for my holy ( l ) name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations, to which they went. ( l ) And therefore would not pe...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:22 Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not [this] for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for my ( m ) holy name's sake, w...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:25 Then will I sprinkle clean ( n ) water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. ( n ) ...

Geneva Bible: Eze 36:29 I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the ( o ) grain, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. ( o ) Under ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Eze 36:1-38 - --1 The land of Israel is comforted, both by destruction of the heathen, who spitefully used it,8 and by the blessings of God promised unto it.16 Israel...

Maclaren: Eze 36:25-38 - --The Holy Nation Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse y...

MHCC: Eze 36:1-15 - --Those who put contempt and reproach on God's people, will have them turned on themselves. God promises favour to his Israel. We have no reason to comp...

MHCC: Eze 36:16-24 - --The restoration of that people, being typical of our redemption by Christ, shows that the end aimed at in our salvation is the glory of God. The sin o...

MHCC: Eze 36:25-38 - --Water is an emblem of the cleansing our polluted souls from sin. But no water can do more than take away the filth of the flesh. Water seems in genera...

Matthew Henry: Eze 36:1-15 - -- The prophet had been ordered to set his face towards the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them, Eze 6:2. Then God was coming forth to co...

Matthew Henry: Eze 36:16-24 - -- When God promised the poor captives a glorious return, in due time, to their own land, it was a great discouragement to their hopes that they were u...

Matthew Henry: Eze 36:25-38 - -- The people of God might be discouraged in their hopes of a restoration by the sense not only of their unworthiness of such a favour (which was answe...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 36:1-15 - -- The Restoration and Blessing of Israel Eze 36:1. And thou, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, Mountains of Israel, hear the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 36:16-38 - -- The Salvation of Israel Founded upon Its Sanctification Because Israel has defiled its land by its sins, God has scattered the people among the hea...

Constable: Eze 33:1--48:35 - --IV. Future blessings for Israel chs. 33--48 "This last major division of the book focuses on the restoration of ...

Constable: Eze 33:21--40:1 - --B. Restoration to the Promised Land 33:21-39:29 "The concept of the land is particularly significant to ...

Constable: Eze 36:1-15 - --The establishment of Israel in the land 36:1-15 This part of the prophecy of the preparation of the Promised Land sets forth what God would do for Isr...

Constable: Eze 36:16--37:15 - --4. Restoration to the Promised Land 36:16-37:14 Having prepared the land for the Israelites (35:...

Constable: Eze 36:16-21 - --The reason for Israel's scattering 36:16-21 36:16-17 The Lord told Ezekiel that when the Israelites had lived in the Promised Land they had defiled it...

Constable: Eze 36:22-32 - --The method of Israel's restoration 36:22-32 "The next verses in the chapter are among the most glorious in the entire range of revealed truth on the s...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The name Ezekiel means "(whom) God will strengthen" [GESENIUS]; or, "God will prevail" [ROSENMULLER]. His father was Buzi (Eze 1:3), a priest, and he ...


TSK: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: " Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah ...

TSK: Ezekiel 36 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Eze 36:1, The land of Israel is comforted, both by destruction of the heathen, who spitefully used it, Eze 36:8, and by the blessings of ...

Poole: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL THE ARGUMENT EZEKIEL was by descent a priest, and by commission a prophet, and received it from heaven, as will appea...

Poole: Ezekiel 36 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 36 The land of Israel is comforted with a prospect of the ruin of its spiteful neighbours, and of its own blessings promised by God, Eze 36...

MHCC: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, a...

MHCC: Ezekiel 36 (Chapter Introduction) (Eze 36:1-15) The land shall be delivered from heathen oppressors. (Eze 36:16-24) The people are reminded of former sins, and promised deliverance. ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel 36 (Chapter Introduction) We have done with Mount Seir, and left it desolate, and likely to continue so, and must now turn ourselves, with the prophet, to the mountains of I...

Constable: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book comes from its writer, Ezekiel, t...

Constable: Ezekiel (Outline) Outline I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3 A. The vision of God's glory ch. 1 ...

Constable: Ezekiel Ezekiel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968. ...

Haydock: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF EZECHIEL. INTRODUCTION. Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of God, was of the priestly race, and of the number of t...

Gill: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL This book is rightly placed after Jeremiah; since Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea, when prophesied; whereas Jerem...

Gill: Ezekiel 36 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 36 This chapter is a prophecy concerning the desolations of the land of Israel, and the causes of them; of the return of th...

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